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Parts 1: Tank You!
Date of Scene: 29 June 2014
Location: Desert Mountains
Synopsis: The Confederates enact a plot to steal a Razorback APC from the Imperium of Man.
Thanks to: Thanks to Ariah, Aurora, Dr. Violet Hunter, Karian, and Yuna K. for coming out and making the scene a nail-biter
Cast of Characters: 56, 236, 276, 385, Karian Icefang, 462, 471

Karian Icefang has posed:
Hidden amongst the mountains and desert sands, an Imperial outpost was stationed. It was slow and routinely called an 'easy assignment' by many of the guardsmen there. Near it was a vehicle depot, seeing routine repairs done. Today, a Razorback was in the depot, recieving repairs and annoitment of oils to appease the machine spirit within.

Kari Wolf (276) has posed:
Kari Wolf peers over the rocks and hills down at the Imperial base, and points out the lonely Razorback to her allies. "That one. Intelligence says it's in for repairs an' maintenance. Plus it's being guarded by people who aren't Space Wolves. We can use Dr. Hunter and her Digimon as a distraction while Ariah, Aurora, and me try to take the Razorback."
Kari looks at her allies. "... Wait. None of us know how to drive it..." Uh oh. Slight problem. "... I guess we'll manage?" the shinki says hopefully.

Dr. Violet Hunter (471) has posed:
Dr. Violet Hunter is behind the rock, with Kari. Smiling at the Shinki. "Do not worry about driving it. We will find a way. But for now, well... Let Togemon here do the work."

And with that, Violet climbs atop of the Digimon. She stands atop it, smiling. It will be a bit of a march forward to get there... But, she is fine with functioning as a distraction.

There are many dangers in the desert. One of which is the mirages. Sometimes light reflects in such a way that some people may see things that aren't there. Well, not completely accurate. It's more of reflections of things that are further away, shifted to look closer, or sometimes larger, than they are.

Perhaps this is why the cactus was able to get so close. Who would think such a large cactus could be real? Though, as it gets closer, it will become more and more obvious to the Imperial guards that this is in fact not just a normal desert cactus.

Most cactuses don't wear boxing gloves, after all.

Once within a close range to the facility, the gigantic bipedal cactus makes a x-shaped cross with its arms in front of it, before pulling them back, flexing hard.


A barrage of incredibly sharp needles start flying forward, towards the base. Cactus needles may not sound like a /huge/ threat, but you would be surprised how much damage steel strengthed needles can do. It's a lot like a barrage of needle thin bullets, and probably causes explosions on impact against some things.

Ariah (56) has posed:
Ariah isn't exactly the perfect picture of stealth, so she remains behind the rocks. Her lightly-toned skin and white sun-shielding cloak making her stand out in the sun. So she huddles, and listens, crouched with her hood up. "We will have to improvise if we cannot drive it. I am certain there will be buttons to press..." she offers with a small shrug. Then she watches the siege cactus move in. "We will do what we can, Kari," she says with a small nod. Well, with a cactus that big, a white-cloaked woman and her tiny companions are probably looking like the smallest threat, right? "Let us move swiftly."

Kari Wolf (276) has posed:
"All personnell at Imperial Depot 214, we are under attack by an unknown assailant. Maintain order and discipline, even if it appears we are under attack by a giant cactus with boxing gloves. The Emperor protects." Astropathic coordinates follow the radio call.

Aurora (462) has posed:
Aurora's huddled up under the hood, after all purple does absorb the sunlight quite well and she doesn't want to overheat. She gives a nod, thinking, "I don't have access to the net here so I can't download any manuals, Master." a look at the giant cactus like being heading forward, Aurora's swords come into existance upon her back. "So, the object we're going after this is a tank. No one here knows how to drive a tank. This will be interesting, Master." She turns to look at Kari, "I'll be at your disposal, Kari."

Karian Icefang has posed:
Karian hears the call, and the wolf lord answered. Despite losing his eye recently, he HAD to ensure his 'little brothers' the guardsmen were able to survive. So, there he was, riding in on his massive Thunderwolf. He narrows his eye and scans for anything else, while staying alert for ambushes.

