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Latest revision as of 02:02, 24 July 2014

Things Worth Fighting For
Date of Scene: 23 July 2014
Location: New York-199999
Synopsis: Tony Stark gives a speech. Goes slightly off the cue cards.
Cast of Characters: Deelel, 20, Steve Rogers, 204, 295, 301

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
No city can bounce back from calamity quite like New York. Only a little more than two years since aliens invaded and the world shortly thereafter found itself part of a much LARGER world than it had ever imagined, the city has rebuilt, bigger, better, stronger. Only it cost a lot more than six million dollars.

No city remembers its heroes quite like New York, either. The memorial plaza has been designated in Midtown Manhattan, on the south side of Central Park and not far from the site of the invasion. The top part of Stark Tower is visible from here, a few blocks further south. An area has been cleared around the dedication site, the memorial itself covered with a large tarp whose edges flap in a light breeze, though anyone remotely local knows what it looks like, having witnessed its construction over the past weeks and months. The centerpiece is a circular reflecting pool, with a marble spire thrusting up from its center. The spire is itself encircled by a large meshwork globe meant to represent the solidarity of humanity in the face of extradimensional assault. But it is, as stated, currently all covered up.

A set of bleachers have been set up for the presenters: several city functionaries, representatives of NYPD and FDNY, and of the local businesses that contributed to funding the project. An additional two rows of chairs are laid out for the guests of honor: the Avengers, representatives of SHIELD, the mayor. For the general attending public many more folding chairs have been arranged in neat rows radiating out from the presentation area.

And it's a media circus, as might be expected from an event of this proportion. EVERYONE wants to see the Avengers, if nothing else. Trucks are parked all around the perimeter of the plaza for all of the major world news services and even a couple of multiversal ones. The press... press, as close as they can up against the barrier separating them from their quarry. The general public masses to find seats, hundreds more finding standing room along the edges as they wait for the ceremonies to begin.

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
And Tony Stark fidgets, sneaking a finger beneath his collar to tug at his tie as he waits behind a screen at the back of the whole calamity for the cue for them all to march out. He has his speech written out on index cards which he taps distractedly against the palm of his hand. He takes a peek around a corner of the screen and snorts. "You'd think this was a big deal or something."

Pepper Potts (204) has posed:
    "Backstage", Potts is wearing an earpeice, impeccably dressed in a somber gray suit with a crisp white shirt, her hair pulled back from her face. The Co-CEO of Stark Industries wasn't nervous -- it was in the malestrom that she was most herself, organizing, giving orders, assaging fears and commenting on the lack of teleprompting information that was frustrating people who wanted to tweet buzzwords and quotes from it.

    Potts never did learn to like Twitter.

    She pauses as Tony fidgits... and she calmly leans down. She brings her nible fingers up, brushing against his chin and cheek a bit as she straightens his collar out, and then fixes his tie.

    "It's only the dedication marked with appreciation for the heroes wo stood up for the invasion and rememberence of who was lost." she states softly, and brushes a quick kiss against his forehead. How /he/ was considered one of the ones who was lost wasn't lost on her.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Perhaps this is all worth the hellish plane ride here. The city is one hell of a sight. Relatively speaking of course. But Toph's sensitive feet have no problems picking up the design of the memorial plaza. And as she's dressed somewhat nicely today, the blind girl might even blend in. Even if she's seated in one of the reserved seats up front, her bare feet just barely touching the ground where she sits on her seat.
    "Man, how many people showed up to this thing?" she mutters under her breath. And sure, the yellow sundress that she got as well as the lovely matching hat aren't really her style, but hey. At least it's not scratchy. It is kinda boring sitting still for long though, and as she waits for /something/ to happen she idly plays with one of her metal bracelets, bending it into various shapes even as she keeps most of her feet on the ground, just so she can pay somewhat attention to what's going on around her. Without Tony and Pepper it's kinda boring...

Bruce Banner (295) has posed:
"Tens of thousands, easily." Doctor Banner states simply. The good doctor is dressed in a nice white shirt and black tie, a much more formal look for him than he would normally put on. This, however, was a special time, and the occassion to remember those that dealt with the calmity and paid the ultimate price. Banner remembers it with great somberness as well, having been his first opportunity to show that his other half was more than just a monster.

