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Latest revision as of 16:42, 17 September 2016

FATE: A Spark of Vision
Date of Scene: 02 January 2016
Location: Hydaelyn Reborn <ARR>
Synopsis: A beach party is rudely interrupted by Imperials
Cast of Characters: N'raha Tia, Sanary Rondel, 825, 626, 255, Kirito, Inga

N'raha Tia has posed:
Notice from the Maurauder's Guild of Eorzea (posted on numerous bounty and adventurer boards, including the Syndicate Network)!

Leve: Out To Sea
Location: Bloodshore, Eastern La Noscea
Type: Confidence
Urgency: MEDIUM
Difficulty: Unmarked

Enclosed Message: That damned Qiqirn porter who is in charge of delivering my orders from Wineport went and dropped a whole crate of Sixth Astral Era reserve into the ocean! I've already hired a good mercenary to deal with the rat, but I still require assistance in recovering the lost bottles before the brine soaks into the corks, ruining the wine.

    Okay so it wasn't the most challenging of Leveplates to handle and it wasn't all that much of a fight even for someone of N'raha's caliber, but... well. It was a nice warm sandy beach. Setsuko had promised to help and N'raha had wanted to chat with his erstwhile Mentor.

    Said crates of Wine are scattered along the beach, and groups of curious crabs and aurelia and other stuff had wandered up onto the beach drawn by the shiny stuff. And thus, Axe Catte and Sword Lady are 'shooing' them away by kicking the crap out of them.

    "Honestly, I... I get what they're saying with the Guild, but... I don't know. I'm not sure if any of the Marauders... were expecting to be able to handle a Warrior of Light in their ranks. Maybe that's... changing how I am? That... I don't know." Feelings are hard. Dropping the blade of his rusty axe through the shell of a Crab, though. That's actually pretty easy. Crunch.

Sanary Rondel has posed:
     Why's Sanary here? She doesn't have any orders to be here! But... Well, it doesn't hurt to help out classmates every now and then, right? Besides, being able to call in favors down the line is something even this pig farmer can understand! That's why she's off to meet N'raha and Setsuko with an oval shield covering her back, a kite shield held in her right hand, and a gunaxe in her left.

     By the time she shows up, of course, the sight of local fauna being their only obstacle is a little disappointing to the healer. "Hey, you two. I miss anything fun?" She gives an approaching crab an inquistive look while propping her foot up against its face, then brings her axe down on it once it starts snapping at her.

     This probably wasn't going to be a very difficult job, but... Well, favors are favors.

Ezio Auditore (825) has posed:
    Jeez, these are some awfully large crabs. Not quite 'oh fuck where is the weak spot' levels of big, but Ezio is used to much smaller sizes of crustacean in his experiences. They do go down thanks to axes quite easily however, as Ezio finds when Executioner smashes one.

    The Assassino has lightened up his clothing for this one, with a hooded top missing the sleeves and a bandolier containing most of his gear, grenades, his 92FS, and throwing knives of varying types. Something better suited for the hot weather.

    The crab remains embedded in his axe as he lifts it up, before stuffing the felled crustacean in his lootbag for later. The meat may fetch a nice price.

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    Kyra disagrees. Diving into the ocean is /serious freaking business/ and also /ultra dangerous/. At least that is the impression Kyra has from stories of Leviathan and it's massive monsters lurking just beneath the water's surface. However, she was pretty happy to learn that the crates of wine were not at the bottom of an ocean but washed up on the beach.

    The happiness gradually turns to boredom. These little crabs aren't even worth her time! She can boot them away easily! "Anyone need any healing?" Kyra asks boredly, now absorbed in some kind of mobile game on her mPhone.

Setsuko Kaminagi (255) has posed:
    Strange it seems for a demigod of war to be picking up wine bottles, but it's simple work, and the wildlife proves easy to dispatch - in a way, it's almost relaxing for Setsuko. "I don't doubt that it makes things strange for them. Awkward, for a few. But at the same time, you didn't choose to be a champion of Hydaelyn, did you?" She steps and slashes, her blade cleaving through hard shell as if it were no tougher than straw mats. "Don't blame yourself for problems beyond your control. You owe it to yourself and your responsibilities to hone your skill with an axe. Beyond that... just be aware of your nature, and don't make undue trouble for them, I suppose. If they ask more of you than that, they're in the wrong."

    Sanary's approach gets the demigod's attention, and her response is a simple, "Not much. Just some pest control. I can't imagine they'd object if you take some of the meat for your dinner, though." Even she has to admit that crab can be a nice treat.

Kirito has posed:
    Kirito's not above some real world questing! It's one of the reasons he's with the Syndicate.

    The Black Swordsman of Alfheim - a human-sized Fairy dressed all in black - zips over the beach on black, dragonfly-styled translucent wings. Glittery sparkles emanate from said wings, completing the fairy image pretty well!

    ... If, maybe... it wasn't a guy. And they weren't dressed all in black.

    Since he can fly, he abuses this ruthlessly to scoop up bottles and small boxes. Nothing like collecting some off-world rewards!

    ... He has plenty of good reason to want money IRL, after all.

    Kirito ends up dropping out of the sky near N'raha with an armful of loot. The boy jovially exclaims, "Bit overkill for some sealife, isn't it?" Yeah, he's just ribbing. Still, he hasn't even needed to draw his sword yet.

N'raha Tia has posed:
    CRAB DEATH: Well it's not all crabs, guys. There's also big floating jellyfish things that like to spin and people and shock them. But they shouldn't be too hard either. That said, the crabs are getting shooed away/chopped up pretty easy. Now and again one gets its claws on someone and gives them a nasty pinch, but nothing too major.

    N'raha smiles at all the folks that are out here just taking in the beach though. It's a nice day for it. A wave to Kyra and Sanary, before he turns back to Setsuko. "Maybe there's smeone in their past that's... I dunno. Had the same problems I've got. I mean... Gettin' mad's one thing but when you're Chosen, like you said, I-" SWISH-CHOP goes an Aurelia. "I just don't want to do what I did to Shin again." He bends down to pick up a crate and tuck it away in his handy dandy Backpack/Inventory.

Inga has posed:
Why is Inga here? Well, she's saving up for a new goat you see...

The wisewoman has set up a large cauldron over a fire, intent on cooking crabs as they are killed. Crab is very tasty and she's not going to let all that meat go to waste! She's dressed in her usual clothing, but with the sleeves rolled up, and she's taken off her shoes so they don't get filled with sand.

Inga looks to N'raha, wielding a wooden spoon in his general direction. "The gods are hard on their Chosen," she informs him. She knows a thing or two about these things after all.

A crab approaches her, apparently with a death wish. She wacks it repeatedly with her staff until it stops moving. "One more for the pot!"

N'raha Tia has posed:

    A Triarius lookout nods to his commander, pointing out over the rocks and beach. He hands over his telescope and murmurs. "That's definately them. The woman with the sword and the Miqo'te. The Miqo'te was there at the attack in the Larkscall, and the woman is an Offworlder eikon. They can't be this close without a reason. Look there. See? Why are all the offworlders here? I..."

