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Latest revision as of 06:10, 7 August 2014

Date of Scene: 07 August 2014
Location: The Exoforest
Synopsis: The Autobots are searching for answers in the Exoforest. The Decepticons show up. Beelzebumon turns a standoff into a fight. Chaos ensues.
Cast of Characters: 114, 132, 304, 307, 368, 421, Blurr, Bahamut, 532

Blurr has posed:
    The Exoforest is an exotic place, filled with all manner of organic flora and fauna. It's not Blurr's favorite place in the Multiverse either, since he almost got trapped in a huge vine before while running some recon here, but he shouldn't have to worry about that now, since he's not on the ground this time around.

    The Autobot battlecruiser the Trion is flying low over the heavily foliated terrain, searching for a particular creature of interest, namely, one that at least -appears- to be similar to the Chaosteros, a monstrous animal native to LV-117. According to communications intercepted by one of the Autobots' top intelligence operatives, Blurr (of course duh), a group of renegade neutrals who had been with the Circle of Light pre-unification had been 'bleeding the meat' on these things, or attempting to drain their bodies for energon--a practice known to Cybertronians as pink alchemy.

    So naturally, the Autobots are here to find out why. There hadn't been any meat bleeding on the Chaosteros before, at least not that they know of, but of course the Unification had brought many changes to the universe. That and they're not even sure if they -are- actually the Chaosteros. Answers are needing to be found, so the plan is to capture it and bring it to the Kimia Facility for further research.

    There's a soft sound on the bridge of the Trion, indicating that one of the creatures has been located nearby. Drones quickly begin to make room in the cargo hold, and Blurr, who is standing near the controls as the blast doors open, activates a tractor beam that shoots out of the sky and locks onto the massive creature. They could use orbital bounce, but...those weren't designed for organics, and Perceptor would rather it be alive as opposed to dead. The beam starts to pull the creature upward, and Blurr readies his stun weapon. If this thing is anything like a Chaosteros, it would NOT be a good idea to have a conscious one in the cargo hold of an Autobot cruiser...

Beelzebumon (132) has posed:
     "... The fuck?"

     Those are the words spoken by Beelzebumon as he stands perched on the very top of an alien tree, watching as the far off Trion proceeds to abduct what could very well be an alien form of Cattle, for all he bloody knows.

     A spike, ugly as sin form of cattle, granted, but this is the Multiverse and there are stranger things around.

     "Fuck, next thing you know, they'll be leaving crop circles around."

Genghis Rex (114) has posed:
Plesio radios Genghis Rex, who is out on an early evening flight, looking for things of interest, "Genghissss Reksssss, We have a reading on the Monster Monitor ..."

Rex smirks, "The Monster Monitor? When did you dig that thing out of mothballs?"

Plesio hrumphs, "It wassssss never in mothballsssss, you Cretaceoussss Cretin! Sssssssince coming to the Multiverssssse, it's really difficult to dissssssscern between true monsterssssss and local wildlife."

Rex rolls his eyes, "Pheh, where is it? I'll check it out personally."

Plesio sighs, "The Exofressssssst. Pleassssssse do be careful!"

Rex announces over confederate channels, "Attention Confederates. Genghis Rex here. I am enroute to The Exoforest to investigate a strange reading in regards to a creature of some sort. Energy readings are off the scale. Might be a Kaiju. I don't believe I need assistance, but if you're curious, come along and we'll check it out together."

Black Arachnia (304) has posed:
Given that Maximals are optimized (compared to Autobots) for surveying of organically-populated worlds, Black Arachnia was asked to come on this mission as well ... and given the last couple of outings she's had - running afoul of a junk dealer who specifically wanted Autobots (but was willing enough to try and dismantle her violently), then tangling with somebody with a plasma sword who could also throw *lightning from his fingers* while trying to stymie Xiang's return to activity ... a biological survey mission really should be a nice relaxing change of pace, shouldn't it?

'Should be'. Those are ALWAYS the key words, it seems ... and as Black Arachnia eyes the image of the Chaosteros being tractored up off the ground and towards the Trion, she's crunching some numbers and trying to synthesize a better version of cybervenom to tranquilize the beast without doing any permanent damage. "You know," she comments dryly to Blurr (and anyone else in the bay, "I think I'm starting to forget what 'boring' means."

Allyn (307) has posed:
A lot of strange creatures around, hmm? Well the large sabertooth cat that's stalking about here and there certainly wont be out of place then. Though he couldn't really be considered strange. He does stop, his ears perked up on top of his head as he listens to the surroundings, perhaps he is looking for something, or perhaps just wandering around.

He blinks for a few moments as he hears some thing and glances up and then around. Well, might want to be careful then if there are odd things afoot. He crouches down somewhere out of the way, at least he hopes out of the way and watches for now, perhaps he is just waiting for something tasty to come by?

Tesla Armadia (368) has posed:
Tracking down monsters that may be useful weapons or threats is something R&D occasionally does. That and Genghis Rex is someone she has worked with on many occasions to great success, so there is little reason for Tesla Armadia to think anything otherwise at the report of a monster being detected.

He might not need help with the monsters... But who knows what else, or who else, will show up in the Multiverse, and it's pertensity for somehow getting both sides invovled in the same mess despite their attempts at otherwise.

"When am I never curious, Rex?" she radios back with a hint of amusement in her voice. We will be down shortly." Somewhere far off one of her transporter ships launchs from the depths of Bacterian Tokyo.. Frankly, she could use a break from all the cateloging of that confenscated material from that renegade scientist raid anyways.

Megatron (532) has posed:
    Arriving into the sector from the stars, a predatory vessel emerges from a space bridge. The starship is enormous, practically a relic from the ancient times of Cybertorn, build during the war and beyond. It is also a Cybertronian itself, or at least it was one. The Nemesis begins a course towards the planet, and the Trion can detect a very clear Decepticon signal hailing its crew.

    Seated in his throne at the bridge, Megatron eyes the vessel. "Autobots, how quaint our paths cross so soon." He muses, rubbing his jaw as he looks to his comms officer. "Hail their vessel, Soundwave."

    Rex will also recieve a quick signal, alerting him and his to their ship's presence while Megatron begins communciations.

    His vissage will come loud and clear on the Trion's bridge, remaining seated and glowing with an unnatural purple aura as he addresses the crew. "Unidentified Autobot vessel, hear me now; I, Megatron, have come not in a pursuit to continue our war. I have however come in a means to investigate the origins of the unusual signals that have been picked up my Confederate forces. Should you see a need to engage my vessel, well, you know what Decepticons are capable of. Whether or not you wish to cooperate for the time being shall be decided now. Megatron out."

    As the transmission ends, Megatron sits and waits for a response. Approaching him is Starscream, hands wringing slightly as he address his 'lord.' "I never pegged you for being the type to suggest temporary alliances, barring that 'Unicron' incident, Lord Megatron." He says, his semi-avian features pronounced as he turns to look to Megatron.

