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Dorado Deadline
Date of Scene: 28 May 2017
Location: Overwatch Earth <OWE>
Synopsis: The mayor of Dorado has a secret meeting with Los Muertos, but little does he know there is a vigilante waiting.
Cast of Characters: 1120, 1010, Karian Icefang, Sombra, Deelel, 1111, Leyanne Mace

Soldier 76 (1120) has posed:
The town of Dorado has a problem. The mayor of the town has been playing both sides of the fence, working to install a fancy new power plant, while also working with a notorious criminal enterprise to destroy it, so he can ensure his re-election when he proves how tough on crime he is by busting them in the act.

He wasn't counting on one thing though, a vigilante presence in town that he has drawn the attention of. It's forcing Los Muertos to move up their timeline after a recent attack on a weapons shipment, and the mayor is meeting with some of the gang to finalize the plans. The mayor's office is one of the only rooms at the town hall that has a light on, with the portly gentleman sitting in his big leather chair, several armed gang bangers standing across from him.

None of them are aware of the small EMP device that is slowly counting down, mounted on the power box for the whole building. It's only a matter of time before it triggers. There's been news reports about the vigilante, perhaps enough to track him down.

Reinhardt Wilhelm (1010) has posed:

    Corrupt, deceptively innocent. That won't do at all. The vigilante isn't the only do-gooder that's come here tonight. A towering knight from overseas has finally come to cleanse this town of corruption, hammer in hand. His armored feet stomp the ground with every step as he goes down the streets, heading for the mayor's office.
    Hopefully that tip wasn't just a trap, because he's come a long way for this. Collateral damage is also a concern of the old knight's, to say the least he's not exactly one to leave things intact when he's done with a mission. God only knows if there are civilians onsite or not yet.

Karian Icefang has posed:
    Reinhardt isn't the only heavily armored 'knight' within the corrupt city of Dorado. Following up on a lead of his own, Karian was walking throught the city. While gangsters and such aren't normally in his scope, working with the Paladins has helped to open his eyes. So, he walks along the streets, keeping his eye wide open.

Sombra has posed:
    It's a nasty mess, all right. LumeriCo is certainly up to no good in this, and its CEO Portero? He's going to get what's coming to him. For now though there's another person that warrants the attention of the world's greatest hacker.

    It's good to be back... the city where she's spent a lot of time, where her hidden base is. Of course she has noticed things happening here lately... things that makes her not pleased at all with the current situation. So that's why she's here, overlooking the roof tops that stretch down the coast line. Towards the square, the LumeriCo power plant, the nice little bakery down in the distance... It's a shame Reaper and Widowmaker aren't here, they would love this. But even if she's got less firepower than she would like, Sombra is still determined to carry this through. Inhaling the sweet night air, the Talon agent breathes out before she begins running forward, no armour to burden her down as she leaps from roof top to roof top. Who knows, perhaps she might even be able to use the other people moving in?

    Outside the Mayor's office, hidden in nearby alleyways, some of the Los Muertos are talking on their radios, on guard but obviously not the disciplined types of guards. There's quite a few of them, and they are armed with rifles and better guns than most thugs have. Not to mention their make up makes it pretty clear what group they belong to.

Deelel has posed:
Deelel understands the horror of dirty leaders who do things like this. While it was user error caused CLU still comitted horrible acts and killed hundreds of thousands of ISOs and basics. She knows it's not that far along but tonight? the proof was prwetty solid it was time to act. She's fully suited up with an armored faceplce hiding her face cloak and the luike. while it's pretty much still easy to id her world it would be hard to id whom it was. She's even got a voice scrambler on as well and she might seem to be /very/ strange to anyone watchin information networks or have the means too.

<<Reinhardt any idea if there might be bystanders on site? I'm not cubing some poor nullunit who had the worst sense of timing.>>

Soldier 76 (1120) has posed:
Right on cue, the EMP detonates and plunges the mayor's office into darkness. Lit up by only the glowing paint of Los Muertos inside of his office, the discussion suddenly turns to yelling.

