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Latest revision as of 14:46, 26 July 2014

Digital Exploration
Date of Scene: 25 July 2014
Location: Digital World
Synopsis: Tatsuto Satou and company explore a forest in the Digital World! And what do they discover...?
Cast of Characters: Deelel, 307, 469, 478, Riva Banari, Wuyin Tsai

Tatsuto Satou (469) has posed:

    The sensation of being transported to the Digital World, to those of a fleshy biological disposition, is slightly... tingly. There's definitely a sensation of SOME sort of change, but the portal otherwise just feels like a normal warpgate. To an already-digital being, however, they would definitely feel a change - they're going from a Real environment to a Digital one.

    The group of explorers appear within Primary Village Seven! Located beside a lake, the village seems to be built out of toy blocks. The ground is oddly squishy, as though padded, despite looking like normal grass and cobblestones...

    The sun is up, there are a few clouds, and all in all it's a wonderful day. The air is so CLEAN here...

Kudamon (478) has posed:
    Hanging out here is Kudamon. He is a doberman-sized digimon that looks vaguely like a weasel. He does not, however, have a weasel-like look on his face. He has a cheery face as he spots people showing up to Primary Village Seven, and is probably the first one to approach them. "Hello! Welcome to the Digital World," says the Digimon with the serene voice, as he approaches the prospective adventurers. "My name is Kudamon. I am a holy beast Digimon, and I will be assisting Tatsuto in this exploration task." He waves with a red-clawed paw in Tatsuto's direction, though when he turns his head he finds the boy is not there just that second. His smile widens a second, realizing that he might be sidetracked by the baby digimon that populate the village.
    "He will be with us shortly. He is a very busy person with plenty of responsibilities." He then floats toward the group a little closer. "If you would," he says, as he reaches into a satchel hanging off of him, pulling out a notepad and a pen. Click! "Could you introduce yourselves?" He's got a very official, calm and friendly air about him. Like a patient tour guide, in fact.

Allyn (307) has posed:
A large sabertooth cat stalks through the digital world and the village. He hadn't been there in a while, well, not to the village anyway since the last time. He wanders towards the etrance of the village though and eyes Kudamon and then glances around looking for the baby digimon. He's got a soft spot for them, even if they are little blob looking things, he thinks they are cute, so he's purring quietly to himself. "I'm Allyn and thought that I would come and play with the cubs, are they doing alright?" he tilts his head at Kudamon.

Riva Banari has posed:
Yeah, this is weird.

Riva is present to assist Tatsuto with their desire to explore this strange world. Since she needs to explore too, there's no reason to not help out while she's at it! But this? This is a little... different than she expected.

Upon arrival, Riva looks around at the village, thinking for a moment. "A block village?" She says aloud. "Huh." She holds up her phone and takes some pictures of the area, before turning... And she looks down at the ground. "This is different. Very nice, but different."

Kudamon approaches, and he gets a picture immediately. "Oh, hello, Mr. Kudamon!" Riva bows. "I am Riva Banari. It's an honor to meet you! Thank you for your assistance." She looks over in Tatsuto's direction and thinks for a moment. "He's a very important person here?" She asks. "What kinds of responsibilities does he have? Does he care for the children?" While Kudamon is using a notepad, Riva's using her phone to record things. Reports is reports, after all, and even if the Union report ends up filed by someone else, she's going to want to report... home.

Deelel has posed:
Whatever Deelel feels it's not the same thing as a organic would, for Deelel's never been made of flesh and blood. She seem to not feel too off as she looks to Riva as she arrives.

"Greetings human and hummm so your first time in a digital world?"

Deelel pauses as she looks over at Allyn and Kudamon's arrivals as well.

"Greetings again. I am Deelel I am a program, the cloest place I have to a home is Afterus."

She does take a moment to look over the otehr arrivals and she looks to Riva for a second before looking back to Kudamon.

"It's good to meet you Kudamon."

Wuyin Tsai has posed:
You know what leaping boldly through warp gates gets you? Lost.
You know what getting lost gets you? /Adventure/.

Someone else pops through the hole, though not with the Bold Explorers that come largely in one group. He's seperate, at least in the sense that not a single person will have any idea who he is. He shivers, a slightly exaggerated motion that goes from his head to his toes. "Ugh, /that/ was weird. I don't think I've felt something like that since --"

He stops, pauses, and looks around. Wuyin spots people he doesn't recognize, entities he can't categorize, and a world that appears to be digitized. He thusly adjusts his glasses -- the 3D kind, natch -- and pulls out his cell phone.

