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The Butchery
Date of Scene: 05 October 2016
Location: City of Ravnica <Rav>
Synopsis: Exploration and investigation of "The Butchery" Yunomi's second lab
Cast of Characters: 272, 385, 215, 325, Maya

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
    Far beneath the hallowed halls of the Azorus senate, the second site of Yunomi's labs lay beneath its deepest archives, through winding passages.

    Dispatched by the Izzet, the small security drone named 'Pidge' is happily beeping and flashing its red and blue lights, hovering at the front of the group who would seek to know more about Yunomi's reasons, her methods -- or to see if they could track her down.

    THe entrance to the Butchery is disguised, its form hidden carefully against a pile of rubble beneath a collapsed house. This section of the undercity was only vaguely beneath the control of the Senate, in so much as as long as there wasn't too much noise, it would be left alone. Murky blue lite filters down through a single window located high above this street, withhouses shrouded in mold and slick wetness, dark stone and the pale blue of gas lights the only light this low.

    Pidge hovers near a collapsed pillar, a beacon for those in the darkness, flitting nervously.

Yuna Kagurazaka (385) has posed:
While Yuna wasn't able to draw the connections which led to the 'Butchery' (and in all honesty, it sounds like the kind of place she'd prefer to stay well away from), she's still committed to finding Yunomi and helping to resolve the situation - which means, she heads for the rendezvous point, aiming to be there at the appointed time.

The sight of Pidge's hovering form is rather welcome to Yuna, and she actually waves to the drone; she's already outfitted in her Light Suit, and Elner is flitting along next to her as usual. The remainder of the Matrix of Light is in the general area - but rather than converging on the Butchery with Yuna, the three androids are scouting some of the nearby passages. They may be looking for alternate routes into or out of the Butchery; they may be keeping watch for any sign of the Magic-Eaters or other bounty-seekers who don't have Yunomi's own interests in mind. Or they might just be keeping an eye out in the general area, not *with* the group but close enough to respond if a fight develops and Yuna needs some extra firepower or the like.

As usual, while Yuna is in her battlesuit, she hasn't produced a weapon yet; she just doesn't want to be caught defenseless if something hostile shows up. Not that it takes Yuna more than a second or so to transform, but still.

Iria (215) has posed:
Unlike Yuna and maybe some others, no place is off limits to Iria when it comes to finding a friend or loved one. The sound of something called the 'Butchery' is more than enough to pique Iria's interests as well as her possible suspicions. Namely because recently, she was on a hunt in Italy-927 and heard of a place with a similar name and... oh wait, we're getting off-track here, aren't we?

Unlike the usual attire she has on, Iria has ditched her cape and is instead wearing her armored bodysuit instead. The sight of Pidge is a welcome sight to her as well, and she gives a slight smirk and a nod to it, giving a bigger smile to Yuna as she waves and then does a flipping of her hair as if to say, "Let's do this!"

And like Yuna, Iria doesn't have any weapons out either. She's skilled in martial arts so she can fight unarmed as well as armed, but she has a few weapons on standby if need be.

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
    There was no excuse given this time. When Skara showed up, it was entirely because she was interested in helping this little group, and not because she was just on a random patrol or just wandering the city. Besides, wandering around in Azor territory was about as entertaining as watching paint dry. Supression fields and all other manner of 'magical control' kept the place more orderly then the most strict of beuracractic offices. Beneath the upper city though? Not so bad. As long as everything LOOKED nice and the people ACTED nice, they could care less what went on underground. Is it any wonder some of the more 'dirty' guilds were located in the undercity? Probably not.

    Spotting Yuna, Iria, and anyone else around, the gruff ex-soldier offers a wave, then eyes the drone for a long moment, and then turns back to the others. "So, 'nother lab? somethin' else?"

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
    THere doesn't seem to be too much to worry about. This is a quiet area.

    Maybe even too quiet.

    Pidge beeps urgently, fluttering about before giving a soft 'blaaaat' and a little red light lights up, blinks twice, and then dies.

    Pidge is drawn down slowly, and the exposure to Izzet tech makes a little symbol glow blue.

    It's Japanese, far earlier than Yuna's time b ut recognizable. It says: "Open"

    and has a little button that looks like a Q with a fat tail and two ears over it.

