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Latest revision as of 20:09, 7 November 2017

All-Seeing Meeting
Date of Scene: 06 November 2017
Location: Academy Island <ACIS>
Synopsis: A meeting of the one call the All-Seeing Eye and Mairead at Academy Island.
Cast of Characters: Mairead Sandilands, All-Seeing Eye

Mairead Sandilands has posed:
    A lone figure, no older than 18 years old is standing at the Monorail Station, wearing the School uniform of the IS Academy. The figure, Mairead Sandilands, the IS Repersentative of Scotland is here to meet a member of the Paladins that she has talked to over the radio. She stands simply, like a lady and has a cast on her left forearm still from recent attack, but is doign better, still a little sore, butt he nanites are doing good on finishing the healing.

    . o 0 (I wonder who this All-Seeing Eye is and what he looks like?) she thinks as she waits for the unknonw person to arrive.

All-Seeing Eye has posed:
The figure that arrives at the monorail station to meet Mairead is surprisingly human, or near human. Long, braided black hair blows freely behind a svelte fellow astride a... well, a hoverbike? As any member of the Paladins should, he stays within speed limits, and rather than pull up onto the platform itself, he dismounts. The bike rapidly folds itself into a space no greater than three cubic inches, and simply vanishes into the Exalt's body.

     "Mairead Sandilands?" All-Seeing Eye has shock-white skin, golden eyes, and an oval-shaped, champagne diamond of matching hue embedded in his forehead. His voice is a melodious tenor, high in pitch and with a timbre not unlike a rhythm and blues singer--ever so slightly reedy, but never so much as to be grating. "I am All-Seeing Eye, Chosen of Autochthon!"

Mairead Sandilands has posed:
Mairead Curties to the All-Seeing Eye, "Welcome to Academy Island," she says to him in her scottish accented voice as she stands up to her height of five feet six inches. Her red hair is blosing as well in the breeze, but she has striking jade green eyes and is in a outfit that is modest and not showing off too much skin. "I pray ye trip was safe?" she asks him as she gestures to the monorail, "Shall we and I will give ye a tour of the IS Academy," she adds as she looks at him and is not effected by the bike disappearing.

All-Seeing Eye has posed:
Eye wears a double-breasted longcoat which stops just short of his knees. It's unbuttoned, revealing both his form-fitting grey denim pants and the bright, polychromatic cotton shirt above. Completing the ensemble is a sleek, black pair of jackboots--his attire, at least, seems on the very bleeding edge of fashion in the average mundane world, or quite trendy in a high tech world. "Indeed!"

     Presumably, this is the entrance point to the academy. So, without further ado, the Exalt steps into the monorail car and takes a seat. Immediately, he's impressed with the accomodations, even if by the standards of Mairead's world they're average. "My, such space! I feel like a visiting head of state~"

Mairead Sandilands has posed:
Mairead smiles, "Only a select few are allowed ot visit the IS Academy," she says as she sits down as well and the monorail begins. "Mainly heads of states, rulers of the various countries of the Earth and the family members of the students during family days. Other than that, no one else is allowed," she mentions. "However there are occasions that others can tour the Academy, and a student provides the tour to the guests," she adds.

    Looking at the Academy, she has been here ofr a year and has another two years before she will graduate. "I am guessing that you are from a world that is more technological advanced than here?" she asks.

All-Seeing Eye has posed:
Watching the scenery pass him by, Eye takes a moment to stretch his legs. He can do that in this tram! It would seem that Mairead has pulled a few strings to have him as a guest--and he'd be rude not to thank her for that privilege. Turning his head to pay her the benefit of the appearance of his attention (yes, he's that arrogant), the Exalt's full lips curl into a smile. "I am delighted to be one of that honored few," he says, giving an exaggerated bow of the head and placing his fist over his heart. Or, where one would imagine it'd be, anyway.