Bruce stayed back a bit, hanging more with the SHIELD crowd, but more in an incognito manner than one of anti-socialism. While many of the military and strategical folks knew his seret, much of the general public of New York did not. And to bring the Big Guy to such an event would be risky at best, and unbecoming otherwise.

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
"Easy for you to say," Tony mutters; "YOU don't have to give the speech." He closes his eyes briefly at the touch of Pepper's lips, though, and conjures a cocky smirk. Since when has he ever been afraid of public speaking? He's going to nail this one and he knows it. Or at least that's the image he intends to present.

"Okay everyone," the event organizer claps her hands to get the attention of the guests of honor. "Just like we rehearsed. We'll have the fire department go out first, then the police, then the sponsors. Superheros bring up the rear. Got it?"

Pepper Potts (204) has posed:
    "I could if I had to." Potts replies quietly, affixing a small pin to her lapel. It's not an American flag, that's way too politician. No, she's has a little Captain America sheild. Much more in tune with the theme of 'heroes' for the day. As she lifts herself up and away from Tony, straightening his tie one last time, she steps away, and the Shield's red white and blue melt into "I <3 NY". Best gift from a well-wisher she could have wished for. Unless it was an Iron Man helmet. But those sold out /very/ quickly.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    "That many, huh." Toph sighs and shifts her feet a bit where she sits before she turns more towards Bruce. "We should have gotten some snacks. Just what is taking them so long?"
    Patience is good, but seriously... they have been getting ready for a long while back there. But somehow she doubts that the people here are like pro earthbender fans who would join her in a stomp and yell display to get people on stage quicker.
    It's a shame, really.

Bruce Banner (295) has posed:
Bruce situates his tie and stands over by the SHEILD agents and consultants, calmly awaiting his cure to march forth. "I think they're doing some last minute sound checks and well... ceremonial stuff. I was never one for pomp and circumstance exactly, though I certainly make an exception for this event." Bruce gives a bit of a half smirk. "I'm sure you can pick up a Hulk Fruit Pie from a vendor once things die down a bit. I'm sure they are well stocked."

The doctor checks his watch, making a slight adjustment. His adjustment brings the watches senstivity into alignment, ready to give him warning at the slightest irregularity in his vitals. He also sets it to vibration alert to prevent interuption of such an important event.

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
A roar of applause goes up from the attending throng as the presenters and guests start to file out. Event crew are on hand to make sure everyone gets sorted into their appropriate seats. The master of ceremonies stands at the podium, tapping his own cuecards against the edge and waiting for everyone to get in place. This is a big deal. It's a... statement of triumph by the city over the forces of evil, or something. Everything has to go perfectly.

When the guests are all seated, he taps the microphone attached to his collar to get everyone's attention, and the commotion settles to a dull roar. "Thank you all for coming," he begins.

From there, it's a fairly tedious standard speech about the bravery of the men and women of the city, their resilience and pride and unshakeable tenacity. Finally, he comes to the interesting part. "...and now, to give a few words before the unveiling, ladies and gentlemen: Iron Man. Please welcome Tony Stark." The noise level explodes again.

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
"Kiss for luck?" Tony quips... not to Pepper, but to Steve seated beside him.

Pepper Potts (204) has posed:
    Potts is seated on stage with the sponsors. And she leans over with a smile, pressing a kiss quickly to Tony's lips, and then she lets him get on his way. She rises up, her face spread out in a serene, professional smile, but her freckled nose is wrinkled up, her eyes beaming with pride for Tony. Others behind her stand as well, there's some catcalling from the audience, she's sure, but the sound on stage is deafening.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    "People always take such a long time," the blind girl sighs, bending her metal bangle into various small figurines that bear a striking resemblance to the various members of the Avengers. The ones that she has met, that is.
    "I won't say no to some pie, though." Considering the fact that she didn't eat on the plane, and her stomach is rather empty right now. When Bruce checks his watch though, Toph blinks. "I can tell you if your heart and breathing starts acting up, you know. You're /fine/." Though she can understand him... but at least he's with friends now who won't let him do something he wouldn't want to do.
    When the people start to file out though, she joins in on the applause. Finally!
    The voice of the master of ceremonies is unknown to Toph, and she doesn't look as eager for what she imagines is going to be boring babble. But when her supervising officer is called upon, she joins in on the noise, clapping her hands together and letting out some loud cheers of her own. "WOOOH!"