Maya has posed:
Maya had a history with this city and both the Izzet and even the Boros. She'd also known Yunomi for other a decade and had been very concerned since everything went to hell. She'd however not made much head way on or own, or flare ups of issues with the Chosen Noblity back home had also aquired her attention as well. This thankfully has been settled and here she was following just a bit after Yuna Rifle slung across her back and a deck of fate cards at the ready as she went onwards. She's not pulled the rifle her cards were danger enough if she needed to use them. She kept moving along with Yuna.

"Humm any idea what that says Yuna?"

Yuna Kagurazaka (385) has posed:
"Pidge?" Yuna queries as she sees the red light come on, blink a couple of times, and then go out. "You okay ... ?" She crouches next to the descending drone - and is perfectly situated, as a result, to see the symbol that's lit up blue.

And while some kanji may grow outdated with time - just like any other language evolves over the centuries - this one is still quite recognizable, and Yuna can't help but grin. "Yeah, it means 'open' - and this looks kind of like a stylized tanuki, doesn't it?" she replies, indicating the shape drawn on the button. "Clever as ever, Yunomi - only someone being guided by Pidge would find this ..."

She pushes the button, just once, relatively firmly, and gets back to her feet. "Elner, full scans," she instructs the robo-faerie. "I don't care if it blends into the surroundings, look for *everything*."

"Noted," Elner replies, hovering by Yuna's shoulder and beginning to run full sensor sweeps of the area.

Iria (215) has posed:
It's times like this that Iria is glad she has people like Yuna on hand, since while Iria has a good recognition of some languages, Japanese was always harder for her. She's competent with katakana and hiragana, but don't ask her about kanji. Since Yuna seems more interested in investigating the kanji, Iria decides to take a look around the nearby area to see if she can come up with anything herself.

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
    "Well if it means open, may as well open'er up and take a look, eh?" Skara suggests, moving up to the group. "Haven't seen an Izzet Drone as nice as that one there. I'm guessin' the friend yer lookin for upgraded it?" Just small talk for now. She didn't seem to be on guard, and certainly didn't expect anyone else to show up down here unless they were friends to the group or the saught after.

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
    Pidge circles the group, happily chirrupping like a bird before it comes to Skara. He turns, he flits, and then circles her head again, the unfamiliar woman earning a discouraged 'blaaat' sound before it orbits Yuna's head, then Iria's, Maya's, and then back to the front.

    The gate gives a shudder before it sinks into the ground, then slides to the side, creating a narrow door -- maybe five feet tall, two feet across, but inside the rooms are brilliantly lit with blue-white lights. A few bystanders look curiously in the direction of the light, hands coming up to shade reptilian eyes.

Iria (215) has posed:
Iria lets Yuna do all the talking for the time being. Sometimes Iria herself is a good talker, but this is one of those times where she believes that if she says anything, she might say the wrong thing and mess up royally. Her eyes are narrowed and darting from side to side, though, as if there's something bugging her.

Yuna Kagurazaka (385) has posed:
Yuna blinks at Pidge's odd little flight. "Huh ... Does that mean you don't think Skara should come through with us?" she asks the drone. "Because I think she'd rather stick with us and keep helping as best she can ..." She looks at Skara with an apologetic shrug. "Yeah, Pidge is a custom job Yunomi put together - but if he thinks you'd better stay behind ... well. Stay towards the back of the group, at least - Yunomi will recognize the rest of us, but she might mistake you for an enemy or something. Assuming she's through there."

She looks at Elner, "What're you picking up?"

"Not much," Elner replies. "And not very much intact. Something of a junkyard, as best I can tell - but if there's anything in there that's operational, it's not showing up on my current scans."

Yuna nods to the robo-faerie. Maybe that's why Pidge wanted Skara to stay back, but there's no real way of knowing. "All right ... stay alert, everyone," she says to her allies, then heads through the doorway with Elner right behind her. She'll keep going so she doesn't block the doorway for anyone else, too.

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
A puzzled look is given Pidge for a moment. The former soldier almost asks what that may have meant, but Yuna is able to answer the question first. "Ah, sure. I wouldn't wanna scare your friend," she says before letting everyone else enter first. She'd stay by the door, keeping a wary eye on the scaled folk outside, likely Viashino outside. "Move along, fellas, nothin' to see here fer ya," she calls over to them, just to emphasize the point.

Maya has posed:
Maya takes a look at Pidge for a moment and tils her head a little bit at it.Tht thing was pretty cute she had to admit but now was the time to focus 0on the mission and she follows right after Yuna through the door keeping alert and then bowing for a moment as she doesn't want to pick a fight if she can helpit.
"My name is Maya and I'm a long time friend of Yunomi's."

