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The Bohai Mines
Date of Scene: 14 January 2014
Location: Avatar World - Bohai Mines
Synopsis: The Confederates and the Fire Nation have taken over a large iron mine, and the Union is set on taking it back.
Cast of Characters: 20, 301, Goro, Kamui Gakupo, Ash, Steve Rogers, 43, 85, 369, Metal Man, Neo Roanoke

RADIO CHATTER has posed:
<X-Union-Chatter> [1] Young girly voice - Toph Beifong says, "Oh damn... I might be needing some help here, guys."
<X-Union-Chatter> [A] Rainbow Dash says, "Whu? What's up?"
<X-Union-Chatter> [1] Young girly voice - Toph Beifong says, "Seems that the Fire Nation AND the Confederacy have been up to something here and taken over one of the iron mines here."
<X-Union-Chatter> [A] Rainbow Dash says, "I don't know anything about any fire nation, but anyone working with the feds has a good chance of being ultra lame."
<X-Union-Chatter> [1] Young girly voice - Toph Beifong says, "Firebenders throw fire around, that's the most important thing you need to know about them."
<X-Union-Chatter> [A] Rarity says, "And now Rainbow Dash will make some joke about using wind to blow them out like candles..."

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
The Earth Kingdom. A cultured and large country spanning a great deal of this world. A nation of proud and strong people, currently in war with the Fire Nation as they continue their attempt to spread their greatness all over this world. This area seems quiet though, not too far from the wast ocean that marks the border between the Fire Nation and the Earth Kingdom itself. The mountains here are not as large as they are in other parts of the Earth Kingdom, though there are many hills and forests as far as the eye can see. There is one mountain that stands out in many ways. For one, it's taller than the others. Plus there's smoke rising from the mountain, though there doesn't seem to be any fire about. A nearby town is within walking distance, though the road between the town and the mountain itself is busy with wagons to and fro. And the people traveling the road are easy enough to recognize to most people. Fire Nation soldiers and workers, leading carts pulled by ostrich horses and komodo rhinos. Around the mine entrance, the activity is much higher. Soldiers stand guard, there are tents all around, and security seems rather high. Not to mention there seems to be Confederates here as well... is that a huge robot thing...? That much Toph Beifong has noticed where she crouches out in the forest at the foot of the mountain a fair distance away, both her hands on the ground. Hopefully the others will arrive soon... there are many firebenders and soldiers here, and even the blind earthbending master, confident as she is in her skills, knows it would be stupid to try something on her own. So she waits for her fellow Union allies, keeping close to the mountain with one hand resting on it.

RADIO CHATTER has posed:
<X-Union-Chatter> [A] Zephyr Windstar says, "Give 'em hell, Toph. I'm too far out on the grid to help, but I'll be there in spirit."
<Union-IC> [1] Toph Beifong says, "I'm waiting by the foot of the mountain when you guys get here... there seems to be lots of stuff going on by the mine entrance."
<Union-IC> [A] (Slightly Electronic) Kamui Gakupo says, "Aa, should I send Daisho? I think he's had some dealings with the Fire Nation before. I think he scared them a little."
<Union-IC> [1] Toph Beifong says, "Any help would be appreciated."
<Union-IC> [A] Obsidian Daisho, not Kamui Gakupo says, "I will be there shortly to help."

Neo Roanoke has posed:
When the Confederacy helps, it rarely does so for free. The effort they put into help take this mine needs to be repaid, and that is why Neo Roanoke is here. The Earth Alliance and Confederate officer stands at the foot of his large grey Mobile Suit, watching the carts move in and out of the mine. Another Earth Alliance soldier stands beside him, a datapad in hand as he tracks the progress of the Confederacy's share, "We've just reached twenty percent loaded." Neo nods in response to his subordinate, watching a cart full of the mine's ore turn off the main road and after a while, disapepar. A few minutes later it reappears, now empty. Neo hmmms quietly, "I don't like sitting out here like this, but it can't be helped." He idly fingers the pistol at his waist.

Shizune Nakamura (369) has posed:
Though no Bender, Shizune Nakamura has skills along a vaguely similar line; a martial artist by training, using an art that allows her to control her ki to an impeccable extent. And more than that, Toph is an ally, and one closer to her own age than other members of the Union. With dojo out for the day and dinner neatly finished, she's in a perfect place to head out and answer the call; even if she weren't, though, she'd probably find an excuse. Though the warp gate may be some distance away, and arriving by air may be too conspicuous to be safe, she still manages to arrive in due time. A forest, after all, provides many perches and springboards for a girl who can defy gravity to an extent. So, quickly and quietly, Shizune arrives at Toph's location, dropping down to the ground a good ten meters behind the Earthbender and approaching quietly. "What can we tell so far?"

Metal Man has posed:
Neo would have roused a suprising subject to come help on this. Metal Man while a long time Fed operative had been more focused upon his own world as of late and several similar worlds. However here her is ready for an operattion as he is as he's waiting over seeing some drones which will be helping load things up. The wily army is getting their cut, sure but they also intend to deliver. "We'll just keep alert Neo, if they come, we'll deal with them."

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
Toph visibly tenses when she feels somebody drop down behind her, though it's clear from the way this person moves that they are not out to attack her. And when Shizune speaks, Toph nods and points. "There are Firebenders in that direction, and some soldiers I think are from the Feds. They are working together at least. There's also some stuff there that's /not/ from the Fire Nation, they don't have huge robots. The best they have are tanks." Then she points directly at the mountains. "This mine originally belongs to the Earth Kingdom, we gotta help reclaim it. Who knows what weapons the Fire Nation can make from this stuff? There are also people caught inside the mountains, probably the miners. I'm not sure if we can get to them easily, they have reinforced the mine in places." Toph frowns, then she moves. "I think it might be better to head into the mine and take the fight there than fight all of them outside. I'll start on a tunnel here, keep a look out for our allies, okay?" With that said, the blind girl turns to the mountain wall, rubs her hands together... then slams her fists into the wall and starts tearing open a tunnel leading inside. At the mine entrance, one of the higher ups of the Fire Nation soldiers here, walks up next to Neo and Metal Man. He is a tall, cleanshaven man wearing the full armor that is typical of the Fire Nation. The robot earns a slightly curious look. No, artificial life forms are a bit unfamiliar to the people of this world still. "We are in the middle of nowhere and far away from the Earth Kingdom's forces. By the time they learn of what's going on here, we will already have a solid foot hold here. I do trust you and your Confederacy are getting the resources you need?" Just then a soldier comes running out of the mines. "Commander Longwei! They are reporting some unstability in the mines!" The commander blinks and turns, then frowns. "Are the earthbenders secured?" "Yes, all of them are locked up or in chains, Commander." Longwei still doesn't look satisfied though, and he turns to the two Feds. "Go in there and make sure. I will not have this operation fail."

>>> SUMMARY - Toph Beifong <<< - Toph explains matters to Shizune; mine workers are held captive inside the mines. Toph then begins tunneling into the mountain. Re Feds: Commander Longwei asks the Feds to make sure nothing fishy is going on after Toph's bending is noticed by people inside the mine.

Shizune Nakamura (369) has posed:
"Got it," Shizune replies, adjusting her glasses a little. "Once more of ours arrive, I'll join you." For the time being, though, she crouches near the entrance Toph has just made, watching both for the arrival of allies and potential discovery by stray patrols. Better safe than sorry, after all.

>>> SUMMARY - Shizune Nakamura <<< - Keeping an eye on Toph's new tunnel.

Kamui Gakupo has posed:
Fire Nation shenanigans, huh? Obsidian Daisho has dealt with them before. He found it rather funny, actually. A demonic samurai with huge metal hand was not what the Fire Nation was expecting that day, it seems. So it was that he asked if he'd be needed. Because another good scare (if these are the same guys) would probably do these guys some good. He is more subtle than usual. Normally he'd be leaping high in the air to cover larger swaths of ground. But here he doesn't know the situation, and he doesn't want to risk revealing their location before the beginning of the operation. So instead he runs. Really fast. It'll still take him a while to get there, but he'll be there soon enough!

>>> SUMMARY - Kamui Gakupo <<< - Incoming demonic samurai with giant metal skeleton hands!!

RADIO CHATTER has posed:
<Union-IC> [1] Toph Beifong says, "Okay, tunnel is done here and leading into the mines!"

Neo Roanoke has posed:
As the Fire Nation Commander speaks with them, Neo nods in response, "The Confederacy appreciates your cooperation in this matter. And we look forward to future endeveaours with the Fire Nation." However, as the Fire Nation soldier interupts with a report, Neo frowns a little in concern. A brief check with his own people confirm the disturbance. Neo looks at Commander Longwei, "We will take a look. We've also put in a call for reinforcements." Neo turns to his own officer, "Continue the loading. I do not want to see our efforts here wasted." Neo nods to Metal Man and then turns, walking over to his Gundam. Grabbing the zipline, it pulls him up towards the cockpit where he climbs in. After a minute, the large machine comes to life, eyes flashing with its activation.

>>> SUMMARY - Neo Roanoke <<< - Standard Confederate spiel, followed by concern about the trouble brewing and jumping into his Gundam.

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
Tony Stark was indisposed at the time the initial call came in. In exactly what manner? None of your god damn business. But he DID tell Toph to let him know if she needed a hand, and as her supervising officer he could hardly NOT respond, could he? So, personal frustrations put aside for the moment, Iron Man is enroute. He homes in on her radio signal until that's obscured by the mineral content of the iron-laden mountain, but by then he can see the brand new tunnel she's made. He flies low, just as a matter of common sense to avoid most radar, but the gold-and-crimson bullet is plainly visible to the naked eye of any observers this side of the mountain. "Coming in hot," he radios ahead scant warning to Toph so as not to surprise her when he streaks into the mouth of the tunnel, pours on his retrothrusters and slams into the earth.

>>> SUMMARY - Tony Stark <<< - Arrives. Kinda obviously if anyone is on this side of the mountain.

Metal Man has posed:
Metal Man catches word of something going down and others are coming to lend a hand if things gets strange. He nods once to Neo before he issues some silent commands to the drones helping with the loading. They go on combat alert and hteir weapons are prepped. So if things do hit the fan they woll be ready, he gets ready to move out as well as he starts to check his own scanners in more detail. "So...just what is up here..."

>>> SUMMARY - Metal Man <<< - Metal Man prepped

Goro has posed:
Having often played the part of caged beast in case things get hairy, Prince Goro of the Shokans does not mind simply standing about the area and wait if his services are needed. Royalty like him are experts in lounging about and do nothing, even if they are breed from race made almost entirely out of warriors. Additionally, Prince Goro has also dealt with the Fire Nation in the past and recognizes that their culture is not unlike that of Outworld. He value the strong conquering tendencies of this nation, and would see them triumph over their enemies, as it is only the strongest that are fit to rule. And it is so that the Prince of all Ogres arrives in the scene, not falling from the sky like some wayward artillery shell for once, but walking towards the area garbed, in a long flowing cape that covers his massive body, as it is befitting of a stereotypical brutish villain. His entrance is well timed, as he begins to sense powerful chi auras heading in their direction. His eyes widen and fingers clench before relaxing again. This will prove interesting one way or another.

>>> SUMMARY - Goro <<< - Scanning the area for enemy chi signatures.

Kagenashi (85) has posed:
Twin black foxes dart along the machinery in the mines as if they were flying over them. Precise leaps and bounds carry the two over machinery while barely shifting anything they land on. Their last perch finds them near the feet of Neo's Gundam, where they sit as still as statues for a moment and observe their surroundings. One becomes engulfed in an expanding swirl of black, and as it vanishes, Kagenashi comes into view, kneeling where one fox was a moment before. A look around takes in her allies and any arriving attackers- ...one of which simply streaks into the tunnel like a shiny meteor. Munashi quickly glances back at Tony's entrance, while Kagenashi keeps her eyes ahead to look for any other attackers. If that's who she suspects it is, she's not going to have much luck directly fighting him.

>>> SUMMARY - Kagenashi <<< - Arriving and looking for someone who isn't Tony. Asian weapons suck against armor.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
It is easy enough for an earthbender to dig her way into the mountain, though some planning needs to be done as there is that blasted metal in the way in places. The tunnel isn't too long, and Toph peeks her head into the mine shaft. That's when her radio alerts her to Tony's voice, and she blinks, kicking the wall behind her to move it further back and make way so Tony can slam into the earthen floor of the mine shaft. "Well, took you long enough, Goldie!" she says. "Like I just told Shizune, there are firebenders and Confederates out front, and there are miners captured in here somewhere. Though we can't get directly to them like this, there's the damn metal in the way in many parts," she states and raps her fingers against an iron beam. Then she blinks, turning her head slightly. "I think we'd better act fast...!" she calls back to Shizune.

RADIO CHATTER has posed:
<Union-IC> [1] Toph Beifong says, "Oh damn, I think they spotted us!"
<Union-IC> [1] Toph Beifong says, "Okay, Kamui's guy is coming, it's me, Shizune, Goldie... I can't see too clearly, but I think they've got something big headed into the mines."
<Union-IC> [1] Steve Rogers says, "How big are we talking?"
<Union-IC> [1] Toph Beifong says, "... I think one of them is eight feet tall... and the other is a big robot thing."
<Union-IC> [1] Toph Beifong says, "About 60 feet if I have to guess."
<Union-IC> [A] Obsidian Daisho, not Kamui Gakupo says, "...Oh. Yes. I should warn before I get there. I am a demon, and look the part. Please do not attack me when I approach."
<Union-IC> [1] Steve Rogers says, "Duly noted."
<Union-IC> [A] Shizune Nakamura says, "I worry about anyone who's been in the Union for any stretch of time, and would still attack someone just for looking demonic."
<<Union-IC> [1] Toph Beifong says, "Like I would attack anybody for their appearance!"

Shizune Nakamura (369) has posed:
There is at least one ki signature that stands out simply for its uniqueness; not terribly powerful at all, but pure and flowing, like a steady mountain river, without a hint of turbulence or stagnation. If Goro has the familiarity to judge such things, it is the ki of someone whose Taijiquan mastery runs deep. Shizune Nakamura's own senses in that regard are much less developed, however; and so she has no inkling just yet of the Shokan's arrival. At first, she simply waits for others to arrive - and gives Tony a brief, beckoning wave as he goes hurtling by - but then Toph calls out, and the young martial artist turns and dashes into the cave without a second thought. "I'm on my way!"

>>> SUMMARY - Shizune Nakamura <<< - Waiting by the tunnel - HI TONY - until Toph calls out. Can probably be easily distinguished by Goro.

Neo Roanoke has posed:
As Neo is doing a quick check on his Gundam's systems, they briefly alert him to the prescence of the Iron Man. But the signal is quickly lost. A voice comes through Neo's radio, "Captain, did you see-" Neo quickly cuts him off, "Yes, Commander. Can you track his position?" The voice responds, "Negative, no readings at that location." So he's moved on... "Commander, we're heading into the mines. Keep me informed of the loading progress and prepare for departure." The Gundam turns, beginning to walk into the mine's entrance. The main tunnels should be big enough for it to fit, and Neo has an idea on how he might deal with any enemies in some of the smaller ones. The smallest though, will likely remain out of his reach and he will have to leave them to his allies.

>>> SUMMARY - Neo Roanoke <<< - Entering the mine in search of their prey!

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
Tony would rub his chin, difficult with the helmet on, but he still manages to look somewhat professorial as he taps at the bottom part of the facemask with one armored finger and examines the encroaching iron. "This is manmade," he observes, aloud. "So it's probably here on purpose. We could blast it out but I'd worry about what that'd do to the surrounding stability." He turns, hearing some commotion outside the tunnel, and plants his feet warily with Toph at his back. "Should've brought Thumper," he mutters. "Whaddaya wanna do, kid, find a way to dig past the beams, or try the front door? Jarvis is reading something big up there."

>>> SUMMARY - Tony Stark <<< - bodyguarding Toph in the new tunnel

Metal Man has posed:
Metal Man is also moing out now as the Union forces are confirmed, he's looking for a fight to be sure. if they wnat to come get cut open? It is their choice, right? SO into the mines Metal Man goes, leaving his drones to do thier work outside. Metal Man moves siftly and keeps alert, who knows, what could be lurkinig in the mines.

>>> SUMMARY - Metal Man <<< - Metal Man heading into the mines.

Bain has posed:
Bain is not here. Bain is currently at a safehouse several worlds away, in front of several monitors, in a dark basement of a bookstore that somehow remains in business despite never managing to sell any books. The man swings his chair around from one monitor to the next; alerts, coming in from Neo's drones, are getting his attention. "Oh, well, I just need to rev the backup up faster then." Rolling, rumbling spheres, dozens of them, are incoming. Strange, metal orbs rolling over the ground, mechanical in nature, clearly some sort of machine folded up for maximum efficiency. They are self-propelled, rushing out of a nearby warpgate, through one of the nearest mountain passes, and then towards the mines, straight in there. "Let's focus on our assets here..." He says. Deep within the mines, firebenders find their forces reinforced. "Heya fellas! I'm here to keep an eye on these jerks, you guys can head to the front lines!" Bain is talking, of course, about the earthbenders in the metal cages there. The spheres unfold, limbs clicking and whirring, into humanoid shapes, blank-faced helmets on artificial bodies, wielding crackling electrical batons and whirring, glowing rifles. Most of them are a dull grey-yellow with a cheap look to them, geometric, like some sort of construction robot, while one out of ten or so come with intense caution-yellow and black stripes, clearly much more expensive, a military look to them, with unusual masks on their faces. They're already surrounding the cages, some of them infrequently pointing guns at the Earthbenders to reinforce the danger of the situation. "PATROL MODE INITIATED. HOSTAGE MANAGEMENT PRIORITIZED." The Elite crewbots are speaking in automated tones as they do exactly what they're claiming here... Meanwhile, miles away, Bain is analyzing data on the layout of the mines, the allies here... Already he's trying to come up with schemes to get this worked out in just such a way that the Confederacy keeps its hold over the mines.

>>> SUMMARY - Bain <<< - BAIN deploys several dozen of THE CREW on-site; ARMED HUMANOID ROBOTS are now guarding the WORKERS.

Kamui Gakupo has posed:
Daisho has chi too, unlike his 'ward', who is mechanical. Though how demonic chi feels is anybody's guess. But Daisho /is/ a demon, so that's likely how he registers, whatever that means for Goro's senses. Toph's words on the radio put Daisho into overdrive. So they've been spotted. Stealth may be kind of pointless now. And getting there is kind of more important at this point. So he starts power-leaping! Which will get him there in about half the time. He might be seen, but there have been others whose entrances have been...somewhat noticeable. So it is that soon a shape approaches. He looks like a pale-skinned man with black hair, dressed all in black. Some of his clothes are western-styled, but most are reminiscent of a samurai. The most notable feature would be his hands--they're about twice the size of normal human hands, shaped like skeletal claws, and look like they're made of dark black metal. "...I apologize for the time it took to get here. Am I too late?" he inquires as he arrives. That's the voice on the radio, the one of the 'demon'.