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
Well, it's no kiss from /Captain America/, but it'll do. Now let's be clear: Tony Stark hasn't experienced anxiety over a public speaking engagement since he was roughly eight. This however is a little different. The world is watching. Multiple worlds are watching. This is the moment he made the sacrifice play for; the one he almost didn't come back for; and his palms are sweating.

He rises, and lifts a hand toward the cheering crowd as he mounts the steps to the podium in front of the memorial, still shrouded in its heavy tarps. An 'Iron Man!' chant rises and falls in a wave, drawing a rakish smirk from the billionaire industrialist superhero, and after letting it go on for a minute or so he shuffles his cue cards pointedly before him on the podium, waits for a lull in the general noise, and begins to speak.

Bruce Banner (295) has posed:
"I know...I can never be too careful though." Bruce acknowledges before the crowd is led out. When Tony is announced, Bruce claps his hands in applause simply, not being one for flashy fanfare. Bruce does take a moment, however, to survey the crowd. So many people. Even with everything that goes on, it still amazes him what the city can doo when it pulls together for a single cause.

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
"I know it won't surprise any of you when I say that I'm mostly going to talk about myself, here," Stark begins, to an appreciative ripple of laughter. He casts a glance back at his teammates as if in wry apology, and then continues. "I'm not going to bore you with the tale of how I wanted no part of this Avengers thing when SHIELD first came to me, and I'm not going to get into the details of what happened that day." His cheek twitches, as if even mentioning the events in such passing manner is difficult. His voice remains clear and strong, though. "I'm not even going to talk about how we're not the real heros here. Those would be the guys sitting in those bleachers just over there." He points with the edge of his cue cards at the assembled police and firefighters, and gives a respectful nod in their direction. "No, what I want to talk about is more pretentious and abstract than that. What it means to BE a hero."

He waits for a few pregnant beats. The crowd is silent now. The muscles in Stark's jaw work beneath the immaculately trimmed beard, as if he's manually setting his next words in place. "When I first joined this team, before we were really a team, I got into an argument with someone. This was a guy who was already a hero before I was even born. A guy my old man would talk about ENDLESSLY, to the point that I was kind of sick of all the hype. He's also someone I've come to respect tremendously, and he's sitting behind me now." He turns again to look pointedly at Steve Rogers, and gives the man another solemn, respectful nod before returning his attention to the audience. "Now this argument had to do with the worth of a man, his willingness to put his own life on the line to protect those behind him. I didn't think much of it at the time, but I do remember that he challenged me, said he didn't think I was capable of making the sacrifice play."

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    There is a slight sigh that leaves Toph before she reaches out and gives Bruce a light punch in the arm. "Relax." He should follow orders. Or perhaps she should give him a rock massage session to the back.
    But for now Toph pays more attention to Tony who is /finally/ speaking. And Pepper better be right in the fact that he's not boring when he's making speeches. It starts out a bit boring though, but Toph bears with it. Even if she still is bending her metal bangle some, moving her right hand over her left wrist.
    So... Tony argued with Steve? The mental image makes her smirk just a bit. Ooooh boy here he goes on about sacrifice.
    She leans in a bit towards Bruce and whispers. "... I thought Pepper said that he made /fun/ speeches."

Deelel has posed:
Deelel has not seen many user cities luke New York, it felt like a major one back home she knew or thought she knew. While it was far more dirty it was as big, lively and had muvch going on there. so much it could keep Deelel quite busy when the wandering program came over for a visit. So here she was caught up in this media circuits and she was quite enjouin herself.

She glances over to Toph for a moment and replies quietly.