    The tall decurion snaps the telescope shut and growls. "We'll see about that. Alert the Commander. We're going out to greet them."

Ezio Auditore (825) has posed:
    "It is best to temper one's anger, yes." Ezio agrees, chopping another crab for the sack. The food should be fucking /delicious/ later when someone gets a fire going, Ezio even knows how to make some nice spices while he's at it!

    CHOP, SPLURCH, POCKET. Ezio seems to have a rhythm going until his sack begins to feel a bit heavy. He'll have other loot to carry home later, for now he's got ADVENTURES to do. "I admit, it is a bit strange they hired us for a task so simple to acquire crates of wine." He muses, rubbing his chin as he agrees with Kirito. "Simple work, but at the same time it seems much easier than the odds we usually deal with." Almost like a video game side-quest, one might think.

Sanary Rondel has posed:
     Joining up with Kyra, Sanary gives the White Mage a light nudge and broad grin before getting the magic circulating in her. "Heeey, Kyra. Fancy seeing you around." There's no hostility in her voice. Just an overly cheesy friendliness that wouldn't seem genuine at all... Until she drops that act to start snickering for real and talking normally. "You here to help N'raha out, too?"

     Setsuko's response gets a snicker as well, and the cleric fires a blast of... Fire through her gunaxe's barrel into one of the crabs just to see if it'll cook up properly from that. "Well, at least we won't go hungry tonight. Anyone brought salt or whatever?" She returns Kirito's wave lightly before blasting that crab a few more times for good measure, then directs some of the excess energy into Kyra top give her a bit of a boost to her natural magic regeneration.

     "It's not so bad doing easier stuff once in a while. Keeps the blood flowing, lets you try out new things..." She glances over at Ezio briefly before taking a potshot at one of the jellyfish things next! That might be edible too, after all.

Setsuko Kaminagi (255) has posed:
    There's a rip in Setsuko's pants, just above the ankle. Looking at this, she frowns, shaking off what's left of that particular crab off her blade with an absent gesture. Going to have to get those repaired. "You'll have to start learning to control your anger, then. It will always be a part of you, so it would be best to start working with it, rather than against it. I don't have nearly your temper, but I still might be able to help." She takes a step, sweeping her blade around and through one of the floating jellyfish with a smooth movement, before stopping, with a faint frown. "Wait, something seems... off. The sense of battle here is... it's out of proportion."

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    "I hope you don't do what you did to Shin again! Well /you/ better hope you don't do what you did to Shin again!" Kyra calls out, not even looking up from her phone, "I have an extra strong set of tranquilizers on me that I meant to test on that Razer guy before he disappears and I'm not afraid to use them on you in case you go berserk again, you got it-OW!!!"

    While multitasking, Kyra did not notice the crab scuttling UP her boot, making it into thigh pinching range. She yelps and flails until the crustacean is dislodged and sent rolling down the beach. With an angry huff, Kyra draws one of her guns from beneath her hoodie and puts a single bullet in it. BANG.

    Another snort follows and she slips the Psyber Special back into its holster. "Hi Sanary." Kyra says calmly, just like she would address any other of her classmates, "Oh yeah, of course! He asked me to come help, after all! And how could I turn down that adorable face?"

N'raha Tia has posed:
    N'Raha sighs at Inga nd Setsuko and Kyra, planting his axe head into the sand to lean on it a moment. He's not seeing any more of the crates nearby, maybe further down the sand. "Well, in any case, I suppose that just going to be... practice."

CASTRUM OCCIDENS: Sometimes, it can be easy to forget that Eorzea is still under occupation in places. The Castrum lights up, with spotlights and warning sirens and the sound of machinery moving and rolling out. An airship wobbles up to speed and then starts to sail out over the beaches and sands and waters of the Bloodshore, heading for the beach.

    The noise gets an immediate reaction from N'raha at least, his hair prickling, his tail fluffing out. Costa del Sol also reacts, as tourists and beachcombers scream and start to run for what little shelter there is. "D-Dammit, who... what? Why now?" The catman looks up at the airship, which starts to swoop in low, disgorging soldiers and magitek armors that wobble to life and start to advance down the beach at the cadre of folks.

Setsuko Kaminagi (255) has posed:
    "No, wait, something's..." Setsuko has a frown on her face, eyes closed. She can feel-

    And there it is.

    In a heartbeat, Zanjintou is out of its sheath again, and the demigod has her weapon drawn. "If I had to guess, it's because we're here. But that's unimportant. We have to keep them from putting Costa del Sol at risk." Already, there are men and armors on the beach. More problematically, there's an airship above - one that could still contain more troops, and one that could have weapons all its own for fire support. "I'm going after the airship. Hold the ground forces back as best you can!"

    The sand flares out beneath Setsuko as she launches into the air. Zanjintou is whipped around her, expanding to its full twelve-foot length before she's gone ten meters, and then held back behind her as she heads towards the Garlean vessel. She's not sure of its layout, so she plans to start simple - flying along its length and carving a gash the entire way with her massive blade.

Inga has posed:
Inga sets the giant crab and crab legs out on a blanket once they're cooked and ready to be eaten. She's already cracked into a couple crab legs herself. "It has been too long since I have had fresh seafood," she comments, looking to N'raha. "You will do well N'raha," she says, then blinks, her eyes growing distant for a moment. "Or you will not...but lets go with yes, you will," she adds.

Thanks Inga.

Inga looks up at the sounds that startles N'raha, her gaze following his. She frowns deeply. "Are...we being attacked?" she asks. Seems every one running away. That's likely a bad sign. The airship that launches magitek amors and soldiers gets a wide eyed look from the wisewoman, who steps away from the boiling cauldron with her staff in hand, moving closer to the others. Inga? Not a melee fighter. "Wonder if I'll die today," she says almost non-chalantly.

Inga looks to Setsuko, eyes widening further. Well. Alright. That was a thing she just saw.

Ezio Auditore (825) has posed:
    Ah crap.

    Just as Ezio drops a sackful of crabs at Inga's pot, Ezio turns to spy a group of soldiers and magitek armor begin to storm the beach like it's Normandy with wizards and swords. "Merda." He mutters, before brandishing his axe. The assassin is quick to engage the enemy with his axe, the Garleans finding themselves attacked by a crazy hooded guy with an axe bigger than some children, one he's wielding with frightening grace as he brings the weapon down on a soldier.

    Setsuko's leap catches Ezio's attention, but he'll congratulate her power and technique later, for there are /villains/ to fell in battle!

Sanary Rondel has posed:
     Sanary's on the case! Bit of a healing magic is sent Kyra's way at the pinch, and then the cleric's attention is drawn over to the airship dropping... Soldiers? That wasn't in the job description at all.

