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Into Factorial Town
Date of Scene: 26 June 2014
Location: Digimon Emperor's DigiWorld <DED>
Synopsis: A distress signal from the Digital World's Factorial Town lures heroes, investigators and villains alike to see what is up, and they meet the Digimon Emperor in his role for the first time.
Cast of Characters: 3, 27, 132, 235, 307, Karian Icefang, 468, 472

Digimon Emperor (468) has posed:
A stray signal in the Multiverse isn't too odd. There are probably hundreds of various SOS echoing out at any given time, although today one in particular catches people's attention, whether by interest or chance:

"Tentomon, you've got to find the kids again! The Digimon Emperor just sent Andromon out of the factory to work on some secret project, but he's coming over today to check on the big guns. I won't be able to get out and there's no way he won't spot that I'm not wearing a ring, so you have to get people here! Hurry up because the repairs are almost-- I gotta go!"

Whoever this Tentomon was, the signal probably didn't get to them. A quick trace, trivial, reveals the exact locations of the area to be the main factory inside Factorial Town, on File Island, in a version of the Digital World. It can be accessed through Warp Gates or through directly entering from the Cyber Core. Those who can sense such things could tell this entire world is made of data, but it's quite real otherwise.


Factorial Town appears to be a small industrial city; no place for houses, it's all factories, pipes, pressure storage spheres, and dark smoke going to the sky from each of them. In the center of the city there is a large black obelisk which doesn't seem to do anything there.

The main factory is under guard by several Guardromons, bronze, armored Digimon, which patrol mindlessly along a predictable path. There's about six of them in all, though only three are ever within view of the main gates. They have black rings around their arms, and bloodshot red eyes.


Across from the factory, the hangars are under guard by Mekanorimons, two of them by each set of doors, so four in total. These are bigger, looking like a human is meant to fit within their empty cockpit. Silver-armored, they have a lot of exposed wiring, and dark rings around their legs, and bloodshot red eyes. These don't move at all.


There is only one life form detected in the entire area, if you filter out data entities, and it's in the hangars.

Karian Icefang has posed:
Riding into town on a MASSIVE wolf, Karian of the God-Emperor's Space Marines arrives on the scene. He had no clue who he was looking for, or even what was going to be occuring. But it it meant saving people, he would be there.

Beelzebumon (132) has posed:
With a heavy thud, the Ultimate Level Demon Lord known as Beelzebumon lands upon the ground after exiting the warpgate, then slowly stands up and grins, before taking a deep breath and lifting his head high.

"God /damn/ it's been too long since I've been in the Digital World. Everything just feels so much more... more... natural I guess."

A moment later a second heavy thud can be heard as his daemonic motorcycle Behemoth lands next to him, and emits a loud groan of cylinders and pistons.

"Yeah yeah, I know, there ain't nothing natural about a world made of data, but you know what I mean. It just feels so /good/ being back. We Digimon may be able to survive in a great many environments, but we're born to /thrive/ in places like this."

Then the demon lord turns his head to peer off at the smoke in the distance and grins, "Looks like the place in inhabited alright. C'mon, let's ride!"

Then with a gleeful cackle, the demon lord leaps onto the seat of his bike and tears off towards the looming factory in the distance.

Jonothon Starsmore (27) has posed:
Jono has no particular senses about the place. But he'd just started playing an MMO concerning Digimon, and this sounded a lot like it. In the Multiverse, what were the chances of there being an actual Digital World? Pretty good, if what he'd heard about this Multiverse was any indication! And sure enough, catching a transmission from... actually, Jono had no idea. But once he found out where it was coming from, he headed there.

He's not going on foot, either. He's on a motorcycle. Nothing special, just a normal earth motorcycle. It's not too terribly loud, but he's still planning on leaving it a short distance away so it doesn't attract too much attention.

Currently he's got his face wrapped up good, so the fire's not on display. That'd be the last thing he needed, for someone to see him go up like bloody Guy Fawkes Night when he's trying to be quiet and subtle in his approach....

Allyn (307) has posed:
Allyn heard the call and he stalks into the area, coming in just behind Karian and the large wolf that the large man rides on. That has him stop dead in his tracks and he blinks, giving the large wolf a head tilt curiously and sniffs in its direction. Well, smells like a wolf, but he's never seen one that large. So he pads alongside the large wolf, "Where are you from that you grew so large?" he asks the wolf, not the person riding it, "You let humans ride on you?" he chuffs at that, letting his thoughts on it be known.

Not sure if the wolf can speak like he can, he then closes his eyes and uses the other way he knows to communicate with animals, he sends images to the large wolf, image of the smaller wolf greeting him in the way most wolves do, even an image of him rolling over and baring his throat to the much larger wolf a sign that he accepts the bigger wolf's higher ranking in a pack than he is.

Well, if there is going to be a large wolf here, why not make it two? though he's still not going to be as big as the rhino sized wolf, he shimmers as his form shifts, a dire wolf taking the place of the normal sized wolf.

Karima (235) has posed:
Karima 's flying far above the action, frowning severely at the surrounding landscape. Her wings are spread open wide as she casually glides, trying to avoid hitting any of the large plumes of smoke that come near her. She spots the motorcyle riders and the wolf, and judging by where they were headed, they might be here to help.

Soon enough she's gliding over the factory in question and the dragon points downward, counting each guard.

"Ugh. Reminds me of the humans from my world. And they've brought robots? How cute. Let's see. Bunch of them on that path...and two big ones up there. Should be easy enough to burn them to slag."

She angles her wings downwards to start into a slow swoop towards the offending guards, though the decent is intentionally kept slow to perhaps allow for an attack after the newcomers start up their own abilities.

Dimentio (472) has posed:
An invisible presence has been watching. Probably nothing related to anything at all, definitely not related to the next part of this pose.

Inside one of the hangers, towards the center, the space begins to distort...as suddenly, a jester appears! Dimentio looks around the hanger..before laughing! "Aha~! This should be interesting~."

Roll (3) has posed:
WOOOOOOOSH! From out of the sky - after the warp gate, of course - comes Roll and Rush! The flying duo... well, okay it's a pink-and-red armored robot girl on a dog-faced rocket board, except the dog face is strangely alive, sniffing at the air and looking about! She swoops in low, glancing about the region as if on a mission... and by chance, spots the nearest person! The sinisterly-garbed Beelzebumon!

Whilst wondering about how odd-looking the locals are, Roll swoops in, pulls her helmet off, and matches speeds with Beelzebumon - in fact, she's right up beside the bike! "Pardon me, sir! I picked up a weird signal from around here. Do you know where I am? Or what that might be?!"

Digimon Emperor (468) has posed:
Between Beelzebumon and Karian, it seems the subtle approach might not be an option, unless people are fine using the main group as a distraction. In which case, distraction! Because riding in on a giant wolf and a motorcycle within view of the Guardromons turns out to set off the alarm. Or, rather, those within view extend an arm out, producing a large bullet-like shell from their wrists. The shells have tiny arms, and a whistle, and eyes, and they blow the whistle. That's when the alarms sound out across the factory and hangar.

Jonothon hasn't been spotted unless he got out of his way to ride in through the main gate. Since the attention will be on those who just did that, he could go around to either the factory or hangar without being seen.

Karima isn't spotted immediatly either, due to taking to the sky. The Digimons standing guard don't seem like they'd be very good at spotting things over them due to their designs.

~Those standing outside and not bothering with stealth~ come under fire, as the three Guardromons within view produce small machine guns out of their wrists and try to be threatening. The Mekanorimons don't seem to move from their guard positions, though.