>>> SUMMARY - Kamui Gakupo <<< - Demonic flea with metal claws approaches? o.O;;; Apologizing for being late.

Goro has posed:
Goro instantly gets a feeling of nausea when he senses Shizune's aura. For a decidedly evil aligned chi user, 'good' flows of chi feels like the most awful sensation ever but multiplied by a thousand. There's a shake of his head as Goro gather his bearings before he pointedly looks in the direction where Shizune and the rest of the Union are, noticing their scattered pockets of spiritual power, which some of them happen to be 'bad' in the case of Daisho. This may be many miles away, or even behind mountains, but he is still looking in their direction. "Be wary, they approach." Goro announces to his companions, which they are already aware of from the looks of it. Another thing that Goro isn't aware of is whether Shizune, Toph or Daisho can sense /his/ chi. But it doesn't matter to him as he decides to conceal it, purposely lowering his power. Flaring out his aura in a display of terrifying power is for matters of the Mortal Kombat tournament. The battle field has very different rules and he wouldn't do the daft thing of revealing the Confederates' position. He plays it cautiously for now, heading the rest of his allies into the mines.

>>> SUMMARY - Goro <<< - Goro is sickened by your goodness, Union elites, except Daisho but he is still bleh by association. Masking his own chi signature and heading into the mines.

Steve Rogers has posed:
It's not really a short tunnel, but Captain America makes typically good time, even on foot; Toph would probably recognize his footsteps as he jogs up to where everyone is gathering at the mine end of the tunnel. "Sorry I wasn't here sooner," he almost-whispers to the others. "What's the game plan?" He's angling for a look out at whatever he can see from his current vantage point .. Which, given where he is at this point (towards the back of whoever's in the tunnel and waiting to jump out), probably isn't much, but he'll work with what he can get. And he's not going to venture far enough out to risk being spotted until it's time to start pounding on the bad guys.

>>> SUMMARY - Steve Rogers <<< - Captain on deck

Kagenashi (85) has posed:
Well, it seems as though there aren't many options for alternative opponents at the moment. Kagenashi will just have to make do with what she can, resistant or not. Munashi is the first to dart off, speeding into the tunnels ahead of the others. On the way, she ends up dashing alongside Bain's rolling machines, ducking and weaving between the spheres in her dash to reach the hostages. Once there, a few quick leaps over some crewbots bring her atop one of the cages, where she perches and looks down to watch for those trying to rescue them. Kagenashi takes a bit more time, being slightly less fleet of foot in her human form. She dashes through the tunnels, however, sprinting along to find a place in hiding amid the other cages while her allies arrive. Better to try and ambush the rescuers than try to go at them directly.

>>> SUMMARY - Kagenashi <<< - Kagenashi hides among some cages, while Munashi perches on one in plainer sight.

RADIO CHATTER has posed:
<Union-IC> [5-SA] Ash says, "Toph, question, do you have a map of how the rocks in the mine are laid out? I might be able to bring Onix down and try to break a second pathway in."
<Union-IC> [1] Toph Beifong says, "I can tell how the mines are for the most part... there are many tunnels and they all seem to run into one another as they have been digging all over the place. I should probably be careful with bending in certain parts. And Onix might be really useful here!"

<Union-IC> [5-SA] Ash says, "Got it, heading out."

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
"Blasting stuff down here might cause the place to crumble. I could protect us, but that could kill others," Toph says with a concerned look on her face. Nopes, it would be bad. Besides, the miners probably want their mine intact. Even for earthbenders it would be messy to clean this place up. As for Tony's comment on the commotion, the blind girl points down the shaft. "We should probably keep to the shaft areas for now. The big robot is moving into the main area of the mine, at least that is what my feet are telling me!" She turns back to the others as they too join them, offering a brief grin to the new arrivals. "We could probably split them up, and then somebody could free the miners? They are down in that direction, though the way isn't all straight," she suggests, pointing in the left direction of where they are standing. "Either way, we should move quickly!" Which is evident as the firebenders make their way down the shaft, and the one in front throws one punch forward, sending a wave of fire towards the Union gathered in the shaft. Time to flush out some Unionites!

>>> SUMMARY - Toph Beifong <<< - Toph tries to come up with a gameplan, describes the rather confusing layout of the mine and suggests splitting up to free the miners. FIREBENDERS show up, it's getting hot in here.

Ash has posed:
The situation does not seem to be terribly fun. This is especially so since it's something of a race against the Feds - not just how quickly the Feds can reach them, but also how badly they can stack the deck before they breach the tunnels. Ash is painfully aware of this as he slides down the tunnel that Toph has made, glancing around as he moves quickly. Time is of the essence.Sharp exhale. "Alright Toph, where you need me? I'm thinkin' if we try to make another branch from here the Feds'll be distracted tryin' to take care of /that/!" He reaches for his Pokeball belt, plucking Onix's ball with a distinct click sound. Hopefully there's enough room to release the gargantuan rock snake, or this is going to be quite uncomfortable for all involved... except for Onix.

>>> SUMMARY - Ash <<< - Gets down the tunnel, asks Toph if a distraction would be helpful.

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
Tony givs a sharp nod. "Right. Cap, you're with me. Let's get those hostages." He snaps up one arm and fires two quick repulsor blasts up the tunnel at the encroaching firebenders, more as a deterrant than actually aiming for anything. Then turns and heads down the passage Toph indicated, switching to low light vision that bathes the walls in a greenish cast on his HUD. The hard blue shine of the reactor in the suit's chest, as well as from the scowling eye slits, provides enough of a glow for someone to follow behind without stubbing their precious toes.

>>> SUMMARY - Tony Stark <<< - Let's go save some hostages, Rogers

Kamui Gakupo has posed:
Toph's words get a nod from Daisho. "I will go where I am needed," he replies. "I would suggest against placing me in an area with innocents, however. My abilities are...quite destructive, and I would not be able to use them at full strength if there were innocents there, without risk of harming them." Vibration and sound tended to be particularly bad underground....

>>> SUMMARY - Kamui Gakupo <<< - Volunteering, but suggesting he be kept away from people to be saved.

Steve Rogers has posed:
Captain America has his shield ready as the firebenders start to approach, but he nods to Iron Man, pauses just long enough to say, "Good luck," to the others, and follows along. He lets Tony stay on point, too, since his armor's sensors are probably better for navigating by - who knows what we'll run into, and it's not like there's much that Cap's shield can stop that Tony's armor can't handle relatively well.

Shizune Nakamura (369) has posed:
"I'll head for the miners," Shizune says. There's not much time to waste if the Confederacy's coming; even now, something on the edge of perception nags at the martial artist, though she can't put her foot on it. So as Cap takes a step into the path of the Firebenders, the girl turns and runs in the other direction, heading down the path to where the hostages are being held.

>>> SUMMARY - Shizune Nakamura <<< - Headed for the miners.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
Okay, it seems that people are making their choices. When Ash arrives, Toph nods and points towards. "There are Feds down in that direction!" she states. "Distract them, and I will keep these guys off of the others!" The tunnels here in the mines are large enough to fit Onyx if it crawls, though it will probably be a tight fit in many areas. Either way, the Firebenders yelp when Tony fires at them, ducking out of the way. "Get them!" Toph turns slightly Daisho. You can help me handle the firebenders here! I think there's more of them coming too! Or there's that big thing in the main area!" she calls, then kicks the ground and sends an earthen spike directly at the firebenders after ducking some fire sent in her direction. "It's an earthbender! Get HER!" Toph quickly erects a wall to block off the shaft to prevent the firebenders from going after the others, then kicks up a spike for herself to block a fireblast. Damnit, this will be tough!

>>> SUMMARY - Toph Beifong <<< - Toph erects a wall to block off the shaft so Tony, Rogers and Shizune won't be followed, uses earthbending to hold back the firebenders.

RADIO CHATTER has posed:
<Union-IC> [1] Toph Beifong says, "They are coming in like cockroaches! I suggest you guys hurry up!"

Ash has posed:
"Got it!" Ash calls out. Confederates are comin' from another direction... the Pokemon trainer grins a little as he steps back. "Alright, Onix, time to show your stuff! /GO/!" With a grunt, he hurls out the ball, which manifests into, predictably, Onix. "ONIIIIIIIIX!" <ALRIGHT! LET'S ROCK!> Pikachu sweatdrops from his Pokeball. "Pika ka pika." <That pun was like salt in the eyes.> the rat grouses. Onix himself is indifferent to this commentary, his instructions obtained from Ash via telepathy, but the specifics left to him. He knows rocks better, after all, and as such Onix bites a little bit of a hole into the rock tunnel... and then begins to smash his head through. Soon enough the cavity widens and he begins to worm his way through the dirt. A new tunnel soon takes shape at the appointed position, and with a great deal of speed, the rock snake slithers through the tunneling, intending on creating a secondary passage deep within the mines. No, it's not the actual route the rest of the Union Elites are taking, but the shaking and tunneling ought to get some attention and leave it somewhat ambiguous as to which tunnel the UAF is /actually/ using - or perhaps both.

>>> SUMMARY - Ash <<< - Onix digs out a tunnel that forks off of Toph's tunnel, and attempts to use this to distract. He is not particularly stealthy about it either, so the digging should be noticeable.

RADIO CHATTER has posed:
<Union-IC> [5-SA] Ash says, "Alright everyone, where Toph's tunnel branches, DON'T take the tunnel to the right, this is a distraction."

Bain has posed:
Iron Man is not a stealthy man. The ability to withstand tank rounds has to come with a little drawback, and that's probably clanking and whirring around. He also glows in the dark, which is an advantage for his allies, but not so much for him. The bainbots of the Crew pick him up without much trouble. However, this is just one side-patrol, a trio, one with a baton and two with kinetic energy rifles. These are the cheap ones, the non-Elite of the bunch; the trio incoming will have no trouble, even as the two open fire and the third rushes, swinging the baton viciously. All three of them move in artificial, robotic movements with no humanity to them at all. They're also at a tactical disadvantage, so it's unlikely they'll really do much damage. It makes it clear that there's some non-Firebenders guarding the workers, though. And that they're probably alert.

>>> SUMMARY - Bain <<< - Three ROBOTS of the Crew are here, patroling the perimeter of the hostage-keeping area; Any of the approaching trio can powerpose wrecking them, but Tony's the one they detect most (because he glows in the dark) >>> SUMMARY - Bain <<< - Also they are shooting a bit. Kinetic energy blasts. Tactically disadvantaged at the moment.

Neo Roanoke has posed:
All the raw materials in the ground inside the mine are making it hard for Neo to pick up clear signs of the Union elites and their location. He glances left and right as his Gundam moves through the main tunnels. No elites yet... The majority are probably heading for the miners, so he sends Metal Man to reinforce those already guarding them. The Legend Gundam pauses at a junction in the main tunnel. Neo glances at the smaller ones breaking off from it... Too small for his large machine, but thankfully he does have something that can fit. A few of the remote DRAGOON units detach from the Gundam's backpack, flying off they each dart down one of the smaller tunnels in search of something to shoot.

>>> SUMMARY - Neo Roanoke <<< - Neo does his whole commander thing, then sends a few DRAGOONs to search smaller tunnels.

Goro has posed:
Goro goes about face when he hears order to go out of the mines and engage the Unions on the outside. A sound tactical maneuver, thinks the Shokan Lord, if the Union are focusing their efforts to tunnel their way into the caverns, then a swift pincer maneuver will be able to cut them off and trap them on their own passages. Brilliant. There is also the more convenient issue that Goro can now better pin point the location of the chi users since they are closer, and they have not bothered to disguise their chi signatures at all. "Quickly, through this passageway." He motions to Neo and his machines "If we hurry we might be able "If we hurry we'll be able to flank their positions."

>>> SUMMARY - Goro <<< - Pincer maneuvers!

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
Iron Man is not, in fact, stealthy. At least not in this suit. Down, down he leads the way through the winding passages until his sensors suddenly register a wide open space ahead. He comes to a swift halt, swinging an arm out to block his companions from passing him until he has a chance to analyze the area -- and that's when the patrol hits. "So much for sneaky!" Tony declares, sounding almost happy at this; he lets the shots of the first two ping harmlessly off his metal shell, and grabs for the third's baton, wrenching it away with another whine of shifting gears; he reverses it in his grasp, and swings away like Joaquin Phoenix in some crop circles movie.

>>> SUMMARY - Tony Stark <<< - disarms robot #3 and beats it with its own baton

Kagenashi (85) has posed:
The fact that Bain's machines start opening fire on someone is enough to inform Kagenashi that the intruders are approaching. She still doesn't slip out of hiding, though, instead dexterously climbing up to the top of one of the cages and crouching down in wait. From the mouth of her mask slips out an ectoplasmic greenish flame that gathers in front of her, then abruptly launches out over the heads of the robots as a bolt of lightning. It's more of an unguided warning shot than anything as she waits for the Union people to properly attack. Munashi, meanwhile, crouches down on her own cage, preparing to pounce at whoever may show their face. Patience.

>>> SUMMARY - Kagenashi <<< - Kagenashi fires a warning shot of fox fire lightning toward the Union people.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
The mine begins shaking slightly as the large Pokemon starts digging its way through the wall and mining a new tunnel. Firebenders in the nearby tunnel are alert and follow the noise. "They are heading this way! Be ready!" In response they line up and start throwing fire at the wall to heat up the earth around the Onix. "Drive them out! If it gets hot enough even they have to break out of there!" one of the squad leaders order. "And get that demon while you are at it!" In response more firebenders file into the shaft the Union forces first arrived in, and upon spotting Daisho, they all open fire, throwing their arms forward to throw fire at him. Deciding that it's too much fire for her to block for now, Toph decides on an alternate strategy. Kicking into the floor, she causes it to collapse and for her to drop down into a lower shaft. Okay, now to attack them from underneath... or not. The blind girl yelps as a remote DRAGOON unit comes towards her, forcing her to abandon the firebenders in order to throw up an earthen spike in attempt to intercept the remote unit.

>>> SUMMARY - Toph Beifong <<< - Firebenders heading towards Daisho and lets loose fire, Toph meanwhile stumbles upon a remote DRAGOON unit when she drops into a lower shaft.

RADIO CHATTER has posed:
<Union-IC> [1] Toph Beifong says, "Augh, sorry Daisho! That big robot thing is sending out some smaller robots! Is somebody handling that thing?"
<Union-IC> [A] Obsidian Daisho, not Kamui Gakupo says, "I will handle the firebenders. If these are the same ones, some may remember me, and I may be able to use that to my advantage."

Shizune Nakamura (369) has posed:
A blast of green flames flies over Shizune's head, and she drops herself low on instinct. But there's already Bainbots in front of her, blocking the way, which means going low isn't going to be viable for getting past. So in the next instant, she's lunging to the side, running right up the wall as if made entirely of feathers, and on the way by a hand lashes downward with a concrete-shattering blow. She's not taking particular care to aim it; just a passing attempt to down one on her way to the hostage area. Of course, once she's there, she slides to a stop and takes a ready stance - that flame blast had to come from /something/.

>>> SUMMARY - Shizune Nakamura <<< - Moving past the Bainbots and trying to smash one in passing. Ready to take on whoever tossed that green fire.

Kamui Gakupo has posed:
His allies will have enough trouble dealing with the Confederates. Obsidian Daisho chooses to go after the Fire Nation. Keep the non-Elites busy. Thus he moves quickly to where they are. "FIRE NATION!" he calls out, raising his clawlike hands into the air. "Do you REMEMBER me?! Do you remember that terror?!" And then? The throws back his head and unleashes a cackle that might be familiar to any that were there the previous time he dealt with the Fire Nation. He caused quite a bit of trouble...and doesn't at all mind killing....

>>> SUMMARY - Kamui Gakupo <<< - Daisho is being scary at the firebenders. :/

Metal Man has posed:
Metal Man got his marning orders to go join Kagenashi and Bian's bots. He's curious how well those bots work, they can't be up to Wily's standards, but he'll bet they are better than anything Light has put out to be sure. Let's just say Metal Man has his own personal bias on robotics.. Still he's ready to mnove as he gets into place. "So close combat in a mine, damn sbould have dragged Crash Man in on this."

>>> SUMMARY - Metal Man <<< - Metal man there and waiting.

Neo Roanoke has posed:
The DRAGOON unit is pierced, sparking arcing around both holes as its progress is halted. The sparking increases in intensity, until it explodes in a small blast of fire. It'll shake the walls a little, cause some rocks to fall, but otherwise the tunnel will remain stable. Neo quickly turns his head towards the tunnel where his unit was destroyed. He then says to Goro, "Go ahead, continue to track. I've found another one and will attempt to flush them towards me." Even as he says this, two of the DRAGOONs he launched return and then head down tunnels nearby the one Toph is in. They quickly zip through them, meeting again as the tunnels converge. They then dart into the same one as Toph and begin to fly towards her, approaching from behind this time and hopefully forcing her through the tunnel to where Neo is waiting.

>>> SUMMARY - Neo Roanoke <<< - Neo sends Goro to continue searching. Sends a couple of his DRAGOONs to flank Toph from behind and force her towards him.

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
Tony ducks, reflexively as the green flash of... flaming lightning shoots overhead. "The hell was that?" he asks no one in particular. He lifts a hand, fingers splayed, and repulsors the last patrol bot into oblivion if Cap hasn't already frisbee'd it to death, and switches on the amplifier in the helmet speaker. "All right kids, game's over. The Union's here. We're just gonna get these people out of here. Easy way or hard way, 'sup to you, but if you don't want to go home in an ambulance you may want to clear out." He swings his appropriated baton and clangs it loudly against the bulk of one of the nearby blast furnaces. "I'm good with either way."

>>> SUMMARY - Tony Stark <<< - is also being a cocky jerk and demanding the Feds down by the hostages surrender

Ash has posed:
Death from behind? So it would seem! Ash is unfortunately somewhat oblivious to the thought that there might be an attack from behind; he's pretty thoroughly into penetrating the mine with Onix. A lot of rocks and dust are kicked up as Ash rides his rock snake through, the dirt yielding fairly readily to the Pokemon's movement. With a loud CRUNCH and GRUNT, Onix manages to break through into a random tunnel. "ONIX!" <OH /YEAH/!> Onix cries out - perhaps the Kool-Aid Man is his idol? - as he bursts through as though the wall were little more than bricks before an anthromorphic sugar water pitcher. Ash slides through, one hand on his phaser and the other on his Pokeballs, ready for the troops. Unfortunately, he's so busy distracting he may be distractED, leaving Onix's tail and back half ripe to be attacked from Goro's unexpected maneuver.

>>> SUMMARY - Ash <<< - Ash continues to distract. Onix breaks into a random tunnel in the mines. Onix does not seem to be expecting a possible attack from behind.