     Though he can see the entirety of his surroundings regardless of where his beauteous face is turned, he nevertheless feels it prudent to pay her the gift of his gaze once more, lifting his head from its bowed position. "Hmm... Perhaps!" He giggles, as his mind makes comparisons between Autochthonia and here. "But I'd say the gap is not so wide as you might think. I /do/ see some familiar sights! This conveyance, for example~"

Mairead Sandilands has posed:
Nodding, Mairead looks, "I have not been to may places within the Multiverse," she says as the monorail slows and stops. The door opens and she stands up, gesturing to All-Seeing and knows manners as she was raised that way. "Welcome to Academy Island adn the IS Academy," she begins as she gestures. "The IS Academy was built after the first incident that occured with the first IS destroying a number of ships and many people on its own. As the original IS was built by Japan as a suit designed for space exploration, and adjusted for combat, it was decided that Japan would build the Academy and provide the protection to the students from other coutnries here," she explains as she walks him through the entrance.

    "The IS Academy si a school that is 99.9 percent girls, with only a single boy as students and not including teachers," she adds. "The Academy has all the items of a normal university, food area, hospital classrooms, training area, et al." and there are some girls doing kata's in Uchigane, an IS designed basically to look like an armored samurai (Image: https://goo.gl/ekBrx6).

    "The Uchigane is the basic training IS and is designed as defensive and balanced," she says as the students practice.

All-Seeing Eye has posed:
Well... this is a lot to take in. As he steps out of the monorail, Eye clasps his hands behind his back and gets a good look at the place. He admits... creating a full-fledged academy after an invention's seemingly spectacular failure? It's hardly Autochthonian. But, it would appear Mairead's world has the resources for such dalliances. Indeed, this very landmass is surrounded by life-giving water!

     These IS appear to be a form of artifact armor, in his own parlance, articulated suits of armor which apparently enhance the abilities of the wearer. "I see," he says, bringing one hand forward to stroke his chin thoughtfully. "And are the nations of your world united in the purpose and implementation of these IS, now that this academy exists?"

Mairead Sandilands has posed:
Looking at All, Mairead nods, "Aye," she says. "Each country has an IS Core, the essences of an IS and build armor around the one core. Than each country builds copies of that IS for the military. while this is gooing on, the country selects a representative from a list to attend the IS Academy. Those here are trained int he proper handling and control of an IS and after they graduate, they return to their country and take on leadership roles, stay as Faculity or work in ther ways due to their training," and she thinks

    "All nations have signed a treat that forbids an IS from attacking and army that has no IS'. IS' cna only battle other IS' and that keeps things fair in the case of battles or wars. Each year there is an event that those who have graduated fromt he IS Academy can go to to see who is the best pilot, similar to the Olympics, but only a combat tournement. We have one here at the IS academy, but it is for those who have personal IS' or the elites," she adds. "There is a rouge group that does attack other nations with IS' and stills those IS' and no one can find them and they will do whatever is needed to get the IS and do not care who they hurt or kill," she mentions as her hand balls into a fist before she closes her eyes and takes a few breaths.

    " As mentioned, the students atay and live here for three years and learn all there is about IS' and how they work and to control them. There are support staff as well that attend to be the workers of the IS' and maintain them. All students except for 1 are lasses and it is forbidden for anyone not a student of the Academy to visit without permission or on family day," she mentions.

All-Seeing Eye has posed:
Well, it's not hard to understand why civilians would be forbidden from such a place. The training suits those girls are using alone could cause harm, to say nothing of the harm a saboteur could do. Particularly, one of this group which supposedly steals the suits.

     But there is one question which burns in his mind. He can practically feel it burning behind his soulgem, itching his curiosity. "Dear, forgive me for such a terribly gauche question--but what is it about these IS devices which makes them so... unsuited to the male form?" He's proudly male, if one who enjoys playing with the imaginary boundary between the two, but he'd never deign to ascribe superiority to one gender over the other. "Again, I do apologize, but my curiosity is simply /brimming/~"

Mairead Sandilands has posed:
Mairead shrugs, "No one knows why, but it seems that only females can pilot them and how a single male can is a mystery. I do know that each country is after the lad to try to get him to go to their country so they can try to figure it out, but even the creature of the IS' has not said why as all info on the IS' are tht males cannot use them." and she thinks as a hand is placed on her chin, "I thinkt hat due to the IS Cores, which are AI's it was a decision of his IS to allow him, although it could be coded or programmed, but I am not good with computers or programming. I am more of a language person. However, each repersentative has special skills that is unique to them and are here to learn the other skills," she states.

