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Akebono goes Home
Date of Scene: 02 May 2016
Location: Spira(AOA)
Synopsis: After a heated argument on a public channel, Akebono is sentenced to community service in the Al Bhed community.
Cast of Characters: Bahamut, 939

Bahamut has posed:
     Akebono is directed to an island far west of the mainland of Spira. A vast desert island, and even if she approaches from the ocean she will see large, dangerous creatures. Huge featherless birds the size of a bus, gigantic worms as big as some skyscrapers. And many more human-sized creatures, such as birds and lizards, all very dangerous looking with sharp beaks and talons.

     But, Akebono is directed toward a protected inlet where several ships are docked, and many people are working among and on those ships. Standing at the end of the dock is a tall dragon, about 15 feet tall, with gunmetal grey armor covering much of his body and vibrant purple and yellow plumage on his wings. He looks like he himself is a robot or cyborg of some kind, with how his body seems completely made of metal, but he moves and acts with clear human intelligence.

     He is currently standing tall, arms crossed over his chest in a classic heroic pose, and with his wings spread. He is trying to present the most majestic pose he can. Akebono seems like the type to respond to such. Or...sneer at it. He figures it is a 50/50 shot, and the thought has left him smirking lightly as he waits.

Graf Zeppelin (939) has posed:
Akebonohas arrived in Spira, decked in her land fit-out armor and skating across the water westwards. While sailing, she did take notice of the amount of strange, huge creatures milling about the desert island. "The hell...?" She grumbled to herself, wonderinf og Nagato didn't actually send of her to sin after all.

     But nonetheless, she makes her way towards a certain inlet. Once in port, she hopped up onto the boardwalk, armor and all, with her arms crossed in a huff. It was impossible to miss Bahamut, standing tall in grey armor with bright plumage. Most other people would have been rather impressed with his appearance.

     Her though? She just narrowed her eyes, stepping up to him and peering up...up...and up. She's actually kind of short. Perhaps barely reaching 5 foot four thereabouts. "Alright, I'm here, Mr Goddamn babysitter of the day." Because obviously that's why Nagato quickly decided for her. Why else? "What the hell are we supposed to do here? I saw a bunch of ugly ass things roaming around on the way in. Do you people actually coexist with that shit?"

     Pleasant as usual.

Bahamut has posed:
     Bahamut, unlike the last time they interacted, seems amused by Akebono's attitude and choice of words. "So you are." he says to her first comment, then looks off toward the vast desert at her question. "I am not sure we would call it coexistence. They seek to kill us whenever they can, and we kill them whenever we can. It is the stuggle of the living against the unsent dead. Those creatures you saw were once people, most of whom died violent deaths. Their troubled spirits remain in this world, and take the form of horrible monsters who's only goal is to destroy the living. They are jealous that we still live, you see."

     After the short speech, he looks at Akebono again. "We can do a few different things, and I will give you the choice. First, we can patrol the desert to thin their numbers, or we can journey to Home, take a tour, and possibly help with the restoration efforts. Or perhaps both, if we have time."

Graf Zeppelin (939) has posed:
Akebono listened to Bahamut's explanation of the Unsent, and frowned. "...That sounds familiar." It sounds like the Abyssal situation. Similar, but different all the same. But she didn't bother to elaborate. It wasn't her fight, and she wasn't going to go hauling off to put herself in danger for their sakes. Nope.

     So when given a choice, the girl decides rather easily. "What needs to be done for this 'restoration effort'?" She didn't sound terribly eager, but between fighting other people's battles and helping out with construction, one was certainly better than the other.

Bahamut has posed:
     "Many things." Bahamut replies, then starts down the dock. "But, to understand just how much, I believe the tour of Home is in order. How do you feel about flying?" he says as they reach the solid ground. It is a cliff-face with a tunnel carved through it that stretches outward and upward to the desert above. Once at the top, Bahamut stops again, then looks out over the desert before down at Akebono. "Or, if you prefer, we can walk. It is not terribly far, but we would have to contend with the fiends that call Bikanel home.

Graf Zeppelin (939) has posed:
Bah, a tour. Well, suppose she did need to see what the place was actually like before she could figure out where she could waste her time helping. At the mention of flying, Akebono inclined her head towards Bahamut, frowning slightly more than typically. "...I'm a ship. Not a damn plane." That said though...she didn't seem to be particularly put off by the notion.