There's a little 'click' now and then as he starts taking pictures. He also begins wandering mostly forward while he does it. He glances at Kudamon, double-taking and swinging his phone's camera thataway. *Click.* "Digital World? That's new. Unless everything's already... hmmm. My name's Wuyin; call me Wu. /I'm/," he says, exaggerating the syllable slightly, leaning forward as if conspiratorial, "from /an Earth/."

He goes back to getting snapshots. Ooooh, aaaah.

Tatsuto Satou (469) has posed:
    Tatsuto vanished pretty much as soon as the group arrived. Soon enough, however, he ends up falling out of one of the buildings - which no one saw him actually ENTER, oddly - covered with half a dozen... blobs. Blobs with eyes, and of various colours.

    Tatsuto crashes against the padded ground, laughing. "Sheesh, I've only been gone for an hour!" he 'complains', scratching one of the more complicated blobs - this one has feet! And a... leaf! - behind the... well. Behind the leaf.

    He raises a hand to the crowd - in a 'be with you in a second' sort of gesture - before setting the blobs down in front of him. More blobs are peering out from behind various objects and buildings... seems like they're shy.

    "Okay, guys. I'm gonna be going away for a few hours. So you guys be good, and-"

    A tiny dragon's head-like blob lip-wobbles. "B-but Tatsuto...! All these people are here...!"

    "Oh, don't worry, Hoppy. They're coming with me," Tatsuto says to the shy lil' dragon, smiling. One of the less-developed blobs tries to hold onto Tatsuto... by nomming on his finger. This doesn't appear to hurt. "Look, don't worry, Hina will be here soon! Buuut... before she arrives... Poromon's in charge."

    "What!" comes the voice of the green leafy blob. "How come Poromon egts to be in charge? I'm the oldest!"

    "Nu-uh! You heard him! I'm in charge~" says a pink... bird's head.

    Okay this place is weird.

Kudamon (478) has posed:
    Kudamon smiles and gives varying reactions at each of the explorers as they introduce themselves.

    Riva gets a nod and a smile. Nothing odd about her, and her behavior strikes him as someone here for the learning experience. He mysteriously avoids answering the questions, just giving her a knowing smile and knowing that the question will be answered soon if she's paying attention. "Hello, Miss Banari. Thank you for coming."

    Deelel's introduction is short and informative. He replies to it by nodding once at her. "A pleasure," he tells her.

    Wuyin's introduction gets his brows to raise and his smile fade for something of a mild disbelieving face. The tone he takes to telling him where he comes from makes him smirk, because he's fairly sure that the guy is not used to the Multiverse just yet. "Hello, Wu." He gestures over his shoulder at the exchange between Tatsuto and the baby digimon with the pen. "He's also from an Earth," he tells Wuyin, his serene smile, "The Earth associated with this Digital World."

    Allyn gets a look of confusion for a second. "Ahh? You should come with us, then. We should be back here by the end of the journey, so you'll get to play with the digimon when we get back." He nods at Allyn.

    He scribbles down the names of the adventurers, and stuffs the notepad and pen back in his trusty satchel. "Alright then. Before making any snap decisions, you should ask Tatsuto or myself about anything you are not comfortable with. There are many Digimon with very intimidating appearances, who bear no ill will to humans or other Digimon, or other beings. They can be reasoned with, or if they can't be, there is usually a good reason for that as well." With that disclaimer in mind, he shines a bright smile at them, the air around him seeming to glow a bit.
    "Once Tatsuto is ready to go, we will be heading to the nearest forested region, to see what's there. Forests are usually home to insect and beast Digimon, which carry simplistic lifestyles and personalities. Splitting up to explore is encouraged," he says, as he digs into his pack, producing a set of smoke flare guns, and providing them to the various individuals. "Use one of these to signal the others if you feel as if you are in danger or if you encounter a hostile Digimon. If you must defend yourself, be careful not to get excessive about it."

Deelel has posed:
Deelel pauses as Wuyin takes photos, she starts playing to the camera and posing for him for the moment. Once he's done she just smirks at him before giving him another good go over.

"Your strange even for a human, Wu."

He's already proving to be interesting. She has tio wonder about Wuyin and Riva. Both are new and have caught her attention along with Tatsuto and Kudamon as well. It was really good for her to get out and off of the Afterus net for a little while, wasn't it? She watched as Tatsuto said good bye to some of the locals and she smiles at Hoppy.

"When we return I might have some stories to share. I know a very good one."

