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See The Seaside
Date of Scene: 17 June 2016
Location: Bayern Region
Synopsis: People visit Athela's homeland in Bayern.
Cast of Characters: Lyria Mason, Athela Valemore, 1005

Athela Valemore has posed:
Stepping out of the warpgate, one would most certainly find themselves on a coastline beach. But this was a far cry from the recreational publicly maintained beaches many may be more familiar with. The sand crunching beneath heels was a bit more gravelly and coarse, being only what has washed up or been worn down from the land over countless lengths of time by nature. Waves lap along the edge of the shore while a soft salty breeze blows in from the ocean.

A Krabby scuttles through the sloshing waves while a few Staryu sun themselves on the sands. Occasionally a Wingull flies by or a flock cluster atop some rocky outcroppings. But unlike many other worlds where pokemon are found these seem more interested in keeping to themselves unless bothered.

The only real sign of human civilization is a town farther up the coastline. An old, weatherbeaten lighthouse can be seen standing high over the rest is the most distinguishable feature from here, the rest of the buildings seeming to just blend together.

Athela is waiting at the warpgate, eager to see who actually arrives for the fairly impromptu visit.

Tatsuko Itagaki (1005) has posed:
It's Tatsuko's first time outside of Kawakami City in some time, and her first time stepping out into the Multiverse! With things somewhat quiet back home, the invitation she'd stumbled upon had been interesting enough to motivate her to finally see the sights.

Of course, she's doing this at an entirely Tatsuko-like pace. The tall young woman is humming an easy tune as she steps into the sand, dressed for the weather with a bikini top, shorts, and sandals. As often is the case, her eyes are nearly closed, just enough to be able to see. Both arms go wide, and she lets out a long yawn before both hands go behind her head.

She doesn't seem to see Athela at first. For several minutes, as she seems to just take in the landscape with a content smile on her face.

"Ah?" She questions, then makes a ninety-degree turn.

"Yahoo~! Are you Ath-aeh-lah? I'm Tatsuko. Hi!" She offers warmly, with a slightly dopey smile and lethargic voice.

Lyria Mason has posed:
Lyria Mason was someone who loved the water, be it seas of her home plate, or the ones in the extraverse err Multiverse at large. She was wearing a very odd outfit like some patchwork betwseen summer clothing and a swimsuit. She had some visable tattoos on her face and even peeking out from her sleeves. She seems pretty chipper as she came to the shore and lookes about for a moment as she seems to be ready having just recovered from using the warpgate. 5R

Athela Valemore has posed:
Athela Valemore waits patiently for the two arrivals to get their bearings. Perhaps she had been expecting a few more, but the Multiverse was quite the busy place for its occupants and she is no stranger to the sudden suprises that can turn up requiring an adventurer's intervention. At least these two shouldn't stand out too much?

"That is I, yes." She drapes an arm across her front for a formal bow. "Dame Athela Valemore, Knight Errant of the Sword of the Tides. The one who put forth the offer to visit. It is a pleasure to see you both."

Tatsuko Itagaki (1005) has posed:

Smile! Lyria gets a big wave. "Hiii! I'm Tatsuko." She repeats, before turning back to the knightess as she dips into a formal bow. Tatsuko pauses, and just stares for a moment.

Then she stumbles practically right into Athela's face mid-bow. Bump!

"A knight? Like with Kings and Queens and nobles and stuff?" Her brows rise, curiousity clear on her face. "All of that big armor. It's cool! Though Master would say it's silly."

Lyria Mason has posed:
Lyria Mason is a bit of an odd duyck here but well who isn't she looks to Tatsuko and nods for a moment.

"Hello are you all righty you seme quite eager? If anything you might consider me a Pirate of sorts."

She seems amused at this like it's more of a joke about something than she's actually one.

"It's good tomeet you all as well."

Athela Valemore has posed:
Athela Valemore oofs and stumbles back a half-step from the accidental bump before regaining her footing. "Aye, yes. Knights, nobles, those types of things." She rolls her shoulders as she gets herself properly upright to shrug the cloak-like back of her surcoat behind her again. Followed by a brief laugh. "'Big' armor? This is half of what some of the milita wear!"

