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Latest revision as of 17:16, 3 August 2014

Recovery Time at House Lamb feat. the Secret World cast and Kirika
Date of Scene: 03 August 2014
Location: Estate Lamb
Synopsis: The aftermath of Xiang's assault, recovery time at House Lamb
Cast of Characters: 40, 481, Riva Banari, Wuyin Tsai

Eleanor Lamb (40) has posed:
    Okay so it's not Union Medical. It's a pretty good subsitute though. It's the front parlor of Eleanor's house, with a number of cots, blankets and warm spots for people to curl up on. Also a group of young ladies scooting around playing temporary nurses.
    Wuyin's got a nice comfy second-hand easy chair to rest in, the same with Kirika. Riva will have to deal with a well worn loveseat. Oh no. And indeed, there's leftovers and food and medical supplies being trucked in and out by various Little Sisters.

    Elle, for her part is camped out on a couch, sipping on a Capri Sun suspiciously labled B-. Huh. "I hope it's an okay spot for you, Mr. Wuyin. I was a little rushed and as it turns out Union medical is a more secured location than i could get clearance for right away."

Kirika (481) has posed:
R    Ow. Ow. Ow ow ow ow ow ow.

    Kirika is in something of an unpleasant mood as she takes a seat on her seat. Her clothes have been for the most part removed, the kitsune having spent time digging some bullets out of her and patching some cuts up. Her wounds healed now, she remains in just her skirt, leggings, and tank top. The rest of her clothing is bundled somewhere, her sword left with the rest of the weapons as she sniffs her tea.

    After a moment, she sips her drink quietly. Her tail swishes side to side from under her blanket as she remains seated, content to take in the atmosphere and relax for a moment.

    Yet, she's unable to get that man's gaze out of her head. It's always been so frenzied when she's killed before, always in the thick of battle. Yet here, she looked her victim in the eye just before she ended his suffering. It's always been a harsh truth for people like her that time to time, the monsters they slay aren't always savages, but people who have nothing left in their lives but to suffer and flail, begging for the kiss of death.

    She gave it, and quickly as well, but she still can't help but fixate on the deed itself. Would she be forced to do this again and again in her life, until she herself ends up no different than they?

    A forlorn, broken sigh escapes Kirika, and she sips her tea once again.

Wuyin Tsai has posed:
Nobody who just got killed by Dr. Xiang turns down friendly hospitality if they've got any sense.

Wuyin heals incredibly fast -- enough that he /looks/ fine when they get dropped off (clothes and all!), but moves like he's still kind of beat. He knows that it's going to be easier on him in the long(ish) run if he takes it easy instead of rushing off to his next mission, though. He's done that plenty of times to know better.

"Ah, no, it is perfectly fine. Thank you for the hospitality." He inclines his head somewhat. "You don't need to refer to me as 'Mister.' I'm not old and wise enough to deserve it, to hear my father tell it." He cracks a smile.

Wu reaches out to snag something edible. He's ravenous. "I don't think we've been properly introduced, though. My name is Wuyin Tsai. I am... new around here." Close enough. He glances at Kirika a second later. He frowns a little.

A moment passes. "Is something bothering you," he asks.

Eleanor Lamb (40) has posed:
    Eleanor smiles a bit, sipping on her blood. "Well, Wuyin then. I'm Eleanor, and these are my girls. Sisters, to be precise." A little redhead shuffles up to Kiria holding a hot can of coffee, and then skittering back into the kitchen. "And you seem to come from the same place as Miss Riva." She glances over to Kirika but soesn't press there. No sense in it just yet. She missed a lot in that fight, being half choked nearly the whole time.
    As a point about that, those bruises around her neck have already gone from dull things to vivid splotches, and seem to be slowly healing past that.

Kirika (481) has posed:
    "Kirika," THe half-kitsune says hoarsely, given the battering she got today. Her wounds seem to have healed, all but the one inside, the one cutting deepest right now. "I'll manage, worry not." She lies, but it isn't one of harshness, but a simple reluctance to avoid dragging people into her problems.

    Sip. Her tea's gone now. Looking at the coffee and the girl offering it, she nods a moment before she exchanges her teacup for coffee. A long sip is all she needs, and she retreats a bit more into her blankets for now, taking in the warmth.