~Inside the hangars~ Dimentio finds that the entire place has been emptied, save for a massive set of doors on the ground which, given the design, must house some sort of big flying vehicle. There are large conveyor belts in tubes which link the hangars to the factory and seem to be sending parts over, which a few Guardromons insert inside slots around the floor doors. More importantly, the Digimon Emperor is standing on a balcony, clad in his gold, blue and white, Cool Shades(tm) obscuring his eyes. His cocky grin fades with Dimentio's appearance.

"You're not a Digimon! Who are you and what are you doing here? Can't you tell I'm busy! These useless machines aren't keeping to their deadline so I came to see to it myself!"

Karian Icefang has posed:
Karian looks down to the being that spoke up. Ygdril turns his head to the other wolf and sniffs curiously. In his way, he says <Rider is a friend. He is Space Wolf. We bonded. He part wolf.> "I am Wolf Lord Karian, Of the Immortal God-Emperor's Space Marines, Space Wolves chapter, and you are?"

Beelzebumon (132) has posed:
Beelzebumon turns his head slightly as a robot girl in armor flying atop a rocket dog pulls up beside him. He quirks his eyebrow a bit.

Still not as strange as some of the stuff native to the digital world mind you.

"Well, if I had to wager a guess..."

The sirens blare and the bullets start flying, kicking up dirt all around Beelzebumon even while the Demon Lord non-chalantly points towards the direction all the fire is coming from.

"I imagine that would be where."

With that out of the way, Beelzebumon grabs a hold of the handlebars of Behemoth and starts to weave and turn back and forth, making himself an evasive target while the Guardromon valiantly try to shoot him down.

Karima (235) has posed:
Karima angles her wings up a little bit when the bullets start flying, the dragon's hands already starting to ignite with fire.

"Welp, so much for being stealthy. Let's see how well they can dodge while they haven't seen me yet."

Once she's about directly overhead she flares her wings and hovers there for a moment. Orange, fire-like energy builds around her hands as she holds them above her head. She arches her back to start charging the attack, those who were capable of looking up would note the dragon now, thanks to the building energy.

Jonothon Starsmore (27) has posed:
Okay no. He's not going in the front gate, Jono realizes, when the Guardromons start firing. No. No, let's not go that way. Let's curve around and approach from another angle. Where's he going? Jono really doesn't know. He's looking for another entrance in that's not so heavily guarded it just so happens that he's headed towards the Factory.

Allyn (307) has posed:
Allyn tilts his head at Ygdril as he listens to the wolf's response, not sure what he is talking about, he just nods some, well if the person on him is part wolf, then well, that is alright he supposes. <If he is friend then he is friend.> he sniffs towards Karian a moment, and then notices the guards about to attack, he growls deeply, and then peers back at Karian, "Allyn, just a wolf really, but I think we might want to get out of the way." he tries to get away from the shooting or well, at least tries to avoid getting shot this time. He blinks again as he looks up and notices the dragon, ok things just get stranger and stranger in the multiverse it seems.

Roll (3) has posed:
Attack of the Guardromons. "W-what? Here-- YEEEEEK!!" Roll takes a front-full of bullets. They ring cling clang against her Ceratanium weave skintight armor, not one of them really piercing notably. Only a few that strike at the right angles and in sequence manage to tear into it at all and draw out a few sparks. But she's flung from Rush and tumble-somersaults like a ragdoll around the ground, still clutching the helmet. As the dust settles, Rush lands near her in a protective stance, GROWLING at the distance Digimon.

Roll rises with a few wordless exclamations of disgust, and then unceremoniously SLAMS her helmet back on.

"Just whose bright idea was it to 'shoot first and ask questions later?!' That's no greeting!" Spotting the distant Assailants, and Beelzebumon's completely nonchalant attitude in engaging them, Roll scratches a cheek.

This place looks dangerous, it sounds like someone here needs help, but wrecking it doesn't sound like the best idea either, not until she knows what it's all for!

Extending an arm and forming it into the Mega Buster with a mere thought, Roll takes aim. Targeting reticles and trajectory predictions light up in her HUD as she loads up all kinds of tactical protocols to assist, and she sends several solar bullets - hot plasma blasts - scorching for the Guardromon's weapons!

Dimentio (472) has posed:
Dimentio rotates towards the Digimon Emperor, staring at him for a second, before he speaks. "Ah, I am just a spectator, an observer of your grand show! I am Dimentio, and I mean no harm to you. Them..I haven't decided, ahaha!~ Rest assured..I am most likely on your side.". Most likely!

And then, Dimentio is warping up to the balcony, a laugh coming from him. "Ah ha ha! What a view~."

Digimon Emperor (468) has posed:
"Oh for the love of, WHAT'S GOING ON OUTSIDE?!" The Digimon Emperor's attention falls off Dimentio-- in no small part due to his assurance of being on his side--, and he steps towards the end of the balcony that is in plain view outside. He's a teenager, really; he might look cool, but he's still about fifteen at most. Seems he has a large black whip in one hand, with a fancy silver handle that has buttons on it.

"Those aren't Digimon either! No... ONE of them is," he corrects himself, glancing towards the speeding Beelzebumon. His shades feed him data and he seems to be unsure whether to be happy or very unhappy a Digimon that powerful just showed up. The entire situation leads him more towards the latter.

Allyn will, of course, be able to recognize him.

~THOSE UNDER FIRE~ find the machinegunning not to be too threatening. A direct hit to the forehead would probably be bad, sure, but odds of that happening are pretty low. Their aim's not very good, and the bullets are easy to see coming. The Digimon Emperor cracks his whip, shouting: "QUIT STANDING AROUND AND GET THEM!"

This causes the Mekanorimons to start firing red laser bursts from their chest gems, towards Allyn and Karian. Roll's shots hit the Guardromon's extended rifles; they lift their other hands instead, intoning "Grenade Destroyer." before releasing small artillery shells towards Beelzebumon and Roll-- the former of which is still on a motorcycle, and now everything is exploding around him. If only he had a camera crew.

Karima is still unspotted. She's got a hell of an opening.

~JONOTHON~ inside the factory will find that Guardromons-- all with glowing red eyes and those dark rings around their arms-- are slaving away trying to finish large pieces of armor, probably meant for a plane or something around that size. There's a lot of consoles, switches, levers and complex machinery around, and given the Guardromons' reduced field of vision, getting around isn't too hard. The foreman's control room is easy to spot.

Karian Icefang has posed:
Karian pulls his bolter from his side and aims up. He fires off a few volley's at the flying Mekarnorimons, having dismounted from Ygdril. The giant wolf makes a b-line straight for the nearest guardromon, aiming to do what he does best....maul some face.

Beelzebumon (132) has posed:
Oooo, now they're shooting grenades too! This is so much fun!

As explosions go off all around him, Beelzebumon continues to duck and weave between the incoming shots, then turns his head slightly and calls back to Roll.


Then the Demon Lord leaps from the seat of Behemoth and into the air, before deftly punting one of the fired grenades right back at the Guardromon that fired it.

"He shoots...!"

Karima (235) has posed:
Karima 's energy finishes charging her energy, a ring forming around it's equator. She smiles as she looks over the aerial advantage she's got right now, removing one of her hands from the energy ball. After that, she flaps her wings, moving a little bit forward before flipping upside down and gives another mighty flap, propelling herself downward as hard as possible. She tears through the sky, aiming for the center robot of the small pack. She extends her fist outwards, intending to strike with the energy. Provided they didn't move, she should completely crush that particular construct. Her fire fist explodes on contact with something solid, an orange explosion eminating outwards from her, the force of which should be enough to disrupt the small company in some way.