Yuna Kagurazaka (385) has posed:
Yuna is on her way as well, emerging from the nearest warpgate already clad in her Light Suit, and with the full Matrix of Light accompanying her - mostly to keep her options as wide open as possible. She has *no idea* what to expect from a boxing cactus ... and she doubts that the Digimon is the sole threat who needs to be worried about. She spots Karian easily enough, but other than having Elner open a channel to the Wolf Lord, she doesn't attempt to distract Karian ...

Kari Wolf (276) has posed:
Kari Wolf takes a slightly tactic and bounces from rock to rock as she makes her way towards the Razorback, keeping an eye out for other combatants. Not exactly too sneaky, and she's liable to attract Yuna's attention at this rate. Slightly less noticable are her four drones in hover configuration, each being only slightly smaller than a thumb. They're acting as Kari's eyes right now, spotting, watching...
"Wow, I didn't know tanks were so big..." She murmurs as the images come back to her.

Dr. Violet Hunter (471) has posed:
The giant cactus continues its march forward. Togemon knows its main purpose today: Distracting the enemies. And so, it's simply going to keep causing chaos and damage.

Violet speaks orders to it, though over the destruction, only it is likely to hear it. And so, it shifts its path. It is basically working on clearing out a nice path for the Razerback. Once someone has gotten in it, they'll need a clear path out. So, it is punching and attacking any walls, structures, or soldiers in the path. It packs /quite/ a punch, at that.

And Violet simply remains standing on the Togemon. Her arms crossed. Her face, equally cross. Her hair blowing in the wind, along with her labcoat blowing in the wind.

Ariah (56) has posed:
Ariah picks up speed, using her staff to help stabilize her, but she's extremely agile. "They are very large," she states to Kari as she breaks into a sprint towards the outpost. "Aurora, focus on ranged suppression as we close in..." she gives her Shinki the order, and then her staff starts to glow, the runes lighting up rapidly. Do as she says, and as she does.

The light erupts from her staff as she runs, sending a series of magical projectiles towards the base's front line defenses. She's not pouring all of her mana into the attack, but the bolts are bright and the explosive force is a line of concussive shockwaves that could sow some panic in the defenders... as if a giant cactus isn't already something to be worried about.

Karian Icefang has posed:
Karian dismounted his wolf, and stared at the large digimon. "You. You and I shall fight, and you will lose. That is the word of a Wolf Lord." He says, likely to the cheers of the guardsmen. He draws his greataxe free and points it at Togamon, and motions to 'bring it'

Aurora (462) has posed:
Aurora nods at her Master, her jet in the air with her laser drones attached to it. "My jet is in the air, Master." she responds in kind, having the lasers from the augmented Jet send out bombarding waves of cover-fire for Kari's entrance. "Sending out spread of lasers, estimated thirty feet wide with how high the jet is. Offering remote cover fire for the Howling, Master. I'll join her shortly." she nods, waiting for the right time forher to enter the fray, namely when Kari starts calling for her.

Dr. Violet Hunter (471) has posed:
The Togemon sort of scoffs at Karian, looking down at him. Yeah, there is a /massive/ size difference here. And Togemon plans to use it to the full advantage.

It speaks up, a little annoyed.

"Go away, kiddo. There is a bit of a 'size difference' thing going on here, isn't there, right? Besides, who brings an axe to a boxing match?"

The Togemon simply swings its foot forward, kicking at Karian. It's acting rather dismissive of Karian. It actually is more worried than its lets on, but, part of the strategy in combat is psyching out the opponent.

Either way, though, if this kick hits? It'll hurt. There are needles all over the foot, afterall.

Karian Icefang has posed:
Karian is hit, but he opts to use those needles to his advantage. Grabbing onto them, he aimed to use them to climb, and start hacking. Of course, he didn't seem the least bit scared. "Size matters little. I've slain bigger things then you."

Dr. Violet Hunter (471) has posed:
With Karian beginning to climb, Togemon just chuckles a bit. Yeah, if you're going to climb a giant monster, you need to be prepared for a bit of danger. Karian probably expects some, but the Togemon is assuming it won't expect this.

The Togemon moves towards a nearby military structure. And, moving its leg, it tries to crush Karian between itself and the structure. Pushing into him, hard. More spikes pop out of its legs, trying to impale into Karian a bit.

"Had enough yet, pipsqueak?"