     She glanced down into the desert, considering the walk. Walking didn't bother her, but wasting energy on meaningly sorties did. "...Fine. I'll take the ride." The lesser of two evils here, in her mind.

Bahamut has posed:
     Bahamut smirks at that first response. He is about to start walking thwn Akebono opts for the ride instead. He grins. "Excellent." he says, then crouches down and attempts to scoop Akebono into his powerful arms. If she opts out of that, she is free to climb on his back. Either way, Bahamut crouches low, then his wings spread wide. "Hang on." he says, then with a sudden and jolting leap he is airborn, his broad wings carrying him and Akebono into the sky rapidly.

     Once they are about 100 feet up, he starts off over the desert. Again, Akebono can see the creatures from before, but along this route they are being battled by Al Bhed warriors and automated machines, trying to keep the path clear for caravans of supplies moving between Home and the port. They seem to have things in hand, but whenever one of the oversized creatures approaches they have to make a fighting retreat until the creature is brought down. And, Akebono would see that any creatures who are brought down soon disappear in a flow of bright wisps that leave colorful streamers as they move through the air.

     It only takes a few minutes at cruising speed to reach Home, but when Akebono sees it she is likely to ask who would live here. It appears there was once a massive compound, but it now lies in ruins, huge girders and patches of wall collapsed over a massive hole in the ground. Around the crater, there are dozens of tents and hastily constructing metal buildings, and moving between them are many people with well-tanned skin wearing brightly colored clothing and most wearing welding goggles. When they land, it is near the largest of metal buildings, and many people look toward them. Akebono would likely notice that these people do not have typical eyes. Their irises seem to be swirls rather than the typical round irises most humans have.

Graf Zeppelin (939) has posed:
     Though her first thought is to lash out at being picked up, Akebono relents, grumbling as she's scooped up and taken into the air. While they flew, she peered down at the desert below, taking note of the monsters roaming about, as well the warriors doing combat with them. Were those machines as well? They looked kind of cool. ...Not that she'd ever say that out loud.

     Each defeat leaves those strange monsters to disappear into wisps of light, which causes her to blink in confusion. "What in the...? They just vanished..." Is that it? Are they just gone? Or did they go somewhere else? She had no idea. But... Nah, forget it.

     She shook her head and looked on ahead, peering into the distance towards what looked to be 'Home'. ...Well, it wasn't much of one. And as Bahamut had predicted, she did frown and speak up. "This place is a freaking mess. Who the hell actually lives here like this?"

     Well, that was mostly a rhetorical question, but it had to be said anyway! Something about Al Bhed? Whoever those were. Must have been the people in the tents below. And once they land, the girl crosses her arms again, not really making herself very approachable. She squinted, peering at the nearest person openly, and taking note of their odd eyes. "...Do these people have eye diseases or something?" They seemed to be able to see just fine, but being the rude one she was, she asked!

Bahamut has posed:
     Bahamut looks down as Akebono asks about the disappearing fiends. "Yes. We are not sure if they are truly destroyed or if they are merely banished for a while. And without the summoners, we may never be able to truly rid this world of the fiends." When Akebono asks about Home, Bahamut chuckles sadly. "We do." is the only answer Bahamut gives until they land.

     Bahamut snorts lightly at the question. "No, they do not. Al Bhed simply have different eyes than other humans. But, we are not ill, nor are we demons of some kind. We are simply people, trying our best to make the world a better place." Bahamut steps forward toward that nearest person, a young girl of about 16 years. She runs up to Bahamut, grinning. "Hey, big brother!" she says, her bright green eyes gazing up at the dragon after she pulls her goggles up. "Who's this? When did you become such a ladies' man?" she asks, giving Akebono a look over. She approaches the ship girl, then holds out a hand. "Hi there. I'm Aiko! Nice to meet you. Did you come to help? We could use all the help we can get." the blonde girl says, smirking rather like Bahamut himself. It is a warm and confident expression, not one of smugness.

Graf Zeppelin (939) has posed:

     Akebono just narrowed her eyes at the misunderstanding. This girl looked to be about her age. Physically anyway. "He's not a ladies man." Not to her, that was for sure. Aiko's offered hand in stared at for a brief moment, and then she huffed and walked past her, not taking the greeting.

