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Rib Night at the Bar And Grill
Date of Scene: 08 August 2014
Location: Bar and Grill at the Edge of the Multiverse
Synopsis: It's RIB NIGHT at the BAR AND GRILL. Look at all this social RP going on!
Cast of Characters: 21, 41, 43, 78, Bahamut

Raven DeVanos (41) has posed:
    It's one of those gimmicky things that many places do to attract more attention. ALL YOU CAN EAT RIB NIGHT. If that doesn't attract Saiyen from around the Multiverse, nothing will, man. It's not just Saiyen that it's attracted though, because they've opened a large buffet table with every kind of rib known to man, woman, child, Martian, you name it. Including tofu and celery ribs for the vegans present. BBQ Baked beans of every type to go along with it, baked potatos, baked sweet potatos, ears of BBQ'd corn, corn dogs, hot dogs, grilled mushroom burgers, grilled eggplant, grilled tilapia, grilled salmon, grilled clams and oysters, salads...

    Really it's 'get people in, get food eaten, get word out' night, so even though it's all you can eat ribs? it's really ALL YOU CAN EAT EVERYTHING.

    Which is why a red-haired SOLDIER is standing at the plate line, grabbing several plates at once, and slowly making her way down the line, grabbing things here and there where she can. She's already got a table in the back of course-- and seated under the table is her umbreon. Seated BY the table is her Arcanine. Woman is the leader of the pack, so to speak.

Bahamut has posed:
     He is not a Saiyan, but Bahamut does have quite an appetite. He is a 15 foot tall dragon, after all. He rumbles as he steps through the door, then carefully makes his way over toward the line. He's used to being careful around smaller things, but today it is a bit harder thanks to the beating he took at the metal hands of Megatron the day before. He is heavily bandaged around his torso, with one arm in a sling. And even through his thick armored skin, bruises can be seen about his face and shoulders.

     He nods to the SOLDIER as he approaches, then grins lightly and rumbles, "Greetings. I am Bahamut." He doesn't realize he just talked to Raven a few minutes ago on the radio. He turns with a plate in hand, and pauses as a wing catches on the buffet line. He rumbles again, then folds his wings up tightly. "It is sometimes inconvenient being so large..."

Vinyl Scratch (78) has posed:
    All you can eat FOOD. All you can drink DRINKS. And all you can play MUSIC. Wait no, that last part isn't for everybody, its for one particular pony that's been touring about ever since Sburb ended. While it was never officially named, a lot of fans had dubbed it the Post-Ascension tour if only because, well, pantheon. Not that Scratch really gloated about it. It was cool, yeah, but it didn't change anything, right? ... Right?

    ANYWAY, wubs be banging whilst the shaded DJ noms on some BBQ'd something or other up there, away from the decks. Wouldn't be good to get corn on the turntables or BBQ Sauce in the equalizer, now would it? And do you even have to guess what the first song of the night is? Nah. You shouldn't. Not if you know this gal.

(( http://youtu.be/LkIWmsP3c_s ))

Rainbow Dash (43) has posed:
    -In Ponyville-

It was a pretty awesome night for one rainbow maned pegasus. The night crew had the sky so clear that the full moon above shown brightly down on just about everything. Sure, it wasn't as bright as it was during the day, but it meant that Rainbow Dash had a few more hours of at least quasi-light to get in some more epic moves before she called it a night. Twist and turn, loop and spin. While no one was probably looking up so late at night, at least Queen Luna got a pretty good show.

That is, until Rainbow's stomach loudly announced that she hadn't had anything since dinner, and she was burning through way too many calories without putting anything else in. Not one to deny her stomach, she collected her water bottle, and made a bee-line for home.

That was the plan anyway, until she zipped through the front door.

    -In the Bar and Grill-

That Portal To Anywhere opens, and a rainbow blur abruptly flies through. Rainbow Dash briefly gets a wide-eye'd look at the change of her surroundings, before flying, head first, straight into the coat check room.

Yuuma Nakano (21) has posed:
Without much fanfare or ceremony, Yuuma enters the bar and grill. He doesn't stand out much, despite having pink hair and yellow eyes. There are weirder people in the Multiverse! Particularly at the bar and grill. PARTICULARLY during a 'Come And Eat To Your Heart's Content' event happening at the bar and grill! The only things that might really mark him as a person of interest are the large Pokeball-with-eyes he's carrying in his left hand and the yellow tick/spider thing sticking out of his hoodie's breast pocket.

