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Bahamut encounters Berk
Date of Scene: 27 April 2015
Location: Great Ocean - Western Loop
Synopsis: Bahamut visits a new land and encounters a dragonrider as well as many intelligent dragons who lack the ability to speak.
Cast of Characters: 759, Bahamut, 325, 162

Valka (759) has posed:
     Two days west of hopeless and a few degrees south of freezing to death was where Berk was in the olden world, but here? The seas stretch out to the horizons, beckoning those interested in exploring to seek their fortunes on vast and scattered islands. Berk itself is a small island in a long archepelago that contains varied geography - high and rocky cliffs, large forests, and jagged mountains that, if one is unprepared, can seem a little imposing.

     After their conversation on the radio earlier in the day, Bahamut expressed interest in seeing Berk and Valka, being Valka and wanting to meet another of these talking dragons, gave him directions from the nearest portal.

     Valka, the woman on the radio, stands in an open field outside of the village, watching her Stormcutter, Cloudjumper, circle the island along with the rest of the dragons - nearly a hundred strong of various and myriad breeds. Even a few babies, who listen to none, flit back and forth between the stables and the feeding troughs. She watches and waits, wondering what to expect from Bahamut.

Bahamut has posed:
     Bahamut feels this is a world where his usual grand entrance might actually not cause panic. So, as the dragons circle the island, above them a set of glowing white runed circles appear in the sky. They hum audibly before something large and draconic comes crashing through them with speed possibly rivaling that of a Nightfury.

     The metallic dragon with the colorful plumage comes screaming downward, leaving contrails from his wings. And, when he nears the ground, seemingly far too late to arrest his fall, his massive wings spread and he comes to a sudden...near stop. He still hits the ground with a resounding thud and sends out a slick shockwave from the impact. He stands, a deep rumble coming from him, then he looks at Valka and grins lightly before crossing his arms over his chest in a typically proud dragon stance. "Greetings. You are Valka, I take it?" he says as he stands there, 15 feet of dragon king.

Valka (759) has posed:
     The circles of light do get the attention of some of the denizens of Berk but, when a dragon comes crashing through, a few of them just go on about their business since living with dragons means that if you've seen one, you've seen 'em all. Yes, that's not exactly true, now that the land is in the multiverse, but still, old habits do die hard.

     The woman watches and waits, a smile appearing, her eyes crinkling a little as the dramatic entrance - one after her own heart, to be truthful - is shown and, even with the supposed impact at hand, remains perfectly still, her staff held lightly in her right hand, her dragon, Cloudjumper, circling around overhead, watching all that he can see from above.

     She does bounce a little, though, when Bahamut hits the ground. Fifteen feet of dragon at more than mach 1 does have a bit of energy to disperse when he hits the ground, after all. "Yes, well." She chuckles, giving a low bow, arms outspread almost like a dragon's wings, bending at the knee before straightening, her head tilted slightly, a warm smile offered. "Greetings." She offers a hand, taking a step closer, still speaking. "You must be Bahamut. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintence." A beat. "Yes, I am Valka."

Bahamut has posed:
     Bahamut finds that, while he is glad no one panicked...he is a bit disappointed when no one is awed by his entrance. He is a proud, slightly vain dragon, after all. But, he continues to grin as Valka approaches. He holds out one of his own hands, the large claws spread like the talons of an eagle ready to strike, and rumbles warmly. "It is a honor to make your aquaintance as well, Miss Valka." he says, then looks around, turning his body a bit to do so. "Are all of these dragons yours to ride?"

     When he turns, Valka might notice the floating gyro that hovers just above and between his shoulders. It is hard to miss. A bright shiny golden wheel that spins slowly as he stands there.

Valka (759) has posed:
     The red-haired woman studies Bahamut for a moment before resting her palm against the taloned hand, fearless, her own hand dwarfed by the size of it - like a dinner plate in comparison to a spoon. She holds it there for a moment, letting him grow used to her presence, her scent, her way of moving, before she speaks, and when she does, it's with a bit of reverence. There are a few gawkers, to be sure, from upper balconies and on the edge of the forest behind the village, people do watch Valka and the shimmering metallic Dragon speak, amazed that such a thing exists in the world that they now call home.

