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Into the Calm Lands
Date of Scene: 17 February 2016
Location: Spira(AOA)
Synopsis: A trip through the Calm Lands to deal with powerful fiends threatening the citizens of Spira
Cast of Characters: Bahamut, 151, 946, 236

Bahamut has posed:
     The Calm Lands

     An area named for where the first Calm was brought to Spira. Now, it is a flat plain with jagged chasms splitting it in several places. Bahamut has arrived at the south entrance to the Calm Lands, and has sent coordinates to those who have volunteered to help. He knows that Sir Auron will have no trouble finding it, but he is unsure how long White Berserker and Ainsley will take to arrive.

     To pass the time, he is watching the chocobo run about in the nearby chocobo farm. Chocobo are fast enough to take passengers across the Calm Lands without encountering fiends, but the ranch itself could be in danger if the fiends get too brazen. But, for now, the large yellow birds are just peacefully running about, some with riders and some without.

Ainsley (151) has posed:
    The lizard scholar flits down from the air and lands nearby. While Ainsley arrived to the coordinates fairly quickly, because when you can fly, travel times are way less of a problem. She lands softly near where Bahamut is, and does a little curtsey motion in his direction. And she looks aside to...

White Berserker (946) has posed:
    Absolutely nothing.

    It takes a bit, a good minute or so until White Berserker steps forward, slowly materializing out of thin air (possibly not unlike the Aeon's of Spira), "This... was efficient." she whispers towards Ainsley, the wedding-dress wearing, large ball mace wielding Berserker class servant makes herself visible and looks around, "This... is. The Calm Lands?" she questioned again, looking for someone or something... like those Chocobo. "Ostrich?"

Auron (236) has posed:
    Auron is quite familiar with the area. While Bahamut's world is not his own, it's close enough that he knows where he's going. And he had offered his assistance to Bahamut whenever the Aeon needed it, so he was sure to come to the site.

    Sure enough, not too long after Bahamut's summons, a figure crosses the Calm Lands on the back of a chocobo. The yellow bird carries a figure with a hooded gray cloak covering it. But the large, single-bladed, gently-curving sword at his back revealed his identity to those who knew him.

    It's Auron. He had traveled incognito, so as not to upset too many people. He had existed in this world, too, but as far as he knew, the version of himself native to this world was sleeping in the Farplane, along with Braska and Jecht. He didn't want to cause a stir.

    Now, though, as he arrived in the area far enough from people that he wouldn't be seen, he puts back the hood, letting his scarred face be seen. He pulls his own chocobo to a stop and dismounts. "Greetings," he offers to those present, bowing his head. White Berserker's words get a bit of a smile. "Chocobos. They serve like horses," he offers.

Bahamut has posed:
     Bahamut looks over as Ainsley arrives and offers her a respectful bow before looking over at the nothing she is looking at. "...what are we-" He is stopped by White Berserker appearing out of the nothing. He blinks at her attire, then chuckles politely at her questions. But, before he can answer, Auron arrives.

     Bahamut lowers to a knee and bows his head as Auron reveals himself. "Sir Auron. I am honored by your presence." he says, then stands again and looks at all three. "With you three at my side, the fiends of the Calm Lands stand no chance." He then turns just slightly so that the view of the Calm Lands is unimpeded. "Yes, these are the Calm Lands. They were named this because this is where Sin, the great evil that plagued our world for hundreds of years, was once vanquished here. The battle flattened this area and brought about the Calm, a long period of time when Sin was inactive. Now, these Calm Lands are a haven for chocobo trainers and fiends alike. With such a large area, large fiends are common here. Perhaps the most dangerous is the Basilisk, which can petrify a person with a glance. There are also Coeurl and Malboro to worry about, so stay alert at all times. We will be going on a routine patrol to keep the fiend population in check. Basically, we will walk the road and handle any fiends we come across."

     He turns to full face the group again, then rumbles, "Any questions?"

Ainsley (151) has posed:
    "None from me. It's a simple task." Ainsley seems to be brimming with confidence. She pulls her longsword out of its scabbard, to have it at the ready for whenever they need to deal with some fiends. "I will be here primarily to provide a source of power for White Berserker. This is something she was interested in helping with and so I'm interested in helping her." She flashes a big smile at Bahamut. "I'm too squishy to get up close to most monsters, the sword is for defensive purposes. Most monsters can't fly so I don't anticipate having to use it too much."