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
    Or it could be that Skara is new.

    Inside the room it is less a junk yard and more... a graveyard. Minor magical artifacts, given basic sentience dispatched around the whole. Clay pidgeons lay strewn like leaves, heavy and brown against the floor. CLockwork gnomes are broken, re-assembled and wound up, and broken again, pieces and gears scattered over the floor.

    While the Forest was organic, this palce was clear of most other distractions. There was a cot in hte corner, its blankets shoved aside. A pair of gloves hang on a hook. A meal, apparently forgotten was left half-eaten. A rat nibbles at some degrading fruit, sees the group and hisses, then makes a swift exit out through a hole.

    There is a desk, covered wiht schematics, notebooks, and it is over here that Pidge sails, over the silent graveyard of like artifacts.

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
New or not, after she wards off the bystanders outside, her eyes turn to take a look inside. The sight of so many broken artifacts seems to surprise her. "... Well, that's not something ya see everyday. Why would she have all them scrapped items in here?" Though in the back of her mind something far darker causes a frown to appear across her face. Hopefully her theory isn't right, and it won't be one she'd speak out loud..

Yuna Kagurazaka (385) has posed:
Skara may be new, but Yuna doesn't see that as a reason to keep her from helping the group out .. not that this lab seems like it's going to need THAT much help. Yuna's nose wrinkles - partly at the general mess, but particularly at the stray rat - and picks her way across the floor to the desk, trying not to step on anything. "Looks like she's not here right now either ... and," she glances at the remnants of that meal, "probably hasn't been for a while."

She's probably not a good enough detective to calculate how long it's been, though. Still, maybe the desk has some kind of clues - and that's certainly where Pidge is looking. "Elner, stay alert, if anything moves that isn't one of us -" She gestures quickly, 'counting' herself, Pidge, Iria, Maya, and (if she's coming in) Skara. "- call out, okay?"

"Understood," the robo-faerie replies as Yuna starts looking over the desk.

Iria (215) has posed:
As they enter the lab, Iria draws her handgun, just to be safe. It looks quiet enough in here, save for that rat which doesn't bother Iria in the least bit. Still, something about the place bothers her as she takes a look around, trying to see if there's anything around here that might serve as useful. She notices the desk and goes over there, attempting to look at the notes on there to see if there's anything she might be able to figure out.

Maya has posed:
Maya hs ome ideas she can look into things for a moment asshe pulls out a fate card things seem to have been well? Left idle for a while Maya starts to try and go over the Schemtics to see if she cna find anything or the notes. She does't like where this is going though.

"I have a bad feeling about this but lets see if there's anything I can look over. She could be trying to use them as salvaged material for something else. My people have salvaged magictech for over a mellenina...I'd see others seeing the worth in doing the same."

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
    The lab is empty now, save for the adventurers and the humming of lights.

    The desk where Pidge is flitting is covered with notes -- in this case, though, it's diagrams of the NExus itself.

    There are tabs. MAIN NEXUS WIRING ARRAY, SUMMONING MATRIX, WINDOW and one marked "NIV"

Yuna Kagurazaka (385) has posed:
The tab marked 'Niv' is probably the most relevant one to Yuna's interest, *and* the most recognizable in text form whether it's in English lettering or katakana. "This is it ... this is what Yunomi was working towards, I'm sure of it. Maya, how much sense can you make of these schematics?"

Iria (215) has posed:
The moment Iria spots the tab saying 'Niv,' her eyes widen. She tries to look over it alongside Yuna as best as she can. "There's something about this one. I can't quite place my finger on it, but... Hmmm." She frowns a little.

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
After a few more moments, the soldier lets herself inside. She'd continue to occasionally look back at the door, but Skara seemed as interested in things as everyone else. "Oh tha's right, one of ya mentioned yer friend was tryin' to bring the ol' dragon back." While Yuna focuses on the 'NIV' notebook, she seems a little more interested in the WINDOW one first.. SUMMONING MATRIX second, if no one else glances at it. "Lesse what we got, if anythin'.." more codes, maybe...?

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
    THe tab marked NIV shows what Yuna might recognize as a shrine-like set up of holy objects. A carved wooden box with offerings from Niv. Scales. A signet. A scroll. It seems very plain, something built as a keepsake box. There's a note written down that says: "I remember his whole name, but does it have to be phonetically written, or in a certain script?"

