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A Song of Wolves and Ursa
Date of Scene: 08 August 2016
Location: Remnant <REM>
Synopsis: Grimm are attacking en masse. The outer perimeter cannot hold them all back while keeping the majority at bay.

So the B-Team is being called in to pick up the slack.

Thanks to: Ruby for helping Co-GM. And everyone else for coming and being awesome.
Cast of Characters: Yang Xiao Long, 385, 917, Yuuki Konno, 1017, 922, Bahamut, 984, 373, 910

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    Mountain Glen. It was an attempt to expand the city of Vale several years ago.

    This effort failed, and the urban expanse now lay in delapidated ruin, overrun by Grimm at the best of times. Now? It's overrun for a diffrent reason, and these Grimm are stronger, and more dangerous than any others seen here before.

    Beacon has been contacted by the outer perimeter Hunter teams. They're being overrun, but are otherwise holding. Some Grimm are slipping through the cracks in their line. So Beacon has responded by deploying literally anyone who was available. Bullhead transports swoop down, opening their side panels to allow the defenders to exit, before the craft peel off and return to a safe distance. <<Good Luck and Good Hunting!>> calls the lead pilot.

    Yang cracks her knuckles, deploying Ember Celica in the same motion. "Keep your eyes open. They're out there somewhere."

    Indeed, the distant sound of battle can be heard across the vast, empty expanse of the rather large township. Cries of pain, shouts of anger and the bestial cries of Grimm mixing into an eerie background melody... interspersed with closer howls and roars as the Grimm charge in closer... soon pouring out of streets and alleyways across the large open central courtyard that used to be the town square.

Yuna Kagurazaka (385) has posed:
This has not been the most relaxing of weekends for Yuna Kagurazaka, and she's still feeling it today. Saturday wasn't so bad, really, but the pirate attack on Hikari Sea Port left her seriously exhausted ... to the point that even with a fairly good night's sleep, she was constantly on the edge of nodding off again in the middle of class today.

A discerning eye could probably still pick out where Doctor Oobleck woke her up with a thrown piece of chalk; certainly the bruise still stings enough that she's been more alert during the afternoon lectures. And just when she'd finished her classes and was picking out a spot for a nap, the Grimm start invading Vale in massed numbers.

Never let it be said that Yuna's going to sleep through a threat to innocent lives if there's something she can do about it - and while her reserves are still recovering, she has enough energy to fight. She's already in her Light Suit as she emerges from one of the Bullheads, and Elner takes to the air for surveillance and tactical-sensor duties; Yuna doesn't even need Elner's 'eye in the sky' to tell her how bad things are getting. "Okay," Yuna says to the rest of the Matrix of Light. "Jiina, let's hit Powered Form; Erina, stand by in case we need more firepower in the air. Marina, support where necessary - if you're in a position to whisk civilians to safer ground, do it."

The trio of armored androids react immediately, with Marina flying off to see where she can be the most use. Erina flies up into the air, and Jiina just goes translucent, phasing over Yuna's form, and becoming the components required for Powered Form. As soon as the heavy exo-frame has finished materializing, Yuna ignites the hover-thrusters, readying her shield and the Matrix Divider as she heads towards the nearest pack of Grimm. She doesn't even wait to get closer, but as soon as she's got a clear field of fire, she opens up with the shoulder-mounted beam cannons, hammering a few clusters of Grimm and following up with a few shots from the Divider.

Blake Belladonna (917) has posed:
     Blake drops out of the bullhead down behind Yang, landing on her feet as always. She rises then, her eyes sharp as her ears twitch behind the ribbon, focusing on the distant noises. She reaches behind her, pulling Gambol Shroud and its' sheath from the metallic plate on her back into its' normal, comfortable grip. The faunus heads forward at a cautious pace, twisting Gambol Shroud as she goes to have it set in shooty rather than stabby mode at the moment.

     She does take a shot at the Nevermores every so often, but her gun can't deal with range that much even if it does take some pretty decent pot shots. That being done, she continues her way towards the main ground forces. The people with the better range can deal with the birdies, for now.

Yuuki Konno has posed:
    A cry for help goes out for a huge force of Grimm potentially going to break through the lines. While the rest of team TEYL remains engaged in a somewhat-less-threatened region, the fastest member of the team rockets into the air to help hold the gap. Well, not actual *rockets*. Yuuki takes off, black wings a blur, flying at speeds some airplanes would envy. No doubt the liftoff and at least part of the flight was recorded by Tom, the avid video-site celebrity streamer who is also one of that team.

    Yuuki swoops down barely a minute later, wings vanishing in case she needs to take off again later, whether to return to her team or to engage flying Grimm. She flashes a grin to the Hunters here, as well as the others that are here to assist if she knows them. Those who are here that she doesn't know, she bows in acknowledgment instead. It's a shallow bow, and definitely a gesture of respect rather than submission - Japanese-style rather than Western, with her hand not far from the hilt of her blade.

Rose Quartz (1017) has posed:
Rose emerges from the nearest warp pad. She heard the news over the radio. And while she doesn't quite know what these 'grimm' are, she knows when her Union friends are in danger. The Quartz-Warrior is armed to the teeth, armored to the bone. Her primary weapons right now are the Quartizine Quartet, four massive laser light cannons that float around her, held in place by vines that squirm under their mistresses command.

She looks down at the battlefield, the poor creatures charging her and her companions. Her heart goes out to them. She doesn't know their motivations or their reasoning, but she can't focus on that right now. It's time to focus on the purpose she was made for. And while anyone can be anything... She is VERY good at fighting.

A massive assault begins as Rose throws herself into the battle. Her laser light cannons lead the way, sweeping through the air. Not everyone can float like she does, and so she takes it upon herself to guard against attacks from the air, her massive cannons blasting through the Nevermore and aerial grimm like hot knives through butter. Every pulse of the cannons spells death for another group of grimm.

Weiss Schnee (922) has posed:
    It's been too long since Weiss went with her team to really stick it to those nasty Grimm - finally, she seems to have made some room in her rigorous study schedule to kick some soulless monster behind. At least, that's what she'll say if she's asked what she's been doing for the past few weeks. Gracefully disembarking from the Bilkhead and readying Myrtenaster with a swift 'shing!', she turns her head every which way to meet the sounds of rallying Grimm.

    "Sounds like they're getting closer. Everyone get ready!" She strikes a battle pose, lifting her sword over her head and spinning its Dust dispenser to the shimmering yellow canister. She focuses on any Grimm that get too close, deciding that charging straight in is a Bad Idea - instead flicking the point of her rapier in the direction of a few Beowulves and blasting them with bolts of chain lightning.

Bahamut has posed:
     When the call went out for union help to defend Beacon, Bahamut happened to be free and able to respond to the call. As Yang's transport flies in, it is escorted by a 15 foot grey metal dragon with vibrant purple and yellow plumage on his wings. He doesn't land with the others, instead taking the initiative to try and thin the Grimm's numbers before they reach the deployed backup defenders.