     So he's not completely ignored.

     "You will have to forgive me, but most of the time, conversations I have with dragons are remarkably one-sided so this is a rare treat for me." She turns to gesture at the skies, at the stables, at the dragons that swirl around and poke out from almost every nook and cranny of the village. "The larger ones, yes. Stormchaser, up there..." She points at the large four-winged dragon that's been watching since Bahamut's arrival. "is the one that allows me to ride him. Others, too. If you see a saddle, they've got a caretaker that they allow to ride. So...yes? I guess?" She laughs, leaning over to watch the big shiny gyro hovering between Bahamut's shoulders.

Bahamut has posed:
     Bahamut chuckles as Valka rests her hand in his. He stays still until she pulls her hand back, then stands tall again. "I see. So, these dragons are unable to speak. Are they intelligent?" he says as he watches them flying. When she points to Stormchaser, Bahamut looks up at him and offers a slight nod of greeting.

     "It is magnificent, so many dragons gathered in one place, living peacefully with humans. In nearly every world I have entered where dragons exist, they are feared, often hunted." Bahamut rumbles.

Valka (759) has posed:
     "Oh, yes. Very much so. They're not mindless pack animals that raid sheep or beasts of burden. They all have their own personalities, desires, and dreams. It's not /their/ fault we can't understand what they're saying, but it's our duty to live with them as we wish them to live with us. In peace." Valka turns to watch the dragons, watching where Bahamut looks to see what strikes his interest.

     Stormchaser stops and hovers, his dual sets of wings beating in time with each other, looking down at the other dragon as he nods, roaring in greeting and flaring the fringe around his head before streaking off to hunt for tonight's dinner. "It's his turn to fish, after all." Valka explains. He'll come give you a proper greeting once he's had a good meal and a scrub." She looks over to Bahamut again. "We're a small island, but our ideas are spreading. There were those who wanted to use dragons as weapons, to take over the world..." She gives a small sigh, her face twisted in a frown. "That evil man is no more, thank the gods, but overcoming the fear that he put into the populace is difficult. An island of sanity, I like to say."

Bahamut has posed:
     Bahamut watches Stormchaser fly off, then look back to Valka. "Fish? One dragon can fish for the entire nest?" he says, willing to be impressed if that is true. He looks toward the sky again, then back to Valka once more. He grins, then lowers himself down. "Shall we join him? As a guest here, I feel it is my duty to contribute."

     He holds out a talon, ready to help Valka up onto his back or shoulders. "And, I never have to hunt, so this will be an interesting experience. Of course, I must fight often, but hunting is different." The dragon king spreads his wings, ready to take off.

Valka (759) has posed:
     "If you'd like." Valka responds, taking the offered talon and stepping lightly up on Bahamut's back, settling herself. Instead of sitting, however she stands astride, right between his shoulder blades, ready for him to take off. "The fishing grounds are about a mile or so to the west, into the sun. As it sets, the schools are actually illuminated, and it makes it easier for Stormchaser to catch them. He's the largest, so he generally brings enough for everyone on his trips."

Bahamut has posed:
     Bahamut grins as Valka steps up then stands on his shoulders. "Hold on." he says, then he crouches before leaping into the air. His wings flick open, then in a single flap he is sailing through the air in the direction Valka indicated. He watches the water rush by as he flies toward the setting sun. "How did you become a dragon rider? Did you or the dragons initiate the partnership?"

     As he flies, Bahamut skims just above the water, creating a wake as he passes.

Valka (759) has posed:
     Valka's 'hold on' is simply taking her staff (she had that with her, you see) and loops one of the hooked ends around the base of one of Bahamut's wings, remaining standing with a slight bend of her knees as Bahamut launches into the air with a thunderous flap of his wings. And as he flies, she remains standing, shifting her weight expertly as he moves and shifts, remaining in the perfect spot to balance, to keep him flying, almost as if she isn't there. If he rolls, she walks deftly, like one would walk over a rolling log in the water, smiling, her hair streaming in the breeze as she does.