Jonothon Starsmore (27) has posed:
Hm. Interesting. Jono tries to stay out of sight, which shouldn't be too hard given his background at general thuggery and the fact that he's wearing all-black. It's just like one of those sneaking around games, except it's real. Ish. Kind of. Anyway. Jono's going to try to make it to the foreman's control room and see what's going on up there. And try not to be seen by whatever foreman might be in there.

Allyn (307) has posed:
Allyn looks up at the emperor and blinks, he recognizes the boy from last time he was in a place like this, he remembers hearing that he stole one of the 'cubs' that Allyn and the others protected that time. Though he didn't actually see it himself, since he was unconsious at the time.

No time to dwell on that though, as the larger wolf bounds off to leap into the fray, Allyn follows after him, happy to have another wolf to ;hunt; with. He of course just has to join in the mauling alongside the other wolf.

Dimentio (472) has posed:
Dimentio follows after the Digimon Emperor, watching outside himself, and apparently here to offer idle commentary! "What are you going to do with them when you capture them, hmm? Put them in acid? Bury them alive? Encase them in metal forever? So many fun choices!".

Dimentio is rather noticable, since purple and yellow and black and white really..contrasts with this place. Jeez, someone needs a decorator.

Digimon Emperor (468) has posed:
~Jonothon~ finds the foreman's control room to be... fortunately unlocked. Once inside, a Guardromon, with a little golden star painted on each shoulder, and notably, without glowing red eyes, immediatly starts gesturing at him to close the door. Or to please dance. It is very unclear since it isn't speaking, but whatever it wants seems incredibly urgent!

The room is filled with monitors and a master control console. From a brief glance it looks like the large section they're finishing right now is the last piece needed to finish putting something together in the hangars, and they'll be getting ready to shove it onto the massive conveyor belts soon.

Roll (3) has posed:
And Beelzebumon's not the only one with that kind of idea. The only trouble with firing grenades is that anything thrown in an arc is so easy to disrupt. Roll has her weapon already at the ready! In her view, crosshairs lock in on the tiny explosives and provide targeting data. She fires shot after shot of white-yellow bolts, and scores against several of the grenades are sent off course, detonating harmlessly against the ground. Still, a few get through. Panicking, Roll throws her arms up in defense--


-- she emerges from the explosion with large gouges all over her armor. Not to mention, her hair's now full of dirt and gunk and black scoring, and her left arm's servos whine in protest as she struggles back up to her feet.

What to do? Run, or continue, on the chance that mesage she heard was from someone who's life is in danger?R
"Alright, if that's the way you want it, you're in for some worse damage than that!"

Her whole body glows and heats up, the Ceratanium armor shining surreally from within as an enormous amount of energy builds up in Roll's capacitors. And in a mere moment - FWOOOOOOOOSH!!

A roiling plasma shot goes for the one that just pelted her with Grenades. How's THAT for return fire?

Jonothon Starsmore (27) has posed:
Jono immediately thinks the former, and shuts the door behind him. Though he's tensed to defend himself if he has to. "Wot, mate?" he inquires of the Guardromon. Notably his speech isn't verbal-- it's telepathic. He blinks as he looks around the control room. "Whoa. Wha's all this, then?" It takes him a moment to notice the lack of red eyes in this Guardromon. Though he isn't sure what that signifies yet. Hence why he's ready to defend himself if he has to. Though his method of being 'ready to fight' includes his hand being near the wrappings around his face.

Digimon Emperor (468) has posed:
"I don't have a use for people!" the Digimon Emperor snaps towards Dimentio, jerking a thumb towards the Digimon currently doing his bidding. "I'll probably just feed them to my bigger pets or toss them into the arena with them. That might be fun to watch. Ha! I bet some of them might even survive longer than one round." They are doing pretty good, really.

A bit TOO good.

Karian slams one of the Guardromons with his weight and (and presumably, claws), able to easily tear it into pieces. The robot's eyes turn back to normal upon being disassembled, and it whines about wanting to be repaired. Maybe into a car. He'd like being a car.

Beelzebumon causes another one of the Guardromons to meet that fate, tossing the grenade back to him. The explosion does not quite disassemble him into pieces, but it does destroy the Dark Ring around its arm-- which, among the rest of the damage caused, seems to cause the Guardromon's eyes to turn back to normal, though it seems too damaged to do anything else.

Allyn assists, pinning down one of the Mekanorimons and starting to wail into it. It tries to free itself by slicing with its large claws a few times.

Karima with her aerial advantage pins down the three Guardromons that were headed in to support the others. The main blast sets the central one on fire-- it is, it turns out, sturdy enough not to be completely vaporized, but it's very badly damaged and more or less scrap metal now. The other two are mostly hit by the explosion itself, but that's enough to send them flying, tumbling on the ground a few times and preventing them from quickly lending aid to the others left.

Roll's charged shot engulfs one more of the Guardromons, not quite reducing it to slag but shattering the Dark Ring and causing the robot Digimon to slam into what was behind it, namely a wall, so hard that it gets stuck in there.

There are no more Guardromons left. Three Mekanorimons remain, and the Digimon Emperor on the balcony, who grins widely. "Hahaha! Good show! GOOD SHOW! Well, it's my turn now! MEKANORIMONS, GET THEM! And you, why don't we see how YOUR pet likes a new master?"

With a crack of his whip, Ken launches a Dark Ring towards Ygdril (this course of action has been cleared with Karian!). The black collar-like device wraps around the Thunderwolf's neck, turning its eyes glowing red. Expectedly, it immediatly leaps at Karian, trying to chomp down on its former master.

The Mekanorimons lift their hands, all intoning together: "Gyro Break." and launching a series of high-speed, disk-shaped bombs towards, essentially, everyone, minus Karian, who is busy with something else entirely. These are a little bit more threatenin than the previous attacks, but not by a whole lot. Don't get hit in the face and you'll be fine!

Digimon Emperor (468) has posed:
The ForemanGuardromon (which is in no way superior to a normal Guardromon, but it has stars painted on it and knows how to use the console!) gestures towards one of the screens, extending one arm to type-- very carefully-- on the keyboard. It writes out, in code (whch translates to English and Japanese simultaneously): "They haven't spotted me because nobody's using this room anymore. Those black rings are controlling them, but more urgent, if they finish that last piece, the Emperor is going to have a fully operational Brimpmon, and armored too. I can't shut down production from here, and I'm not powerful enough to cause enough damage or oppose all of them. You don't look like one of the DigiDestined, but do you think you can do that?"

Karian Icefang has posed:
Karian was distracted by the flying Mekanorimons to notice the dark ring wrapping around Ygdril. Thankfully, he managed to turn around just in time to see his wolf bite down into his shoulder. Mustering all the strength he had, he pulled the wolf's teeth from his shoulder, and proceeded to wrestle with the wolf. "Ygdril! Come to your senses!" He bellows in his native tongue, translated by the multiverse, of course.

Beelzebumon (132) has posed:
"... He scores!" Beelzebumon finishes as his rebounded grenade detonates on target, taking the Guardromon out of the fight. As he lands, he does a forward roll and comes back up on his feet.

Then he turns and he looks directly at the Digimon Emperor.

"Oh, I'll give you a show kiddo..."

The Gyro Break explodes at his feet, kicking up a large cloud of black smoke that obscures everything around the Demon Lord.

And then from the top of the cloud, the demon lord launches out of high into the air as his hand snaps down to brag the shotgun from his leg holster, "A HORROR SHOW!"

And then with a burst of fire and lead, he unleashes his assault upon one of the Mekinorimon.