"This some kinda double-cross, perro?!" Yells one of the gang members as he turns his rifle on the mayor. The others follow suit, but the mayor, assuming this is the work of the gang, mashes the button under his desk, "I was thinking the same thing." The button, on a different circuit than the main power, is meant to summon his personal protection group to his office, setting off the alarm in the process.

Inside of the building itself, as security begins to mobilize, they are being flanked by a man only visible by the red glow of his visor, who slips in and out of the shadows created by the power going down. Security may be a problem, but they won't be a BIG problem. Something's definitely going down in the town hall, and the proverbial fecal matter has hit the fan.

Karian Icefang has posed:
    With the march of security, Karian gets the sense things are not going well. His instincts kick in and he checks over his gear as he follows the teams, at a fair distance, towards town hall.

Reinhardt Wilhelm (1010) has posed:
    <<Hard to say, Deelel. Seems like we're on our own here.>> Reinhardt radios, before noticing Karian's arrival. He isn't aware to Sombra's presence yet, but he does see Los Muertos goons chatting in alleyways.

    He decides to go and ask them. "HOLA, NINOS!" He bellows as he comes barreling down the alleyway, stomping and charging like a bat out of hell.

    He doesn't stop, until he grabs one of the goons and picks him up like a doll. "I don't suppose you'd like to explain what's so special about the mayor around here, would you?" better answer fast, amigo, Reinhardt doesn't like wasting time when questioning suspects.

Sombra has posed:
    The instant Reinhardt rushes down the alleyway and lets out that bellowing roar the Los Muertos seem to snap to attention, raising their guns and firing at the large German. Sadly bullets don't do much against his armour, and most of them are forced to retreat, panic on their faces. Yet one sad member lags behind and finds himself grabbed by the Overwatch member, letting out a cry as he kicks his feet upon being lifted from the ground. A string of angry spanish leaves him, all until his radio crackles to life. "The Mayor?" The voice should be familiar to Reinhardt, the same distorted voice he's heard on the radio before. "Now what do /you/ want with the Mayor, caballero <knight>?"

    Even as the lights go out inside town hall, somebody else has already arrived at the scene of the crime, though from the roof top as Sombra silently drops down, her invisibility active as she makes her way to the nearest office even as security rallies to defend the Mayor. Computers are everywhere in this building, and soon enough Sombra hacks into the security system, arching both eyebrows. Hmm, so that explains the commotion. How funny that they all have the same timing tonight... The Overwatch keeps busy, it appears.

Deelel has posed:
EMP? Deelel is luckly to be out of range of that, or it would do /nasty/ things to her bu she's got some neans to deal with them if it happens. <<Right big guy lets do this.>> She'll move in and make sure she'a ready for a fight. She move o the goon and talks her voice is warped but clearly female.

"I'd talk if I were you, my friend here can pop your head like a grape and given what you are..."

Deelel has her light staff out and ready to go she's moved to smack a few of the fangers but hasn't put it though them she looks over for a moment.

"What do you think we're here for?"

She has no experiance with Sombra and it's for the best or Deelel would be fairly afraid given what sombra can do...

Soldier 76 (1120) has posed:
    Security has swarmed out of the building as well, putting the whole thing on lock down, as several of them bust into the mayor's office, soon finding themselves face to face with Los Muertos, who appear to have the mayor at gunpoint, "Drop the weapons!" Yells the leader of the security detail, as the Muertos member with the gun on the mayor grabs him and puts him between himself and the security team, "Don't shoot, you might hit your precious traitor!"

Behind the security team, Soldier: 76 has arrived, but has not engaged yet. Security is not part of the plan, and he doesn't want to kill them because they're just doing a job.

Outside of the building, however, the security team notices the scrambling Los Muertos, and hears the gunfire, moving to engage the gang members and investigate the source of the gunfire from the alleyway where Deelel and Reinhardt are.

Reinhardt Wilhelm (1010) has posed:
    "WHy are you here, Sombra?!" Reinhardt demands, recognizing that voice on the radio as he drops the gangbanger, but keeps the radio. He looks confused and angry, not sure what she gains out of doing this. Still, she's not in charge of this operation, at the least.

    Crushing the radio in his hands, he storms out of the alleyway, heading for the security team with his shield up. "Deelel, behind me! Neutralize but do not kill or injure!" He orders, intending to tank their fire.

