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(Nam-Ek done lost his head.)
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Latest revision as of 22:20, 30 July 2014

Nam-Ek and The Factory
Date of Scene: 30 July 2014
Location: TARGET: The Factory (TF)
Synopsis: Nam-Ek thinks the Factory will be easy pickings! Except Karian Icefang and Beelzebumon intend to prove him wrong.
Thanks to: Thanks to Beelzebumon and Karian for an excellent and fun scene.
Cast of Characters: 132, Karian Icefang, 524

General Zod (524) has posed:
    The giant man comes leaping out of the warp tunnel like some kind of bat out of hell, armored in a strangely organic black exoskeleton, the forcefield/visor on his helmet set to nearly opaque, giving the impression of some kind of faceless brute. Fairly close, really.
    The kryptonian lands in the wasteland known as The Factory with both feet, sending a plume of dust and debris shooting into the air. The big man looks about for the defenders. These... Sons of Russ.
Within the hidden confines of his helmet, Nam-Ek smiles.

Karian Icefang has posed:
    All the Kyriptionian would have to do is look up to see the sons of Russ incoming. Hurtling through the sky and aimed right for the factory grounds was a drop pod. Impacting with a deep booming sound, it openned. From it emerged 8 men, each looking like a walking tank. Karian, the one with the eye patch over his left eye, stares down Nam-ek. "I take it your this 'Nam-Ek' person. I'm not impressed."

Beelzebumon (132) has posed:
     Announcing a battle a good thirty minutes in advance is like firing up a flare to someone like Beelzebumon, someone to whom the din of battle is like an irresistable siren's call. With battle lines drawn long in advance, the Demon Lord of Gluttony has had more than enough time to arrive on scene, though for the moment he keeps back atop his daemonic motorcycle Behemoth. After all, it wouldn't do to start the show before all the performers have arrived, and those silly Space Marines can be so trigger happy when it comes to vile creatures like him.

     As this 'Nam-Ek' arrives, the Demon Lord leans forward in his seat and grins, then looks up to see the descending drop pods flying in from orbit, leaving him with a dilemma.

     "Hmmm, should I help the puppy lord, the chromedome, or should I shoot everyone and let God sort'em out?"

     He draws one of his prized Berenjena Shotguns from it's holster and grans Behemoth's handlebars with the other hand, "Eh, let's just wing it and see what happens. C'mon Behemoth, let's ride!"

     Then with a roar, the hellish bike and it's ride takes off towards the growing conflict.

General Zod (524) has posed:
Nam-Ek looks at his opponents, the Space Marines. "Hmf." is the only sound he makes as he flexes his fists. It might be fair, he thinks. After all, he rarely ever meets opponents in his size.
The Kryptonian opens by leaping forward with a flex of his giant legs, snapping a powerful fist back and aiming for the chest of one of the Wolves.

Karian Icefang has posed:
    Karian narrows his eye as he spies the fist flying forward. Unfortunately for Nam-Ek, the Sons of Russ had reflexes to match their size. The marine attacked by the fist shifts at the last possible moment, negating most of the damage to just a dent in the armor. "Not one for negotiation? Good." says the Wolf Lord. With that, the men, his wolfguard, scatter out of the way. Karian stretches his neck and moves forward. Balling up his fist, he lets loose a right hook of his own.

Beelzebumon (132) has posed:
     As the two men get into fisticuffs with one another, they would soon hear the sound of an engine off in the distance, heavy and loud along side the sound of wild cackling. And sure enough, over one of the factory's many ridges, the Demon Lord of Gluttony bursts out atop his bike, barrelling straight towards the duo as he fires wildly into the air.

     Because why not?


     With with all the grace of a drunken roadragers, Beelzebumon and his bike come careening with intent to roadkill.

General Zod (524) has posed:
    Nam-ek definitely felt the Wolf Lord's punch, twisting under the impact. He's a little surprised at that, actually.
    He recovers from the surprise just in time to get hit by a demonic bike at speed, knocking the big man over in a cloud of dust and causing some scraps and bruising from the impact.
    An arm lashes out blindly, quickly, as the bike bowls him over, grasping for the bike. Nam-Ek grimaces as he grabs ahold of a searing-hot tail-pipe (which might not do lasting damage but still hurts even through armored gloves!) and uses the entire thing as a club to swing at Karian. The big man accidentally loses his grip on the tail-pipe as he swings Behemoth, sending Beelzebumon and his ride careening towards Karian.

Karian Icefang has posed:
    Karian was both hit by the random gunfire and then by a mace-shaped demon motorcycle. "Oh....you..." He says under his breath. Smoke was kicked up around him from the impact, but the wolf lord remained standing. He also was ready to up the ante a bit. If Nam-Ek was going to use weaponry, so was he. Charging towards the Kryptionian, he aimed his fists again. But at the last possible moment, he hit a button hidden in the gauntlet and as his fist flew at Nam-Ek's chest, one of his gauntlet's hidden blades emerged to make itself known.