Jonothon Starsmore (27) has posed:
Well, Jono doesn't know what a 'Brimpmon' is, but somebody calling himself an Emperor, controlling Digimon with some kind of rings, is probably not somebody that needs an armored Brimpmon. Whatever that is. "I can give it a try," he agrees. "What d'yer need me ter do?" he asks the un-controlled Guardromon.

Karima (235) has posed:
Karima growls as she turns up to look towards the kid apparently calling the shots, the destruction she caused was...about what she expected. The counter-attack isn't terribly unexpected, especially since she was out in the open. She flares her wings again and leaps upwards, using a bit of chakra to pick up speed to dodge the incoming explosions. Once airborne she spots the kid in earnest and snorts dismissively.

"You expect me to take a snot-nosed whelp like you seriously? If you aren't going to come out here and fight me, then burn like the coward you are!"

She opens her mouth and forms more of that fire energy, spitting off three fireballs of similar size. Two of them are aimed for the walls next to the balcony while the third is headed straight for the digimon emporer himself.

Digimon Emperor (468) has posed:
ForemanGuardromon types onto the screen: "This entire place needs to go up in flames! Or the conveyor belts linking it to the hangars, at least! I can help, but I'm no tougher than the others out there, and there's more of them than there's of me."

Allyn (307) has posed:
Once the guardromon is mauled quite handily Allyn blinks as the ring is thrown at Ygdril and then the larger wolf's eyes change color and he attacks Karian. He growls at the larger wolf. <Don't attack your friend!> his tail swishes back and forth in agitation as he's not sure what to do now. He looks towards where the Emperor is and he lets out a snarl, lips pulling back to bare his fangs. He thinks about going after the kid, but then notices the dragon woman has things under control there.

Well, that settles what he has to do then, he figures, so he crouches and springs at Ygdril to try and help Karian. He grabs the ring with his teeth and tries to bite down on it as hard as he can, maybe he can crush it with his jaws and bring the bigger wolf back to himself.

Jonothon Starsmore (27) has posed:
"Jus' blow stuff up?" Jono inquires. He nods. "I can do that. Yer might wanna stay outta the way, though. Can't promise no friendly fire." To demonstrate, he pulls the wrapping away from his face. Just a little. And a tiny lick of red-orange, staticky flames emits. He fixes it quickly. "So yer might wanna go ahead an' get out if yer can."

Digimon Emperor (468) has posed:
The ForemanGuardromon gesticulates wildly in alarm, and then vacates the room without even typing anything else. A Champion/Adult level Digimon it might be, this kid freaks it out. Jonothon has quite the amount of choices here he can make. He could blow up the control room, the belts, or just the factory in general. He'll have to pick, though, because a look at the screens reveals the controlled Guardromons are starting to move the piece of plating towards the belts.

Roll (3) has posed:
Hooray! nasty damage, but it looks like the Guardromon isn't totally scrapped. Roll would breathe a sigh of relief, but well, Robots! No breathing. Still, she springs upw ith a small smile, clapping her buster into her hand... then... onwards!

Breaking into a dash, even. "Okay, if I was stuck here and needed help, where would I be hiding?" Sadly there is as of yet no sign of the caller! "Rush! Scout the area, relay map data to me!"

Barking once, the robodog bounds off through any alleys and streets, staying out of fire where possible and doing as ordered!

But Roll, meanwhile, runs up next to Beelzebumon and again gathers power for a charged shot. "You're making a big mess! Who owns this place?!"

Althouggh she can now see the Digimon Emperor, and he sure looks the part...

Jonothon Starsmore (27) has posed:
Whoops. He didn't mean to scare the Guardromon QUITE that much. Still, at least the thing's left, so he can do what he needs to do without worrying about hurting him/her/it. Jono's not really sure. Anyway.

Well, if the Guardromon are being controlled, Jono needs to try to keep casualties amongst them down to a minimum. So, that in mind, he reaches up, pulling the wrappings off his face completely. And immediately his head and neck are wreathed in that staticky red-orange flame. Though most of his face can still be seen through it.

The time for stealth has passed. He runs right out into the factory floor, right at the conveyor belts. He's hoping to use the surprise of 'suddenly Brit on fire' to be able to get up there and fire a big blast of that flame at the belts.

It's not actual FIRE that he's shooting, though. If it does manage to hit, it's going to be with kinetic force, not with thermal energy. It's going to be a LOT of kinetic force. But it's gonna be kinetic force. Like a hard punch.

Digimon Emperor (468) has posed:
Karian's words, at least, for now, don't seem to find purchase within his former steed. The Thunderwolf snaps and snarls-- unable to reach Karian due to his strength. He is after all an apex member of the Space Wolves, and surely familiar with hunting and wrestling with Thunderwolves. That doesn't stop the wolf from suddenly using its paws, trying to eviscerate Karian with those sharp claws that'd put standard Imperial armor to shame.

The Beelzebumon, the Digimon Emperor just laughs... almost nervously. "Who do you think you are, acting on your own like that? Digimon should be obeying orders like the good programs they are! And /I'M/ the Digimon Emperor, so BOW TO ME!"

As a Mekaniromon is absolutely torn to pieces and shredded mercilessly by the higher tier Digimon's assault, the Emperor whipcracks, launching another Dark Ring, this time towards Beelzebumon. (Spoiler: even if it hit, his level is too high to control, so while it MIGHT feel a bit awful and like it's trying to control him, it will definitely not take hold and could be ripped off or destroyed trivially.)

"I'm not a brat! Get down here and I'll--" Oh shit fire.

Ken leaps back, covering himself with his cape. It seems fireproof-- or, at least, it does not catch on fire. It's still scorched, and he's still burned, but it could have been a lot worse. Must be a great cape. "HEY, USELESS MACHINES! GET HERE!" The two remaining Mekanorimons regroup around the Digimon Emperor, who retreats inside.

Allyn chomps at the Dark Ring. It cracks, but it's not quite removed yet. The Thunderwolf, too busy with Karian alone to really attack Allyn, simply tries to use its rear section to tackle him off. It is unlikely to succeed, but it'll be a hell of a rodeo.

Roll can put pressure on the Mekanorimons, preventing them from attacking. Sadly she does not get an answer to her question, since Ken retreated inside, but once could surmise his answer would be 'I do, the entire Digital World is mine!'.

Karian Icefang has posed:
Karian keeps wrestling with his wolf, though he does get clawed a bit. One bad move, and his wolf manages to claw his left eye. Pain coursing though him, the wolf lord growls and shifts. He moves in and aims his fist right for the crack, the snap it apart. "Ygdril!" He roars, trying his best to show the level of strength he used long ago to first tame and befriend the great wolf.

Dimentio (472) has posed:
At this chain of events, Dimentio cackles. "Oh, dear, oh dear, what a coward! I thought he was an emperor! No, he's useless.".

The Digimon Emperor has outlived Dimentio's use. As such, he floats after the Digimon Emperor..and points a finger at one of the Mekanorimons. "Ciao, you fool.". A burst of energy fires at the Mekanorimon, before Dimentio moves to the side, preparing to possibly attack the other. "You're useless~."

Digimon Emperor (468) has posed:
'Suddenly Brit on fire' turns out to be an effective strategy. The Guardromons are too busy trying to carry the armor plating, and Jonothon releases a blast of kinetic energy (which looks like fire!) towards the conveyor belts. Since this is a conveyor belt, it is completely wrecked. Given the size of the armor plating and the goons' speed while trying to carry it, it would take them a hour to cross all the way to the factory. They won't be able to deliver the final part for whatever a Brimpmon is.