Kagenashi (85) has posed:
Thankfully, Shizune won't have to wait very long. Kagenashi's crouch gives her the perfect vantage ton suddenly leap off her cage and flip over Shizune's head. In that brief moment where she's upside-down over the girl, one hand slips into her kimono and draws three throwing knives, hurling them straight down at Shizune in a slight horizontal spread. Whether or not her ambush worked, the nogitsune lands in a crouch several feet behind Shizune. She's quick to rise to her feet and turn back to face the girl with one foot placed just in front of the other, but she doesn't seem to enter any sort of combat stance. Instead, she simply taunts Shizune in her usual serene Japanese. "I suppose I should not be surprised to find a little mouse sneaking through these tunnels. Perhaps you should run before I bury my claws in you."

>>> SUMMARY - Kagenashi <<< - Jumping over Shizune and tossing knives at her, then taunting calmly.

Steve Rogers has posed:
And battle is joined. Iron Man already has the three robots who had the bad taste to try and converge on him; the blast of lightning from Kagenashi barely prompts Captain America to lean a little further to one side. That didn't come from an immediate threat, though - Whereas the humanoid robot sporting a whole bunch of sawblades *does* look like an immediate threat. Cap's also fought Dr. Wily's handiwork before, and the general design motif seems pretty similar. Either way, Captain America is perfectly happy to take advantage of the robot's lack of attention ... and a moment later, his shield is flying at Metal Man's head, angled so that the ricochet will carry it right back to Cap to catch it.

Steve Rogers does 13 damage to Metal Man with a Direct hit.
Steve Rogers hit Metal Man with his Who says good guys can't use sneak attacks? moderate attack! <Standard Mechanic>

Bain has posed:
SLAM. Tony's powered armor shatters the main frame of the 'bot, shards of it arcing through the air as the machine is dismembered by the blow in a flash of the baton's capacitor going off and sparking. Sort of a cheap piece of crap. Shizune's movements are difficult to track, so the continuing fire from the Bainbots leaves her unscathed while the hand she lashes out causes the torso of the thing to explode violently. There's still one more firing, but Tony or Steve can probably handle it without too much trouble at all. Bain's already locked on his target. That's a robot-looking fellow, logical that he ought to fight fire with fire here, while, far, far away, Bain is already... Literally just google-image-searching Iron Man at the moment. Jesus, really, Bain? Well, anyway, after Steve or Tony deal with that last bot, Tony's going to find... Well, more of the same. Except, while he was approaching the larger area, Bain set up a LOT of the crew's robots. They've taken 'cover' behind the metal Earthbender cages, and a few dozen of them are ready to fire higher-powered rifle rounds. Two of the elite bots are in particularly hidden sniping spots, over on the opposite sides of the room. One elite-bot is present, on top of one of the cages, though. Unlike the others, it moves with more humanity, and has, holoprojected in front of its face, a strange symbol; a wide-grinned smiley, wearing a balaclava. Bain's voice is relayed from it. "The phrase you're looking for is actually 'easy way or fun way'! That's a hell of a carapace system you got, stopped rounds from two of those 'bots cold, I'm not even seeing any damage! That's really cool!" Three dozen rifles click and whir. "I don't suppose you'd be willing to show me how that scales up?" The jaunty, friendly tone of the voice is almost fanboyish as the robots all open fire at once, seeing if they can't force Iron Man to take cover back in the tunnel he just came out of.

RADIO CHATTER has posed:
<J-IC-Moderated> Bain says, "Oh hey! Shizune! I remember you. Good to see you're still on your feet and fighting. I've got another fight to fight tonight, but I'll be having an eye on you, impress me again!"

Goro has posed:
Never let it be said that Goro is not one for stealth, even though this is more a case of strategic placing than true sneakiness, but details. The Prince of Pain gives a silent nod to Neo as the two head into different directions, with Goro following the biggest chi signature he can find. While it is quite evident this isn't the same pure spiritual of Shizune that made him sick, it is equally disgusting for his senses, driving him to try and eradicate it. Which begs the question. How on earth did an EIGHT FOOT TALL Ogre with eight arms manages to sneak behind someone? I guess it's easy when the target is an even bigger rock snake that can tunnel through solid stone. Whatever the case, Goro does reach Onyx's rear end without being notice, and there is just something about a tail, huge or otherwise, wiggling in front of someone that drives people to reach and grab them. Which is exactly what Goro does afterwards. He grasps Onyx's tail with four massive hands and starts YANKING him back and out of the tunnel.

>>> SUMMARY - Goro <<< - GET BACK HERE!

RADIO CHATTER has posed:
<J-IC-Moderated> Bain, to someone else, "That's a hell of a carapace system you got, stopped rounds from two of those bots cold, I'm not even seeing any damage! That's really cool!"
<J-IC-Moderated> Bain speaks over several dozen target-lock beeps. "I don't suppose you'd be willing to show me how that scales up?"

RADIO CHATTER has posed:
<Union-IC> [1] Steve Rogers says, "Need a hand there, Stark?"
<Union-IC> [1] Toph Beifong says, "I'm going to take on that large robot in the main halls! How's the rest of you guys doing?"

Shizune Nakamura (369) has posed:
Instinct tells Shizune to dodge before she even realizes quite what's happening, moving on a perpendicular to the line of knives. It doesn't manage to get her out of the way in time; when she slides to a stop and turns, there's a nick visible on the inside of her right calf, a thin red line bleeding just enough to mark itself. The fighter immediately rises into a smooth ready stance, giving Kagenashi a wary look. "My apologies, but I think you'll find you've mistaken a dragon for a mouse." She takes the chance to reach up with one hand, adjusting her glasses absently; her ready stance never falters. "I'd offer you the same chance in return, but somehow I think I know what the answer's going to be, and I won't insult you by asking. Shall we begin?"

>>> SUMMARY - Shizune Nakamura <<< - Nicked by a knife, rising to a ready stance, trading banter.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
Oh yes, it does seem that the firebenders remember Kamui. Or have at least heard stories about him. The cackle is unnerving, and it does cause some of the firebenders to back up. Though some of them still press forward. "Get him!" One of them rushes forward and leaps, his leg leaving fire in its wake as it kicks out at Daisho, and another firebender follows closely behind, ready to attack should the Union demon try to avoid the first attack. With the drone exploding, Toph backs up slightly and raises her hands in front of her face, frowning. And her eyes widen when she heads the sound of more of them coming from behind. Damnit, they're coming in too quickly! So the blind earthbender begins running down the tunnel towards the main area, throwing up a few pillars behind her with some quick movements of her arms. When she gets out of the tunnel though, she isn't slow to kick into the ground and bring both her arms forcefully upwards, making a pretty heavy pillar shoot out of the ground and aimed directly towards Neo with the intention of toppling him over.

>>> SUMMARY - Toph Beifong <<< - Firebenders no likey scary Union demons. FIRE! Toph heads out to the main area and engages Neo.

RADIO CHATTER has posed:
<J-IC-Moderated> Shizune Nakamura says, "-ah, that voice. I remember you. I'll try not to disappoint you."
<J-IC-Moderated> Another brat, Toph Beifong says, "Hey, is that one of the guys behind the takeover of the mine?"
<J-IC-Moderated> Bain says, "Hello? Yes, this is guys."
<J-IC-Moderated> Another brat, Toph Beifong says, "Get ready to be flushed out! This is Earth Kingdom property!"
<J-IC-Moderated> Prince Goro says, "Well well well..."
<J-IC-Moderated> Prince Goro says, "If it isn't the wayward Earthbender."
<J-IC-Moderated> Bain says, "Damn, was that you? I'm picking up some real big movements in the mines, that's impressive!"
<J-IC-Moderated> Another brat, Toph Beifong says, "Hey, I can navigate these mines far better than you guys can."
<J-IC-Moderated> Another brat, Toph Beifong says, "And we got more earth experts with us too! So just give up already before we kick your asses!"
<J-IC-Moderated> Bain says, "Fair thing, you got that on us. I'm looking forward to seeing how all that stacks up to giants and firepower!"

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
Oh, there are PLENTY of images that'll pop up in a google search, as long as Bain is looking in the right universe. Actually there'll probably be some in other universes, too. Iron Man has gotten around since unifying. Just now, he gets around the side of the furnace, not exactly retreating whence he came but giving himself a little extra cover while Jarvis tracks the incoming fire and pinpoints the origination points. There's a LOUD shower of bullets on the thick wall of the furnace, and a sharper metallic pinging from the ones that impact on the armor itself. These bots must have some aura to them, because Tony grimaces behind the mask and actually feels the impact of the shots this time as they ricochet off his titanium skin and pock it with hail-like indentations. Buying a few seconds of time for his AI to work, he calls back, "Yeah, I'm pretty awesome. If you're looking for an autograph though, I gotta warn you, this isn't really the best way to--" "Targets identified and locked, sir," Jarvis reports. Tony swings out from behind his cover, and the various glowing blue lights of the suit are momentarily augmented by two banks of tiny red LEDs that ratchet up from the shoulders. Half a second later, three dozen miniaturized guided missiles streak away in trailing plumes of smoke, each one maneuvering for the bot behind those three dozen rifles. "...try mailing a self addressed stamped envelope," Tony continues. "That usually works better."

>>> SUMMARY - Tony Stark <<< - http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=3o2ACEr9NmQ#t=27

Neo Roanoke has posed:
Neo was expecting Toph, after all he was the one driving her towards him. As she comes bursting out of the tunnel, the sudden attack from the pillar is somewhat surprising. Neo reacts quickly, his Gundam crossing its arms to protect itself. The pillar hits, striking the grey machine and pushing it backwards some distance. It fails to topple, but its armor is slightly dented. Lowering its arms again, the Legend Gundam does... Nothing. However, the two DRAGOONs that had been chasing Toph dart out of the tunnel behind her, rising up close to the ceiling of this one and aiming down at her. They each fire a beam shot, the twin green lasers streaking towards the Earthbender.

>>> SUMMARY - Neo Roanoke <<< - Toph's pillar connects, putting dents in the Legend's armor. Neo counters by having his two DRAGOONs fire beams at Toph.

Metal Man has posed:
Metal Man notices the caption a moment too late as the disc bounces off his head sending him reeling back as he stares down prehaps one of the finest examples of the sort of human Metal Man respects. "Clever, Captain." Metal Man summons one of his own blades as he stares the man fown foer a moment. "If there were more men like you in my world. I'd never needed to be creatred, but I was." He throws the blade at the Captain and breaks into a run for him at rapid speed.

Metal Man does 9 damage to Steve Rogers with a Direct hit.
Metal Man hit Steve Rogers with his Metal Blade Sling moderate attack! <Standard Mechanic>

Kagenashi (85) has posed:
"Quite a clever disguise, then," Kagenashi remarks, slipping her hands into her kimono and drawing out the twin chain-sickles she keeps inside them. The chains are unraveled from the handles and allowed to hang down until their weights touch the ground, and she offers a slight bow of her head to Shizune. "You are correct. I will be staying here until I find a more solid reason to retreat. I do hope you will not disappoint me, little mouse." Her movement is remarkably swift and immediate. Her right arm suddenly thrusts outward, whipping the chain of her weapon toward Shizune in a blow aimed to strike her in the forehead with the weight at the end. In the same instant, she tosses the other one into the air so that she can grab at the weight, then ducks down and swings the weapon in a low arc to catch Shizune's leg with the sickle and slice it out from under her.

>>> SUMMARY - Kagenashi <<< - Disorienting, then removing footing. Or foot.

Ash has posed:
Lamentably, Onix is not suited for stealth detection. Being a massive monstrosity that digs even more massive holes does not jive with that all that well, at least in most cases. As such, Onix is caught pretty completely by surprise as he's abruptly YANKED back. "...Onix?!" <...what the hell?!> *YAAAAAAAAAANKSLIDE!* "-- Onix? RETURN!" Ash calls aloud, pulling out Onix's Pokeball and dematerializing him - only to reveal the four-armed freak that he now faces. "...wonderful," Ash grates as he quickly plucks out another two balls preparing himself for hand-to-hand combat. That said, he's not afraid to use his Pokemon - which is precisely what he does. "Pikachu, Bulbasaur, GO!" he calls aloud, Pikachu and Bulbasaur materializing. Bulbasaur takes over watching the little group's back lest any troops come in, whereas Pikachu jumps in front of his master, electricity already cracklling on his cheeks. "THUNDERSHOCK!" "PIiiikaaaaaaaa/CHU!/" Pikachu calls out, and the little mouse that could sends off an electrical burst, slightly more calibrated for flashiness than effectiveness. However, this is due to the fact that this IS a distraction - and he also found the unpalletable truth that it seems that the Feds are in their entrance tunnels!

>>> SUMMARY - Ash <<< - Onix is yanked back! Returned to his Pokeball. Ash releases Pikachu and Bulbasaur. Bulbasaur watches their back. Pikachu fires Thundershock at Goro.

RADIO CHATTER has posed:
<Union-IC> [5-SA] Ash says, "The Feds are in our entrance tunnels."
<Union-IC> [5-SA] Ash says, "Expect incoming."

Kamui Gakupo has posed:
One of Daisho's large metallic hands is raised to block the fire kick. Yes, it hurts. And it heats his hand up. Though as for the latter, that is totally the idea. Because as the second firebender comes in, Daisho lunges. Not towards the one who attacked him, but towards the one who came in for backup. He lunges forward, seeking to claw that second firebender with that heated claw. This is probably unnerving, given Daisho's huge, toothy grin, and what looks like the black paint on the pale-skinned face. "Your powers give me the very method of your destruction!" he proclaims. "I will burn you to ashes with your own flames!" Then he draws a sword with his other hand, a large, metallic crystalline sword and takes a swing at the firebender who had first attacked him. If the sword hits, it's going to shatter.

>>> SUMMARY - Kamui Gakupo <<< - Block fire with claw, get heated claw. Use heated claw to lunge at firebender #2. Taunt. Then draw sword and slice at firebender #1.

Steve Rogers has posed:
The shield makes it back to Captain America's hand just in time, as Metal Man flings his own spinning blade at the super-soldier - and while Cap caught his shield, he doesn't QUITE have time to interpose it against the flying razor-edged disc from Metal Man. Fortunately for the Captain, the armor built into his uniform is tough enough to keep the Metal Blade from simply cleaving him in half - but it's enough to draw blood, and Cap winces, quickly extracting the blade from his side so it doesn't stick in there or wiggle around and make the injury worse. That's all he has time to do; he steps in to meet Metal Man's charge, leading with his shield and trying to follow that up with a quick uppercut, and then a kick aimed at Metal Man's shoulder - if he can't dislocate it, he can at least try to leave a dent in it.

Steve Rogers uses Can you make a robot see stars? moderate combo attack on Metal Man.
The attacks resulted in a series of, Direct, Above-average, and Graze strikes for a total of 14 damage.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
Damnit, seems she needs more force to topple that thing, it's steadier than it seems to be. But when she hears the DRAGOONs coming in, she turns, listening as best as she can. Damnit, airborne combat is still the worst! She quickly moves one arm and brings up a curved wall, but it's not quick enough as one laser hits her shoulder, and she cries out as she pulls back. Luckily the other laser seems to hit the wall. The girl is still in pain though, but she grits her teeth together, kicking her heel into the ground and the ceiling above the two DRAGOONs drop. At least she could figure out relatively where they are considering the direction the shots came from. In the same time, she rushes forward, beginning to run around the large Gundam as she kicks into the ground, causing a large fissure to run towards Neo and maybe unsettle his balance. The firebender that kicked out at Daisho draws back, arms raised and ready to attack. The other firebender didn't expect the lunge... and especially not to get clawed like that. He cries out as it digs into his armor and makes him fall back. The first firebender blocks the sword as best as he can with his armored arms, though the force and the shattering of the sword makes him draw back. The other firebenders however are quick to attack, not waiting behind and throwing two combined fireballs towards Daisho.

>>> SUMMARY - Toph Beifong <<< - Toph gets hit by one of the lasers, then attempts to drop the ceiling on the DRAGOONs before she makes a fissure in the floor that hopefully will unbalance Neo. Meanwhile, FIREBENDERS learn that Daisho is bad news, the first two get struck by his attacks as he turns the fire back on them, but the other firebenders continue throwing fire.

Shizune Nakamura (369) has posed:
With weapons like that, Shizune is at a disadvantage if she doesn't close range. She knows that all too well, to the point of instinct. And the converse is also true; if she gets in closer, those kusari-gama can't be used to their full effect, either. And with no desire to be cut a second time - let alone lose her leg - the young fighter's course is decided in the blink of an eye. A quick tilt of her head puts Shizune's forehead out of the way, and in the very same movement she's bringing a hand up to snag the top chain in passing. She yanks with all her force and pushes off with her legs at the same time, which has the net effect of pulling the martial artist off the ground into a gliding leap that moves her right in close to Kagenashi with impressive speed. And the moment her feet plant again, Shizune's hand whips up, a back-handed strike aimed for the weapon in Kagenashi's right hand - the one still holding the scythe. For such a quick movement, the ki she releases gives the disarming movement far more force than it deserves.

>>> SUMMARY - Shizune Nakamura <<< - Dodging chain to forehead, then using it for a Wuxia wirework range-closing leap. Attempting a harsh disarming strike.

Goro has posed:
"Urg!!" Goro nearly loses his balanced and rolls back out of the tunnel when Onyx disappears on his hands. And just when he was about to get him to face level and start pounding on his head too, Ash has the good trainer sense to pull his Pokemon out of less than ideal situations, Goro will give him that. With nothing standing in the way between him and the entrance of the mines again, the Prince of Pain emerges from the very entrance that Ash's Onyx had created, and takes off his long red cape to reveal the truly monstrous ogre creature he is. It is here that his destructive aura truly flares out, though by now it is less an intimidating tactic more than a defensive one, as his chi rises to meet the incoming lighting of storm of electricity that is flashed his way. "HRRRRRRGGG!!" The Shokan Prince brings all of his four arms up to protect his face and torso, taking the brunt of the lighting on his gauntlet covered arms where it hurts a lot less. Having taking lighting bolts from Raiden, the bonna fide God of Thunder in his realm, electricity is nothing new to the Ogre and he manages to push through the haze of pain with a forced grunt. "Bah!! I will tear you apart, you whey-faced cur!!" Now it's Goro's turn to display som earth bending of his own, though his is a lot more manual than the one of the natives. He reaches up and digs his fingers into the ceiling of the mines to yank a large sized slab of stone which he hurls in the general direction of the trainer and his Pokemon, aiming to crush Pikachu, Bulbasaur and Ash under a ton of stone.

>>> SUMMARY - Goro <<< - Goro uses Boulder Toss.

Neo Roanoke has posed:
Neo doesn't feel good about harming a young girl like Toph, but neither does he stop. He's a soldier, he will do whatever is neccessary to complete the mission. And it's not like he hasn't done distasteful things in the past. Neo attempts to have his DRAGOONs evade the dropping ceiling. However, Toph's actions seem to work and cause the Gundam to stumble, also diverting Neo's attention. He manages to save one of the DRAGOONs, but the other his struck, partially crushed from the blow. It crashes to the ground, inoperable. Neo smirks and through his Gundam's loudspeakers says to Toph, "Not bad. I've never fought one of your kind before." While trying to regain its footing, the Legend's head turns to look in Toph's direction. The twin CIWS gatling guns on either side spin up and spit a burst of bullets towards her.