    "Even Autobots are not so foolish to attempt an aggressive response to the Nemesis, regardless of any universal confusions. Even if they do decide they have a death wish, we shall gladly indulge them." He clenches his fist tight, before he reclines in his seat.

Shoko Ozora (421) has posed:
    The Trion was not the only Union allied ship coasting above the beautiful, but also highly dangerous Exoforest. The Parliamentary Battleship Nagata, flagship of the nation of New Japan, makes its own descent from among the clouds. The mighty government ship is here in cooperation with the Autobots' investigative efforts over this 'pink alchemy'. The Autobots may be taking the lead in this investigation, but the nation of New Japan stands ready to support in whatever way they can.

    And the primary source of this support is not even the Nagata, but in the form of President Shoko Ozora herself. She has personally taken interest in the ecological disturbances here and now has taken flight in her personal flying battlesuit, the Kamui. Shoko shifts the Kamui into hovering mode as its bright green thrusters start working overtime in order to maintain the mech's current altitude. "Ozora here, all systems are in the green and the Kamui seems to be reacting normally to the Exoforest." And that is all for the best as a Decepticon ship was right there. Hopefully they remained peaceful as the Nagata was in no condition to stand up to something like -that- and neither was the Kamui.

Blurr has posed:
    "Well, that's a -good- thing, isn't it?" Blurr chuckles at Black's comment regarding boredom. "Boredom kills you know. I hear it's worse than scraplets." He's sort of half-joking about that, though it's kind of hard to tell from his tone. "You got your venom ready? I'm not sure if the electorlaser's going to do the trick, the thing's huge."

    And then the two of them get a ship-wide comm that a Decepticon ship, one carrying Megatron, no less, has arrived in the area, as well as a human vessel from New Japan. The transmissions are broadcasted throughout the craft from the bridge, as one of the Autobots' scientists, Jetfire responds to the hailings from both friend and foe:

    "This is Jetfire aboard the Autobot vessel the Trion. We are here to investigate the usual activity as well. We have no plans to engage, that is, unless you give us reason to." The frequencies are switched over to Ozora and the Nagata. "Excellent, we appreciate your assistance, Ozora."

    Blurr frowns. "I don't like this. If this Megatron's anything like the one I know, this 'no conflict' thing isn't going to last very long..."

Genghis Rex (114) has posed:
Genghis Rex scowls a bit and utters to himself, "Another Megatron? How many does that make this? siz? seven? Sighs. As long as I don't run into another me, I guess I'll be fine."

He radios, "Major Armadia! It will be nice to see you again. Perhaps now you can get the measurements you need so that we may proceed on our little project together. Commander Megatron, wellmet. Are your the Dinosaur one or the Fusion cannon one, or perhaps one I've yet to meet."

His brow furrows at the mention of Autobots, "Feh! Autobots! They're nearly as bad as mammals! Present company excepted, Major Armadia."

Rex eyes the Chaosteros nad his jaw drops open, "OH, wow ... lookit that!" He flicks a few switches and broadcasts the image of the beast to his Confederate compatriots, "Have either fo you ever seen anything like that before?"

Rex mutters to nobody in particular with a wry grin, "I wonder what happens when you piss it off?"

Beelzebumon (132) has posed:
     From atop his perch on the tree, Beelzebumon watches the confrontation take place and laughs, "Oh wow, the Autobots and Decepticons in the same place? This is sure to get violent..."

     Then he scratches his chin and wonders aloud to himself, "Wonder if I should just watch, or turn up the heat to see what happens... hmmmm..."

Black Arachnia (304) has posed:
Black Arachnia nods to Blurr, "Just about ..." And then Megatron makes his presence known. The Maximal spider lets out a sigh. "Translation: he's probably wondering if this beast can be weaponized or otherwise turned against his enemies. Forget what I just said - 'boring' would be welcome."

At least there are some allies in the area as well, although Black Arachnia has no idea what to expect out of Ozora or her mecha if the slag hits the ventilator. For now, though, Black Arachnia - still in her spider form - climbs up an inside bulkhead towards the bay's ceiling, trying to position herself so she can drop on the Chaosteros and inject the tranquilizer in a hurry if push comes to shove.

Tesla Armadia (368) has posed:
Sitting in the command chair of her own ship as it nears Rex's location, Tesla just chuckles softly to herself. She's worked with Rex many times, and if this Megatron is anything akin to others that have been present before him, 'no conflict' is not going to last long if either of them decide they want what is down there.

And what a what it is. As the image comes up on her screens the technopath steeples her fingers together in thought. "Negative. Interesting specimin, though. I wonder if those spines can be removed and utilized in some form..." Idle thinking, though. "...It kind of looks like Shardcore made out with a Sandslash..."

Genghis Rex (114) has posed:
Styraco interjects on the radio, "Interesting. Get me some blood samples. If I clone 2 or 3 of those, we could level Nojurum in an hour!"

Allyn (307) has posed:
So some interesting things going on it seem. He stands from where he was crouching and prowls off in the direction that things seem to be going on. Well, he's currently a cat and you know what they've said about curiosity and cats afterall. He doesn't have much else to do anyway, besides it seems things are going on up in the sky, not down on the ground where he currently is.

He ponders for a few moments, ok maybe being on the ground might not be the best thing around here. He decides to shift forms, a winged serpent taking the place where the sabertooth was, then he launches himself into the air.

Shoko Ozora (421) has posed:
    Shoko Ozora's mouth forms a tight line as she decides to reposition the Kamui closer to the Triton and the Nagata, its green thrusters leaving a bright green trail of light through the air as it moves. Suddenly, HUD in front of Shoko begins to light up with its readings from scanning that Decepticon ship. It was reading at the same level of a Greater Conduit Spike! This was not good, not good at all. But thankfully, the Kamui's synchronization with this planets energy field was complete. She would atleast be able to activate all of Kamui's shields and weapons if need be.

    "Ozora to Trion, we stand ready to help defend your ship if attacked, but the Nagata is not primarily a warship. We will only be able to assist for so long before we have to disengage. Hopefully it does not come to that." Such said things often are famous last words however. Regardless of this, both the Kamui and the Nagata continue to pull back towards the Trion. They probably have enough strength to defend themselves as it is, but every little bit could help!

Megatron (532) has posed:
    "Greetings, Lieutenant Rex, Major Armadia." Megatron greets, his vissage gracing both Elites' viewscreens. They will see for themsleves he looks very little like any Megatron that's unified before. Spiked shoulders, dark gray armor, purple eyes glowing with Dark Energon flowing through his veins, and a fusion cannon with a more sleek design than usual depictions. His thin lips give a scowl, and he is less than impressed at the questioning. "Irrevelevant, Lieutenant. That said, these Autobots might be a concern of ours should they attempt anything. You never know what they may have in mind." Yeah, kettle calling the pot on this one, but he's been around the block enough to know so.

    He narrows his optics at the image of the Chaossteros, thinking for a moment. "Soundwave, run a search through our databanks and see what turns up." He commands, before Soundwave gives a nod and a slender limb begins interfacing with the terminal before him.