     "Hey... Uh. N'raha? That's not normal, is it?" Although she sounds mildly worried, Sanary's also grinning slightly as she readjusts her hold on the shield and reattaches the gunaxe to her hip. She can't recall the last time she fought the Garleans of this world, but there's always a first time for anything! She nudges Kyra's shoulder with her shield before gesturing at the airship (and Setsuko by extension), then loading magic into her AANS to lift off the ground and take off after it!

     In retrospect, she probably should have stayed on the ground. Sanary's not really equipped to fight a freaking airship! Unless... Explosions? Explosions. Channelling energy into her eye next, she braces the shield in front of her whiel firing off an explosive heat laser at the airship! She's not really aiming for anything in particular, though, just going for whatever looks like it'll blow up good.

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    "You still get money out of it too, either way. Maybe some brownie points with the guy that posted the job, right? That could be helpful to you, N'raha." Kyra slips her phone back into the front pocket of her hoodie.

    The noises of the oncoming airship get Kyra's attention. Though no stranger to airships, the reaction it has with the other beachgoers is rather /dramatic/ and worrisome. "Wait, what? What's going on, N'raha?" She pulls out her gun again and...flinches as she sees the soldiers start to emerge. "Oh, I've got this, Sanary." She's seen Garleans before and recognizes their tech and armor quite easily, "Oh no, not /these/ guys. Setsuko! Here, take this!"

    Reaching a hand out, she casts a damage-increasing Bravery spell on Setsuko, improving the power of the carving blow.

    Her next target is Ezio, a spell the assassin will definitely like is placed upon him: Blink. His form blurrs and seems to disappear every few seconds, giving off the effect of him flash stepping through his opponents.

Kirito has posed:
    Seeing the others having fun's enough to keep Kirito in quite a good mood. He's not met a few of these people, but others... others, he's encountered on several occasions. But just as he's setting down his catch - while Kyra and Inga fuss with the rabs - that siren goes off.

    His hand IMMEDIATELY goes to his sword on reflex alone. "WHAT NOW?!" Still airborne, he spins around in midair and faces the distant... airship?

    Kirito wastes no time engaging FULL FLIGHT SPEED, going from zero to HOLYCOW in under a few seconds.

    The unfortunate side effect is that Inga and Kyra may get blasted with some sand.


    He wastes no time coming in for a booming landing on the beach, placing himself in the way of the advancing soldiers. When the dust and cloud of sand his landing kicked up settles... he's standing there with a harsh, fierce, disapproving look. A look that's very 'Thou shall not pass' indeed.

    The look in his dark eyes is just piercing enough to choke up individuals of weaker spirit. His confident stance is one that only an accomplished swordsman indeed could maintain in the face of a BLOODY ARMY.

    "Stop right there! Explain this, right now!"

N'raha Tia has posed:
    WELL THIS IS HAPPENING: The Airship opens up on people who decide to take to the air, lashing out with deck guns and Signifiers launching lightning and ice at the approaching fliers, trying to jolt and stall their approach as they come in. Setsuko's attack leaves a gash along the midships but does not bring it down. She gets a face full of Fire for her trouble there as the airship finishes dropping off troops on the ground and tries to make a break back for the Castrum. Sanary's eye blasts will helpfully catch a few of the mages in the fire and knock them out of the fight.

    On the sands though, it's a different story. Ezio moves to get stuck in, backed up by some Blinky Blink action, flash stepping into a number of the men with the armor and swords. A few go down straight away until the men with shields start to rank up and start to form phalanx. They've been doing their research.
    Kirito's landing straight up gets one or two shots from the crowd along with calls of submission from the forming troops. They aren't attacking directly yet. They are responding to attacks though.
    That's when N'raha comes barrelling in behind the Assassino, his axe slinging up and over his shoulder to land straight in the sand with a flash and wave of aether, harassing the soldiers and trying to get their attention.

    In the back, one of the Ride Armors spins the rest of the way up, the loudspeaker blaring. "This is Evocatus Regus ven Goulus of the 2nd Cohort. DISPERSE AT ONCE. WE ARE HERE FOR THE MIQO'TE AND THE EIKON." Oh dear. N'raha's ears flick back, and his tail lashes wildly. The Phalanx raises swords and spears and starts to march forward towards the group.

Setsuko Kaminagi (255) has posed:
    Setsuko swings and banks in her flight, evading some of the fire, but not all of it, and especially not all of the Fire; a blast of thaumaturgical flame slams into her shoulder, spinning her in the air and searing flesh, but she doesn't let herself so much as slow down. Especially not with Kyra's Bravery spell coursing through her. And now the ship is trying to escape? Oh no, no no no, that's not happening. It might bring more troops, it might be reporting back.

    A quick up-and-over arc brings Setsuko around to the back end of the ship. It's turning, so she aims to put herself ahead of it, such that its back end is rotating towards her. And then she lunges forward in the air, with all the speed she can pull out in such a short distance. It's helped by having the airship's aft swinging towards her, so that when she brings Zanjintou upward, all that momentum and force will combine with the added power from Kyra's buff to make it an absolutely ferocious slash. She means to cut the back quarter of the airship clean off - and to that end, she follows her first rising slash by whipping her sword around and executing a second, horizontal swing en passant.


Ezio Auditore (825) has posed:
    Normally the sneaky assassiny type would have trouble with this many dudes, but Ezio Auditore has no such problems kicking ass in plain view. As a warrior, he's a whirlwind of sharp things as he flings knives and axes dudes left and right. While he's less armored than before, Ezio holds his own fine as he uses Kyra's buff to aid his approach.

    The throng will get afterimages as Ezio's axe severs limbs and punches through armor, the pointy end acting lie a good spike as he works around steel plate. "Not bad, miqo'te!" He calls to N'raha, admiring the catman's axework. Seems he won't have any trouble catching up with Ezio. THe assassino goes back to axing dudes, smacking the blunt end of his axe into one man's face just as he hears a loudspeaker announce intentions. "Well, I am sorry to say that will not be happening." he fires back, flinging a knife at an unfortunate man's head.

Inga has posed:
Inga isn't super confident in her ability to stand up to a bunch of soldiers, but everyone else seems like their diving right in so Inga supposes that's the plan. She reaches up to shield herself as Kirito blasts her with sand as he takes off, only barely having time to register that he's a flying pointy eared thingy and really, that would be enough to make this day a bit on the strange side even without the army, flying ship, and metal robot things.

One of the mechanical beings speaks, telling them to disperse. "The what and the what?" she grumbles. Miqo'te, that's what N'raha is, she's pretty sure. Judging by his reaction, she is guessing they are here for him. What is an Eikon though? Inga sighs and pulls her knife, slicing into her hand. Wards at least would likely be appreciated. Inga flicks the crimson aura toward N'raha, Kyra, and herself for now. "I assume we do not plan to retreat!?" she asks no one in particular. Hmm, how best to break a shield wall...

Sanary Rondel has posed:
     It's a good thing Sanary has her shields with her! Flying in a straight line is fairly easy even for her, but avoiding oncoming fire, lightning, and ice on such short notice? Not so much. Even with her flight practice, she's not nearly fast enough to do that sort of thing! No, she'll just rely on her shields (the one on her back brought forward to assist with that) and self-healing to blow right through the gunfire and blasts of magic coming her way, wincing at each bullet and chunk of ice slamming into her and jolt of lightning lightly frying her from the outside.