    "I can't say I know any of you myself, but regardless, it is good to see everyone made it out of there...for the most part." She says at last, before giving Eleanor a brief smile. "I thank you for your hospitality, and the help from your sisters, then." SHe doesn't dare ask. A family is family, blood or no. THe kitsune would know, having two half-sisters and a somewhat complicated family tree...

Wuyin Tsai has posed:
"Sure." Wuyin manages to convey both his disbelief of her claims and his willingness to listen to it to Kirika in a single word and it's accompanying expression. He doesn't press her, though. There wouldn't be much of a point, beyond potentially making things worse.

He leans back in the seat, gradually relaxing. His hoodie is hung up nearby and his bloodied shirt is stashed, leaving him in a white tee-shirt and jeans. He's even disarmed. Definitely relaxed.

"That's correct. We're from Earth -- /an/ Earth," he corrects himself, "and we ended up in the same kind of business. It was... sort of inevitable." He shrugs, and munches on one of the numerous bite-sized things floating around. Her family, he thinks, is a little strange.

Eleanor Lamb (40) has posed:
    'Strange'. A pair of little faces poke out of one of the overhead air ducts, and a shaggy mop of blonde hair dangles out attached to a young lady. "Elliiiiiiie, Helen stole my juuuuuice." Miss Lamb looks up, and grumbles. "We have guests, Alice. We'll handle it later." The blonde girl whines, but retreats further in.
    The other face is a young brunette who waves a bit at the crowd. Then both can be heard shuffling around in the vents.

    Elle sighs, and rubs at her face. "It's a similar situation for most of us, I think. My Sisters and I were... are from a wretched place called Rapture. You might say we're the surviors when we weren't meant to be." A shrug, and she sips on her tea. A look to Kirika. "It was a nasty business, but it usually is when The Good Doctor is involved."

Riva Banari has posed:
Riva looks better as time goes on. By the time someone looks at her medical stats, not only have her wounds inexplicably healed, but the superflus she's been injected with are on a losing battle with her apparently absurd immune system. It shouldn't /work/ like that but it does. She ends up on some antibiotics to push it to a swift conclusion, she will probably be fine in an hour or two. In the meantime, she relaxes in the loveseat.

"This is a wonderful place." Riva says, smiling pleasantly at the Sisters as they file in and out. "I've always dreamed about places like this." Riva says, sort of snuggling into the comfort of the loveseat. She seems considerably more relaxed when she's not 'on the clock'. "We'll stop him. You guys did it before, right? We can't let an interdimensional bioterrorist have his way."

The comment about Elle's origin causes her to frown. "I see. You must have been through a lot, if the files I read were any indication."

Kirika (481) has posed:
    Suddenly, blonde.

    Kirika jumps a little as a child pokes her head out of the duct, whining to Eleanor shrilly before she disappears. "...that does not seem too safe." She comments lightly, tracking the little ones' movements up in the air ducts. Somewhat odd, really.

    Before long she looks to Eleanor as story time comes, sipping her coffee lightly. "So I've gathered, from what others have said." She says, glancing to Wuyin. Then Kirika pauses awkwardly for a moment.

    With the kids around, she supposes there's no point dancing around it for now. "I always thought I would be putting down monsters, but...today, the soldier...I could see in his eyes how he begged for the end." A sigh. "I've been used to fighting beasts, that this feels so..." Swallow.

    "Is the first time always like this? To kill a man and not a beast? It sounds so foolish, with my ordained task in life but..." Her hand flexes, and Kirika takes another sip of coffee. "All I could see was a man, forced by monsters like a puppet..." She trails off, before she dwells too hard on things, shaking her head.

Eleanor Lamb (40) has posed:
    Eleanor handles Kirika first. "What you did was noble. That man would have perished in far worse ways had you not spared him that indignity of dying at the hands of the creature. That said..." She bites her lip. "I cannot tell you your place on that issue. I have killed... far too many people, things and others in my time here and in Rapture than I would care to venture. I have... memories... of the deaths of so many more tucked away." She taps her head. "It doesn't get better. You just learn to handle it. Feeling bad at some level is good though. That's the proper reaction."

    She smiles over at Riva though. She also tosses over an extra pillow, notably, from a couch she is not sitting in. "It is Home, and that's good enough for me. I have a place for my Sisters, and I look over them. Thankfully it's not a school night or else they would aleady be in bed."