She turns her attention back to Kudamon now.

"Curious I'll keep that in mind. This should be interesting, and I will restrian myself if I am attacked. Don't worry, I have no plans to cube anyone!"

Allyn (307) has posed:
Allyn purrs somemore and nods to Kudamon, "This soudns like it might be kind of fun." he ponders to see if there are any questions, "Well, there really isn't too much trouble expected, right? Maybe we wont run into anything that we need to defend ourselves against. As long as no one acts hostile towards them." at least that's the way it seems to have been ebfore anyway.

Riva Banari has posed:
The appearance of the small Digimon causes Riva to make a surprised expresson as she whirls to face Tatsuto. "Oh my goodness! They're so cute!" She says, chuckling for a moment. "I never imagined to ever see this when I woke up..."

She does not, however, intervene to help Tatsu. They're clearly shy already and she doesn't want to send the skittish children running for hide. This is /their/ place after all.

Riva gives Deelel a wave. It's only polite. She then looks over to Wuyin as he arrives. "Huh. I'm from Earth too." She comments. But then... which one... "Good to meet you."

Introductions being over for the moment, she pays close attention to Kudamon, recording everything she can on her phone as he speaks. She quickly learned that it pays to be meticulous about her record-keeping. "So rule one: Don't panic. Got it!" She smiles, and nods. "Makes sense, there's bound to be a lot here we won't understand at first." She takes a flare gun and puts it in her pocket. "This is going to be amazing, I haven't been on a field trip like this in years." She nods, reassuring Kudamon. "I'll be careful!" She waves to Allyn too. She remembers the strange cat from Ivalice. She looks pumped and ready to go!

Wuyin Tsai has posed:
"Do most humans seem strange to you? Maybe it's a matter of perspective." He takes another shot of Deelel, and swings the phone towards Tatsuto and the baby digimon. Click. Click. He waves with his free hand, still looking down at the phone rather than forward at people.

Wuyin points it at Kudamon, his way of peering thataway. "Good! Less things to clear up. It would be really awkward if I had to explain what a phone was." Click.

He wanders slightly, circling the group in a sort of vague, lazily orbital kind of way. He takes a shot of Riva, tapping something on his screen. He smiles. "I know. Hey, what do you think of this one?" He turns the display towards Riva for a span of a few seconds. It's on a notepad screen, with '2 KINGS 19:27' displayed. She's the only one who can see it, and only for a couple instants.

He turns it back, mutters, "Huh," and goes back to taking a record. "So," he asks the group at large, "where're we going?" He's part of the 'we' now, clearly.

Tatsuto Satou (469) has posed:
    Tatsuto has, by this time, managed to extricate himself from the baby Digimon. He grins. "Yo, Allyn! Good to see you! And... everyone else, thanks for showing up!"

    The points to Wuyin. "I have no idea who you are! But eh." He turns around on one heel, pointing towards the forest. "ONWARDS!" And then he starts to walk - and an adorable little puppy leaps off a neabry building and lands on his shoulder. "...I'm Tatsuto, by the way, those who don't know. And this bundle of adorbs is Plotmon."

    Introductions done (as far as he's concerned), Tatsuto heads out of the village and towards the forest! The ground outside the white picket fence feels... like normal grass. The padding is unique to the inside of the village, apparently.

    The forest isn't too far! There's not really anything between it and the village, though. Just wide, open meadows and rolling hills. Then again, the view into the distance is rather obscured by said hills, various forests, and a single mountain in the distance...

Kudamon (478) has posed:
    Kudamon is particularly curious about Wuyin's odd mannerisms, but doesn't pay it too much mind. Like a researcher, perhaps, someone here to better understand. A lot like Riva, but in a different tone. He notes the similarity much more when Wu speaks to Riva, doing something that implies they should know each other in some manner.
    The journey to the forest, and through the outer reaches, is uneventful. They find a convenient path through it and spot a variety of small Child-level Digimon of various species that seem to avoid them for the most part, like any Earth wildlife might. They live in a tenuous social order, after all, so they avoid any unknowns.
    Until they reach a structure off of a fork in the rough path.