    As Jetfire gives a response from the Trion, Starscream's thin lips tighten in a grimace. "Tch. We should just take this thing for ourselves. They won't see us coming with this smokescreen we've devised, master."

    Megatron tightens his jaw. "Noted, but not yet." He growls. "For all we know, this beast is absolutely worthless even if we had the means to control them, at least with what little intelligence on the situation we have."

Blurr has posed:
    "Yep that's probably about right." Blurr replies to Black Arachnia. "He's just trying to make us think he's not up to anything, which is obviously pointless." Great, more Confederate ships appear to be arriving in the area. At this point he's absolutely certain that -someone- is going to try to steal the Chaosteros from them, because they think they can weaponize it, or something. At the very least, Megatron's going to attack the Trion. Most likely all of the above are going to happen.

    As for the creature, it howls and screeches as it attempts to free itself from the tractor beam, but this only succeeds in convincing Blurr to activate yet another tractor beam to strengthen the hold.

    On the bridge, Jetfire replies to Ozora, "Understood. Thank you again, Ozora. Jetfire out." He turns to the captain, an older mech by the name of Kup, about to ask what should be done next, but before he can say anything Kup has already answered. "Keep the tractor going...and get on scanning the enemy ships." The scientist nods and hops to it.

Genghis Rex (114) has posed:
Genghis Rex's ship turns in a wide circle around the Trion and the captured beast. He scratches his chin in thought for a moment, then flicks a switch to activate his loudspeaker. His belowing boisterous voice echos across the area.

"Attention Union Representatives. You are committing an act of ecological terrorism by attempting to relocate this beast from it's native environment. This act of aggression will not be tolerated!"

He fires a blast of plasma toward the Trion from his forward cannons, "This is the only wanring I intend to give!"

Beelzebumon (132) has posed:
     Beelzebumon continues to watch the standoff from his spot on the tree, looking between the Nemesis and the Trion, "Hmmm, now how do I set fire to this potential bomb of a situation... if I just start shooting, all that will happen is those two warships will train their guns on me. I need to figure out something that would make one side or the other jump the gun..."

     And then as the beast tumbles in the air in the grip of the two tractor beams, Beelzebumon allows a slow grin to form on his face, "Well, everyone seems interested in that thing... perhaps some... ambitious people would jump at the chance if someone were to fumble the prize..."

     And then he hops down off the tree and back into the cover of the foilage as he creeps closer.

     Once in position where he can see the tractor beam emitters, he pulls out both of his shotgun and grins as he glances in Rex's direction.

     "Well, we got the ambition part of the plan set up... now for the spark..."

     Then he takes aim at each of the emitters and lines up his shot from cover... and with a dual /BANG/ that echoes through the forest, he fires a pair of shots to disable the tractor beams.

Megatron (532) has posed:
    "Alright then." Megatron stands, already about to make his way towards the door out down towards the hangar. "DECEPTICONS, ATTACK!" He gives his orders before he makes his way towards the nearest airlock at the hangar. When it opens, Megatron steps on out into the void of space. His starcruiser mode blasts off the deck as he soars through space, gun batteries errupting from the front of the Nemesis as it hammers the Trion's hull.

    Megatron's destination is the ship itself, intending to see for himself just what the Autobots are truly capable of as his fusion cannon and side-guns deploy and fire as well, targeting systems already at work scanning out enemy fighters and mapping out a potential entry point.

    Meanwhile, as Tesla takes on Beelz, a squadron of Decepticon fliers with towing cables advance towards the creature itself, accompanied by a dropship with a cage strong enough to hold the beast.

Tesla Armadia (368) has posed:
Will they break out into a fight? Try to negotiate? Maybe be sensible enough to just back off.. no, of course not, that's never going to happen so easily? But how will this turn out... Oh, the Tyranno comes through with a small bit of brilliance. Well played, Rex, well played.

But Tesla's amusement at the tactic is cut short when gunfire rings out not from the other ships, but from the ground below. Tesla doesn't even have to twitch and a new holo-screen opens up via her powers, zooming in on a familiar demonic form firing at the tractor beams from below. An unexpected visit from the Demon Lord of Gluttony. That gets her to raise clawed fingers to rub her temples briefly. Sure, he's shooting at the enemy at the moment, but that is not going to last, not with him. A sigh, and a flick of the internal comm. "Deal with the interloper."

While her ship remains at the fringes of the location, there is still a deafening *THWOOM* from it, though while it sounds like a cannon it is not; it's the ship's launch catapult. Normally used for deploying small fighters into battle.

But not this time, and not at the Trion, either. What comes out of the launcher is aimed -at the ground-, impacting with enough force to plow through several trees and throw up a cloud of dirt and torn vegetation from the landing.

Yet not enough to stop that, as more trees and torn aside as the hulking mechanical and vagely ceratopsian form of Shardcore stomps through them, unphased by his sudden and violent deployment to the ground. The lumbering warmachine's optical slit lights up, likely scanning the Demon Lord briefly. Followed by its deep, slightly reverbrant voice rumbling from it. "Identification - Beelzebumon. Designation - Pain In The Ass." The war-dino's arm blasters deploy, and open fire in the Demon Lord digimon's direction with several quick blasts. "Resolution: Detterance of Interruption to Tactical Engagement."

Allyn (307) has posed:
Allyn hisses as he sees the things fly off after the creature and he flies after them. Well, he doesn't know what those metal things are, he's just an animal after all, but it looks like the other creature might be in trouble. Luckily it doesn't really seem like anyone has taken notice of the winged serpent, which might be a good thing. So he flies in to try and protect the creature in question. "Leave the creature be." he opens his mouth and spits a stream of venom at the fliers, not knowing it wont work on machines after all.

Shoko Ozora (421) has posed:
    Madame President Shoko Ozora makes note of the professionalism that these Autobots show. She'll have to see about cooperating with them again if they all live through this. The Kamui lacks any sort of tractor beam as does the Nagata. It looks like the Trion will be alone in those efforts as Shoko would rather not get close enough to physically help push the creature towards one tractor beam over the other as she would either end up a snack for the creature or caught in the beams herself. For now, Shoko holds her ground until someone makes the first move in this standoff.

    And then quite a few first moves are made all at once. Genghis Rex actually has a point there. Removing an animal from its natural habitat could cause tremendous damage to a local ecosystem, especially a large predator like this one. But she definitely doesn't agree with that warning shot. And she agrees even less with Megatron's flat out assault. Shoko quickly manuevers the Kamui high up into the air to start engaging any Decepticon that got too close to the Trion or the Nagata. But there were simply too many of them! This was even more frantic than the Dominion's last stand over New Japan, the entire sky was about fill up with lasers, missiles, and flying pieces of metal.

    The Nagata opens fire too, but it surprisingly has a lot less firepower than the Kamui has. It seems that any of the heavy lifting was going to come from the Madame President herself rather than the flagship. But armed with a laser sword, missiles of her own, and a beam weapon, Shoko is out there doing her best to add to the already brillant lightshow.