Karian Icefang has posed:
    Once again following the security team, Karian finds himself lead in the direction of Reinhardt and Deelel. The voice of Sombra is met with the usual caution of a many years veteran, but wasn't his main concern. Once he spotted the shield and heard the voice of his friend, Karian quickly moved in to try and help subdue the security team. "Why do we always meet in battlefields, brother Reinhardt?"

Deelel has posed:
Things are going down she's not sure about combra but is going to trust in her own allies but it seems Reinhardt knows this person and it doesn't seem to be a good one. the Gangbanger nowhas Deelel looming over him and her strange powered staff in hand, before she gets the warning to get behind him.

"I don't cube users unless I have to!"

She replies as she does fall inbehind she's lookint to the team and moves to pull a thing off her leg the small puck like thing is lobbed at the guards, it's some sort of flash bang from the looks of it as it goes off.

"Fire in the hole!"

Sombra has posed:
    The angry question from Reinhardt earns a chuckle from the hacker. "I'm here to take out the trash from city hall."

    Inside the office Sombra watches the commotion inside the mayor's office, the hallways as security personnel rush to action, and outside the building more chaos unfolds. The most dire aspect is inside the Mayor's office, of course. Having him die... it's a solution, but a less satisfying one. The city needs to know that she was part of this, to help her gain positive support. Well, time to talk with her former gang members it appears...

    Inside the office, Soldier 76 might notice something. A holovid comes to life in the corner of the room, with a calavera skull in purple and white visible on it. A distorted voice can be heard speaking. "I suggest that we all take a deep breath, amigos. Especially you, el alcade <mayor>. Because you have a lot to answer for, it appears..." Next, several documents pop up on screen, all along with photographs that undoubtedly show shady business deals. Things the Mayor certainly wouldn't want known. "I suggest not killing him, amigo," Sombra asides to the gang leader next. "Death won't make him pay enough for what he's done."

    Outside the building the other Los Muertos members notice the security team, and immediately all hell breaks loose as they open fire on them, all while trying to keep their distance and get away from Reinhardt and Deelel as well.

Laura Kinney (1111) has posed:
Laura Kinney was once again forced to abandon her motorcycle before passing through the gate. Stupid futuristic planes with their hoverbikes that make her kawasaki stand out like a store thumb... Girl's still fast on foot, though. She's even changed her outfit tonight, having ducked back through to 616 and snagged a few things, including her old X-Force outfit. Still not bulletproof, but the tight fitting black and grey pants and mid-riff baring top didn't impair her movement. And sometimes the bad guys were too busy staring to dodge. She still had the concession to identity protection though, the red-lensed angular mask over her eyes augmented with a half mask that covered the lower half of her face.
     Skidding to a stop she perches on the edge of a rooftop, peering down at the chaos below: Ongoing firefight between a legion of thugs with glowing facepaint and what look like cops... A giant glowing shield held by a figure in armor with a smaller one next to it; That'd be Reinhardt. Also what sounds like a rather nasty standoff in the building across the street. Three possible targets...
     <<X-23 here. Engaging the gang forces.>> Laura drops off the edge of the roof, claws extending from hands and feet as she plunges toward the glowing crowd, a shower of sparks hitting the pavement as adamantium slices through guns that proceed to malfunction. Retracting her claws again, a sweep of the leg brings down one thug, his tattoos primarily neon green, before a punch to the throat immobilizes him. The mutant teen rises into a ready position again, claws slipping back out.

Leyanne Mace has posed:
Leyanne Mace has had to leave her bike with Laura's. And, rather surprisingly, she's able to keep up with X-23, though she's got to rely a lot more heavily on the abilities of her cybernetic arm and some interesting route-plotting to do so.
"For a human." Tiny comments "You're pretty quick."
Then she thumbs her radio. <<Tiny here... L- X-23, you got some paramilitaries drawing a bead on you. I got 'em.>>
The 400lb mouse slams into the ground next to a small group of security personnel who're taking aim at Laura. She's heavy enough to make the ground shake slightly, and she takes advantage of the confusion to pump a charge of 12-gauge rocksalt into the belly of one of them. Her left arm flexes unnaturally to slam a rubber baton into the side of another's helmet.