    Kudamon stares at the ruins. "A temple?" he wonders. Indeed, it looks like it has some sort of significance, maybe a temple. It bears a vague similarity to, say, old South American designs, to give it a stereotypically ancient feel. It looks much older than the surrounding forests really indicate. There's no other sign of civilization nearby, or at least in visible range.
    The temple is decorated with symbols, surprisingly, that look identical to the script etched into the rings that decorate Kudamon's body. Despite this, he seems to ignore the letters, more concerned with the safety of the stairs should anyone want to climb it, and he even pauses to inspect a precarious column and test its ability to support its own weight with a push here and there so that no one is accidentally crushed. The ruins look centuries or even millenia old, even if that doesn't make much sense. It just feels that ancient and mysterious. Kudamon just doesn't want that to also mean dangerous.

    He's very safety-minded, not wanting anyone in the party to get hurt. But he's also not terribly mindful of them, believing they can handle themselves for the most part unless something arises to the contrary.
    Kudamon has no idea what to think of this place, though, that much is obvious.

Allyn (307) has posed:
Allyn bows his head to Riva in recognition, "Hello again." he tells her and then when Tatsuto goes off, he follows after him and the others. He has stuff he needs to fill the boy in on again, but not right now. He does remember that Angemon's warning to him though, but quite throughly ignores it, though he does look around just to make sure that same Angemon isn't watching him right now.

"Yes, it is good to see you again Tatsuto, I've been busy with some other things, sorry I haven't had time to come and visit." he also greets Plotmon as well.

He blinks at the ruins and the stairs, well, not something you see everyday anywhere, right? Well, that's what they are here for, exploring, so the large cat makes his way towards the stairs and starts to pad up the slowly.

Riva Banari has posed:
Riva looks at the message, and she blinks, looking to her phone and tapping. She looks back at Wu and frowns for a moment, squinting, "It's interesting, all right." She says, but she seems to shrug it off for a moment, instead turning away. She's not going to ruin a perfectly good field trip with shenanigans.

Tatsuto comes up and directs them with the assistance of Plotmon. The appearance of the tiny puppy causes Riva pause. It looks like she's susceptible to cute. "You seem to always attract the cute ones, Tatsuto..." She jokes, before following him out of the village. She blinks at the change of the ground, nodding to herself. Why not? She surveys the area, looking around. "Wow, everything is so open and fresh." She comments. "This would do wonders for a workout area."

They reach the forest, and Riva looks around, watching the foliage carefully, moving along until they reach a temple. "Wow!"

She approaches the temple, taking careful notes and lots of pictures. "This looks a little like some of the ruined temples on our world, but the inscriptions are nothing alike." She taps at the lines a little bit with a finger, humming to herself.

She smiles her appreciation at Kudamon ensuring that the area is relatively safe to move through, and begins climbing up. Riva is athletic enough and begins poking around at nooks and crannies to see if anything catches her eye, or if a way inside presents itself.

As she does so, however, she keeps an /eye/ on Wu.

Wuyin Tsai has posed:
Wu gives Tatsuto a glance, and a quick thumbs-up. "That's okay! I don't know who /you/ are, either!" He feels it puts them on even footing. He makes a gesture like tipping an invisible hat at Plotmon while he's at it. "Does he, she or it tell you the plot?" he asks. Wuyin feels someone must.

If he notes Kudamon and Riva watching him, he doesn't show it. Instead, he falls into step with the group of explorers, taking pictures of the tiny Digimon as they come across them and of interesting looking flora while he's at it. He seems to be pleased to be exploring, and doesn't seem terribly bothered by not knowing anyone. Even if he /is/ acting kind of familiar with Riva.

He might just be doing it to mess with her.

"Oh, wow. Very nice! Very Mayan. Old, too." Wuyin moves on forward, taking careful pictures of the script. "Though, if this is a digital world, do you suppose it has always been here, pre-rendered to /appear/ old? Hmmm... I don't suppose you can read this," he asks, turning his head slightly to cast a glance at Kudamon.

Riva goes up, so Wuyin goes around. He starts to inspect the base of it and the area around the temple, watching carefully for anything unusual, or any particular places that seem arranged /just right/. If he were a knowledge-collecting hive-mind of extradimensional bees, he would hide tidbits in the designs of the architecture to trigger a sort of transmission. They're wily like that.

Deelel has posed:
Deelel says, "::Says "No your strange even for humans, then again I who knows. Either way your intersting to me Wu."

She looks over to Riva and has to wonder just how many Earths there are after all.

"Well this trip should be fun right? Also hello Tatsuto, and Plotmon."

She bows a little bit before she heads off with the group chosing to not break off.

She takes notice of the ruins with a good deal of intrest as she pauses to look over the script and the like.

"This is curious..."

She pauses for a moment at the mentionf Mayans.

"As the earth culture? No I find messing with a digital world's source code can be very risky, I have done it before but it's not to be done lightly.""

