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Latest revision as of 03:03, 3 June 2017

High Impact Grimm Explosions
Date of Scene: 02 June 2017
Location: Remnant <REM>
Synopsis: Grimm attack.

Elites respond.

Cast of Characters: Yang Xiao Long, 675, 1111, 215, 1119, Athela Valemore, Staren

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    A general call for assistance goes out on public bands, providing coordinates on the world of Remnant and providing a ride to the drop zone if required. A Bullhead waits for those needing a ride, it contains a blonde haired huntress, who gives the briefing. "Hey, yo. Giving this over radio for those using their own transport, but yeah. We've got a situation in a town called Yordenville. They've been attacked by bandits and the Grimm have shown up. For those that don't know, Grimm are vicious, soul-less monsters, show them no mercy because they'll give you none." she says. Yang folds her arms over her chest. "We'll be dropping into a hotzone with the local militia trying to protect the civilians who couldn't escape. So our mission is two-fold, kill the Grimm and protect the civilians."

    The Bullhead takes only a little time to get to the area... the howls and snarls of Grimm can be heard over the engines of the Bullhead, and the sounds of gunfire.

Cirra Constantine (675) has posed:
    The Grimm are something she's gotten a little more familiar with, the Associate Huntress liscense she got shortly after Remenant appeared is a good indication of that.

    The black and silver clad Judge sits int he Bullhead as it flies towards the town currently under seige and she looks up at Yang from examining her crystaline blade.

    "How long has it been since the bandits hit?" Cirra asks, and makes the blade disappear into thin air.

Laura Kinney (1111) has posed:
Luckily for Laura today, her bike actually blended in pretty well on Remnant. Wasn't as fast as a dropship though, so she parked up and ran to the waiting aircraft. Combat was expected, so her X-Force costume was back, No mask this time, though. It's not like has to bother being secretive about killing soulless monsters. Climbing in, she fastens a harness around her torso in case of turbulence. "Eliminate the monsters, protect civilians. Understood. I assume they are vulnerable to the same strikes that would kill a normal animal?" No harm in a few questions, 'Know your enemy' and all that.

Iria (215) has posed:
The call goes out, and it's only a few moments before there's a response. "I'm on my way, just hold on!"

A moment later, Iria appears via warp portal, wearing her crimson cape over her armored bodysuit. Yet, there's still plenty of maneuverability available for the young bounty hunter, and she's got several weapons concealed underneath too.

As soon as Iria arrives, she looks towards Yang and stands attentively, listening to what the blonde-haired huntress has to say. Once she's done speaking, Iria nods with a determined look on her face. "Protect the innocent and destroy the Grimm! Understood!" She smiles a little. "Don't worry about transportation, I've got my own method!" She taps her wrist device, and her Teppendai (a glider-like device that can be flown either from a sitting position or like a hang glider) arrives on scene. She boards it and immediately switches to hang glider mode, giving her a fast method of traveling. She follows behind the Bullhead swiftly, and as they get closer, the sound of the inhuman snarling and growling of the Grimm hits her ears. "Looks like they know we're here. Too bad for them, I'm itching for a good fight today!" She smiles a little.

Josuke Higashikata (1119) has posed:
Josuke does, sadly, need transportation to the area. Fortunately he was near enough that he picked up the initial distress call wile he was out exploring. Being a curious sort by nature, something as big as the Multiverse is going to get a LOT of his attention, exploration-wise. But yes, he does need transportation, so he'll get aboard the Bullhead. He's still in his school uniform, in fact, having headed straight here when he picked up the initial distress call.

Yang's briefing gets a wide-eyed look from Josuke. "So they're just... monsters? Nothing that can be reasoned with?" he confirms. He nods. "That makes this easier." As for the mention of civilians? "Best I stay with the civilians. I can fix them up if any of them get injured," he offers.

And then, because he remembers that he doesn't know anybody here except Laura, he offers, "Oh! Um. I'm Josuke. Good to meet you." Short intro is short! Then again, time's of the essence, so it's probably best to keep intros short.

The sounds of snarling and growling surprise Josuke. "Whoa. That sounds really bad." A look at Yang. "Do they have a specific weakness? Or does it vary between them?"

Athela Valemore has posed:
    The sound of hooves pounding on the ground thunders outside of Yordenville, though likely the town never hears the approach over the chaotic sounds already ringing through the streets. These hooves belong not to a horse though. Rather it is a large goat-like creature with bristly green and tan hair that is barreling towards the seiged city as fast as it's legs can go.

