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WMAT B3 Richard Stadler vs. Karian Icefang
Date of Scene: 22 July 2014
Location: WMAT Arena - Devil's Hand
Synopsis: The Space Wolf Karian has it out with Rick Stadler in this intense battle for the B Bracket. Next up, semifinals!
Cast of Characters: 272, 300, Karian Icefang
Tinyplot: WMAT

Karian Icefang has posed:
Waiting in the peaks of the Devil's hand stood the old Wolf, Karian Icefang. Almost at home amongst the winds and the peaks, he waited. He knew his opponent well, even respected him. Despite that, he still was going to win. Off to the side were Karian's Wolfguard, his elite bodyguard and his Thunderwolf Ygdril. They all had come to see their lord win.....and get drunk afterwards.

Richard Stadler (300) has posed:
It was funny how the mind works. This was the Third round of the WMAT competition, and Stadler hadn't expected to make it past the first. He was an old soldier with conventional weapons who managed to get through round 1. And somehow, round 2. He had thought he was signing up for a small chance at prize money, but didn't expect to do much else. And if he got past this round, he might prove something to himself.

And yet /his/ mind was on how the /hell/ his daughter got into the annoucer booth. He really shouldn't be concerned about being watched, not now. He'd taken ever other precaution to make sure web searches met mundane ends, but that, that put a few things in perspective.

He pulled the charging handle back on his 416, ensuring a round was in the chamber, and his balaclava and helmet was on straight and revealed little. He looked down to Karian, as he approched... and his team. "I may have missed a memo. Didn't know if you wanted to make this personal or a test of command." He manages.

Karian Icefang has posed:
"Don't worry about them. They're staying out of it. I can't go anywhere without them, honestly." Karian says with a shrug. He looks over towards where the announcer was. "Hmm......Your distracted. It's in your scent. Let's just make this a good show, no hard feelings either way."

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
In the radio booth, Yunomi sits down! "Welcome to the Devil's Hand everyone, and what a beautiful day it is out here in a semi-barren sort of way! I'm your host, Yunomi Stadler, who was allowed in on the sole allowance of having to announce a match! Today we're seeing Karian Icefang versus my dad, Richard Stadler, in what promises to be an incredibly interesting fight! I'm looking forward to the battle, how about you guys in Radioland? I know you are! Coming in, aaahn this conar, The Thunder from Another World accompanied by a rambuncious bunch of brothers of thunder! And opposing him, iiiiin that connar, Richard Stadler with his team of -- oh! A correction -- well-adapted and well meaning scientist folks. I think."

Richard Stadler (300) has posed:
Richard Stadler nods, slowly, before tapping his ear. "I have it off. Going to try to forget she's up there. Hopefully I'll have some things to distract me. And no hard feelings." He says, extending his hand to shake.

One hand. The other was already at the automatic on his thigh. Manners were manners, but people started things very, very quickly.

Karian Icefang has posed:
Karian nods and stretches softly. "Right......so. In the interest of things, I'll let you make the first strike." He says, drawing his bolter from his back.

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
Yunomi Stadler says, "Looks like Stadler's won the coin toss! Will Icefang regreat this charitable desicion?"

Richard Stadler (300) has posed:
Richard eyes the bolter as it comes out from behind Karian. "Oh, right. I suppose you can afford to be fair in the order of when you get shot when you've got an autocannon." Rick mutters. There's a little mirth in his eyes, before the pistol at his side is almost casually drawn, and pointed toward's Karian's feet. At the very least, a few .40 caliber bullets will get Karian moving. Or slow him down, if he doesn't move fast enough.

Karian Icefang has posed:
KArian took the hit and nodded. "Well done." He says of the shot. He takes it and aims his own rifle at Rick and lets fly a volley. "I hope that you can dodge that."

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
Yunomi Stadler says, "And they're off! Stadler shoots first, seeking to teach this 'Old Dog' a few new tricks and strikes true! Karian volleys back with some bite to match the bark! C'mon boys!"

Richard Stadler (300) has posed:
Stadler certainly /tries/ to dodge it, leaping out of the way, and attempting to move to cover as explosive shells sound around him. He'll at least skid to a halt for a moment, before popping from behind the rock, and firing more pistol rounds toward Karian, attempting to get him in the open, before he runs out, clip ejecting as he feeds another magazine in... and examines a broken ceramic plate. "You think I wouldn't be cocky after a half a century of mucking about!" He notes, trying to muffle the noise of the reload.