Of course that does mean they drop their charge, and level their arms towards Jonothon. Bullets and grenades fly his way, more kinetic force than actual bullets and grenades. I'd make a don't get hit in the face joke about this one too but that seems out of place.

Beelzebumon (132) has posed:
"Sorry, but I don't follow 'orders'," Beelzebumon replies as he lands next to the fallen Mekinorimon, his shotgun twirling on his finger before he slides it back into his leg holster, "I'm my own 'Mon."

Get used to those Digimon puns folks, they're here for the duration.

With a wild grin, Beelzebumon charges forward with his arm stretched out to clothesline the first Mekinorimon off his feet, then cackles and turns to finish it off. Only before his blow can land, a ring snaps down on his upper arm and a surge of pain lances through him as the device tries to take over his mind.

With a scream of pain, Beelzebumon arches his back, then swiftly brings his fist down on the ring, shattering it with a sharp blow before letting out a curse, "Fuck that hurt!"

Reaching down, Beelzebumon picks up the broken bits of the ring, then notices that there's one on the Mekinorimon at his feet as well... then to test a theory, he reaches down and grabs the ring on the Mekinorimon, then with almost casual ease snaps it with his claws.

"Now, let's see what happens..."

Allyn (307) has posed:
Allyn growls as he is jostled around by trying to be thrown off by the larger wolf, but he somehow manages to hold on. Probably because of his deathgrip on that ring with his muzzle. He growls at Ygdril and gives the ring another good chomp! and pulls at it as best he can while being jostled about, much like he'd do if he were trying to bring down a bison or something equally as large, he's not going to let go!

Karima (235) has posed:
Karima smirks when the kid takes off after trying to argue with her. The attack did a little less than she thought, considering the kid wasn't immolated where he stood, but that'd change soon enough. She takes a deep breath and roars loudly as he makes his escape.

"Running will not save you kid. You want a fight, you got one! When I'm done with you, there won't even be ashes left!"

She gives a mighty flap of her wings, propelling her to the balcony where the kid once stood, and she chases after him on foot, her fists balled up and ready for some close-range combat.

Roll (3) has posed:
"....." Not getting any response from the quickly-departing self-proclaimed Emperor, and with Beelzebumon apparently having more love for battle than actually explaining anything... Roll glances about the battlefield. There's Karian over there, and a few others she doesn't recognize... Rush is still pouring in data about the layout of this city, so for now...

Seeing no other options, Roll charges in after beelzebumon, unleashes a charged shot from her Mega Buster on the first hostile Digimon's weaponry, then switches to ELEC BEAM - and proceeds to zap several - hopefully into submission, not destruction!

Jonothon Starsmore (27) has posed:
Jono does still have PART of his face, and not getting hit in the parts of his face that he does have left is definitely a priority! Though the first few of those bullets do hit, and one of the grenades throws him against a wall. Ouch. Ok, that hurt. Jono's made of sterner stuff than that, though, and though he slides down the wall onto the floor on his rear, he gets back up.

"Yer wanna play that game?" he 'growls'. Due to the strength of the blast he'd used to destroy the belts, he can't use another blast yet. But it won't take him too much longer to recharge. So for now he quickly grabs a piece of the armor plating, ducks behind it, and just CHARGES towards the Guardromon. If they're not careful, he's going to hit them!

...Of course due to the fact that he's got a reduced body weight thanks to missing a good bit of his upper body, this tactic might or might not be very effective. But he's just trying to buy time.

Digimon Emperor (468) has posed:
Karian's strength makes it possible to subdue Ygdril again, or at least prevent him from clawing or biting any more than he already has. Which is good, because Allyn needs that room. With another chomp, the Dark Ring shatters, and Ygdril returns to his (its?) senses. The Dark Ring tastes awful and like code. Whatever code tastes like.

Beelzebumon snaps a Dark Ring off a Mekanorimon. It returns to its sense-- very slowly and mechanically thanking the Demon Lord (what an odd sentence to write). They must not know who he is, or they might be terrified instead. As much as machines can be.

Roll blasts and then electrocutes the second Mekanorimon, which destroys its Dark Ring as well. Shortly before Dimentio blasts it into pieces. The one freed Digimon doesn't really seem intent on helping-- it's not in their programming. But if Roll or Beelzebumon felt adventurous, they could climb into the cockpit and use it like a Ride Armor. Seems to be what the cockpit is there for.

Karima chases after the Digimon Emperor-- he hasn't stopped grinning one second despite his run. He makes for the center of the hangar, standing on the massive set of doors. "Who said I'm running? BRIMPMON, COME OUT!"

The doors open-- Ken falls through the crack.

The hangars' ceiling tears away, and the Brimpmon, with the Digimon Emperor standing on its head, rises from the storage area. There is a massive Dark Ring INSIDE it, where a huge piece of missing armor plating on its side gives view. It's kind of a huge weak point, but oh well.


"Bow before the Digimon Emperor! BRIMPMON!"

On its order, the massive blimp Digimon opens fire with all of its cannons. There's about twelve large guns on it, and there's enough firepower there to level the hangars and the people still outside with them. So basically: artillery shells for everyone! Karima should be more worried about the roof and walls coming down, though.

Karian Icefang has posed:
Ygdril blinks as the ring comes off. He looks up and see's the bloody face of Karian, and leans in, licking his face in apology. "You've nothing to be sorry for, my friend." he says, giving the wolf a quick pet and ear scritch. He looks up and starts firing at all the 'mon around him. "Whomever did that to my friend...will not be walking again."

Digimon Emperor (468) has posed:
Jonothon finds cover, and then uses the cover like a battering ram. He slams into a Guardromon. Though it is kind of large and heavy, it's not so much so it doesn't topple over from the impact, and then it has difficulty getting up. The three still standing suddenly have their eyes glow even brighter, something Jonothon might be familiar with given some of the celebrities of his world!

Rather than continue pelting him with bullets and grenades, they all intone mechanically, "Warning Laser." and then shoot bright red eyelasers towards him and his cover. Most of them will hit the cover, turning the metal into slag, though a lucky shot is not out of the question.

The one knocked down is apparently completely incapable of just rolling back up easily, so it might as well be out of the fight.

Beelzebumon (132) has posed:
"Iiiiinteresting. They're mind control rings," Beelzebumon says, paying the Mekinorimon absolutely no mind as he looks at the remains of the black ring, before shattering it completely in his grip, "That explains the 'oh god why does it feel like something is fucking my brain with a drill' sensation I had. Guess it must not be strong enough to work on me though."

Then a loud rumbling can be heard, prompting Beelzebumon to peer into the hanger.

"Oh hey, a Brimpmon, I haven't see one of those in ag--"

And then the entire front of the hanger blows out, burying him in debris.

After several seconds of silence, the Demon Lord's arm shoots up through a ruined pieve of wall, splitting the concrete enough to allow Beel to extract himself from beneath the rubble, "Right less admiring, more gratuitous kicking of ass." Turning his head, he lets out a whistle... and within moments, Behemoth comes screaming across the debris-strewn battlefield and stops in front of the Demon Lord.

"C'mon Behemoth, let's teach that punk that it's not it's not how big your cannons are, it's how you use it."

Karima (235) has posed:
Karima is about a second away from shooting a fireball directly into this kid's face and giving him the worst case scenario of when Mama's meatballs are just a bit too spicy to handle, but the sudden upheaval of the ground certainly catches her attention. The dragon's eyes widen as the artillery shots start firing towards her, in addition to the massive structural damage of the building. Using a combination of her wings and channeling a propulsive fire from her hands, she -ROCKETS- out of the corridor she'd chased the emporer down, out onto the balcony, and through the balcony's guard rail. Ow.