Sitting upon the beast's backside, Athela keeps a hand on one of it's horns like reigns while lifting the other to fiddle with her comm device. Thank the gods the device was deciding to cooperate today. "Then protect them we shall. It matters not if Knight, Hunter, or otherwise. This is our duty for thoses that cannot themselves." She set her expression into a determined one, focused on the city quickly coming before them. "We shall meet you within the limits of the city."

Then regripped both horns and hunched down to be sure they could get as much speed as possible as she spurred Gogoat with her heels. "Onward, Brushen! To battle and glory!"

Staren has posed:
    Staren listens on the radio as S.A.I.L. sets a course to Remnant orbit, the catboy suiting up in his armor during FTL transit. <"Understood. I'll beam down when you arrive.">

    When the bullhead arrives, a beam of red light shoots down next to it and coalesces into Staren.

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    Yang looks around, explaining over radio the best way to deal with the normal Grimm.

    The Bullhead opens it's side doors, but doesn't land... and the reason for that is very obvious on looking out. Grimm. Giant, black shapes in animalistic form. Cirra's question gets a look from the blonde. "About three hours ago. They're long gone. Our priority is the civilians." she says, before leaping out of the Bullhead. "Don't get isolated!" she yells, before slamming her fist into the ground, causing it to ripple out in a circle around her, knocking Beowolves and Ursai sprawling in its wake.

Athela Valemore has posed:
    The tone of the hoofbeats changes a bit as it moves from soil to pavement, but the intensity in their pounding remains. Crossing the limits of Yordenville brings a tremendous shift in environment filled with the dark and grimm creatures.

    Athela looks up for a brief moment as the Bullhead hovers overhead, then back ahead. "Let us clear our allies a safe landing zone," she remarks as she reigns her unusual mount to a stop. Then draws her sword and holds it out dramatically, a shimmer of light rippling down Resolute Blade's length like a faint beacon of hope admist the shadows of evil around them. "Judgement cast upon these fields of dark, away from here cast!"

    Several vines burst out of the bushy growth around Gogoat's shoulders, driving into the ground around the creature. Only for several dozens more to burst back out of the land, the Grass Knots latching onto any Grimm the growths can and flinging them away from the other disembarking defenders.

Iria (215) has posed:
Iria listens intently as she flies into the area. She's never dealt with Grimm before, and does not want to risk making any major mistakes with them. Once she hears how to deal with them, she grins a little. "Good thing I brought my katana with me!" She says as she swoops in close to where the Bullhead is, but doesn't land either, as she sees those animalistic creatures.

"So those are the Grimm, huh? They look dangerous." Unfortunately, there are too many down there for Iria to take on, even with backup, so she stays in the air, waiting for the landing zone to be cleared.

Staren has posed:
    Staren reflexively jumps (assisted by some thrusters) when Yang punches the ground like that. He already has his laser rifle out, but when he sees that Yang is knocking down enemies, he transfers it to his off-hand, activates wings, and divebombs the fallen Grimm while drawing his beam sword, aiming to finish at least one of them off quickly!

Laura Kinney (1111) has posed:
Laura Kinney unstraps, hanging onto one of the overhead rails as the dropship switches into hover mode, peering out the door down at the ravening hordes below. Well. This should be fun. Letting go, she takes a few steps back to get a running jump, two silvery claws sliding out of the knuckles of each hand, another poking through each boot once she's in the air. The mutant teen plunges toward the ground, kicking both feet into the back of an Ursa to brake while jamming both sets of hand claws straight through the bony plate over its forehead. That's one down like a ton of bricks. Even surrounded by supernatural animalistic monsters, Laura doesn't show a hint of fear as she scythes into the crowd, clearing a swathe out from under the dropship.

Josuke Higashikata (1119) has posed:
Josuke looks out of the opening door on the side... and cringes. Bleh! At least he can pretty much tell those things aren't going to listen to him try to talk them down. "Those are the Grimm?" It's kind of half-rhetorical at least; clearly they are, otherwise Yang wouldn't be bailing out of the craft and into the battlefield. Though speaking of Yang... Josuke's eyes go wide as Yang hits the ground with enough force to fling Grimm all over the place. "Wooow..." he breathes.