Karian Icefang has posed:
Karian grimmaces and shakes off the impact of the pistol rounds. He fires at the rock, deciding to go straight through the cover. As for Karian, he was walking cover so he stood right in place. "It's allright, Stadler." He says, slapping in a fresh clip himself.

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
Yunomi winces at the next round of strikes. "Richard Stadler avoids the worst of the volley by proving that he's still got the skills to dance before returning fire with some fresh rounds! Karian shakes it off, and tries to get through the rock with dogged determination, both veterans testing each other out!

Richard Stadler (300) has posed:
Oh, for. Rick certainly knew about shooting at a target through cover, but he thought of things like cheap appliances and car doors. Not heavy goddamn rocks. As his cover is chewed up from around him, he has to dodge out of it, spall and rock shards slamming into his armor and kevlar. He can feel his back oozing blood and pinpricks of pain, but he certainly couldn't worry about it now. It takes a moment for him to reach to his waist with his other hand, before dashing out of cover. With the volume of fire from a machine pistol like the Glock and pulling the trigger on his Hi-Power as rapidly as possible, he should hit /sometthing/ or at least make it to more effective cover.

Karian Icefang has posed:
Karian had....a grin on his face. "Good....keep fighting!" He roars out. That said, he was getting a bit fed up with all of the shooting. So, he takes a few more shots, at least until the clip was empty. Then.....he ran to get in close....for melee time.

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
Yunomi Stadler says, "Richard Stadler is keeping paces with Karian, though I'm pretty sure some of those blows are knocking the olive drab right outta him! That's gotta hurt! Karian is grinning like a madman -- we all know how Space Marines /love/ a good fight and a chance to prove themselves -- and running outta distance shot, he's moving in to make this medley melee!"

Richard Stadler (300) has posed:
Stadler was just in cover when he saw those rounds sail forward, forcing him to dash and dive toward the ground, roughly, and causing joints and muscles to ache and bruise and scream in protest. But he wasn't the type not to notice the small stuff, like the giant hulking wolf running toward him like he was waving a fucking red ball.

His thoughts /may/ have been a bit dark, for someone who was used to fighting at range, as he throws the pistols to the ground, empty and slides locked open, clattering and sliding to the edge as he brings up his rifle. He doesn't have time to attach the bayonet, so he has to improvise by bringing the butt of the gun in an upward wing to buttstroke the wolf's chin, before smashing him in the face.

Karian Icefang has posed:
Karian was grazed by the rifle butt, but Karian's speciality was melee. He rolled around it and aimed a lone punch for stadler's gut. He then would throw him a distance away but...waitied. "Draw your melee weapon...there's no honor or glory in fighting an unarmed opponent."

Richard Stadler (300) has posed:
Stadler takes the punch like a fifty year old man who wasn't expecting a lot of blunt force, ceramic plates cracking into pieces in a bag at the punch to his gut. But he's not throw back as far as Karian would like. He is, however, brought down to one knee, gasping for air, as he looks up to Karian, waiting for him. His hand moves to his chest, bringing out a knife from a sheath. "What the fuck..."

And then the knife is brought up to the barrel of the rifle, and snapped on with a practiced motion, before he stands up, using the rifle almost as a pike to press upward and into the wolf's shoulder, "...did you think I was using?"

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
Yunomi Stadler says, "And Stadler rifles through his ideas witht he Big Man running at him, leading to trying to make Karian the butt of a gun joke! A dark day for punning if you know me at all -- that upward blow is bound to make the Space Marine remember the stars! Karian deigns to let an old man draw another weapon more suited to melee after knockign the beige right outta him! And Bam! Apparently both gentlemen -- and the term is somewhat loosely applied -- brought knives to gunfights!"

Karian Icefang has posed:
Karian smirks again and nods. "So be it." He says. He draws his own weapon, his power sword. But in a show of sportsmanship, he makes sure to disable the power field. "Show me what you've got" He says, charging in with the blade.

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
Yunomi Stadler says, "And Karian draws his sword -- and I'm /pretty/ sure that thing's bigger than I am tall!" Pidge beeps! "No, don't be ridiculous Pidge, I don't overestimate length."