A brow is raised at Lyria. 'Pirate' isn't a term in as considerable use yet, but it's hardly unfamiliar, either. "Another at home upon the rolling waves, then. Although I am most certain even you would find things a fair bit different hereabouts."

Athela turns to start walking in the general direction of the town farther up the beach, cloak giving a slight sway with the motion. "The reason I made the invitation is because there are certainly still many questions about myself, and Bayern as a whole. So certainly feel free to start asking, and I shall answer as best as I am capable of."

As she walks along the beach a pitched yip comes from some low dunes, and a small fox-like brown pokemon comes bounding along from them. "Ah, Sprite, there you be. I wondered where ye had run off to."

Tatsuko Itagaki (1005) has posed:
Tatsuko gives long nods to Athela. "Too big and slow! You'd probably be slower than little brother, and he's biiiig." Comes Tatsuko. Seems she has a thing against heavy armor.

Her head tilts. "What's Bayern like? Is it always so warm and...nnn...comfy?" Another smile as she turns to Lyria.

"It got so boring at home! So I thought I'd see the Multiverse. Look. It's so pretty and warm here. No smog or dirty streets. The perfect place to..."

A moment later, her head has bobbed down. "Zzzzz..." Still perfectly on her feet, Tatsuko is already snoring in the warm beach sun.

For all of a minute, when a cute little fox comes running over.

"Zzz...nnnh? Ah!" Another big, dopey grin, and she's walking over to the pokemon with big open arms.

"Tatsuko wants a hug from the cute fox! Come heeere." She adds, voice low, full of practiced big-sister soothing tones.

Lyria Mason has posed:
Lyria Mason says "Yes my people live on or near the water for the most part ghough that's just one culture my world is quite vast."

She follows along with intrest andf she nods a little bit.

"I am curious so here I am and humm... is that your Pokemon?"

Athela Valemore has posed:
"Oh, most definately so," Athela agrees with Tatsuko. "Precisely why I doth not wear such full plate or so myself. It gets extremely uncomfortable when one must spend much their time travelling." She gets down on one knee as the small furball approach, ruffling a gauntleted hand betwix her ears. "She is one of them, yes." Brushes a bit of sand out of the Eevee's fur. "Beachcombing whilst we waited, it would seem."

Then picks the small critter up as she gets back to her feet. "I would not say for certain the streets be not dirty, but there is definately no such 'smog' as long as one avoideth the Poison types." And then the girl.. goes to sleep? Standing up? Is she part Slowbro or somethi -- and then she's awake again. Okay then. "Then you would likely feel much at home here then, my friend. This is the only coastline Bayern has, so the arts of sailing and fishery are in prominence."

Sprite tilts her head to the side at Tatsuko's open arms, one ear flopping cutely in doing so. Then hops out Athela's hands, expecting the girl is going to catch her for that hug.

"Tideport's primary growth came from shipwrights that did not wish to deal with the magistrates farther up in Bugen City," she continues to explain to Lyria. "As you can see, we hath little in way of woodlands near the coast, and the city officials were imposing too many taxes on importing lumber from the other regions."

Tatsuko Itagaki (1005) has posed:
Tatsuko lets out a slow little squeal of delight! The big young woman gives thatcute little fox a nice, warm hug, cuddling her close! Soon enough, she's put right on her shoulder, one arm constantly rubbing those fllppy ears!

"She's so adorable! What's your name, sweetie? Rub rub rub~. The cute foxie is nice and warm, nice and safe..." She coos.

Eventually, though, she turns back to Athela.

"It's no nice. Fishing! I should have brought a pole. Could have made sushi!"

She still follows along, though.

"How big is Bayern? Who rules?" Coulkd be good info for Shakadou!

Lyria Mason has posed:
Lyria Mason says "There's not much land on my home plate, what thee is is generally taken up for living, farming or ship building to be honest. The Seas really are our home. I can see that, so a lot of lumber imports and taxing it iinto the ground? Short term gains, long term it will hurt them, turning out ships in the long run I think."

She does seem amused at the fox like thing as well.

"I'm curious how many people live there? Ports tend to be fairly populated don't they at least back home they are."