Black Arachnia (304) has posed:
Sure enough, everything goes pear-shaped at once. Whatever 'pear-shaped' is supposed to mean - some silly organic turn of phrase.

In rapid succession, Genghis Rex trhows Megatron's offer of a 'truce' out of the airlock, Megatron HIMSELF orders the start of the attack, and something knocks out the Trion's tractor beam before the Chaosteros can be loaded into the cargo bay. And that's just what Black Arachnia is immediately aware of: she's not as cognizant of Tesla commencing to mix it up with Beelzebumon ... although to be fair, she would have a hard time caring much less.

Oh yeah, and basically everyone in the fight who isn't human is substantially bigger than Black Arachnia herself ... not that this is an entirely unfamiliar scenario for her. Especially in dealing with OTHER Transformers. For the time being, though ... well, she needs to get outside the Trion to do much good, doesn't she?

So she does - letting go of the ceiling, launching her grapnel to snag the edge of the loading hatch, and swinging around and up to procure a good solid hold on the underside of the Trion's hull, before she disappears from sight. (Gotta love the electro-disruptor.)

Now invisible, she makes her way up the hull near the side that the Decepticons seem to be headed towards.

Blurr has posed:
    And then the slag hit the cooling fans.

    Jetfire is again stuck with answering the comms. "Ecoterrorism? That's non--" But before he can even finish, Rex has fired at them, as well as Megatron, and the shots slam into the Trion's shields, causing it to glow faintly at the point of impact. "Damn it," the scientist curses. "Launch drone missiles and deploy fighters!" A red mech at the weapons control console grins. He's been waiting for this -all- night. Missile launchers open up along the Trion's hull, and the projectile weapons blast forth, seeking to strike the Decepticon forces, as well as targeting Rex's ship. Smaller fighters, as well as a few Autobot flight forms also emerge from the hangar bay. Yep, it's quite a light show up there. Allyn's venom doesn't appear to have any affect on the ships, but he might want to get out of the way because there's going to be a -lot- of shooting up there!

    Meanwhile, Blurr curses at the now-dead tractor beam when rerouting power from an auxiliary fuel cell doesn't appear to work. "Slag it! The circuits are shot." he curses, as the Chaosteros falls to the ground. "Black Arachnia, can you see if you can get down there and shoot it with enough venom to knock it out? I'll make sure the Feds don't get their hands on it..." He hurries to the hangar bay as well, and commandeers a figher of his own. Oh no, Megatron did not just come flying at their ship like that. If he's going to board the Trion, Blurr's going to board theirs. He steers the craft toward the warship, searching for an opening.

    Meanwhile, down on the ground, the Chaosteros is -pissed-. Well you would be too, if someone had just tried to tractor you onto a big metal prison. It howls angrily, rearing up on its hind legs. And it is -massive-. When it drops down on all fours again, it lowers its head and begins to charge straight at the first thing it sees on the ground--Beelzebumon and the Shardcore that just came after him.

Genghis Rex (114) has posed:
Genghis Rex's ship comes in low, the canopy pops open and the leader of the Tyrannos leaps from the ship, flipping backwards in the air and growing in size as he falls. He slams to the ground, a full sized T-rex, while his ship blazes off on autopilot.

He looks the Chaosteros up and down, his green eyes gleaming with predatory anticipation. The beast is bigger than him, but it is NO king! He's bested beast larger than himself many times in the past. Today will be no different. Rex will either tame this beast, or he will devour it! Either way, there will be plenty of blood for Styraco to clone from if need be!

Rex leans forward and sends out a challenging roar that echoes mightily throughout the Exoforest! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tGDfK7TOt5w

There is a long silence as Rex and the Chaosteros engage in a staring contest ... which is abruptly ended when droplets of venom spatter across Rex's bare back.

"What the?" Rex blinks several times, "Uhh AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" He flails with his tiny arms, trying to reach for the burning on his back, but, in this form, that's not gonna happen.

"It burns! AHHH! Get it off!!! GET IT OFF!"

The giant T-Rex runs around, flailing blindly, completely distracted. He stops and turns his head and start blowing on the burns spreading across his scaly flesh.

The Chaosterous cocks it's head at the flailing Tyrannosaurus and swats at him. Rex is blasted off his feet, goes careening headlong through several trees and plops into a nearby river.

The last anybody sees of Rex is him flailing and gurgling frantically as the river washes him and his dignity downstream!

Beelzebumon (132) has posed:
     "Ooooo /wow/! Check out dem fireworks! Man, I sparked something off /reeeeal/ good this time!" Beelzebumon cheers, watching five different kinds of hell explode in so many seconds before leaping out of the tree he concealed himself in and landing on the ground with a heavy thump, before straightening up, "I should see about getting myself a diary, just for the memories."

     Then Beelzebumon turns his head to one side as he hears a great thrashing and crashing through the bush, before Shardcore comes bursting out of the foilage and loudly identifies the Demon Lord, then does an over-exaggurated bow.

     "WHy thank you my good man. Dinosaur. Robot. Whatever. I pride myself in my prowess to be a profuse pain in the posteriors of my opponents," he says, popping all of his Ps as he stands back up again, then idly tosses one of his shotguns up in the air before catching it again, "Just as I pride myself in my prowess at punching prehistoric pinheads into paste, so prepare your posterior for a punishing pounding, punk!"

     He levels his guns at Shardcore and begins to squeeze the trigger... before hearing another thunderous crashing sound and looks behind him at the charging beast.

     "Whoops! Guess we're gonna have to put that punking on hold, big guy!"

     With that, he charges towards Shardcore and vaults clear over the dinorobo, putting Tesla's creation between him and the Chaosteros.

Megatron (532) has posed:
    Megatron's vessel continues to hammer away at the Trion in suppressing fire, mostly to whittle the ship's defenses down as well as force open a hole for its captain to make a way into the ship itself. He sweves and evades incoming fire, blasting away at several Autobot fighters foolish enough to engage him directly with pinpoint shots from his cannons. "Yes, AUtobots, come to your deaths. There's no greater honor than to fall at a king's hand!" he growls with savage glee, before he finds himself with a hole into the ship itself. The Decepticon leader converts to Robot mode when he detects a structural weakness in the hull's side, leveling his fusion cannon and aiming downrange.

    His entrance is announced with a blast that blows a way into the ship itself, and he uses his thrusters to propel himself in before the ship can patch up the damage.

    Upon finding his footing, Megatron begins to make his way down the path. All Autobots that dare face him will be steamrolled, his fusion cannon blazing away as it fires downrange.

    Meanwhile, the fighter Vehicons sent to capture the charging beast don't even get a chance to get close, driven off by Allyn's interrupting attack as they're knocked out of the skies, crashing into each other or flying to engage Allyn himself, their turbolaser batteries firing away at the shapeshifter.

    Blurr finds heavy resistance with the Nemesis' anti-fighter batteries aiming at his ship and other Autobot fighters, mostly concentrating on the one craft headed their way. At the bridge, Starscream growls in irritation before he looks to Soundwave. "It seems this one wants to play rough. I am heading out as well." Before long, what looks like a human fighter jet somehow manages to emerge out of the ship to engage Blurr's vessel.