    The WINDOW tab was pure schematics, written in coede b ut anyone who's worked with Yunomi long enough might get the gist of it. It was a small, one-way portal that was powered by the Mana Nexus.

    The SUMMONING MATRIX was the array that experienced blastback and failed; utterly. It appeared to have been built with failsafes, but were overridden the day before (according to a note written in Yunomi's shaking English). "When did this happen?" There are more notes along the margins, coordinates, shopping lists 'Don't forget to get R chocolates tomorrow.'

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
There's a click of Skara's tounge, and then the woman waves Pidge over, "Hey, little fella... you should take some images of these," she notes, motioning mostly at the schematics and such things. "I'm thinkin if you know a -really good- artificier back in the Izzet, maybe they should take a look at all a these.." why not take them herself? Well she's not very Izzet, now is she? "As fer this one.." she reaches for the last notebook about the main wiring nexus.. "Prolly this one too. Let someone comb over it in some better light'n all that.."

Maya has posed:
Maya is going to chekc one o the tabs now she looks over the tab that has SUMMONING MATRIX on it which catches her attenion she's a good summoner by her world's standads and what she sees makes her raise an eyebrow. "Wait ... is she's trying to .... summon Niv?"

Iria (215) has posed:
Iria scowls as she looks at the notes. She grits her teeth and looks away for a moment, shaking her head in frustration and disbelief. "No, I just can't believe it!" She says. "Someone has to have planted this! Yunomi wouldn't do something like this!" She clenches her fists, seething visibly.

Yuna Kagurazaka (385) has posed:
Elner is capturing images of the schematics and other drawings, whether Pidge does so or not.

"That's ... I'm pretty sure she's been trying to figure out how to do that for a while, Maya," Yuna replies to the Junker; her tone is more subdued now, even somber. "She misses him as much as anybody does, and more than ... well, maybe more than anyone outside of his family. That's part of why I don't understand why she attacked Rhapsody, except if she was *that* desperate - for Niv-Mizzet's sake and for Namamura's sake. Maybe just one or the other, but ... for both is quite likely. And transferring Namamura's guardian kami into the Namamura District could have been a test run for summoning Niv-Mizzet back from wherever he is now."

Her gaze goes back to the layout sketch of the 'shrine'. "I don't think this is a matter of necromancy, either. Not the way we'd normally think of it. As far as we know, the only evidence for him 'dying' is just that he isn't *here* any more - there was no corpse, no physical remains, nothing to suggest that he was killed." She looks over some of the other drawings. "... Elner, study out the wiring designs. I want to consult with some of the Izzet League's magewrights - just find out whether this is feasible as designed." Granted, Skara's taking the notebook itself - but, well. If something *happens* to that notebook, better if there's a backup copy, right?

Yuna lets out a breath, looking around now for something to write with. "Skara? Do you know if the Izzet League has any kind of internal written language? Or would I have to ask Rhapsody or one of her siblings?"

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
As she's flipping pages for Pidge to take pictures, the woman glances up to answer Yuna, "Ah, far as I know they don't. I mean, engineers always have their own crazy code fer things, but that's just what I hear from the ones in the Boros tryin' ta make sense of the stuff the Izzet send over. I don't try ta make sense of it. S'prolly a question better asked to one of the three if ya know where to talk to'em at."

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
    The drone appears to look at Skara, then orbits around her a few times, as if unsure, then obeys. It tkaes some pictures, clicking images to be stored away and sent back to the master wright of the Izzet. He clicks pictures, draws back and around, and transmits out to the Izzet towers, beeping happily.

    The shrine is not a matter of necromancy, simply a box with artifacts. Focus. Notes on how many scales she has, how much power each one might have and one note including that they TASTE terrible.

    Outside, there's a bit of a scuffle going on. "Patrol's coming! Close up shop, lads!"

Yuna Kagurazaka (385) has posed:

"Pidge, how do we close that door from the inside?" Yuna asks, looking around the lab. If the door already closed behind them, then that's one less worry - but she wants to make sure it's sealed up. She's not worried about being able to tell when the coast is clear; if Yunomi didn't have some way of confirming that when she was holed up here, then Elner's sensors *should* be able to confirm it even through the walls.

At least, Yuna assumes that'll work. She may be finding out the hard way if it won't.