Violet remains standing atop the Togemon. Even the movement of combat isn't getting to her much. She glances down towards Karian, not moving her head. It is rather hard to see what she is looking at. The goggles are somewhat tinted on the outside. For her, no real tint. But it can be hard for others to see where she is looking.

She then looks towards the tank. Hrm. Worst case, she can likely manage to steal it, if the others fail...

Yuna Kagurazaka (385) has posed:
Sure enough, the Howling-type Shinki and her drones catch Yuna's attention ... or more accurately, it's Elner who picks them up after Yuna notices the hints of motion. Aurora gets noticed as well, but Kari is more of a known quantity.

And Yuna has an approach in mind for trying to balance the equation. "Erina! You're up!" the blonde calls out; the purple-and-white android accelerates towards Yuna ...

Their forms seem to overlap as Yuna leaps up to meet Erina of the Sky, the android's form going translucent just before they intersect; then a wireframe surrounds Yuna, outlining the contours of a different battlesuit - and the wireframe is quickly filled in by *actual* pieces of armor, materializing and locking into place, interconnecting with the basic Light Suit to put Yuna into her Flight Form.

And with that, Yuna materializes the Matrix Divider and opens up, firing a series of 'warning shots' amongst the Shinki and drones ...

Aurora might get caught in the pattern of fire that Yuna's laying down.

Karian Icefang has posed:
Karian is rammed into the wall, and his armor scratched up, but he STILL manages to hold on. He continues to scale up, going for Togemon's head. All the while, he keeps hacking away. "No....your hits are nothing!"

Dr. Violet Hunter (471) has posed:
Togemon grunts as it is hacked at. Its cuts leak out what appear to be some sort cactus juice. It's a little bit unpleasant looking, though it smells somewhat sweet.

"FINE THEN. I'm just gonna have to /punch/ you offa me then!"

Togeman lifts up a boxing gloved fist, and moves it rapidly at Karian. Over and over again, with the same fist, it is trying to punch of the small human. This is getting rather bothersome.

Violet sighs slightly, muttering to herself.

"I may have to think of some plan to deal with that man..."

Karian Icefang has posed:
Karian grimmaces and finds himself punched. However, the resourceful wolf lord opts to switch off from the body to the hand, planting his axe in there. Once high enough, he aimed to pull the axe free, and land on the digimon's head. "That alone won't stop me."

Kari Wolf (276) has posed:
"Ariah, Aurora, go for the Razorback. I'll try to support the Cactus." Kari says over the radio, even as she and her drones try to avoid fire from Yuna. The drones find this easy because they just get pulled back into the slipway. Kari however, takes a few near misses as she jumps around trying to get in to assist Togemon. Finally she gets on something resembling tarmac and can skate her way towards the Big Green Machine and Space Wolf, getting out her Boneshaker Bazooka and firing a few laser pot-shots at Karian.

Ariah (56) has posed:
"Understood," Ariah replies on the radio. Not that she knows how to drive a tank either... but the witch barrels towards the defensive line, focusing her mana into bringing a shield up to take the brunt of incoming fire. "Aurora, keep their heads down. Watch for that other Elite..." she still hasn't drawn her sword, but magic and magic staff are more than enough for her right this moment.

Aurora (462) has posed:
Aurora nods a bit, the Jet above comes swooping in to fire lasers around some of the defenders heads, trying to keep them in a dispersed state. "Understood, Master." Not that Aurora knows how to drive a tank either, especially such a futuristic looking tank. "Master? How are we going to get the tank out of there?" she questions, "I don't think I could drive that..."

Dr. Violet Hunter (471) has posed:
Karian is now atop the Togemon. Right next to Violet Hunter. This... Is a bit of a problem. Violet herself is not much of a fighter. At all. But, she sighs in relief, as Kari comes in...

And proceeds to do barely any sort of damage on Karian.

Violet sighs a bit. She turns to face Karian himself. She says nothing, and simply looks him dead on.

And then she slides down the other side of Togemon, landing on one of its boxing glove fists, before gently being set down.


The Togemon shouts this out, and hundreds of needles burst outwards from the top of its head, trying to impale Karian.

Karian Icefang has posed:
Being fired at only served to make a certain wolf lord angry. He SLAMS the axe into the digimon's head and draws his pistol. He shoots in the direction of the laser, and pries his axe free. "Fall, Damn you!"