     "For the longest time, we were the dragon's enemies. They raided us, we fought back. A never ending cycle of violence." She sighs, crouching down a little to speak quieter. "My words were ignored. I thought that if we simply stopped the killing, they would stop, and for that, I was considered a mad woman." She chuckles and gives Bahamut a pat, gently, on the shoulder. "During one raid, Stormchaser broke into our home, where my son was, newly born. I...I rushed to defend him, and when I entered the room, I saw that giant dragon being as gentle as a mother could to a baby." One can almost imagine the smile as she says that, her voice dreamy. "Before we could do anything, my husband broke in and attacked. The dragon, thinking he was attacking /me/, took me away....so...I'd say he initiated it, unintentionally."

Bahamut has posed:
     Bahamut is intrigued as Valka moves about him so easily. He even starts to test how skilled she is, doing a slow roll and then a quick up and down bank. If she handles that well, he even goes so far as to do a loop. He laughs as he levels out, then continues on his way toward the fishing ground.

     After listening to Valka's story, Bahamut hmms. "Misunderstanding is the cause of much conflict in the Multiverse. Unfortunately, there is also actual evil. Mindless creatures that seek destruction, or evil overlords who wish to subjugate everyone else. There is much more cause for conflict than for peace."

Valka (759) has posed:
     The loop does give Valka a little bit of a hiccup - Bahamut's giant rotating wheel of gold acting as a anchor point for her staff when he goes vertical but, she doesn't fall over at all. Watching the redhead move, standing up, mind you, around the dragon, makes one think of one of those kids toys where, no matter which way you push it, it always stays upright.

     The pair find Cloudjumper, who is busy scooping his wings through the water, herding a massive school of fish into a single, tight ball before using his lower set of wings like a giant net, pulling them in and grasping the fish tight to the body before heading back to land. "See?" Valka tells Bahamut with a grin. "Enough for the whole nest's dinner. Come on." She points back to land where they came from. "No sense in us getting wet when the work's already done. Besides, he's showing off for you. You're the new dragon to impress, after all." She calls out, her voice loud. "Isn't that right, Stormchaser?"

     The big dragon's head swivels around to peer at them, turning almost 180 degrees as he flies back to the island, his look seeming to ask 'you guys coming? Dinner's ready.'

Bahamut has posed:
     Bahamut lets out a laugh as Valka nimbly avoids falling during his loop. "You are quite skilled! It is no wonder the dragons have accepted you." he says in his booming voice, easily heard over the wind as they fly. When they encounter Stormchaser, Bahamut chuckles. "He seems quite well adapted for that task." he says as he follows the other dragon back toward land.

     But, these are dragons. Going back isn't just a leisurely flight amongst new dragons. Bahamut flies up alongside Stormchaser, then lets out a gentle challenging rumble before...he takes off, his powerful wings flapping like those of a falcon. He quickly accelerates, attempting to leave Stormchaser behind with only the sound of Bahamut's laugh and the rush of the wind.

Valka (759) has posed:
     Cloudjumper, the Stormcutter (name, species) is loaded down with approximately a ton of fish, so keeping up with Bahamut and not losing his load will not happen. Instead, the Stormcutter continues on his leisurely path back to Berk, circling and depositing his wing load of fish into an open-topped building where, shortly, the sounds of cooking and chopping can be heard. CLoudjumper goes and dives into the water to wash fish off, and then it's off to search for Valka and, hopefully, to challenge Bahamut to a race.

     The red-haired woman hangs on as Bahamut increases to full blast, hanging on until they return to Berk, landing in the field where they originally started from.

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
    The pair may be surprised to find there's at least one visitor waiting for them when the return. After hearing about a new world that is, apparently, full of dragons, Rhapsody decided to take a break from coordinating 'production' in the Izzet Sector to see what she could find out about Berk. Seeing Bahamut has beaten her to the area brings a much needed smile to her face. As the pair touch down, a wave is given to each of them, but she doesn't approach, letting them both settle after landing.

