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Latest revision as of 01:30, 25 August 2017

Bahamut Chases Zu into the Multiverse
Date of Scene: 31 July 2014
Location: Great Ocean - Western Loop
Synopsis: Zu attack!
Cast of Characters: Bahamut, Crys Gattz, 307

Bahamut has posed:
     At the northern edge of the Great Ocean's western loop, a disturbance has been reported. Strange creatures likely not seen before in this area have been sighted. Birds as large as ships and as viscious as raptors. In fact...a ship has run aground due to being attacked, and the crew is at this moment trying to fend off the attacks of these birds!

     They don't stand much of a chance, since the ship in question appears to be a wooden cruiser, and all they have to defend themselves are spears and pikes. They have run aground on a desert island, and only some large rocks along the shore are saving them from becoming a meal for these birds which are the size of the ship the sailors had to abandon.

Crys Gattz has posed:
Crys Gattz is riding along on some sort of jet bike from the looks of it. She skims along the water heading towards the island this doesn't look good. Her one good eye narrows a little bit as she closes. She's guns the engine as she figures just what to do, she does however yell out, hopefully this will get the bird's attention along with sound of her machine.

"Hey bird for brains! Come on you know you want a tasety spicey little thing like me for dinner!"

Allyn (307) has posed:
Strange creatures attacking something? Well, that's not been anything new to the wolf, so upon hearing a report about it, he decided he had to go and check it out. He was always up for a challenge. So he makes his way to the nearest gate to reach the island and stalks his way to where he can check things out for a few moments at least.

He watches the giant bird things for a few moments and gives a little sigh. Well, it's never anything normal right? but people are in trouble. He's not going to be of much use against birds in his current form, so he shifts changing shapes from wolf into a large winged serpent and flies off towards the birds, hissing at them. "Hopefully you things don't taste bad."

Bahamut has posed:
     It works! The giant birds notice Allyn and Crys, and one heads toward each of them, while the last one continues attacking the sailors. The one faced with the flying winged serpent shrieks menacingly when Allyn hisses, then gives a powerful flap of its wings, sending a dangerous wind gust toward him. The one headed toward Crys swoops in low and stretches out its large talons, trying to scoop her up like it would a fish or other prey item.

     Although they still have their hands full with the last bird, the sailors are obviously happy to have the assistance of these other people. They let out cheers of thanks. There are about 20 sailors in all, some huddling behind rocks, others in the ship itself trying to get it back under way.

Allyn (307) has posed:
Allyn can't really do much against the dangerous wind gust coming at him, other than try to dodge it as best he can, he's not too manuverable in this form, at least not as much as a bird would be. He gets buffeted around by the wind some though as he can't quite dodge it all. He hisses in frustration and once the wind has died down, he makes his move.

He stops flying towards the bird and hovers there, before opening his mouth and letting out a stream of venom aiming for the bird's eyes, or at least one of them, at least he can do that much as a snake.

Crys Gattz has posed:
Crys Gattz has got the birds after her as she skips across the water and now pulls something out it's some sort of pistol. She keeps control of her craft while she drives one handed and starts taking pot shots at the birds.

"When I'm done if you! Your going to be deep fried and battered!"

Is she serious ot still taunting as she starts firing more shots from the energy pistol, as she zips along the water.

Bahamut has posed:
     The giant bird screeches in distress as that venom lands in its eyes, blinding it. It shakes its head to try and clear the venom, but to no avail. But, it isn't completely blind. It still flies toward Allyn and aims its large, sharp beak at the snake's wings. It's movements aren't exactly accurate, so it is easy to avoid.

     Crys's target screeches as well when a few of those shots hit it, but it keeps flying after her. It closes in and starts pecking at her, it's head large enough to swallow a person if they aren't careful.

     The last bird, still after the sailors, is starting to overtake them. Most of their weapons have been broken, and they are fleeing back toward the ship. The bird moves to close in on them...

     Then, there is a loud roar in the distance. A glance that way would show a large form, easily as large as the birds, flying rapidly toward the site. When it gets closer, it is obviously a dragon, but unlike most dragons, this one looks metal-plated, and his wings are covered with colorful metal feathers rather than the usual bat-like skin. He is grey all over except for those few colorful spots, and looks rather humanoid.