Yuna Kagurazaka (385) has posed:
"Getting the tank out isn't one of your worries, I'd think!" Yuna calls out from overhead, levelling the Matrix Divider at Ariah and Aurora - then switching her aim to Aurora's jet, trying to snipe it and deprive it of some useful weaponry. "Getting *yourselves* out will be, though - I'm not letting you steal a tank, even if it isn't one of the Union's!"

Kari Wolf (276) has posed:
Kari Wolf is already moving, stumbling slightly from the comparative crater the pistol leaves in the ground where she was. She starts hopping up Togemon, using the needles as handholds, and stops for a moment, peering at the massive Space Marine on top of Togemon, trying to figure out some way to leverage her size against the lug.
The shinki leaps and goes for the helmet, claws scrabbling for purchase on the ceramite armor and one armored gauntlet attempting to put out the eye lenses with some punches.

Dr. Violet Hunter (471) has posed:
The axe, once again, strikes into the Digimon. This is really a lot more slashing abuse than it is used to taking. It is far more used to fair melee hand to hand combat.

But, with Violet off, now it has the oppritunity to really screw with Karian.

It starts spinning. Rapidly, faster and faster. Getting close to the force of a tornado spinning. And, from it, various spikes are flying out in again, increased in force due to the speed of the spinning.

Karian Icefang has posed:
"That won't be enough!" Karian shouts, taking on both Kari and Togamon. Again he slams the axe into the 'mon, and grabs for Kari. If he gets her, she will be chucked like a baseball.

Ariah (56) has posed:
"Recall your jet, I need you to get to the tank as quickly as you can," Ariah amends, her violet eyes flickering towards Aurora. "See if you cannot get it started, or find a way to..." she urges her Shinki, willing her onwards! The witch herself, however? She refocuses her shield, her hood slipping free from her head as she keeps her forward momentum to get into the outpost proper. She can't fly, but she can sure as hell jump.

And while she's up, she sends forth a pair of grapefruit-sized energy bolts towards the airborne Yuna. They have limited seeking ability but explode into light, heat, and force -really- nicely.

Kari Wolf (276) has posed:
Kari Wolf manages to catch one of Togemon's spines with a paw after being crushed by the Wolf Lord's armored fist and chucked like a rock. The shinki hides on the cactus 'mon and waits for the right moment...
...to unleash hell! Kari comes out peppering Karian with her cannon and the drones have reappeared to spray the Space Wolf with their lesser lasers. "BANZAI!"

Aurora (462) has posed:
As if on command, Aurora hops out of the safe place she was hiding in and makes herself visible, the Jet moving to attach to her back while the laser drones dissapear into the slipway. "Yes, Master, I'll be on my way!" She takes flight and barrles towards the tank, pulling out her laser rifle from her slipway to gun down her way into, even if gunning down means forcing them to dance!

Dr. Violet Hunter (471) has posed:
This time, the Togemon defends against the axe. How? Well. It is not so easy as one might think, fighting something on ones own head. Blocking where you can't see. But, as the feel of the axe swinging through the air comes in, as the wind is pushed into the Togemon's head? It feels it. A boxing glove comes up, intercepting the path of the axe. Sure, the blade still cuts into the fist. But, the softer parts of it are kept a little bit safer.

And then, in comes the other fist, moving to try and hopefully get Karian off of its head.


Violet, meanwhile, is simply making a casual stroll towards the tank. A lot of the other defenders are busy. ...Maybe she could /try/ to make an attempt at the tank while everyone else is unsure of what is going on?

Karian Icefang has posed:
Karian somehow manages to remain standing despite all of the onslaught put on him. He pulls his pistol and fires right into the head of Togemon, and at Kari again.
Dr. Hunter would also likely hear a growl as she neared the chest. From the shadows emerged a tank-sized wolf, staring her down.

Yuna Kagurazaka (385) has posed:
The exploding bolts detonate close enough to Yuna to throw her around some, although she does her best to evade the second after the first one goes off. "Nngh - guess I can't persuade you with words, huh ... ?"