But then, there isn't time to be gawking at allies! There are monsters to fight, and civilians to protect! He jumps out of the craft as well. On the way down a purple aura springs to life around Josuke. "<Crazy Diamond!>" he calls out. And with an odd 'pressure' sound, another figure appears, seeming to literally leap up from Josuke's own body. It's a pink figure with steel-blue armor; that armor seems to have a heart motif going on.

This figure loops an arm around Josuke's waist and lifts him up just enough that it's own feet hit the ground, not Josuke's. Saved him from what would otherwise have been a painful landing, most likely; Josuke looks like a normal teen, aside from the summoning the pink and blue dude.

And what does he do when he and his sudden companion hit the ground? Why, start punching, of course. Well, he doesn't. His companion does. The first Grimm that gets close to him is treated to a barrage of superspeed punches from Crazy Diamond, with an ascending-sounding, "DORARARARARA!" He's not just randomly punching, though. He's aiming for that skull-like part of their heads. If it's a weak spot, he might be able to shatter it to cause more damage. This is the fate of any Grimm that gets too close -- wall of arm and fist.

Cirra Constantine (675) has posed:
    "I thought as much." Cirra nods, but to her knowing how long it's been since this started, maps an idea of how bad things have gotten. By now any untrained defenders are wearing out. Sliding on her horned helmet, Cirra walks to the door and simply steps off to plumet to the ground.

    Hitting the ground in a roll, the Judge summons her sword out of thin air, forming out of Magic Particles even as it transforms into a rifle by splitting along it's length. THe weapon fires shots of explosive cystal into the Grimm ahead of them. She's not a Gunner class, she can't make tricky shots that do weird physics defying things, but she can put those shots into some pretty small targets.

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    Yang stands after her Quake Strike, then goes into a flurry of punches, smashing Beowolves aside, then uppercutting an Ursa into a backflip, before double punching it into another group, bowling them over.

    Staren finishes off another fallen Grimm, the others around him being slow to get back up, but they're getting there.

    Athela's vine attack catches several Grimm off guard, and pins them to the ground.

    And then the Human Blender comes flinging herself out of the Bullhead, turning an Ursa into a smoking corpse in a matter of seconds. There are plenty more though.

    Josuke's attack seems largely ineffective, to begin with, until the plate cracks, and Crazy Diamond's fist smashes straight through it and out the other side, leaving a smoking corpse that fades away.

    Cirra's crystal shells find their marks, dropping another Grimm with a pained howl and a burst of black smoke.

Josuke Higashikata (1119) has posed:
Josuke can feel the thump of Crazy Diamond's knuckles meeting the plate on the Grimm's head. No, no that doesn't feel like a weak spot. Fact it feels like he might have picked literally the most armored place on the beast's whole body to start punching. Ouch. He does EVENTUALLY get through it. But OUCH! Right. So don't punch there again. Ever.

But this is KNOWLEDGE GAINED! In fact, it gives Josuke an idea. Once the Grimm disappears, Josuke makes for a second target. Not to punch it, though. The Stand merely tries to pick up the Grimm. Why? To use to to bludgeon a second Grimm! Ideally he's aiming to use that skullcap armor as the impact point. Because if it's hard enough to hurt him, it's hard enough to hurt when hit with!

Athela Valemore has posed:
    With several of the Grimm pinned down in the vines it's an ample oppritunity to strike. Athela leaps off Gogoat's backside, gripping her divine blade in both hands to plunge it into an Ursa trying to struggle free when she lands on its backside. Stabbing and slicing may be the most effective means of inflicting damage, but without using her Tide Caller abilities she's limited to mostly one target strikes.

    Pokemon, on the other hand... "Brushen, cut them down! Razor Leaf!"

    "Go-o-o-o-oat!" bellows the botanical ungulate as he violently shakes his grassy pelt. Multiple clusters of leaves erupt from it, hurtling towards the other entrapped Grimm. Despite their appearance they are insanely sharp-edged, spinning through the air like natural throwing blades.

Iria (215) has posed:
With things getting cleared up, Iria drops from her Teppandai, which heads away on autopilot, while the girl herself lands on the ground with some distance between herself and the Grimm. Of course, the distance is quickly reduced as the Grimm notice her. Fortunately, Iria's got her katana ready! "I'm gonna cut you down to size!" Iria calls out with an evil grin as she rushes at the Grimm. With a few slashes here and there, Iria attempts to attack the strange creatures.