     It's not quite enough to drop the dual-shielding healer, however, and she puts more energy into the magitech anklets just to catch up with Setsuko. Like the warrior, she's not about to let this ship get away so easily! Even though... Would they be her allies? Something seemed off about them the last time, so maybe not.

     Well, whatever. Once she gets close enough to Setsuko, she'll start directing more magical power her way to boost her natural regeneration and provide a boost to Setsuko's energy reserves!

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    Kyra grins, letting out a small "OOoh." as she sees Inga raise wards over them. It was nice to have support being put out that didn't come from her personally-especially since she's usually so busy putting spells on other people that she takes care of herself last.

    But with some of the pressure off, Kyra can focus on other things. "SORRY YOU CAN'T HAVE THE MIQO'TE! OR THE EIKON!" she calls out, flipping her left hand so the back of it is aimed at the oncoming Phalanx. Something beeps and the Matter Manipulator starts projectile-ejecting flasks of her own home brewed napalm potions. With this set-up, she can fire them at a good two every minute which is much faster than her usual throwing.

Kirito has posed:
    Being shot at in midair is easy enough for Kirito to react to. He swerves and swoops and barrel rolls away from most of them. Only one strikes him in the leg for a small decal of crimson damage light.

    After landing, Kirito....


    "An entire army of trained soldiers against one guy with an axe? That's the height of lame." What's an Eikon? He could swear he's heard that word before.

    The sound of metal rasping against metal echoes across the beach as Kirito draws his rather plain-looking black sword from its resting place across his back.

    Just as he's about to give the soldiers a further warning to buzz off over though... well, things start getting vicious. Kirito's expression flickers into bits of panic territory with Ezio going full lethal immediately.

    As for Setsuko off in the distance and her being ballsy enough to try chopping up an airship... "Besides. You guys have bigger problems. Like how you're getting home at this rate." He sees fit to point with his sword at the airship under attack.

    Only then does he drop into a combat stance, unsure what he ought to be doing. Killing people is NOT his style if it can be at ALL avoided...

N'raha Tia has posed:
    Well today's going to suck for a lot of Garlean soldiers, that's for sure. That said, they're not going down lightly.
    Ezio and Kyral are the first to challenge the Phalanx with sword and axe and fire. The napalm is sticky as hell and burning, but shields in place can help mitigate it from getting to tender flesh, and there's Medica in the back line to toss their own healing spells on the troops. The Phalanx breaks open, and hoplites and swordsmen spill out to challenge Ezio and N'raha directly. The Phalanx continues to march forward now at a steady pace. There's a reason it lasted so long as a military tactic.

    Swords flash and spears jab as three of the hoplites all dart forward and try to stab the Assassino with lances at the same time, followed up by battering sweeps of their swords.

    N'raha gets a group of Secutors, the brawlers all moving in to get inside his axe blade and range, landing jabbing blows on the blood shield Inga threw on him.

    Up above though, that airship is in a load of trouble as Setsuko SLASHES at it. It doesn't lop off the back end, but there's an explosion somewhere inside of ceruleum cooking off as she disables the airships engines, leaving it to list a bit in mid air. Troops start to swarm out of it, trying to evacuate as safely as they can before it explodes.

    The Loudspeaker squawks again. "RIGHT WE WARNED YOU. ADVANCE." And then it splays out its legs, massive cannons coming to bear and it ranges out with a pair of laser beams that cut across the sands, glassing the beach a bit and trying to reach Inga and Kyra in the back. Two smaller armors come charging out of the squall, bearing down on the group in general and Kirito in specific, their chests ripping out energy blasts.. Oh dear.

Setsuko Kaminagi (255) has posed:
    The healing from Sanary pushes Setsuko's regeneration into overdrive, and her strength increases all the more for it. She can feel the give of her twelve-foot blade hitting something crucial, so she almost immediately lunges away and swings around in the air, coming down on the sand upshore from the Garleans and her own group - snaring them in a pincer attack, more or less. The demigod bringss her massive sword around, holding it on the diagonal in such a way as to show off its massive size to her opponents, and then she takes a breath, raising her voice.


    Having said that, she offers them only a fierce stare. The instant any of them try to attack her, she'll go right after them first.

Sanary Rondel has posed:
     Airship down! That's definitely something Sanary's more than willing to take credit for even if she didn't necessarily do more than blast some people riding it. Stupid flying deathtraps. She's definitely more than happy to let Setsuko handle the heavy lifting here, landing not too far behind the woman with both of her shields in tow and strapping the oval shield onto her back again.

     Just in case, however, she takes a large cube out of her coat and unfolds into.... A riot shield. Time for triple-shielding! Without needing to strain herself to keep the AANS functioning, the healer's able to dedicate even more energy towards powering up the swordswoman while acting as her shield wall.

     Besides, she's pretty sure she isn't going to come up with any better threat than /that/ just now. Better to just look like the quiet one for now.

Inga has posed:
Inga really isn't a coward by nature, but she is practical. And practically speaking, she's not sure how they're going to win this. Inga still just doesn't quite get the awesome powers many of the Elites have at their disposal. Thus, she's not feeling very good about this.

She is glad she put wards up around herself and Kyra, for soon enough laser beams are being aimed at the pair of them. Inga steps back, but she's too slow to dodge the beam. Luckily, her ward protects her a good deal, though she still falls backward with the force of it, burns marking her legs.

She gets to her feet as quickly as she can, which is not quickly at all, wincing all the while. Her regeneration is kicking in however, healing her wounds as seconds pass. The woman with the huge sword calls for the soldiers surrender, and having brought down their ship like she did, the intimidation might just work. Inga's grip tightens on her staff. "Kyra, remember...don't do something foolish to protect me," she says to her, giving the girl a solid look. Kyra knows. Inga is reminding her.

With that, Inga begins to channel her anima. If they are going to fight, so be it. She'll channel the power of the gods and pray to Odin for victory. The runes in her staff begin to glow blue-white, the little hairs that have escaped her braid rising as the air crackles with gathering electricity. The staff is aimed toward the advancing troops, a crack of lightning arching toward them, seeming to make the air itself tremble with the force of it.

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    Kyra isn't much of a brave person when faced with giant lasers. But she is also pretty /smart/ in the face of this particular situation. She knows of Inga's abilities and is well positioned to take full advantage of them.

    Kyra steps behind Inga and lets her take the brunt of the laser blast, using her as a shield.

    "Oh, I know." Kyra says, from behind Inga, "If anything, I know you might do something 'foolish' to protect me." As she sees Inga start to gather power, Kyra cuts in with some spellcasting of her own and drops a 'Faith' spell on the seer. The spell itself enhances magical power, of course, being the sister support spell to Bravery.