The Matrix Divider vanishes briefly, and Yuna's vambraces pop open to reveal her pulse blasters - an array of half a dozen or so on each arm - and she immediately opens fire, showering both Aurora and Ariah with a rapid-fire barrage of small energy bolts. They don't explode the way Aurora's did, but she's delivering her own version of a saturation bombardment ... even though she's likely taking a number of hits from the Shinki's laser rifle in the process. She'd rather take the hits than leave the outpost's forces unaided, honestly, and never mind if she pays for it personally - if she were that worried about her physical well-being as opposed to helping the Imperials at this outpost, she wouldn't have come out here in the first place.

Kari Wolf (276) has posed:
Kari Wolf seems to have lost an arm to the bolt round. Bits of shinki arm go everywhere with the explosion. Ow. Ow.
She directs her drones to suicide themselves into the vents on Karian's backpack, figuring that clogging vents of any kind is bad. The little machines unleash a hail of lasers into the backpack as they go in. Meanwhile, Kari stumbles around a bit as Togemon moves under her, and tries to punch Karian in the ankle joint with her good arm. "Jerk!"

Ariah (56) has posed:
"We have an objective to meet. I have a task to complete. Talking is not an option," Ariah states, her mana shield bearing the brunt of Yuna's incoming energy barrage. It glows, flickers, and threads of energy from the impacts can be seen leeching back into the witch's hands as she focuses on keeping the barrier up. Cracks in the shield form under the persistent assault, however, and with the sound of breaking glass, the barrier gives, the witch bringing her arms up to physically shield herself.

Hopefully Aurora can get the tank moving, and hopefully Ariah can keep Yuna distracted. She swings her staff skywards, another series of missiles emerging from her staff. They're tinier this time, dozens of coin-sized spheres of light leaving streaks in the air as they storm towards the airborne woman.

Aurora (462) has posed:
Aurora's nicked and grazed by the bombardment from Yuna only for another bolt to be well placed upon her side, sending her spiraling around and past some of those angry marines. "Come on, please don't stall out. Work, work please..." the jet rights back up and sends her off towards the tank, taking a few more potshots at Yuna! A few moments later, she hits the tank. As in THUD.

Yuna Kagurazaka (385) has posed:
Yuna just maintains her fire, like either a heroine or a boss in a bullet-hell shoot-em-up - and it's not just blindly firing, particularly when Ariah unleashes the swarm of magic missiles; she's trying to fill the air with enough of her own firepower to shoot down Ariah's assault.

It might work partially - but it's not a *full* success; a generous handful of the 'missiles' gets past and detonates, throwing Yuna around in the air with a yelp of protest, her Light Suit's defensive aura crackling and flaring under the hits that connect. But she's also aware that the Shinki got past her guard ...

The Matrix Divider reappears, even though Yuna has to take her attention off Ariah to aim at Aurora. "Sorry, but you're not giving me the choice of playing gently!" Yuna calls out as the Divider's blade/barrel flares up ... and she pulls the trigger, firing a focused blast at the hopefully-stunned Aurora - and trying to blast her back off of the tank's hull.

Dr. Violet Hunter (471) has posed:
Violet stares the wolf down. Well. She had recognized Karian's voice from the radio. The man who lost an eye to the Digimon Master. And this must be the beast that took it, against its will.

She speaks to the wolf. It should be hard for such a beast to reveal her easily.

"...So. Are you the one who took your master's eye? Either way. I am not your enemy. I am here to seek military power, to go after the one that caused your master to lose his eye. To fight the Digimon Emperor. Would you stop someone who seeks to help your master? At least, do me no harm."

She is /hoping/ from the conversation on the radio she had overheard, that this wolf understands enough english. And she is hoping that it'd be more interested in revenge than stopping the Confederates here and now. Or at least, keep it from attacking /her/.

The pistol does, in fact, hurt a fair amount against the Togemon. And so, it's moving to a new strategy:

Headstand. With Karian on its head. Hopefully this will crush him a bit, and maybe get him to the floor finally.

Karian Icefang has posed:
Ygdril the wolf thinks a moment, pondering on the words But soon after it takes a defensive stance, baring it's fangs. While it understood, it had a duty to uphold.
Karian, meanwhile, found himself eating dirt..lots of it. He shakes himself a bit, but manages to stand, and once more, let off bolts from the pistol again.