     Like some kind of heavy bomber, Bahamut circles the Grimm, throwing spell after spell. The explosive fiery force of Firaga, the blistering cold of Blizaga, the shocking power of Thundaga, and the destructive power of his second trademark move, Impulse. Orbs of explosive grey-white energy that can sometimes turn enemies to stone.

     And when a flying Grimm gets too close to him, those sword-like claws of his lash out, seeking to rend the evil creatures and send them crashing into the ranks of the Grimm below.

Karal Rei Lin (984) has posed:
Lin leaps from the transport the instant its doors open, going skidding across the ground with a hand on her sword. It remains there even as she comes to a halt...

    Even as she goes charging off towards the sounds of battle at speeds olympic athletes would gape at!

    Even as Grimm creatures are made out against buildings and crowding streets and allies.

    That hand only budges when... "HUUUUYAH!!"

    ... When she's RIGHT UPON one of the creatures, at which point she draws the blade in a fluid motion, passing the creature with a *FLASH* of steel...

    And no doubt a huge gash through half its body.

    "Alright, let's see what you beasts can do! Dance, you devils!"

Lloyd Irving (373) has posed:
    Lloyd gets the call from Beacon about a mass of Grimm swarming across Mountain Glen. It sounds like things are worse than usual, so he shuts down his forge yet again and grabs Radiant Aurion from its resting place. Slinging the dualblade across his back in its folded form, he jets out of his forge and into the sky, concentrating on Beacon as he flies through the warp gate. As he wings across the sky, he draws the weapon and unfolds it, allowing it to snap into its normal form, spinning it like a staff while he combs the area with his eyes. It doesn't take him long to spot the gathering point, seeing a few familiar and a few unfamiliar faces as he drops to a landing. "Sorry I'm late, I was working on something!" he says, "What all have I missed?"

    He separates Radiant Aurion into two swords, which then fold a bit more to reveal two large pistol barrels before aiming at any nearby Grimm he can find. Rounds of fire burst from one while lightning rounds race from the other, lancing into the approaching monsters.

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    "Here they come!" calls Yang, as she racks the slides on her gauntlets, loading shells into the chambers. She follows close after Blake, punching out little bolts of orange-red energy that seem to 'home in' on nearby Grimm. They're not perfect, but do manage to nail a couple before the ground troops enter melee range.

    Blake's shots score hits, but the lower caliber of Gambol Shroud's gun only serves to anger the Grimm the bullets hit. These things are bigger and tougher than any the group have met before.

    Weiss' lightning attack causes some of the smaller Grimm to start evaporating immediately, but a particularly large Beowolf weathers the shocking development, then levels glowing red eyes on the white-clad Heiress, howling before loping at her with murder in its gaze.

    Yuna and Bahamut do a good job or disrupting clusters of Grimm, breaking them up so they don't all pounce on a single defender. Lloyd's contribution mitigates the melee disadvantage further, allowing those that focus on getting up close and personal an easier time of it.

    Karal's sword techniques slice through smaller Grimm as they close, claws and teeth slashing and gnashing. The smaller ones aren't much individual threat, but there's dozens of them, and they're backed by much larger specimens. Covered in white bone with red patterns and sporting spikes and spines showing their age.

    The first wave were mostly mindless 'young' Grimm, the next wave have more experienced Adult Grimm, sporting more complete armour with glowing red eyes. These move more more like a Hunter, dodging strikes and anticipating blows, more than just mindlessly slashing in the hopes of hitting something.

Ruby Rose (910) has posed:
The sounds of air battles were nearly as loud as the fighting going on in the air. Nevermores were loud lot, the cantankerous crows cawing at their enemies as they dive bombed hunter and craft alike indiscriminately. These birds were a few sizes bigger than a human, more than capable of picking one up and dragging them off to god knows where. As various others come in from all across the multiverse to help, it became clear that there was going to be a need to confront the nevermore swarms, as they just harassed anything that didn't have proper air support.

Just as everyone arrives, a loud explosion rocks the area. One of the ships that had just tried to leave the area finds itself under the peck and claw of a pack of nevermore, the creatures intelligently attacking the engines of the craft. One of the side turbines explode, sending the machine spiralling out of control towards the earth. It hits with a soul-rending crunch, the craft sliding across a few blocks and luckily coming to rest by slamming into an abandoned store of some kind. A plume of smoke bellows from it's damaged engine, sending a clear sign of help for those who were paying attention.

One such huntress is Ruby, being the last to hop off of her transport craft. She passes a small wave towards the pilot that dropped her off, the girl carrying what looks like several clips of ammunition. She clicks on her comms and speaks towards everyone present.

"I'm glad so many of you decided to come out and help us. If you need a crash course on Grimm, I'll be more than happy to give you one. But long story short, aim for deadly blows. Grimm have no bones to break. Those of you who can fly or have ranged attacks, try to focus on the flying grimm called Nevermores. The rest of you should handle the ground forces. Be careful, they are much stronger than they look."

Ruby takes out her Crescent Rose and starts to load one of the clips of ammunition she had, looking on towards those who did appear to have some air capabilities. Bahamut would find his attacks to be rather ineffective at shutting down groups of Nevermores, as the birds didn't seem to slow down much for spells. That isn't to say that harder hits weren't dropping them, it just took a bit more effort to do so. The few that got close to him attempt to barrel into him before meeting the end of this claws. For a bird-type, they were tough, but his claws seem to do the job just fine. Rose's cannons carve solid lines into the swarms of Nevermore that hovered overhead, it instantly garnering their attention. About six of them in particular then swoop in to attack Rose directly, dive bombing towards her face!

Rose Quartz (1017) has posed:
With a deep breath, Rose waits. This is going to be TOO easy. She grins, watching as the six large Nevermore swoop towards her. "Three. Two. ONE." And like a stone she drops out of the sky, falling several yards. All four of her cannons point upwards as the bird things (hopefully) are going too fast to change direction like she can. They open up, huge beams of destructive light scorching upwards.

Yuuki Konno has posed:
    "Hiiii Ruby~" Yuuki calls out, probably to the embarrassment of some. Hopefully not her fellow underage student though, who seems to share Yuuki's own general peppiness. She's quick to get serious though, when the Nevermore begin to fly into range.

    Those who can fly. Right. She can do that, at least for a little while. Her expression turning somewhat grim, Yuuki's wings appear by magic and she launches herself into the sky again.

    This isn't the imp-girl's first battle with Grimm. She knows they can't be crippled easily. This is a bit of a problem for her, since the girl's blade isn't heavy enough to cleave easily. Yuuki's got speed and strength however, and since they have no bones the right attack can still cleave clear through one.

    With a rush, Yuuki sweeps through the assault of smallish Nevermores attacking the hunter craft. Her sword lays out a violet afterimage, a ribbon of light that cuts through a few of the creatures' wings. One quick pass, then a wide turn in the air and a scan to see where she's needed most.

