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WMAT C1 Maya vs. Procyana
Date of Scene: 26 June 2014
Location: WMAT Arena - Devil's Hand
Synopsis: WMAT match Maya vs Procyana, Rainbow Dash commentary
Cast of Characters: Maya, Staren, 43, 365

Rainbow Dash (43) has posed:
The crowds are here, the fighters are here. But where's the commentator? She's not in the in the announcer's box!

That's because she's up in the air!

There's a flash of color as Rainbow Dash lands on top of one of the many hovering camera-cars around the stadium. "HEEEY WMAT FANS, are you ready for a fight!?" She pauses for cheering in the background. "Seriously? That's all you've got? That was lame. I SAID, are you ready for a totally awesome fight of awesomeness!?" More cheering. "I CAN'T HEAR YOU!" The cheering intensifies! "NOW we're talking! I'm the totally awesome Rainbow Dash over here at this wicked Devil's Hand place, and have I got a fight for you! Down there on the arena is Procyana the epic spy raccoon, ready to show her secret agent stuff against Maya, the radical junker with waaay more than just scrap up her sleeves! And it's going to be off the hook! You want to hear more? Kick those radios to 900.2 and hear yours truly give all the awesome blow by blows!"

Staren has posed:
Staren is in the stands, back in his original body after his own WMAT fight. "Yeah!" he cheers, then rolls his eyes at the 'I can't hear you' routine, finally shouting louder for the last cheer. "YEAH!"

Staren cups his hands to his mouth. "Wooo! Go Maya! You can beat her!" And then he picks up his slushie and tries to suck it through a straw as he watches the opening of the match.

Maya has posed:
Maya has entered the WAMT or the tournament that came before it for nearly tend years, and so here she was just another change to test her skill and get a better idea of what's going on in the multiverse today. It's useful to watch the fights and she didn't need to go full bore and do everything here. So she checked her rifle as she entered into the arena. Afterwards she pulls out a deck of cards and starts shuffling them. Maya then hears someone in the stands cheering for her aside from stands she waves to the crowd as it were and waits to see whom is coming for her she's had no contact before with the person she's about to fight.

Procyana (365) has posed:
Some people like to make big noisy entrances. Some people are all about flashy.

Fortunately some people aren't completely over the top.

But that doesn't mean they won't put on a show for the audience. One of the camera cars also fires up an impressive sound system, blasting out some hot techno tunes ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wewjMEYTLZY ) even though there's no one else visible yet. Then there's a faint rippling distortion on the hood of the hovercar as her optical camoflague deactivates and Procyana appears as she draws her twin blasters, spins them briefly, and then throws them into the air in front of her and takes a dive off the vehicle.

The raccoon flips mid-air to land on her feet, catchs one gun, then spins around to catch the other gun behind her back and come out of the twirl in a slightly crouching, one leg out front for balance pose, one blaster held out at arms length in front of her and the other arm cocked back so its near her head, giving the cameras a wonderful clear angle between them to get a close up of her face.

Rainbow Dash (43) has posed:
Dash takes off again, speeding around the edge of the arena to get a better view of the two combatants. One of the camera cars tries to keep up with her for about two seconds before giving up.

"Proc's coming in guns aimed and ready to light it up! I've sooo got to get one of those stealth things she's got. Maya's got one of those boom-sticks of her own and, uh... Cards? This isn't exactly a poker tournament, but bet she's got some sweet aces up her sleeves. What are we waiting for? Let's get this party started!"

Maya has posed:
Maya looks to see that Proc's got guns she takes a moment to look over Procyana now sizing her up as she makes her way in. Curious woman really but Maya takes a moment to greet her foe and she grins a bit.

"Strange way to meet for the first time isn't it? I'm Maya and shall we get to it?"

IT might be of note Maya oddly has some streak tattoos under her eyes that were not there last year in dark blue ink, the media might notice their and who knows where that's going to go. For the moment however she pulls a card out it's green. She palms it for a moment a flare of blue fire fills her hand and the card and she raises the other, attempting some form of magical attack upon Procyana which might just sap her a bit when all is said and done. Gemma's curse had it's uses.

Procyana (365) has posed:
Procyana shrugs her shoulders a little without actually lowering her arms. "Eh. I've met weirder people by getting into a fight." Her tail flicks from side to side a few times, but she's pretty relaxed for someone about to get into a brawl otherwise. "The name's Procyana. And don't think just because of the little sneaky entrance that stealth is the only trick I've got up my sleeves. If I ever bothered to wear them down."