Ariah (56) has posed:
It's a vicious trade of projectiles, energy and energy going up and down. Ariah's uniform is peppered with scorches, her white cloak burnt through in numerous places, and even blackened patches where her skin shows through. But she pushes on, charging her way past the line to get to Aurora--and the objective.

If there are guardsmen in the way... they'll meet the ends of her staff, denting armor and helmet, cracking bone. But she doesn't look to be trying to /kill/ them. On the contrary, she's doing her best to not. "Keep your heads down or stand and die!" she shouts out, her cold voice surprisingly clear despite it usually being so soft. A fallen lasgun is scooped up, the energy witch draining the power pack for her own reserves, to recharge and channel a focused beam of energy across Yuna and get her attention back. It's hot, the lance of magic able to cut through mundane metal...

Kari Wolf (276) has posed:
The Howling goes flying, bouncing off the ground a few times, bits of armor going all sorts of ways, skidding to a halt near Dr. Hunter's feet. The little robot picks herself up and looks at the thunder wolf.
"My master wants that tank!" The shinki materializes the Boneshaker Bazooka again and lets go with a few heavy shots from the gun towards the giant dire wolf's snout.
"And if she can't have it, you can't either." Kari snarls.

Dr. Violet Hunter (471) has posed:
The gunfire strikes the Togemon. But at the least, she has managed to get Karian on the /ground/ now. It's time to really let loose a bit.


And, the Togemon begins to let loose its punches, faster than most eyes can see. Trying to punch straight at Karian, pummeling him into eventual submission.

Violet simply shrugs. "Well. As long as you do not attack me, I suppose it is fine, for now. A shame you won't let me take what I need to fight the Emperor, but this will do for now."

Karian Icefang has posed:
Karian growls as he's jabbed into oblivion. Still, he manages to stand. And again he fires into the Digimon.
This time, however, Kari might find herself the victim of a now charging thunderwolf that tries to both bite her and run back to the tank, despite his singed muzzle fur.

Kari Wolf (276) has posed:
Kari Wolf dangles from the thunder wolf's mouth, punching the animal in the face.
"Leggo you son of a bitch!" Hey well, there it is! The lone curse word that doesn't get turned into a dog pun by Kari's filters. *PUNCHPUNCHPUNCHPUNCH* And possibly flailing too.

Aurora (462) has posed:
The focused blast of that gun's projectile does indeed smash the Shinki right into the windshield... and through it and on the drivers seat of the massive tank. "Maaaaster, I've been hurt!" she whines over the radio, "I've landed on something soft... leather it feels like." ... "She blasted me through the windshield and into the drivers seat!"

A happy cheer over the radio... then "Now... how do you turn this thing on..."

Yuna Kagurazaka (385) has posed:
"Ooops," Yuna mutters with a wince as she notices that the Shinki is 'gone' - and there's a hole in the windshield where Aurora was a moment ago.

"-- YEOWCH!!!"

The laser lancing across Yuna's armor snaps her back to the fact that she DOES have another enemy to worry about - and defensive aura or not, there's a thick line of scorching along Yuna's armor. Any bare skin along that line got burned as well - first or second degree only, thankfully, but that's *more* than bad enough.

Which also means 'bad enough to actually enrage Yuna.' Now that the Shinki is no longer where she can aim at it, Yuna flies straight at Ariah, the Matrix Divider flaring and crackling, its business end glowing brighter and brighter as Yuna hurtles towards the sorceress -

And brings her weapon down with all the force she didn't dare to use on a Shinki, the physical strike amplified by the concussive release of the focused energies. It's not a cleaving strike, but a bludgeoning one; Yuna is currently in enough control that she won't deliberately or knowingly kill an enemy.

On the other hand, there's nothing at all about this strike to keep it from (A) hurting like all hell and (B) doing substantial bodily harm, at least in the short term.

"Just get out of here - take your Shinki and go!" snaps Yuna, already charging up the Matrix Divider for her next attack.

Dr. Violet Hunter (471) has posed:
Karian is still resorting to the same trick. Togemon, on the other hand, has a lot of ideas on how to deal wtih the wolf.


Togemon starts punching again. But these punches are coming at from all sorts of weird angles, despite Togemon being right in front of Karian. From above, behind, the side. It's just one of the weird special techniques Digimon can do. Makes dodging a lot harder.