Wuyin Tsai has posed:
Wuyin cants his head to the side for a second, as if listening to something. He pulls out his phone and taps away, taking a note. He stashes it again a moment later, glancing up at the girls in the vents as he does. He waves back.

He nods at Eleanor, frowning a little. That sort of phrasing makes him think of Kingsmouth. "I wonder who else wasn't meant to survive," he muses quietly, apparently talking to himself. Pieces are coming together. He'll have to do some investigating later.

Instead, he looks at Kirika, lapsing into silence when she finally asks the question he'd been wondering if she had. He keeps quiet for amoment longer, letting Elle say her piece, folding his hands on his lap. "I suppose that depends on what you're doing, and why," he finally says.

"Some time ago, I found myself wandering around India," Wuyin begins. "I was looking for evidence of cult activity in a particular city. They were supposedly in contact with another group from our world and planning to use magical weapons to commit acts of terror," he explains. "I had tracked one of their members to a safehouse, this crumbling old estate at the edge of the jungle. I think it was an English colonial home."

"Anyway. I got inside, found the weapons... and I thought I'd been quiet, but I suppose not quiet enough. One of them found me, hunched over a crate of their weapons. He came at me with a... a knife, or a short sword. I..." His eyes look downward, far away. "...stopped his heart. I didn't even hesitate. He couldn't raise an alarm, or it was all for nothing."

There's another moment's pause. He sucks in a breath. "After that, I couldn't sleep for... mm, weeks. Not well, anyway." He drums his fingers on his leg. "I thought I was the worst person who ever lived because I killed a man like that. But then you think," he says, "'what would have happened if I hadn't? What if he lived? Would it have been better?'"

"It's going to gnaw at you," Wuyin says seriously. "It will eat you away from the inside if you let it. You have to accept that what you did you did for a purpose. Not because you are a stone-cold killer, or a monster, or because you made a mistake, but because it had to be done. Otherwise, you might hesitate the next time -- and there will /be/ a next time -- and... I don't think you have the same luxury that Riva and I do."

Wuyin takes a deep breath. He waits for a few seconds, and then finally says, "I think I need a drink."

Eleanor Lamb (40) has posed:
    Eleanor's hand drifts into the medic's bag at her side, fishes around, and then comes out with an airplane-sample bottole of vodka. A chug bottle of orange juice is also provided to Wuyin at the same time.

Kirika (481) has posed:
    Kirika sighs, listening to the counsel of others. Her ears flicker and wiggle, before she swallows and swallows back tears. A sob here and there comes, but Kirika chokes it back beforelong, sighing deeply.

    "You are correct...the both of you." She murmurs, before rubbing her temples. "I think I will take that drink as well, now. I suppose, misery loves company as the saying goes..."

Eleanor Lamb (40) has posed:
    Kirika gets a bottle of rum and a can of coke. Bartender Eleanor tonight!

Riva Banari has posed:
Riva gets flumphed by a pillow, and she uses it to rampantly lounge on the lovechair, tilting a bit so she can engage maximum laziness. "They're cute. So they're your sisters, huh?" She smiles. "I'm sure you're doing really well for them."

She glances over to Kirika. She looks like she wants to say something, but she doesn't speak immediately. She looks uncertain for a moment, and instead just frowns. "There are always people who are hurt by monsters. That's why the monsters have to be hunted. Even if we can't save them all, we can so our best to save as many as possible... And destroy the source. They'll pay for whatever they did in whatever afterlife they might be subject to. Considering what a number of us went through, if you couldn't heal him, you were giving him a mercy."

Riva shakes her head at the end of Wu's speech. "I don't disagree with what you're saying, but I don't really consider that a 'luxury'." Go figure, splitting the hairs. Riva, however, doesn't drink or ask for one. She seems content to lounge for now.

Eleanor Lamb (40) has posed:
    Elle snuggles back onto her couch a bit, and looks up at the vents. "Ah, yeah. Sisters. We..." She purses her lips. "I know Riva has looked at my file, but I tell the story as a precautionary measure. Rapture was created as a Libertartian Paradise, free of governmnets and laws and regulations. Just the smartest and the brightest and the richest banding together at the bottom of the sea with people to do all their work for them. At one point, our... creator, Mama Tenenbaum, discovereda creature that could be used to induce rapid genetic shifts."
    She bites her lip. "To get the most out of the creatures, they were implanted in the bellies of little girls. They called them Sisters. We were living factories for the wholesale and retail distrobution of over the counter gene mods."
    She sips her blood and lets that set in.
    Also that little redhead comes back, looks at the crowd assembeled, and clambers up into the chair with Kirika. She needs hugs. HUGS.