She recovers when she hits the ground, using a hand to catch the earth, push herself off of it and land on her feet, sliding a few dozen steps back. She looks up at the rising blimp and snorts at it.

"You little bastard."

Jonothon Starsmore (27) has posed:
The uncontrolled Guardromon foreman had told him about the rings, and now that one of them is down, it seems like as good a time as any to try to get it off him. Lasers, however, seem to have another idea! The armor plating turns to slag in his hands, and he has no choice but to drop it or risk losing his hands.

But he does have one other option. He kneels, and aims a blast at the ring on the downed Guardromon. He's been known to aim tiny, precise blasts at locks to break them, hopefully this isn't much different. Should he be able to break the ring, he'll note, "Oi! Help a bloke out, will yer?" His hesitation in getting out of the way is probably going to get him blasted again, but trying to free the Digimon is worth it. Probably.

Allyn (307) has posed:
Allyn leaps off of the bigger wolf once it's clear that he has been freed from the ring. He growls again at the taste of the ring, well, he does think it tastes bad, of course it isn't food. He glances around to see what else he can help with and eyes the big blimp thing with the emperor on top of it. Well, lets see now. He then bounds off and leaps into the air as best he can, shimmering and shifting forms once more, an eagle taking the place of the dire wolf. He flaps his wings and heads upwards, giving a piercing cry, "Give the cub back." as he heads straight in that direction.

Roll (3) has posed:
Without much else to do and a strange set of things happening in the surroundings, Roll is entirely focused on her search. She does take note of the available cockpit, but piloting and driving aren't her strong suits, she probably wouldn't be too good at it - and she knows it. Nope, better to rely on what she has. And that means... following all the noise.

So for now, she chases the big noise that is Karima and the Digimon Emperor clashing, and decides to leave Beelzebumon to his bloodlust! Industrial chase time!

Digimon Emperor (468) has posed:
Karian opens fire on the Brimpmon. Bolter rounds do a good job battering and weakening the hull plating of the large machine Digimon. Its size offers proper shielding for the Digimon Emperor, at least, from a ground-bound target.

Dimentio gets no reply, mostly because Ken is too busy right now. Maybe he'll seek that 'man' out and have a word, another time. For now, though, he has a blimp with tons of cannons in it, and work to do.

Karima merely gets a smirk from the Digimon-riding teenager, and then Allyn gets a proper reply: "Sure! Let me just give up my ways, you have CONVINCED ME! Ah, wait. No! HAHAHAHA!" In his fit of laughter, Ken grabs his whip again, swiping it towards the incoming Allyn. It is a surprisingly sturdy whip, and quite painful. The kid's got a swing to him his build wouldn't suggest.

"HELIUM BOMB!" the Brimpmon announces.
One of its arms produces a large bomb. It hurls it down into the remains of the hangar, threatening Beelzebumon, Roll and Karima with the immediate explosion. Karian, being outside, and rather armored, has far less to far. A few pieces of flying metallic debris, maybe. Nothing he can't punch away. Allyn's mostly got that whip to worry about.

It's not too hard to see the Brimpmon's exposed mechanical innards and the Dark Ring when it starts turning slowly.

Digimon Emperor (468) has posed:
Jonothon frees the Guardromon; it is happy to help, with that done. The ForemanGuardromon returns, probably curious to see the handiwork, and having established being OUTSIDE is currently worse than being INSIDE even with the firefight going on between Jonothon and the guards.

This gives Jonothon fairly even odds, since it's three on three now-- and HE outclasses those chumps, so it's really more like ten on three. The two Guardromons helping him lay down a spray of gunfire, though their aim isn't precise enough to hit the Dark Rings. It does however severely distract their opponents, meaning the mutant has more than enough time to recharge.

Karian Icefang has posed:
Karian spots the armor weakening, but his rounds weren't enough. With a quick change of ammo, the potent Kraken rounds are loaded into the bolter, and fire is openned up again.

Beelzebumon (132) has posed:
With an angry roar, Behemoth's engine revs as Beelzebumon takes his hand off the brake... and then like a bullet they're off, tearing across the landscape even as the Helium Bomb goes off behind them.

Angling towards one of the cliff faces surrounding the factory, the Demon Lord speeds up, then pulls back and launches Behemoth into the air before slamming wheels first into the sheer face... and then in pure defiance of gravity, he starts to drive /along/ the wall, circling the Brimpmon wide.

As he gives physics the finger, Beelzebumon let's his hand slip back to the holster on his back, then pulls out the second of his two Berenjena Shotguns, before taking aim. For a brief moment, he considers making Ken dance while shooting at his feet, but instead he takes aim at the Brimpmon's tail section, opening fire at the rudders that help to control it's orientation.

Jonothon Starsmore (27) has posed:
Ah-ha! Backup arrives! "Thanks!" Jono calls out as the Guardromon foreman comes back. He dodges to the side to try to get around the suppressing fire from his allies and not get hit. While the remaining two Guardromon are dealing with it, he tries to get in close to one of them, hopefully from the back, and try to hit another of the collars with a blast. These are small blasts he's using here, so he doesn't have to worry much about recharging between them.

Problem is, this method of trying to help brings him REALLY close to the still-controlled Guardromon. And even if he can get the ring off ONE of them, the other can very easily turn and just punch him. Or worse, SHOOT him at close range! But Jono is kind of an idiot like that, and is willing to take the chance.

Allyn (307) has posed:
Allyn gives a piercing cry of pain as the whip hits one of his outstretched legs as he flies towards the kid. The whip manages to wrap around his leg, but he is a large eagle after all and if eagles could grin, he might as he flaps his wings to get more lift. He peers down at the emperor, "I don't care if you change your ways, or not. Give back the cub you stole. It should be free." he flaps his wings harder, trying to pull the emperor up along with the whip, leaving him with the option of letting the whip go, or be drug upwards, well, if he can do that anyway, otherwise it probably just looks like the emperor is flying a large eagle shaped kite.

Roll (3) has posed:
Bursting into the hangar, Roll spots the Emperor and the Blimpmon. It's a giant, spiky blimp with a face, and this leaves Roll gawking. What in the...

"Helium doesn't explode! That's hydrogen!" Roll's basic knowledge of chemistry and science says. But then, what is this awfully ominous and serious feeling she gets from that bomb...

"Everyone in this city is shoot first and talk never!" Roll complains in a shout up at the Emperor. She's angry, she's frothing mad and she's had it. But she's also well aware he's quite human... so for the moment, she glances around at the others assembled here with uncertainty written all over her face. "... Did all of you come following that signal too?!" It's a bad time to ask that, but for now she gains a lock on the Helium Bomb and takes aim with the mega Buster. if she can charge up, detonate that thing far from the group...

Karima (235) has posed:
Karima blinks when the bomb is unceremoniously dropped in her immediate vicinity. Spotting a somewhat familiar robot girl, the dragon rushes towards her, grabs her in quick order (and not much tact), throws her on her shoulders and uses a free hand and her wings to propel them up into the sky to avoid the incoming explosion. The aftershocks of which are still close and cause her some turbulence, but she remains mostly stable, and rising towards the Blimp...thing. Mon. Digimon are confusing.

"Robot girl, do you have a laser or some sort of sweeping thing?" Also you are welcome."

Digimon Emperor (468) has posed:
Karian's armor-piercing rounds do their job. They crack through the Brimpmon's armor, damaging precious systems inside (notably, GUN CONTROLS). Most of the heavy cannons on the Digimon stop firing, giving everyone else an opening.