>>> SUMMARY - Neo Roanoke <<< - Neo stumbles, a DRAGOON is destroyed, and the Legend attacks back with bulllllets!

Kamui Gakupo has posed:
Daisho's sword does regenerate, but he has to sheathe the blade for that. Just as he does, that's when the fire is thrown. He has nothing to block, given that his hands are busy sheathing his blade, so the fireballs slam into his chest, burning his wrappings...and the skin underneath! The smell of burning skin is pretty clear. And so is the resultant growl. It sounds like the growl of a beast. He draws his sword again, the blade whole once more, and drags the blade across the ground. This makes the blade vibrate, in time with a second growl. The growl raises to a roar of effort as he swings at the firebenders. An almost-invisible ripple of sound cuts through the air. It may be almost invisible, but if it hits anything, it's going to cut like a sword slash.

>>> SUMMARY - Kamui Gakupo <<< - Burninate! Ew, smelly. Also soundwaves that mimic slashybusiness incoming!

Kagenashi (85) has posed:
Kagenashi may not be the strongest or most sturdy fighter, but she makes up for that with a quick and clever mind. When her chain is grabbed and yanked while she's still in her crouch, she falls forward, but isn't forced into a prone position. Rather, she makes use of the momentum and rolls quickly along the ground as Shizune flies toward her. There's only a second for her to react further when she ends up in an upright crouch again. The sickle in her right hand isn't in the best position to attack, with Shizune grabbing onto the chain. It would take too long for the kusarigama in her left hand to be drawn back, too. She'll probably have to let the sickle go, but not without making her own counter. Which she does. Her left arm comes up in a sort of horizontal punching motion, but it's not her fist that's meant to strike. It's the blade on the edge of the sheath on her arm, directed to slice along Shizune's arm just before the sickle is knocked out of her hand.

>>> SUMMARY - Kagenashi <<< - Accepting the loss of one weapon and using it to cut Shizune along the arm with an arm-sheath-blade.

Metal Man has posed:
Metal Man is now just going to get up close and personal with the Captain, well that's the attempt. He's winged the captain but that's abotu as much as he's expected as he meets the man head on? He gets hit pretty hard, and there certainly is a dent, a feat that no human from his world woudl be able to do. This however is not his world and he's long grown past freaking out things like that. He reises comes about and does something unexpect just attemping to flat out punch Captain America. Punching it worked for his alternate whose with the union, so why not here?

Metal Man does 3 damage to Steve Rogers with a Graze hit.
Metal Man hit Steve Rogers with his METAL FIST strong attack! <Standard Mechanic>

Ash has posed:
Ash is not unaccustomed to fighting battles against beasts not unlike Goro. He does not LIKE it, of course, and that fact is hammered in as his aura flares out before him, Ash aware that it's a representation of just how much power the four-armed prince has to command. It is not what one would term 'reassuring' in terms of tactical assessments. However, Ash girds himself, standing taller and strengthening his resolve as the blast of lightning tears out. Mind quickly moving to adapt to the changing battle conditions, he prepares to attack next -- Only to be cut off at a very strategic point as he's SMASHED with a massive slab of stone, crushed on the ground under it, along with Bulbasaur and Pikachu. All is still for a moment... *SMAAAAAAAASH!* Until Ash's fist shows itself smashing through the slab. Another strike from underneith and part cracks, and abruptly Bulbasaur's vine whip juts out and rips open said cracks, revealing the battered trio. Battered and beaten, although fortunately not like a cake, the Pokemon trainer seems to be worse for wear and pissed off. The Pokemon trainer, covered in dust, drags himself to his feet, Pikachu along with him. They look like they're ready to attack, and Bulbasaur seems to be slower than the others... Though it might be that Pikachu and Ash are attempting to /distract/ Goro from Bulbasaur. Said 'saur suddenly snaps to attention. His bulb goes 'click' on the inside slightly before he snaps out a burst of Razor Leaf, intending on perforating Goro with the bullet-like spreadfire.

>>> SUMMARY - Ash <<< - AshGroup hit with SLAB attack. It's Super Effective! They smash their way out, Ash and Pikachu look ready to fight. Bulbasaur seems slower, but then abruptly Razor Leafs at Goro, trying to surprise him.

Bain has posed:
"Oh hell! I'm fighting a /celebrity/! Hah! Autographs are for chumps." Bain calls out, from the elite bainbot - bearing an unusual mask of a rhino - on top of the cage. Or, actually, it WAS on top; while Tony was pinned behind the furnace and calculating the fire solutions, the yellow-and-black-striped machine with a hand around a sparking, crackling baton. The missiles aren't locked on it, so it slides, like an agile human, on its knees, under the stream, before coming up with a powerful upward swing, trying to smash Iron Man square on the jaw with the baton with the robot's superhuman force and intense electrical discharge. "Trust me, a man like me, who really appreciates people like you, gets something /tons/ better!" Meanwhile, the missiles strike several of the bots. About two dozen of them are, quite simply, smashed through the head by the missiles, which detonate to decapitate the robots effectively, blasting the domes right off of the bainbots and leaving only dramatically smoking torsos with limp attached limbs. Only about a dozen manage to take cover behind the hostages due to distance and robotic reaction-times, and of those, six or so are still damaged by grazing explosions that don't harm the cages. The damaged bainbots, rendered unable to fight effectively, roll up back into spheres, and RUSH at Iron Man, intending to bash into him with all the force their acceleration can muster in a sort of kamikazee disorientation, trying to buy time for the elite rhino-masked bainbot to retreat back to cover behind the cages. More reinforcements are coming in from patrols that were on the other areas of the perimeter, but Tony's clear cut into the sheer volume of troops rather harshly with this opening volley.

>>> SUMMARY - Bain <<< - Bain is fighting a CELEBRITY! *_* He is clearly excited about this. Two dozen or so of the machines' heads are blasted to smithereens, while half of the remainders are heavily damaged and engage a kamikazee attack as a result. The elite bainbot itself used Tony's brief cover to rush forward, and is trying to do a hit-and-run baton-smash on Tony's jaw.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
One down! Toph would like to celebrate, but there's still something going on here. Perhaps she can head through the main area and past the smelting area to where the miners are being kept if she can handle this guy. It does seem like there's fighting all over the place now, and getting some more earthbenders loose could work in their favour. "Then it's just your bad luck that you ran into the greatest earthbender there is!" she calls back. When she hears the spinning sound though, she decides to play it safe and throws her arms aside, causing the earth around her to fly up and wrap itself around her, just in time. The burst of bullets rain upon the little earthbender, and she winces from the force. Rather than retreat though, Toph kicks herself forward, the earthen armored girl rushing between the Gundam's legs, and as she does so she brings up her arm to send another earthen pillar crashing into one of its knees. For a moment it seems like the Firebenders are triumphant as the fire hits Daisho, though when he growls, some of them seem to be having second thoughts. "H-he's a beast!" one states and backs up. "Get him again! Even demons have to burn!" the leader insists, rushing forward, only to be cut down as Daisho swings his sword again. The three remaining firebenders cry out and evade it as best as they can, though one of them falls clutching his arm, and the two others run, all while throwing fire back at Daisho in their attempt to escape.

>>> SUMMARY - Toph Beifong <<< - Toph puts on earthen armor and does her best to evade bullets by heading between the Gundam's legs, trying to hit its knee while she zooms by. Firebenders are scared of Daisho and attacks, two more are cut down, and two left who are running and throwing more fire at Daisho.

Shizune Nakamura (369) has posed:
A countermove is expected; the punch is something Shizune reacts on instinct to, bringing up her arm to deflect and only too late realizing her mistake. She stops her arm short of losing it, but takes a cut along her arm that is much less of a nick than her first injury, and almost immediately she's bringing both hands forward in a dual palm strike. The move is intended both to harm, and to push herself away with another short hop to perhaps two meters away. Either way, the girl is taking her chance to regroup. And to fix her opponent's gaze once again, now that the exchange has made it clear neither side has an advantage. "Perhaps we should start over. My name, Nakamura Shizune. Style, Tenryuu Taikyokuken." Heavenly Dragon Taijiquan. One foot slides back, Shizune turning sideways in such a way as to hold her arms out in front and behind; the front, lowered below head level with hand angled up, and the behind, lifted above head level with hand angled down. Beneath her feet, the dust on the cave floor rolls briefly, pushed by an invisible flow of ki. "I'll be rescuing these prisoners."

>>> SUMMARY - Shizune Nakamura <<< - Cut on the arm, double-palmstrike to the center of mass. Proper martial arts stance and challenge.

Steve Rogers has posed:
This time, Captain America can indeed bring his shield to bear - and, well ... *CLONG!!!!!!!!!!* .... there's reasons why most people don't try to punch him. Especially when he HAS the shield ready to defend with - the force of Metal Man's punch seems to just flow off and around the shield; it makes Cap's ears ring but that's about it. Then he punches the Robot Master right back - and Metal Man doesn't have a vibranium shield to block with, does he?

Steve Rogers does 19 damage to Metal Man with a Direct hit.
Steve Rogers hit Metal Man with his Seeing Stars Yet? strong attack! <Standard Mechanic>

RADIO CHATTER has posed:
<J-IC-Moderated> Bain says, "Oh hell! I'm fighting a /celebrity/! Hah, autographs are for chumps! Trust me, a man like me, who really appreciates people like you, gets something /tons/ better!"
<J-IC-Moderated> Bain says, "God /damn/, those missles, though! That guidance tech has got to be incredible!"
<J-IC-Moderated> No. 9 says, "...Scars?"
<J-IC-Moderated> Bain says, "Close!"
<J-IC-Moderated> No. 9 heh. "Take a chunk outta em' man. Use yer teeth. Now /thass/ a momento."
<J-IC-Moderated> Another brat, Toph Beifong says, "You're sounding like a fanboy there... OOPH!"
<J-IC-Moderated> Bain says, "Hey, if you saw guidance tech like that, you'd be a fan too! What was that, five, ten seconds of lock on for three dozen targets and twenty-plus kills? Seriously!"
<J-IC-Moderated> Another brat, Toph Beifong says, "... if I saw anything, it would be a miracle!"
<J-IC-Moderated> Kirikou snort.

Goro has posed:
If Goro were to be asked later what was he expecting after he threw the boulder and Ash, he'd admit that he didn't quite anticipate /that/. The aptly named Prince of Pain was expecting a dodge, maybe a counter attack to explode the boulder, or even best case scenario just connect with one or maybe two of the trio with his projectile. That he managed to catch all three of his intended targets was.. unexpected! Goro even blinks a few times when he sees Ash and his pokemon get flattened under a giant rock. "Hmm.." FATALITY(?) "Guess that's that.." The ogre dusts all four of his hands as he prepares to head for his next target when he hears the unmistakable crackle of stone, causing him to look over his shoulder and notice Ash and his crew emerging. "Hmr!! Resilient little wretches aren't you-?? GAAH!" Caught unawares once again due to the highly different nature of Ash's attacks, Goro only manages to curl up once more and take the brunt of the slashing leaves on his arms, cutting the flesh of his extremities. Where he not the experienced fighter that he is, Goro might have fallen back and fell through some tunnel when hit by the barrage of leaves, but it is the Ten Thousand years of experience under his belt what truly allows the Shokan Lord to hold his ground. As he is pushed back, Goro suddenly finds his footing and opens his arms to reveal his wide open mouth. This is when he vomits a wave of burning flames towards the trio again, burning Bulbasaur's leaves in the process. Now, Goro ain't no Pokemon expert, but he's thinking that fire is very effective versus plant, right?

>>> SUMMARY - Goro <<< - Goro uses Dragon's Breath.

Kamui Gakupo has posed:
Oh yes, Daisho burns. He burns quite well, in fact. The scent of burning skin is pretty obvious in the immediate area. He's burning, he's just... not falling. He won't die. Daisho just /won't die/, it's almost like he's gaining strength from being hurt and burned by the fires. The demon /refuses to die/. He's not getting strength from the pain. He just knows a thing or two about intimidation. Another of those cackles are emitted as the remaining two firebenders start trying to fall back. "What's wrong, fire-starters? Why should those who wield flame fear the fires of Hell?!" Thus saying he leaps, trying to land on one of the retreating firebenders, cackling the whole way.

>>> SUMMARY - Kamui Gakupo <<< - AAAAUGH THE DEMON /IT WON'T DIE/!!! Daisho is taunting, leaping and landing, and cackling again.

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
"Are you calling that adorable five year old I met in Burger King a chump?" Tony quips back swiftly, rather proud of himself for a moment with his sudden devastating volley, before the elite bot suddenly appears on his sensors outlined in glaring red warning text. He's able to get his hands up to block, just quickly enough not to take the full brunt of the blow to the point of the helmet's chin; but the force of it still staggers him backward, as the electrical charge lights up his exterior frame. "Overflow reservoir engaged, sir," Jarvis reports as another gauge appears before his eyes, displaying the charge he was able to absorb from the shock baton. "Well -- put it to use!" Stark growls out as he's swarmed by giant bowling balls. He stumbles, trying to keep his feet as one knocks into his leg; aims a focused repulsor blast at another, and then the Iron Man suit electrifies with a harsh crackle of bluish arc energy augmenting the charge it just absorbed and now gives back. He's a generous guy. He's also just turned himself into a pretty intense bumper for the remaining pinballs rolling at him."Look, man," he still manages to snark, while he tries to gain a target lock on the retreating figure, "I'm flattered, but, those days are over. I'm a one woman guy now. And no offense, but I was never into dudes, anyway." A repulsor blast chases after the Rhino-Bainbot's backside just as it moves behind cover again.

>>> SUMMARY - Tony Stark <<< - takes one on the chin. Tries to electrocute the pinball-bots. Shoots at Bainbot's butt while cracking homosexual innuendo.

Kagenashi (85) has posed:
At such a close range, even Kagenashi's swift reactions can't help her too much. She's easily slammed by the double palm strike, sending her back in such a way that she has to bend backward, brace her hands on the ground, and flip further to regain her footing rather than simply tumbling away. The kusarigama in her right hand skitters away, but she doesn't care much about that. In the middle of that flip, she brings her legs in close, and her left hand comes down to meet her left leg. Before she lands, the weight is slipped under the tight ribbon wrapped around her leg, and she alights gracefully with the weapon settling on the ground around her. The nogitsune stands on her right leg where she is, the left bent to the side with her heel beside the right knee. Her palms come together in front of her as if meditating, and that smirking fox mask readily meets Shizune's gaze. "Kagenashi," she replies calmly. "A nogitsune, one of the strongest of my world. I will be tearing your heart out and feasting on it, if you do not mind." Two things happen in the next moment. Kagenashi kicks her right leg forward, lashing the kusarigama now bound to that leg out to hook into Shizune's chest. At the same moment, her left arm thrusts forward in a palm strike, and from her forearm is launched a whip of some blackish-purple ether like a moving bruise. Her malevolence given physical form, it strikes out at Shizune as well, though it won't cause any physical injury. Instead, it claws at her spirit, as if Kagenashi were thinking so hard about hurting Shizune that it caused the girl intense pain.

>>> SUMMARY - Kagenashi <<< - Flipping back and strapping the one kusarigama to her leg, then using it to lash out with a kick. Also tossing pure evil at Shizune to cause spiritual damage. Keeping her distance.

Neo Roanoke has posed:
Neo grunts quietly as the Legend suddenly falls. The pillar of earth strikes the knee, forcing the Gundam down to one knee. Neo stabilizes his machine with one hand, while with the other he attempts to swat at Toph and send her flying into a nearby wall. Meanwhile, Neo enquires over his radio, "Status, Commander?" The voice from before answers, "Loading is at thirty two percent." Tch, it's going slowly, no doubt due to the chaos caused by the attack, "Understood. Keep at it!"

>>> SUMMARY - Neo Roanoke <<< - The Legend falls to one knee. Neo counters with a Gundam Slap!

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
There will be even more horror stories to be spread around to the young children of the Fire Nation. If any of the soldiers survive this, that is. The two firebenders run as fast as they can, not about to wait for Daisho. Especially not when he's burning and cackling like that. Though it does seem that he is faster than the poor soldiers, and the slowest of them cries out in fear and pain as he finds himself pounced on by Daisho. In response he brings his arm around, aiming fire right in Daisho's face. The other? He runs without a single look back. Meanwhile Toph slides out from underneath the Legend, building up the force to send an even larger spike into it from behind. At least until she finds herself slapped by a large hand and is sent crashing into one of the walls, letting out a pained cry as part of her armor crumbles.

>>> SUMMARY - Toph Beifong <<< - Daisho has the firebenders running off, at least one of them as the other is pounced on and attacks back. Toph is slapped into a wall.

RADIO CHATTER has posed:
<Union-IC> [1] Toph Beifong lets out a pained cry. "D-damn, that /hurt/...!"
<Union-IC> [4-Of] Tony Stark says, "Hang in there, Toph, I'm taking out these robots as fast as I can."
<Union-IC> [1] Steve Rogers says, "Toph? Need any help?"
<Union-IC> [1] Toph Beifong says, "That big robot slapped me! I can handle this! I'll come and help you guys once I get this damn thing... ugh."

Shizune Nakamura (369) has posed:
Twin strikes lash out at Shizune, in such a way as to only leave her the option to deal with one. Her body twists and shifts, and in what is possibly a surprising move, it's the scythe-kick that catches her. It's a third cut, this time across the abdomen, but her twisting movement as she shifts forward also keeps it from causing any more brutal injury. Perhaps even more surprising, however, is the way Shizune brings her hand up as if to deflect the tendril of malevolence... or rather, the fact that it actually works. The girl's flowing ki allows her to smack aside the metaphysical attack as she surges forward, and the deflection flows into her next move like water; she drops low and moves to hook an arm under Kagenashi's trying to outright slam the larger woman to the ground through a simple shift of leverage. "TOAAH!"

>>> SUMMARY - Shizune Nakamura <<< - Cut yet again. Managing to actually deflect the malevolent attack. Trying to slam Kagenashi to the mine floor.

Ash has posed:
"We try!" Ash calls back to Goro. He's not going down easily, that's for certain. The Pokemon trainer brushes some of the rock-dust off of him as he begins to move forward once again, apparently preparing to take Goro head-on. Unfortunately that's not going to turn out so well. "Ah /CRAP!/" Ash leaps off to the side of the tunnel, as does Pikachu, as the massive gout of HORRIBLE DRAGON FLAMES fill up the tunnel. Sometimes Ash hates it when he's right, and sometimes he hates it when other people are right, such as now, with Goro's assumption about Bulbasaur and fire proving correct. The hardy Pokemon, though capable of enduring a lot, will never be terribly resilient against fire. The blast takes him dead-on, as he's unable to dodge sufficiently. He endures the worst of it, draggering back, now covered in burns. "Return!" Ash orders, Pokeballing Bulbasaur and quickly returning his attention to Goro. "Squirtle, GO!" he orders, flinging another Pokeball. Hm. If fire works for Goro against Bulbasaur, perhaps water will work against Goro? Only one way to find out! The turtle materializes. "WATER GUN!" Ash orders. Squirtle hits the ground, mouth opening. "SQUIRRRRRRRR!" he cries, as water wells up and he SPITS a long stream of highly-pressurized water straight at Goro, hoping to catch him in his mouth - or whereever that flame came from. It's worth a shot that it might exploit a weakness... and if not, well, water being fired to hit as hard as a brick wall being thrown tends to... well, hurt like a brick wall being thrown.