Soldier 76 (1120) has posed:
The standoff between security and Los Muertos inside of the office is interrupted by the sudden holographic projection. 76 watches from his hidden spot. He recognizes the logo, he knows the reputation of Sombra, but has never seen her work. His eyes focus on the documents that appear, and then he decides to make his move.

He drops in behind the security guards, slamming two of them together to knock them out, before quickly disabling the other three with joint strikes, rendering them incapable of using their weapons. They'll still live, they just won't be happy about it. His pulse rifle comes up towards the remaining Muertos members, and their mayoral hostage, "I was going to kill all of you, but our holographically hidden friend here brings up an interesting point. Do I let the justice system try to deal with you in order to make it legit, or do I just finish it now, knowing you'll just buy your way to freedom like all the rest." He's addressing the mayor himself, not giving any mind to the other Muertos members.

Outside of the building, a pitched firefight has begun between the security forces, Los Muertos, and now the Elites. The flashbang renders several members of both sides blinded and with their ears ringing. Easy prety to pick off. And pick off X23 does. A couple of the blinded gang bangers get their guns sliced apart, only to make the mistake of pulling the trigger and getting an exploding gun in their hands. Others are slammed into the ground hard enough to go down for the count.

More security ends up getting bowled over by the massive mouse's momentum, several put out of the fight thanks to her baton and shotgun and Reinhardt's shield absorb's fire like it's supposed to. He's doing a good job being a meat shield.

Deelel has posed:
Deelel was not exp4ecting what sombrar was doing she has to say she likes Somra's style sure she might have things in mind that are not what Deelel would go after but sombra is not just aiming to end this jackass but to ruin his reputation on to the ninth generation and it could motivate the government to do something more. Still she's not in a spot to dela with it as she moves to start lobbing more flash bangs into the ranks of the gangers and security she'll also be moving in with the staff and she's got enough moves to attempt to disarm people of their weapon she'll even power the tips to ensure the weapons are too damaged to fire.

Reinhardt Wilhelm (1010) has posed:
    Reinhardt soaks up shotgun rounds like candy M&Ms, eagerly charging towards them. At this rate, he may go through these guards like a bowling ball, complete with comical sound effects to those of a sillier disposition that have editing software.

    "COMING THROUGH!" he bellows heartily, before he joins the fight with X23 and Leyanne. His hammer sweeps wide at the stunned thugs on-site, intending to knock them off their feet. Killing is not on Reinhardt's mind, but the hostiles will want to get the hell out of the way if they don't want to be reduced to giblets.

Sombra has posed:
    The Los Muertos members inside the office react when the vigilante hero takes action, knocking out the initial threat to their plan. And then this vigilante turns his weapon on /them/ next, causing all of them to become focused on him in turn. At least until Sombra's digital voice speaks again. "Now where's the fun in that, Jack?" the voice inquires with a playful tone. "I mean, all these years he's hurt the people... why not let the people deal with him as we remind them what he's done to them? And what he was going to do to Los Muertos? With the information leaked there's no way he'll be able to buy himself out of this mess. Not this time." By now the Mayor looks rather uncomfortable, shaking his head. The Los Muertos hired goons still have their weapons, all save one, aimed for Soldier 76 right now, all looking tense. "Justice on the streets are far rougher, amigo..." Sombra continues, not only to the Mayor, but Soldier 76 as well. "Lead him outside, and I will make sure that all of Dorado knows about all of his dirty little secrets. Every. Little. One."

    It's hard for the Los Muertos members outside to do a good job, caught between security and the Elites. Reinhardt's hammer is hard to dodge, and many thugs find themselves thrown aside, crashing into walls, trash cans and each other, obviously hurting and not able to do much after the treatment they just received. Laura as well is able to take out several thugs, being too fast and too fierce for them to handle effectively.