White Berserker (946) has posed:
    White Berserker gives a good look at the one who summoned her to Spira, tilting her head slightly. Her gaze could be felt from behind those red bangs as she clutches the Bridal Chest tightly. "These... chocobo? Are ... they fiends too?" she questions a bit, turning to look at the rest of the area. The Calm Lands were definately pretty, perhaps she may look fora book about this place later, but for now. "Do... not place yourself... in unneeded danger... master."

    Her voice was calm and slow, as if trying to peice together the sentence with correct words. "You will... be helping.. Saber Auron..." she looks towards Bahamut, tilting her head once more. "Bahamut." she turns back to Ainsley, a frown on her face, these were strange people in her and her master's presence... it made her nervous.

Auron (236) has posed:
    Auron returns Bahamut's bow with one of his own. A respectful one that one didn't often see him offer. Generally a nod of his head was sufficient. This got a proper bow, though. He remains quiet as Bahamut explains the task. When the Aeon warns against the dangers of the fiends, Auron assures the group, "I have supplies for serious injuries the fiends might inflict." He was the primary inventory-holder during Braska's Pilgrimage, after all. During Yuna's, he shared the duty with Lulu.

    Ainsley's words get a look from Auron. "Do you still have your Sight?" he inquires. He remembers her having gone through a period of great changes in her body, and didn't know if she still possessed it. "If you do, a lookout from above would be helpful," he suggests. "You could see weak points that we might miss in the heat of battle."

    Auron shakes his head to White Berserker's words. "No. They're natural animals in this world. Fiends are the souls of the dead, jealous of the living, whose jealousy has turned to hate. They exist only to hurt the living now." He pauses at the words of 'Saber', raising the brow of his remaining eye. "'Auron' is fine." He's also aiming that to Bahamut, too. He's no longer a Guardian, after all. Though at the words of walking the road, he notes, "I'll need to keep my hood up if we're to get close to the Travel Agency."

Bahamut has posed:
     Bahamut smiles in return to Ainsley. "Do not worry, Lady Ainsley. Guardians and Defenders such as myself and Sir Auron are used to keeping our more support-oriented comrades from harm." he says, then shakes his head at White Berserker. "As Si-..Auron says, they are natural, living creatures. Quite peaceful and kind in most instances, which makes them a target for the hateful fiends."

     Bahamut nods again as Auron mentions his hood. "As you wish, Sir Auron." he says, then blinks before chuckling at himself. "Well then, let us begin. It is quite likely that as soon as we leave the relative safety of this rest area we will encounter fiends."

     With that, Bahamut sets out with the group. One would think that in a flat area like this that monsters roaming around would be quite obvious, but the only things easily seen are the chocobo and their riders.

Ainsley (151) has posed:
    Bahamut's reassurance draws a pleasant smile out of Ainsley. She puffs up her feathers up and breathes a sigh through her nose before she replies to Auron, though. "My Sight, as it is, provides no combat benefit when dealing with mindless creatures beyond..." She considers, bringing a hand up to her snout. "Well, Perhaps I can use the Silence spell on the fiends, or a version of it. I would need to try the spell before we know for sure that it works."

    Ainsley doesn't seem worried either way. Despite the impending violence, she acts as mellow as if she were going for a stroll.

White Berserker (946) has posed:
    White Berserker gives a brief nod and gives a look between the three, only to set out silently. There's a spark of electricity that happens between the bottom of the Bridal Chest to the gold 'fins' on her head as she walks, just waiting for these fiends that will be there. "With these fiends. You said.. they had the soul of... people... yes? Do I ... have to be gentle?"

Auron (236) has posed:
    Auron nods to Bahamut's words of defending non-combatants. "That's a Guardian's job," he chimes in, pulling his hood back up. "To guard the Summoner and see that he or she is unharmed during the Pilgrimage." to note, when the group forms up, Auron gravitates towards the back of the ranks.

    Ainsley's information gets a nod. "I see. Still, a birds-eye view can be useful," he encourages, offering a small smile in her direction. His hood is up, but the bottom of his face, including the end of that scar, can still be seen.

    And then he looks to White Berserker at her question. "They will try to kill you. Do not be gentle with them. There is nothing human left of them anymore."