    "I'd run if I were you, AUtobot! None have tangled with the might of Starscream in the skies, and LIVED to tell the tale!" He cackles loudly enough over channels that Blurr will hear his taunts loud and clear. The Decepticon Sky-Commander fires a barrage of air-to-air missiles, as well as a vulcan cannon in rapid bursts when he gets close enough.

Bahamut has posed:
     As the Trion is fired upon, there is a sparkle in the distance, which quickly grows in size as it approaches, revealing itself to be one of the newest members of the Union, the Aeon known as Bahamut. He roars as he flies in rapidly. Hopefully he won't have to turn suddenly. But, turning is not on his agenda. He closes in on Megatron, then comes to a very quick stop.

     Bahamut hovers in the air without much effort, then clenches his fists and growls heavily. The gyro hovering behind his back starts to spin rapidly, and his mouth slowly opens as grey-white energy builds just in front of his jaws. He builds energy until there is an orb roughly the size of his torso in front of him, then...

     Megatron slips into the ship. Bahamut grunts in annoyance and starts to let the energy bleed of, but then...he realizes there is another ship. And it does not look friendly. The dragon aeon grins to himself, then shifts targets, and unleashes his Mega Flare.

     A beam thicker than Bahamut is tall fires toward the Nemesis. It is pure, concentrated energy, and when it impacts it explodes along the shields or hull or whatever it hits. Of course, Bahamut is careful not to hit any allied fighters with his attack.

     The beam lasts for about 6 seconds. Doesn't sound long, but have you tried getting hit with that thing? After the beam subsides, Bahamut heads for the opening Megatron took inside. But this time, he remembers to announce he is here over the radio to his allies. Although, not until after the attack.

Tesla Armadia (368) has posed:
It had the makings of being a really epic Mexican Standoff sort of deal between the two gun-toting juggernauts ... but it doesn't last long enough before the Chaosteros comes crashing to the ground and it's Foe Tossing Charge to dispose of the Tyranno leader sends it rampaging through the alien forest.

Luckily for Beelzebumon, he's a lot more nimble than the hulking tanksaurus of a robot. Shardcore turns his head partway to follow the demon's movement, only to snap it back at the ruckus of the rampaging monster.

And then get trampled as the beast continues to chase after the digimon.

But as the dust is settling two large hands reach out of the deep gouge left in the ground by the monster's tantrum, and Shardcore hoists himself out of the depression looking no worse for wear than a few dents in his armor. He's stood up to fighting superbeings like Thor and Hulks, it's going to take more than a pissy monster to stop him.

-Forget the Digimon for now- Tesla commands to her creation via her technopathic powers. -Deal with the monstrousity... Just be sure to leave enough large chunks for Styraco and Shockwave to play with later.-
"Acknowledged." Massive blunt clawed feet dig into the ground, serving as anchor and brace against recoil as one of Shardcore's weapon modules unfolds up over his right shoulder, and expands into a -very- large cannon, glowing barrel extending to lock into place and several anti-recoil vents hissing open in the back. "Extermination protocol, engaged."

*THWA-THWOOOOOOOM* The heavy cannon, essentially a weaponized super particle accelerator, erupts a huge beam of subatomic energy at the Chaosterous.

Allyn (307) has posed:
Allyn hisses in pain when he his shot by the lasers form the vehicons that attack him, but he writhes and dodges some of them, not too manuverable in this form, but that doesn't matter to him too much at the moment. He might be outnumbered, but the large winged serpent doesn't seem to take that into account either. He strikes at them when they come within reach, snagging and coiling around one that gets just a little too close to him and begins to squeeze, before letting go after a few moments.

He might not have cool things like lasers, or guns, or anything else like that, but he is doing what he can to at least distract the machines from the creature, even going as far as trying to stay close enough to some of them so that they might fire and disable each other if they would do something like that.

Shoko Ozora (421) has posed:
    The combined multiverse was sometimes a hard to understand place. It was full of creatures, people, and cultures that were all foreign to Shoko Ozora. But right now, this moment felt very familiar. It was almost a nostalgic moment in a strange way. Here she was, cruising through the air in the Kamui while her hair blows wildly in the wind. The green lasers of the Kamui are met with all sorts of different colored weapons as both Autobot and Decepticon weapons fill the air. It's too bad that this nostalgic thoughts are countered by the very real possibility that the entire government of New Japan is wiped out in one battle.

    Suddenly, a secondary massive lightshow seems to be happening on the ground. There were simply too many targets for Shoko to keep up with. "Kira, bring the Nagata around to cover the Trion. They are taking too much damage!" And speaking of taking damage, a stray Decepticon shot slams against the Kamui's shields which causes a loud noise akin to shattering glass to fill the already noisy air. Shoko quickly pilots the Kamui into a nosedive as she attempts to find some cover lower to the ground as the air was simply getting far too dangerous for her while her shields were down.

Black Arachnia (304) has posed:
The problem with being invisible in a firefight like this is that somebody might decide the stretch of hull you're occupying just happens to be vacant enough to repurpose into a new entranceway. Fortunately, Black Arachnia has enough warning time to skitter further up, so that when Megatron knocks a door through the Trion's hull, she's safely above it and does not actually get vaporized, or blasted, or otherwise put out of the fight before she even has a chance.

Then a big stonkin' dragon comes charging in and flies through the hole in pursuit of the Decepticon tyrant who MADE the hole ... and Black Arachnia has to stop and re-process what just happened.

A dragon. Was CHASING. Megatron.

... right. Different Megatron. Different dragon, too - she stops woolgathering and swings in through the hole, careful not to get too close to the still-smoldering edge - and skitters along the ceiling, trying to get past the dragon and catch up with the Decepticon leader ... not like she can do all that much to him at her relatively modest size, admittedly.

What she *can* do, though, is flip onto Megatron's shoulder while Bahamut has his attention, and attempt to inject a suitably large dose of cybervenom. It's still basically the tranquilizer she was preparing for the Chaosteros, but in the case of a robot, it'll just slow down the voluntary synaptic and motor processes ... or should, anyway.

Blurr has posed:
    Blurr is on a roll, blowing up Vehicons and seekers left and right, and making his way toward a crack made by one of the drone missiles. That is, until Starscream showed up. Run? Actually, that's a good idea. He grins. "Yeah? Good thing I'm the -best- at running." he broadcasts at the air commander through the craft's comm systems. And with that, he charges forward, intending to ram Starscream with the fighter. Because Blurr is in a small ship, and Starscream isn't. Meanwhile, he glances at the ship's short-range sensors. Slag, they're trying to kill the thing. <<Ozora, Jetfire and Perceptor would prefer that thing alive, think you can ward those scrapheaps off?>>

    Speaking of the Chaosteros, it charges right into Shardcore, trampling him in its mad pursuit of Beelzebumon. If Beelze doesn't keep running as fast as he can, it's going to catch up to him. And we probably don't want to know what it's going to do once that happens...