Violet, meanwhile, simply stands and watches the chaos ensue. Yeah, this battle is getting a bit out of hand. Hard for her to do much herself, directly, at the moment.

Karian Icefang has posed:
Karian grimmaces and drops down to a knee. That's when he shifts and gets a bit...explodey. He pulls out a few grenades and chucks them towards Togemon's face, mainly the eyes.
Ygdril, not liking the punches, turns and with a mighty move, HURLS Kari towards the nearest wall.

Ariah (56) has posed:
"Push buttons, look for an activation switch, try talking to it?" Ariah suggests over the radio to her Shinki. She's distracted, however, by a rapidly approaching Yuna. She brings her staff up into both hands, ready to hold against the strike. And hold it does--at least to the tune of the witch not being hit -directly- by it. The force itself is bone-rattling, sending her back several meters, the shockwave sending her tumbling into the dusty ground.

With a cough, the vampiress pulls herself to her feet, violet in her eyes glowing bright. She looks shaky, her uniform and cloak dirty. Her runic staff is, at the least, undented, but she can feel her bones trying to re-sort themselves from the magnitude of the impact. "We will happily oblige the departure request, but we are taking the tank with us," she hisses through her teeth, not showing her fangs at all. But with Yuna on the ground.. she rushes the woman with superhuman speed, pulling her blade from where it hides in her staff and bringing a biting cross-strike towards her armor.

Dr. Violet Hunter (471) has posed:
The grenades explode straight the Togemon's face, burning chunks of it away. It needs to end this. It needs to end this /now/. And so, it keeps moving towards Karian, glaring down at the Space Wolf.

Time to let loose every single needle it has.


From its body, every single needle bursts forward, aimed straight towards Karian's center mass.

Kari Wolf (276) has posed:
Kari Wolf goes flying again, hitting the wall with a crack. She untangles herself from the heap on the floor she became when she fell, and looks around.
"We're gonna have to retreat- Togemon and me, I mean." She says wearily into the radio. "Do you have control of the tank?" Kari does her best to get going along the path Togemon cleared.

Aurora (462) has posed:
Aurora blinks a bit, looking at the tank's control panel. She starts pressing some random buttons and pulling random levers and stepping on random pedals.. until she tries something else. "Oh great tank, please, lend me your capabilities. I wish to use you in a holy works for a righteous cause, so please, lend me your capabilities. I will be kind to you, wash you, make sure you're filled up on the proper ammo and fuel. Just please, start and fire your cannons at the woman attacking my master!"

Karian Icefang has posed:
Karian moves and rolls, making some of the needles miss He pulls another grenade, and incindeary one at that. "Last chance. RETREAT!" He bellows out, grenade in the air.
The tank is quiet for a moment, as if it never heard the words. Until a display opens up and displays a response.......in binary code.

Yuna Kagurazaka (385) has posed:
Yuna's eyebrows come together as Ariah charges at her, not caring that Yuna's weapon is still held at the ready and glowing brighter and brighter with accumulated power ...

It's really the fact that Ariah's speed is superhuman that *lets* her get close enough to slash - and the element of surprise from the sword being hidden in her staff that lets her slash in the first place - but even then, Yuna brings her weapon up to parry, sacrificing some of the gathered energies to aid in deflecting the slash. "If I say you aren't -"

She ascends and backs away, levelling the Matrix Divider once again as she brings it back to full charge.

"- then you *AREN'T*!!!" finishes Yuna, pulling the trigger and blasting Ariah as hard as she dares, the energy erupting in a single blast of pure, radiant, *holy* power at something closely resembling point-blank range.

There's nothing she can really do about Aurora at the moment - and Ariah has made the cardinal mistake of drawing *personal* aggro from Yuna, mostly due to the burns she inflicted.

Dr. Violet Hunter (471) has posed:
The grenade strikes the Togemon. It stumbles back, falling to one knee. It frowns, looking forward.

"No, I will never..."

"Fall back, Togemon."

And, Togemon stops. Violet turns to Kari as well.

"If you wish, you may follow me, shinki."

Violet pulls something out, something strapped to her back, between her normal clothes and her labcoat. A laptop. She opens it, while also pulling out something from her pocket. A small rectangular object.