Bahamut has posed:
     Bahamut snorts lightly when Cloudjumper ignores him, then slows down. He still beats the other dragon back, but he doesn't maintain his speed the whole way. He lands in the field, then lets Valka down if she wishes it. Then, he blinks in surprise. "...Rhapsody?" he says in surprise, then chuckles. "It is good to see you, Guildmaster."

     The big dragon makes his way over to her, then holds out a claw. "It is a surprise, but not an unexpected one, that you would meet us here. A world full of friendly dragons is cause for happiness."

Zephyr Windstar (162) has posed:
    "... I told you we took a wrong turn, pup." comes a firm, but not harsh voice from off towards the Warp Gate's direction. A figure crests a ridge just following the voice, a humanish woman with frill-like ears and slit-pupil eyes, wearing a simple black tank top and cargo trousers, with heavy boots.

    She's oddly pushing a younger, teenage girl with brown hair, heterochromic eyes with a scar over the left one, wearing a similar outfit in a wheelchair. "Quit gripin' Darma. S'nice t'explore now'n then." replies the girl, looking up at her guardian.

    "Still, you just got released from medical... you should be taking it eas--" Begins Darma, looking concerned.

    "I've been taking it easy for the last week. Now I wanna explore. Besides, you coulda turned us around, I can't really stop ya right now."

    They don't seem to have noticed where they're heading, or who's around.

Valka (759) has posed:
     After she has lowered herself to the ground and straightened her armor a bit (high speed flight does get it out of shape sometimes,) Valka pauses at the sight of another person that's distinctly dragon-shaped but entirely not dragon shaped, thanks to the arms and legs. At first glance, it's like the person that Bahamut is speaking to is a cross between dragon and human which, honestly, makes a little sense in this world, but still. There is a politeness that needs to be had.

     And, more than likely to Bahamut's chagrin, Rhapsody has a bit more attention than he did when he first arrived since she's so different from what others have seen before. In fact, one little girl actually got the nerve to go and touch her tail, running off to the rest of her group, giggling. No fear, no anger, no nothing. Just...acceptance. Valka watches the little girl go running, chuckling to herself softly before approaching the other.

     "I don't believe we've met, but it is the standard default for things now." She rises to her full, more than six foot height and, with her staff held out perpendicular to her body, gives a low bow with her arms spread, holding it for a moment, before straightening. A dragon way of saying hello.

     Add in Cloudchaser landing behind her deftly, his four wings beating the air before he settles down to peer first at Bahamut and then, curiously, at Rhapsody, you get quite an interesting greeting. "Welcome to Berk...Rhapsody, is it?" Valka straightens and smiles, not noticing the new people who have just arrived.

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
As a citizen of the Multiverse, born within its realm, the current Guildmaster of the Izzet offers a bow in polite reply to Valka. A smile was given to Bahamut a moment earlier at his greeting, but she greets them both after the bow. "Good day to each of you! It's always a pleasant surprise to find you where I venture, Bahamut," she offers before turning to Valka. "And I always enjoy meeting new people, epsecially anyone that can be friendly to a dragon when greeted," she offers. It would seem the little one that tugged her tail didn't bother her in the least. In fact, the way her tail is waiving is doing so in a sort of 'do it again' sway.

Bahamut has posed:
     Bahamut chuckles lightly when the little girl tugs on Rhapsody's tail. He rises to his full height, arms crossing over his chest, then nods. "It is always a pleasure to see you, Miss Rhapsody." he says before he blinks at hearing someone else nearby. As they approach, Bahamut raises a hand to greet Zephyr and her familiar. He grins and his wings spread for a moment before folding again. "It seems this world is quite the tourist destination already. It is hardly a surprise. We dragons are rather amazing, after all." he says, watching as the various dragons start munching on fish.