>>> SUMMARY - Ash <<< - Ash and Pikachu receive minor burns, but Bulbasaur is roasted up good and returned to his Pokeball. Squirtle is deployed and uses water gun, trying to hit Goro where the dragon flame came from with the water, or at least hurt him with pressure.

Neo Roanoke has posed:
The Legend gets back to its feet, though Neo does notice its movements are a little sluggish. A quick glance at the damage display confirms his suspicion, the last attack damage some of the internals. It'll mean slower movements, but he can still continue the fight. A quick burst from its thrusters and the Legend darts backwards, putting distance between itself and Toph. Retrieving the beam rifle stowed on the back of its waist, it levels the weapon towards Toph. With just a moment's pause, the weapon's trigger is pulled and a beam of green light lances out towards the Earthbender.

>>> SUMMARY - Neo Roanoke <<< - The Legend Gundam is damaged, but still combat capable. Neo attacks with a shot from his beam rifle!

Metal Man has posed:
Metal Man is just getting wreck here as he combats with Captain America. Sadly he lacks the local analog to cibranium that being whatever they make metool helmets out of. So ya he's getting wrekced prety bad but he's also got those blades on hsi body. This is where it could get ugly as Metal attempts to grapple Captain America, and prehaps either cut him up with the blades on his wrist and toros or catch him in a bear hug of doom.

Metal Man does 6 damage to Steve Rogers with an Average hit.
Metal Man hit Steve Rogers with his Grapple strong attack! <Standard Mechanic>
>>> SUMMARY - Metal Man <<< - it's time to grapple.

Kamui Gakupo has posed:
Daisho's face burns quite well, too. Could it be because of the black paint on it? Or is that even paint? Hard to tell. Either way, as he reels back, both clawed hands reach up to cover his face, and he shrieks loudly, like a banshee. But what the burning of his face does, besides hurt? Is give him a perfect way to scare the hell out of the firebender he's pounced. As he regains control of himself, he pulls his clawlike, skeletal hands away, skin clings to the fingers. Yet still, he puts his fire-scarred face /right next to the firebender's/! It's close enough that the firebender can see his handiwork...and the charred flesh behind the skin in places. It's also /really damn creepy/, especially when it starts to heal, just fast enough to se noticed. It's not going to instantly heal, and it's going to hurt for a while yet. But instead of killing the firebender he's pounced--or eating his soul, as the Fire Nation might believe him capable of--he tries to pick up the pounced fire-starter and /throw/ him at the retreating one(s)!

>>> SUMMARY - Kamui Gakupo <<< - LOOK WHAT YOU DID, fire-starter! Firescarred face, RIGHT IN YOUR FACE! And he's still there. Laughing. Also, fastball special at the retreating firebender(s). Because 'I believe this belongs to you'.

RADIO CHATTER has posed:
<J-IC-Moderated> Tony Stark , to a background noise of clanging metal and the whine of discharging energy, "Yeah, look. I know I'm awesome. Why don't you ask my last 'biggest fan' how well that worked out for him?"
<J-IC-Moderated> Yoko Kazehara says, "We should meet up again sometime, Tony. It's been a while."
<J-IC-Moderated> Niv-Mizzet says, "I'd say we get along well, Stark."

Kagenashi (85) has posed:
This isn't the first time Kagenashi has seen her malevolence deflected. The kitsune are natural bringers of good luck, and those stronger than her could easily ward off the evil of her attack. It is, however, the first time she's seen someone outside of her world do something like that, someone who otherwise seems relatively normal. She quickly pulls her leg back in to bring the kusarigama back with a snap, but Shizune is quick. In a moment, the girl is right next to her, her arm thrust under Kagenashi's. Leverage shifts, twisting her off her feet and sending her down to the ground. It's a path Kagenasi isn't going to be able to avoid completely, no matter how quick or clever she is. Like last time, however, she's not incapable of giving herself an opportunity through a situation like this. A twist of the arm Shizune hooks under lets her grab the girl's underarm in a firm grip, yanking her toward Kagenashi as the nogitsune spins in midair with remarkable flexibility. With her shoulderblades now placed to be the first things to hit the ground, she brings her knees up to her chest and orients herself at /just/ the right point to deliver a powerful kick with both legs to Shizune's chest, aimed to send the girl toward one of the nearby furnaces as she slams into the ground.

>>> SUMMARY - Kagenashi <<< - Getting slammed into the ground and using the placement to kick Shizune toward a furnace.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
The young earthbender shakes her head, doing her best to ignore the pain of being slapped into a wall. Even for an earthbender caught unaware that /hurts/. It is pretty hard to focus on pain when there's a 60 foot robot headed your way though, and she slams her arms back into the wall, causing rocks to fall down from the ceiling above them. She kicks up a pillar to intercept the laser as best as she can, though it doesn't do too much as the impact blows up the earth, not exactly providing the cover she had hoped it would. The impact throws Toph back through the already weakened wall, and she rolls down the tunnel floor as she winces. Okay, mental note: big robots SUCK. Poor firebenders. The man that's held in place by Daisho shivers, terror in his eyes as he stares up at the horrific image above him. And then /screams/ at the shrieking and when he sees the burnt face of his opponent. And although he's struggling, he's not too tough to pick up. There is even more screaming when he's thrown after his comrade, and both firebenders fall to the floor in the tunnel, scrambling to get back on their feet, calling out for anybody who can hear to stay away from the horrific fire demon.

>>> SUMMARY - Toph Beifong <<< - Toph tries to collapse the ceiling on Neo in his gundam, is thrown through the wall from the force of a laser combined with her own attempt of blocking it, ends up in the tunnel on the other side of the wall. Firebenders? Screaming. Lots and lots of screaming.

RADIO CHATTER has posed:
<Union-IC> [1] Toph Beifong's radio picks up the noise of crashing and lots of rumbling sounds as rocks fall. "Nnngh... status on you guys?"
<Union-IC> [A] Shizune Nakamura gh. "I'm being attacked my... some sort of ninja? No, she's... some kind of supernatural being. An assassin of some sort. She's keeping me from getting to the miners."
<Union-IC> [5-SA] Ash says, "Bulbasaur got roughed up pretty bad, but I'm still kickin' overall. Dunno how many of you guys heard me but the Feds are in the entrance tunnels we got, so expect to fight you r way out."
<Union-IC> [1] Toph Beifong says, "Gotchya, Ash... ugh. Damn those Feds."

Bain has posed:
The spheres smash into Tony, and then crash against the interior walls, smashing open into nonfunctionality. Hell of a bumper, shame the walls aren't. Tony fires at the Elite bainbot's ass. This does not have a Funny Result. Rather, it blasts the entire lower body of the robot away. Here's a weird thing. Bain's voice screams out in actual pain. "AAAAARGH!" He slams into the ground, facefirst, this boy now rendered useless. Grunting through the pain, his voice is just right back to chipper. "God... Damn... What a kick... Hah! As if /that's/ what I'm after. Trust me, it's not worth nearly enough on the black market." The body seems to be failing. The holographic face in front of the mask disappears as the thing shuts down. Wait, is that it? Well, no, the two elite snipers are still there; both of them begin firing rapidly, trying to at least catch Tony's attention if they can't drive him into cover at a rear area of the chamber, while another two dozen or so bots roll into the chamber, reinforcing the remaining half-dozen. They're engaging a huge rush; Tony can pick off a lot of them, but Bain intends to make sure he can't pick them all off. A bright yellow one pops out of the rush, unfolding and leaping with human grace at high speed towards Tony. If those snipers could push him back properly, maybe... Any of the remaining bots blast forward, batons in hand, trying to beat Tony into disorientation, or simply grab onto his limbs and stop a proper counterattack, while the bright yellow Elite physically TACKLES Tony... Trying to drag him down one of those chutes into the blast furnaces below. "You're one hell of a brave guy to do this /in person/, though! Me, I stick to drones. You've got /guts/ though! It's impressive. So let's see how much they can take the heat!" Trying to get a solid grip around Tony's neck, the elite Bainbot does its best to wrestle him straight into the churning molten metal that lies at the base of one of the blast furnace chambers. If the tackle is successful... Even before they hit the liquid, the bot is already flaking paint and sparking violently due to overheating. This one's mask - what looks like some sort of clown thing - would be already melting on the way down, in a sort of horrifying way.

>>> SUMMARY - Bain <<< - Shooting the elite Bainbot in the ass tears its entire lower body away and renders it nonfunctional. Bain jumps into the body of some of his reinforcements, uses his snipers and a covered rush to try to use the elite to tackle Tony into one of those chutes. If successful: Already burning on the way down.

RADIO CHATTER has posed:
<J-IC-Moderated> Bain picks up one of Tony's discharges off-mic and yells out in pain. "AAAAARGH!" After a few grunts of pain, "God damn... What a kick!"
<J-IC-Moderated> Bain says, "That's a hell of a blast you got there! I love it. Plus, I just found out this isn't even a proxy robot!"

Goro has posed:
Ah yes, water, the classic counter to fire, even a self admitted Pokemon rookie like Goro knows about the defeating techniques of the base elements. The fact that Goro's fire isn't true fire in the sense that it is powered by hi chi doesn't even matter, getting blasted by water straight on an open mouth is still pretty much the equivalent of getting punched there. This, added with the fact that Squirtle's water gun pretty much blasted his own fire inside of his body, equates to the Prince of all Shokans having a very bad day. Something that is the equivalent of GGRGDFGDFSHEAGDFA comes out of Goro's mouth when he is shot point blank with water and driven back, the back of his head forcefully driven onto a wall. He gets pinned for a few agonizing seconds before he manages to pry free and do a very undignified evasive maneuver by ducking low and rolling out from under the torrent of water. It doesn't matter that it got him away from danger, that's not something that a warrior of his stature should be doing. No matter, after spitting out some gurgled excess of water out, Goro smashes his fist on the ground and raises to his feet to dash towards Squirtle's position. "You will pay for that insolence!!" Rearing up a kick, Goro is fairly certain that even with his massive strength he won't be able to punch through that turtle's shell with one blow. Fortunately, he is not aiming to do that. Instead, his swung kick at the turtle is aimed to use Squirtle as a Soccer ball and send him flying directly towards Ash and his Pikachu.

>>> SUMMARY - Goro <<< - Pulling a Mario!

Shizune Nakamura (369) has posed:
Just as Kagenashi did, Shizune manages to twist in such a way as to prevent herself from taking the worst damage possible. It still gets her slammed into the side of the furnace, however, an impact that both jars and scorches, and when she gets up, Shizune has to shake herself off a bit to restore her focus. Breathe in, breathe out. Let her ki flow. And then Shizune's moving forward again. She has to close the distance. She has to keep pressure on. And so she dives back into the fray, so to speak, closing in fast enough to take a sudden hop and use the momentum alone to launch a quick trio of 'running' kicks in mid-air before landing. She drops immediately into a palm thrust with her right, left foot sliding forward to bring her left fist forward for a straight-on punch, then snaps her right leg up to drive a sudden kick for Kagenashi's midsection.

>>> SUMMARY - Shizune Nakamura <<< - Slammed into the side of the furnace. (Scorched and) shaken, but not quite stirred. Cribbing from The Matrix and launching a flurry of kung fu strikes.

Kamui Gakupo has posed:
They're screaming and running away. Good. That means they'll lead him right to the rest of their forces. Daisho begins to try to follow them, using the walls and ceilings to jump off of as he follows. His laughter might be echoing weirdly in the tunnels, too. That might be completely intentional, too. "Ready or not, here I come~!" Daisho sing-songs.

>>> SUMMARY - Kamui Gakupo <<< - More taunting, chasing fire-pplz <3

Steve Rogers has posed:
Punching Captain America is one thing; grappling is quite another - and it pays off better. While the shield strapped to Cap's left arm keeps Metal Man from getting a totally solid grip, it can only protect one side of him at a time - and where the shield doesn't cover, the blades can indeed bite into the super-soldier's uniform, and the flesh beneath. SHIELD quartermaster's going to have some repairs to do when Cap gets back, not to mention washing the blood out of whatever material it's made from. That, however, is predicated on Cap making it back to base after the fight. To do that, he needs to survive - and ideally, he needs to *win*; he has allies who could really use some help. So Cap applies long-ago lessons about infighting to the present circumstances, twisting and using what leverage he's got, along with his peak-of-human-potential strength ... if Metal Man figured the super-soldier was 'just human,' he's going to find out the hard way just how wrong he is about the limits of human potential. It might cost him an arm to find out, too.

Steve Rogers does 10 damage to Metal Man with an Above Average hit.
Steve Rogers hit Metal Man with his How hard do you want to keep me? moderate attack! <Standard Mechanic>

Neo Roanoke has posed:
Rocks rain down on the Legend Gundam. They put dents in the Legend's armor, some of the bigger ones also crushing some internal systems. A particularly large one strikes its head hard. The sound of metal crunching can be heard and the damage sparks. Inside the cockpit, Neo simply frowns as a few of his displays turn to static, "She got some of the cameras..." No longer confident in the targeting system of his machine, Neo resorts to a weapon that doesn't use it. One of the DRAGOONs detaches from the Legend's backpack. It's slightly different than the ones Toph has fought so far. Several flat beam blades activate across its surface and the DRAGOON bursts point first towards Toph, threatening to smash into her and cause some serious harm.

>>> SUMMARY - Neo Roanoke <<< - Internal damage mounts in the Gundam, while it loses some of its cameras. Neo responds with a melee DRAGOON unit.

Ash has posed:
Insolence? INSOLENCE? Having a turtle blast you in the face is INSOLENCE?... don't answer that. Ash has no witty comeback this time as Squirtle makes an odd squeaking noise, the eyes buldging out of his skull for a moment almost reminiscent of a video game. Predictably he ends up withdrawing all of his limbs, as well as his tail and head, ending up on his back. Anyone who's played video games for any length of time knows what this means. *KOOPAKICKNOISE!* *BLUP BLUP!* Ash and Pikachu get SMASHED by the ricocheting turtle shell, each ending up smacking against the tunnel once again. The trainer hits one knee, panting, perhaps contemplating if he should get involved himself, but seems to vye against it. "Pikachu, THUNDERBOLT!" Pikachu's primary attack, one he knows well, and is all too happy to use. Not terribly /inventive/, but sometimes just shooting at the other guy works. Pikachu's cheeks sparkle as the charge roars to life with audible crackling. "Piiiiikaaaaaaaa/CHUUUUUU!/" the rat cries out, snapping out a strong burst of lightning towards the four-armed fighter. "Don't want water? Alright, electrocution it is!" Squirtle meanwhile ricochets around - hopefully he won't hit a pipe and bounce back.

>>> SUMMARY - Ash <<< - Goro gets bonus points for hitting Pikachu and Ash with Squirtle as he ricochets away. Pikachu uses Thunderbolt.

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
Tony Stark does, indeed, wish for a fevered moment that he'd done this mission by remote. He hasn't quite gotten the difficulty of the cross-worlds range down yet, though, and he didn't have the chance to set himself up in a local blind where he'd be safe to focus on Mk 42 without concern for his own immediate safety. So yeah, that's really him inside the armor tonight. He's not so much disoriented as simply /overwhelmed/, unable to pull another electric charge out of his bag of tricks until the suit has a chance to recover the expended energy from the reactor glowing brightly in its torso. He deploys a sparking curtain of flares to momentarily foil the snipers, and does back up, seeking cover behind the bulk of the furnace again. The distinctive whine-thoom of charging and firing repulsor sounds rapidfire as he's forced to keep moving, twisting and turning as the proximity alerts pop up one after another on the helmet display, and bot after bot is repelled or outright blown to pieces in the onslaught. Caught up in the rythmn of battle, the sudden appearance of the bright yellow horrorclown bursting from the midst of the spheres takes the Iron Man off-guard, just as he was shaking a grasping hand off of his arm, and with a startled WHOOF he's driven backward, the back of his helmet hitting the thick, reinforced wall of the furnace with a sickening clang. Momentarily stunned, Tony can only struggle sluggishly as the thing bears him down into the furnace interior. External temperature warnings blare in his ears and heat indicators begin flashing on the wireframe model of the suit before his eyes. It's a tough alloy; it can take this kind of heat in the short term but not for long. And not maintain full functionality. "Jarvis, charge the unibeam," he manages to rasp out, flailing out with one arm for some kind of leverage against gravity and the weight of the clown-terminator. A power indicator flashes the AI's attempt to comply, but it'll be a race between that and the structural integrity of the suit...

>>> SUMMARY - Tony Stark <<< - about to be smelted by a clown :( What a way to die.

Kagenashi (85) has posed:
In that moment Shizune takes to refocus, Kagenashi has a second to roll to her feet again. That impact wasn't soft; her back aches significantly now, stinging and all the way down to her waist. It's not something she can focus on right at this moment, though, because any second now Shizune is going to keep up the pressure. And there it goes. A quick twist to the side lets her avoid the trio of kicks, but then she has to deal with Shizune's swift follow-up. The palm strike slams into her gut, making her stagger back a step with a wince of pain, but she quickly brings up her right hand to grab Shizune's fist and keep it from hitting her. Her right leg comes up and bends next to block the kick, though not without some notable pain from it slamming into her shin, and Kagenashi is in some sort of position to retaliate. The nogitsune yanks Shizune's fist back to try and pull her off balance, at the same moment flicking her leg to wrap the kusarigama's chain around the girl's thigh. It's then that her left arm drives forward in a thrust aimed to slam the butt of her sword right into Shizune's throat to further disorient her opponent.

>>> SUMMARY - Kagenashi <<< - Catching Shizune's fist and blocking the kick, then binding the kicking leg and trying to slam Shizune in the throat with the butt of her arm-mounted sword.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
The firebenders run as fast as they can towards the main area of the mines, throwing more fireballs back at Daisho, though it would be easier if he wouldn't be jumping off of the ceilings and the walls! Though there might be a surprise waiting for Daisho when they get to a cojoined tunnel, as ten more firebenders are waiting there. The leader throws down his arm. "FIRE!" And fire there is. A large fireblast is caused by the coordinated bending of the nine benders as the two fleeing ones run past them, and the fire is headed straight towards Daisho. Then the firebenders draw back. "Give up this tunnel, they are all over the place!" The blind earthbender pushes herself up, heaving for breath. At least it seems that she's slowed down the large robot, and maybe it can't get to her in here. But no, another familiar sound reaches her ears, and she frowns. "That is enough..!" she cries out, kicking one firm heel into the ground, causing a pillar to rise before she punches it towards the DRAGOON. Just as she's about to prepare another attack though, her eyes widen underneath her armor, and she halts. What the hell...? It's tough to see everything that's going on in this mine with all the metal, but... that did not sound good. For now she'd better do something about the robot so it can't follow her. Focusing as best as she can, Toph takes a deep breath... then slams one armored fist into the ground, creating an even larger fissure that runs through the hole leading back into the main area... and opens up into a chasm underneath one of the Legend's legs. Hopefully this will cause it to fall into the chasm, and if so, Toph won't hesitate to close up the chasm as she slams her hands together. Without waiting the blind girl drops the earthen armor, then runs as fast as she can down the tunnel, crushing through a wall here and there as she makes her way to the holding area, fumbling with the radio.