Allyn pulls on the whip; the Digimon Emperor's grip is... surprisingly strong. Peak of human might, not quite superhuman. Definitely not something a scrubby teenager like him should be able to pull off. He tugs on the whip-- it twists and bends, and frees Allyn, although the result is that Ken loses his balance and almost falls off his ride. He grunts, deciding NOT to attack Allyn again.

Beelzebumon blasts the Brimpmon's tail off entirely-- it starts veering, and veering, and that is an awful direction please stop oh god. Ken angrily snaps his whip, trying to rein the Digimon under control.

Roll detonates its bomb, and the blastwave sends the Brimpmon further into its poor choice of trajectory. It SLAMS into the black obelisk at the center of the city, bringing the Dark Tower down in a mess of dark stone and metal. The Digimon Emperor seems furious. "NO! YOU INCOMPETENT, USELESS PIECE OF SCRAP DATA! FINE! THIS STUPID TOWN IS YOURS! ENJOY, THE REST OF THE DIGITAL WORLD IS STILL MINE!"

Before he can be engulfed in the mess that results, he taps his right bracer, the more armored one, and seems to teleport off. The tower slams onto the Brimpmon, who crashes to the ground but does not explode or die or anything like that.

Despite the Dark Ring still being on its internal machinery, its eyes return to normal. It proceeds to apologize a lot. Roll may copy the ZEPPELIN EXPLOSION from it as payment. It is a badass exploding charge-tackle. No self-damage involved. The fact it's literally data probably makes copying that much easier.

Jonothon frees another one of the Guardromons. The other two turn, even despite the firepower being leveraged at them from his support, and raise their machine guns point blank at him--

And they do not fire.

Their eyes turn back to normal, following what sounds like a loud crash outside. The Guardromons all seem thoroughly confused, but are apologetic about the entire situation.

Karian Icefang has posed:
Karian watches as the apparent cause of his wolf going nuts dissapears. Of course poor Ygdril is a whimpery mess at this point, regret gnawing at the great wolf. Karian again reaches over to comfort the wolf. "Don't blame yourself, Ygdril. It's not your fault."

Beelzebumon (132) has posed:
After making a few victory laps along the walls of the cliff face (just to rub it in gravity's face), Beelzebumon comes skidding to a stop on terra firma once more and grins, "Well, that was an amusing diversion."

Then he notices Karian nearby, "Oh hey Space Mutt, I didn't even realize you were here."

Roll (3) has posed:
It does indeed make the copying easier, though it only occurs because, seeing the... robot? Machine? Creature? Is alright, Roll dashes over to help it and ends up touching it... then geting curious.

"You were being controlled? That 'Emperor' guy is behind all of it, isn't he?" She's putting things together, alright! And asking another important question. "Say, I came looking for someone who wanted help from a 'Tentomon,' do you know who that would be? They should be around here somewhere!"

Allyn (307) has posed:
Allyn gives a piercing cry of frustration as the emperor gets away, well, he tried to get the cub back at least. While he knows these digimon things are not natural creatures, well, at least as far as he knows they aren't, but who is to say they aren't in their own world? Well whichever, he circles around for a few moments, flying past Karina, he circles her for a moment or two to ask a question, hopefully not one that will offend her, her form interests him after all and it might be useful, "Are you a nautral creature? If so, can we talk sometime, I would like to see if I can learn to take on a similiar form?"

Jonothon Starsmore (27) has posed:
Machine guns are raised at him, and he's about six inches to a foot away from the source of them. The first thing that goes through Jono's mind is ('...Oh bollocks this is gonna hurt.') He raises his hands, cringes and shuts his eyes tightly, and waits for the firing. When it doesn't happen after a moment he opens one eye, looking over his hands. The eyes seem back to normal, so he lowers his hands. Carefully.

Once he's sure he's not about to be shot, he assures the group, "Not to worry. I'm alright." He's gonna feel what he did get hit with tomorrow, but he'll be fine. Not like he can suffer from internal injuries unless it's his brain, after all.

Oh yeah. He'll also try to get the rings off any other Guardromon he find in here. Even if they're not functional anymore, that doesn't stop whoever put 'em on there from re-activating them. Probably better to get the blasted things off the Digimon here. And yes, that's another issue! "I picked up a radio message from someone 'round 'ere. Wantin' 'em ter find some kids?"

Roll (3) has posed:
Of course this is AFTEr being dropped off from the impromptu ride Karima offered. And as history just proved, she did, back then, say, "Something like that! This is a charge shot!" Kaboom!

But now they're on the ground and things are quiet, and Rol has a chance to look over the person who dragged her out of the blast radius more closely, and Karian's presence too... "Does it feel like we're missing something important to you too? What just happened?" She asks Karima.

Karian Icefang has posed:
Karian looks over to roll, his eye all but useless now....and a nasty scar going down the left side of his face. "Seems so. Perhaps we should ask around." He says.

Digimon Emperor (468) has posed:
"I'm the one who sent the request!" comes from ForemanGuardromon, who steps out of the factory, possibly with Jonothon if he'll follow (the Dark Rings are trivial to remove now that the Dark Tower is offline, they're just like collars), to personally thank people. "Oh boy, Brimpmon, they sure busted you. No fret, we'll fix you up! Though, Andromon's not here, so... ah. We'll figure it out. We can work the factories as well as him! I think. I hope."

A hopeful little robot he is. "Little".

To Roll, he quickly answers: "Tentomon! He's one of the legendary DigiDestined's Digimons! Really smart too. That Digimon Emperor just showed up one day and within months he had most of the Digital World under his grasp. Those Dark Towers, they stop us from Digivolving! And they let him control Digimon, too. Just... snap, one of those rings hits you, and the next thing you know he's making you fight your friends in the arena for his amusement, or making you work for him."

The foreman, insofar as a machine can, sighs. "The DigiDestined haven't showed up to stop him. Most of their Digimon have gone into hiding, I guess. I thought I could contact Tentomon but it didn't work. No harm! You guys came instead. It's just as good."

Karima (235) has posed:
Karima blinks Roll's buster shot seems to do the impossible and...completely annhilates the Digimon Emperor's plans. She watches as the Blimp...erm..Brimp slams into the tower and promptly explodes, the kid teleporting off like bad guys seemed to like to do. She slowly flutters her way back towards the ground, setting Roll back down and looking up towards the obvious destruction of the city. She shakes her head and turns back towards the Robot.

"Well I was going to do something but apparently your aim is better than I thought. Nice shot." She folds her arms over one another and flexes her ear-fins outwards, shrugging towards her question. "I dunno. I got a distress call. Robots started shooting. I blew up a couple of them, then that whelp started to try to get his little minions after me. He'll be back. And if I catch him again, he's going to form a very personal relationship with the ground. Also lots of fire."

The unfamiliar one zooms around her a moment later, the dragon looking up towards him and raising a brow. "What? Of course. I'm not magic or digi-whatever-the-hell-that-crap-is. And what do you mean take on a form? Are...you trying to get fresh with me or something?"

Beelzebumon (132) has posed:
Beelzebumon gets brushed off by Karian, but simply shrugs as his jab goes unacknowledged. Ah well, he's had his fill for the moment. Time to go exploring.

"Later fools."

With a roar of his engines, the Demon Lord takes off towards the horizon, do continue his vagabond ways.

Jonothon Starsmore (27) has posed:
Jono will indeed follow the foreman out, and listens to the explanation of what happened, and what's going on. Beelzebumon's bike is really loud, and is kind of hard to ignore! Plus Jono likes motorcycles, so he's very likely to at least watch the bike as the Demon Lord Digimon leaves. Though he'll still listen to the foreman, and in fact will ask, "What d'yer mean by 'dijee destined'?" Yeah, he messed it up a bit. But it's a weird word to him.