The blue fire.. doesn't do anything? Or does it? After a moment Procyana raises one hand to tap the side of her head with the heel of her palm. "Eh? Cybernetic glitch..."

But all the same she half turns to sweep the other arm out in Maya's direction and fire off a quick shot from one of her disruptor pistols. "Just gotta do this the old fashioned way then!"

Rainbow Dash (43) has posed:
Rainbow Dash flits down to the ground, if only to get a better look at what the two fighters are doing from the sidelines.

"Knew Maya was holding some aces up her sleeve; Guess those cards aren't just for poker after all! Not sure what that freaky fire did, but Proc's looking kinda confused. Not confused enough to not get some pay back with her cool looking guns though!"

Maya has posed:
Maya attemps to move quickly as she sees Procyana make her first move. Maya luanches herself into roll but it's not quick enough as she's caught by seeral bolts and she looks at her smirking.

"Machinery, magic, it's all the same to my people."

She pops up again this time with another card in hand, she readies her own attack again. The Rifle is not use no it's another card, same colouing as the last but this time that's when some of the ground it self seems to turtn upon Procyana and goes flying at her at high speed.

Procyana (365) has posed:
"Still gonna take more than little magic tricks to beat me." Looks like this is going to be a challenge though. All the better for her, Procyana isn't all that fond of easy fights.

As the chunk of ground is propelled into the air at her the spycoon switchs guns, and switchs something else too as the energy that fires out of it is of a frosty pale blue-white color instead of fiery red like before. Apparently the 'thermal' in thermal disruptor goes both ways as it causes the rock chunk to freeze over, and thus shatter easiler when Procyana shoots it with the first gun. Though she still gets pelted with the frosty debris as it cracks apart, it's better than getting squashed by it.

A flick of the wrist holsters one disruptor so she can brush some of the rubble off her shoulder. Then with a smirk she abruptly bursts towards Maya, the dash boosters in her boots launching her in close to take a swipe at the Junker with the augmented claws of one hand.

What, you thought this was going to be -just- a gun fight? Com'n, Procyana may love her almost excessive firepower, but she's got more style than just point-and-shoot!

Rainbow Dash (43) has posed:
Rainbow Dash says, "Those are like the most awesome poker cards ever; Maya's using one to make the ground throw itself at Proc! But that spy's totally cool under pressure; she iced the rock up and shattered it! Still got some in the face though, that's gotta sting. Hah! Looks like Procyana wants to do things my way and make it close and personal! Those claws look /wicked sharp/!"

Maya has posed:
Maya is getitng prushe dpretyt hard all things considered by Procyana as she comes in with another assault and wait that's not a gun, or is it? Close combat okay. Maya's pushed back the card seems to vanish and she goes for her rather large boot knife. She rises up striking at Procyana with several rapid srtike in counter even as her fresh wounds start to bleed.

Procyana (365) has posed:
\Illuminicent eyes narrow slightly as the knife is pulled. "My my, you are full of a trick or two too~" Clearly Procyana is enjoying this, even as she uses quick movements to sidestep the strike attempts. Except for the last one at which she slips her own arm under the blade's strike to grab the wrist holding it.

Followed by giving the arm a yank as she twists to meet Maya, pulling the Junker briefly off balance long enough to step in and turn the hold into a throw over her shoulder.

Rainbow Dash (43) has posed:
Rainbow Dash says, "Whoa! Surprise knife out of no-where from Maya! But Procyana's too fast for that! She's out of there and throwing Maya araound!"

Maya has posed:
Is finding out just how fast the racoon lady actually is fast, she's very darn fast. She avoid the knife strike and she's pushed off balance as she thrown over her foe's shoulder and slams into the ground with a high impact. She bounces a bit and the cameras might end up loving htat she moves to get back up and that's when her rifle comes off her back she's lost her knife but this isn't a fight to the death. She can recover it later, for now her rifle roars as it spits out rounds at Procyana.

Procyana (365) has posed:
Procyana lets out an all but inaudible sigh of relief as that 'glitch' in her bionics finally clears up and the secondary HUD displays flicker back to life at the extremities of her vision field. Mental note to self that just because there isn't magic in her world doesn't make her technologies immune to it.

"Consider yourself lucky. Last time I threw someone like that it was into a -- whoa!" Maya whips out her firearm, and as quick as she may be after being in close quarters there's not enough *room* for Procyana to dodge it effectively. The blast throws her backwards roughly on the ground, sliding a bit before finally flipping herself up to land on her feet with a lingering skid. Both blaster spin back in her hands as throws her arms back and out to stabilize her balance, ponytail swishing across her shoulders briefly with the pose.