>>> SUMMARY - Toph Beifong <<< - Firebenders waiting for Daisho, attempting to take him down with a large fireball before fleeing. Toph bends a large fissure to capture Neo in before she runs off too like a little girl.

RADIO CHATTER has posed:
<Union-IC> [1] Toph Beifong says, "What the hell is going on over there? Where did Goldie go?!"
<Union-IC> [4-Of] Tony Stark with effort, grunts, "Blast... furnace..."

Goro has posed:
Hey, 200 points is still a lot for Fighting Game standards, that's at least the equivalent of... a double flawless? Well, probably an exaggeration, but still impressive for Goro nonetheless. Yes, it's not like Goro has no experience causing grievous harm to his opponents, far from it, he is called the Prince of Pain after all, but even a gruesome violence monster like himself still had to admit that seeing Ash and Pikachu go fly up after getting hit with a flying Squirtle was pretty humorous. "Hehehehe!! You fools..." Cue more stereotypical villain dialouge that lets him wide open for a counter attack aaaand... he's getting electrocuted again. "AAAAAAAAAAGGH!!" Oh and wasn't he already covered in water? Yeah, that doesn't feel good, even if he known for his over the top endurance. This time, he doesn't quite manage to block it as he did before and his skeleton is clearly visible through several flashes of black and white. After the attack, because it has to end some time he hopes, Goro falls to his knees with all four hands on the ground, teeth clenched and head shaking quickly trying to work through the haze. "Graa...why... won't.. you ...DIEE!!!??" Pure rage is what keeps him on his feet now, as he raises up and SLAMS all four of his fists on adjacent wall, trying to make the ceiling of the mine cave in under Ash and his Pokeymans.

>>> SUMMARY - Goro <<< - Goro's status changes to Berserk. Goro uses Avalanche.

Bain has posed:
"THIS!" Bain's voice is tinny and rattly, the vocal component of the thing clearly melting. The motors all up and down the arm of the machine pop and spark and sputter and go motionless, but not limp. The joints are completely fused and melted. Tony's got the edge in terms of fire resistance here, because the elite Bainbot's limbs are literally beginning to melt, and the hands are a useless mass of alloy around Tony's neck now. "This is what I'm talking about! This is what I get from guys like you!" Bain sounds to be in intense physical pain. The holographic symbol overlayed past the mask flickers intensely, full of static and visual glitches as the projector's lenses fail, and the mask tears away into liquid ceramics. Eventually the surface of the helmet-section itself cracks and pops away. Underneath the helmet itself is what appears to be some sort of writhing organic mass wired into the machine, a brain of some kind. It's blistering and bleeding a disgusting black sludge, but moves in time with the words Bain is yelling over his intense pain. "Memories of /moments like this/!" The robot's not capable of any real substantial motion right now, not really. But its fused joints have it locked onto Tony; he's going to need a big blast, something to disintegrate the damn thing so it'll get off of him. That molten metal is probably gonna get really close really soon.

>>> SUMMARY - Bain <<< - Bain wants things like this: Dramatic moments like dive-tackling a man into a blast furnace and trying to get a choking grip on him on the way down while you literally burn to death. Or your organic proxy-brain creature burns to death, anyway. Bainbot is literally fused into a choking position, that blast better be big.

Shizune Nakamura (369) has posed:
The two of them are just too evenly-matched. For every move Shizune has, Kagenashi has a counter, and for every counter the nogitsune throws, the martial artist rebounds as well. It's fast becoming a war of attrition, and that's bad for both of them. Pulled forward in such a way, Shizune is easily entrapped with chain and hand, and as a result she can't do much more than tuck her chin slightly. Too late to stop the thrust to her throat, only just in time to blunt a bit of the force, at the cost of what will be bruising along the underside of her chin later. The girl makes a choked sound and begins coughing almost immediately. And yet even that doesn't stop her. Through a push of sheer will she's able to get herself moving in instant response, yanking her grabbed left hand free and using both left and right to snag Kagenashi's arm. She twists and moves, unable to free herself of that chain but not needing to for this; her goal is to twist the woman's arm around behind her into a joint lock, where she can hold the woman - to try and give them a moment to speak.

>>> SUMMARY - Shizune Nakamura <<< - Throatpunched, choking on it. Still has the presence of mind to try and twist Kagenashi into a hold where she can halt the fight for a moment.

Kamui Gakupo has posed:
Daisho's cackling is interrupted...by a cry of pain as the coordinated fireblast slams into him. It sends him ass over teakettle, dropping him to the ground quite effectively. He doesn't get up, and his kimono is on fire. Might the blast finally have taken him out? Could this demon have finally fallen to the firebender's might?! For a moment he doesn't move. It's long enough for the firebenders to feel confident about turn their backs. But in the next moment Daisho pushes himself up to his knees. The retreating forms are glimpsed in vision that slowly begins to turn red. An aura of dark, bloody crimson begins to flow off of him, like liquid flames. He pulls himself to his feet.... And then unleashes a roar that is likely to echo really damn scarily in that tunnel. It's loud. And then, still glowing red, he draws both of his swords, dragging them across the walls as he runs forward. Then with a snarl, he swings those swords down again. This time, however, the soundwaves glow a malevolent red. Rather than the typical hum, these red, arrow-shaped projectiles sound like a shriek. They're big enough to fill most of the tunnel. And they're moving /really/ fast!

>>> SUMMARY - Kamui Gakupo <<< - Daisho is down. But not out. Berserk appears to be contagious. Also big red arrows made of sound, right down the tunnel where the firebenders retreated.

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
Even now, moments from possibly being incinerated inside his own armor, Tony chokes out almost casually, "Memories of being disintegrated?" There's a larger-than-usual whine and a sudden intense buildup of light from the circular portal in the center of the suit's chest; and then with an explosive THOOM the massive repulsor blast drives through the Bainbot; through the side of the furnace; crashes into the ceiling of the cavern causing rock and debris to rain down with a dangerous rumbling noise as the stability of the room is tested. The hands may still be fused around the Iron Man's neck, but they're no longer attached to anything. The recoil of the blast, though, sets him desperately scrabbling for purchase against the walls of the furnace, only to find empty air and nothing to brace against where the unibeam blasted through. With a yelp of alarm Stark slips beneath the shimmering surface of molten metal.

>>> SUMMARY - Tony Stark <<< - one last quip ;.;7

Neo Roanoke has posed:
The melee DRAGOON actually survives the strike from the rock, designed to 'drill' through its enemies. However, it is knocked of course and sets flying into one of the walls where it gets lodged. Neo attempts to move his Gundam away from the opening chasm, but the damage to its system means it doesn't move quickly enough. It falls to the side as its leg enters the chasm, only for it to be crushed moments later as the hole closes up. Inside the cockpit, there's some considerable sparking during the initial damage, but it soon dies down. Neo quickly checks his status... The leg is crushed. He attempts to pull the trapped leg free, but it's stuck in there good. He can't help but watch as Toph runs off down the tunnel and out of sight. "There's no choice... Commander, prepare to receive me. I'm going to have to cease combat." Neo draws the beam saber from the other leg and activates it. A quick slicing motion and the energy blade cuts through the crushed leg, releasing the Gundam from its trap. Thrusters ignite and the Legend lifts up off the ground and into a hover. It then slowly starts to make outs way back towards the mine entrance. Neo has a frown on his partially-covered face.

>>> SUMMARY - Neo Roanoke <<< - The Legend Gundam gets trapped by Toph. Neo is forced to sever the caught leg and slowly fly out of the mine, unable to continue the fight like this.

Metal Man has posed:
Metal Man is now caught in close combat with Captain America, and Metal Man has a damn good idea Capt is a mortal man whose just at the peak of what a human can do. He does respect that. "Not too bad...." Metal's however got the hell kicked out of him by Captain America. He's got to flee at this point another good hit or two and he's going to be useless and he knows it. "... Another time, Captain America." He initnates a recall and vanishes ina pillar of light.

>>> SUMMARY - Metal Man <<< - Metal pulls out due to sack beating at the hands of Captain America.

RADIO CHATTER has posed:
<Union-IC> [1] Steve Rogers says, "And he just teleported out. Stark, Toph, either of you need a hand?"
<Union-IC> [1] Toph Beifong says, "GOLDIE!"
<Union-IC> [4-Of] Tony Stark's radio just makes a vague hissing and spluttering sound.
<Union-IC> [1] Rebecca Chambers says, "Major Stark, are you OK?"
<Union-IC> [1] Toph Beifong says, "He's in the blast furnace! DAMNIT!"
<Union-IC> [1] Steve Rogers says, "- On my way!!"
<Union-IC> [1] Rebecca Chambers says, "Do you need MedEvac?!"

Ash has posed:
Off in the background, a couple of odd sounds are audible as Squirtle goes ricocheting around rocks, smacking into various Confederate NPCs. It almost sounds like each strike is a bit higher-pitched than the last, until... *WHACK!* Do-do-do-do-do-do-do! Yep. That's apparently the sound that Squirtle made when he whacked into the ninth Confederate grunt down there. However, Ash has bigger problems, such as not being crushed. Some consider it the 'bottom dropping out.' However, at this point, Ash would have to consider it the 'ceiling caving in.' The tunnel begins to be torn apart and Ash moves quickly. "'Cuz DYIN' isn't gonna help me become a Pokemon Master or rip you assholes apart!" He snaps out a Pokeball to dematerialize Squirtle (who may well have smashed into some hapless Feddie) just as things start coming down. A large rock SMACKS him on the back, another couple hit Pikachu, and it isn't too obvious what's happened as the dust settles. However, Ash would have been done for a long time ago if a few (re: many) large, heavy rocks would have turned him into a greasy stain like so many of his untrained contemporaries. A Pokeball-pop sound is audible as Ash pulls out his ace in the hole - or snake in the ball, so to speak. "ONIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIX!" Onix roars, rearing back. Ash and Pikachu are on its back, and it attempts to show Goro the error of his ways. Specifically with a rather large-scale headbutt. "ONIIIIIIIIIX!" <THOUGHT I'D RETURN THE FAVOR!> cries out the irate rocksnake, apparently spoiling for some payback for the humiliating previous departure from the fight.

>>> SUMMARY - Ash <<< - Ash Pokeballs Squirtle. Ash and Pikachu get smashed by rocks. Onix reappears and attempts to headbut Goro. >>> SUMMARY - Ash <<< - Also Goro wins a 1-Up with Squirtle's ricochets.

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
The smooth surface of liquid metal at the bottom of the furnace ripples as if something were struggling just beneath the surface, but what do you know, repulsors don't work that well as propulsion through literal iron. Irony Man. Ok I'm sorry about that one. Seriously though, Tony's pretty fucked.

RADIO CHATTER has posed:
<Union-IC> [5-SA] Ash pants heavily. "Toph, could use some good news about now, what's going on over there?"
<Union-IC> [1] Toph Beifong sounds winded. "I... I SAW IT!"

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
The firebenders are relieved as they run down to the main area. "Seems we got him... Retreat and handle the others." Perhaps they would have ran quicker if they knew. But by the moment they notice something, it is too late. As Daisho gets back up and swings his swords, the firebenders are not quick enough to evade, and about six of them are instantly cut down, their blood staining the mine floor as the others make their escape from the mine with as much haste as they can make. Yes, they aren't looking that refined as they run past Neo. Those two words uttered on the radio are enough to make the blind girl hurry up, listening intently for any sounds coming from the blast furnaces and chutes. Sorry Rogers, sorry Shizune, but right now there is somebody else who seems to be in more need of help. Even if she's not sure just what she can do at this point. Toph crashes through the wall into the holding area, heading straight towards the blast furnace that she can hear that voice she heard on the radio earlier. The blast that Tony sends through the side of the blast furnace too makes it hard to not know where he is. The hell, did he push himself and Tony inside or something? Kicking into the ground, Toph rises a pillar underneath her feet, sending it crashing into the side of the blast furnace. It resonates through the area, though it doesn't seem to be doing much besides causing a dent in the side of it. "Damnit! GOLDIE!" It's not often that Toph lacks her usual bravado and guts, and what seems to be desperation she begins hitting the side of the furnace, wincing at the temperature. But she continues slamming her hands into the side of the blast furnace, her unseeing eyes filled with determination as she blinks. Again and again she hits the furnace. "I KNOW YOU CAN HEAR ME IN THERE! GET OUT!" Then as her fist slams into the iron, she blinks, hesitating for a moment. All before she begins punching it as if she's mad. It's not often she's been in a situation as dire as this. This is not like knocking on metal and trying to figure it out for fun's sake. This is life or death. Bringing both her arms back, Toph screams as she punches both her palms into the side of the blast furnace... and then her fingers /tear/ into the iron, making it creak. She pulls her weight back, her face strained with both pain and the effort as she pulls her arm back and tears open part of the furnace... and its contents spill out onto the floor. Anybody on the floor better move away!

>>> SUMMARY - Toph Beifong <<< - Firebenders dying and running away. Toph uses METALBENDING, IT'S SUPER EFFECTIVE.

RADIO CHATTER has posed:
<Union-IC> [1] Steve Rogers says, "Toph! Incoming foothold!"
<Union-IC> [1] Toph Beifong's radio fills with loud creaking and metallic sounds. And Toph screaming.

RADIO CHATTER has posed:
<J-IC-Moderated> Bain says, "Woah, hey. Woah! What the hell? Am I seeing this right?"

Steve Rogers has posed:
Metal Man breaks combat and disappears in what must be a teleport - considering he did it willingly and intentionally, unlike the last time Cap saw the Red Skull - and Captain America takes a split second to look around. He knows a couple of his allies needed help - Stark. Cap breaks into a full-out run, swerving around or simply trampling mooks who remain in his way. There's nothing that's going to stop him from trying to get to that blast furnace ... But quite simply put, he's too far to get there in time to rescue Iron Man. He's not going to accept this immutable fact; he's going to do EVERYTHING he can to come to Iron Man's assistance; he will still be running flat-out at the instant that it becomes 'too late' to do anything more than avenge a good man's death. And if it comes to that, Bain had better find the biggest, heaviest rock in the entire Multiverse to hide under. Fortunately for Bain, Toph gets to the blast furnace ahead of Captain America - and she simply rips it open, spilling molten steel all over. Cap doesn't even hesitate; he unslings his shield and flings it, to skim across the floor - and if he aimed it right, so that it'll stop where Toph can stand on it for just a LITTLE more protection against standing in molten steel. It won't be much; God grant that it's ENOUGH. Captain America can take on the remaining mookbots with his fists if there are any left when he gets to the cages.

>>> SUMMARY - Steve Rogers <<< - Like *hell* you murder a friend and get away with it. Lucky for Bain, Stark is saved from murder by blast furnace and clownbot; Cap risks losing his shield to give Toph a precious foothold - and goes on after the other Bainbots.

RADIO CHATTER has posed:
<Union-IC> [5-SA] Ash says, "Captain, what the hell is going on over there?"
<Union-IC> [1] Steve Rogers says, "Toph just ripped open the blast furnace that Stark was trapped in!"
<Union-IC> [5-SA] Ash sharp exhale. "I take it things aren't going well over there?"
<Union-IC> [A] Shizune Nakamura, hoarse. "Kind of... an understatement."
<Union-IC> [5-SA] Ash exhales. "Dammit all, do we even have the prisoners?"
<Union-IC> [1] Steve Rogers says, "Working on that!"

Goro has posed:
Woops? Goro will have to assure the Confederates that if he struck any of their troops with the errant Squirtle it was /purely/ by accident. He already has this sort of bad reputation with the Feds about being a merciless violence monster, even by Confederate standards, hitting his own men is not an image that he needs right now. Of course, he has bigger problems than to worry about petty Friendly Fire with Fed goons. Namely, the distinct lack of Ash or his Pokemons being dead. Even when he sees a giant rock slam onto Ash's back, he knows perfectly well that it won't be enough to kill him, he can /sense/ the kid's spiritual flow, it's like nothing he throws at him can quench it down. "GRAAAAAAAAA!!!" Lacking any sort of energy to do some kind of evasive maneuver, Goro just /slams/ his own head against the incoming Onyx in a desperate effort to cushion the blow. This...doesn't work too well, if only because even as big as he is, the Onyx is still bigger than him and he starts skidding backwards despite his heels being dug into the ground. But..maybe it's the Berserker rage, hell, it may even be the fact that by some Multiversal wackiness, hitting all those men actually gave him an extra life. Whatever the reason, somehow, someway, Goro still manages to find some hidden well of energy in his body and clings hard to Onyx's face with all four of his hands. "I...Will..NOT YIELD!!" Or maybe Magna is helping him, who knows. Goro uses Onyx's own momentum to lift the giant rock snake upwards and then fall backwards, /SLAMMING/ the rock pokemon's back into the jagged ground. Yep, Goro just pulled a freaking German Suplex on an Onyx.

>>> SUMMARY - Goro <<< - Goro uses Suplex! Also might have actually gotten an extra life there.

Kagenashi (85) has posed:
This range is incredibly awkward for Kagenashi to deal with. One leg is bound to Shizune's, limiting both their movement. One hand is quickly grasped by the girl, and the other just barely comes back before Kagenashi finds her arm bent and held at a very uncomfortable position behind her. The nogitsune hisses in clear discomfort, but only struggles slightly in Shizune's grasp, panting heavily as if exhausted. "...you are good," she breathes. "Very good. Now what are you going to do? Throw me into the furnace like your friend?" That ectoplasmic fox fire seeps from the mouth of her mask as she speaks, and Munashi begins to slowly prowl toward Shizune from behind on one of the cages.

>>> SUMMARY - Kagenashi <<< - Temporarily stuck. Preparing for a counter attack from both ends and trying to distract Shizune with dialogue.

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
And there's still a big human-sized lump in the torrent of molten metal that flows out over the floor, cooling and hardening as it goes into strange troughs and ridges like an ocean whose waves were suddenly flash-frozen. The figure stirs sluggishly, the whine of abused servos warring with the loud cracking noise of new-frozen metal snapping and shearing off as the man trapped inside the armor tries to move. There's a fuzzy, staticky sound from the helmet speaker, as a glimmer of gold shows through the crumbling mask of iron, and then Tony's voice, faint and muffled under the layers of metal. The words aren't distinguishable, but he's screaming. That much is sure.

RADIO CHATTER has posed:
<Union-IC> [5-SA] Ash's audio picks up a /CRUNCH-yelp./ A rather sickening one at that.
<Union-IC> [1] Toph Beifong says, "M-medic!"