     When he gets closer, he flies right past the bird chasing the sailors, slashing along its side with his large, dangerous looking claws, then pulls up into a loop and comes down to land on the beach with a strong *thud*, followed by another roar as he stands tall and crosses his arms over his chest, a confident smirk on his face. "So, you three thought you could escape Spira and come terrorize the people outside? I will not have dangers from my world threatening others."

     The three birds all recognize this new threat, and turn toward him before flying in rapidly, showering him with talon slashes and beak hits. The dragon being roars in pain, but weathers the attacks and lashes out with his own. Three orbs of grey-blue energy form around him before they are sent at the birds, impacting each and sending it falling to the sandy ground.

     And still, the birds get up. The dragon growls. "Zu. I always hated these things."

Allyn (307) has posed:
Allyn does manage to dodge the bird's beak, and hosses at it again, especially when it flies off towards the dragon. He persues it, though he stops and hovers over it once it is brought down. He watches the humanoid dragon thing for a few moments, wondering if perhaps it is a new enemy or if it is a friend, even though it did take the birds down.

No, they are back up again it seems like. He looks back towards the dragon, "Are you a friend or a foe?" the serpent calls out, before diving down towards one of the birds and tries to bite and coil his body around it.

Crys Gattz has posed:
Crys Gattz is giving it a very merry chase, she's used to things that could swallow her, the bloody dragons of Ragol. She moves quickly trying to keep just out of reach and she tries to pop a few shots into it's open maw, then speaking of Dragons there's one.

"oh if this thing's here to ...."

She trails off seeing it's here to help as it's going after the ZU's she takes this moment to focus and mutters something.


the birds that ate getting up would find themselves caught in a firey explosion which oddly would do nothing to anyone that Crys is not directling her powers at.

Bahamut has posed:
     The bird pounced by Allyn screeches and struggles in his coils, trying to peck and scratch at him before finally falling on its back, sending up a puff of sand around them. It is still blinded, but with Allyn actually touching it now, it has an easier time hitting him. A sharp beak threatens to puncture him at every turn!

     Crys's attack causes all three birds to shriek, burning away what few feathers they have. The sailors cheer as the Zu seem to be under control now. Bahamut grins at the fire attack, then looks to Allyn. "That depends. Are you good or evil?" he asks, chuckling lightly. He hops off the ground, then flies in again and lands on one of the birds. His claws sink deep into the Zu, then with a roar he unleashes a blast of pure grey-white energy that explodes against the Zu. Then, he leaps into the air again.

     Beneath him, the form of th Zu starts to shimmer, then starts to fade as glowing white lights leaving colorful trails of mist behind them. They head back toward the nearest warp-gate and disappear within.

Allyn (307) has posed:
Being coiled around the birds, he really is easy to peck, he writhes and hisses with each strike against his scales, well he is rather large in the form, fifteen feet long, maybe that beak wont get through his scales too easily! He tightens his coils around the bird and watches as the dragon lands and then takes off again, "That depends on your definition. I am as nature is, both kind at times and cruel at others." he then strike's eat the bird's head, trying to engulf it.

Crys Gattz has posed:
Crys Gattz sees the birds are abvout hanlded at this point, she makes sure they are no longer an issue. She's seen things they thought were down get back up before so she's still got her weapon out as she comes back.


Crys does not like nature, no it's always trying to /kill her/ in horrible and painful ways. She doesn't comment further on it then again her species wasn't natural so it could be both sides just hate it.

She looks to Bahamute

"An odd question to ask but whatever I do what I got to do. I didn't like seeing those sailors get eaten. Bloody predators that don't know their place. Oh I'm Crys Gattz. No I'm not an elf before you ask."

Bahamut has posed:
     The Zu that Allyn attacked flails as its head is engulfed. It will be hard to swallow, since the bird is about 10 feet long itself, and quite broad. But, with its head engulfed, it has a much harder time hurting Allyn. Flailing within his coils is the best it can do.

     With one Zu still alive, and other being handled by Allyn, Bahamut turns toward the unassailed Zu and roars. "I am Bahamut. And so long as you make no hostile actions against me or these innocent people, we will not have a problem." he says, then chuckles and grins. "An elf? I was going to say a model." he says before points at the Zu and unleashes a burst of lightning magic. Thundaga. A powerful thunderclap can be heard as a strong bolt of lightning hits the Zu.