Blurr has posed:
    Also, lots of Autobot NPCs rush to the point of entry to attempt to keep Megatron from reaching the bridge, it's going to be mainly up to Bahamut and Black Arachnia to get rid of the unwelcome visitor!

Beelzebumon (132) has posed:
     And run Beelzebumon does, crisscrossing across the landscape wildly and leading the Chaosteras on a merry chase across the forest.

     In fact, it seems like he's deliberately dragging the beast along in an effort to cause as much damage as he can to anyone nearby with the rampaging beast.


     Correction: He is /definitely/ leading the beast on to cause as much damage to anyone and everyone nearby.

     Because he's an ass.

Blurr has posed:
    Shardcore's blast causes the creature to howl in pain and glance behind it momentarily, its outer armor seared by the attack. However it seems to find Beelze more interesting, and turns back around to continue to chase the demon around.

Megatron (532) has posed:
    The Coualt that is Allyn will be on the defensive side of the battle against the aerial-based Vehicons. They have the advantage of firepower on their side, even as one is snapped up and crushed gruesomely and dropped to the ground in a lifeless husk. The remaining two Vehicons fire upon Allyn at range, moving to evade the shifter when he draws close to them as they keep at taking him out of the skies.

    Meanwhile, Starscream seems to take the taunt as a challenge, practically grinning were he able to as he engages afterburners and takes off to shred Blurr's ship in laser and gunfire. "On the ground you may be, Autobot, but in the skies I am without EQUAL!" He pulls a pirouette in the air, moving to chase after Blurr in an agile display of aerial acrobatics as he attempts to get a target lock on the AUtobot's vessel before he can get close to the Nemesis.

    Meanwhile, Megatron finds himself engaged by a summon, a dragonlike creature as it were. He is distracted by the sounds of the Nemesis being rattled by that Mega Flare, squadrons of repair crews scrambling to keep the damage from downing the ship.

    he growls in anger, and the culprit finds himself facing down all thirty feet of Megatron himself.

    "You face a GOD, demon, you would do well to reconsider your attack!" Megatron immediately directs his attention towards Bahamut, smashing a group of Autobots out of the way on his little charge, and Megatron fires his fusion cannon at the demonlike creature.

    He's wide open for Blackarachnia, and he lets out a snarl of pain as he feels the cyber-venom enter his internals. His dark-energon augmented body however won't let this keep him down, and Megatron quickly slams his back into the bulkhead to jar the Maximal off. "You both think you have a chance?! Arrgh - Fine then, I'll take you both on!"

Black Arachnia (304) has posed:
There was SOMEthing about Megatron that seemed weird to Black Arachnia's sensors - but it wasn't until she sank her palps into him that she really picked up on what it was.

Even though she wasn't trying to suck down any of his mechfluids - a fact for which she is now *EXTREMELY* grateful - she still got a far better taste of the Decepticon tyrant than she wanted ... and that taste is worse than merely 'vile'. If she weren't trying to avoid getting crushed or otherwise swatted, she'd almost certainly be spitting to try and get it out of her mouth-bits; as it is, she's torn between 'save the residue to analyze at length later' and 'it's unclean it's unnatural scrub it with hot plasma until there's no trace left'.

"What the scrap have you got running through your circuits, anyway?" she takes the time to ask Megatron as she attempts to crawl into the niche between his arm and his fusion cannon - someplace that he CAN'T get at her as readily ... and starting to lay down energon webbing as she goes. Anything that can slow this guy down even a little ...

Bahamut has posed:
     Bahamut just grins as Megatron turns toward him. He has faced huge foes before, so he is not afraid, but he is at least aware of the size difference and the possible difference in power. "You are no more a god than I am a demon!" Bahamut shouts just before being hit by that fusion cannon. It impacts Bahamut's thick hide and sends him tumbling back a good distance. It is really only digging his claws into the bulkheads that keeps him from flying along.

     He growls menacingly, then widens his stance. "I am Bahamut, king of dragons and Aeon of Bevelle! I will not be so easily defeated!" he declares with a grin even as he builds energy again. A trio of energy orbs, looking like a set of Tesla orbs, form around him, then with a roar he launches them foward at Megatron. All three would either impact him, or impact near his feet, then explode like bombs.

Allyn (307) has posed:
Allyn is at quite the disadvantage as he's fired on from range by the flying vehicons, they are much faster than he is and much more agile as well, so of course he gets shot many, many times. That's not good, because his feathers get singed, important feathers at that, the ones needed for flight. At least on one wing anyway, which pretty much clips his wings. He half spirals, half plummets to the ground when those feathers are singed off, hissing in pain as he goes down towards the ground.

That's alright though, when he reaches about seven or eight feet from impacting with the ground he shifts back to his sabertooth form, just so he can land back on his feet. Though that still hurts and he gives a roar of pain. He then heads off in the direction of where the creature went in a limping run.

Shoko Ozora (421) has posed:
    "Affirmative, going on the offensive!" Shoko Ozora chimes in over the radio as she hits her thrusters again to pull up at the last minute. The longer the Kamui is not engaged, the quicker its shield seemingly begins rebuilding itself. Now much closer to the ground, the young President spots a peculiar sight. Were those Decepticons attacking that bird? But then that bird turns into a sabertooth tiger. Shoko doesn't really have time to process -that- as she just summarizes it that these Decepticons apparently have a thing against nature.

    There is flash of green light as the Kamui draws its beam saber. And the thing is, Shoko runs a very eco-friendly political platform so she wouldn't stand for animal abuse of any kind. The Kamui now springs into action in an attempt to help Allyn fend off the creatures that were attacking him. Maybe this will help even the odds a little!

Tesla Armadia (368) has posed:
Annoying monster, just won't hold still. Fine then. Shardcore is ignoring the fight going on in the skies overhead, his tactical processors all focused on the beast even as it's chasing Beezlebumon through the forest. But he has no need to give chase himself, not when his weaponry as more than enough range to keep going.

The heavy cannon folds down onto his back once more, but it's just replaced by multi-shot missile pods opening up from multiple spots on his body. And then in a cacophony of thunder all fire at once, sending missile swarm after missile swarm flying for the rampaging Chaosterous ... and probably a few at Beelzebumon too, just due to proximity.

Megatron (532) has posed:
    Something in Megatron SNAPS as he hears Bahamut boast. It's the kind of boasting he's come to expect from Starscream, or even himself during his rare moments of self-awareness. It also brings to mind the Primes that came before Optimus, and those smug fools among the council. He remembers as he brought low Zeta Prime, crushing his spark with his bare hands in the Decagon, and obliterated Sentinel Prime in the battlefields of Simfur.

    He remembers the smug condensation he endured as a slave in the arena and as a miner from the Autobots he would later crush or subvert under his feet with a fury terrifying to behold to all sentients. Megatron's optics BURN with hatred as he grabs at Blackarachnia and moves to rip her right off of him. The Cyber-Venom only seems to give the Dark Energon inside of him a kickstart to burn through it.