Shizune Nakamura (369) has posed:
"Nothing of the sort," Shizune replies, her voice still hoarse - and before she continues, she coughs, unable to help it. "I'm sure I don't have to say it, but the both of us are evenly matched. If we keep it up, neither of us is going to walk away from this without being badly hurt. We-" Toph rips open a furnace. Without even thinking about it, Shizune lurches. She's not that strong. Very strong and fit for her age, sure, but only human in that regard. Even managing a jump up to the top of one of the cages is an incredible feat for the girl, if she's carrying the weight of another living being. And she most certainly is. She's not the type to leave Kagenashi down there where the molten iron is, after all. Once they're up atop the nearest prisoner cage, the girl releases Kagenashi's waist and does her best to give the nogitsune some room, currently unaware of Munashi's approach. "I was going to propose that you just let me go with the prisoners, so we don't both have a longer stay in the hospital than we already will."

>>> SUMMARY - Shizune Nakamura <<< - Attempt at diplomacy, interspersed with hauling Kagenashi out of the frying pan, so to speak.

RADIO CHATTER has posed:
<J-IC-Moderated> Bain says, "I have no idea what's happening over there but that actually got kind of scary."
<J-IC-Moderated> Another brat, Toph Beifong sounds like her voice is breaking. "You're a BASTARD!"
<J-IC-Moderated> Bain, with a dissonantly positive, upbeat tone, completely inappropriate for someone who nearly just murdered a dude, "Look, he's called Iron Man, he was next to a furnace. You really can't blame me here, I'm just an agent of vocabulary irony."

Kamui Gakupo has posed:
A call for help over the radio. Daisho calms, panting, and the aura fades. He pauses...he is alone in the tunnel now. ('Come back, my light.') His body suddenly turns into a shadow that flows down and away from the figure standing inside it--Gakupo. A hand immediately goes to his chest, over the medallion there. "Extend Shift: Whisper." His hand turns, and all the lights on his bodysuit, headset, and hairfastener turn a soft, sky blue. And then he heads in the direction of the call for help. Hopefully that molten metal will be hard enough to walk on by the time he gets there. He also gives a headsup over the radio.

>>> SUMMARY - Kamui Gakupo <<< - Daisho disappears, Gakupo reappears. Whisper Mode Engage! Also headsup over the radio.

RADIO CHATTER has posed:
<Union-IC> [A] (Slightly Electronic) Kamui Gakupo says, "Hang on! I'll be there in a few moments!"

Ash has posed:
*CRUNCH!* Sadly that /crunch/ is not the delicious sound of a Nestle crunch bar being bitten into. It is, rather, Onix's considerable rock armor CRACKING all along the length of the rock snake. Fortunately Onix is capable of sustaining tremendous damage before dying. But 'dying' and 'mutilation' are entirely different thresholds, and the latter is a lot closer to happening under the current damage conditions, particularly since the injury was felt so strongly over the telepathic link that /Ash/ yelps along with Onix. Ow. Cursing his luck, Ash quickly opens up the Pokeball and dematerializes Onix - again. They may need him for an escape attempt, and he's pretty certain that the rock snake can't prevail against Goro, anyway. He decides to go for another approach - berzerker versus berzerker? Worth a shot. Although Ash is likely going to have to get involved himself, he'd like to save his own strength in case he has to try to help to get his allies out of here. Another quick motion swaps Pokeballs, and he flings it out. "CHARMANDER, GO!" CHARMANDER is the berzerker in Ash's group? The proper little lizard with a perchant for gravity-destroying mad science? Absurd! "RAGE ATTACK!" Of course maybe the little guy has a repressed murderous side. His eyes abruptly glow an ominous read, he snarls, flame begins to pour from the sides of his mouth, and his lips curl into a horrific lizardy grin. "CHAR MANDER CHAR!" <NOW IS THE WINTER OF OUR DISCONTENT!> ...ooookay. Perhaps Charmander's getting a bit unhinged. Actually definitely considering he HURLS himself at Goro, attempting to slash, bite and tear as much of the four-armed freak as he can, apparently in a blind berzerker rage that he hopes can stand against the four-armed destruction machine. "NEITHER WILL WE!" is the defiant cry in the pitch battle as Ash pours his strength into the berzerkmon.

>>> SUMMARY - Ash <<< - Onix gets cracked up hard enough to cause Ash to yelp. Ash swaps in Charmander. Charmander attacks with Rage in snarling nuts berzerker mode. Perhaps Charmander should Talk (TM) to someone and find a nice, padded room.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
Damnit, her hands are hurting so /bad/. Toph flops onto the shield, wincing as she rests on her knees. Heaving for breath, she can't exactly pick up what's going on in the room. Heck, her own brain is a conflict on all the things that's going on. Part of her wants to feel triumphant, but concern for her supervising officer breaks through all of that when she hears Tony screaming from inside his suit. Stubborn as she is, Toph brings up her bloodied and burnt hands, then brings them downwards, erecting the ground below Tony to get him /out/ of the molten metal, all while there are holes that cause the molten iron to flow down into the lower tunnels. With that done Toph begins scrambling forwards to Tony, nearly hyperventilating as she digs her hands onto his armor... and then frantically begins tearing it off of him.

>>> SUMMARY - Toph Beifong <<< - Toph bends holes into the ground to drain away the molten iron, then runs over to Tony to tear his armor off. NO, NOT LIKE THAT.

RADIO CHATTER has posed:
<J-IC-Moderated> Another brat, Toph Beifong says, "If... if I ever meet you, I'm going to throw the largest rock I can find at you."
<J-IC-Moderated> Bliss says, "Heehee. Irony."
<J-IC-Moderated> Another brat, Toph Beifong says, "And then I will get the second largest rock I can find and throw that too."
<J-IC-Moderated> Another brat, Toph Beifong says, "You get the idea?!"
<J-IC-Moderated> Bain says, "I'm assuming the pattern repeats!"
<J-IC-Moderated> Bain says, "That's some impressive rock-throwing ability."
<J-IC-Moderated> Another brat, Toph Beifong sniffles. "I hope you're ready to marvel some more... when I show you what the greatest earthbender in the whole multiverse can do!"

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
It's like peeling the shell off a boiled lobster; the man under the armor has been half cooked, his skin reddened and blistered and even steaming slightly; his features barely recognizeable under the puffy swelling of his face. Tony gasps as the blessedly cool outer air touches his lungs, gropes blindly until he finds one of Toph's hands, and then just hangs on. With difficulty, he manages to crack an eye open and squint at the chaos surrounding, and with a disbelieving whisper of, "What... the hell..." his brain decides it would be best to be unconscious for a while.

>>> SUMMARY - Tony Stark <<< - is torn out of his armor. Is badly burned. Is going to be unconscious for a while now.

RADIO CHATTER has posed:
<Union-IC> [1] Toph Beifong says, "Fuuuuuuuuck, my hands hurt! Goldie needs medical attention too... damn that guy, I can't believe he did that!"

Kagenashi (85) has posed:
At least Shizune isn't the only one to be carrying the weight. Kagenashi only has a second to react as the molten metal nearly touches them and they leap up, but she manages to kick off and lift herself up at the same time that the martial girl does, landing right on the cage where Munashi is located. The shadow fox freezes, but thankfully Shizune doesn't seem to notice her yet. Kagenashi finds herself released. The wisp of fox fire she created was left behind, but it lifts up to hover in front of Kagenashi as she stretches her arm once Shizune lets go. She turns just enough to glance over her shoulder at the girl to give her reply. "You are right. We both will likely be in a difficult situation if this keeps up. It would be exhausting for both of us to keep going as we are." In that next moment, three things occur. First, Kagenashi crouches and leaps up over Shizune's head in a backflip and takes hold of the sword on her right arm, drawing it to reveal the high-frequency blade crackling with blue energy. The sword is swung in an arc that cleaves through the suspensions keeping the cages up, letting it fall down toward the draining molten metal. At the same time, just before the suspensions are cut, Munashi leaps toward Shizune's back and claws at her with claws made of that same malevolent energy, and from the front, Kagenashi's orb of fox fire rushes toward Shizune's chest. Kagenashi herself lands on the ground behind where the cage is about to land, swiftly sheathing her weapon again as everything descends.

>>> SUMMARY - Kagenashi <<< - Saying 'no' to diplomacy. Making the cage fall as she attacks from the front and back and escapes.

Kamui Gakupo has posed:
Obsidian Daisho is nowhere to be found. Gakupo, however, will enter the room in song as soon as he finds it. Headset and lights glowing brightly, he pours all his being into a healing song to try to heal what he can. Getting close to him, in fact, will probably reveal a sound in his headset much like what one hears from a computer fan that's working /waaaaaaaay/ too hard.

>>> SUMMARY - Kamui Gakupo <<< - Daisho's gone, Gakupo appears! And he's singing his mechanical heart out in a healing song~!

Goro has posed:
You have to give Ash and his crew mad props though, it's not always that Goro gets fought to a freaking stand still where he's barely hanging on by the skin of his teeth. He hasn't had a fight this gruesome since his previous exploits in the WMAT. He might look back to this encounter with a proud look on his face. Though he finds it difficult to truly enjoy right now considering how tired he is... and there's also the whole enraged little Charmander leaping at his face. "What is this--? AAAGGH!!" Talk about not giving a guy a break. Goro had just managed to struggle back to his feet after pulling the harrowing feat of lifting an Onyx when he has a face full of an angry fire lizard! The Prince of the Shokans reels back in horror, and even with all his arms aiding him he can't, quite, manage to get the Charmander off him. He trashes about, slams himself against walls brutally, and even takes swings at the Charmander, but with his speed he only manages to hit himself! "AGGH!! GET THIS LOATHSOME BEAST OFF ME!!"

>>> SUMMARY - Goro <<< - Goro is confused! He hurt himself in his confusion!

RADIO CHATTER has posed:
<Union-IC> [5-SA] Ash's Charmander snarls in a maner that makes a rabies-infected dog tearing apart random victims sound cute.

Bain has posed:
Bain's bots have been a bit scattered, but they're recovering as best they can, and actually regrouping fairly well. Thankfully, some of them have started to climb back up onto the cages, where they were taking cover before. Their formations are getting a bit scattered, but they're tactically holding. Their tactician seems to be... Disoriented. But recovering. He's possessed one of the snipers, and has has his partner firing on Captain America for the moment (TOPH IS SLIGHTLY SCARY RIGHT NOW), though he can use some of Bain's own bots as cover if his shield is inaccessible, and they're going down with single punches here, with Steve's intense strength. The bots themselves are opening fire wildly on all potential targets in the cage; this is clearly a bit of a last stand for keeping the cage-room secured. It's make-or-break time, and at the moment, it's starting to seem like it might break, but Bain literally refuses to retreat. The sniper Bain has possessed, with a mask that's a skull with a shattered eye, has leveled its rifle near Toph. He doesn't shoot at Toph... He's SHOOTING AT TONY. He misses the first shot, thank god, but someone should probably get Tony out of here soon...

>>> SUMMARY - Bain <<< - Bain tries to regroup. It's shakey, at best. Oh hey, TOPH TOOK HIS ARMOR OFF! Time to... SHOOT AT TONY.

RADIO CHATTER has posed:
<Union-IC> [5-SA] Ash pants - shakily. "...do... do you need me... to try to get over there... or do I try to hold here...?"

RADIO CHATTER has posed:
<J-IC-Moderated> Bain says, "Oh hey, the armor's off!"
<J-IC-Moderated> Bain click-click.

Steve Rogers has posed:
Tactical memo, point #1: Captain America is not exactly bulletproof without his shield. Point #2: He really doesn't care at the moment. These two points are amply demonstrated as he engages Bain's robots, primarily in close combat. His uniform is still tough enough to give him some extra resistance in the face of getting shot, which is a good thing - but he's still agile enough to dodge a majority of the shots he sees being aimed at him, he's moving almost-randomly but with a definite purpose ... and said purpose is to reduce every one of these robots to sparking piles of scrap. Then he notices the sniper robot. One of the just-disabled robots is picked up and swung, hard enough to throw the sniper's aim - even a *robot*'s aim! - but that's just the start, because Captain America then grabs the sniper-bot, rips the rifle straight out of its hands, and *breaks it over one knee* before dropping the halves, grabbing the sniper and pulling it in with a one-armed grapple. One arm, because the other arm is winding up - To punch the sniperbot so hard in the face that its head simply SHATTERS under the impact. No commentary, no banter, just relatively righteous American fury.

>>> SUMMARY - Steve Rogers <<< - Wreckin' Bain's hardware.

RADIO CHATTER has posed:
<Union-IC> [5-SA] Ash says, "Repeat, should I route to your location ?"
<Union-IC> [1] Toph Beifong says, "We need to get Goldie out of here! He's not conscious anymore!"
<Union-IC> [A] Staren says, "Can't Jarvis autopilot him out?"
<Union-IC> [5-SA] Ash says, "You need me /there/ or you need me trying to make sure this guy stays off of you?"
<Union-IC> [1] Toph Beifong sounds like she's about to cry. "No..."

Shizune Nakamura (369) has posed:
Shizune was prepared for the duplicity. What she wasn't prepared for was Kagenashi cutting the cage loose. Her attempt to dodge the attack from the front goes wild as the surface beneath her plummets. And while the foxfire merely scorches her along the shoulder, Munashi slams into her cleanly from behind, taking her right off the top with a yelp of surprised pain. The next second or two is little but pain for Shizune. The scorching heat of the liquid metal for a split second, and the metaphysical injury of the fox's claws before she can push her own ki through her body and outright shove the supernatural claws out of herself. She comes up to her feet again and leaps to the side of a nearby cage - where she immediately looks to the people in the dropped one with alarm. When she turns her gaze back to Kagenashi, the placid mask is gone, replaced with a hardened resolve. And despite the injuries all over her body, when her feet touch down on the safe ground the nogitsune's found, she stands straight and stern. "I don't care about my own safety. But for you to cut the prisoners loose like that just to get a leg up on me..." She shakes her head, just faintly. "Unforgivable." Once again, Shizune adopts a fighter's stance. "Come on. If you're going to try and kill me, come at me. But if you make one move towards those prisoners again, I will turn this from a fight to a beating."

>>> SUMMARY - Shizune Nakamura <<< - Shizune is evil!clawed, burned, and realizes Oh no, oh no, oh nooooooo.... OH NO YOU DIDN'T.

RADIO CHATTER has posed:
<Union-IC> [1] Steve Rogers's radio picks up the sound of mook-level robots being pummeled and smashed in close combat, with occasional grunts of effort from Rogers himself.
<Union-IC> [5-SA] Ash says, "-- Captain, Shizune, status!"
<Union-IC> [4-Of] Tony Stark | Jarvis announces with the slightest hint of simulated consternation, "I appear to have lost contact with my installation in the Mark 42 Iron Man armor."
<Union-IC> [A] Hoarse, Shizune Nakamura says, "Prisoners are injured. This woman cut them loose under us. I think I'm going to hurt her."
<Union-IC> [1] Toph Beifong says, "I-I had to tear it off, Jarvis. Sorry. He was burning!"
<Union-IC> [4-Of] Tony Stark | Jarvis, calmly, "Apologies are not necessary. My last communication with the armor indicated severe environmental distress. Recommend that he be transported to a medical facility at soonest."

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
If Toph was touching Tony's face, she might not recognize him. But for now, she's busily tearing off the pieces of his still warm armor. When she hears him gasping though, she can't help but be relieved. He's still alive! When her hand is grasped though she blinks... and unable to keep her cool anymore, she wraps her other arm around Tony and leans over him, sobbing. How will she explain this to Pepper? Will the medics be able to heal him up? She hears song in the room, a voice she's heard before. Likewise the prisoners in the fallen cages seem to be doing better despite their fall. "You got to get us out!" Distraught as she is, Toph notices the sniper too late, and her head snaps up only when the first shot misses. Her eyes are red, tears running down her cheeks as she turns her head. Luckily Rogers seems to intervene. Seems Captain is right... this is no time to sit idly by. She squeezes Tony's hand idly before she reluctantly lets go, getting to her feet again and wipes her eyes. Then, still standing next to Tony, she assumes a defensive stance... all before she raises one leg and kicks into the ground, sending an earthen spike from behind Kagenashi to knock her forward towards Shizune.

>>> SUMMARY - Toph Beifong <<< - DRAMA DRAMA rock. Earthen pillar towards Kagenashi.

RADIO CHATTER has posed:
<Union-IC> [A] Rainbow Dash's radio crackles with static. "-ey! Bring him up top! I'm up here bringing rain on some fire jerks!"
<Union-IC> [1] Toph Beifong's voice seems a bit calmer. "We're finishing up matters here."

Ash has posed:
Charmander's insanity - punctuated by calls for 'Squirtle' in the Charmanderin - is a respite for Ash whilest he contemplates whether or not to have Squirtle hang out with Charmander less. Or possibly more. Either way, Ash tries to radio the others for a status report, but only Shizune gives him anything coherent. He pauses for a few seconds, uncertain what the smartest move is, before he concludes that Shizune needs the cover worst if they're going to get those miners out. Toph, Captain and Tony are capable of keeping themselves in one piece. If Ash deserts his post now though, chances are Goro might beeline to Shizune... His choice is made. He half-turns towards Goro. "Alright, I'll get him off of you!" But not in a necessarily pleasant way. Ash gets into a combat position -- and then CHARGES, dumping ki into his legs, before shifting the ki focus into his arms, and then attempts a good, hard hook-strike straight into Goro's gut with all a burst of quickly-gathered ki-powered strength, attempting to SMASH Goro straight backwards and hopefully well into the wall. That said, Charmander DID get knocked off by the blow, so he did keep his word.

>>> SUMMARY - Ash <<< - Charmander's nuts. Ash tries to radio for instructions but gets zilch. Stays here. Charge-punches Goro. Charmander falls off. Ash keeps his word, honest!
>>> SUMMARY - Ash <<< - ATTEMPTS at punch, rather

Bain has posed:
Steve Rogers punches the elite Bainbot in the face so hard that the entire head shatters, after a fisticuffs rampage through the regrouping forces. Spattered over his fist is the organic "brain" of the bainbot, bleeding a black sludge and completely flattened. Bain is screaming again, in more intense pain. There's not many bainbots left, and those that are left are on autopilot, unable to retreat. Thankfully, they're set not to shoot the workers, and those that are left can probably be violenced at until they're scrap. Yep, couldn't hold the workers. Oh well. At least Bain got his memories, and that's what truly matters, right? Well, that's what'll matter until Toph hunts him dow and beats him to death with a rock.

>>> SUMMARY - Bain <<< - Captain Americ punches robots for a while and then decapitates the robot Bain is possessing. Bain is too disoriented to control his Crew for the moment, leaving them just running on autopilot and easy to clean up.