Raven DeVanos (41) has posed:
    "Oh, hey, yo." Raven nods to Bahamut.. pauses, then looks at him, and blinks, one brow arched. "Huh." She says, thoughtfully, "You almost look like the dragons I'm constantly chasing away from my ranch," she says, amusedly, "... Neat." Then eyes the wings with a wince. "You know if you want, you could take a seat over by my brother there and I could fill a plate for you? I'm already filling one for my brother and my arcanine.." She says, gesturing at the table guarded by Umbreon and Arcanine alike. "Be a lot easier, since you're so big, sir," She says. Hey, she CAN be polite when she wants.. She just has to WANT to.

Bahamut has posed:
     Bahamut growls lightly at the suggestion, then sighs. "...very well." he says. He moves over toward the indicated table and carefully takes a seat. He doesn't even bother with a chair. "Thank you." he says, then goes to cross his arms over his chest in his usual pose. Except...one arm doesn't move, causing him to growl in annoyance. "It has been a long while since I was injured so badly." he says, then grins. "It was a glorious battle. Megatron will think twice before accusing me of being weak again." he says, bragging just a bit.

     He is distracted as colorful ponies and the music they bring with them. He raises an eyeridge, then chuckles before eyeing Yuuma.

Vinyl Scratch (78) has posed:
    The bigger the crowd the better! Scratch is greeting anyone that wanders in, either waving or giving them a nod if she's busy on the decks. So far the music has been pretty casual, though the next one is entirely Dash's fault since she showed up. She'll know it too, probably.

(( http://youtu.be/xPfMb50dsOk ))

Yuuma Nakano (21) has posed:
Yuuma's quick to look around, his gaze almost nervous. It lingers on the pony DJ, and he ofers a shy wave. He's heard of her, actually! Never seen her before, though. It's really good music! He is, however, still looking around. And holy crap is a /dragon/ eyeing him?! Suddenly he visibly hunkers down. There's a lot of other food here, right? Hopefully it's enough for a dragon, so he won't be looking for a snack. Yuuma's too scrawny to serve as even a decent appetizer anyway...

Raven DeVanos (41) has posed:
    Raven smirks a little, and isn't dumb when serving up a plate for a dragon, mind you- She picks one of everything, three when it's meat and ribs, and four when it comes to steaks. (Granted she also manages to load up four steaks on her own plate, having found a tray somewhere. She soon heads to the table, setting Bahamut's tray of MEAT AND OTHER STUFF down before him, sets hers down, and heads back, disappearing, only to return carrying a pitcher of rootbeer in one hand, and a pitcher of mead in the other, and a pitcher of water balanced between them. She sets all three down, and then pours herself a glass of the soda, and two bowls of water for her pokemon, before seating herself.
    "So -you're-.. ahh." She grins a little. Can't really let on after all. "Mm. Megatron. Hopefully not the same assbutt I used to know. I hated that guy man. total assbutt of the Confederacy, but." She shrugs.

Rainbow Dash (43) has posed:
Rainbow Dash walks out of the coat check room, a few coats still clinging to her. She kicks one off of her hind leg, while trying to flap another off of one of her wings. "Get off!" She complains. She flaps hard enough that the coat goes flying off.

"Okay, who moved my-" The pegasus pauses, looking around her curiously. Her expression brightens abruptly. "Oh hey, this place! Awesome!" Wings spread, and she launches herself off of the floor and into the main bar. Her ears prick up at the music flooding into the place. "I recognize those tunes! HEY, PON-3!" She waves vigerously at Scratch, "Where the hay have you been hiding?!"

Vinyl Scratch (78) has posed:
The DJ gives a energetic wave to Dash, "Touring! Had shows to catch up on!" VS calls back as the last tune ends. A smirk. A record, a message. Oh noes it has a swear in it. OH well. Deal with it. *shades* "You came on the right night, Dash! All you can eat! Drink! I'm sure they have your favorite around here somewhere!

(( http://youtu.be/y0iypW_xbUA?t=1m0s ))

Bahamut has posed:
     Despite his displeasure at needing help, Bahamut seems pleased to be served. He has a personal servant at his temple, after all. "Thank you, miss...?" he says, even as one big clawed hand reaches down to pick up one of those big steaks before raising it so he can take a bite out of it, donut style.

     Bahamut chuckles when Yuuma hides. "Do not be afraid. I do not eat people." he says, then grins. "Most of the time." He chuckles good-naturedly after that, then looks over at the ponies before back to his plate.