Athela Valemore has posed:
Shoulders happen to be one of Sprite's favorite riding spots and the small fox perchs there with all the experience of such. She vreees contently at the attention, but doesn't 'say' anything translatably by the Multiverse's effect. Pokemon of this world are more akin to intelligent animals or mythical beasts than the sort that can hold a conversation. At least one understandable by human terms.

"Large enough it can take several days to reach one end to the other." Athela holds her arms out wide at first. Then moves her hands a small bit closer afterwards. "Somewhat less if you are fortunate enough to have a flying pokemon large enough to carry a passenger." A raised brow is given to Tatsuko. "Sushi?"

Then, inevitably, the topic of government comes up. This gets a small huff, a sigh prehaps, out of the young woman as she continues her walking pace. "The Regions of Bayern are governed by the houses of nobility. Which is much of the problem with dealing with the Hollow Curse." She gives an agreeing nod to Lyria's assessment. "Some houses are more interested in their own wealth than the people that are suppose to watcheth over, or try to squeezeth more power out of the others instead of wroth together. There is no current rule to unite them; any known reminants of a royal family hath either died or hidden away."

And if any of this proves to be inaccurate later it can be chalked up to Athela's houseless position not being upforth on all the current political affairs.

"Much of what be not coastside in Bugen is the Slug Moor, a most certainly not pleasant place. Most of the region's population would be in Bugen City, the capital." Athela pauses and turns a bit to gesture a hand towards the now closeby town. "Tideport, as already stated, was found by those wishing more distance from the muddling affairs of the noble class. Without the excessive taxes of the city the shipwright guild can build ships at a reasonable rate, then sell them to the traders and the militia fleet and still make an actual profit." She gives another snort. "Without the nobility trying to layeth claim to the best first, when they certainly have no right to take it for themselves so selfishly." Clearly Keldeo's champion and the noble houses are not on the best of terms.

Tatsuko Itagaki (1005) has posed:
Nod nod! "Raw fish! It's good. I cook for all of my sisters and my brother."

But then Tatsuko ah's in amazement. "Flying! So they can fly too...that'd be so nice. Sleeping on a comfy animal as the wind goes by..."

But her head tilts suddenly. "Hollow Curse? Mmm. Then why not hire some people to beat them up? If they're weak like that, then you can just knock them down and take over." 'Helpfully' suggests Tatsuko. She might be nice, but Shakadou has that effect on you.

Nnn. "You don't like those houses, do you? Mmm! Maybe you should hire me and my sisters. We do work like that occasionally. Ruuhei would have fun!" Then she pauses.

"But wait, if you're a knight, then why aren't you stopping them? Isn't that your job?"

Lyria Mason has posed:
Lyria Mason she listensto the topic of government the talk of the curse and she does seem to be paying attention to it.

"The ironic thing is it's going to hurt them making money in the long run, what they should be doing is making really good with the people who produce lumber honestly. You squeeze too hard and then the Dodo's dead and you are not getitng any eggs out of it."

She tilts her head a tthe mention of the Slug Moor that certainly a place that doesn't sound like a lot of fun.

"Fish? That would be something of interest to my own family my mother runs a shipping company and there's a huge demand for off world foods. Somepeople will pay a fortune for what's simple commoner fair on another world if it's something unknown to them, you know? Well a Knight must obey their Lord or Lady they are sworn too, right?"

Athela Valemore has posed:
"With no ruling family the nobility is a necessity..." Athela shakes her head slightly. "But most certainly could do without the time they waste strutting and squabbling with each other when Bayern faces such formidable unholy forces." Shoulders slump a little as Tatsuko hits a pretty pertinant point nice and hard. "As much effort as I make, I am but one woman with a small troup of pokemon. I cannot doeth anything about their wasteful bickering."

"All the more reason to look for aide in the other places that have become available." In a blink the flaggering spirit is gone and Athela is as resolute as ever, one hand going to rest on the hilt of the strange sword at her side. "Let the haughty argue. My duty is to Bayern and her people firstmost, if I must turn to the outside world for help, then such as it will be."