They might be scary to some people, but to Iria it's nothing. "You creeps have nothing on Zeiram, so don't think you'll get me that easily!" She says with a laugh.

Laura Kinney (1111) has posed:
Laura Kinney flows from Grimm to Grimm, adamantium claws scything through... whatever they're made of- like a hot knife through butter. She's used to being outnumbered, and at least these beasts don't seem smart enough to use teamwork or work together, seeming mostly concerned with trying to tear bits off her. And occasionally, through sheer force of numbers... one gets through. A blow from an Ursa's paw bowls her over, ribs cracking under the impact although the only sign from Laura is a muffled grunt. She kicks upwards, toe claw impaling the monster's head from beneath, before flipping herself back onto her feet. Three deep slashes run down one side of her stomach from the Ursa's claws, but by the time two more beowulfs hit the ground, the bleeding's already stopped as her body heals.

Cirra Constantine (675) has posed:
    With one Grimm destroyed by her rifle, Cirra stands up again as her rifle closes again into it's sword form. The judge pulls a card from herside and stabs it through with her sword into the ground. "The Briar!" She shouts as a magic circle forms under her feet and spreads out across the ground.

    Crystaline vines break out from the ground and attempt to entangle the nearby Grimm in an effort to make everyone elses's strikes that much easier to land.

    "Be quick, we have to keep moving towards the survivors or they'll be overrun by the time we get there."

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    The combined efforts of the Elites thin out the throng... enough that the leader shows itself at last... The gunfire from a small bunker-like structure tapers off, as a huge, hulking mass of anger and rage turns away from trying to bash into the place. It roars, and rears up to beat on its own chest. It's a huge gorilla-like beast, and as it's opener, snags a nearby Beowolf, and HURLS it at the Elites, before leaping high in the air and aiming to smash both fists down atop someone!

    Yang goes wide eyed. "BERINGAL! AIM FOR THE GAPS IN ITS CHEST PLATE!" She shouts, leaping back from the impact point, then redirecting her momentum with a pair of shotgauntlet blasts to smash the thing in the face to stagger it.

Iria (215) has posed:
Iria spots the big bad, and she knows she's not got a chance with her sword. In fact, displaying extreme agility, she avoids the Beowolf barely. "Damn, looks like I misjudged what these things are capable of doing!" Switching her katana out for her assault rifle, the bounty hunter loads a clip into her gun. "But at least I come prepared!"

Aiming carefully, Iria fires at the gaps in the chest plate, trying not to hit anyone who might be in the way. "You're goin' down!"

Laura Kinney (1111) has posed:
Laura Kinney turns at the roar, her eyes widening a little as suddnely there's a new player on the battlefield. And she definitely couldn't run fast enough to get under its fists... <<Somebody throw me at it. I cannot jump that far, but with assistance...>>

Josuke Higashikata (1119) has posed:
Cirra's reminder gets a nod. She's right. But there's so many Grimm between them and the survivors. It'll take too long to get to them. He's just about to ask Yang where the civilians are, when... that giant gorilla appears. "WHOA!" he exclaims, barely avoiding the thrown Beowolf. Then he hears something over the radio. His eyes go a bit wide at it -- it's Laura, asking someone to throw her at the big creature that just appeared.

"Throw you at it?!" he asks over the radio. Then he pauses, looking at Crazy Diamond. "I... think <Crazy Diamond> can do that! But are you sure?" he asks. The various responses seem to convince him, though. So Crazy Diamond pauses in his rapidfire punching, then turns to Josuke, quickly picking him up and leaping over the Grimm between himself and Laura, then putting the teen back down on the ground.

"Ready?" he asks Laura. Once he's sure, Crazy Diamond makes to pick up Laura under one of her arms. The Stand spins once to build up momentum, and then releases Laura, aiming right at the big gorilla-thing's face with a loud, "DOURRRRA!"

Athela Valemore has posed:
    Wolves, bears... and then a thing that looks like a pissed off Slaking when it's Truant round is up. The only thing that saves the young knight from being crushed beneath it's landing is her own divine insight, and even then she leaps back out of it's path only to still be bowled over by the shockwave of it's impact. Cloak flutters around as she rolles, before finally coming back into a crouch, bracing herself with one hand. The other clenches tightly around Resolute Blade as it starts to channel her aquakinesis and glow a faint seafoam color. "Brushen, hold it back! Give the others a chance to strike before it endangers the locals more!", she shouts to her pokemon. Gogoat nods, stomps its hooves and bleats loudly before launching forward. As the Beringal swings around its rage the pokemon charges in, trying to snare one of the flailing limbs between it's horns and twist it, hooves digging in to try and anchor itself and pull the arm away from fending off the attackers.