Bahamut has posed:
     No sooner has Auron advised White Berserker to not be gentle when there is an earsplitting shriek as a trio of lanky reptilian creatures with what basically amount to blades for claws and forelegs. They seem very quick creatures, and their is an obvious bloodlust in their beady reptilian eyes. They attempt to surprise the group by leaping from taller grass, and like any hunting creature they aim for the weakest-looking creature first.

     Namely, Ainsley. Hopefully Auron and White Berserker are fast on their feet! Bahamut growls loudly as he leaps back, attempting to land between Ainsley and the attacking fiends. He is not exactly agile, though. So, leaping back mostly means he lands on all fours to take whatever blade attacks might connect.

Ainsley (151) has posed:
    Ainsley solves this problem of being in immediate danger by flying straight up into the air. Despite how relaxed she is, it is very hard to catch her off-guard. Unless these things can jump really, really high in the air, she keeps to the sky and keeps an eye on their surroundings, acting as a scout and calling out the locations of any other fiends that may be trying to hide among the underbrush. She's not really specialized in scouting but she's got sharp enough eyes that she's useful for the task.

White Berserker (946) has posed:
    "Understood. Master, be careful please." she groans out, "I will... smash them." she comments before her eyes turn empty, drawing a rush of prana from her Master. As soon as those attacking fiends come in, she sees Bahamut hop back and with this, she advances forward! Claws tear through the dress and slice into the Berserker but it's not slowing her down. With loud groans, she picks up the Bridal Chest and does an overhead swing, trying to bring down the large Ball-mace down onto one of the lizard-like fiends.

    Even if she misses, there's going to be quite a big dent in the ground from it as she tries to advance on any others, swinging the Bridal Chest in a... well berserk like fashion. Might be a familiar status effect for the two Spiran natives.

Auron (236) has posed:
    Auron? Fast? Surely you jest. Nonetheless, Auron's awareness is sharp enough that he's aware of the fiends leaping forward before too long. And as Ainsley heads up into the air, he steps forward where she just was. His sword is before him diagonally, in hopes of deflecting any blade attacks that might be coming his way.

    Indeed, White Berserker's state is familiar. But with her large weapon and the quickness of the fiends, this might not be a good match. So he concentrates on one of the fiends, the one that attacked White Berserker, and growls. Thewords are aimed at the fiend.

    "Do not move."

    His voice holds an air of command, but beyond that, it carries something under it. A rumbling, reverberating wave of sound so low it's not heard, but rather felt. It seeks to pin the fiend in place, to freeze it in its tracks.

Bahamut has posed:
     The fiend targeted by Auron lets out a little chirp before it shudders and goes still, eyes locked on Auron. The fiend attacked by White Berserker is crushed into the crater left by the Bridal Chest, and its form shimmers before starting to fade away. As it does, a haunting melodic moaning sound that easily bring to mind the wailing of lost souls can be heard as pyreflies float away from the downed creature. A dozen or so float away, and in moments the creature has disappeared completely.

     Bahamut blinks as Ainsley just flies up and away from the attackers, then grunts as those bladed forelimbs cut into his hide. The remaining fiend earns a glare from Bahamut before he lunches and slashes with his own heavy talons. The lizard fiend shrieks before falling to the ground, shimmering just like its comrade before it starts to fade away as its pyreflies abandon it.

     Auron's terrorized critter is easily dispatched after that, and Bahamut stretches once it is gone. "Well, I suppose that is a good warm up." he says, chuckling lightly. "Those were just smallfry." After that, he continues along the road.

Ainsley (151) has posed:
    "Good work!" Ainsley calls to the others, after they're done dispatching the fiends. She seems quite happy to observe and be White Berserker's remote battery, and happy to stay out of immediate danger. She flits through the air almost weightlessly while she follows the group.

White Berserker (946) has posed:
    The melody catches White Berserker's ears, momentarily stopping her 'rampage'. But as soon as everything seems to have died, thanks to everyone else... she seems to come back to her senses. She tilts her head just a bit, "Music." is all she really says after that, turning to look around... then up towards her flying Master. She thinks a moment, taking a few breaths and Ainsley's own Mana reserves doesn't seem to be tapped out... only sipped upon.

    "There... are more?" she questions in that sullen, slow tone, looking towards the two natives to the world, "How... long have.. they been attacking?" she questions a bit more, placing the large ball of the Bridal Chest on the ground, holding the weapon almost like a knight would. "More that... terrorize?