RADIO CHATTER has posed:
<J-IC-Moderated> Bain screams out in pain again. "EEEAAAAAARGGGGH!" A few wet coughs. "F-...fuck... That hurt..." A longer pause, with heavy breathing. "God! Damn! Wow, that one was /intense/! Did you just decapitate one of my robots by punching it? Badass! You didn't even have that power armor, that was hardcore."
<J-IC-Moderated> Bain says, "Yeah, you know, you can have this one. Apparently I'm not going to stop being dizzy now, I'm not sure when that's gonna let up. I'll just let you guys clean up the rest, I don't think... Yep, and I can't see the retreat buttons, sorry.""
<J-IC-Moderated> Another brat, Toph Beifong says, "You're next!"
<J-IC-Moderated> As Captain America, Steve Rogers says, "Guess it was too much to hope killing the robot would take you with it."
<J-IC-Moderated> Bain says, "Yep. Iron Man's a hell of a brave dude, being there in person! What with the whole robot murder thing. If it makes you feel any better, I'm bleeding all over this nice jacket, so."
<J-IC-Moderated> Bain says, "Really impressive! That's two near-death experiences for that guy today. I'll have to send him some balloons or something for his hospital room."
<J-IC-Moderated> Bain says, "And that thing you did! With the furnace! God damn, girl, that was amazing."

Kagenashi (85) has posed:
The shadow fox is, perhaps, even more agile than her 'master'. Munashi quickly bounces off Shizune after her strike hits, twisting in midair and landing lightly on the ground near Kagenashi. The two of them stare at Shizune when the cage crashes down, and when the martial artist speaks, Kagenashi's smirking mask and ever-serene voice may be all the more infuriating in response. "No, I will not kill you. Not now, at least. There is no reason to do so here. However, if you really think you can beat me as brutally as you think you can..." A whip of bruise-colored malevolence lashes out at one of the prisoners in the fallen cage. Pain strikes through him as his spirit is raked with evil intent. And, just at that moment, Kagenashi is finally taken completely off guard. She wasn't expecting Toph to suddenly join in, or that the blind girl would attack her remotely from behind. The nogitsune is slammed hard in the back and sent staggering forward to Shizune...and probably to her immenent pummeling as well, as she struggles to find her footing again. "Wha-"

>>> SUMMARY - Kagenashi <<< - Being a dick to the prisoners and being caught by surprise from Toph. Punching chance!

Goro has posed:
If there was ever a spot of concentrated pure /insanity/ in the Multiverse, it would likely be a frenzied Charmander biting and clawing his way a top a Shokan Lord. Goro is just not helping to keep matters under control here by thrashing about like a cat on fire, which might be the case considering he has a few feline characteristics about him and the Charmander /is/ a fire type. The Prince of Pain continues to do his absolute damnest to throw that thing off him, SLAMMING against walls, SCREAMING at the top of his lungs and even PUNCHING himself in attempts to get him off. With that said, there is a brief moment, a half of a second even, where he hears Ash approaching him and notices what he is about to do. Goro isn't just some Confed chump after all, he is GORO The Champion of the WMAT (B Bracket). Even if he has a enraged Charmander currently biting and scratching his face off like some kind of hellish Chihuahua dog, he is not going to be caught completely unprepared to a gut to the punch. With a snarl, he braces himself and curls up to take Ash's punch on his bicep with a boxing guard, preventing from likely getting a lot of internal damage and bleeding. But still, a piston chi powered punch to the bicep is still a piston chi powered punch to the bicep. "HRAAAAAAAAAA!!!" Goro is not only sent towards a wall, he goes /through/ it, making an almost entirely new tunnel by himself until he is finally violently ejected out of the mine and into the surface.

>>> SUMMARY - Goro <<< - Suffering from the Worf Effect.

RADIO CHATTER has posed:
<J-IC-Moderated> As Captain America, Steve Rogers says, "Make sure you put the right return address on anything you send him."
<J-IC-Moderated> As Captain America, Steve Rogers says, "We'll want to express our 'thanks' in person."
<J-IC-Moderated> Another brat, Toph Beifong says, "Be glad your head isn't made of metal, you jerk!"

Shizune Nakamura (369) has posed:
There is a frozen moment. One where Shizune's eyes widen in horror as a man screams in pain, done simply to spite her. Anyone with careful, attentive eyes might notice Shizune's hand starting to creep towards a fold in her qipao. And then Toph renders whatever she was preparing to do moot by surprising the Nogitsune entirely. Shizune Nakamura reacts on pure reflex. Her body slides through a brief, graceful kata, arms whirling about her as if to suggest the flowing of a river. It serves to draw her ki out, to direct it, to set it flowing. To prepare it for the moment when the girl's fist comes straight forward to meet Kagenashi's face. And though Shizune swings her arm with only the physical strength of a fit marshal artist? The ki-backed blow packs the force to shatter concrete.

>>> SUMMARY - Shizune Nakamura <<< - POW. Right in the kisser.

RADIO CHATTER has posed:
<J-IC-Moderated> Bain laughs! "Haha, man, tracking me down or something like that! That would be a hell of a time, I'm sure! But no, probably not. I'm not nearly that brave enough! Or dumb enough, depending on who you as-" Bain vomits offmic.
<J-IC-Moderated> As Captain America, Steve Rogers says, "Just brave enough to fight by remote and treat it all like a game?"
<J-IC-Moderated> Bain says, "Yeah pretty much."
<J-IC-Moderated> As Captain America, Steve Rogers says, ".... just. Another. Bully."
<J-IC-Moderated> Bain says, "If it makes you feel any better, I am sort of bleeding a lot. And apparently burning to death really upsets the stomach."
<J-IC-Moderated> Another brat, Toph Beifong's voice shakes. "DUNDERHEAD."
<J-IC-Moderated> Vruasa Telash says, "Where I'm from, we'd just call him an Entrepreneur."

Ash has posed:
*SMAAAAAAAAASH!* Ash manages to smash Goro straight out of the mine. Once he's out of eyesight, he staggers slightly, adrenaline dying down. "...did it..." Staggers more... *THUD* Down on one knee, panting, holding himself up with an arm. "Charmander stand DOWN." he states, as the lizard attempts to gnaw various rocks apart. Improper for tea time to say the least. Quickly Ash flicks up a Pokeball and withdraws the raging 'mander, glancing over to Pikachu. The two aren't in great shape, that's for sure, and they exchange some thoughts, Ash in particular feeling the pain of his other Pokemon and bits of severe linkshock creeping into his consciousness. With a great deal of effort, Ash STANDS, as though forcing himself to defy gravity, before attempting to make his way through the mineshaft... hoping Goro doesn't have any brothers down here, although in his condition, picking a fight with just about any Elite that isn't made of goo would be unwise.

>>> SUMMARY - Ash <<< - Ash has an owie.

RADIO CHATTER has posed:
<Union-IC> [5-SA] Ash pants. "...enemy driven off..." Deepbreath. "Heading to your locations." He does not sound terribly healthy.

Kagenashi (85) has posed:
Kagenashi's face is nowhere near as durable as concrete. The hit strikes her directly in the face, sending cracks weaving through the white mask until it outright shatters. Shizune's fist continues straight through, crashing into the nogitsune's head and knocking the woman back into an ungainly heap several feet away. Kagenashi pauses as she lifts a hand to her face, covering a bloody nose. Most of her face is hidden behind that hand, but some things are visible. Silver eyes, thin brows, high cheekbones, an overall slender face. Fox-featured, as some would call it. She would certainly be beautiful, if she didn't currently have blood streaming down her face. The black fox groans and rises to her feet, casting her silver eyes toward Shizune in a narrowed leer. She doesn't say anything, and she most certainly would sound ridiculous with that broken nose, but that bright-eyed look promises a repayment in the future even as silent as it is. Kagenashi is once more consumed in a whirl of black, shrinking her down into the form of a simple fox. With Munashi close behind, she darts out of the tunnel toward the exit, sprinting away like a fleeting shadow. There's no point in sticking around now.

>>> SUMMARY - Kagenashi <<< - My face! My beautiful face!

RADIO CHATTER has posed:
<J-IC-Moderated> Shizune Nakamura says, "...a nogitsune. I see."
<J-IC-Moderated> Shizune Nakamura, with a much more hoarse voice than normal.
<J-IC-Moderated> Another brat, Toph Beifong says, "We did it..."
<J-IC-Moderated> Another brat, Toph Beifong says, "AND STAY OUT, YOU CREEPS!"
<J-IC-Moderated> Calm voiced Kagenashi gives an irritated fox growl.

RADIO CHATTER has posed:
<Union-IC> [A] Hoarse, Shizune Nakamura sounds relieved. "She's gone. Toph, thank you. That came at just the right time... I think the prisoners are fine for now."
<Union-IC> [1] Steve Rogers says, "Toph, are you up to prying my shield out of whatever it's covered by right now? May still be hot to the touch - but I hope it was a useful foothold."
<Union-IC> [A] Hoarse, Shizune Nakamura says, "That attack of hers hurts, deeply, but it doesn't cause any physical injury. I think."
<Union-IC> [1] Toph Beifong says, "Yeah... you're welcome. And sure thing, Cap. Just... keep an eye on Goldie until the medics can get him out?"
<Union-IC> [A] Hoarse, Shizune Nakamura mm. "Union medical is nothing short of miracle workers, Toph. He'll be fine."
<Union-IC> [1] Steve Rogers says, "Will do."
<Union-IC> [5-SA] Ash says, "I think they're retreating... *painhiss* Medical, get evac out here /now/. Everyone, prep for pullout once we've got the prisoners and Tony secure. They seem to be falling back but they may be back with buddies, and soon."
<Union-IC> [A] Hoarse, Shizune Nakamura says, "I can still fight for the moment, but I think I'll be needing medical attention myself."

Kamui Gakupo has posed:
While fights were ending and revenge was being promised, Gakupo just...continued to sing. His headset glowed brightly in that soft blue, and the air around the injured in hearing distance should be a little tingly. Not unpleasantly so. It's his magic, transmitted by music, trying to heal the injuries that he can.

>>> SUMMARY - Kamui Gakupo <<< - The Show Must Go On! Particularly when your singing heals people and there are injured around.

RADIO CHATTER has posed:
<Union-IC> [5-SA] Ash pant. "Kamui, focus on gettin' Tony stable."
<Union-IC> [A] (Slightly Electronic) Kamui Gakupo transmitting his voice over his music, "Yes sir!"
<Union-IC> [5-SA] Ash says, "And don't call me 'sir.'"
<Union-IC> [5-SA] Ash thud-back-against-wall.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
Seems that things are slowly getting under control. Somewhere she is vaguely aware of that eight foot large Fed being punched through the wall, and Toph is glad she was able to help Shizune get the better of that other Fed who's seen it fit to flee. For now, it seems they are successful in reclaiming the mine, and medics are helping. With the situation under control the earthbenders are being released from the cages, and it does seem like the firebending forces are retreating as well with the mine once more under Earth Kingdom control.Once she's sure that Rogers will watch over Tony, Toph moves over to the area by the broken blast furnace, her feet telling her just how torn up it got. And she raises her burnt and bloodied hands, moving her fingers slightly as she feels the ache and burn there. She did it. And just in the knick of time too. It hurts, but she grits her teeth together and tears out the shield before she heads back to Rogers with it, handing it over without another word as she flops back down next to Tony, concern on her face.

Shizune Nakamura (369) has posed:
Until Kagenashi has fled, Shizune remains on her guard, standing firm. Ready to protect the prisoners if the woman attempts to come at them again, ready to defend her own life... all of it. But as soon as the fox is gone, she sags, all the tension going out of her as for a moment the pain and exhaustion hit her. But it lasts only briefly. They aren't out of danger until the prisoners are well and truly secured. So Shizune pushes it down. Pushes the pain and weariness down. And forces herself to stand, relying on her own ki control to dull her aches and give her the strength to fight again if she has to.

>>> SUMMARY - Shizune Nakamura <<< - Relieved at Kagenashi being gone. But still ready to fight.

RADIO CHATTER has posed:
<Union-IC> [A] Hoarse, Shizune Nakamura says, "Honestly, that woman... do we have any files on her?"
<Union-IC> [5-SA] Ash says, "I dunno... which one you'd be talkin' about..."
<Union-IC> [A] Hoarse, Shizune Nakamura says, "Black hair. Fox woman. Bladed sword sheath at each arm. She used a pair of chain-scythes as well, and had some sort of black fox familiar."
<X-Union-Chatter> [1] Young girly voice - Toph Beifong says, "O-okay, the mines are secure. We have some injured here, and... and Tony will be needing a bed in medical."
<Union-IC> [5-SA] Ash says, "...not ringing any bells. But the computers might have something."
<X-Union-Chatter> [1] Rebecca Chambers says, "I've got a team on standby."
<X-Union-Chatter> [5-SA] Ash says, "Consider them activated."
<X-Union-Chatter> [1] Rebecca Chambers says, "Plenty of personnel are on hand."
<X-Union-Chatter> [1] Young girly voice - Toph Beifong says, "Thanks..."

Rainbow Dash (43) has posed:
On the surface, it is raining. ... Right over the entrance of the mine, and no-where else. There's just a bunch of dark storm clouds lingering almost comically around the entrance there, making sure that anyone who tries to leave ends up properly soaked in no time. They rumble angrily with electricity, and lightning threatens, but doesn't actually go after, anyone escaping. Darting between those clouds is the swiftly moving flash of colors that is Rainbow Dash. Maybe not actually kicking butt, but certainly making it a pain for any escaping firebenders with any ideas of trying to immediately retaliate.

RADIO CHATTER has posed:
<Union-IC> [5-SA] Ash says, "HQ, route troops in here. Everyone who's in here, we're pulling out whether or not the troops are here. If the Feds come back, we're not in much shape to hold them off since they'll probably be fresh and have buddies. Doubt it'll be aproblem though. Orders for the soldiers are to reoccupy the mines."
<Union-IC> [LC] Altair says, "A fox woman, you say?"
<Union-IC> [LC] Altair says, "Sounds like In'ei."
<Union-IC> [A] Hoarse, Shizune Nakamura says, "In'ei?"
<Union-IC> [LC] Altair says, "A fox woman who went by that name attempted to infiltrate the Brotherhood once. I am beginning to think it's an alias."
<Union-IC> [LC] Altair says, "I have more information about her should you wish it, she spent a lot of time with us."
<Union-IC> [A] Hoarse, Shizune Nakamura says, "I see. Do you mind taking this to private radio?"
<Union-IC> [LC] Altair says, "Of course."

Steve Rogers has posed:
It's possible that Rogers' hand is going to be sore later; he wasn't holding anything back when he punched through the sniperbot's head. The fact that the intelligence behind the robot - a human intelligence, at that - survived the experience is less than satisfactory ... but at least Bain felt that. Captain America takes one more look around his immediate surroundings, making sure nothing hostile is still capable of posing a threat ... and then he heads off to rendezvous with his allies. Once he gets patched up back at Njorun medical, he may well be keeping a seat warm next to Stark's bed - to make sure a friendly and familiar face is there when he wakes up, and so that somebody can reassure Ms. Potts when she inevitably comes by to visit. For now, though, he makes sure his shield gets recovered - working on that himself if he has to, and if much effort is necessary - and lingers near Stark and Kamui, soaking up a bit of the healing music without really thinking about it.

AAR: Union - General

AAR: Bohai Mines - Toph Beifong

The camera shakes as Toph sets it down on a table. By the looks of it she's in medical, both from the room she's in and the clothes she's wearing, and she looks dead tired. In addition, her hands are bandaged. For some seconds she just stands there, then she takes a deep breath and begins. "Ensign Toph Beifong. While I was back home in my world to check up on things, I learned that the Fire Nation had taken over one of the largest iron mines in the Earth Kingdom, and they did it with the help of the Confederacy. I scouted ahead and called for reinforcements, and Captain America, Shizune Nakamura, Daisho, Ash and his Pokemon, myself and... Tony Stark made our ways into the mines to fight back the Feds and rescue the earthbenders who had been working in the mine. Unfortunately they noticed us pretty quickly, so we had to split up in order to take them on. Daisho fought off the firebenders, I had to take on this huge robot (OOC: Neo Roanoke), Ash fought this huge four armed guy who won the B bracket of the WMAT (OOC: Goro), Shizune fought this kitsune girl whom I think Altair called In'ei (OOC: Kagenashi), Captain America fought one of Wily's robots (OOC: Metal Man) and..."
The blind girl halts and seemingly collects herself again before she continues.
"Tony fought these robots (OOC: controlled by Bain). We did manage to win back the mines for the Earth Kingdom, though some of the earthbenders were injured when that kitsune girl managed to drop one of the cages they were in, and... Tony fell into one of the blast furnaces that was active. I managed to tear him out, but he's in medical and his suit is ruined."
She reaches out to the camera and fumbles a bit with turning it off, as if not really registering the last things she just said.

AAR: Confederate - General

AAR: Bohai Mines - Bain

(Text only)
So, hey! Couple nights ago we went to go keep ahold of one of Neo Roanoke's mining operations, something that guy was collaborating with the Fire Nation on, at the Bohai MInes. Metal Man was there, trying to help out with stuff too. That's "Metal Man", don't confuse him with "Iron Man", Iron Man shows up later in this. So, Neo detects some weird stuff going on underground near the mines inside the mountain, so we start getting a little wary, and then detects some rocket-dude slamming down near the mountain, so we know something's up.
From there, it gets a little weird. So, attack team was split. We had two of the Avengers - that's Iron Man and Captain America - and then we had what I think was that Ash Ketchum guy, based on what Goro saw, plus an Earthbender (OOC: Toph) and Shizune Nakamura. Me, I did the obvious thing and went after Iron Man. Metal Man went up against Captain America, Goro took on Ash, Neo worked on stepping on Toph, and Kagenashi tried to kill Shizune.
Things got a little crazy. Metal Man went at it, but he got forced to take off, even though he really cut that guy up good. Toph took Neo on in a main shaft or chamber or something and mostly focused on messing with his mobility so she could get away, that comes up later. Guy must have been intimidating to her, man! Goro kept Ash from flanking us by using the kid's own tunnels, which was pretty great. After supporting me a bit, Kagenashi got put on the defensive by Shizune, and after a bit just did a little scorched-earth and made them pay for their territory.
I got one of my drones to tackle Iron Man into one of the blast furnaces! Because, you know, Iron Man, next to a furnace. C'mon. Anyway, apparently this made some people angry. I've got no idea how the hell she did it, but the Earthbender managed to rip open a damn metal furnace somehow, scary stuff. So she ripped him out of it and got him safe. Apparently she can bend metal or something? I had no idea this was a thing, eyes out for it from now on! It's pretty hardcore, she's a scary kind of girl.
Anyway, I tried to headshot him again while she was taking off his armor and having a moment, and apparently they hate me now. So, hey! I might need to call you guys if they actually make good on hunting me down and all. Anyway, thanks to Neo Roanoke and the rest of you folks we at least got a bunch of the natural resources out of the mines, and damn! You guys sure made the Union pay up to get it back. We could probably have held it if I hadn't gotten messed up at the end there, you guys were seriously great. Sorry about that.

So, yeah! That sure happened.