Beelzebumon (132) has posed:
     "WOOOAAH!" Beelzebumon yells our as he's thrown from Behemoth's saddle, though he quickly recovers with a tuck and roll as he hits the ground and skids to a stop. And then he gets up in time to see Nam-Ek swinging Behemoth around like a club.

     "Ah fuck, he shouldn't have done that..."

     You see, Behemoth has a bit of a... problem with people other than Beelzebumon handling her, especially to use as a club, so with an angry roar, flames spew out of her exhaust pipes and her wheel grinds against the gripping hand until Nam-Ek lets go, then immediately turns around and tries to run the Kryptonian the fuck over.

     With a sigh, Beelzebumon shakes his head, "That's gonna get messy... so, Karian! I guess since Blankface over there has a death wish it's just you and m--"

     And then he watches Karian just ignore him.

     "D... did you just... I think I've just been snubbed."

     Then with a peeved look on his face, he stomps over to Karian and donkeypunches him right in the back of the head, "Hey /asshole/, I'm talking here!"

General Zod (524) has posed:
    Nam-Ek is a bit like stabbing a solid chunk of rock. Or punching one. The big man might be a bit slow compared to other kryptonians, but he's still heads above a baseline human. He clumsily parries the hidden blade, taking a nasty rake across his forearm as the blade rends his gauntlet and tough undersuit, drawing some blood.
    JUST as he is about to retaliate by throwing a punch with the power of a freight-train behind it, there's a WUMP and horrific screech of metal as Behemoth hits the giant kryptonian and drags him along the Factory's grounds, sparks and metal bits flying every whichway. Nam-Ek isn't even sure which way is up right now...

Karian Icefang has posed:
    Karian felt the fist drill him in the back of the head, and turned to face the digimon. A smirk appeare along his face, as if he had FINALLY accepted the challenge. So, with Nam-Ek seeming stunned, he changed focus.
    "Beelzebumon. I always regarded you as just an annoyance...prove me wrong." He says. He looks to the greataxe on his back, then to the power sword at his side. He draws neither, opting to rush the digimon lord of gluttony with his fists alone. As he drew closer, he changed again. Rather then his fist, he feints into a knee kick into a rising knee upper. He clearly had taken some combat lessons.

Beelzebumon (132) has posed:
     The demon lord smirks, finally having gotten Karian's attention, "It's about damn time we had it out, Mutt Lord. There always seemed to be something bigger getting between us..." He flicks his nose with a them, then lets out a loud, 'WHOOwaah!' like you'd heard in a cheesey martial arts movie as he drops into a fighting stance.

     As Karian charges in, the Demon Lord holds his ground, eyes glinting as he watches his opponent's body movement carefully. From the way Karian shifts his weight, Beelzebumon can tell that the first blow is a feint and quickly reaches out his hand to catch the rising knee, before slipping in close and delivering a thrusting elbow strike to Karian's well armored gut to knock him back.

     "Your kung fu is strong, but mine is stroner!"

     And yes, for the record, the movement of his lips do NOT match the words that he speaks.

General Zod (524) has posed:
    Nam-Ek stumbles to his feet. Sure, being tough has its benefits. But you can still get disoriented from getting hit hard, which is precisely what happened to Nam-Ek. A LOT of his body armor has been ripped off by the unexpected motorcycle ride. A few more hits, he might lose his helmet integrity, and that would not be good for the big man.
    He scans for the possessed motorcycle and leaps into the air with a crack, aiming to put that damn motorcycle into the ground by cannon-balling into it from above. "RAAARRRRGH!"

Karian Icefang has posed:
    The Elbow succeeds in pushing him back a bit, but the wolf lord turns and spots the bike being plowed into the ground, and spies an opportunity. One he readily takes. He motions towards Beelzebumon for one moment, before taking off at full speed for Nem-Ek. The speed he runs at should not be attainable by someone in what basically was super heavy plate armor. So, while Behemoth was in the ground, Karian runs off of it, utilizing it for a jumping point, and once in the air, let himself fall backwards while aiming his elbow for Nam-Ek's head.
    Once he hit or missed, he rolled back up to his feet, smirking towards beelz. He also moves his hand, in the international gesture of 'bring it.'

Beelzebumon (132) has posed:
     Beelzebumon smirks and flicks his nose again, only to hear a crash from behind him. He turns, to see the entirity of Behemoth's front end buried in the ground, with her back wheel spinning uselessly as she tries to extract herself, "Aw man! You realize how long it's gonna take to buff that out you prick? I swear, some people are in such a rush to get their heads kicked in... I'll get to you in a minute you faceless freaksho--"

     Then as he turns back to Karian, he sees the Wolf Lord rush right by him in favor of giving Nam-Ek a good elbow to the face.


     He quickly sprints after Karian, extdning his arm as he rushes past in an attention to clothesline the Wolf Lord right off his feet.