Ezio Auditore (825) has posed:
    THat airship going down should do wonders against enemy morale, and Ezio squares off against a trio of swordsmen with her axe ready. His gauntlets block their strikes, but he's clearly gonna have a problem against these dudes in a straight up fight with their spears and shields as well as swords. Ezio catches a wound in the side, grunting as he replies with a hidden gunshot directly at a lance toting hoplite.

    His axe then florishes, spinning in an arc as he tries to catch another Garlean footman in his strike for breathing room. That wound of his gushes with red, but he keeps fighting for the moment. KYra might wanna get to throwing cure spells soon, if he's going to stay in this battle.

Kirito has posed:
    THIS looks pretty bad. Kirito's not in danger of dying here... but others sure are. So when the Garleans turn full hostile he grits his teeth.

    Kirito shifts his balance forward and kicks off into a full sprint. The motion's so fast that it kicks up a wave of sand and a dull roaring noise. He blazes past the 'small fry' soldiers for the armors coming for him. The first few shots, he cautiously dodges. Thus...

    Thus, establishing their rates of fire. His black blade shines cerulean as he LAUNCHES HIMSELF at one of the armors just as the other opens fire on him!

    Sure, he takes a single blow in the side from one of the shots. But he cuts STRAIGHT THROUGH the other. The enchanted blade simply cancels out the energy shot in a spluttering shower of sparks and straight into the open emitter it goes!

    Should it manage to pierce, the impact unleashes an explosion of ICY POWER that freezes everything around. Said ice immediately and rather damagingly SHATTERS.

N'raha Tia has posed:
    Regus ven Goulus's original plan of 'overwhelm the outsiders, capture the Eikon and Miqo'te is starting to unravel. Oh dear. That Ride armor of his turns from its lasering of Inga and Kyra to face Setsuko as she brings his airship to a listing in midair. It's not going down just yet, but it's not going anywhere. The Ride armor /charges/ at the demigod, a pair of heavy mithril sword arms coming out to lash at her. Looks like he's not... afraid... of no eikon.
    The Phalanx is starting to break up into smaller groups, that were about to start boxing in N'raha and Eizo when Inga lets loose with her lightning spell, sending multiple shield bearers tumbling into the sand and out of the fight. That's going to open up at least some breathing room for the two melee. Ezio's slashing opens up more that room, spilling more blood into the sand as N'raha comes around as well. The Assassino is getting, more than enough respect from the men as they try to keep back from those slashing blade, spears pointing and shields up. If that's not respect than what is?
    Setsuko and Inga are both going to sense it first, as the Aether starts to build in the marauder. That axe slides easily through the air, chopping at Garleans with flurries of cast off energy. He's starting to aetherically glow, energy rolling off of him. There's a fierceness in his face as he shoulder tackles one of the men and charges the smaller Ride Armors.

    Kirito smashes into one of the armors, blasting the man inside with frosty slices of his sword and knocking him still at the controls. It's going to keep wandering towards Costa del Sol until he wakes up. N'raha charges at the other one, howling mad, his axe trailing liquid energy as he turns to lay into the magitek.

    Though from her vantage point, Sanary will be the first to spot a small group of soldiers rolling up and into the bushes and trees at the highwater mark to try and counter flank the group, aiming to strike at Inga and Kyra.

Sanary Rondel has posed:
     Despite having only one eye, something odd catches Sanary's attention from the corner of her vision. It's.. More soldiers? That certainly won't go well for Inga and Kyra if they get the jump on them, though, meaning it's up to the axe cleric to draw their attention! Maybe. Or at least draw their attention to the soldiers.

     Peering out from behind her shields, Sanary fires off another eye laser at the gathered soldiers, detonating it early to try and ignite the whole thing around them. Of course, her aim's not always the best, but at the very least? It'll still be a fairly loud explosion.

     Sanary fights the urge to grin in excitement as the leader in the armor charges right towards Setsuko and herself, determined to look completely disinterested in his very existence. She's not about to let some guy in a big mechanize suit of armor push her around, though, and she braces those shields before moving forward, trying to smash metal against metal and halt Regus' attack before it can reach the demigod.

Setsuko Kaminagi (255) has posed:
    With Zanjintou set in a rather aggressive ready position, Setsuko is about to meet the charge of the enemy's bladed magitek. But Sanary lunges ahead of her, something that surprises the swordswoman enough that she pauses for just an instant. She's not going to let that chance pass, though. It's too perfect. While Sanary moves in with her shields, Setsuko leaps, a soaring arc that takes her out to the magitek armor's side. As soon as her boots hit the sand again, she launches forward, charging straight at him from his left, only to suddenly plant her boots at the last moment and pop right up into the air. "ZANJINTOU...!"

    It's not nearly the height of her signature finisher, but it's still more than enough to lend force to it as she brings the tremendous sword straight down on the armor and its rider from above.


Kirito has posed:
    Kirito wrenches his blade clear of the armor, leaving utterly WRECKED metal in its wake. Once it starts the Sword Skill just doesn't stop, and this means TEARING a path free of the armor as Kirito flips away. The glow vanishes, Vox Unitas returning to normal.

    It takes him a bit to realize that... well, wow, the armor's just walking on autopilot. That's... probably not the best idea. So he doesn't let up the assault and instead aims to yank the pilot out and shut the machine down. This may involve, in the end, a concerted effort on its legs just to halt the advance...

    "They should've just surrendered! Sheesh..."

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    Sanary better get a move-on. Kyra seems to be completely unaware of the flanking group of soldiers moving around to counterattack her and Inga. She does let out a low whistle, watching as Setsuko absolutely goes to /town/ on that ride armor. "M...man...all so strong..." she murmurs, perhaps with a touch of the usual jealousy, before she turns her attention to N'raha himself.

    Murmuring, she reaches out with her hand, weaving a Protect spell on the Miq'ote followed by a Bravery spell to help improve his strikes as well. Her right hand seems content to remain clutched around her gun though she doesn't actually shoot anyone with it. Despite these Garleans being awful anti-magic Nazis, she still seems reluctant to shoot to kill any of them.

Inga has posed:
Apparently her concern was unfounded, for Kyra remembers and has no qualms about using Inga as a shield. Well, alright then! Inga gives her a look, then laughs briefly. "I shall do what must be done," she tells her, then grins as she feels Kyra's Faith spell empowering her own magic. "Why thank you," she utters before that blast was unleashed. It seems to have given the fighters some breathing room.

Upon turning her attention to the melee, it becomes clear the Ezio needs some healing. Inga unsheaths her knife once more and slices into her skin, flicking the blood outward and toward Ezio, willing the ward to surround him. Regenerative energy should surge through him, a protective barrier of shimmering crimson surrounding him in a bubble to protect him while he heals.

It smells vaguely like honey.

Being a Seer, she is rather good at sensing things and people who try to surprise her. If that wasn't enough, Sanary has gotten the drop on them as well. Inga turns, glaring in the direction of the soldiers. If they still decide to try to approach Inga and Kyra after Sanary's attack, Inga begins an incantation. Her words carry across the distance, thrumming with power. "Shall I curse you with the hour of your deaths!? Run, and you may see another day!" Inga calls, casting a curse over the small group of soldiers. "May your shields break and your swords be dulled, pour your blood open the earth as your ranks be culled," she hisses.