Yuna Kagurazaka (385) has posed:
While Yuna does have an aerial option, she's more worried about the massed Grimm on the ground - and as the bigger, older, more heavily armored Grimm start to show up, a distinct look of worry crosses the blonde's face. She's not at her best right now ...

That's not going to stop her, though. Her worry is wrapped up and set on a back shelf of her brain's storage closet; she doesn't have time to think about negatives - particularly when Grimm are known to home in on emotions such as fear or terror. Whether she's fully worthy of the title or not, Yuna is still the Savior of Light, and among other things, that means she has to represent hope for those gripped by despair.

While her beam cannons are recharging, Yuna shifts to depending on the Matrix Divider, squeezing off shots and aiming for those glowing red eyes; if the Grimm have enough anatomy to possess distinct brains, then shooting out their eyes should damage the brains behind them - and even if not, a Grimm that can't see is probably going to be slightly less of a danger, easier prey for Hunters and allies who *can* see what they're aiming at. She's going to have to try going into melee, but she wants to soften up some targets before she tries charging in.

And she's not alone in that regard. Erina and Marina are starting to contribute firepower as well - rapid-fire pulse blasters wielded by the purple-and-white aerial specialist, minitorpedo launchers in use by the orange-and-white marine unit. While Erina doesn't have the kind of one-shot-kill punch that Jiina or Yuna do, she can harass and distract Grimm in the air, and Marina's torpedoes - particularly if they can be directed down a monster's throat - should make a significant impact.

Blake Belladonna (917) has posed:
     "Better." Blake says as they draw the attention away from the probably much more tired and worn people that were already out here. With that single word, Blake darts in towards the nearest Grimm, whipping her blade and sheathe in unison against the Grimm. The young faunus also makes sure to keep her team either in her sights or where she's more peripherally aware of them.

     All in routine.

     As the older Grimm start approaching, however, Blake gets a little trickier, utilizing her Semblance to bounce around. This allows her as well to help herd them a little, much like a laser light in front of... well a Blake.

Bahamut has posed:
     That explosion draws Bahamut's attention, and he realizes that he may actually be needed in the air more than on the ground. Those giant birds remind him of fiends from his own world, and he roars in determination and defiance as they attack him. His thick armored hide protects him from many hits, but those sharp bills create punctures along his body. Realizing he will have little chance in frontal attacks against those murders of crows, he takes to high speed flying, attempting to stay ahead of his attackers and draw them in so that he can fire spells like heavy artillery into groups that will have a harder time avoiding them.

     Bahamut keeps on the move, trying to make sure that no group of Nevermores can concentrate on a single attacker for long. Often this involves folding his wings in and smashing into attacking groups like a gigantic clawed cannon ball before his wings extend again. "Keep these birds busy! If they are allowed to concentrate on our ground forces, we may lose this battle!" he roars out to his fellow air supporters.

Karal Rei Lin (984) has posed:
MAny of these Grimm are just bundles of angry instinct, more straightforward than the cunning of a long-lived predator. They move so simply, so predictably!

    Lin has seemingly little weaving amongst them in tight quarters. Her feet sweep and swerve in strange circles as she pirouettes around her foes and puts her back to one of theirs only to DRIVE AN ELBOW into its spine! She spins around and delivers a spinning roundhouse kick to another... then transfers the momentum into a downward slash that splits a third Grimm creature in twain!

    A few of the beasts come close. Claws nick at skin and rip shreds from her clothing, but Lin notices them JUST in time to swerve and weave! Her body sways out of the strikes' paths like a willow in the wind... though with a motion like a great bonire igniting she leaps upwards and backwards, carving a final beast up in the same motion that she uses to semi-retreat!

    Because one of the greater creatures was coming her way, and she can TELL that one's actually a threat.

    "All big and strong, huh... guess these are the elders and survivors leading the pack!"

    Already she's breaking a sweat, if just barely. But part of it's caused by nerves... THOSE things look dangerous.

    "Alright... HERE GOES!!"

    With a howl of her own she goes straight for one of the elder Grimm! Claws and blade meet in a stylish shower of sparks, again and again!

Lloyd Irving (373) has posed:
    With his shots finding a bit of pruchase, Lloyd combs the sky with his eyes. Aerial threats, it seems, are just as menacing as the ground ones, and he has the advantage of being able to meet that threat head-on as well. So, after firing a few more mixed element shots into the ground Grimm, his wings flare out once again and send him skyward. "I'll help thin out the air threat!" he says, "Let me know if you need me back here." He takes off, shifting Radiant Aurion back into its default, dualblade form. He spins the weapon, testing its heft a bit as he heads for Nevermore-attacking altitude.

    It feels good, despite its strange design.

    Making his way toward a Nevermore, he seeks to slash at one of the massive bird's wings, hoping to sever it outright if possible and deal damage if that fails. To add a bit more to it, he pulls that blade's trigger, igniting the edge in white-hot flames.

Weiss Schnee (922) has posed:
    Mmm, anyone else smell barbecue? Her attack manages to hold off the first wave of enemies, but don't look now, here comes mama wolf! Her cold, practiced fighting demeanor holds fast as she springs into the air over the Beowulf's head, taking quick slashes at it through the arc. Attempting to parry its attacks as she lands with a roll, she turns her weapon's polarity to ice and launches sizeable spikes at it.

    She manages to resist the urge to say hi to Yuuki after their last CCO outing, keeping her focus and turning to her battle partners. "Yang, heads up!" she shouts, waving Myrtenaster to summon a Glyph of speed under her teammate's feet that she could use to get some extra momentum behind her next punch. Turning to Blake, she creates platform Glyphs in the air around the Faunus to potentially help her dodge and strike.

    Another wave in Lin's direction encircles her chosen opponent in a black slowing Glyph, making it nearly impossible for the creature to evade for a short time. Of course, she makes sure to watch out for herself the whole time, focusing on her own safety if any more Grimm make a move.

Ruby Rose (910) has posed:
Rose's ploy worked quite well, as the six nevermore fly straight towards her and miss by virtue of their target simply not being there anymore. The laser blasts annihilate four of them from existence, but the last two spiral out of the way and fly in a tight loop, swinging around to attempt to bash Rose out of the air from two separate directions.

Bahamut soon finds himself with an indescribable amount of birds flying towards him, but before they got too far, the nevermore stop and simply...spread out out of the way to let a far larger one of their kind through. This nevermore looked quite large and the shadow it cast even managed to engulf the dragon's entirely. With a mighty caw, the smaller nevermore disperse to attack other targets, as the king of this roost would have it's prey all to itself. With surprising speed, it hurtles itself towards Bahamut and a millisecond before it bowls him over, it flares it's wings and brings it's massive talons out, trying to grab the smaller draconic creature.

Yuuki's help was sorely needed as the smaller birds that had attacked the craft were beaten off in an instant. Just as she does, a pair of pilots step out of the craft and look intensely thankful, one being male and the other female. The male runs up to Yuuki, the slim man clearly on edge.

"Thank you miss! Please, could you hold them off while we get the engines fixed? We have to get out of here, we need to head over to a different LZ and pick up some wounded and we're one of the only birds in the air, puns be damned. Can you buy us that time Hunter?"