Tatsuto Satou (469) has posed:
    Tatsuto points at Wu. "Plott Hound! Look it up!" And then continues walking. As they pass various Digimon, he smiles at them, giving little finger waves and everything. His presence seems to put them slightly at ease...

    As they reach it, Tatsuto stares up at the ruins. "...Holy... I didn't know -anything- like this was here!" He's all giddy with excitement. "This changes everything! I think. I actually don't know anything much about the Digital World at -all-, so..."

    The clambers up the stairs leading to what -appears- to be the main worship area... or perhaps it's a gathering area of some sort. Is this even a temple? There are crude pictures on the walls - what appear to be a chameleon, a toucan and a... kangaroo... wearing boxing gloves.


    There are torches burning in the lower areas, without windows to let light in. Although on closer inspection, the 'flames' are actually -light bulbs- set into complexly-shaped sockets that merely give the illusion of flickering flames. The upper areas have no such artificial lighting, instead letting the sunlight simply shine in through expansive windows and skylights.

    Kudamon may notice something interesting while checking the safety of the temple. A certain symbol is repeated throughout the decorations - it's not a DigiLetter, either. It looks like a stylised rose...


    The others, in their explorations, find... lots of corridors. Oddly, there's no dust, or any signs of any Digimon actually living in the building. Riva and Wuyin, alas, find no snippets of lore beaming into their heads. Perhaps the Bees don't know anything about this world?

Wuyin Tsai has posed:
Wuyin looks it up.

Scenthound and boar hunter, huh? That explains it. (Less cool than his assertation, though...)

Wu seems pretty interested in the flame lightbulbs. When he finds one, he holds his hand near it to see if it's actually warm; then, if it isn't /hot/, he tries to see if he can unscrew it from a socket and take a look at its construction. Then he'll take one, because why not, you never know when a lightbulb is gonna come in handy.

No Bee noises. It's kind of a relief! Kind of sad, too. Maybe he isn't in the right spot...?

Riva Banari has posed:
Riva is less concerned about bees providing some background information as enjoying the moment, and perhaps teasing some answers to the questions on everyone's mind out of the construction. This is definately more interesting to her. "So you guys never noticed this thing before? Is the Digital World really that unexplored?" As she moves, she does take out a pad of paper and a pen of her own, doing sketches of the entities depicted there. "I feel like a real archaeologist!" She doesn't poke at the lights, focusing on the drawings. She seems to be interested in doing a hand-drawn reproduction of some kind instead of just using her phone to take pictures. "Do any of you know who these are suppoed to be?" She asks.

Allyn (307) has posed:
Allyn glances around still, he blinks at the wall, not sure really what to make of things. He pads alongside Tatsuto, "This is an interesting place it looks like. What are those things on that one creature's front legs? strange." he sits down and swishes his tail curiously.

Deelel has posed:
Deelel keeps an eye out ofor anything of notes, she pauses for a moment as she's not sure about what Tatsuto has found but it's clear he's quite excited about things She takes a good look at the symbol they find and wonders about it she's got to wonder a lot. Also there seems to be no here? Is that true? It's hard to tell for her. She does look over to Wu, Riva and Allyn.

"My own world can be such, old sectors that long have gone bad can be full of all sorts of things."

Kudamon (478) has posed:
    Kudamon blinks several times as he takes note of the flower shape. He runs his claws over it, fixated on it in particular. The writing itself is largely overlooked, but he does remember to mention to the others, "The DigiLetters are largely nonsense combinations," he tells them, "They are a direct one-to-one of Japanese word pronunciations, but you'd need to know the context to really read these, which we sorely lack." He lets out a sigh.
    As they advance and spot various Digimon drawings, he tells the others their names, "Chamelemon, Tucanmon, Kangarumon. They're Digimon linked to the concept of Kindness, a sort of elemental force for Digimon and a source of power, representing the strength a partner can give to their Digimon and the benefit they provide to the Digital World. Tatsuto is linked to it, so it makes sense for the Village to be so close to this place, or the other way around." He reaches to the Digivice on his collar, and pulls it off the chain. He holds it up, and shows some of the others the symbol on the back. "The symbol for Friendship, for instance." He smiles at the group as a whole. "Of course, this is all mythology and amounts to religious edicts. In our cases, it provides a direct power boost. I receive power from bonds of various individuals, and Plotmon receives strength of heart from Tatsuto."
    He then blinks once or twice. "Ahh... I apologize, I got ahead of myself." Sniff. "At any rate, there are nine of these elements and each represent an emotion or personality trait like this." Then he lists them off, after putting the digivice back on his collar. "Courage, Friendship, Love, Knowledge, Faithfulness, Purity, Hope, Light, and Kindness. All of them positive traits, meant to improve and protect the Digital World. Certain Digimon species are directly connected to them, or directly oppose them."