"Guess its time to get a bit more serious~"

Kicking back into action Procyana darts forward, bringing up one thermal disruptor and firing the hot blast at Maya. As her leading step hits the ground she pivots almost instantly and brings around the second gun for a follow up shot.

But what might come the most surprising is that as she twists after the second shot it suddenly becomes apparent that in addition to shooting the movements have brought Procyana in close again, the last twist turning into a spin that whips one foot at Maya in a surprise roundhouse kick instead of more gunplay.

Rainbow Dash (43) has posed:
Rainbow Dash says, "KA-BOOM goes Maya's gun! Guess that's why they call them boom sticks. Procyana's thrown back, but no WAY is she out! She's back up fast with some crazy blast from her gun and follows it one seriously sweet kick!"

Maya has posed:
Maya is an old hand at fighting she's quite the old hand but old doesn't mean better there's a lot of things in the world.

"I'm quicker than you think. Not bad, not bad at all."

The blue haired weapon shifts her body and is just able to to keep moving ahead of her foe for a moment.

"Come on this is fun let's see what you can do!"

Maya is bombs and weaves as she's attacked she's caught by several kicks but not enough of them connect Maya's seems to have some experience in fighting up close. She's not done yet, she's not much of a close fighting without a knife, yet? Maya knows how to throw a punch and that's what she does keeping up close aiming to bust one on Procyana's chops.

Procyana (365) has posed:
Procyana gets back on both legs after the kick just in time to see Maya winding up for a punch. Reflexively she twists her own body away and at an angle so the fist skips across her shoulder instead of colliding with her face. Looks like she knows a thing or two about taking blows without taking the full blunt of them, when she's got enough time to react.

The defensive maneuver to the side gives Procyana just enough of a position to quickly move behind the other lady. "Are you ready to chill out?" Again one of the disruptors shifts to the icy colors as she brings it up and fires it at Maya.

Notible is that the gun doesn't actually shoot ice in that mode. Rather it shoots a beam that on contact forcibly flushes heat from the target and causing a temperature drop that's akin to getting a sudden, severly painful frostbite. Clearly the reason for the 'disruptor' in the name 'thermal disruptors'.

Rainbow Dash (43) has posed:
Rainbow Dash says, "Looks like Maya's going for the face! Totally fair game in my book. But she goes wide, and Procyana gives her the cold shoulder for it with that weird ray gun!"

Maya has posed:
Maya does not score to hard of a hit with her punch, oh well it could bw worse. She didn't entirely miss out and she seems amused at the comment about chilling out.

"You should be careful about asking about the elements in front of me."

Maya's got an plan another card comes out as she attempts to leap out of harms way, but it's no good she's pretty badly clipped and that time it got past her armour she's got frostbite, that' painful and alien to her. She's not from a place with snow really.

".... very well."

Maya's card flares up as she holds it and soon theres a build up of power as she turns the water in the air about Procyana against her trying to trap her or launch her skywards with a massive pillar of water.

"You look all wet to me!"

Procyana (365) has posed:
There's water being thrown around in this fight now?! They might have to carry a few guys from the audience out from nosebleeds.

That's the tricky part about dealing with magic. It has a habit of just appearing out of literal thing air sometimes, making it really hard to gauge where the attack is coming from even if you see them casting. Case in point here, the card draw is obvious, but Procyana has no idea where the attack actually comes from up until the point the water bursts like a gyser beneath her feet.

She's thrown into the air, but as they say its not the fall but the sudden stop at the end that's the worst. And that's not a stop Procyana is interested in taking, so she takes advantage of the launch instead. And once she's airborn she brings both her disruptors together and points towards Maya, a visible glow consolidating at the end of both barrels as she starts to drop.

And then a much larger thermal beam as she fires. It's clearly intended as an attack, but the recoil of firing off the large blast mid-air also flips her over backwards, a sort of 'rocket jump' to change the direction of her momentum so she can hit the ground without hurting herself from falling from a height as well.

Maya has posed:
Maya seems to have no issue about making a few people pass out fgrom nose bleeds. She's too focused on the fight and she's now tryin to get an idea of justg what Procyana might be doing next. She's got the idea of just how damn fast her foe is, and that's really saying something. Maya's no slouch after all. She eyes the weapon and then gets what's happening. It's too late, the thermal blast however goes off with out hitch and now Maya's pretty messed up.