Wuyin Tsai has posed:
Wuyin produces a glass by which to properly imbibe the bottles he's been given. "It is a thing that we all must contend with. Best we do it together." He downs it with some haste. "You really come prepared for anything, don't you," he remarks, glancing at Elle. "Thank you."

Hairs get split. He looks at Riva like she has two heads or something. It's barely less than that. "'Immortality' isn't a luxury? With what we've been asked to do? I suppose it might be closer to a necessity, if you really insist on arguing about it." Wu frowns. "Have you even been to the shadow world yet?"

Eleanor tells her story a little more succinctly than Wuyin told his. He has to take a moment to let that one really process. "That is..." There aren't appropriate words for it, really. He just shakes his head.

Kirika (481) has posed:
    Oh fuck yes, rum and coke. Kirika snaps up both drinks, before she looks both at Wuyin and Riva for a moment, frowning as she mixes drinks and simply takes a healthy swig of her booze/soda hybrid thing. "We'll do what we must to protect the worlds we love, no matter the cost." She says more clearly now, before she looks to Eleanor with a faint smile. "You're doing a good thing, here. You've given all these children a home, and someone to look up to." Kirika sa-Oh hello hugs.

    Kirika kinda just...awkwardly accepts this hug, looking at the child with a mix between amusement and shyness at the stranger. Even so, she listens to Eleanor, wrapping an arm around the redhead's waist and resting her head on the girl's chin.

    Another sip of her rumda, and she sets the glass down.

Riva Banari has posed:
Riva shudders as the tale is told. "Oh man, did Xiang ever do anything with that? The consequences in the hands of someone like him would be potentially disasterous. Even more than he already is."

Riva shudders even more when Wuyin asks about the shadow world. "... Once..." She says. "I was investigating a murder, and, um..." She trails off. "I don't really want to do that again." She mumbles.

Eleanor Lamb (40) has posed:
    A bit of color in Elle's cheeks. "Nigh immortality is a side effect of the process, yes. I'm guessing it is the same for you and Riva seeing how you came out of that... in mostly one piece, Wuyin." She tugs her blanket futher up her body, nestling in. The bruises on her neck are already a nasty yellow and green.

    "In any case, I am a Big Sister, a distinction that is made once the girls hit puberty. The biochemical process takes over and... well." She bites her lip. "If you have care, you'll survive it in one piece. There's much more to the story, but let us just say I am the Messiah of Rapture, and I do not hold that title lightly."

    A lookover at Riva though, and murmurs. "No, definately not. In fact I make it my purpose to rescue all the Sisters that pop up and also destory any stray Plasmid tech that's not in the hands of the Union. Never again." She sips on her blood.

    The youngling on Kirika's lap nestles into fluffy tails and whispers. (hi i'm mary.)

Kirika (481) has posed:
    Kirika tilts her head at the little one, before shrugging and wrapping a tail around Mary. "Kirika." The half-kitsune whispers, snuggling her close like a good big sis would in this situation, wrapping her up in blankets to share warmth in the seat.

    She listens enough to Eleanor to know the general bits, and she feels her stomach churn a bit in disgust. But that past is the past, and the little girl in her lap does remind her that there is a silver lining judging by all the kids present. "Mm..."

    The kitsune yawns softly, lying back in her seat as she lets sleep take hold for now, with Mary cuddled close.

Wuyin Tsai has posed:
"It's convenient for a number of things. You should get used to it." Wu's comfort levels with the whole 'dying is a thing that happens frequently' part of their powers is way higher than Riva's. Then again, he's been doing this for a while longer than Riva has...

"We are, ah... I suppose the best way to put it is 'anti-bodies' for the planet. Something is attacking Gaia, so we were given the power to fight it. Whether we wanted it or not. There is, like you said, much more to the story." He shrugs. "Maybe we'll exchange them sometime."

"For now, I think it's best if everyone gets some rest." He looks over at Kirika, passing out with one of the sisters. That is definitely for the best, especially mental health-wise. "You never know when you'll need to go fight a flesh-melting monster next."

Too true.

Which is really, really sad.