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
Rather than get pictures of the last of the notebooks, the MAIN NEXUS WIRING ARRAY, Skara instead tucks it away, "Honestly folks, I think these notebooks are as much as we're gonna find here. It may be better to slip out, hit the button, and scoot along. Hopefully one of ya will figure out where we can go searchin next, I don't know this person nearly as well as the rest of ya."

Iria (215) has posed:
"Patrol coming? Damn it!" Iria swears sourly as she hears that news. "Is there another way out of here? I don't feel like being busted today!" She looks around for a possible hiding spot as an alternative instead. "Or at least can we figure something out fast?"

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
    Pidge beeps, flitting around between camera work and looking for a button that should be there, but he appears confused. He peeps, beeps, blips, and then hits the roof! He beeps, bloooooooops, and then tumbles down, rolling a bit on the desk, lights flashing. Something's wrong.

Yuna Kagurazaka (385) has posed:
That did not look or sound good. "Elner, check Pidge for damage," Yuna instructs the robo-faerie, darting over to do her own search of the area where Pidge was looking - probably but not necessarily near the door. Her own attention is divided, though - Yunomi's voice is on the radio, for the first time in too long.

And gods help them all if the magic-eaters have a way to home in on Yunomi's signal. Elner's got enough to handle, and there's no telling where Yunomi might be transmitting from this time, so tracing the signal isn't really one of Yuna's concerns - at least, not yet.

Maya has posed:
Maya seems to have mis spoke as she thinksabout her next words.

"Sounds like our time is over but there's certainly something to it just her Betrayal of Rhaps and everything else? Also that 'man' from her world. He reaks of poltical games." Maya has little love for that sort of thing. "We shouldn't hang around any longer we should go over what we have somewhere else safer. I can cloak us from sight so we have a chance to get out of here unoticed...."

Iria (215) has posed:
Iria gets into a battle stance. She has the strong sense that something's not right here based on what just happened. She cracks her knuckles and waits somewhat impatiently. If someone or something is waiting for them, Iria's got an unpleasant surprise.

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
    There's a small proximity alarm. There might be a feeling, to those who are sensitive to the flows of magic, of energy being sucked out the door. There's a muffled cry and a moan. The sound of magical flames extinguishing as the patrols approach.

    It is not a Senate patrol... it sounds as if it may be Magic Eaters.

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
Without another word, Skara actually scoops up Pidge and simply bumrushes the door, "Less talking and more moving already! You," A finger is pointed at Maya, "Do what you just said and lets move. -now-. And someone close the door on the way out!"

Yuna Kagurazaka (385) has posed:
"Yuna," Elner says quietly, "ambient energy levels are plummeting outside. Temperatures aren't shifting much, but -"

"Magic-eaters," Yuna says quietly, putting the pieces together with what else she's hearing, and possibly seeing. "Shugoseiheki!" Her kite shield materializes on her left arm, followed by a sword manifesting in her left hand. She'd rather have the Matrix Divider, but she's not sure how well the magic-eaters can suck away its power. The Light Suit itself ... well, she's PRETTY sure they can't leech away its power reserves.

For now, she just steps back out into the 'street,' visibly ready to fight if necessary. That might not be a good thing, all things considered - but dammit, Yunomi is STILL her friend and the magic-eaters are a threat to her, if not to others among Yuna's circle of friends. That's a recipe for Yuna to make less-than-smart moves.

Iria (215) has posed:
Iria comes out not long after the others do, still in her fighting stance. She looks around, waiting to see if anyone might be waiting to ambush them, before looking to the others. "They'd better not mess with Yunomi! If they do, they're answering to me!" She narrows her eyes and sneers a little, revealing gritted teeth.

Maya has posed:
Maya at the thought of magic eaters? That has Maya really damn worried, given she'smade of maguic and she can't /hide/ that. Oh hell shes basically a all you can eat buffet of magic for beings like that.She attemps to pushdown the actual fear andnosto Yuna she moves to ready to make for their escape. Maya's moving now at this point she'll grab the plans and get the hell out of here with everyone else or attempt to do so.

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
    The group escapes, just as the Magic-Eaters round the corner to find a closing door! What is this madness?

    Pidge is carried along, but the further he gets from the magic eaters, the more he seems to perk back up, soon circling around Skara happily, birbling before zipping back up to the surface, heading towards Nivix.

    The next site: At the boarder of the Golgari area. The most dangerous lab site of all, found only on Pidge's memorybank.

    ... what would they find there?