It's worth noting that looking up from Yuuki's perspective would show that there was now a circle of Nevermore flying high above the craft, like they were vultures. And to make matters worse the circle was growing more dense.

Lloyd's having pretty decent luck, as his blade slash is quite effective, tearing a hole through the wing of one of the Nevermore's he attacks. Just as he does, he'd spot something falling towards him. A Hunter, by the looks of his armor and his weaponry. The teenager is carrying what looks like a large, two-handed sword. Blood trickles down his arms and by the looks of it, he'd been one of the unfortunate few that had been carried up into the sky. And now he was in danger of slamming into the earth a final time unless Lloyd could do something about it.

Ruby passes a wave towards Yuuki as she was spoken to, a warm smile gracing her face in this battle. It was definitely awesome that some of the more serious offworlders had dedicated themselves to the fight and their studies. It was a comforting feeling. Less of a comforting feeling was knowing that she needed to get out there as well. With all of these messed up buildings, a sniper perch would be a pretty good idea. Seeing a great vantage point in a half destroyed skyscraper, Ruby quickly departs for it, the girl leaving behind a trail of suspiciously quick rose petals as she moves. When she hits the base of the building, she slows before turning towards Weiss speaking over the comm's towards her.

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    Yang is just charging straight in, like always. The boost of speed from Weiss does indeed help her get more bang for her buck with her first strike, literally punching a Beowolf in half, the pices slamming into two others, and causing all three to evaporate. She doesn't so much dodge, as tank, using her gauntlets to intercept the strikes, her Aura flaring with each strike and causing her hair to begin glowing a brilliant gold, flecked with flame. "Blake, when the time comes. Bumblebee. Got it?" she says to her Faunus friend, using her greater strength to cover the faster fighter.

    Overall the ground battle is progressing as well as one may expect. The smaller fry have thinned out, dead or fled, while the larger, elder monsters are proving much tougher to damage. No wonder the outer perimeter failed to hold them all back.

    So far, the remaining Elder Grimm are too spaced out to drop a large attack to hit the majority. This is where the herding would come in.

Karal Rei Lin (984) has posed:
Lin spots the glyph forming around her opponent and hops backwards on reflex. The disengagement manuever's oddly graceful, arms at her sides... she seems to almost glide through her leap. When her feet touch down she transitions into a low sword-drawing stance, eyes on the hindered creature. It's... slowed!

    Which brings a bit of a frown from Lin. "That's...making this TOO easy... khhh, not that I'm here to joyfight. We've gotta stem this tide..."

    The young woman's hand curls around her sheathed blade... and almost instantly the air turns TENSE.

    "Single Point Shining into the Void Style: Void-Slicing Wind!" One step forward, a flash of steel being drawn, and she's just GONE!

    A ferocious gale fills in the near-vacuum left by her passage. A whole dozen yards past the 'adult' Grimm... Lin flicks her blade out to the side to cast any Grimm-goo from it, then smoothly replaces her weapon into its scabbard with a *CLICK*.

    It's about then that the great, bound snarling Grimm tries to turn itself around and chase... topples over in two pieces, cut in twain from shoulder to opposite waist.

Lloyd Irving (373) has posed:
    Lloyd pulls his weapon out of the Nevermore, frowning a bit as he does. He readies himself for another attack, but something else catches his eye. "No!" he calls, mind processing the falling form as a young Hunter, and immediately he folds his weapon and places it on his back, changing course to fly toward the boy. 'No, not good!' he thinks, 'He must've gotten grabbed... and he's just a student!' So was Lloyd, of course, but Lloyd was older than he seemed. He doubt the teenager ahead of him could claim the same.

    Luckily for him, he's quick from years of practiced flying, and he flies straight down for a stretch to get under him before flaring back and throwing out his arms. His body jerks down a bit as he catches the Hunter and keeps his flight path steady, before moving away from the active combat zone. "I've got a wounded Hunter here!" he calls both out loud and into his radio. "He's gonna need some help, quick!"

Blake Belladonna (917) has posed:
     "Got it, Yang!" Blake says. She starts to make her distance from her teammate and partner, in order to better gap the bridge for Bumblebee. She darts her way forward, weaving through, taking shots on the way as she charges towards the other side of the field as things start getting herded into position. She flexes her shoulders, reactivating her Semblance.

     The Faunus takes back to the air again, a small cylinder in Gambol Shroud twisting as she makes her way behind a large amount of the Grimm, before activating the Dust inside, forming a red copy of her jumping towards them. Using the propel to move herself backwards, she fires, exploding the Fire Dust-Semblance Shadow in a matter of seconds, even as she rolls when she hits the ground, bouncing to her feet.

Bahamut has posed:
     Bahamut is grinning as all of those birds follow after him. His plan is working! ...until it isn't.

     Because a gigantic bird, a few times even his size, has appeared and is quickly closing in on him. The dragon is fast, but not that fast! He tries to swirve away, but his agility is almost none. He is easily grabbed in the huge talons of the King Nevermore. There is a heavy grunt followed by a powerful roar as Bahamut is soon dragged around in the talons of the huge bird, making him look more like a sparrow than his usual eagle-like appearance.

     The sharp talons punch at his armor, leaving him with a few deep cuts despite the thick metal skutes. But, Bahamut isn't about to just take this lying down! He lashes out with one of his own taloned hands, attempting to sever or at least damage the foot of the fiend carrying him. With his other, he aims his palm at the chest of his attacker and shouts. "Flare!"

     A shimmer of energy appears on the large Nevermore's chest, then there is a sudden explosion of pure energy that saturates the very air to the point that it combusts, along with just about anything else caught in that blast.

Yuuki Konno has posed:
    For a moment Yuuki thinks she's about to be hugged for the rescue, but the man stops and explains instead. She wouldn't have minded hugs, but of course there's more important things to deal with right now. Cue the Nevermore squadron. Or is that a Murder of Nevermore? A Parliament? A Grimm Horde? What IS the word for them?

    She flashes the pilot a grin, not letting her doubts show. "I can hold them off!" she agrees. She's not entirely sure she can. Not without taking some serious hits. She's not as fast here as she is in VR. Still fast, sure, but lacking the seemingly-instant reaction speed that makes her such a terror on raids and in PVP.

    But hey... her friends are facing the same kind of odds, and they're just students too! Yuuki doesn't need to be the Ultimate Blade here, not if she can stand proud and strong with her friends! Setting her doubts aside, she launches herself into the air again, heading for the tightening circle of Nevermore.

    The key, Yuuki figures, is to have them more focussed on her than on the pilots. That's easy enough, she's used to gaining aggro. Darting through the wheeling formation she lashes out with her blade, drawing dozens of quick stinging cuts across the winged beasts. None of the cuts are deep, none likely to do any significant damage and a good number of them not even penetrating the feathery armor. They would, however, draw attention. Focus the Nevermore on her. Should any of them make a move to dive she'll dive right after them, and those attacks would be neither shallow nor light. In a dive, she has the speed of an eagle. No stupid Raven thing's going to be able to get away from her!