"Could be he's getting the formal stuff out of the way but I see where he's going with this, I think."

Pepper Potts (204) has posed:
    Pepper is damn proud of Tony. The man she'd worked her butt off for thirteen years with, the man-child who once laughed whens he pointed out his math was wrong, who then went quiet and impressed when she was right. The man who came back was different than the one who left ... every time.

    And she listened, giving small smiles at the appropriate parts. Laughing about the argument a little, giving a small smile over to Steve.

    But when he begins speaking of his own willingness to put his life on the line, Potts goes silent, and her hands go cold. Her heart slowly begins to climb into her throat. She folds her hands into her lap, her legs crossing at her ankles. Her fingers curl around themselves as she watches his back, looking out to the dizzying array of people beyond him.

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
There's another, longer pause. "Well we all know how that turned out," he quips, drawing a titter of nervous laughter. Iron Man's suicide run at the Chitauri wormhole with a nuclear missile on his back has been WELL publicized, lauded as the most singular act of heroism of a day that spawned hundreds. Tony Stark does not take this opportunity to brag about it. Instead, he draws another deep breath and declares, "And I had this moment of extreme clarity. Where I knew EXACTLY what I needed to do, and why. I knew what I was fighting for. What made this world WORTH fighting for."

Stark turns, extending an arm out to point at another of the guests of honor. "This woman, ladies and gentlemen, Pepper Potts -- Pep, stand up and let everyone see you, would you? --This woman," he repeats, louder, "had been my employee for some twelve years, and let's be honest, we all know who really ran Stark Industries for most of that time." This time the laughter of the audience is less nervous, more knowing. Stark's PR disasters over the years have also been well publicized.

Of more immediate concern, he's gone off the cue cards... again.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    At this point Toph bends her metal bangle back to its normal shape, though she does turn her head a bit when an unfamiliar voice speaks to her. "If anybody could predict Goldie, then that's a miracle," she responds with a wry grin.
    But other than that, the earthbender remains quiet as she listens, her face still turned down towards her lap.

Pepper Potts (204) has posed:
    Pepper blinks, and she has the grace to keep her blushing down, and she stands, gracefully. She gives a wave to the crowd, letting her own anxiety wash away. She's quietly thinking the Litany of Fear. Followed by how she'll manage to kill Tony with paperwork.

    She can't even mouth 'the cue cards, Stark!', because no doubt there's cameras trained on her face.

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
Tony Stark continues doggedly. "But more than that she ran my life," he claims loudly, over the confused gesturing of the event coordinators and Pepper's own embarrassment. "She ran ME. Every meeting I ever got to on time, every worthwhile cause I supported or good thing I ever did, you can be pretty sure she had a hand in it."

"And I see this woman and I think, my god, I understand. I GET it. I know what I'm fighting for, and why I need to do this. Because she is /so much better/ than I will ever be. The world can live without Tony Stark," he admits, dropping his eyes briefly as if this is an admission of great difficulty. More laughter. "But I can't live without her."

He steps down from the podium, turns and crosses the space back to where Pepper is no doubt feeling extremely awkward at this unexpected turn from everything written on his cards. He meets her eyes for a quick, nervous moment, and then deliberately lowers himself to one knee, reaching inside his suit pocket for a small, rather worn velvet box.

The ring -- as can be seen in intimate detail by the dozens of media cameras that zoom in on it -- is rather less extravagant than might be expected from a man of Stark's reputation. A simple band of white gold; a large but not ostentatious diamond solitaire sparkling in an elegant, classic setting. It's not, in truth, even so fancy as the one that got mistakenly slipped into Pepper's dessert two birthdays ago. But it does have the unique distinguishment of having belonged to his mother.

Tony holds it up, his hands visibly shaking and his jaw clenching to keep his voice level, despite the nerves, the adrenaline coursing through his body as if he were fighting the battle of New York all over again, and forces himself to raise his eyes to her face.

"I love you," he states in a tone just short of cracking. "And I'm so sorry that I wasted so many years figuring that out. I don't want to waste any more. Virginia Potts. Will you marry me?"