Richard Stadler (300) has posed:
Rick really didn't know much about these Space Wolfs. Sure, he'd talked to them, seen them operate in a general sense, but didn't realize how simply /tough/ they could be. And he'd really wish the damned lupine in front of him would at least have the decency to show just slightly more pain than barbaric yalps about this. Certainly Rick felt more pain at the slightly dislocated shoulder the sword creates, even after he tries to defect with his rifle. "I've shown you everything I have. The rest is just trying not to black out." He manages to grimace, before pressing the bayonet down, attempting to go for Karian's knee, before drawing it out and using the momentum to tear a wound up his side.

Karian Icefang has posed:
Karian tch's as his knee is knicked and looks at the leg. He looks over to richard and smirks. "I'll give you credit, Richard. You remind me of more then a few commisars." He says, swinging that sword again.

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
Yunomi Stadler says, "Stadler looks like he's between a Wolf and a Hard Place, a hairy situation if there ever was one and he's a bit in trouble! He's going for Karian's knee, no doubt hoping to hobble Karian's momentumn! Karian receives a glancing blow and swings again to try and take out the old soldier! IS this going to be the end?!"

Richard Stadler (300) has posed:
"I assume that's a compliment." Rick says, as the sword, this time, meets the receiver of the rifle, and turned away, moved to the side. Rick does get his weapon back into position, though... by twirling it up and pulling the trigger, using the weapon's recoil to bring it upward... and perhaps cutting a few chunks out of Karian thanks to the point blank shots.

Karian Icefang has posed:
KArian grimmaces as he's hit by that. "Nicely done." He says simply. But at that, he quickly drops down and aims a spin kick to take out Stadlers legs. Clearly, he had been learning some new moves. He also moves to combo it into an elbow drop.

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
Yunomi Stadler says, "Stadler comes up with a thoughtful quip on the fly as he tries some fancy adjustments -- hey, he's pointing the wrong end at Karian and -- BAM! Fancy! Not even Sir Mixalot could like /that/ butt at that point! KArian looks like he felt that one sure as anything, but tries some martial moves -- imagine that, at the martial arts tournament -- to take out Richard Dadler and deliver to him one dropped elbow, pain free of charge!"

Richard Stadler (300) has posed:
Perhaps it was saying something that Stadler was actually /suprised/ at, yes, martial arts moves at a martial arts tournament. Maybe it's because when you saw a large wolf with a sword and a 20 millimeter pain machine, you'd expect him to use either/or, and not be as verstile with his legs in a wrestling move. But Stadler had a trick up his sleeve, too, even as he thumped to the ground painfully, helmet protecting his head but still some stars. His rifle clatters to the side, but, as Karian comes down hard with the elbow, he might feel the stabbing pain of a trench spike being jammed into the easiest soft spot a pain-ridden Stadler can detect.

Karian Icefang has posed:
Karian shifted at the last moment, mitigating the impact of the trench spike. He turns and with another wolfish grin, rushes at the old soldier This time though, he cocked back and aimed a balled fist for Stadler's face.

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
Yunomi Stadler says, "Ooh! If Karian were Eggnog, he would /totally/ be spiked. He drops right into the trench spike, but it doesn't seem to phase him! He gets up, and gives a grim grin of one grimly grinning, and rushes at the veteran with a crushing fist to the face! Ladies and gentlemen, it's like being hit by Marxism! ... except big and spacy and smelling like wolves!"

Richard Stadler (300) has posed:
Oh, that hurt. That hurt a /lot/. And Rich showed it, as the fist slammed on his face, once, smashing into his nose and probably causing a sickening /crack/, cartilage out of place and blood streaming over his face at the blinding pain he was feeling at the moment. "Sorry." Was the only word he could get out, as the small five round shotgun at his hip fired in three rounds, in rapid succession. The slugs were damaging, but Stadler didn't care, in this case. He just needed distance, and kinetic force would give it to him.

Karian Icefang has posed:
Karian's hit by the blasts, and sent back. Those even managed to break the ceramite plating in his armor. "Your a worthy opponent, Richard. The toughest one I've had so far." He says, balling his fist. He then takes off at the old soldier, pouring all his momentum into that one punch. It was a move he had somewhat become known for....the corkscrew punch.