    Slowly, Yuuki pulls the attention of the Nevermores, leading them away from the downed transport. She takes hits doing this. While she can avoid claws and beaks well enough, she's not fast enough to avoid all their flung feathers. As much as she injures the winged beasts, they're cutting into her as well. And this isn't Alfheim Online... not the sort of place where pain reduction is in effect. She feels every stinging stab and slice, though it's not yet enough to disrupt her flying.

Rose Quartz (1017) has posed:
Rose's face falls as Lloyd calls out a casualty. Tears flow down her face... She's always been very emotional, and these poor weak humans are trying so hard. She shoves off of one of the approaching Nevermore, and flings herself through the air towards Lloyd. "I got him!" she says. The ten-foot amazon scoops up Lloyd AND the injured hunter. Her lacrimal essence flows down her face in sparkling rivers, splashing over both of them. The healing is as immediate as it is potent, invigorating them as it repairs any damage they've taken. New strength flows through their limbs as fatigue leaves their bodies, their energy restored!

Yuna Kagurazaka (385) has posed:
Yuna shakes her head slightly; while the eyes seem like a good target, it doesn't look like her shots are having any effect. Maybe her aim isn't good enough - although it doesn't take much movement by the Grimm to catch those shots on a mask instead of directly in the eye, either. Looks like blinding them may not be such a viable tactic. Combine that with their general armor ...

Well, Yuna can think of one thing to try and herd the elder Grimm into a more confined space, but she doesn't really like the idea - feigned distress could become genuine way too quickly for her comfort, or for anyone's safety. She's going to have to take some chances, though - and firing up her hoverthrusters once more, she decides on her play.

Specifically, she barrels towards the oversized, heavily-armored Ursa that she'd been trying to deprive of its vision. A few shots from the Matrix Divider as she approaches help to keep its attention on her - and then she tries to get in underneath its belly, switching the Matrix Divider from gun mode to sword mode and jabbing at the Elder Ursa's belly, followed by snapping a shot off into one of the hopefully-resultant wounds.

Then she zips out from underneath it, powering up the vertical element of her hoverthrusters and going for a boosted jump. She can't exactly spring off from a wall, but she's doing the best she can to avoid staying on the ground while she's on the wrong side of the front amongst the Grimm ...

Okay, this really was NOT a good idea, was it? But if the Grimm are too tough to 'push' in one direction by force, the only other real option is to 'pull' - to give them something to swarm in towards. Which is ... kind of what she didn't want to do, and wound up doing anyway ...


Weiss Schnee (922) has posed:
    Taking a deep breath, Weiss turns her attention away from supporting her other teammates to look to where Ruby called for support. Lifting a hand and pulling her sword back so its tip rests between her fingers, a series of white Glyphs appear up the side of the building, forming a clear path for her to run right up the building's side. "You remember how this goes, right?" she nags over the radio, concentrating on keeping the path solid. "Now get up there and shoot something!"

    She doesn't break her concentration until she's sure Ruby's reached the top, turning to face the sound of an approaching roar. "Oh, you want some too?" she taunts to the Ursa closing in on her. Waiting to time her attack perfectly, she leaps backwards through the air and fires a flurry of Dust-augmented projectiles at it. Of course, that's not enough to down it, so she uses her speed Glyphs to roll around it and take quick slashes at its side - which really only manages to anger it more. A good whack sends her flying backwards, the heiress springing up and trying to focus again. A Glyph appears under the Ursa moments before a huge spire of ice erupts from the ground, launching it into the air.

    Once it's at least stunned, she starts to sprint around the outsides of the fray, dodging and weaving through the sea of enemies in an attempt to attract more Grimm into the center of the battle. "Hey, monsters! Over here!" she calls. This might end badly, but it's a risk she'll have to take to maximize her teammates' attack! Finally, she gets Yang in a clear line of sight, waving her sword in her direction as another speed Glyph materializes under and behind her. "You're sped up, now get the party started!"

Ruby Rose (910) has posed:
As Lloyd catches onto the teen, it becomes clear what is exactly going on with him. The kid has tanned skin and is wearing a predominantly black outfit that consists of a trenchcoat and a set of thick pants. White ruffles are on the edges of his clothes and his hand is a gigantic sword with a funnel in it's center.

His medical problems only look superficial at best. He's on the verge of consciousness, but he had cut wounds and abrasions on him. It's clear his aura has been depleted through battle, but even despite his lack of consciousness, his grip on his weapon was absolute. He might recover if he was given a bit of rest. He also seems to be mumbling something underneath his breath incoherently.

The male pilot gives Yuuki a thumbs up symbol, while his female co-pilot rushes to the engine with a tool kit. He seems very grateful.
% "Oh god thank you. We'll be out of here as soon as we can, we've got to get to those wounded!"

Yuuki's plan seemed to work, as the various stabbing seems to be drawing their attention but unfortunately, she might have underestimated just how many nevermore there were. Hundreds, all human sized or smaller. As the death circle seems to be breaking apart to tear after Yuuki, all with their talons bared to rip the girl apart if they got ahold of her properly. They also swarm as a gigantic mass, but mostly in a single direction, the birds oddly coordinated in that regard. Whatever plan she had would need to happen quickly, because they are gaining on her.

The King Raven has it's prize. A dragon no less! The King plucks the smaller dragon right out of the sky and if Bahamut spared a look behind him, he'd see his new landing spot; the side of an high-rise apartment complex. And the King was gonna slam him into it wholesale. Luckily for him, the Flare explodes quite effectively, wreathing the entire bird's breast in flames. A massive surprised *SQUARK* escapes the bird as it loses focus and slams directly into the apartment building, ripping straight through it. Bahamut takes the brunt of the damage along with the King, sending the building toppling with a massive crash and eruptions of rubble.

The King Nevermore releases it's prey as it swirls around awkwardly to get it's footing and traction back. The burns had dealt alot of damage, as did the building, but the giant monster isn't down for the count yet.

Quartz's Sweet Catch(TM), provides the male hunter with a new lease on life. The teen awakens as he realizes where he is and holds a hand over his head. His voice is fairly deep but friendly.

"...What...what the hell happened? This isn't where I was...?"

Provided that Weiss did the Glyph Thing(TM), Ruby finds a path of them waiting to get her up that skyscraper. And she does just that, the girl blurring into practically a red scarf and a ton of petals. She zooms up to the top and with a lazy flip, lands on her feet at the top of the 30-ish story building. Ruby deploys Crescent Rose in it's sniper form and loads in her Ice ammo first. She settles into a nice prone position where she can keep an eye on all of the fighting going on and nods.

It's showtime.

