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1-on-1 IS training
Date of Scene: 03 July 2016
Location: Academy Island <IS>
Synopsis: Visitors from the Union attend the IS Academy and are measured for possible IS suits if they decide to attend. Moreover, they are shown a demo of the fighting that could occur
Cast of Characters: Mairead Sandilands, Nagato

Mairead Sandilands has posed:
    Located in the Infrimary, is Mairead who is wearing her IS Suit, which looks like a one piece swimsuit. As she stands there, she listens as Yamada-sensei speaks to her, "We need to make measurements of the visitors from the Union so we can adjust the IS'," she states. "I will write down the measurements while you measure," and Mairead nods, "Yes ma'am," and she thinks on what this will be like as she had to go through a similar measurement back in Scotland. "Also, we are going to try somethign different, and do this one at a time and Miss Nagato has offered to go first," and Mairead blinsk and nods as she waits for the Admiral to arrive. . o 0 (I wonder who they have escorting her here?) she thinks as she waits.

Nagato has posed:
    Nagato's walking alone right now, not knowing many of the students on the campus... though, behind her there's a gaggle of girls following her. "Ahem..." she coughs a bit, looking behind her.. "I trust you girls have BETTER things to do than follow another student around, am I right?" that commanding voice of hers gets those girls to snap into a salute and run off... causing the Admiral to shake her head, "Children..." she muttered, turning down the hall towards the infirmary.

    "Getting fitted for a suit, huh..." she mutters, making a couple knocks on the door. "Nagato reporting for fitting duty, Ma'am!" comes the sharp, almost practiced voice of the Admiral. "I am coming in." she doesn't even wait and off she goes into the room, "Good evening."

Mairead Sandilands has posed:
    Mairead looks and bows, "Admiral," she says as does Yamada who bows too, "Welcome ma'am," she says. "We need to do some measurements to adjust the IS to fit correctly," Yamada states. "We will measure your height, hips, waist and bust," she adds as she looks. "Please remove your cloths and walk over to Mairead in your undergarments," Yamada says as she readies a clipboard and looks as Mairead has a old style measuring tape in her hands.

    "After this, we will get two IS's ready and a suit to wear, like what I have on," she comments as she stands there and waits. "Additionally, MAiread will help you in learning to move in an IS, and do a mock battle with training rounds to help you learn to use the weapons," she adds as Mairead blinks, "!" Gulping, Mairead nods, "A...aye, we will be going against some training units using paintballs," and she smiles to the Admiral.

Nagato has posed:
    Nagato hmms a bit and looks between Yamada and Mairead, "If that is what is required." she whispers, moving to head behind something for privacy and then the Uniform is taken off. "How ... embarrasing." she mutters, shaking her head just slightly, "You could have pulled my Union records, but if this is nessecary." she looks towards Mairead and then back to Yamada...

    Though when it's mentioned that she was also going to get some training, this brings the Admiral to a slight smile... paintball rounds huh? "Understood. I believe I have an IS I would like to pilot. The Rafale Revive would fit my current loadout familiarity, if such a request can be made." and with a slight bit of movement, she moves into place for measurements.

Mairead Sandilands has posed:
    Yamada blinked as she looked and studied something, "Su...Su..." and Mairead spoke up, "I thinkt hat would be fine Admiral,"s he says. "The way the Rafale is designed, it can be a long range, medium range, short range or close quarters unit and is the third most popular massed produced IS for sale," she says as she has learned a lot ont he various IS'. "Armaments include sniper rifle and grenade launchers," and Mairead thinks as she looks, "And I know of another weapon that you can use that I think ye will like," and she looks as the Admiral walks out, Yamada looks, "We put in a request, but it is still in the channels, so we have to do it this way. Plus, there could be changes from what is on file and once an IS is adjusted, it will stay that way until it is adjusted for another pilot," she mentions.