"Digiport Open."

T A swirling portal opens up, a portal that looks made of data alone. The Togemon walks towards it, and vanishes into the computer. Violet is beginning to vanish as well, though not quite yet. Enough that Kari could follow if desired.

Kari Wolf (276) has posed:
Kari Wolf bounces along as best she can into the digiport, glancing back at Ariah and Aurora, feeling bad that her compatriots risked so much to do this.

Ariah (56) has posed:
There's nothing 'special' about the sword, aside from its strength and the strength of its wielder, no energies stored into it presently. So it's quite easily deflected in a handy show of swordsmanship. She's knocked back from the parry, and starts to advance on Yuna again, unable to really offer any advice to her Shinki or the others still otherwise engaged. The energy gathering makes her eyes widen, however. And then clench shut.

It there's something Ariah actually and truly fears, it's not just fire. But holy fire. She pours every ounce of mana into her, and then pushes it outward, jamming her staff into the sand and erecting a shield that glows bright like the sun as that blast slams into it. But it's not enough. Like a fuse burning out, the shield shatters, shards of rigid mana flying behind her on the wind of the blastwave, cutting into whatever it manages to catch.

But the witch? She's engulfed in what's left of the burst, her body not just smoking, but burning. Her clothes? Intact. It's a different sort of immolation, and she emits a loud, inhuman shriek of agony as blue-white flames light her like a beacon. Her teeth grit as her flesh blackens and she drops to her knees, clinging to her staff. "Get. It. Moving. Get it. Out of here."

Aurora (462) has posed:
Aurora seems very fustrated, looking at the tank's screen in disgust. She hears the scream of her Master and frowns before kicking the thing. She looks around and hmms, eyeing something. "Hmm, a prayer sentence?" she thinks a moment, muttering off the first line in the paper before thinking and nodding. "How I will annoint thee in oils of black, apply fuel to the spirits fire and treat thy tank with utmost care. For you and I are one in the same body, machine and man. So as I pray, tank please work?" She then reaches forward to press a button, hoping something will happen.

Yuna Kagurazaka (385) has posed:
Yuna actually winces as she sees what her attack did to Ariah - possibly is still *doing* to her - and simply flies back towards the tank, not WANTING to look at the vampire sorceress in this state. If she could quench the fire herself, she'd do so - but the most Yuna can do right now is try to facilitate Ariah's departure.

And if she has to fish the Shinki back out of the tank's cockpit with her own hands, then that's exactly what she'll do. "I don't know if your spellcaster friend is your Master or just an ally, little Shinki," Yuna calls out, "but if you don't help her get out of here and back to the Confederacy or wherever, she could die from her wounds! Is the tank more important - is the *mission* more important - than her life?"

If Aurora's not coming out, Yuna will actually put her arm *through* the hole in the window to try and grab the little Shinki ...

.... only to yank it back out and fly clear as the tank's engine suddenly roars to life. Aurora may get a priceless glimpse of Yuna blanching as she flies clear, too.

Karian Icefang has posed:
The prayer is spoken and sure enough, the tank starts up. It rumbles up and sits, ready to move.
Although she would then find, to her horror, that the weapons required ANOTHER prayer.

Ariah (56) has posed:
Ariah is still smoldering, the flames dying down of their own accord as they consume parts of her. She struggles to stand, pulling herself up with her staff. She's not struggling to breathe, her reflexive organ use as a 'living vampire' halting as she tries to stay on her feet.

The witch looks like one hell of a burn victim, and her eyes are clenched shut. Smoke rises from her form, flickers of sparking here and there, but the sound of the tank is heard and she exhales. "Need retrieval..."

Aurora (462) has posed:
Who cares about the weapons, Aurora grins and starts pressing buttons and pushing levers until the tank starts to go! "I'm coming Master!" she barrels the tank past things and such, moving in front of her Master. "I can drive. Not well but I can drive! Come on Master, I'll get you to saftey!" She opens one of the hatches to get her Master in and drive off. "Out of the way, I'mc omign through! I will NOT hesitate to run anyone over!"

Dr. Violet Hunter (471) has posed:
Violet can not leave the Digital Port open for long. And so, though Kari manages to get through the escape route to the Digital World, Violet has to follow soon after. The other Feds can find their own way out, at least.