Laura Kinney (1111) has posed:
Laura Kinney shrugs with one shoulder in response to Tiny. "That is because I am not human." And then the combat starts, and Laura's right at home again. Thankfully, the lenses in her mask polarize to protect her from the flash, although her hearing still turns to EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. She's had worse. Since 'nonlethal' was the order of the day, at least according to Reinhardt, she keeps her claws in unless she's disabling weapons, settling for broken bones and nerve strikes to keep her enemies down. A burst of SMG fire from a member of the fuzz happens to intersect with her torso as she finishes a throw that leaves a ganger on his back in the gutter, the teen lurching a bit with the impact before spinning around and making a grab for the weapon. Grab twist *crack* toss, and that visceral noise would be a broken trigger finger as the weapon skitters into a storm drain. <<Who /are/ these people anyway?>>

Leyanne Mace has posed:
Leyanne Mace smirks to Laura "Fair point!" She replies, swing-cocking her shotgun to a-salt another security mook. As he's merely stunned by the shotgun blast, she's about to lay into him with her rubber truncheon when she hears Reinhardt's call. She instead grabs his arm and yanks him slightly, pulling him to the point where he'll be smashed aside by the charging Elite, rather than slamed into and carried along.
"Woah! Lookout, Punch Rockgroin, comin' through!" she calls as he passes, taking advantage of the brief calm in his wake to look around and assess her next target...

Soldier 76 (1120) has posed:
While it seems the Elites have pretty well taken care of the soldiers and gang members outside, as things finally begin to settle down after one final flurry of violence. A few things explode in the background, the sounds of injured but not dead troops and gangers groaning can be heard, but no more gunfire, no more combat. It's a weird, eerie sort of quiet.

Inside of the office, Soldier 76 grabs the mayor from the Muertos member holding him, then looks to the hologram, "I'm taking him out. I'll let these three go, for now, but don't let me catch them terrorizing young girls, or they'll get the same treatment as the last group." He's going to drop the mayor off outside, it'll be up to Sombra to live up to her end of the deal.

Outside, the front doors bust open, and 76 steps out with the mayor. He kicks the back of the man's knee to force him onto the ground, and levels the pulse rifle at the back of his head, "Try to run and you won't live long enough to see what that hacker has dug up. Comprende?"

Reinhardt Wilhelm (1010) has posed:
    Reinhardt slings his hammer as the dust settles, and he looks towards city hall. "Hmmm." He looks just in time to see Soldier 76, the vigilante, burst forth. "And what makes you think we're going to let YOU go? Vigilante?!" he demands, aiming his hammer at the gunman. The guy IS a wanted criminal after all, there has to be some merit to that given the trail of chaos and bodies in his wake.

Sombra has posed:
    About to protest, the Los Muertos look like they're about to attack Soldier 76... but Sombra speaks up again. "Let him take care of the mayor, chicos. And do what he says, we don't want to bother poor little girls, now do we?"

    In the other office, Sombra can't help but smirk a bit as she watches the surveillance screen, all while typing away at another screen. The former commander of Overwatch is certainly something else, and well... she can forgive him for what he did to those Los Muertos members back then. While they aren't the worst of the worst, they still could have done so much better.

    Over Dorado, more holovids come to life; screens in shop windows, advertisement screens, announcements... they all flicker to life, with all broadcasts being interrupted with the same signal. Now, every screen in the city is emblazoned with the sugar skull symbol. What follows is easy enough for most people to understand. Surveillance videos, falsified documents, photos of bribes, political deals under the table, blackmail... all overlaid with tapped phone calls. That's bound to get more attention than the knocked out Los Muertos members. And it's even more information than Soldier 76 was shown in the office. Whoever found all this info has been digging for a long time... and been digging well, just biding their time for the right moment to overthrow Dorado's corrupt leader. A man who looks rather lost right now where he's kneeling on the ground, glancing up at the nearest screen that reveals all his dirty secrets and unethical political dealings.

    Up from above a voice can be heard right after Reinhardt demands answers from the mysterious vigilante who bursts out of the town hall with the Mayor. And this time the voice is not distorted, just like how it was when Reinhardt had his shield hacked at King's Row not too long ago.

    "Thank you for the help, amigos," Sombra calls from up above, her silhouette visible on the rooftop. "And thank you for not killing them. I'm sure they will be useful in keeping /some/ order on the street as long as there's somebody there to tell them what to do... Now I suggest you leave the mayor to his fate at the hands of his subjects whom he has so poorly mistreated."