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Now we're getting somewhere! Even as Tony speaks, blabbering on and on, the blind girl seems more and more interested in the speech. Screw the cuecards! Even if this is kinda oogie.
    True, Toph grins a lot. But both Bruce and Deelel should both be able to see the mother of all grind spread on the blind girl's face as she turns her face upwards towards the stage, and she even scoots out onto the edge of her seat, just so she can place her feet fully on the ground.
    Somehow, she does not look suprised at all. And she's listening intently for what is sure to follow. And it better be the right response!

Bruce Banner (295) has posed:
In the SHIELD crowd, the doctor has been listening, taking it all in. He will not likely admit that he has checked his watch upon hear Tony actually utter the words he has spoken. But Bruce cannot help but smile, knowing that Tony has taken a big step, even if it IS in front of all of New York. No pressure there, right?

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
Tony Stark would not be Tony Stark if he didn't do something like this in a massively public venue.

Pepper Potts (204) has posed:
    The feeling of the deer in the headlights. The cow in the oncoming train. That floating sensation you get when it's your turn to say a nursery rhyme at kindergarten but you forget which one, and stop just short of puddling.

    That's the feeling Potts gets when Tony sinks down to one knee. The entire world stops. She hears no cameras, sees no flashbulbs. No whooping of the audience, no gasps no hushes, the blood running in her ears and the look of the man in front of her, looking up to her, with the ring. The worn box with its faded velvet. He m ust have looked at it a thousand times, waiting for the right time. Waiting for the one moment where he could be at once himself, honest and true and naked in a figurative sense.

    And it all comes down to this moment. How could she refuse him, in front of billions, when he laid it all out, bruised and broken.

    The phone call two weeks after he disappeared. Seventy-seven flights of stairs in heels. The late nights, the early mornings.

    Frozen in time. She tries to say something, but she can't talk. Her throat's tight, her heart pounding, and she reaches dwon with those long fingers, and brushes some of the hair out of his face, then raises her nervous hands to her mouth, steepling them, as tears threaten at those dark green eyes.

    <Are those bullet holes?>

    And she falls down to her knees. Her arms go around his shoulders, and she holds him to her, her fingers curling into the fabric of his shirt. And speachless, she nods against his shoulder.

Deelel has posed:
Deelel takes notice of Toph's action with the bangle with intres thtne replies.

"I think I have to agree, Toph."

She's still keeping her voice low as Pepper gets a shout out anf that just has her grinning as she sees where this is going. She gets what a marriage is and Tony just went big. Just think she's recored it first person just by being here.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Even from here Toph can hear it. How Pepper's heart is dancing wildly like a mad little drum. Too bad she can't see what's going on with the people on the stage. And Pepper is being too quiet! So after a few seconds she speaks up. "She better be hugging him and nodding her head now..." she asides to the people next to her.

Steve Rogers has posed:
Steve is pretty good at being the strong, silent type when necessary ... and while he hasn't been entirely silent during the preliminaries, he's been quietly visible amongst the Avengers and allies, seated on-stage. A fair amount of his attention has been floating around the venue, watching out just in case some lunatic decided to make trouble.

His attention sharpened a *lot* when Tony made his proposal to Pepper official - if anyone was going to try to steal the show with violence, that would be the moment. But it passes without incident, and Steve Rogers relaxes a little.

"You called it," he stagewhispers to Toph in response to her speculation. "Hugging, and nodding. Can't see other than that."

.... he might be able to notice more than he's letting on, but - discretion.

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
"No take-backsies," Tony murmurs humorously into Pepper's ear when she throws her arms around him. Mostly because if he doesn't crack a joke he's afraid he'll burst into tears himself. As it is his voice is raw, and he's shaking a little as he gets his feet under him and raises them both up with some difficulty, the hand not holding the jewelry box wrapping tightly around Pepper's back to support her against him.

"Here, let me... put this on you," he almost giggles, dazed and slightly hysterical from the sheer RELIEF flooding through him. "I had it resized for you and everything... here. There." He stares in some disbelief as he slips the band over her finger. Then gives a big, boyish, happy smile and hugs her tightly back, both arms wrapping in a huge bear hug to lift her right off her feet for a second or two.