Allyn (307) has posed:
Allyn shakes his head as he lands near the dragon woman and folds his wings back against himself. "I am not sure what getting fresh with you mean." he cocks his head in that eagle fashion, "I mean I would like to learn more about what you are. So I can see if I can take on a similiar looking form. I am a shapeshifter and being able to change into something like you, might prove useful to me someday."

Digimon Emperor (468) has posed:
"Oh, it means... huh... it means..."

ForemanGuardromon turns towards the other Guardromons.
They all make vague sounds that could be translated as 'Don't look at me, I dunno'.

"... we're not sure! Well, they're the kids who saved the Digital World a few times. We've seen a lot of villains, and they've always risen to oppose them. Evil Digimon. This is the first time a human does that to us. Maybe it's why they're not showing. We wouldn't know where to find them, sorry. If their Digimon were still around, maybe..."

Roll (3) has posed:
Roll blinks a few times, and realization dawns like thunderbolts to the head very fast. "Ohhh.... that's what that wtower was! ... You know, a lot of my family--" She pauses once, supprsesing a tiny shudder. "... A lot of my family had something like that happen to them... and were brought back from it too. It's a horrible... AWFUl thing to endure on either side! So... I-I'm glad you're free." Roll looks about the area again... and grins apologetically in that kid-like way all kids tend to do when things are just plain beyond them. "'Afraid I don't get half of what you're talking about here, since I'm not a local, though... but you're cool! The first robot I've ever seen with a design like yours!" She'sr referring, of course, to Brimpmon, and waves an arm excitably for emphasis!

Of course now she can relax a little, as the action's over. She takes a solid stance with fists clenched and a wave of light scours across her body, replacing the armor with her normal clothing once again. She's still looking all dirtied, smudged, a little scorched, and there's a few gouges in her synthetic flesh that show machine joins and framework within though...

Karian Icefang has posed:
Karian goes to take a step, and misses something and stumbles. Thankfully his wolf was right there to help him walks over. He merely reaches up, and wipes away some of the redness. "So you were hoping to summon them, but instead you got us."

Karima (235) has posed:
Karima folds her arms over one another as she's spoken to. Roll seems to have struck up a bot converstion...so..yeah. Gonna leave that one alone. She turns towards the Eagle and raises a brow towards him. "Well aren't you flattering, wanting to look like me. I get it now. But I'm Karima Blazewing, a Domalasian Dragon. And as far as I know...the only one here. Show me your base form shapeshifter."

Jonothon Starsmore (27) has posed:
Roll de-armoring prompts Jono to start fixing his wrappings again. It'll take him a few minutes. But once he's done he looks more normal now, without the fire coming out of his face. Once it's all wrapped up, he notes, "So basically your world's heroes are missin'," he guesses. Karian's presence gets him to look over... and double take. "Crikey." He pulls a handkerchief out of his pocket and offers it to the Wolf Lord. "Get some pressure on that before yer bleed ter death, mate."

Digimon Emperor (468) has posed:
"If you think I look cool you should wait until you meet Andromon. I think he got sent to Full Metal City. Probably going to be a big fight there. Well, if you fine folks keep showing up, we might be alright. It's a big world, but little by little maybe you can break it out of the Digimon Emperor's control. Find the DigiDestined's partners, that'd be a big help. Here's hoping he didn't get to them first..."

ForemanGuardromon then moves over towards Brimpmon, with a few other bots. "Alright, let's start on the repair job. We'll get you out and then start moving stuff around, and then rebuild the unlucky ones who got scrapped. Good thing about us machine Digimon, long as our processor's good we can just get put in a new body, no problem!"

Allyn (307) has posed:
Allyn tilts his head at Karima again, pondering her words for a few moments, "My base form? You mean my true form? Alright, I can do that, though I have forsaken my true form, it is not what I am anymore and I despise it more than anything, as it is not what I am any longer." he shimmers and shifts changing forms, a human male in his late teens from the look of it. He gives Karima a bow once he has changed, "A pleasure to meet you Lady Karima, I am Allyn."

Karima (235) has posed:
Karima regards the human and his odd..form of theatric speaking and offers a shrug. Her tail lashes boredly behind her. "That's better. Human sure, but then again, so is everyone else. Anyway, what do you want to know exactly? And what is it about my...form that's interesting to you?"

Roll (3) has posed:
"I tried not to do too much damage!" Roll squeals out, apologetically, although almost as an afterthought. "I didn't know what I was fighting..."

Karian Icefang has posed:
Karian listens and accepts the handkercheif, pressing it to his eye. "I should likely see a doctor..."

Allyn (307) has posed:
Allyn looks a bit uncomfortable being seen as a human, but he sighs a little and peers curiously at Karima. "Well, I was just wanting to know if you are a nautral creature where you come from? you know, were you born? I've heard of dragons from others around, but where i came from we did not have such a thing. Of course, we didn't have a lot of things I have seen since coming here, like those sticks that make a loud noise and hurt when things come out of them." he shrugs, babbling a little it seems, "As to what is so interesting to me? Well, your form looks like it could be rather useful and I have been injured a lot lately from various things. I was thinking it may be a good defense."

Jonothon Starsmore (27) has posed:
"Yer guys need any help?" Jono inquires. "I'm not a Digimon, but I'm pretty good at fixin' stuff." Karian's statement gets a nod. "If yer need one, I know one o' the best in my world. I dunno if he could save yer eye, but 'e'd keep yer from bleedin' ter death."

Karian Icefang has posed:
"If I lose it, so be it.' Karian says. He then looked at the others. He was quiet, not sure what he could add.

Digimon Emperor (468) has posed:
ForemanGuardromon nods towards Jonothon, and will show him back to the factory. "Sure, we can always use help. I'd bet with your fingers you'd be a lot more suited to operating the machines than us." The Digimon lifts his hands up, to illustrate the fact they all have very clunky hands.

Karima (235) has posed:
Karima cackles somewhat maniacally to herself as the shapeshifter basically details why being a dragon's pretty awesome. It takes a moment for her to calm down to start speaking again.

"Well then. I can't say for what your...abilities work out with it, but sure, I'll tell you. I was born, yes. I'm not magic, digi-whatever or made. Born. With parents and that stuff. And I'm from Domalus. Didn't hear me when I said that before? And as far as defense is conerned, I mean yeah, I'm pretty tough but if you aren't good at dodging, you'll end up getting hurt no matter what form you take."

Allyn (307) has posed:
Allyn raises an eyebrow to Karina and grins a little bit, "I didn't think you were a digi whatever, just didn't know if you were made from magic or created or whatever it is tht's done. I'm just a simple wolf that is all. I did heard you say where you are from, but I've never heard of it. Not surprising though." he then nods as she says if you're not good at doding, "Well, that all depends on the form I take if it is rather agile, dodging isn't usually too much of a problem.." he ponders,

Karima (235) has posed:
Karima perks an ear-fin at him as he continues to speak. "Well, like most folks, I'm from a place that's...somewhere around here. It'll probably take me awhile to go back home though. So in the meantime...here I am. Any other questions?"

Allyn (307) has posed:
Allyn shakes his head and gives Karima a smile and a bow. "That is all for now." he ponders a moment and then shimmers and changes back to his wolf form, "Though if you are interested. I found a good place to hunt game, feel free to join me if you like." he then gives Karima a wag of his tail, no human ever gets a wag of his tail, but he doesn't feel that it degrades him too much to do so to another creature that isn't human.