    He ignores the Maximal Spider in favor of a more built target, and Megatron charges his way through the barrage of energy orbs, their impacts staggering him but only fueling his savagery more.

    "FOOL," He roars, lunging to grab Bahamut by the neck before he slams him against the bulkhead, squeezing to choke the life from his eyes as he continues to smash away at the king of dragons. "You have no /comprehension/ of my might! I began a revolution, that which usurpted the corrupt and petty from their thrones on high. I galvanized a movement, even as we were branded as criminals and renegades! WE DECEPTICONS have fought for eons against the Autobots! I was the one who slew Zeta and Sentinel Prime, who crushed their sparks and watched as they spent their last seconds of existence begging for mercy! /I/ sent the AUtobot Council hiding in their bunkers like vermin awaiting extermination! My war, my /revolution/ has slain millions of thousands of beings on my quest for conquest, and shall slay another million until it is over!"

    He brings his fists to bear as he shoves Bahamut to the ground, and he proceeds to batter on the dragon with a flurry of punches that leave the deck shaking like a bomb had gone off. "I am the one whose veins the Chaos Bringer's blood runs through! /I/ am leader of armies and conquerer of worlds! It is MY RIGHT to rule, and it shall be mine FOREVERMORE!" Punch punch punch punch punch punch PUNCH PUNCH PUNCHPUNCHPUNCHPUNCH.

    Megatron only ceases his assault to bring his fusion cannon to bear, extending his blade and raising it like an executioner's axe.

    "/I/ am the dominator! /I/ am the destroyer! /I/ am the conquerer! I AM /MEGATRON!/"

    With that, he strikes, his blade running Bahamut right through as he whispers, "And you will be the first of the Union to have faced my wrath."

Blurr has posed:
    Starscream's ballistics slam into the rear of the fighter, jarring Blurr in the cockpit. But it doesn't matter, he doesn't plan on staying in here for long. Additionally, Bahamut's attack had caused the crack he had been aiming for before to break open a bit more, so that makes this a bit easier. As soon as the craft gets close enough, he hits the eject and launches himself out of the cockpit, sailing through the air and into the small hole made by the dragon's breath. He figures Starscream isn't going to be far behind, so he takes off as fast as he can, heading for the bridge and running over any Decepticon NPCs who happen to get in his way. He replies to Ozora on the way. <<Thanks, and if you can't keep the Chaosteros alive, just grab as many samples as you can. Bone, spinal fluid, blood, connective tissue, everything. We'll need to get it over to Kimia.>>

    Meanwhile, on the ground, the Chaosteros seems to have tired of running around, especially after Shardcore hits it -again-, this time with a missile salvo. Roaring, it turns away from Beelzebumon and starts to charge at the mechanoid instead. However, this time, it stops momentarily once it reaches a few feet away, then launches itself through the air, attempting to land right on top of the robot as blood and bits of monster innards spurt freely from its body.

Beelzebumon (132) has posed:
     "Whoops! I think you pissed it off! I don't think you should have done that!" Beelzebumon calls out as he skids to a stop and watches the gigantic monstrousity take flight and come crashing down with an earth shattering crash.

     "Ooooooo, hahaha wipeout!"

Megatron (532) has posed:

    Starscream's allowing of Blurr to enter the Nemesis was not unintentional...or so he thinks. The Decepticon knows the ship's interior far better than Blurr will, and the Autobot has an army chasing after him from all directions. He can run, but he can't hide, and sooner or later he'll be cornered. "Run, RUN RUN RUN! You can't escape me that easy!" Starscream howls, continuing to fire upon Blurr as he gives chase through the halls, afterburners at top speed as Starscream keeps up the pursuit.

    The Vehicons begin to form a blockade as Blurr approaches the bridge area, blasters firing repeatedly at the speedster. Should he get past that...well. Soundwave will be right behind the doors, silently passing the time by coordinating the attack and defense.

    Allyn will be ignored by the Vehicons as they clip his wings, called back to help with the Nemesis' defenses.

    Knock-Out is going to be in for a lucky break when he hears about this, and a LOT of work to go through by the time he gets back from his little misadventures among the multiverse.

Tesla Armadia (368) has posed:
To its credit Shardcore continues to stare down the behemoth creature as it comes charging towards him again and keeps right on firing... Up until the monster LEAPS into the air in no way something that size and bulky should be able to and does a Titan sized bellyflop on top of the warmachine.

That one, that might take it a bit longer to get up from.

Black Arachnia (304) has posed:
She can't keep dodging Megatron's (comparatively) massive hands forever - and Black Arachnia is grabbed and pulled off of Megatron's arm, tossed away like a stray Scraplet. The Maximal spider shakes off the pain and tries to give chase, but Megatron is already going to town on Bahamut with everything he's got ... and then two words are mentioned which bring Black Arachnia to a COMPLETE standstill.

'Chaos Bringer'.


That would certainly explain the taste she noticed ... and right now, she REALLY does not want to get that sample Blurr mentioned they could profitably analyze. Whatever the 'blood' of Unicron might refer to, whatever power MIGHT come with such a thing, the ex-Predacon spider really doesn't want to get any of that into her systems, period.

"Black Arachnia, maximize," she finally says - just loudly enough for her internal computer to confirm the command, and she reconfigures into robot mode ... then transforms a bit further, her epaulets growing out big and swinging down and together, forming a protective shield over her torso ... and freeing her spider-legs up for full range of movement - and for maximum freedom of aiming for the lasers concealed inside. Whatever looks like a suitable weak point on the parts of Megatron's body that she's got line of sight (and aim) on, she picks one and opens up with all eight lasers simultaneously.

She can't take the big bad boss 'bot out by her lonesome ... but maybe she can at least open up a tactically useful hole, get him to start leaking something that gives Bahamut a chance to capitalize.

Allyn (307) has posed:
Allyn makes his way over towards the creature as fast as a large wounded cat can, which isn't all that fast at all, but he does eventually make it as it bellyflops onto the thing that was attack it. Though once he gets closer he approaches it more slowly, cautiously, trying to communicate with it in animalspeak, <<"Calm down, everything will be alright.">> knowing that the other wounded creature might pick him to attack next, he doesn't seem to mind that as he stands a little ways away from it and takes up a protective stance, guarding the creature.

Bahamut has posed:
     Bahamut grunts as he is grabbed. This surprises him a moment. Few can lift the heavy dragon off the ground, much less sling him around like a rag-doll. Each impact of his heavy frame leaves dents in the ship plating. But, Bahamut isn't one to just sit there and take it. He lashes out with the metallic claws tipping his powerful arms. But, perhaps not as powerful as Megatron at the moment.

     Even Bahamut can barely weather all of those punches, even with his tough dragonhide and robust form. But, even after all that punching, he is still grinning. Right up until that blade pierces through him. Piercing, the only way to breach the defenses of a heavily armored target. Bahamut goes rigid a moment, letting out a roar of pain, then goes limp.