While not all may use swords and shields as she's used to, the effect is the same. Weapons will jam, perhaps even backfire. Armor will grow brittle, electronics short circuit, etc.

Ezio Auditore (825) has posed:
    Kyra may have her qualms about killing these Garleans, but Ezio has no such issues. These men slaughter the magic users, conquer their land, and a lot of other things. As Inga's spell patches his injury, the assassino roars with renewed vigor and purpose as he plants his axe into a soldier's neck. Why does he smell honey?

    Oh well, her magic does well in keeping him in the fight, and Ezio pries his axe loose before he draws a dagger in his off-hand, shiving a soldier through the gaps of his armor. One advantage of dressing light is the mobility he has over these clowns, with their full plate and heavy shields compared to his much more dextirous fighting technique.

N'raha Tia has posed:
    It's going from bad to worse now. One ride armor is disabled, the pilot... dead or close to it. N'raha... probably didn't need that Bravery spell at this point. The Protect will help though as two of the Brawlers close back in and start slugging him in the back and sides. The Shield fizzles away as the Miqo'te stays SUPER FOCUSED on chopping that smaller armor into bits, a screaming man inside going suddenly quiet. He turns and unleashes another of those waves of energy at the Secutors, the punch fellows staggering back and the catman howls. "COME ON THEN. YOU WANTED ME HERE I AM." There's the Angry.

    Kirito's attacks will finally stop the other Ride Armor from travelling all the way over towards Costa del Sol, which is a very good thing. Now what, Black Swordsman?
    Now it's Ezio's turn to get stuck in, and the battle wear is starting to show on the men. As more and more of their number fall victim to blades and magic, they're starting to falter and break ranks. Not even the healers are able to keep up with the needs at this point. There's just too much going on. The Assassino's crafty eyes can spot... well, someone with fancier robes in the back, chanting and casting a little harder than the others in that stolen magical gear they use.

    Sanary and Setsuko are laying into Regus as well now, double teaming the big ride armor with massive blows and shielding. Sanary's tanking stops the first swings in their tracks, the big armor having trouble coming back and around. Time for a punish. And what a punish as Setsuko proves why these people think she's a Primal. That sword blade comes around again, and she slashes a good massive chunk of armor off one of those big shoulder blades on the Magitek. He's not out yet though. Crystals light up on the chest of the armor, and it lets off a burst of explosive magical energy at close range. CQC chaff to try and drive the two away so he can put some distance and get back his initiative.

    Kyra and Inga's sudden flanking is cut short as Sanary and Inga both spot the incoming ,and Inga... lays down the deep voodoo hexing. There's a sudden very large reluctance of any of these men to continue to move on the women, before their commander hollers at them. "Don't be afraid of these barbarians, men. ATTACK. ATTACK!" And they do in fact charge in at the pair, though,maybe not as confidently as they did before. Swords and spears flash and try to make proper contact on the casters.

Ezio Auditore (825) has posed:
    Ezio grins underneath his hood, sheathing his dagger in favor of a flashbang grenade. "Catch!" He tosses it after pulling the pin, aiming it at the soldiers' feet. Once it goes off and blinds them, Ezio begins to run towards one of the shield guys.

    He'll leap, using the soldier's shield as a platform to jump onto and off of before he rolls onto the sands, sprinting towards the robed man chanting in magic as he draws his axe.

    "For anti-magic users," He winds up for a devastating blow with his axe, swinging it at the mage with full force. "You lack the conviction to stand by your personal ethics."

    SHUNK. "Requescat in pace."

Sanary Rondel has posed:
     Those first hits do quite a number on Sanary's arms even with the shields to take the brunt of the damage, the impacts themselves sending waves of pain through her arms. She grimaces painfully and hunches forward against the shields just to keep herself standing, fairly certain that at least some of those bones are broken or at LEAST dislocated already.

     "... Hn. Strong one." She manages to spit out with a strained chuckle, taking some time to pump some energy into her arms to try and get them to working condition before anything else can come her way. All the rapid-fire magic use is starting to take a toll on her energy reserves, however, and she's sweating a bit just to keep up her RUGGED TOUGH APPEARANCE despite the size difference.

     Still, with Regus still standing and Setsuko still handling damage? Sanary's not ready to give up yet! Rearing her head back exaggeratedly as if she's preparing for another heat laser, she howls suddenly and points at Regus before throwing her head forward and...

     ... Doing absolutely nothing. No heat laser. No switching to her gunaxe. Instead, she's just holding her ground behind the shield, grimacing at the explosions surrounding her and rocking the shields in front of her and the one on her back. Still, she's hoping that the motion is enough to distract Regus while she directs her energy over towards Setsuko again.

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    "Oh jeeze-" N'raha, Kyra observes, is definitely freaking out a little. But in /this/ area she doesn't want him to not berserk, not when he's being ganged up onto and potentially being corralled to be captured. Would he remain berserk after the battle-a possibility that she'll deal with if it comes to that. But for now, N'raha needed to live.

    Tracing circles in the air, Kyra directs her hand over to the struggling Miq'ote, "CURA!" she calls out, releasing the healing spell over the warrior.

    Then the flankers charge in. Squealing, she twists out of the way, only to find herself jabbed in the gut by a spear. A squeal escapes her and she peels herself away, clutching the wound in her stomach. A soft grunt follows as she struggles to now cast a cure spell on herself. "H-hey, a little help over here!"

Setsuko Kaminagi (255) has posed:
    Setsuko finds herself blown back by the magitek armor's close-range blast. The explosive purge of aether wasn't something she expected it to be able to do, and as a result the demigod goes ass over teakettle. She's quick enough to recover, but the damage is done, blood now streaming down the side of her face. However, she stops for just a moment when he starts screaming orders to his men. Orders to keep attacking.

    She doesn't even need to look, she can feel how the battle is flowing, but she looks anyway, confirming it with her own eyes. They're winning. The Garleans are losing. And he's ordering them to attack.

    "Damned /fool/," the demigod growls, standing up to her full height. Around her feet, the sand ripples faintly, as if from an unseen breeze.

    "The battle turns against you, and still you order them to fight. Your men spill their blood on the sand and breathe their last under your command, and still you don't call for a retreat or a surrender. Is your bloodthirst really that great? Or are you simply blind to the battle around you? No... no, I don't really care. Still your tongue and save your excuses, I won't hear them!"

    Zanjintou whips around her, kicking up sand in the wake of its passing, and Setsuko drops into a low, deep stance, weapon behind her. "My name is Setsuko... SETSUKO KAMINAGI! I am the Sword of the War God! And a commander so callous as to throw the lives of his men away is someone I will never forgive. If I take your head, I'll be doing the Garlean military a service! TAAAAAAH!"