Valka (759) has posed:
     The little girl, who had the bravery to go out and touch Rhapsody's tail, needs a little more goading from her friends and, well, with the tail /right there,/ can't help but dart out and do it again, playfully touching it, looking up at the guild mistress, and touching it again. She grins, then, and Rhapsody is almost surrounded by children, some barely walking, most around six or seven, looking at her, talking to each other, and being nothing if not respectful, if not a shade curious.

     Cloudjumper, too, plods a bit closer, his weight causing the ground to rumble a little, before blowing a puff at Bahamut, a clear challenge for a race /after/ dinner is done. His head swivels, too, to peer at the new arrivals, yellow eyes narrowing, mostly at the sight of one pushing the other in some strange metallic contraption. "Oh, behave. Go get your dinner. He'll be here to chase when you get finished." Valka reaches up to touch Cloudchaser on the nose playfully, the Stormchaser wiggling his nonexistent nose, focusing on Valka, and rushing off into the afternoon to fill his belly as well.

     The dragons, after the fish has been deposited, start to come. From sea, air, and land they come, surrounding the feeding stations, waiting patiently for the vikings to come out and load them, even taking morsels from fingers - a daring proposition if these were evil or stupid dragons, since one might lose a hand. But no, even some of the younger children help - one little boy carrying a fish almost as long as he is triumphantly over his head until a dragon, helpfully, snatches it mid-flight and lands on a rooftop to feast.

     Valka watches with a soft smile on her face. "Dragons are amazing." she agrees, not noting the haughty tone in Bahamut's statement, looking up at him before looking over at the new arrivals. "We should put up a welcome center, or a map of the island, or an inn if we keep getting visitors so frequently! Welcome to Berk!"

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
    And suddenly, children! Lots of them. It's really helping her mood a lot from the 'seriousness' going on in the rest of the Multiverse. The tug on the tail, and sudden swarm, causes her to kneel down and greet a lot of them, answering a question or two they may ask. After a few more moments she stands to talk to Valka and Bahamut again. Tail teasingly poking back at the first child from earlier.

    "I'm glad you think that way, actually. When my father first entered the Multiverse, he told me that he became very disheartened at the sheer number of evil dragons that existed here. It's very refreshing that since I've become more active within the many realms that exist, that I have found more dragons that would rather do good than harm.." At this point, she has not noticed Zephyr.

Zephyr Windstar (162) has posed:
    Zephyr lifts a hand to Bahamut in greeting. Darma gives the dragon lord a stoic nod, as her tail lashes like a whip behind her.

    As Valka greets her, Zephyr waves again. "Hey. 'Berk' huh? Weird name, but then, I come from a planet called 'March' so..." the wheelchair bound girl shrugs, as she's wheeled up. The children crowding around Rhapsody makes both the Mage and the Familiar smile, though the latter is much less obvious.

Bahamut has posed:
     Bahamut just laughs as Rhapsody is swarmed by anklebiters. "Well, I suppose a large humanoid dragon is not nearly as unusual as a small humanoid dragon." he says good-naturedly as he watches. He also watches the many dragons feeding. As he watches, it is a strange feeling for him. These dragons are unable to talk, but seem as smart as most humans. He idly wonders if there are dragon settlements where dragons work forges or something, or if they are content to live as animals, getting handouts in exchange for their services as mounts and defenders.

     These dragons are kind and warm, but they do not seem to share the arrogance common to many other dragons. Even himself. This land is peaceful. Much different from his own world. The big dragon rumbles deeply as he looks off toward the horizon, thinking about his duty to his world and wondering if it is even possible for Spira to be truly peaceful.

Valka (759) has posed:
     The gathered children are playful and happy. Some are even clean! Of course, though, dinner calls and after a while, a bell can be heard ringing. That pealing causes a few children to dash to one of the halls, while others begrudgingly head off, giving little waves to Rhapsody, leaving the last little girl gently stroking the poky tail. 'Tan-koo, miz.' she finally burbles out, holding up a polished dragon scale on a leather string, glittering with reds, blues, and purples, that is carefully hung on the end of the woman's tail. The little girl grins, waves, and scampers off to dinner, leaving the adults to do their adult things.