    Athela starts by hoisting her divine blade up over her head, grasping it in both hands now. "Thine corruption shall not reign here, monster. Fall beneath the tides of justice!" Athela swings her sword down and releases the divine elemental energy so it forms the lashing stream she's become known for. Channeling her power through Resolute Blade makes it act much like a whip-sword made of pressurized water, which she snaps several times to try and break the cracked chest armor farther without getting within the range of the other attackers by accident.

Laura Kinney (1111) has posed:
Laura Kinney crouches down on the figure's hand, launching herself as its arm hurtles forward, sending her screaming towards the gorilla. And it's about then when Yang pops up in front of her. Spreading her arms, claws outstretched, she hits, arms on either side of Yang. She pivots rapidly around her embedded claws, retracting them just in time to launch herself in a flip and catch footholds in its back on the way down with her toe claws. Anchored with both feet and one arm, and hopefully out of reach of its arms, she plunges the claws of her free hand into the side of its neck and saws them backwards as Yang continues to shotgun the beast in the face.

Staren has posed:
    Well, that's a bunch of Grimm down... and then suddenly there's a big one! Staren hits the deck, the Beowulf flying by just over him. Even while prone, he's able to aim his arm's beam cannons at the Beringal and fire, then clips the beam sword hilt to his side while readying the laser rifle. He does his best to aim for the gap in the armor as directed, firing a quick three-pulse burst before getting up and running from the Beowulf once it's had time to recover from being thrown!

Cirra Constantine (675) has posed:
    The colossal gurriela lands with both arms swinging down. Cirra dives backwards as she tosses her sword into the air. The double smash attack knocks the Judge backwards, rolling over the ground from the forces of the shockwave from the Kong.

    Only her sword has remained in the air, just infront of the Grimm's face.

    "Hit it in the gaps between the chest plates is it?" Cirra says with a growl as she stands up from where she stopped rolling, reaching her hand out in the air as if to grab the floating sword. "Let's see how many we can find!"

    She steps forward, 'swinging' her empty hand, and the floating sword obeys, slashing through the air. Swing, slash, swing, slash. The judge goes faster with every movement, guiding the magical sword through the air like a telekenetic missile, slashing and thrusting at the gaps in the Grimm's armor.

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    The Beringal staggers as it takes a Yang to the face. This staggers it back, enough that Laura can stab it in the throat. Iria's, Cirra's and Staren's shots blast black goo out of the monsters 'flesh'. Athela's strike lops off a leg, sending the beast down for Yang to leap up and smash its head in with another shotgauntlet blast.

    The Bullhead pilot swoops back over. "Yang, Problem! We've got a Nevermore heading this way. We've got about five minutes until it shows up. The rescue ships are two minutes out, we need to get the people out of the bunker now!"

Laura Kinney (1111) has posed:
Laura Kinney ducks under the rain of skull fragments before they dissapate into mist, dropping free, claws back in before she hits the ground. The area seems to be pretty well suppressed by now, so she hammers her fist on the bunker door. "You need to evacuate! We have five minutes to get everyone out!"

Iria (215) has posed:
Running to the bunker as well, Iria gestures for everyone to follow her. "This way!" She calls out, looking for anyone who might need assistance getting there. "Try not to panic, OK? We're going to get you all out of here! Just come with us!"

Athela Valemore has posed:
    "Then we hath no time to waste." Athela turned and resheathed her sword, putting the battle they just waged behind her. That was not of importance now. "Come Bushen, we must aid in evacuating." She makes her way to the bunker with as much purpose to her gait as she did charging into battle. "If anyone is too hurt to move on their own speak up! Gogoat is more than strong enough to assist." Being a pokemon specifically bred and raised as a transport, after all.

Josuke Higashikata (1119) has posed:
"We did it, everybody!" Josuke crows, as the Beringal goes down under the assault. Though the pilot of the plane has more bad news. Josuke has no idea what a 'Nevermore' is. All he knows is it's bad news and needs to not be here where there are civilians. They'll only have about two minutes of grace time.