Tatsuto Satou (469) has posed:
    Tatsuto tilts his head slightly. "...I've never heard of any of those Digimon," he comments idly, while looking at one of the figures Kudamon referred to. "...Weird. I thought I'd memorised all of them."

    "How is 'light' a personality trait anyway," he mutters, mostly to himself. It seems like something he's asked before, because he doesn't seriously seem to be looking for an answer.

    "...Well. Has... anyone found anything? This place is pretty neat, but... I wonder if there's anything -here-, or if it's just all foreshadowy."

    He crosses his arms. "Maybe we should bring in some experts... if there's such a thing..."

Allyn (307) has posed:
Allyn shakes his head, "I don't really see anything, though I wouldn't know what I was looking at even if I did see something." his tailtip twitches a little bit." he growls softly, "Though if you want to bring people that know, don't bring that woman. She's not good news." though its not really the woman he's worried about, it's that Angemon that follows her around that concerns him. "Maybe we should look around a bit more and see if there's anything else interesting to find?" he gets up and pads around looking.

Deelel has posed:
Deelel looks to Kudamon as she's well not literate in the local lanuage. She looks at him giving more information. She gets the idea it's like trying to go over source code you know what the commands do but not what they are applied to if it's not commented.

"I see that atually pretty interesting actually, I not seen and curious. I admit my own relgious issues have been interesting here in the multiverse."

She looks over at the two human memebers of the party ith a bemused look at her face and keeps silent as she mills over the rest of the information.

"Thank you for the lesson, it's quite useful."

Wuyin Tsai has posed:
Wuyin rounds the temple, still walking and examining. "You know, I think the idea that these nine elements are meant to improve your world says a great deal about it. Does this mean there are opposing forces to the nine you've mentioned," he asks, starting to climb up the temple, "or do they exist in a vacuum? You said certain species oppose them, so I assume someone has categorized them by now."

This is an assumption he does not actually make, though he's glad to let someone think he's made it. All Wuyin assumes is that people did things at some point, and that occasionally they make some sort of sense. It wouldn't surprise him if nobody bothered to figure out what, if anything, opposed these 'elements.'

Maybe something needs to.


Riva Banari has posed:
Riva takes copious notes to Kudamon's lecture on what amounts to Digimon religion and how they have a very real effect on said Digimon. "Huh!" Riva says, turning around to look at Tasuto carefully. "Well, I guess you do have a lot of responsibilities! Riva sighs slightly, tilting her head. "This place is really interesting. If you need help with any problems, I'll be happy to give you a hand with them. "

She shakes her head though. "I didn't find anything that it looked like I could do anything unusual with. Maybe whatever this place is meant to do... The conditions just aren't right?"

She glances over at Wuyin and blinks at the look on his face. "You look like you're thinking of something. What's up?"

Kudamon (478) has posed:
    "The opposites are fairly self-explanatory. In my world, the direct opposing force is not direct anti-forms, but representations of the seven deadly sins of judeo-christian origin," Kudamon explains to Wuyin, waving his finger about in that nerdy sort of way. Is he sure he's not Knowledge? He sure does talk a lot. "In this world, the direct opposition is simply a force called the Dark Ocean, which corrupts and destroys." He gestures to Tatsuto, who might know more about it than he does.
    "It could be that there is something here we're missing. It's quite likely, actually. Those Digimon on the wall, though, represent /Armor/ digivolutions, so this is clearly related to the Digimon armors in some way. Perhaps some artifact of Kindness rests here."
    He turns to look for it by lifting pieces of rubble and pushing at walls, looking for secrets. He doesn't managed to find anything, though.

Tatsuto Satou (469) has posed:
    Tatsuto raises his hand. "I know absolutely nothing about the Dark Ocean. Like, at all."

Riva Banari has posed:
"If there were some important artifact here, would it be lying here to take? There's probably some ritual or stellar conjunction or whatever that would be needed to expose it. This temple is pretty big, it could be anywhere." She frowns. "I guess we'll just need to look into it later when the times are right." She nods to Tatsuto and Kudamon, however. "Thank you both for having me here, though. I appreciate it. It was very educational."