Auron (236) has posed:
    Auron puts his sword back at his back as the fiends are dispatched. In rsponse to Bahamut's words, he gives an affirmative grunt. But he also notes, "That will happen frequently. Be ready. They can appear from anywhere. Even weak fiends can take you down if you're not careful." He pauses at Ainsley's encouragement, and smiles slightly. "Thank you."

    White Berserker's statement gets his attention next. "As long as people have regrets when they die," Auron answers, to the question of time. "That's what fiends do."

    He pauses, and then tilts his head. "When someone dies, especially if it's a sudden, violent death, the soul remains, trying to hold onto what life it can. It becomes an Unsent," he explains. "The Unsent are jealous of the living. It's not true life, though it seems so. Gradually that jealousy turns to hate. And then the Unsent becomes a fiend. Most become these sort. The average fiend doesn't have human intelligence. There are some that do, though. They're usually dangerous, and very old."

    And so Auron's role as the Exposition Man is reprised.

Bahamut has posed:
     Bahamut chuckles lightly up at Ainsley. "Thank you." he says as he continues walking. He lets Auron explain about fiends since Auron is legendary for his expositions. After Auron finishes, Bahamut rumbles. "And, I have a theory that defeating a fiend is only a stop-gap measure. Since only summoners could send the unsent and summoners are no more, there is no one to send the angry dead to the Farplane. So, I believe that defeated fiends return after a time. Combined with the increasing numbers thanks to those lost to fiends and other violent ends...unless we can find a way to send the dead again we may be overrun by fiends eventually."

     The walk is peaceful for a few minutes. Just long enough that guards might be lowered and attentiveness might become lax. Then...another set of fiends strike! This time, it is a trio of creatures called Anacondour! They are grey snakes the size of dinosaurs, with long scythe-like arms and a dangerous glint in their eyes. Bahamut growls menacingly. "Strike swiftly before they can use their Petrifying Gaze!" Bahamut roars before throwing himself at one of them and slashing hard with both clawed hands.

White Berserker (946) has posed:
    ... More fiends, more things to smash with a mallet. This, however, just has White Berserker just walk slowly into the middle of things. "Stand... back." she groans out, the ear fins sparking up with electricity. "Stand... back or... I can't.... make sure... safe." Assuming that everyone stands back as the Berserker faces three... she raises the Bridal Chest on high and lets out a low, groaning moan as it starts sparking with more electricity. "You... shall... perish..."

    The sparks get longer and faster and soon, thirty sparks fly off of her body and the Bridal Chest... all aimed for the three snake monsters, though, to Ainsley, there was a significant spike in mana usage as she the bolts of lightning home in on towards their targets, hoping to crash down on them and send them back to the Farplane.

Auron (236) has posed:
    "Very likely," Auron agrees to Bahamut's theory. "But even the Sent can return, if the reason is great enough. Maester Seymour's father, Jyscal -- do you remember him? He was Sent, and yet he returned, to give Yuna proof that his son had killed him."

    Suddenly more fiends! Oh boy, Auron knows this sort. These are a pain if one didn't deal with them fast. However, as he moves in to attack, White Berserker steps forward, warning everyone back. He's accompanied enough Summoners to know that 'stand back' meant exactly that. While he doesn't run back as he would have when Braska or Yuna summoned an Aeon, he stands back far enough that the large amount of lightning doesn't hit him as well.

    In the meantime, he withdraws a vial from his coat. Channeling his own chi into the vial, he tosses it into the air. It shatters into glittering dust, and in the next moment, a translucent blue sphere surrounds Ainsley, just for a moment. But while the sphere disappears quickly, the feeling of being 'recharged' as far as mana goes, should remain.

    If Ainsley was powering the White Berserker, Auron figured, she'd need some extra mana after an attack like that. So while White Berserker's attack necessitated that he stayed out of range, he assisted Ainsley's mana stores.

Bahamut has posed:
     Bahamut hears the warning from White Berserker and growls. After clashing with the Anacondour he leaps away, a few new slashes in his metal hide. This leaves the field clear for her to unleash her lightning attack. The giant stone snakes all hiss and writhe in pain as they are shocked, and they obviously take a lot of damage. But, only the one Bahamut had already hit actually goes down, its colorful pyreflies flowing out to the air. The other two...well, Auron made the mistake of not going for the kill and instead using recovery. Usually that is a sound tactic, but against these things the faster you kill them the better. There is always time for recovery after.