And he also adds to Athela's words as well. "I can heal anybody who's injured," he offers.

Cirra Constantine (675) has posed:
    Cirra looks up at the bullhead ast he sword returns to her hand, "Three minutes to evacuate them all?" hn. She turns and makes for the bunker as fast as she can. "Get everyone ready. If they can't walk, carry them on your backs!"

Staren has posed:
    Staren turns his weapons on the Beowulf. Hopefully it won't take long to take down, sounds like they don't have much time. "How many people are in there? Five minutes should be plenty of time to evacuate calmly. I can provide transport if need be..."

    He approaches the bunker, then after a moment looks at Yang. "What's a Nevermore?"

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    Three more Bullheads swoop in two minutes later, they land in the town square, but it's a fair distance to run from the bunker-like building.

    The people inside are in various states of wounded, including the militia, who are toting fairly hefty assault rifles, "We're glad you showed up, that monster would have broken in before too much longer... and I thought we had it rough with the bandit raid." says one. "We can mostly move, but there's a couple who got stabbed by the bandit leader... they can't move on teir own." says the other, motioning for the civvies to start moving.

    Yang looks at Staren. "Flying Grimm. If Ochre is this worried, it's probably a Giant Nevermore... they can knock down a Bullhead in one swoop." she explains, helping to guard and escort... hopefully someone can get the badly wounded out.

Laura Kinney (1111) has posed:
Laura Kinney is a lot stronger than she looks, easily carrying out anyone by herself who is having trouble walking but doesn't need a stretcher, getting them loaded onto the transports. It's a race against time... but hopefully they can pull it off. Nobody else is getting hurt today if she has anything to say about it.

Josuke Higashikata (1119) has posed:
There are wounded! That's the first thing Josuke hears. He nods to the one who spoke. "I'll go help them," he offers, and heads down into the bunker where the badly-wounded are. He'll tune out all distractions, just for a moment. "<Crazy Diamond>!" The wounded aren't likely to see the armored figure, but they may feel the hand Crazy Diamond places on the side of their faces, one by one. The orange-gold aura seeks to return the wounded to a non-wounded state. Hopefully that will be enough to get them on their feet.

Iria (215) has posed:
Iria's also a very strong girl, carrying an injured person as well on her shoulders. "Just hold on, tight! We're gonna get you to safety!" She says as she runs towards the transports with little difficulty, surprisingly enough. A small girl, but with big strength!

Athela Valemore has posed:
Athela Valemore nods to Josuke. "Do not overexert yourself, but the more you can have moving on their own, the quicker this will go."

They're still going to need additional means of moving people. Thinking quickly, she picks up some of the scraps around the bunker, and shrugs off her cloak. "Brushen, give me some vines." The Gogoat complies, extending a few lengths of plant material and letting it snap off at the end. Mimicing what she's seen her Timburr also do with vines to use them as ropes, Athela ties the pieces of debris together and tries her cloak to them. They're short on time by the makeshift sled should still help. Another pair of vines are used to tie it behind her Gogoat so he can pull. "Quickly now, we hath not much longer." Athela helps people onto the goat's back or onto the sled, and hauls them out once it's completely loaded.

Cirra Constantine (675) has posed:
    Even with Crazy Diamond's ability to heal people, there's always the elderly or the chronicly infirm. Cirra carries people that can't get out on their own on her back, because like Laura she's stronger then she looks. Even as she goes she's muttering under her breath, counting?

    "one hundred thirty eight."

    "One hundred eighty seven..."

    "Two hundred thirty five..."

    "ONE MINUTE!" She makes sure everyone else on the team can hear her.

Staren has posed:
    Staren starts carrying wounded to the transports. The power armor gives him enough strength to lift someone easily, and doesn't get tired. "If we have to, I could deploy the Star Hawk and try to hold it off..."

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    The group manage to get the wounded onboard the Bullheads... as the shrill shriek of a very, VERY large bird comes across the open ground. "Punch it!" shouts the lead pilot to the others. The three Bullheads lifting off the ground and angling to lift off quickly.

    The Nevermore swoops out of the clouds, shrieking as it pulls up abruptly and rains spear-like feather quills, which slam into the ground where the Bullheads used to be a moment before. "Alright, we should be able to outpace it now, get altitude. I'm calling Vale to get a responder team to the landing pad and make sure the perimeter defense grid is pre-aimed."