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    Yang backflips away from a Greater Ursa as the massive bear swipes for her. "Is that all you've go---..." a single yellow strand of hair wafts down in front of her, and in an instant the almost playful air is gone. "I'M GOING TO ****ING KILL YOU!" she roars. Those nearby would feel the heat rise, like standing in direct sunlight at midday in the middle of summer. The golden brawler quite literally explodes, then rushes headlong back into the Ursa. She pounds at its armour, staggering the beast and blasting chunks away, before she gathers and uppercuts the things head so far back it snaps around awkwardly. The beast totters, then collapses onto its back before starting to evaporate. "Blake! Weiss! NOW!" she roars, holding her hand high to grab Gambol Shroud.

    The roar comes as Yuna's gambit seems to have worked. The adults that were hanging back have started to gather in around the Hero of Light now she's cut off from the others. Easy meat. Though thankfully, the Ursa she assaulted to get in that position is in no condition to complete the circle, as it groans weakly and topples over into a dissolving heap.

    Blake's exploding clones make the adult Grimm recoil, snarling as they're forced back by the explosion. It's now or never!

Lloyd Irving (373) has posed:
    As Lloyd heads for the ground, he finds himself caught as well by Rose Quartz. As her tears flow over him and his catch, the dualbladesman finds his strength overflowing, a charge seeming to increase his already-large reserves of mana. "Whoa..." he says, "Incredible! I feel like I could fight these things all day now! Thank you!" He glances down at the teen he had caught, watching him regain consciousness thanks to Rose's healing, blinking as he seems a bit disoriented. Lloyd shrugs his shoulders, then says, "Well, you got grabbed by a Nevermore, tore up a bit, then dropped again. Looks like you passed out on the way down. Kept a monster grip on your sword though. Are you another Beacon student? What's your name? And, I suppose more importantly, do you need to leave the battle? If so, I think we can find a way to get you there."

    He glances over his shoulder, where the battle still rages, and he grimaces slightly. He really needed to get back and add his power to the rest of the warriors, but he wasn't going to leave someone down if he could be of help here instead. But, to assuage both arguments, a casting circle of white appears beneath him. "I'll buy some time... JUDGEMENT!"

    Beams of light start raining down at random, streaking toward the flocks of Nevermore and other flying Grimm and, surprisingly, not harming any Hunters that may seemingly be caught in the crossfire.

Bahamut has posed:
     Bahamut raises his arms in front of him and folds his wings back as best he can when his blows cause the desired effect but not quite the desired result. He growls loudly in pain as he smashes through a building along with the King Raven. It hurt, but Bahamut has been hurt before. His clear mind and solid resolve never waver. And as the King Nevermore swirls around, it would find the 15-foot dragon flying right at its throat. Bahamut roars as he flies in to try and tear the throat out of the bird with his own powerful talons.

     After that, he slides around to land on the bird's back, clinging to it just behind its head. His feet sink their talons into the bird for grip, and he brings both of his arms back before attemting to smash the bird's skull in with an inward crushing motion of those strong taloned hands of his. "You shall harm no more innocent souls, fowl fiend!"

Blake Belladonna (917) has posed:
     There's a point where it tips, here's a point where it breaks, here's a point where it bends, where we can't just take it anymore...

     "YANG!" Blake shouts from across the field. It's a warning for generally everyone.

     Gambol Shroud gets thrown across the field, the black ribbon streaming behind it, attached to the small bit that Blake has in her grip. The instant Yang has it in her grip, Blake pulls it taught to send Yang into her swing, rotating with it.

Rose Quartz (1017) has posed:
Rose Quartz stands side by side with Lloyd. Within the circle, her rosy pink energy infects his magical circle. The Judgement rains down upon them as her cannons fire in sequence, his magic tainting her cannons as well. After a moment, she combines the cannons, their physical forms merging into a single massive rose-shaped cannon. "Hold still!" she says. Across the battlefield, small pink bubbles form around her allies. Then she fires. The cannon roars to life, a massive laser shaped like Rose Quartz shoots across the battlefield, dragging the judgement beams around with it, empowering them and widening their range. The bubbles were there for their safety as their combined power rages through the battlefield. There's just enough power to protect them, and then the bubbles pop. But the grimm had no such protection. Of course, neither did the terrain.

Yuna Kagurazaka (385) has posed:
'Back the way she came' wasn't exactly the direction Yuna was planning to go in once she was at the center of attention for all the Elder Grimm - but that's the one opening in the encirclement that she's put herself at the center of, and Yuna heads that way as fast as her hoverthrusters will take her, sniping at any Grimm in her path - maybe not killing any more along the way, but she just needs to get past them.

And as soon as she's past the circle's edge, she pivots, the lenses which protect her beam cannons sliding open once more. The emitters behind the crystalline covers spark and crackle as Yuna grits her teeth; normally, she'd be bracing herself against the recoil, but this time? She *WANTS* to get pushed backwards - she just has to avoid getting knocked over by it.

And then the beam cannons go off - even more powerful than the blast she opened combat with, at the risk of emptying her reserves all over again. She's going to need to sleep for about a week (with occasional interruptions for good wholesome food) to recuperate from it ...

But stopping an invasion of literally soulless monsters that exist almost exclusively to kill humans, particularly of the innocent and helpless variety?

*That* is worth it.

Weiss Schnee (922) has posed:
    Weiss shoots a huge grin and a thumbs-up at Yang as she goes beserk, simply glad that they're on the same team. Of course, she knows when to get out of the way - and the time is now! Taking Blake's warning, she runs backwards outside of the blast zone, sure to keep her Glyph trained on Yang.

    Meanwhile, she focuses on taking out some of the stragglers, tricking a Borbatusk into spinning within range of Yang and Blake's attack and facing down a large Beowulf.

Yuuki Konno has posed:
    Yuuki can outfly a lot of planes, but then so can the Nevermore, at least in a linear race. Her agility has always been a bigger thing than her top speed, and it's not like she's a sylph with airspeed bonuses. She's one of the fastest of the nonsylphs, but that only gets you so far. And besides, if she outflies the Nevermore too much they'd just go after the grounded crews... and that helps no one.

    Yuuki keeps herself safe, nominally so, by tight turns that would probably make a flesh-and-blood creature pass out from the pressure. Any small Nevermore that get close, she strikes at. Any large ones she simply outflies. But the effort is not without cost. She's taking hits now, in the effort of keeping the beasts distracted and dragging them over the battlefield so Rose Quartz can make her shots count.

    Angry red scratches cover Yuuki now. Wounds crisscrossing her armor, her limbs, even her face. Nothing has landed cripplingly deep though, thanks in part to her armor and agility. But she keeps on going, flying her attackers to an ambush point.

    Then Rose calls out. "Hold STILL?" Yuuki says in abrupt dismay. Sure she CAN do that, but she'll be mobbed! She only gets the point when the small pink bubble forms around her. She skids around in midair, breaking the birdlike face-forward flight and turning head-up instead. Then the wings blur, and she darts back to the protection of the defensive shield. "YAAAAAAAAH!" she cries out, her sword putting up a wall of violet streaks as she fires strike after strike, releasing her mana in a long stream of power more in an effort to defend against projectiles and fliers than out of a need to inflict harm.