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
Yunomi Stadler says, "BAM! Stadler tanks that fist with his face for mixed results -- though if you've worked with him as long as I have, you know how hard-headed the man is! But Stadler's not out of the fight yet -- he reaches deep into his gumption and pulls out some /gun-ption/, firing off some shotgun rounds! It strikes, it makes a mess, but Karian's armor is rbeaking up -- and his smile isn't! The Brother of the Wolves isn't down and out yet -- he puts everything behind his blow and stttrriiikes! I've seen softer blows from /Cybertronians/! Gadzooks!"

Richard Stadler (300) has posed:
Stadler knew the current score of things. All told, he was managing the blood and pain fairly well, considering he was constantly spitting out what streamed into his mouth and feeling congested. at the borken nose. But the punch, the special punch the wolf was holding in reserve, almost broke him, the dust and dirt and rocks of the ground shaking, even /cracking/ the ground beneath him, and now he has blood coming out of his mouth, as well as going in. "Glad to be of service." He says, sputtering. It doesn't look like he can move much now, much less fight... but his eyes did see the crack, the breaking of those plates in front of him.

Stadler's life in combat revolved around weakspots. Headshots, certainly, but that little biological structure you could barely see. The eye opening on the lower back when the sightless creature in front of you attacked. And if he couldn't take advantage of this one,i he was out. It was one of the last cards he has.

His hand moves from behind, pulling out a revolver, a .45 caliber magnum. It only had a few shots in it, but Stadler only used one, pullingback the hammer and firing once, into the center of that armored break.

Karian Icefang has posed:
KArian felt the round go through the armor, and even through him and out the other side. He takes a moment, dropping down to a knee. He takes a breath, spitting to the side, blood coming up. He smirks towards Stadler again. "If you want to end it here, I will accept your yield." He says, rising up to his full height. That said, he was GOING to need to get his armor looked at.

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
Yunomi Stadler says, "Stadler looks in Dire Straits, ready to start listening to the Radio Nowhere as he clings to conciousness with pure grit and determinaiton. The blow goes through! THE BLOW GOES THROUGH! -- but Karian's not responding, save to drop down." beat. "If he proposes, that is going to be the /weirdest/ thing I've ever seen... but it looks like he's recovered, and he's drawing up -- is this the end?! Who will go on to the next round of the WMAT?"

Richard Stadler (300) has posed:
Stadler moves to stand up, slowly, from his position, coming up to stand over the kneeling wolf, if only for a second, before he rises as well. He debates taking the oppurtunity to cock the hammer and pull the trigger on the weapon without another word, but friends and allies weren't worth going up to another bracket. He instead simply cocks the Magnum again, and shakes his head. "There's a new-U station over there. I have good doctors, and I need to take a chance every now and again. Put me down, or I put you down. Seems a good enough way to end this."

Karian Icefang has posed:
Karian nods. "If you say so....We do this one way. One shot each, in the way of the old duels." He says. He paces back the classic 10 steps and raises up his bolt pistol, taking aim at Stadler. But he waits for him to get into place and get his magnum raised, before he pulls the trigger.

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
Yunomi Stadler says, "Looks like they're going to duel! Honorable man, that Karian, and he's taking his steps! Richard's to do the same, raising magnum to bolt pistol and -- BANG! Both men are hit! Both combatants are hit! This is a ro-sham-bow -- but the judges are weighing in. The judges are weighing in and -- Ladies and Gentlemen, the Thunder from Another World wins for the GLory of His Emperor! What a nail-biter!"

Richard Stadler (300) has posed:
Stadler pulls up his own weapon, and pulls the trigger. "More of a chance than I expected." He says. He doesn't complain about pistol caliber, in this case. One shot should have been all he would need. Or all Karian would need. And in the end, after he moves to pull his own trigger, the shell slams into him, causing him to stagger, grimace, and collapse. "Really.... should have.. called it before." He gasps, before falling down, unconscious, for the moment.

Karian Icefang has posed:
Karian is hit as well, but it seemed his round was the more powerful of the two. He accepts his victory, but moves in and starts working to treat the old soldiers wounds. "Well fought, Richard...My respect for you grows even more." he says. He also does something else. He slips the soldier a flask, one carved with runes that, if translated, speak of honor and bravery.