"Still you need to consider what someone your facing can do."

Maya seems to be plotting something or another but just as to what? Who can say she's got her rifle up again and the housing on the front part revealing, wait missiles? Yes she's got missiles and they launch. The weapons engines kick in and seem to be homing in on Procyana.

Rainbow Dash (43) has posed:
Rainbow Dash says, "Maya went for another luck of the draw, making up some sort of crazy water pillar under Procyana. Looks like Proc's getting all washed-Whoa! Nope, she's heating things up! Those guns shoot fire too!" Explosions can be heard in the background. "But Maya's got some sort of freaky rockets too!"

Procyana (365) has posed:
Procyana stands up from her landing and possibly causes another nosebleed or two as she shakes her head to swish some of the water out of her ponytail. "Who says I don't?" she replies to the Junker. Followed by a low whistle as the rifle opens up to reveal an explosive surprise. "Now that is my kind of weapon~"

Though the missiles might have a little trouble getting a lock on as they fire due to the scamblers that are part of the spycoon's outfit.

Admiration doesn't involve a lack of action, though. Procyana is just as quick as before, switching both blasters to burst-fire and holding them out to blast away at the missiles in the split-second delay from the launch. Unfortunately one of the explosives manages to get through the barrage and detonates, blasting her instead. This time she doesn't have the recovery to take the landing without hurting herself, either.

There's an audible smokey groan as she gets back up afterwards, glancing at one blaster readout. "Dammit, you had more missiles than I had charges left." With a click-click she ejects the empty energy packs, then holsters her guns so they can be reloaded. "You want an arms race? Alright then."

Procyana drops herself into a bracing crouch as she keys up her nanotronic inventory and in a flicker of assembling bits and gridlines a large long-barreled rifle appears in her grip. Scoped too, though the electronic device taps directly into her bionic smartgun systems so she doesn't need to actually look into it. Conduits in the sides of the barrel glow like tron lines and then it fires, a hyper velocity burst of concentrated highly volatile energy screaming for the Junker.

Rainbow Dash (43) has posed:
Rainbow Dash says, "Preeetty sure they're showing off who has the bigger gun now." Pause. "I think it's a tie, but Procyana's totally got the faster one!"

Maya has posed:
Maya says "Thanks, it was my father's."

Maya and her Dad seem to have good tastes in weapons it seems, well firearms, right? There's no more time for chit chat, yet she can't help her self there.

"I'm far from out."

She then breaks into a move as Procyana is trying to flush out Maya at long range. It's a sniper weapon.

Maya has some experiance with such. She starts moving rapidly and randomly it seems to work as the shot doesn't connect directly it clips her shoulder guard sending some small bit of shrapnel into her face but it's not something tht will slow her down for very long. Her rifle malkes a strange noise as she takes aim and starts launchiung several grenade which explode and then a strangte canister, wait is that fire? Oh god that's totally fire and given the nature of this world there's one heck of a dust cloud so she can't even see if she got her foe.

Procyana (365) has posed:
Grenades turn it into a moving fight as Procyana has to take evasive action to avoid the hail of explosives. Clouds of smoke and dust are blasted into the air, making it hard to tell how effective her acrobatic rolls and weaves really are. And then a napalm canister to boot.

And gets the boot as Procyana does a backflip and kicks it into the air high enough to explode away from the fight. But boy does that make one hell of a fireworks display!

"A good spy is never out of tricks." Instead of going for her guns again, one of her gloves glows faintly as the energy projector is activated and three-bladed shape takes form. It's solid enough for her to spin between her fingers before flinging it at Maya, at least. Lacking the punch of grenades and napalm bombs, but it's quick and accurate.

Maya has posed:
Maya has all sorts of little things for Procyanan and she's far from done at this point there's yet another option on her rifle. She's already making ready to use it. She notices as something else is comming. She grabs another card, in hand and casrs a barrier. The glowing gold magical construct takes a good deal energy out of the attack. One still wedges in her and she's forced to pull back.

"Watch the birdy."

She got that line from an old friend, and guess what happens next? Her rifle fires a bloody laser! Yes it has a laser as well!

Procyana (365) has posed:
All that other fancy magic and tech and you still have a laser? Now that's classic.

Procyana goes to draw her reloaded disruptors, but just as she's bringing one up and out to bear the beam hits and she jerks back her arm with a yelp as the gun is sent flying from her grasp. "Sunnova--!"