All-Seeing Eye has posed:
Now that's an interesting answer. An animating intelligence makes the decision, and they almost overwhelmingly decide against male pilotes. Eye takes a stroll down the courtyard, watching the training IS perform their kata. "On my world," he says, his hands once again clasped behind his back, "And, I suppose... Miari and Revelations' worlds..." A little sigh, at that. "There are magical items of power known as artifacts."

     He pauses. To his right, one of the girls training brings her sword down in a particularly crisp pommel strike. Though synchronized with her peers, her strike nonetheless serves as an ideal example for them. "Excellent form~" This compliment is paid without so much as a glance to the girl--perhaps he saw out of his peripheral vision?

     "Where was I?" He continues walking at a leisurely pace. He seems to be headed towards the library. "Ah--artifacts. Mortals can't use them at all, lacking the command of... magic, I suppose is a decent surrogate term." It's such a fun challenge to explain the workings of Creation and Autochthonia in such a fashion! "But even for beings like myself, Miari, and Revelations, artifacts of certain materials are harder to use. It's as if their legend expects more of someone not attuned to their make!" What's the point of all this?

     "Perhaps this is why the IS Cores don't allow males as a rule--they lack some quality which the AI deems of importance."

Mairead Sandilands has posed:
MAiread blinks, "I think ye might be right," she says. "Only the creator of the IS' know what is going on and she can create one in a matter of hours and she does not talk to anyone who she doe snot want to talk to," she states. "She is real nice, but kind of like a kid in a candy store at times," and she grins. "Which is funny really a gorwn lady acting like a kid all the time," and she looks. "Right now, no trainign sessions of the personal IS' are going on right now but you are welcome to come and see them when they are," she adds.

    "I know that as a member of the Paladins, the IS Academy has offered to people of the multiverse training in using an IS, but they have to meet the same testing that we all take. Not many have accepted and only a few but they do not get a personal IS and use the basic models."

All-Seeing Eye has posed:
"And, being the same myself," Eye offers, "I will submit to the training if you have need of my services--but I was built for ground engagements and anti-air, to say nothing of my... well." He simply utters another coy giggle, twirling his hair around a finger. Yes, he's unsure the AI would decide in his favor, and unsure he'd even be of use at all in an IS. But the Commonwealth is founded on mutual cooperation and he'll gladly suffer for the cause!

     "Alternatively," he says, "I'm sure Claslat--my nation--could provide assistance to the Academy should it suffer theft again. The factory-cathedrals of Harmegis yearn to produce works for the Multiverse!"

Mairead Sandilands has posed:
Mairead Sandilands nods, "I will let the President of the Academy know and I am sure there is a cance as all of the different people within the IS that males can pilot an IS, but again, it is hard to know really," and she thinks. "I would like ot visit your place sometime and see it, as I am a liasion to the Union... well Paladins I am still able to travel to different places and see what is there. I assist Admiral Nagato and the HDA and I also take classes at Kawakami Academy plus my work here and with the Paladins. Although I am not able to do much till I am released to actually do training after we were attacked about 6 months ago."

Mairead Sandilands has posed:
Mairead Sandilands nods, "I will let the President of the Academy know and I am sure there is a cance as all of the different people within the IS that males can pilot an IS, but again, it is hard to know really," and she thinks. "I would like ot visit your place sometime and see it, as I am a liasion to the Union... well Paladins I am still able to travel to different places and see what is there. I assist Admiral Nagato and the HDA and I also take classes at Kawakami Academy plus my work here and with the Paladins. Although I am not able to do much till I am released to actually do training after we were attacked about 6 months ago." <re>

All-Seeing Eye has posed:
"You would be more than welcome anytime," says the Exalt after a small nod. "There are, of course, some local ordinances with which you'd need to become familiar..." Eye reaches up and brushes an errant lock of his hair aside. "But as Paladins we pride ourselves on such things!"

     "Certainly," he says after a moment's pause. "You /do/ keep busy. I'm sure that with your commendable work ethic those six months will simply fly past!" Mairead seems eager to get back into the fray. It's understandable. Were he 'grounded' so to speak, he'd probably feel the same way.

     There is... one more thing that interests him. These things are formidable weapons, enough to have necessitated all of this... infrastructure. An academy, international rules of conduct for engagement... It's unsurprising someone would think to steal one, is disappointing. "What can you tell me about this thief problem of yours? I'm assuming they have some way of... bypassing, or ignoring the desires of the IS?" She did say the suits, or their AI were picky about pilots, right?