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    There's a line that we'll cross, and there's no return, there's a time and a place, no bridges left to burn. Anymore!

    Yang grabs the weapon, wraps the ribbon around her left forearm, then starts running, letting Blake act as an anchor for the combo. Weiss' Glyph gives Yang the boost in speed she needs, augmented by firing Ember Celica's free side behind her, until the streaming flame that is her hair turns into a giant ring of golden fire, Blake at the center.

    The Golden Berserker carreers around, and with a final shot straight down, she releases Gambol Shroud, sailing unaided into the air. Energy siphons into the barrel of her right gauntlet, before she hurtles downwards like an angry comet, slamming into the middle of the group of Adult Grimm, sending shockwaves through the ground, and making concrete pillars and rebar erupt around her in a circle, impaling Grimm, or smashing them together. That should have cleared out a good chunk of the Adults. Just stragglers to hunt down before they can escape.

Ruby Rose (910) has posed:
Ruby has the world in her sights now from her nice perch. She spots the rest of her team doing the things they do. Yang primarily. Yang smashing things was good. But the young huntress focuses her attention elsewhere, ready to help where she could.

The hunter gets back to his feet when he's sat down, the male rotating his arm in his socket.

"My name is Noir. I'm alright now, thanks to the giant lady and...cannons?"

He watches while Lloyd's and Rose's attacks combine in a huge area, not only cleaving most of the birds out of the sky entirely, but even clipping a significant portion of what was chasing Yuuki as well. The teen looks impressed.

"Right...so cannons. Yes, I go to beacon but I need to get back ot my team. Thanks for the assist."

He reaches into his trenchcoat and pulls out what looks like an aerosol canister. He loads it into a specially carved compartment just above the guard of the sword and ejects the old one. He offers them a wave goodbye before speeding off to the east; likely the direction he was from.

Bahamut's own fight finally had a much better turn. The King Nevermore shakes it's head as it weathers through the damage it just incidentally caused to itself, only to realize that it's prey was missing from it's talons. It felt the presence of the dragon soon enough though, as rough hands grabbed it by the neck. The claws rip through it cleanly, though not without some resistance. It grimaces as the dragon swings around to it's backend to start squeezing it's head. To counter this, several of the feathers on it's back aim upwards, the bird firing off a barrage of point blank pinions meant to send the dragon flying off of it's back. The bird turns, bearing down on the dragon when a savior arrives in the form of...bullets? Ruby Rose's sniper rifle rounds find their mark, with several ice enchanted bullets slamming into the skull of the huge bird. It's head is soon entirely encased with ice, providing the dragon with a very unique chance to end this battle once and for all.

Thanks to Yuuki's efforts, The pilot's pack up and head back inside of the ship. With a polite whirr, the machine comes to life and takes off into the sky rapidly. Before long it's traveling at very fast speeds, eager to continue it's mission. So on that front, very successful.

Less successful though is Yuuki's own situation. The horde is leaning down on her, threatening to consume her, but from out of nowhere, several beams of light and laser simply remove the birds from living...unliving...existence really, leaving her with a far smaller group to deal with. To cut down the numbers even more, a friendly sniper swings it's attentions down towards Yuuki, firing off several lightning bullets that chain lightning to several birds, dropping them out of the sky in a stunned state. Thanks to that, there were many stunned Nevermore that were limply flying at her, which left them a prime candidate to either slam into the shield stupidly or be immediately cut down by her own attacks. At the end of that, the horde was no more, with either stunned nevermore on the ground or the leftover parts that managed to survive the laser and light show.

Ruby Rose (910) has posed:
The nevermore threat is suffeciently quelled. The skies are clear ladies and gentlemen.

Rose Quartz (1017) has posed:
Rose takes a flying leap to the approximate center of the battlefield. The fighting may not be the thickest there, but it's a good place to start. bubbling herself, she concentrates deeply on the power that slumbers within her. Around the bubble... Vines burst from the ground. They surround her, forming a thicket several meters thick. From every part of the vines, dozens of flowers bloom. Roses, actually. Their gentle scent wafts over the battlefield. And while Rose knows it tends to work on people... She doesn't know if the magically intensified scent will work on the grim. So she pours her heart, soul, and tears into it, sending a ripple of magic out targetting the grimm with the equivalent of 'Come get yummy dinner right here, right now. For a good time, call this number.'.

Blake Belladonna (917) has posed:
     Blake lands in a crouch again, before she stands back up, pulling on the ribbon on her end to get Yang to release it and send it flying into the wall. She takes a running start then jumps, allowing her Semblance to propel herself into the air to snatch it, and then drop like a flying ball of a... well ... determined cat faunus on the nearest Grimm.

Yuuki Konno has posed:
    Yuuki, knowing her wings limit is fast-approaching, dives literally headlong for the ground once the laser display is finished. At the last second she flips, wings flaring hard, more eagle-like than bat. When she hits the ground, she's slowed enough to absorb the impact with her legs instead of auguring in.

    She lands before Rose Quartz, flashing a quick grin and a v-for-victory two-finger salute before turning to face the Grimm. She looks... well, she looks like her aura must be damn near zero, for those who rate things using Beacon's systems. For those who know her virtual origin, her health bar's in the red. She's practically covered in those red digital scars. She still looks fierce though, glaring. "Come on you PUPPIES!" she shouts. "You won't get past me!" Well, not unless it's over her dead body. Or rather, her remain light.

Bahamut has posed:
     Bahamut is just about to deal what he thinks will be a finishing blow. But, much to his surprise, the very feathers of this giant bird attack him. He roars in annoyance as he is flung off the bird's back, but his wings spread quickly to catch him and keep him airborn.

     Then, those ice bullets hit, and Bahamut's lips turn up in a grin. "Excellent." he says, then he rises higher in the sky. The golden disc on his back starts to rotate faster, and electrical energy starts to arc over his body, gathering in that disc and arcing again to his open maw. His jaws open wide and the energy starts to gather into a blue-white orb that quickly grows in size until it is filling his sharp-toothed maw.

     The sound when he finally fires that beam is deafening. A deep, bone-rattling base that reverberates throughout the entire area as a beam of blue-white larger than Bahamut himself lances toward the frozen head of the King Raven. The poor Grimm's head likely shatters with the force of the impact, but even if it doesn't the beam continues onward to where the other heroes are gathering more Grimm in preparation for Bahamut's attack. The blue-white beam would be blinding as it flies toward them, and a moment later there is an earth-shaking explosion as the beam impacts the ground and all the Grimm gathered there.

     But, it doesn't stop on impact. Instead, it carves a furrow through the ground, creating a river of pure energy that pushes its way deep into the town along the most used Grimm path. The energy beam causes constant explosions along its length, finally ending after nearly 5 city block lengths of Grimm incinterating destruction.

     When Bahamut finally stops firing that beam, the area explodes upward in a powerful release of energy that is sure to throw any Grimm around or still inside it up into the air and incinerate those above it. Bahamut's wings slowly lower him back toward the ground after the attack, and he waits to see if any Grimm are left standing.