     "It took a long time, and a lot of learning, but we've gotten dragons to trust us as much as they trust each other." She looks over at Bahamut, then Zephyr, giving her a playful grin. "March is a strange sounding name as well, but then, if you've not heard it before, of course it will sound strange." She chuckles quietly, lifting a hand to cover her mouth for a moment until it passes. "If you'd like, I can have some food brought out for all of us. It's fresh fish, bread, some vegetables...cooked or not, depending on your tastes, of course." And then, Valka blinks. "Oh, my. My manners." She turns to Zephyr and her companion, giving them both a bow, arms outstretched as she does so, knees bending. "As I said, welcome to Berk. My name is Valka."

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
Being given a scale seems to be a lot more touching gesture to the Guildmaster than the child, or Valka, may expect. Bahamut would probably understand, but it doesn't seem to be something that Rhapsody is going to explain. Instead the small scale is taken, gazed at rather longingly, and then tucket away with a calm and quiet that is quite visibly expressed across her features. When she turns back to the two, she's a bit more quiet. "Well met, Valka."

Zephyr Windstar (162) has posed:
    Zephyr gives a military-style salute. "Zephyr Windstar, TSAB Ground Forces Private Third Class." she replies. "Y'can jus' call me Zephyr though." she adds, smirking cockily. Some things don't change, it seems.

    Darma bows her head subtly. "Darma Windstar, Familiar of Stanza Windstar, and Guardian of Zephyr." she offers in introduction, then watches the children leave to dinner. "Your whelps are a comforting sight. March has so very few after the Incident..."

Bahamut has posed:
     Bahamut looks back as the children start to disperse. When the scale is given and he sees the look on Rhapsody's face, he rumbles deeply. "He would not want you to be sad in the midst of this happiness, Rhapsody." the tall dragon says, smiling gently.

     He looks to Valka as she speaks of the long road to taming dragons, and nods. "Trust is important. I have yet to gain it in many circumstances, I believe." he says. Zephyr introduces herself, and Bahamut moves closer. "Are you alright, Zephyr? Should you be out and about in your condition?" he asks before looking Darma over and offering a polite nod.

Valka (759) has posed:
     "A pleasure to meet you both." Rhapsody, Zephyr and Darma are approached, the woman pushing back her braids behind her shoulders to reveal her face, offering hands - first to Rhapsody. If hands are taken, a gentle squeeze is given, followed by a nod and a smile. "A pleasure to meet you all."

     Valka's hands are soft, yet strong, the woman standing near Rhapsody, holding her hand for a bit longer, whispering something to her, before moving to Zephyr and Darma, one hand offered to each. "I would offer our healers, but from what I've seen and heard, bandages and poultices probably wouldn't do much good. Will you be back on your feet soon?" Valka really sounds concerned at that, looking to Darma with a smile. "You have the markings of a Terrible Terror, you know? It suits you."

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
"I know... It's just.." a sigh. "Nevermind," Rhapsody says, shoving the issue aside. "It's a wonderful place you have here, Valka. I'm looking forward to seeing more of it."

Zephyr Windstar (162) has posed:
    Zephyr takes the hand, then shrugs. She looks to Bahamut first. "I could still kick your ass, scalebrain." she retorts playfully. "Besides, I've been in Medical for a week now, if I wasn't fit to at least get out an' about, they'd've kept me there."

    Darma's earfrills fold down at the whisper, but her expression doesn't change, not to the uninitiated in her reactions. "A Terrible Terror, hmm? I have come, often, upon creatures named similar, yet are largely harmless. Would this be the same case now?"

Bahamut has posed:
     Bahamut tsks at Valka. "Do not underestimate the potential of poultices and potions. On my world, they are powerful enough to heal the most dire of wounds." he says, then reaches out a hand to place on Rhapsody's shoulder. He is careful of his claws, of course. He then steps back and folds his arms over his chest.