    Once Nagato has came over, Mairead starts the measuring, with her height, followed by her hips, waist and bust, plus the length of her legs. As she measures, she informs Yamada the numbers who writes them down and smiles, "And we are done," and she looks at Mairead, "Please escort Nagato to the changing room at Arena 2 and assist her in getting into an IS Suit," and Mairead bowed at Nagato, "Yes sensei," and she looks at Nagato as Yamada leaves.

    "I think ye are gonna liek this," and she puts the measuring tape on the table. "It will feel odd at first when you get into an IS, and that can be disorintating," she mentions as she waits for Nagato to change.

Nagato has posed:
    "As an Admiral, it's my job to study everything that comes my way, Yamada." before turning towards Mairead, nodding slightly, "I look forward to it." is all she says as the measurements are done and as soon as they were over, she went to dress properly.. at least until it was time for the visit at Arena 2. "Thank you, Yamada." she bows slightly towards the teacher and looks towards Mairead. "Lead the way."

    The walk fortunatley was uneventful, walking behind her technical superior in this matter, but once they arrived, she gives a few nods, moving towards the changing room. "I assume they have my suit ready for me, correct?" though Nagato doesn't show it, the clear excitement could almost be heard in her voice.. using this time to change into the provided suit.

    Nagato takes a look in the mirror, "It leaves almost nothing to the imagination..." she muttered, turning towards Mairead, "I'm ready, Mairead. Shall we?"

Mairead Sandilands has posed:
    Nodding, Mairead looks, "The IS suit is designed to provide and to constantly check the students physiological state and position due to the vital monitor is built into the intelligence tag at the base of the throat. All IS Suits have advanced life protection function and comfort, such as sweat absorbing. Additonally, the IS Suit will detect the weak electricity on the skin and pass the signals of the user's movements to all the parts of the body before the IS can take action," Mairead says she explains the suit and its purpose while helping Nagato into hers. "Moreover, the suit is durable, and can completely withstand a mini-caliber gunshot, although it will hurt like hell a few days."

    Once Nagato is dressed, she continues, "There is a sealing part of the leg protector that allows the IS Suit to adhere to the skin when the switch of the tag is pressed causing voltage to go through the silicon molecules. The IS than connects to the suit to provide more control to the IS. once cna wear an IS without the suit, bbut they will not have good control of the IS due to the low current," she comments a sthey walk to the next room, the staging area. "Aye, the IS suit is designed off of a one piece swimsuit and has to be tight due to the current the human body has when the brain tells the body what to do. that same current is detcted by the IS Suit and than trasmitted to the IS, so what you think the suit does."

    After walking, Nagato gets to see the Rafale Revive Basic on a launch pad and a total of 5 girls, ranging in age from 15 to 18 are seen working on it, checking and everything. Yamada is there as well and check the computer as she turns and sees the two. "Welcome to the staging area of Arena 2. The IS Academy has six arena's, each with two staging rooms. here the students will put on an IS and others will run tests and checks than launch out into the area. As this is your first time in an IS, Mairead will help you into the IS,"a nd Mairead nods as she calls Emerald Lady and walks over to the Rafale, "I will lift ye into the IS and the suit will activate. Ye will elarn a lot of things about the IS in a matter of seconds," she says as she offers to pick Nagato up and help her into the iS.

    AS soon as Nagato is placed in the IS, it activates and all sorts of information begin to flooded into her consciousness. In a matter of seconds, anything and everything about the Rafale Revive Basic materializes in front of her eyes: the basic movements of the IS, operation method, capabilities, characteristics, existing equipment, active time limit, movement range, sensitivity, radar search, armor residue, output gauge, et al. Additionally, the vision is linked to all sort of sensors, these numbers and readouts appearing directly into her mind, to the point that she could feel information about her surroundings through those readouts. As this is going on, the IS would adjust based on the measurements of Nagato and the IS would shift. The students are talking and making small adjustments while looking at the IS, Nagato and the readouts.