Lloyd Irving (373) has posed:
    As Rose moves out to do what she does, Lloyd nods toward Noir. "Good luck, and be careful," he says, before turning his attention toward the remaining Grimm. A few people have been rocking the chain lightning, and that seems to be an efficient method of dealing good damage across an area. But... He might be able to do one better. Drawing his weapon again and separating them into twin gun form, he adds a bit of his own magic into the shots. Lightning and fire rain out from his barrels, both sides laced with a bit of his Light prowess for potential purification amp. The flames would likely spread across single targets, while the lightning does lightning things.

    Chains and stun damage, by the looks of the feebly-stirring bird Grimms on the ground.

Ruby Rose (910) has posed:
The skyborne threat is no more, save the king and a dragon was dealing with him. The nevermore's head is entirely encased in ice, which, as one might imagine, is pretty terrible. The King shakes it's head incoherently, the creature simply not sure how to get the ice pain off, not even paying Bahamut the slightest bit of mind.

Fortunately, it wouldn't have that pain much longer. Mega Flare fires forward and simply deletes the big bird's head in it's entirety, leaving a clean stump of a neck.. The laser continues on down, ripping the bird cleanly in half and ripping up blocks of earth behind it. There is no noise. There is no convulsing. The giant nevermore simply falls in twain like a curtain, silently blanketing the ground with it's mass.

The King is dead.

The sounds of fighting elsewhere have lessened significantly too; the tides looked to be turning properly now.

Yuna Kagurazaka (385) has posed:
Yuna slides to a halt, her hover-thrusters sputtering out; at least she manages to stay on her feet as her velocity is sloughed off against the pavement below Powered Form's feet. She's more or less leaning on both her shield and the Martix Divider for support, by this point; she hasn't passed out yet, but if she has to fight much more, she probably will - and losing her Light Suit anywhere around Grimm would be a VERY bad thing.

But she's done what she could, and as far as she can tell, her allies are wrapping up the rest of the battle. It might not QUITE be over, so she struggles to stay alert - just in case anything else comes after her, and to assure herself that the Grimm have been eliminated.

Weiss Schnee (922) has posed:
    With the largest and meanest chunk of the Grimm taken care of, Weiss focuses on taking out the rest. The Beowulf before her gets a faceful of napalm, courtesy of Myrtenaster's red Dust flavor, followed by another black Glyph freeze and a flurry of sword slashes. Tearing the creature apart, she moves to the next, raising blocks of ice up from the ground under it and shattering them in the air.

    Bahamut's blast knocks her off her feet, the heiress covering her eyes with a hand - but the same goes for all the surrounding Grimm. With a moment to recover, she takes the opportunity to slice through the exposed bellies of a few large Grimm.

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    Wither the main group destroyed, and so many high energy attacks raining down, the remaining Grimm aren't much of a threat anymore. The few pockets that were regrouping are eradicated by Lloyd and Quartz' attacks, or by Bahamut's Mega Flare scouring the ground clean of life, and leaving a lovely glassy crater in its passing.

    Unfortunately, there seems to be some structural instability, a section of the square falling in on itself, to reveal an underground rail line beneath.

    Bullheads swoop back in now the skies are clear. <<The remaining Grimm are retreating back into the wilderness. We're here to bring the wounded back to Beacon and Mercy Hospital for treatment. Is anyone here wounded?>> calls one of the pilots as the lumbering craft drop down to settle on three wheels that fold out from the fuselage.

    Yang extracts herself from the stony prison she created, brushing dust and debris from her clothes while her Semblance and Aura flicker away to nothing once more. Without a word, Yang moves over to, and scoops up Yuna, carrying the blonde Savior of Light over to one of the Bullheads. "You're going to get some rest. No arguments." she says firmly as she loads Yuna up.

Yuna Kagurazaka (385) has posed:
Fortunately for the rendering team, Yuna's Powered Form ... well, powers down, leaving the Savior of Light in her basic Light Suitt as Jiina reassembles into her independent form. "She definitely needs it," remarks the android.

Yuna's only rebuttal of note is a quiet, "Zzzz ..."

Bahamut has posed:
     Bahamut lumbers his way to meet up with the others, letting out heavy rumbling with each breath. Although he walks tall and proud, there are obvious red stains along his armored body where his metallic hide was compromised and he has been left with deep cuts and punctures. He helps clean up any Grimm in his path, then lets out a triumphant roar as they retreat in mass.

     He then looks around at the gathering of warriors and grins. "Excellent work, everyone. It is always gratifying to work with such professionals." he says, bowing to the group. "I hope no one was hurt by my Mega Flare."

Yuuki Konno has posed:
    "Just aura damage." Yuuki breathes, relieved that it's over. She'd pushed herself hard today and had been somewhat out of her depth. Taking on a group of Grimm, sure, no problem. Taking on a huge flight.... problem. Fortunately she didn't have to face anything alone. "Could use a ride back, but I can do that myself in a few minutes and the damage'll heal before long anyways." she grins.

    There's nothing too odd about Yuuki's wounds either, not to the locals. Yes that pixellated grid of damage markers probably looks exotic, but for all anyone knows that's her Semblance at work protecting her from actual physical harm. She doesn't actually have one, but few know that. To most people around here, Yuuki's just another student.

Weiss Schnee (922) has posed:
    The heiress cuts one last Grimm to ribbons, glancing around to see if any more need a good beating. "That's right, run away!" she calls to some of the fleeing monsters. "What a fantastic fight," she says over the radio to everyone. "I'm glad to fight alongside all of you!" Watching Yang extract herself from the rubble and casually carry Yuna away, she gives a small chuckle, sauntering towards the Bulkhead herself.

    Which is when she remembers something. Spinning around to look up at the skyscraper Ruby's perched on, she laughs again and calls to her on the radio. "Uh, Ruby, need a little help getting down from there?"

Lloyd Irving (373) has posed:
    Lloyd spins his weapons as the Grimm begin their retreat, reforming them into Radiant Aurion and slipping the weapon onto his back. With a smile, he takes stock of the battlefield. Wounds and exhaustion seemed to be abound, but nothing too severe from the looks of things.


    Yuna is taken onto a ship by Yang, and everyone seems to be getting the treatment they need. So he lets his wings vanish and rolls his shoulders, winded but not hurt or really that tired. "Well fought all around," he says, before stretching out even more, "You guys are all really something."

Ruby Rose (910) has posed:
Ruby Rose fires off more rounds into the distance, helping the best way she could. The fire rounds came in handy to take out a few fleeing Ursas, further damaging them and even killing a few. With that done she looks around towards her allies: All safe. She didn't want to speak up just yet, as sniping from this far took some real concentration. She rears up out of her sniper scope and lets out a small sigh of relief. This battle was won.

She looks over the side of the building and blinks at how high she is. Weiss' communication comes in at that exact moment.

"If you still have enough Dust leftover, it'd be nice. Otherwise, I think the stairs in this place are still some good."