     "Akebono." She muttered her name out in return, peering into the rest of the ruined settlement. "What do I have to do?" She asked, skipping te pleasantries and moving right on to the heart of the matter. She didn't have many friends, did she?

     Not to mention thet still didn't even look around! Someone was getting awfully hasty, weren't they?

Bahamut has posed:
     Aiko laughs a bit when Akebono disagrees about Bahamut. "Well, I guess not." she says, then blinks as she is simply ignored after that. Bahamut snorts lightly, but gives Aiko a pat on the shoulder. "Do not take it personally. I am uncertain she knows how to be amicable." he says softly to Aiko before he follows after Akebono. Aiko follows as well. "Well," the blonde starts, "we have to do a lot of metal working in preparation for repairing the walls, a lot of salvaging from the remains of Home, and a lot of engineering work needs to be done on the mechanisms for doors and such. What sort of work are you good at?"

     As Aiko talks with Akebono, Bahamut takes a moment to survey the area. Repairs are going slow, and part of that is due to how large the pieces of debris are from the remains of Home. Teams can be seen cutting the huge girders and wall segments into more manageable pieces, working at dangerous heights via a system of ropes and pullies. Mechanized suits are being used as haulers to carry the segments away. They are taken to another large metal building which glows with obvious forge fires. Carts of wire and other smaller components are taken to another, presumably to be turned into working components.

Graf Zeppelin (939) has posed:
Akebono's eye twitched at Bahamut's comment about being amicable, but she ignored it. Sigh. Forget that bullshit. What should she even bother doing? Considering as she walked, she looked around, watching the salvaging happening up above at the walls.

     "...I can probably help with small mechanisms and things." She pointed upwards at one of those mechanical suits. "I can probably figure out one of those suits easily enough and help with the salvage too." Given her proclivity for using complicated weaponry and armors already, it wasn't a long shot. Giving Aiko a sidelong glance, she went on. "So which is it?"

     May as well get this crap over with so she can get out of here with her good deed for the day done. She'd like to see what excuse Nagato would find next.

Bahamut has posed:
     Aiko hmms as she listens to Bahamut, then shrugs lightly. "Hey, as long as she's willing to help I can handle a little abrasiveness." the energetic girl says before hopping closer to Akebono. "You strike me as the action type to me, Akebono. So, yeah, let's get you into one of those suits. Junko and I will work on a girder, and you can carry the scrap to the forge." she says, then gives Akebono a pat on the shoulder. "And try not to be too hard on big brother. He means well, it's just pride that gets in the way sometimes."

     With that, Aiko motions for Akebono to follow, and with Bahamut following behind they make their way down into the pit that is the remains of Home. "Hey, Junko! Take this rope over the top, will you?" she says. Bahamut nods, then takes the end of the rope and takes flight. Although it seems difficult for him, he manages to hover long enough to hook the rope into a tower that has been raised above the wreckage. He brings the other end back to Aiko, who hooks it into a climbing harness she is wearing, then she starts up the girder. Bahamut turns to Akebono as Aiko climbs. "I will help you into the Hauler." he says, then motions to a nearby empty machine. Getting in is pretty straight forward. Step up into the machine, then wait for someone to clamp all the braces into place that will allow Akebono to operate the machine almost as easily as if she were not inside a machine.

     The machine is decorated with paints and decals typical of a construction device. Yellow and black stripes, a caution light on top, and several stickers that warn about pinch points and swinging parts.

Graf Zeppelin (939) has posed:
"Heeeeh.... Whatever." Akebono responded, twitching momentaily at the shoulder pat. Be nice....be nice... Or at least don't go on a cursing spree. Let it be. Just focus on the task at hand and try not to lose it. Yeah. ...Yeah. Bah. She followed after Aiko, leaving Bahamut to bring up the rear as they headed down into the pit. Once down there, she took off her land armor, leaving it aside.

     She wasn't worried about losing it. It was pretty difficult to use anyway. Once free, she stepped over to the empty Hauler, climbing up into it and waiting for the braces to be secured. Once it was up and operational, she began making a few test movements. "Huh..." It was actually pretty nice. Mostly moved the way she wanted it to. Lke an extension of her own body. Not unlike the land armor of their own base. This is pretty cool.

     So much so that she inadvertently wound up smiling a little despite herself Once she got the hang of it, she spoke up. "Okay, I'm ready. Where do I start?" She seemed almost, *almost* eager to actually work in this thing. Almost.