General Zod (524) has posed:
    Nam-Ek pulls his shoulder in under the elbow drop, taking the brunt of it on his body rather than his head. That's going to leave a very painful bruise later. He grunts as he pulls off the rear shoulder plate off since the massive dent that Karian put in it is restricting his movement now. He regards Karian's taunt with contempt. "Hmph."
The kryptonian puts on a burst of speed as he seems to fly at Karian, with fists of steel raining down on the Wolf Lord's power armor. Each one that connects sounds like a thunderclap.

Karian Icefang has posed:
    Feeling quite thunderstruck, the wolf lord wearily stands up, just to get clotheslined down again. He rises up once more, eye narrowing. He spits on the ground and once more moves towards Nam-Ek. He lets his fists fly, aiming for face, gut, and anything else he can hit. He end his little onslaught with a nasty attempt at his famous corkscrew uppercut, before regarding Beelz. He takes off at him, cocking back a fist, hoping to introduce it to the lord of gluttony's face.

Beelzebumon (132) has posed:
     After taking a moment to flex his arm and pat his bicep, Beelzebumon turns back to the fight and grins, cracking his knuckles as he does so, "Gotta admit, this is getting pretty fun... but you two had better stop focusing on each other and start focusing on me, or else you ain't gonna have enough gas left in the tank."

     When the fist comes flying towards him, the Demon Lord throws hi his arms to block and is sent skidding back from the force of the impact, "Oof! That's more like it Mutt Lord, Hit me again! Show me what ya got! I'll even let ya have a free shot on me!"

General Zod (524) has posed:
    It appears that the 'faceless mask' that Nam-Ek has is actually a force-field. The battering that Karian gives Nam-Ek, even though he managed to block a few of the punches, damages the forcefield enough that it flickers and shuts down. Which lets the air in to Nam-Ek and that does not bode well for the big man.
    Simply put, his senses go haywire, overloading his mind with information. He sees what feels like EVERYTHING. Karian's weird bone structure, the internals of the armor, various colors of spectra just bombarding his eyes. Then there's the SOUND. EVERYTHING. _ALL THE NOISES_. Even the sound of the robots underground /building things/.
    The large man lashes out at one of the two figures before him with a haymaker. Have to do /something/. "Hrrgh.. Ghh..." The man's breathing is labored as he staggers a few steps and then collapses.

Karian Icefang has posed:
    Karian turns just in time to spot the haymaker and move, that said his armor has yet another dent pounded into it. The Iron priests were going to be PISSED. Still, the battle wasn't over yet. He turns and eye's Beelzebumon. "Still up for a challenge, eh? I can respect that about you. Let's finish this, and get drunk after." He offers to the lord of gluttony. Of course, that doesn't stop him from letting fly a right hook.

Beelzebumon (132) has posed:
     "Huh, guess he has a bit of a glass jaw," Beelzebumon remarks upon seeing Nam-Ek's final last gasp before collapsing, before turning back to Karian.

     "What, aren't you afrid people might get the wrong idea, sitting down to drink with a heretic?"

     With a lopsided grin, Beelzebumon surges forward, unleashing a right hook of his own even as Karian's own fist hurtles towards his face, because nothing is as manly as a good old fashion...

Karian Icefang has posed:
    Karian takes the hit right on the face. He rubs his jaw slightly after the impact. "Like I give a damn what the Inquisition would say." He responds, following up with a shoulder charge. "They already tried to call my chapter traitors and we kicked their arses."

Beelzebumon (132) has posed:
     Beelzebumon staggers back from the hook and shakes the stars out from in front of his eyes just in time to catch the shoulder charges full on in the chest with enough force behind it to send him tumbling head over heels.

     With expert skill though, he comes out of his tumble and digs his claws into the ground as he skids to a stop, then stands up to rub his chin, "Good man! Always hated authority figures myself!"

     With that he rushes back in and leaps, pulling his head back as he does so before whipping it forward to hitbutt Karian in the skull.

     Yeah yeah, bad idea I know, but who cares!

Karian Icefang has posed:
    Karian laughs and nods, and winces as he feels head get nailed. He was, in that moment, glad his skull was reinforced. "Aye...We don't even use the 'codex' or the book of rules. Well, we do.....as lining for the Thunderwolf pens." He jokes, taking a laugh from that. Still, he goes down to a knee. "All due respect, but I think you win today. I need to keep some semblence of myself for my WMAT match." He says.

Beelzebumon (132) has posed:
     "Ooow..." Beelzebumon says as he staggers back, "Note to self... don't headbutt Space Marines. You guys have skulls more dense than Chrome Digizoid." He rubs his head, then shakes out the stars once more from his sight, "Okay, fair enough. Wouldn't want you to lose your next match because you got a little too festive the night before..." The Demon Lord steps away, then grabs Behemoth... who is still angrily spinning her wheels trying to get loose, "Settle down Behemoth, I got ya."

     He yanks. Nothing happens.

     "... I think..."

     He yanks again. Still nothing.

     "Uh, hey Karian, why don't you take off for now and get started on that booze. I'll be here a while."

Karian Icefang has posed:
    Karian nods. "I will, after this..." He says. He walks over, and starts leaning in to help pry Behemoth out of her hole. "Just....don't run over me, allright?"