Okay, blasters are out for the moment if she wants to match DPS with her foe. With a grunt she opts instead to pull from her inventory and draws what looks like a futuristic double-barrel sawed-off shotgun, complete with glowing bits that make up the barrels. She makes a one handed cocking motion to pump the activator and then flips it over into a proper grip, holds it out towards Maya and fires.

There's a brighter than usual for a shotgun muzzleflare as this one fires not bullets but a scatterblast of globs of hot plasma instead!

Maya has posed:
Things are not going too well Procyana is quite and she's on the rocks pretty hard but what could be qwors.e This could be an actual fight to the death. Like some sort of death battle. Thankfully it's not, yet? She's got another thing in her rifle, the Rifle powers up the forward end under the barrel glowing brightly, but why? That would have to wait as Maya's caught in a hail of plasma shots that well, make her real hot stuff. She's now on fire and has to drop and rolle the smell isn't very plesenst either.

"...Your not kidding."

Then comes the weapon she's powered up sphers of eneryg launch from the weapon seeking out Procyana intending to explode on impact.

Procyana (365) has posed:
Guided energy spheres? Wait, is that magic or technology at work there?1 Then again she did say both were the same where she came from.

As the sphere shots hurtle towards her Procyana stows the shotgun and dives into a roll, going to grab her previously lost blaster. She manages to snag it mid somersault, but that's when the explosive shot catchs up to her and her dramatic return to the fight is turned into a much less awesome looking blast battering her along the ground again.

But she got her second blaster back, that's the important thing.

Don't think for a moment that Maya hasn't given her a run for her money. She's battered and bruised and beat around, just the fortunate side effect of having fur is a lot of the physical harm doesn't show. She is panting a bit as she gets up though, so there's that. "Heh. Everything in one gun? Nice trick."

She turns to face Maya as she holds out both disruptors with her hands turned so the guns are held flat instead of upright, arms crossed over. One disruptor has the standard fiery glow while the other again has switched to the icy paleness as charges kirby dot in the barrels. So close together than the two colors start to swirl into a mingle together.

Which is exactly what's suppose to happen when she fires both guns in unison, creating a physics defying blast of both sheering heat and bitter cold at the same time.

Maya has posed:
Maya had implied there was no division between magic and science on her world. She'd told her that but now? She's not sure where the racroon ladyt is. She's lost sight of her, that's when she pulls another card and is aiming to cast another spell. She sees what's coming, it doesn't look good, Maya vanishes from sight and the blast doesn't seem to get her more than some wreckage which managed to plet her. Where is she?

There's a silence for a bit, but where has MAya gone? Procyana might hear a faint noise and then a whine as Maya decloaks behind her and unloads with her rifle.

Procyana (365) has posed:
Procyana glances one way, then the other as Maya pulls a disappearing act of her own, and pouts a bit. "Hey that's -my- trick!" When she bothered to use it, at least. A lot of times going stealth in middle of a fight was more of a pain than a benefit since her attacks had tendancy to really give her away.

This is really kind of ironic in a way.

Ears flick as augmented hearing catchs the sound of gun warming up, but by the time she makes a move Maya already has the trigger down as they say. Bullets fly as she's knocked back from the attack, shredding large holes in her jacket and much of the fancy counter-measures she has with it. Defense rendered all but useless, with a snort she shrugs it off her shoulders and tosses the smoldering remains of the jacket aside.

It was all or nothing time.

She whips her blasters back from their holsters, giving both a brief twirl before bring one up and holding it out to snap off a couple of shots. Then spins around to raise the opposite gun in its place and fire it off. The shifts stance again to bring up both guns at the same time and simply let loose with a barrage of full auto blasts intended to fill the area and leave her foe very little room to evade. Hopefully.

Maya has posed:
Maya says "You'd be shocked at the sort of tricks I can do."

Maya has a plan to end this, she's got a very good one to end this. However this isn'g oging to come to pass. She's got two fate cards out but Maya's now caught in a barrage of shots shies reeling with each hit and drops to the ground the strange blue fire bleeding out of the cards.

Procyana (365) has posed:
Even once the gun blazing is done Procyana keeps that pose for a few moments, chest heaving with her heavy panting. That fight was equal parts exhausting and invigorating due to her adrenaline junkie nature, but either way you look at it she took a beating to get this far with it. Not until her opponent doesn't get back up does she spin her guns and reholster them.

And then flop over on her back as well, still trying to catch her breath. Once that initial rush passes you start to feel just how roughed up you really are. None the less from the sprawled position she does manage to thrust a fist in the air. "Best fight I've *huff* had in a long time."