Then her attention shifts back to Lyria again, even though the two girls are holding quite contrasting conversations. Though it takes a moment for Athela to shuffle through the right terms she's been picking up to put together what Lyria is referring to. "Ah! Traders, then." Close enough, really. "My family operates one of the larger fisheries in Bugen City. But I grew up here near Tideport, helping my uncle with his own operation."

A bit of a wry smile tugs at her lips at the last part of the pirate's comment. "Yes, of course. And that is precisely why I and the less repute of nobility doth not get along." The young knight puts a hand to her chest. "My sword is sworn to Keldeo, who holds no favor to any of the noble houses. Flusters the blue hell out of them that they can not influence me through their material wealth or relations. I haveth no ties to a house or noble blood, which be why I am a Knight Errant. I can fight for the people as seen fit."

Which is wrapped up with an huff into her reddish bangs. "Though at times it flusters -me- at having little say some matters I certainly wish they would listen to."

Tatsuko Itagaki (1005) has posed:
A small frown. Leeean down. If Athela doesn't move, she's getting patted right on the head!

"I don't care about 'unholy', but you give off a little sis aura. But they sound stupid. A family should stick together, and isn't a town or a nation just a big family?" Sometimes even Tatsuko has her moments of inspiration.

More confusion. "So...are you the only knight of Kaldeo? I though there were supposed to be lots of knights. And a big square table, and princesses to save. Do you save princesses?"

Still, she smiles. "You should only fight for the people you care about. That's how you become strong."

Lyria Mason has posed:
Lyria Mason says "There's still a lot of ways to rule I found out osme work better than others nd yes you could say that, We also do shipping deals deliving cargo for other clients there's a lot of gil to be had doing that. I'll have to point my mother this way for exotic alien fish to buy to sell back home."

She grins widly at this idea and she looks to Tasuku for a moment pausing about the unholy.

"We have a name for such things back home but I dare not speak it's name aloud..."

Athela Valemore has posed:
Athela Valemore isn't particularly tall so she's probably use to having people do that. Or she can tell Tatsuko isn't being condensending about it. Though be careful not to catch a hand on the ridges of her headpiece. She still huffs a little. "A big family that has difficulty getting along," she mutters somewhat sarcasticly.

Sprite takes advantage of the tall girl leaning over to hop down to Athela's shoulder and assume her usual perch there.

"As of right now.. aye. Keldeo had been in isolation from past events and does not have that large following the other Swords of Justice do, whom have several knights and the militias of their appropriate realms at disposal." Athela gives a little shrug. "On the other hand, while Bugen is my homeland, I do not have to pay service to just one region. I can go where needed, when needed. Be it here." She shifts her stance to gesture back towards the warpgate. "Or need of my services beyond. As Knight Errant I am sworn to protect Bayern from threats beyond its shores as well as upon them, and 'beyond' most certainly includes what may lie in the rest of this 'Multiverse'." Though the moment loses its momentum when Athela gets to the comment about square tables and princesses, which gets her just looking confused again. "... The closest to a princess we hath is Diance, and I sincerely doubt the fairy goddess requires such."

Okay, enough about such topics. Athela resumes her cheerful mood, bouncing on her heels for a bit before resuming her brisk stroll towards the town. "The town market should still be open! It may not be the size of Bugens, but surely we can find a few samples for ye to talk home, then."

Tatsuko Itagaki (1005) has posed:
"Then you need someone like big sis. If you're a sword of justice, then you need to be strong enough to stop them from fighting. After all, strength is justice!"

One might notice that half way through the conversation Tatsuko has gone completely silent.

A quick glance will show that she's flat out on the ground, a towel down, snoring happily away in the sun. It'd take a literal earthquake to get her up right now.

"Zzzz...Yaaaamato...I want a hug..."

Lyria Mason has posed:
Lyria Mason Says "Ah I see, so it might not be the wisest idea to go full tilt on trade right now? Curious that sounds like some things from the past on my world with Knights. Most Knights tend to have company holdings now, or it's more of a family title that doesn't expect as much fighting if anyit's kinda sad in a way but that's how it went since we went through a rapid period of change since my Grand Parent's time. Oh that would be wonderful Maybe we can swap things I'm certain cultures tend to bond better over swapping food than anything else."