Nagato has posed:
    Nagato listens to everything that Mairead is saying, nodding here and there... everything /seems/ to make sense to the Admiral. After all, she /did/ learn how to play ALO... so she /can/ be taught "Good, good." she whispers, as she continues to listen, heading towards the launchpad. "So even if somehow the IS fails, the suit can still protect, this is... actually quite amazing. I may have to have my girls wear this... at least... a modified version of this." she gives a light shrug and turns to see the Rafale Revive...

    She heads towards it slowly, looking towards the girls working on it, nodding to them and giving them a respectful bow in greeting. Though, when Yamada is heard, she lifts from her bow and gives a nod, allowing herself to be lifted and placed in the IS... "I entrust my care into your hands, girls." she states towards the girls working on the system. But once she's made full connection into the IS, now that's when things get strange.

    Now Nagato's used to information flodding her head... she just lies down in the bed, puts on her helmet and logs into ALO. Normally she's still.. and her conciousness is sorta in the game. But here? She's got information flodding into her brain in the real world... and there's a heads up display... without anything that would normally be on there. This causes the Admiral to tense up slightly, then relax... "Numbers... words... there's no display but I'm seeing them in front of me." a pause, "Like the menu and health bars in ALO..."

    Nagato stretches out, allowing the IS to move along with her, "Alright, I think I'm ready... this isn't as disorienting as I thought..."

Mairead Sandilands has posed:
    Smiling, Mairead looks, "It is at first, as you have the normal way of movement, in additon to additional ways. Try to hover," she says as she herself lifts a few inches off the ground. "If you need to, think of something to help, a picture, word or whatever and use that to hover. movement is the same while hovering, thnking left you go left, right, forward, back. but each pilot has her own way of doing things,"says one of the first years working on the IS. "Once we get out into the arena, we will work on summoning the weapons and other types of movement," and thinking, Nagato woudl see a picture of Mairead appear in her vision, "Each Is has an internal communication system that can send and receive. With this, we can talk one on one or with others. If you want to send a message, think of sending and talk, if you think of a specific person, you will open up a window like. Also, witht he IS Core Network, I can keep track and know where you are while in the IS. Sicne the IS was designed for space exploration, even in different galaxies or on different planets, all IS pilots will know were other IS pilots area."

    Another student, Nohan-san speaks up, "Each IS has Passive Inertia Control or PIC. The PIC allows the IS to accomplish extreme agility and mobility and largely absorbs and negates impact shock, thus protecting the pilot and the IS from catastrophic events such as high-speed collision," she states. As she adjusts her glasses, she continues, "The PIC is also applied to flight assist, and coupled with gravity control technology, makes IS capable of flight and hovering," she finishes as she is more experienced and is a third year, due to the colored necktie she has, which is red. Looking at the students here, there is the third year, two second year students with yellow neckties and two first years with blue neckties.

    "All IS' have shielding that provides protecting to ya, and it is invisible to the naked eye and cna block both physical and optical weapons. The protection level of an IS shield is sufficient to be impenetrable to most conventional weaponry, but it can still be penetrated by high-powered IS weaponry," Mairead says. "Plus the shield is powered by the IS and will become weak as the power is drained. When ye take damage, you will see a meter appear that is set to 500 and when it reaches 0, the IS will shutdown." Mairead says to her, not over the internal comsystem.

Nagato has posed:
    And here's where she can put her time in ALO to good use. She's learned how to fly without the Assist Controller, using her back muscles to respond... but here? She concentrates, obviously not having wings but, she uses the the image of those and soon... she's hovering in the air. "I.. I'm hovering..." she says in a bit of shock, the firm, stoic voice being replaced by a twinge of excitement. "I'm... I'm really hovering outside of a game..."she quickly looks behind her, to see if she had wings, but spying nothing... she turns back to the front.. and suddenly, there's a Mairead in the lower right of her vision.