Bahamut has posed:
     Aiko, oblivious to Akebono's aversion to shoulder pats, continues up the interworking beams that make up the support girder of Home. Once up there, one of the other workers sends a cutting torch up to Aiko, then joins her up there. Bahamut watches for now, since his bulk could put dangerous stress on the structures. With their powerful tools, Aiko and her fellow cutter quickly send a large piece of the girder plummeting toward the ground.

     It is up to Akebono after that. And Bahamut only smirks lightly to himself as he notices the slight smile. He says nothing of course. "Start there. Carry that piece to the forge, and they will further cut it and then use the material to make new pieces. I will follow shortly." he says. Akebono's powerful Hauler is easily able to pick up the ton of metal and carry it toward the forge, and Aiko looks down and gives a thumbs-up when Akebono retrieves the piece. "Great! Just get it to the forge, and we'll be one step closer to restoring Home!" The young Al Bhed girl seems happy to be working, perhaps picturing what Home will look like when they are finished.

Graf Zeppelin (939) has posed:
     With the piece sent down for her, Akebono uses the hauler to pick it up, finding that the task isn't quite as intensive as it first appears. Using the machine, she hauls it up, as the namesake suggests, and begins to carry it over to the force. "Alright." She mumbles to Bahamut, taking heavy footsteps over to the forge where she sets the piece of metal down carefully. Once free, she proceeded back to collect the next piece, or to wait for it.

     Either way, she would ask a question: "How long has this place been like this anyway? It looks pretty damn ancient. Or was it only destroyed recently?" She looked around, taking stock of the state of Home once more. "...And how long has this reconstruction been going on for?"

Bahamut has posed:
     Bahamut takes the next piece that falls, and follows after Akebono as her machine stomps its way to and from the forge. "You are right in both accounts. It is ancient, but it was also destroyed more recently. About a year ago now. The followers of a corrupt religion called the Temple of Yevon came here and destroyed Home because we dared not to follow their teachings. We used the 'forbidden' machina, or machines, and we did not worship Yu Yevon. Because we knew the truth. That the summoners who were journeying to stop our world's great evil, Sin, were merely sacrifices. Admittedly, it did bring about a few years of peace between years of killing."

     More pieces are dropped, and Bahamut continues carrying them alongside Akebono. "It was only when an Al Bhed summoner dared to challenge the teachings that Sin was finally truly destroyed, and the evil Yu Yevon with it. True peace was brought to our world." Bahamut says. Then he snorts after a moment. "Well, relative peace. We still have the fiends to deal with, and remnants of the Temple still cause trouble for the world. But, we do not have the mass killings that we saw under the terrible shadow of Sin. Entire cities were destroyed in that fiend's wake."

     Bahamut blinks after that, then chuckles. "Forgive me. I suppose the history lesson was not warranted. The reconstruction has been proceeding since shortly after the destruction, but the going is slow with the fiends that continually harrass us, and many Al Bhed think we should simply settle into other cities. But, I and many others think it is important to rebuild Home. To show people that the world can be what it once was before Sin and Yu Yevon. A peaceful, technologically advanced paradise."

Graf Zeppelin (939) has posed:
"Temple of Yevon..." Akebono scoffed at that. "Sounds pretentious as hell." Destroying places and people because they don't follow you? What was this? Elementary school? ...Not that she's ever been to elementary school, but the logic still applied. Well whatever. She continued to do her impromptu job, carrying pieces here and there while listening to Bahamut.

     She didn't ask for the history lesson, but it was something to waste time with. Whether or not she truly cared was left in the air. "Huh...So some bigshhot summoner beat the big bad and saved the world. Is that it?" She rolled her eyes. "Sounds like a god damn fairy tale."

     Saving the world. ...Hah! "...Well, if you've got a home, then..." She stopped for a second, dwelling on something. "...You'd better who your damnedest to put it back together again. Giving up without even knowing is just cowardly bullshit." And with that, she plonked down another piece of scrap.

Bahamut has posed:
     "It was." Bahamut agrees concerning the pretentiousness comment. "And yes, in short." he answers to the second comment. "Lady Yuna. She was half Al Bhed, forbidden to even go on her summoner journey by the Temple. But, she went anyway. And she ended Sin for good, rather than merely delaying it for a year or two." he says as they pick up another set of beams.