     Both snakes, heavy aggroed by White Berserker, level their sinister red eyes on her. There is a flash of white and grey energy from one, attempting to petrify the Servant. Whether that works or not, the second attempts to follow up with a powerful slash of its forelimbs. The scythe-like tips promise deep wounds if they strike!

     Bahamut can't move in time to stop the attacks, but as soon as the attacks have been made he is able to rush in and slash at the one who attempted to petrify White Berserker. It screeches before falling, its form fading as pyreflies flow away.

White Berserker (946) has posed:
    White Berserker is glad that they listened, she wasn't sure what she, or her Master, would do if they got hit by the lightning. Probably get a very long lecture from her Master and then some. Maybe no new books. However, this wasn't the case and she managed to get the attention of the Anacondours, which is perfect for her. At least, if they didn't try to petrify her. That magic washes over her and she goes still for a time... but doesn't get that stone-like look to her.

    With Bahamut's strike, she steps forward with heavy steps, stomping towards the Anacondour and taking the deep wound, red staining her white dress. With a loud groan, almost undead like, she drags the Bridal Chest along the ground, the head sparking quite a bit. Her stomping gets heavier as she digs herself in only to send an enormous power swing of the Bridal Chest up and over her head and into the Anacondour, hopefully to finish it off in the sparkling pyrefly form.

Auron (236) has posed:
    Auron wasn't sure the attack would or wouldn't kill them, but he'd not wanted to get hit by it himself. After it, he'd been a little too far back to go melee, and most of his abilities in combat were melee-focused. When White Berserker goes still, Auron reaches in his coat again, going for a Soft. Thankfully it doesn't look like it's needed. He breathes a subtle sigh of relief at seeing this.

    As White Berserker goes for one of the Anadondour, Auron makes to attack the other. The heavy sword is lifted up as he darts to attack the second snake-like beast, and he brings it down in a Piercing strike. Its scales shouldn't hold up to the strike, if he connects.

Bahamut has posed:
     The powerful blow from the mace is enough to finish the last giant snake thing. It too evaporates into pyreflies, leaving the group free to lick their wounds. Auron's strike finds nothing, since Bahamut finished off the second Anacondour himself. Bahamut grins as the battle comes to a close. "Impressive." he says to White Berserker, then looks to Auron. "And Sir Auron, wise as always." he adds before he motions for them to continue. They are almost to the Travel Agency rest stop now. They made fairly good time considering they have been fighting their way, but they are still only about half-way through the Calm Lands. "Well, I suppose this is far enough to trouble the three of you. When we reach the rest stop, it should be safe to depart. Either by chocobo or whatever methods you might possess."

     But, just as the rest stop is growing larger in their sight...there is a slight sound like vines being stretched. Then, there is a low growl as a noxious cloud of black smoke flows over the party. Unless they are immune (or amazingly quick to react), Auron and White Berserker would find themselves struck by a multitude of status ailments. Blindness, confusion, berserk, and poison. Bahamut, being an Aeon, is immune to all but the Blindness, but that may be bad enough. He roars as his vision goes partially dark. He turns in the direction the cloud flowed from, and those that turn to look would see a gigantic plant-like creature that is nearly all a giant mouth with thick vine-like feet holding it up, a collection of anntennae with eyes on them and tentacles dripping with acid that sizzles when it hits the ground.

     "Malboro!" the grey dragon roars before attempting to fight through the haze in his vision. He shudders as he builds energy that coalesces around his shoulders into three spheres of blue-grey swirling energy. He fires these at the Malboro, and luckily for him this attack doesn't really need accuracy. As long as they land close to the Malboro, they will explode for generous damage.

White Berserker (946) has posed:
    The rest stop is in view, it's almost time to go home and curl up with a good book, something that White Berserker is looking forward to, especially after all this mess. And speaking of mess, the shout of Malboro is made and she's hit by that noxious fumes. Once again, the Berserker stands still, contemplating what just happened and why there's a putrid odor in the air, only for sparks to fly from her Bridal Chest and her ear-fins. She glares through her bangs, turning around to face the Malboro and she groans out. This time something seems different.