Laura Kinney (1111) has posed:
Laura Kinney holds one hand out towards Reinhardt. "We are also vigilantes. We should let the people of the town decide his fate, though. He has broken his oath to serve them, so it is only right that they punish him for it." Honestly, probably one of the biggest speeches Laura has made in public so far.

Leyanne Mace has posed:
Leyanne Mace calmly holsters her truncheon and then works the action of her shotgun, not swing-cocking it again. She really shouldn't do that. It's bad for old guns like this. Then she reaches up and pulls off her helmet, pulling her long, blue hair out of its bun and back into its usual ponytail. Then she pulls her beret from her belt, unrolls it, and settles it in place. After a moment's wiggling, her antennae poke out of two holes in the fabric. Listening to the radio exchange, the mouse relaxes a little, scanning around for signs of anyone who might be looking to interrupt before everyone's had a chance to exfil. "Uh, Slam? There's probably a lot of angry civs coming this way, very soon. Y'know, the whole pitchforks and torches kind of affair. We should probably not be between them and him, y'dig?"

Deelel has posed:
Deelel lows her weapon once things seem to have hit their end outside she'll even stop to make sure hno humans are in obvious danger of dying though some of the gangers guns might end up being ruined by her light staff. She loks to Reinhardt for a moment and keeos her staff ready she falls back a bit as she looks to him.

"We're the same thing big guy, I hate to admit it but it's pretty binary."

She doesn't make a move however, she has some level of respect for Sombra now regardless of her intent she basically ruined this man far better than putting a bullet in his head could have done. Now all that remain is 76 as she keeps her weapon ready.

Soldier 76 (1120) has posed:
"Alright mayor." 76 says, as he pulls his weapon up onto his shoulder. He can already hear the sound of the gathering mob, "I'd say you've got about a minute before they get here. Maybe you can waddle your way out, but it's going to be hard to get away," He stomps on the mayor's foot, with an audible crunch, "With a broken foot. Good luck." He turns and walks towards Reinhardt, "We should go. We can compare notes after we're a safe distance away."

Reinhardt Wilhelm (1010) has posed:
    Reinhardt stares in bafflement. Jack Morrison, ALIVE?! He has so many questions, but this isn't the time for that. They have a minute as the man says, and they need to get going fast.

    He also curses himself for taking the high ground when he doesn't have a leg to stand on. His age is making him fuzzy in the head.

    He does send Jack a comm-frequency linking him to Watch channels as they go. Sombra's done them a favor today, but he already expects her to call that favor later down the line at any time.

Laura Kinney (1111) has posed:
Laura Kinney nods. "We should go. I will meet you at the rendesvouz." Giving a nod to her fellow Elites, the mutant teen turns and gets a running start, parkouring her way up to the rooftops again, before taking off in the direction of the warpgate. No signs left behind except for some blood and lots of people who are going to be very unhappy when they wake up.

Leyanne Mace has posed:
Leyanne Mace joins the others to depart. She grins, offering her hand to Soldier 76 "I'm Tiny." The 8ft mouse introduces herself.

Soldier 76 (1120) has posed:
The soldier takes the offered hand, "Soldier 76." He responds back to her, "Which is what everyone's taken to calling me these days."

Sombra has posed:
    Upon hearing the gathering mob the mayor looks understandably nervous, though it's nothing compared to the cry of pain that leaves the man as Soldier 76 stomps on it, breaking bone with a sound that's bad enough to send chills up the spine of most people. Why, even Sombra makes a slight wince, but... how real is it? "Ay ay ay, Jack... how /rough/ of you," she mock-chides him, then waves. "Take care... and I'll see you later. Adiós~!" With that the mysterious hacker gives a wave, her form disappearing as her translocator is activated.

    Justice has been served tonight, and the Overwatch and the other Elites proved to be useful to her, making it quite simple to take down the unworthy leader. Perhaps a worthy replacement will be elected... and perhaps she can affect it somewhat. That would be ideal.

Deelel has posed:
Deelel looks to the Mayor for a moment. She says nothing it's time to go, if the cops to get him good, if the people get to him? She doesn't think he's getting off evne if he lives. She looks to Reinhardt for a moment string at the german knight. "Well 76, I agree it's time to go."