     When Akebono stops suddenly and speaks up about rebuilding, Bahamut grins. "Exactly. And giving up so close to the end is even worse. But, those of us still here, we will not give up. We will not surrender Home just because Yevon and his misguided followers destroyed it. We will rebuild it, and it will be a true sanctuary this time. A place where all people can come to marvel at the advances which machina offer us. And perhaps one day, we can help lift up the people of our world, making their lives easier and safer."

Graf Zeppelin (939) has posed:
"One people oppressing another, only to get shown up by those oppressed people. What else is new?" Akebono rolled her eyes and moved on, picking up another section of metal and carting it off. "...Well, that's all fine and dandy, but don't get all starry eyed, talking about your dreams like they've already happened."

     The girl narrowed her eyes then. "A million and one things can come out of nowhere at any time to fuck with you and throw a wrench right into the works. It never fails." How pessimistic. but it sounded like she was speaking from some kind of experience.

Bahamut has posed:
     Bahamut nods lightly as he listens. "It is true. We do not know what the future might hold. But, high spirits and confidence help our efforts." he says, then looks over at Akebono. "I understand if you do not wish to discuss it, but...what is your story? Did you lose someone close to you?" he asks.

     More pieces of the super structure land in front of them as Bahamut waits, fully expecting some kind of explosion, emotional or otherwise.

Graf Zeppelin (939) has posed:
Akebono pauses at the questioning of 'her story'. "...Story? Story?" She glares up at him for a moment, and then she turns away sharply, grabbing up another piece of metal and stomping off. "I don't have any god damn stories." She totally had stories, but she didn't seem to want to tell them. The rabbit hole ran deep with this one.

     Seems like she wasn't going to just talk with anyone about what made her tick. If it could be called that. "We have a job to do, right? Get moving!"

Bahamut has posed:
     Bahamut just rolls his eyes lightly as Akebono stomps away. He smirks at her commanding tone, then picks up more metal and heads back to the forge with her. "Everyone has stories. But, I will not force you to tell me anything. However, I will say that talking about your story can often relieve stress and heartache. Whatever your burden is, you do not have to bear it alone. And, if you despise me, then perhaps you would speak with Aiko. She is kind and considerate, if a bit prone to teasing."

     It is starting to get dark, and cooking fires are appearing around the reconstruction camps. Soon, the scent of cooking meats and vegetables is wafting across the desert. After delivering this last pile of scrap to the forge, Bahamut rumbles. "Are you hungry?" he asks Akebono as Aiko makes her way down from the damaged support structure they had been salvaging.

Graf Zeppelin (939) has posed:
Once they were finished and it started to get dark, Akebono finally relaxes, powering down the Hauler and getting off of it. Not bad, for a first time, she'd say. She glanced up at the dragon at the mention of food, and she shook her head. "I don't need it. Keep it for yourselves."

     That was a lie, but she was stubborn. Strapping her own land fit out armor back on, the girl made sure she was secure, before beginning to head for the path back up the hill. "I did my job, so I'm going back now. You can tell that Shitty Admiral about how awesome I was later." And without looking back, she waved a hand casually, and then moved on. ...Was she planning on crossing the desert in the dark?

Bahamut has posed:
     Bahamut hmphs softly as Akebono makes for the dunes. "It is unsafe to travel at night. And, do not lie to me. I have heard the chatter on the Union channels. You Fleet Daughters eat more than I do. Stay here and enjoy a meal with us, and then you can rest here. I am sure the Admiral will understand." he says, then a slight grin forms on his face. "As your 'babysitter', it is my responsibility to take care of you, and I will do so until you are refueled and able to return safely to your Admiral Nagato. To do less would dishonor me."

     Aiko runs up about that time and tries to cut off Akebono. "Hey! You can't just work and leave! It's required that you stay and share a meal with us! What are we, slavers? Come on." The spirited girl takes Akebono's hand and practically drags the ship girl back to camp.

Graf Zeppelin (939) has posed:
     "Wh-hey! Hey! Leggo!" Akebono protested as Aiko cut her off and dragged her off, even with all her equipment on. Bahamut gets a childish sort of glare in passing as she's pulled back towards camp to /eat/ and /socialize/.

     What abject horror!

     Well, maybe, if they insisted, she could rest here. If they really /really/ wanted her to.