    Lightning wreathes around the Bridal Chest and her own self, her Overload skill active. She's already taken quite a bit of damage but that's not slowed her down in the least as she charges in wildly once more, even shoving Auron out of the way if he's in her way, though he may get a nasty shock in of itself from the electricity flowing around the Servant.

    Loud groaning comes to a fore and she skids to a stop, just in front of the Malboro, her swing thrown back, using the skidding motion to just SLAM the Bridal Chest into the bulbous plant's side as hard as she can, the smell of ozone, the crack of thunder and a splash of lightning upon swing and possibly a hit upon the nasty plant, only to pull back once more and slam it right in. Meanwhile, small wounds keep opening up on the Servant's body with each slam, the strength of those attacks possibly ripping something under that wedding dress as more red spots seem to dot the fancy outfit.

    Berserker's pissed.

Auron (236) has posed:
    Auron offers a nod to Bahamut's praise. And he continues on after this latest group of fiends is dispatched. The mention of the rest stop gets a nod. "You can handle it from there, I take it?" he inquires. He's really asking if Bahamut will be all right, but he doesn't want to seem as if he's questioning the Aeon's abilities.

    There may not be time to hear the answer, though, or even for one to be offered. Because a cloud of black, choking smoke appears suddenly, one that Auron knows well. He recognizes the foul stench of it, and knows what made it before Bahamut announces it. Unlike the Aeon, he's not immune to... well, any of these status effects.

    He stumbles, retching a bit as his skin takes on a distinctly greenish hue. Not only that. Much like the White Berserker, Auron's entire countenance seems to change. An unnatural growl rises from his throat, and his eyes take on a strangely bloodshot appearance. He snarls something incoherent in the sudden rage that rises inside him, and darts to attack the Malboro as well. The strike is unfocused, lacking finesse, but he swings the heavy blade with all his might.

Bahamut has posed:
     The heavy mace blow is bad enough, but the added electrical damage makes the Malboro roar in pain and leaves a crater in its side. The creature stumbles back from the blow, dripping green from the wound. Then, Auron comes in swinging that heavy sword of his like some barbarian. And it works quite well! The heavy strike cuts deeply into the Malboro, nearly slicing it in half.

     The evil green creature roars again before falling back, filleted by Auron and pulverized by White Berserker. Its many appendages stop wiggling before the haunting howl of pyreflies fills the air. A veritable cloud of the little ghostlights float away from the shark-toothed plant creature as it fades into nothingness, then...all is quiet and peaceful again.

     Bahamut chuckles, then rubs at his eyes. "Let us reach the rest stop. I think we could all use a break after that." he says. They reach the rest stop with no further trouble, and the helpful Al Bhed staff within is happy to help with their ailments...for a modest price. Bahamut rumbles as he settles down inside. "I should be fine, Sir Auron. I appreciate your concern. But, I carry plenty of potions and salves myself. Thank you all for your help."

Ainsley (151) has posed:
    With that last fiend taken down, Ainsley flits down from where she was and reaches to pat at White Berserker's shoulder a couple of times. She looks a little haggard but only as much as if she were swinging that sword at those monsters herself. It can be taxing to maintain a Servant's power but she hasn't had any issues doing so. "Good job." A beat. "All of you." Smile~

Auron (236) has posed:
    Probably the fastest Auron has ever helped deal with a Malboro. Thankfully it was Berserk and not Confuse. He'd have turned on Bahamut and White Berserker after the Malboro fell. Possibly even Ainsley. But now, as the mass of writhing tentacles and squirming eyestalks disappears, the rage begins to leech out of Auron, and his remaining eye returns to normal.

    He draws rough breaths for a moment, shoulders hunched over, until finally he straightens, and takes in a deep breath through his nose. He exhales it slowly, through his mouth. A centering breath.

    Ainsley's words draw his attention up, and he sighs. "...Thank you." His words are a little dull; he doesn't like losing control of himself so. Thankfully his hood's still up, so no one can see him just now. Though the shudder reminds him of something else. Poison doesn't go away after a battle.

    He has Antidotes with him, yes. But he also has some gil to spare, and knows the Al Bhed are very likely just trying to rebuild Home with the proceeds. So he's willing to spend some to buy an Antidote from the Al Bhed!

    Looking to Bahamut finally, now that he's himself again, Auron nods. "If you do need help, call me." Bahamut should have the number of Auron's private radio frequency, so no need to do something embarrassing like call out over the Union radio bands.