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Bedside Manner
Date of Scene: 04 August 2014
Location: Njorun Station - Medical
Synopsis: Rorschach decides to visit the little earthbender while she is in medical and not quite herself.
Cast of Characters: 20, 194
Tinyplot: Mu

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    They said she might be able to go back home today. What she considers home anyway. While Toph might not be able to focus on a lot of things, that one thing is something she refuses to let go of, repeating it to herself. Along with the condition. Make sure she eats and drinks enough.

    And as she managed to get down all of her breakfast today /and/ she has been making sure to drink, even when she isn't really thirsty, she remains hopeful today. All in all, she does feel better. And slightly bored. So the girl has put on her reading glove where she sits in the hospital bed, a children's book in her lap... and with a slight frown on her face. Her fingers move back and across the word. In her current condition everything takes time...

Rorschach (194) has posed:
    He's been here before. To the Union's main medical station. Crowded with nursing bustling about, even with a low volume of patients, and doctors scurrying here and there. A few of the nurses give odd glances towards the dark-coated figure making his way into the medical center. After one pretty goun nurse whispers something to the others, the figure in the shifting mask is given a wide berth.

    Yes, he's been here before.

    He makes his way towards the back, past a few more serious-looking Union guards, and towards the bed occupied by everyone's favorite Earthbender.

    "Heard you got yourself into some trouble," grunts that perpetually angry-sounding voice. He stops a few feet back from Toph's hospital bed, studying her behind that shifting mask of his.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Toph's been given her own room for this stay. And the sign on the door clearly states that there are to be no more than five people in the room at a time visiting the young girl.

    As the angry voice speaks up Toph jerks her head upright, eyes widening just a bit as if she was just violently shaken awake. Her blind eyes seem somewhat more dull than they have before, and there's no impish grin on her face. And there's no mischief in her voice when she responds. "Oh... Ror..." What /was/ his name again? Toph frowns slightly, then sighs. "Can't think well. Don't know."

    Usually she's got no problems coming up with wry comments on the spot, now does she?

    "... do I need to eat more?" The words sound disappointed.

Rorschach (194) has posed:
    "Probably," comes the figure's terse reply.

    He stuffs his hands in the front pockets of his coat, looking over Toph again. There's a bump outside, as a few of the nurses are caught peeking into the room through the door's narrow window. After a quick glance back from the figure in the inkblot mask, they hastily duck away, and find something else to do.

    Rorschach grunts, turning back towards Toph again. "When are you getting out of here?" he asks.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    While slightly paler than normal and appearing far more lethargic, there isn't much different about her. There are no signs of injury, why, she's even /clean/. Most likely the nurses have taken the opportunity while Toph is unable to protest much to keep her clean.

    When she's getting out of here? Toph takes a deep breath. "Today... I hope. I want to go home." After all, when has Tony and Pepper lied to her? Finally she removes her gloved hand from the book, closing it. "It's hard to concentrate," she complains. "Everything... is difficult."

Rorschach (194) has posed:
    "Read that report about what happened.." the trenchcoater grunts, shifting his hands slightly.

    "And I thought I had a rough family.." he adds.

    Was that an attempt at a joke?

    He continues to just sorta stand there, looking over the girl laying in the hospital bed, any emotion hidden by that shifting mask of his. Or conveyed, as those splotches of ink seem to be swirling a little slower than normal.

    "They know what it is yet?" he asks, next.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Family. It's not easy for many people, but for some people it's rougher than most. Toph's face softens slightly, and she closes her eyes. "I... can't remember. Too much talk..." Remembering all that's been said is a chore. "Promised I would try, but," she begins, shaking her head as she lets out a sigh. "Not poison or sick. D--" She catches herself, her face one of pure concentration. "Tony took them."

Rorschach (194) has posed:
    "He wrote about those too," Rorschach grunts in reply. "Read that too," he adds. The figure cants his head slightly, his fedora casting a sort of odd shadow across his already half-black half-white mask. "Didn't like his...instructions," adds the man, distastefully. "Looking into it."

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    There's one good thing about Rorschach being straight to the point. Fewer words are easier to understand and process properly. When the man states he didn't like Tony's instructions, the blind girl blinks before she does her best to frown. "He's helping," she says, then reaches her non-gloved hand up to her forehead. "And he's... an officer too." /Her/ supervising officer as well. "Why not like?" Shouldn't what Tony does make sense?

Rorschach (194) has posed:
    Yes, because Rorschach cares -so- much about that whole chain of command thing. "Not going to know anything worth knowing if you're asking politely," returns the trenchcoated figure. "He can help how he wants," he adds, shrugging his shoulders up. "And I'll do the same."

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    "How... do you plan to help?" Toph asks, turning her head slightly, her brow furrowed just slightly, Her lowers her hand down to rest on the book again. She doesn't know Rorschach too well, considering he barely talks. And somehow she can't help but wonder /why/ he stopped by medical. It's not like he's about to dote on her and make her eat more food, bring her snacks or smuggle in spareribs for her.

Rorschach (194) has posed:
    "Somebody knows..." comes the grunted reply. "Somebody always knows.." he says, darkly. He may not have brought anything, but the one redeeming quality about having an extremely unlikable type in your hospital room is that it tends to keep others away. So, at least it's nice and quiet in Toph's room, for the time being.

    "They'll know about the dolls. Somebody always knows."

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    There's the mention of dolls again. Toph chews slightly on her lower lip, then idly puts the book aside on the nearby nightstand. And knocks over her water bottle in the process. "I... feel like I don't know anything. Can't remember everything..." she laments with a slight grunt. "Just... want to go home." Just to make things seem somewhat more like normal anyway. Just having her radio helped.

Rorschach (194) has posed:
    Rorschach shrugs his shoulders upwards, to that. "Normal.." he replies, gruffly. "Give it another couple days," he adds. He takes his hands out of his pocket, then, and stretches them out, cracking a few knuckles in the process. "Next time I see you, you better be out of this...place," says the figure, looking back towards the door's window.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Even in her current state, Toph knows that something just went down. Luckily for Rorschach she doesn't have the wits at the moment to throw a cutting remark back at him. But she knows one thing. Or at least hopes for it. "Going home later. Don't want to... to stay here." Just being at the place she considers 'home' will help. It has to.

    The blind girl starts removing her reading glove, fumbling a bit with it, seeming far less certain about it. Before her blindness hasn't been this evident, now has it? "Don't think you can go there though..."

Rorschach (194) has posed:
    "Good," grunts the man, in return. He spares a glance back towards Toph's machines, then looks over the girls once more, as though curious.

    "That's where they'll know," he says, to Toph's last bit. "So that's where I'll ask," he states. Simple.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    That comment does make Toph frown. "... but Jarvis has orders..." she mutters and sighs. "And Pepper... gets scary." Oh, to heck with it. Toph sighs and closes her eyes. "So tired." Thinking and talking like this takes its toll. Oh man, does this mean she has to eat even more if she wants to go home today?