    Nagato gives a slight nod, "I see, so it's like the Radio between the Union, only I'm able to see you." then when another student pipes up, she gives a another nod, "Good, so I won't be using a building to stop flying like in game..." she gives another nod and when the mentioning of shielding is there, she smirks, "Perhaps I should see how well it takes to a battleship's cannon..." too bad she left all of her kanmusu equipment back at Hikari for this venture.

    Nagato concentrates a bit more and starts to move forward slowly, "There's no ten minute time limit for flight, is there?"

Mairead Sandilands has posed:
    Blinking, Mairead shakes her head, "No, going slow, you can move an inch at a time to 400 miles per hour, depending on what you want. The PIC is giving you the ability to hover and it is all done by thinking," she says as she hovers backwards at the same speed. "Take your time and as you feel comfrontable, go a little faster. And the shield is there to help you, so if you cannot stop, and are heading for the wall, you will stop, but it will hurt, sort of like getting the wind knocked out of ye," she mentions. "The first thing to learn is movement," she says as they enter the arena. "As that is the most important part. to stop think of stopping," and she looks. "For me, I think of cardnial directions, North, South, East and West than adjust based on what I need to do. Like I need ot go 30 degrees to the right while heading forward and the IS will go in that direction. Sometimes, the best way to do it is to say what you want to do, like left to go left. Since it takes concentration to move by thought, thiknking can sometimes be hard due to situation so saying the word will work," and she thinks, "Sort of like how you control ye weapons, if you think of it in those terms, but I have never tried your weapons so I am not sure if it is the same or not."

Nagato has posed:
    Shimakaze would be jealous if she knew that a battleship was going four hundred miles an hour. She chuckles, nodding slightly, "Alright." she's still slowly moving, making sure not to stress herself, the IS or the IS' crew... but there's one thing that's at least on the Admiral's mind, if not facial expression...

    She's absolutely estatic.

    Alright, Nagato... this isn't ALO, but you're flying... so treat it like you were. This runs through her head quite a bit and, with a bit of a perk.. "I see, Mairead. I think I can get the basics of movement down..." and with this, off she goes! A quick burst of speed and then a sudden bolt upwards and off in the air she goes, twirling here and there.. it's almost as if she was still in ALO as her Cait Sith. She's flying around freely, without time limit... and well, she's enjoying this. One could probably hear her laughter over the internal communications... and maybe even a certain radio...

    After a good few minutes of screwing around in the air, flying as if she really didn't have a care in the world... she slowly comes back towards the ground, smiling bright. "That was ... a rush..."

Mairead Sandilands has posed:
    Chuckling, Mairead nods, "Aye, its a different feeling wheny ou fly and it is under ye own power and control," she says. "Now the next part, which is more difficult," and Mairead thinks and a broadsword appears in her hand, "Is summoning a weapon," and she looks. "Summon the Sniper rifle, by sayingcalling for it."

Nagato has posed:
    "Mmm, it is. And here I only had surrogate flight through a game." she chuckles, before that stoic face returns, Nagato's forgotten where she was... and what she was doing... until Mairead summoned that broadsword. "Summoning a weapon?" she questions, "Sniper... Rifle." it's when she says those two words, the rifle appears in her hands... or at least, the IS's hands...

    "Where did it come from? What manner of equipment just appears out of thin air?"

Mairead Sandilands has posed:
    Grinning, Mairead walks over, "The IS has basic weapons based on the manufature, the Rafale has a Sniper Rifle and a Grenade launcher. by summoning them, calling them out, they materlize in your hand or on your IS. The ring on my finger is my IS in standby mode, and when I call or summon Emerald Lady, it appears around me. The weapons she has is store in the Core's memory and when called, appear. Each IS has weapons that will only work with that IS and no one else," she mentions. "However, If you give someone permission, than they can use the weapon," and she summon the shotgun. "Think of putting the sniper rifle away," she says. "Get the picture of not having the sniper rifle in your hand and it will phase out and back to the memory of the IS Core."