"I waited two years," he gasp/babbles into her ear, still holding tight as he sets her down. "And I know, I picked the worst possible venue and I know it's a big deal and it's going to be /crazy/ but hey--" He draws back, just enough to give his new fiancee a grin and a teasing peck on the tip of her nose. "At least we get to tackle it together. Right? You okay?"

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    "I knew it," Toph grins, looking rather pleased where she sits. Now there's no more need to badger Tony, is there? And well, the two deserve it. Even if they both seem a bit shocked at it right now. Her hard work wasn't for nothing!
    And she's so going to have to tell Pepper that she told her so later. HAH.

Pepper Potts (204) has posed:
    "No take-backsies." Pep agrees, giving a girlish, nervous laugh, and she draws upwards as Tony slips the ring onto her. It fits absolutely perfectly (because Tony doesn't do /anything/ half-assed. The adreniline's hit her, and her mind is going at a thousand miles a second. She gives a soft cry, laughing as he picks her up, and it registers that the audience is cheering.

    "Oh my god." she squeaks. "Tony. /We're engaged/." she whispers, her arms wrapped around his shoulders as he sets her down, h er eyes glowing, cheeks flushed, and while she smiles, she leans upwards and whispers "Oh, you are /so/ going to get it later for this."

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
"I know, I'm a jerk," Tony agrees happily -- he must be high as a kite on endorphines right now to let that comment pass without a suggestive retort. Instead, he clears his throat, turns -- staying in the reach of Pepper's arms -- and lifts one hand high to wave to the crowd, briefly closing it into a fistpump of triumph. "Sorry about that," he addresses the audience and the cameras, switching his collar-mic back on. From the roar of approving cheers it would seem that no one really minds the detour from the purpose of the presentation. Nevertheless:

"So let's unveil this thing already!" He touches a finger to his bluetooth earbud, murmurs a command to Jarvis -- and the huge tarp lifts off of the monument as several Iron Legion suits move into action and fly straight up, holding it by the trailing edges.

Steve Rogers has posed:
"You're not sorry at all, are you," Steve murmurs - principally to Tony, although God knows if Stark hears the comment or not. He's grinning, though. Yes, the Star-Spangled Man With the Plan has a sense of humor, even if you'd think that's classified.

He's clapping along with the audience, although he eases off the applause as Stark's suits move to unveil the monument proper ... partly to watch, partly in case any of the aforementioned theoretical troublemakers are planning to seize *this* moment instead of interrupting the proposal.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Yeah, let's unveil it for the seeing people. Toph is still grinning and clapping along with the crowds though. Heck, at least it seems that the others like the big show off that Tony is with his many suits as they grab the tarp. "At least people are going to remember this, huh?" she asides to Deelel. Okay, there have been speeches, Pepper did the right thing and said yes, can they grab some Hulk pies now and celebrate properly?

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
"Not in the slightest," Tony agrees cheerfully aside, his eyes on his suits but his arm firmly around Pepper's waist.

Pepper Potts (204) has posed:
    "He wouldn't be Tony if he was apologetic." Potts replies to Steve, leaning against Tony slightly as the memorial is unveiled. She watches the suits -- there... are way more than six now, aren't there? -- and she's all smiles. She knows her face is going to be plastered on women's magazines now. She knows that buzzing at her ear is the calls of people like Vera Wang and Chanel to start advertising their services.

    And she's okay with ignoring it. All of it, to just sit in the glow of Tony Stark.

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
Oh, Tony intends to give the magazines a good cover or two. Preferably with him in the shot, pointing gleefully to the ring on Pepper's finger. "So hey, what are you doing after this?" he asks in a teasing tone. Because as anyone who /knows/ him knows, humor is how he handles stress. His fingertips dig just a little bit more securely into Pepper's side. "I mean we're done here, right? Monument unveiled, speeches given, tabloids appeased?" As if the tabloids are going to be anywhere NEAR appeased after this bombshell. "Whaddaya say guys, dinner at my place?" He glances over his shoulder. You CAN see Stark Tower from here.