     With nothing in particular to add, Bahamut just watches the skies and listens for now.

Valka (759) has posed:
     Valka laughs at Darma's comment, nodding in assent. "That is the same case, yes. Terrible Terrors aren't anything like that at all, but the name's traditional so...it stuck. They're small - a little larger than a lamb...about this big." She uses her hands to measure out something about two feet long and a foot tall. "They're more surprising than anything, faster than they appear at first, and will steal just about anything that's edible if you're not careful. But they're loyal once you gain their trust, and make wonderful companions."

     Valka takes a step back from the group, looking them all over. "You are all welcome here." She's said that already, the woman getting a little flustered at repeating herself, it seems. She clasps her hands together nervously, looking down for a moment before straightening again. "Yes, well...feel free to explore. Our homes are your homes. Our forges are your forges. Our storehouses are open if you are in need. Our dragons..." She smiles. "That will take a little trust on their part, but treat them as you wish to be treated, and I'm sure you'll find a friend soon enough. Every viking here, from young to old, knows how to treat a dragon properly, and..." Her voice raises a little. "I'm sure they'll be willing to teach!"

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
The way Valka describes Burk brings a soft smile to Rhapsody's face. "I'm glad to see such a wonderful place exists. I've seen dragons in other worlds but... this is something completely different. So many people and so many dragons all working together is just something both myself and my father simply hadn't seen. There is the occasional case of a single dragon rider in a world but here is ... quite the exception."

Zephyr Windstar (162) has posed:
    Zephyr looks up at Darma, reaching up to place a hand on the Familiar's forearm. This seems to have an effect on the woman, as she looks down, then gives the girl a gentle hug. "Show 'er. Darma. I can handle the chair." she says, shifting to grip the guide rails on the wheels and shift herself over to one side.

    Darma blinks, then nods as she gathers Mana into her body. She glows a brilliant vermilion hue, and alters shape radically within the space of a few seconds. Where once the human-size woman stood, now stands a horse-sized beast in a ruddy tan. Angular snout is filled with dagger teeth, whiplike tail lashing back and forth. Claws built to rend flesh dig lightly into the ground. Catlike in form, but covered in thick scutes of scaled armour. An otherworldly predator, the apex of its natural habitat.

    It then proceeds to speak! The voice disembodied, though emanating from the beast's location. "This is a Par'Thran, the beast upon which I was created."

Bahamut has posed:
     Bahamut chuckles. "I would not want to put more strain on your stores than is necessary. I have an entire temple willing to see to my needs." he says. When Darma transforms, he raises his eyebrows a bit. "Am I the only draconic creature that is unable to change form?" he asks jokingly before chuckling a bit.

     He nods in agreement with Rhapsody. "The relationship between dragons and humans here is unique amongst the worlds I have seen so far." he says. Then, he remembers Cloudjumper. He rumbles and grins. "Are you prepared for a proper race now?"

Valka (759) has posed:
     Valka takes a step back from the blinding vermillion light, lifting a hand to shield her eyes and, when it's gone and she lowers her hand, a dragon is there - another talking one! She crouches and shuffles forward, peering up at Darma's new form before straightening, studying the Par'Thran based form with a scholar's eye. It's also at this point that one of the dozens of Terrible Terrors makes an appearance, squeaking and growling, even pouncing on the tail as it whips back and forth. And, yes....the Terrible Terror kind of looks like Darma, albeit much, much smaller.

     "I can't change forms either. None of the dragons here can, unless you found hatching from an egg into a dragon changing of form." Valka chuckles and looks over to Cloudjumper who snorts at the challenge, uncurling from the ball he wound himself into before moving over to playfully butt Valka before looking to Bahamut, wings unfurling. "Be careful, you two..." the woman says with a smile. "And Bahamut - he is fast. Four wings does displace a lot of air when he wants to." She then pauses. "Unique among the worlds...." Her head tilts to look up at Cloudjumper, then the rest of the dragons. "We've got a lot of people to teach, I think. A lot of people to show that it can be different."