Mairead Sandilands has posed:
Thinking, MAiread looks, "That's the thing, they all were able to pilot IS'," she mentions. "When a pilot and an IS work, it is sort of like a close friend. The IS provides the pilot, with all of the info on the suit, from damage to sensors to even weather and temp. They are sort of like a sixth sense that is always active. Over time, some IS' become close friends to their pilots and will do everything within their power to protect the pilot and the pilot will do the same. However, anyone who can pilot an IS can pilot any IS and so there is no lockout for this IS can only be piloted by this person. However, when the IS is not active, it is witht he pilot at all times in some form of jewelry or something and it is unique to that pilot."

    Looking at her left hand, she sighs, "With a simple thought, the pilto can summon any part of the IS, from a weapon to the entire unit. And when not active, no one would realize that they have them. They are connected to the pilot by nanites that allow them to be controlled and when they are taken, the core of an IS, it is like losing that friend and can be harmful tot he pilot and to the IS Core. The IS Core can then be placed in a suit and be used by anyone who can use an IS. Plus all of the specific stuff about an IS that a country does not want to get out is now avail to that pilot and they will know everything about it." and she sighs.

    "When my IS Core was taken, it was like i died and now I am alone, as I am not sure to having all of the information in my mind like I did. And me family is not any help, as both of my parents are deceased, just me clan, but they are more interested in me coming back to Scotland and getting married as I am a IS Repersentative and the daughter of the clan chief."

All-Seeing Eye has posed:
Ah--so there's a number of things at play. Eye's attention focuses on the nearest unobstructed view of the sea, though he doesn't turn his head or his body. He simply stands in place and contemplates Mairead's explanation as the wind toys with his hair. The bond between a pilot and their IS seems even more significant than the burden of greatness one must endure to wield an artifact. That some would willfully pollute that bond to serve their own interests... It's both unfortunate and unacceptable.

     The wake of such careless actions is seen not only in the world theater, but here. He can see filly the sadness apparent on the girl's face, as plain as day even with his back turned. "Family..." An unfamiliar word, but one for which Mairead provides context quickly enough.

     He's no good at comforting. He'd much rather be comforted than provide it himself--he's selfish like that. But, even he knows that when someone is hurting nearby, you have to at least try. It's not his function by any means, but... here goes nothing. Hiding his puzzled frown, Eye whirls around to face Mairead. "Mairead, dear... stress has a noticeable impact upon workplace efficiency. If your memories of loss are too painful, I'm certain I could make some... adjustments. With your permission, of course!" He fixes the girl with a smile a little too bright for the suggestion just made.

Mairead Sandilands has posed:
Blinking, Mairead smiles, "Thank you," she says. "But pain is part of life," she mentions. "With loss, you gain determination to do better to get back that what is lost, if it is possible. Maybe later, but the pain is helping me go forward." she comments as she smiles. "Plus, it helps that pain is shown as you can relate to others who have lost as well.

All-Seeing Eye has posed:
That... went better than expected! Mairead gets it--so many people have knee jerk reactions to reprogramming. It's nice to meet someone who can judge its merits with a rational mind! "Your fortitude is a credit to your nation," he offers with a smile of his own--now much more sincere. He'll have to ask someone about this 'marriage' thing later, but he's gotten some interesting insight about community dynamics outside of his world even without that concept.

     "You and I are more alike than I thought," he says, clearly impressed by the sentiment. "Though I'd never hold a mortal to the same standard as a Champion, I, too, believe that emotions are an asset. I find that even..." What's a suitable word? Destructive? Bad? "Negative emotions help me understand and relate to the mortals I'm sworn to serve."

     Lest he be forced to actually deal with his emotions or be alone with his thoughts, the Exalt is quick to adopt a chipper expression. With a gleeful clap of his hands, he changes the subject. "So! What's next on the tour?~"

Mairead Sandilands has posed:
Mairead Sandilands grins, "I tend to think that as we go though a lot of training and all the lasses and the lad here are family in one way or another," she mentiosn as she continues the tour to the arena followed by the infrimary, dorms and food area.