    There's a plume of sand as the demigod explodes into the sky again, this time launching like a rocket. Sanary's power infuses her, sending her skyward even more quickly than usual for as long as she remains in range. Higher, higher still, far up into the sky, twin plumes of blue flaring from her back like thrusters, or wings, it's hard to tell, until she's just a tiny, gleaming speck high above...


    And then down she comes. Like an azure meteor, hurtling down from the heavens straight towards the shores of Vylbrand, straight down at the sandy Bloodshore beach on which the Garleans have begun their ill-fated attack. All the force of gravity, all the speed Setsuko can muster, all the weight in her blade and all the strength in her arms, all brought into one furious attack that brings Zanjintou into - and almost certainly /through/ - the magitek armor.


Inga has posed:
Inga's eyes narrow. "Excuse me?" she says as the commander calls them barbarians. And there, he goads his men to attack them anyway. Well, looks like she's found her target.

Inga takes her knife and jabs it into her arm, blood splurting out only to pool in the air rather than fall to the ground, rapidly coming together and solidifying into multiple wicked looking spears. She makes a sweeping gesture and the spears fly toward the man who appears to be in charge of the troops trying to flank them, seeking to impale him--and if her curse took hold, his armor likely won't help him much against the anima charged blood-spears.

Inga looks over her shoulder to the other battle, sensing the Fury that fills N'raha. A small frown. Can he channel that fury or will it get him killed? A myriad of fates stretches forward...but Inga doesn't have time to follow the threads.

Kyra's being stabbed.

Inga's blood still flows, and she uses it to casts a quick heal on Kyra, moving as best she can to put herself in front of the girl, though Inga will likely be the one impaled next. Oh, they will pay for it though, of that she's certain.

Clearly, they need help.

Kirito has posed:
    What now indeed?

    He's flinching harshly inside at all the REAL violence being waged here. Avoiding killing people - reasons be damned - is something he strives really hard to do. He's a swordsman, but he fights MONSTERS... not flesh and blood people with families... at least, if it can be at all avoided. So far, he's fairly sure that it COULD be.

    So he grimaces hellishly at the sight of what's happening around him.

    "So. What'll it be, soldiers?! I just brought down your fancy heavy gear with this 'barbarian' sword!" He sees fit to taunt them. But his attention flickers about... he sees the danger Kyra and Inga are in, and... ewwwww.

    "Hold on!" Once again his wings flare to full power. He wastes NO TIME closing the distance back to where he just left. At the speeds fairies can fly... that's not hard at all. He flies just like a missile.

    And instead of swinging his sword, he just moves to TACKLE the girls' attackers with all that momentum and send them into the surf!

N'raha Tia has posed:
    WELL NOW. 'A Little Help Here' reaches the Miqo'te's ears, and N'raha... There's a snarl in his voice again. Kirito's charging off after Kyra's attackers, and there's plenty... well. The scrum of this is Ezio's playground now, with all the damage that's been done. The catman plants his hands on top of the downed Ride Armor, charges up it dragging his axe behind him. It casts sparks and throws off energy as he howls a challenge at the Doomed cadre of constripts. Regus' words are going to ring awfully hollow as the Marauder /leaps/ across the field. There's a...

    Kyra of all people will recognize this forr what it is. It's a Limit Break. There's a massive explosion of Aether from the cat, and he lands int the middle of the crowd with a burst of Fury, a cyclone of energy dragging all of those foes in and giveing HIM their UNDIVIDED ATTENTION. "YOU WANTED THE MIQO'TE? MY NAME IS N'RARA, OF THE SCIONS OF THE SEVENTH DAWN. FACE ME!"

    They all try to back away, but their going is hampered by his Presence. Oh dear.

N'raha Tia has posed:
    Even as N'raha is laying into the last of the Upright and mostly mobile troops on the other side, Sanary and Setsuko have coralled Regus back into a place where he really doesn't want to be. That is, fighting any of these damned people any more. Moreover, now the Eikon is lecturing him in the command of his own troops. THe Speaker flares as he tries to fend off the attacks, but... It's not working so well. "You are a USURPER. You think you're going to save these people, this whole wretched place? Your presence damages their very existence, Sword of the War God." That final strike comes around and then there is no more, because that speaker is in the bits of the Ride Armor that Setsuko just carved away, leaving what's left of it to fall silent, unmoving, leaking ceruleum from important places.

    Inga and Kirito and Kyra may not have actually needed the help from N'raha, but it's sure to bring more than enough relief. Those bloody spears from the Seer lance out and eviscerate one of the soldiers in the fancier armor, before Kirito and N'raha corral the rest into a horrible place where they're all going to be murdered by plebeians.

    EZIO: This man's name was Estmar Waller. He was a conscript, many years ago when the Garleans first attacked these lands. He hasn't seen his family for years, and gaining rank in the military was his only way up and over the drek on these shores.. The man bleeds out underneath the Assassin, and... there now words for this barbarian. Not for the man who killed him. He spits blood at the Italian and locks eyes as he perishes.

    Someone in the crowd breaks rank. It's not a very large thing, but there's panic now. The commander's armor is damaged and he's probably dead. All the Sergeants are bleeding out or incapacitated. The Chain of Command is broken.

Ezio Auditore (825) has posed:
    Well. That went surprisingly better than expected. Ezio has had his share of abuse from random goons he's shived, though every kill has been nothing but professional from him. There is no need to remain personal in these day to day kills. Just requescate in pace and move on. Some guys don't even get that much, this mage should've been honored to get that much.

    "...now this is over." He growls, directed towards the rest of the soldiers now that the Commander has been put down. The blood soaked assassin is not someone to defy right now.

Setsuko Kaminagi (255) has posed:
    "No," Setsuko replies simply. "It does not. I am not of this world. I am not one of your 'eikons'. And I am not here to usurp anything. I am simply a warrior who won't stand for tyranny when she sees it." It might be pointless to even say it, with her blade half-buried in the sand and the magitek armor sparking above her. He's almost certainly dead. But... they're words that beg for answer, even if no one will hear it.

    There's a soft 'fwoomp' as Zanjintou returns to its katana form, but Setsuko doesn't sheath it. Her first concern is Sanary, looking up to check that she's okay. Only once she's assured of it, does the swordswoman turn to face the rest of the Garleans still standing. "GARLEAN SOLDIERS, THROW DOWN YOUR ARMS. THIS IS YOUR LAST WARNING." At that, she takes the sword up in both hands, an implicit threat. If they don't stop fighting now...

Sanary Rondel has posed:
     Panting heavily as she pushes herself back up, Sanary stares at what's left of Regus' armor before looking towards Setsuko with a broad grin. Mildly terrified, of course, but still! She appears to be doing well enough, at least, aside from her arms' movements still being a little stiffer than before. "Good work. Just some cleaning up left now." Bringing those shields back up and ready to move, she pauses to stare at at armor again and shakes her head. "The hell happened to you..?" Is she talking to a corpse? She's talking to a corpse.