     "But, we should save our discussions for after these Zu are defeated." he says, looking over his shoulder at Crys.

Allyn (307) has posed:
Allyn doesn't plan on eating the thing, at least not right now, mostly just trying to suffocate it. He tightens his coils around it even more as he holds onto the bird. Well, maybe it would be best just to end this faster? He's not one for making things suffer. He lets go of the bird's head and shifts again, becoming a large sabertooth cat and as he holds the bird down with a massive paw, he bites into the bird's throat.

He then looks back to Bahamut. "I don't hurt people, I protect them when I get the chance to, especially against creatures."

Crys Gattz has posed:
Crys Gattz looks and sees if they still have some to deal with. She moves and summons a new weapon.

"Model I can live with!"

She grins taking the compliment well. She now closes in on hte Zu and the pistol vanishes in a burst of light. Replaced by a huge hulking mehcnaical claw she leaps off her bike attemping to catch one of the Zu up close with the thing made to crunch throiugh armore plate or cratures with hides/shells just as strong.

Bahamut has posed:
     The Zu that Allyn is attacking lets out a strangled cry as Allyn bites into it, then it goes still. It's form starts to shimmer before fading like the Zu before it. Those same glowing lights float out from it as it goes dimmer and dimmer, and they again float toward the gate.

     After Bahamut's lightning attack, Crys's claw attack is plenty to finish off the Zu. With the last one fading away and its pyreflies floating toward the gate, Bahamut stands tall again and grins, crossing his arms over his chest. "Good work, you two." he says, then turns toward them. "Thank you for your assistance. I am Bahamut. It is an honor to meet two capable warriors." he says. He crouches, then extends a clawed hand toward Crys for a handshake. He might have done the same for Allyn, but he has no hands right now.

Allyn (307) has posed:
Allyn would chuckle if he could, but cats can't do that. He bows his ehad in respect to Bahamut though, "No problem, it's become a habit to come and see what is going on when soemthing has happened. I am Allyn a shapeshifter and pleased to meet you." he does watch bahamut for a few moments, "Now if I could change into a form like that, I'd be much more useful to my friends to protect them."

Crys Gattz has posed:
Crys Gattz clangks the claw shut and shifts her weight she also goes to shakes dragion's hand making sure not to use the claw arm. That would end the introduction in a very bad way, really. She shakes it firmly now and then lets go.

"I'm a Newman if your wondring and ... I think I seen reports on birds like that before. Then again some monster seem to be more proflic than one might expect."

Bahamut has posed:
     Bahamut chuckles and grins at Allyn's comment. "Very useful." he agrees, flexing his claws before folding his arms over his broad chest again. "It is good to meet you, Allyn."

     After shaking Crys's hand, Bahamut extends the claw to Allyn for the same. "This should be the first time any fiends from my world have escaped. Is there another Spira?" he says, then looks around before over at the ship the Zu were targeting. Bahamut rumbles before he makes his way toward the ship. "Are any of you hurt?" he asks in his deep, rumbling voice. The sailors shake their heads and thank all three heroes for their assistance, then get back to work fixing their ship.

     Bahamut nods, then turns to Allyn and Crys again. "Thank you again for your assistance. I am sorry this situation required your attention."

Allyn (307) has posed:
Allyn shakes Bahamut's hand with a paw. "Spira?" he ponders, "Wait.. I think Auron is from there isn't he?" he peers at Bahamut, "Do you know Auron then? Well, might not be from the same Spira, but I still don't understand these worlds thing. It was a pleasure to help though and if you need more help you can always call upon me. If you need referrences, I think Auron would vouche for me."

Crys Gattz has posed:
Crys Gattz says "I was thinking more than just Spiral actually and no I'll live oh them I should be able to help."

She nods for a moment, she's been here a very long time she knows of Auron and others but zays little on it.

"Yes I'm aware of that world but? Its doubtful it's the same version of the world if that helps at all?"

Bahamut has posed:
     Bahamut nods to both, then looks toward the gate before back at them. "I should be going. I will have to meet Auron. He is a hero in my world." he says, then spreads his wings and with a few flaps takes off into the sky. "Fare well, friends!" he calls as he leaves, sending sand swirling behind him from the force of his wings flapping.