     And still, he grins. Even as his bright red blood flows out along the deck plating. "Hnnrk...if...you have killed...so many...then your cause is not just. ...Hnng...Y-you...may have started out noble...but I can tell...you are as corrupt as those you claim to have fought...a noble being would attempt to preserve lives...not destroy them." Bahamut says, then grips the hand holding that blade punching through him. "And...as I said...I am not so easily defeated!!" Energy builds around Bahamut again. Such a heavy injury has a curious effect on Aeons. As he holds onto Megatron, Bahamut charges up again, and unleashes Mega Flare right in his face and chest! Hopefully Megatron is large enough to absorb most of the attack, because if not, Bahamut might unwittingly cause a lot of damage to the Trion himself. Bahamut does at least try to angle it so that any energy that -does- make it past Megatron would punch out into space.

Shoko Ozora (421) has posed:
    Shoko Ozora does her best to keep the flying Vehicons off of Allyn, but it seems that he wants to jump out of the frying pan and into the fire. He was walking straight towards the wounded creature! The white-haired politician hits her primary thrusters and zooms after him. Afterall, she was supposed to help retrieve the creature anyways. Perhaps she'll get lucky and be able to save the shape-shifter and the much larger creature. If not, at least she will be in a position to help retrieve whatever is left of either of them.

Blurr has posed:
    Slagitslagitslagit...Blurr's not going to make it to the bridge. There's just too many. He's fast but at this rate he's going to be overwhelmed before he even gets close. Well, he'll just have to settle for something less. He jacks into the first control terminal he can find, whatever it happens to be for...and finds that there's not enough time to really get to anything useful. Well, he'll just have to -give- them a little something, instead of taking. And that in the form of hacking into the FTL control modules and rigging up the quantum drive to overload itself the next time the Cons tried to make a jump. It's not irreparable or anything, but it'll at least throw a wrench into things. Possibly even a serious wrench, depending on the situation. With that done, he transforms and zooms back out the same hole he had come through, signaling the Trion to orbital bounce him back aboard the Autobot cruiser.

    As for the Trion, the fighting between Megatron and Bahamut is forcing it to take quite a bit of collateral damage. Drone auto-turrets have emerged from the walls and are unloading at Megatron on top of Black Arachnia's assault. On the bridge, warnings indicated that the ship's shields are down and hull integrity is diminishing quickly. The crew quickly decides that the Chaosteros is not worth the trouble they're being forced to deal with at the moment...someone else would have to figure this all out later. Blurr opens a commlink to the other Union forces. <<Bahamut, we're disengaging the sector you're in, it's taken too much damage to survive the jump anyway. I suggest you get out of there.>> As said, the doors begin to seal up and that particular section of the ship breaks away from the rest of it. Good thing it doesn't really have that far to fall, in this case.

    Meanwhile, the Chaosteros had been attempting to rip Shardcore limb from limb, but Allyn distracts it, and it starts to advance on him instead, its body covered in its own blood, now. Right as it looks about to chomp down on the shapeshifter, though, a strange tune is heard wafting through the trees. Yes, a tune as in a song. The monster lifts its head, listening intently, then suddenly trots off, as if entranced by it.

Megatron (532) has posed:
    Megatron's blind spot is hit by a TORRENT of automatic laser fire from Blackarachnia, the Transmetal 2's attacks hammering at his armor. Many weakened dents and gashes are made, and energon leaks from the Decepticon's wounds. Bahamut's last ditch attack sends him knocked through the bulkhead, and he grabs onto something for dear life. THere's plenty of samples for Blackarachnia to make off with, but they're highly corosive and dangerous to the touch. It's highly recommended the area is quarantined and the Dark Energon is mopped up immediately before being shipped off for analysis. Arcee's got some explaining to do when she gets wind of this.

    Meanwhile, Starscream watches as Megatron is flung from the ship seemingly to his death. Mock horror, finely practiced over HOURS of mugging in front of a mirror in his quarters, fills Starscream before he begins to make an announcement to the troops. "My fellow Decepticons, i-it seems that our leader has fallen once more in battle...this time for good it seems. As second in command, I, Starscream, nominate myse-"

    Not this time, Screamy.

    "Starscream you /idiot!/" Megatron roars over the comms terminal. "I STILL FUNCTION! Bridge me back immediately, before I dismantle you the minute I get there!" He sounds like hell, but his rage still lingers.

    Blink. Blink. "Ehe...yes, of course, Lord Megatron."

    When Megatron's broken body, barely shifted into vehicle mode to make a controlled crash onto the ground on his descent, hits the earth, a recovery team bridges out through a portal formed. It takes six Vehicons to move Megatron, but they manage.

Allyn (307) has posed:
Allyn blinks as the mech thing zooms past him, well, that's not important thing right now, as the Chaosteros goes to chomp on him and then stops and lumbers off, he just tilts his head a little confused. He looks like he wants to go after it, even taking a step or two in the direction it went, but decides its best not to. He turns to look at the mech thing, "Well, that was interesting. I guess it will live though, well, I hope." the big cats sighs and flops over on his side a bit worn out, even wounded and all from those laser blasts he took before.

Bahamut has posed:
     Bahamut lets out a pained cry as Megatron's blade is pulled free by the force of his own attack, then the dragon collapses onto all fours, panting heavily and coughing up blood. He slowly gets back to his feet, then looks over toward Black Arachnia. "Climb on." he says, still panting. He spreads his wings, stained with his own blood.

     He waits for Arachnia to climb aboard, then leaps out of the huge hole in the hull and flies away from the falling section of the Trion. But, his altitude starts to fall almost immediately, and Black Arachnia would probably be able to watch the flow of red running from both Bahamut's belly and back. "Nnng...getting hard...to fly." he says, gritting his teeth and trying to land without the crash he referenced before. Unfortunately, he can't hold out. He does manage not to plummet, but his landing is anything but graceful. more like a 747 emergency landing in a forest. He plows a nice big furrow through the ground before finally coming to a stop.

Black Arachnia (304) has posed:
Even though Bahamut's injured, the dragon is still by far the best option Black Arachnia has for a gentler landing than when this part of the Trion crashes into the ground under the influence of nothing except gravity. She launches her mandible grapnel at Bahamut, grabbing onto a part of him that ISN'T bleeding or otherwise injured, and reels herself in quickly ... just barely getting clear of the discarded chunk of ship before the laws of physics bring it down hard.

Then it's just a matter of riding out Bahamut's landing. Once the dragon is down, though, the Maximal reverts to beast mode and starts laying down webbing over some of Bahamut's wounds.

Blurr has posed:
    Sector 301A, now practically brimming with Dark energon contamination, fully disengages from the Trion, falling through the trees and landing on the forest floor. It actually isn't too hard of a landing given all the foliage between the ship and the ground. The 'Bots will have to send a team to clean up the mess later, and hopefully get some samples of whatever that stuff is that Megatron was high on.

    But for now, they can't afford to take any more hits from the Nemesis, so the Trion's engines push forward full throttle to take it back into orbit before its quantum drives fire up and quickly jump the vessel across outer space once again.