     She doesn't do that for long, at least, considering how there's still a battle going on. Or... Something vaguely resembling a battle. With all the dead and dying laying about, she doesn't have many targets to really pick from. Instead, she settles back into a more healing-focused role, concentrating and trying to gather what's left of her magic reserves together again.

     "Alright... Who needs it?" As she speaks, she starts channelling healing magic towards Ezio and Kyra first, focusing on patching up what wounds weren't handled by the latter and Inga while also trying to give Kyra a boost to her MP regeneration before Sanary empties her own reserves out.

Inga has posed:
Kirito, with a flying tackle, to the rescue! Then N'raha is not far behind. With them there and the officer down, Inga turns her full attention to Kyra. Impaling, for normal people, is generally pretty difficult to heal. Inga is glad she doesn't have to play by those rules right now. Sanary soon arrives as well, and Inga is sure between them both they'll have Kyra's injury well in hand. "Well, that was unpleasant," she sighs. Inga's been burned a bit, and the only other wounds are self inflicted and healing quickly.

Inga looks to N'raha. He's in the Fury, will he be able to stop himself?

N'raha Tia has posed:
    Burn them. Tear them to pieces. This is your need. YOur right. You are the victor, let none forget that, N'raha. It's not words. It's a feeling. A certainty that gnaws at him. This is what should be donw.

    But here as he's standing over the broken men the bodies, the blood and everything... These men Fear Him. They are terrified right now. He's won. He grips that axe again. Finish it, finish the swing, these men don't deserve your mercy.

    "I can do that, yes." The miqo'te's eyes close slowly, as he tries to relax his grip on his axe, and just... sets the blade down into the sand. "Yes, if they surrender, I will call the Maelstrom." The barely veiled edge in his voice begs any of these men to keep fighting.

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    Kyra wiggles her way from the rest of the soldiers, dodging and biding time until Kirito and N'raha can get closer to break faces. It doesn't take very long and inwardly, that makes her smile. She pulls her hand away from her stomach, briefly notes that it is covered in blood, and moves swiftly towards Inga.

    Between Inga and Sanary, the formerly heavily-bleeding and formerly fatally-bleeding wound closes completely, leaving a blood-smeared red welt in its place. Kyra lets out a slow breath and wipes the blood on her hand onto her skirt. She knows how to get it out later.

    "Thanks!" she calls out to everyone here who answered her call for help. Her eyes quickly widen at N'raha though. She can definitely recognize a limit break and she sees the terror in those that still live who might recognize it in some way too. Her eyes remain pinned on the Miq'ote, watching his reaction.

N'raha Tia has posed:
    And if you think any of these surviving men are going to keep fighting monstrous barbarians who have come to slaughter them mercilessly, you'd be nuts.

    Though, Regus ven Goulus is NOT DEAD! There's movement inside the armor of that Ride Armor, and he's... it's busted. It's busted, he's trapped and he can't communicate with his men and this is awful.

Inga has posed:
Inga smiles to Kyra, then Sanary. "Well done. That....was..." Inga trails off, shaking her head. Now is that point in time where she feels once more how utterly bizarre and sometimes terrifying the multiverse is.

She then finds herself vaguely wondering if catnip would help N'raha calm down...she actually carries some in her pouch. You know, for cat emergencies.

Its also good for digestion!

Sanary Rondel has posed:
     And that's about it for Sanary's magic reserves! She can feel her vision starting to flicker out as she completely bottoms herself out just pouring energy into Kyra and Ezio, and the light in that magitech eye goes out not long after. "Feeling better now? Alright.. Uh. So. How's he doing?" She waves vaguely in the direction of where she thinks N'raha had been, not noticing that her gestures are a little off.

     Or very off, even, since it probably looks more like she's gesturing at where Regus' armor is rather than the Miqo'te. Not that she has any idea she's doing that, of course.

Ezio Auditore (825) has posed:
    Ezio sighs once the fighting dies down, resting his axe on his shoulder as he feels his injuries knit together. "You have my thanks, milady." He nods to Sanary, clapping her shoulder before he begins to approache Regus' armor. "Now then..." He taps the disabled magitek suit with his boot, to get Regus' attention. "What need exactly do you even /have/ of N'raha and Major Kaminagi?" He interrogates.

N'raha Tia has posed:
    Very muffled, from inside the armor, comes Ezio's response. It is profanity laden and low in information except how best to insert piece of Ezio into himself.

Sanary Rondel has posed:
     Although Sanary's prepared for some sort of contact upon hearing Ezio's approach, she still staggers just a bit from the clap before grinning over at him. "Just doing my job. Can't.. Uh." There's a pause, then a confused look on her face. "Who...?" She can't quite see Regus, but she can certainly here something coming from where Setsuko had left him. The cleric sighs, pauses, then clears her throat. "You know. If you need him interrogated, I can take care of that once I recharge some."

Kirito has posed:
    Kirito flips out of the surf and back to Kyra and Inga's side. He lands in a deep stance between them and the remaining soldiers - well, where the soldiers WERE... and looks onward at N'raha's grisly assault. Except... the soldiers are all down.

    What N'raha hasn't eviscerated anyways.

    It's enough to get Kirito's stomach LURCHING. The gore. The death. The pain. It has his stomach churning. Were he here in reality he might be puking. As it is, he wants to run away. Forget this ever happened. Just go sink his head in something nice and run.

    But he doesn't. He stands there stalwartly and... "Sorry I wasn't here fast enough."

    Apologizes to Inga and Kyra. Worriedly looking over them. Fierce as he tries to be, there's a real, unquestionable glint in his eyes - the panicked hints of a boy who's in a horrible situation and just struggling to cope flickers in those dark eyes.

    "ARe you two alright?"

Inga has posed:
Inga's seen that look in many a young man's eyes. She smiles to Kirito. "Quick enough, thank you. We're fine," she assures him. Even Inga's burns are healing. Sadly, her dress doesn't also heal. Now that'd be a neat trick.

Ezio Auditore (825) has posed:
    Ezio does not blink at the torrent of verbal abuse he endures. He's heard it all, and this is nothing new to him.

    Holding up a hand, he speaks again. "That will not be necessary, Sanary. I will deal with this myself." He turns his head to N'raha and Setsuko calmly, speaking once again. "I will be taking this man to be interrogated. When he has spoken, I will have him returned to his homeland unharmed and whatever information he divulges shall be passed along to you." Then Ezio uses his axe like a makeshift crowbar, prying the suit open before he 'helpfully' gets the guy out of his armor.

    Then he cold cocks the officer, before dragging him off like a sack of potatoes.

    He'll make his way towards the nearest warpgate, without further adieu.

Setsuko Kaminagi (255) has posed:
    The look Setsuko gives Ezio is dubious. But she raises no objection - and even applies her superhuman strength to helping the Assassin pry the officer out. "Being returned to your homeland is more mercy than you deserve," she says, just before the man is knocked out cold.

    Her next concern is the others present - Kyra, Kirito, and Inga - but they seem to have things handled on their end. So for now, she stick around, to wait and give a statement to the Maelstrom when they arrive.