Raven DeVanos (41) has posed:
    "DeVanos. Raven DeVanos. Mercenary for hire, and Chocobo Rancher." Raven says, replying to Bahamut, though she doesn't offer a hand. She just nods a bow at him, and smiles. Then she carefully picks up a large rib, and begins to eat away at it very undaintily, and once the bone is stripped, hands it to the arcanine who has scooted up behind her. Chips gladly takes the bone, and begins to chew on it noisily, using STRONG teeth to bite off chunks like a hyena at an elephant skull. Aries (the umbreon) makes a face, and nudges at her hip. Raven sighs, grabs a napkin, wipes her hands briefly, and dishes him out a plate of pulled pork, rice, and a piece of pizza cut into small squares. Aries smirks, and begins to pick off things to eat, FAR more daintily than Raven herself does.
    "Been in the Multiverse a long time; used to work for the 'Feds under Assbutt Megatron, until I said 'fudge this shindig' and left. Worked for the Union, too, for a time, but. War, ain't my style."

Rainbow Dash (43) has posed:
"About time you got off your flanks!" Rainbow Dash teases, grinning toothily at Scratch, "You pick up any new tricks on the road?" Dash's stomach chooses that time to let another growl, reminding her of why she was brought here in the first place. "Now you're talking my stomach's language."

Rainbow soars towards the food table, flying just the heads of several bar goers. "Hey Yuuma!" She says, waving a hoof as she briefly soars above the familiar trainer. Though she almost forgets to flap for a moment when she passes the dragon, Bahamut. "... Whoa."

Yuuma Nakano (21) has posed:
That does indeed put Yuuma at ease, noting the response from the dragon. Though he does recognize the humor. At least, he HOPES it's a joke. He retrieves a tablet computer from a backpack he's wearing, it's that from which the reply actually emits. <<Sorry. Kneejerk reaction. You're a lot bigger than me.>> The voice is obviously an electronic, artificial one.

He looks up as his name is called, and smiles. <<Hello, Dash.>> And the little yellow thing, which ha dbeen hiding up until that point, peeks out to wave at the blue pony. Food is good, yes!

Bahamut has posed:
     Bahamut chuckles at Raven, causing him to wince a bit. "I see. I used to work with chocobos myself. I cannot do that as much anymore. They...flee at the sight of me." He shakes his head, a wry smile on his face. "I suppose it is a fair trade. I gained a lot of power. But, chocobo can be so peaceful. I am a bit sad I can no longer ride them." he says.

     At the comment about the war, he just chuckles again. "War is worthless, I agree, but if evil wishes to crush good, I am obligated to intervene." he says before taking another bite, finishing off a steak. He grins as Rainbow Dash passes, and gives a smug little wink before swallowing. "Impressive, aren't I?" he says, rumbling in what could be described as a playful menacing way afterword. "I am Bahamut. And you are?"

     Yuuma's response earns a slight smirk from Bahamut. "It is a healthy reaction." he says, then motions toward Yuuma's device. "Is that producing your voice?"

Rainbow Dash (43) has posed:
"Eh," Rainbow Dash says, acting cockily indifferent, "I've seen bigger." But she smirks jokingly a second later, "Okay, yeah, I guess you're pretty cool looking. Name's Rainbow Dash, only the most awesome pegasus you'll ever see!" With her ego in check, Dash soars on to the food table to gather up some things to munch on.

Raven DeVanos (41) has posed:
    "Yeah, peaceful, s'why I also work as a Mercenary on the side," Chuckles Raven over Chocobos being peaceful, "Also I take care of my kids, a mess of animals and pokemon, and I have.. contracts here and there. I'm rarely bored, but." She shrugs, and then grabs an ear of corn, beginning to gnaw on it thoughtfully, as she looks at Yuuma curiously, eying the joltik thoughtfully. "hn. Joltik. Annoyingly cute little bastards," she murmurs to herself. "I've got an electric type myself, mate.. Not that I wanted her, but I'm not gonna just abandon her since I got'er from a Rocket.." she says. She grins at Dash and Wubz nearby, shooting Vinyl gun fingers and a wink, while hoisting a fist at air level for Dash to Bro-hoof.

Yuuma Nakano (21) has posed:
Yuuma nods to the question about his voice. <<I can't actually talk, so I have to rely on this.>>

From his other hand, the Pokeball-with-eyes Voltorbs, "<When he cannot speak and does not have access to this device, we speak for him.>" And the yellow bug Joltiks, "<Yup! It's not too hard, since we know what he's thinking and all. My name's Juru! The red-and-white ball is Denka! And this guy...>" He pokes at Yuuma's hoodie. "<...Is Yuuma!>"

Raven's comment of having gotten a Pokemon from Team Rocket gets a bit of a frown from Yuuma. <<Poor thing.>> Holding up the Voltorb, <<I got Denka here from something similar. They cloned a legendary Pokemon and then were trying to turn it into a Shadow Pokemon.>>

"<And you almost ended up mentally linking with it,>" Denka reminds him.

A sheepish look from Yuuma. <<Hey, I didn't, did I?>>

"<You /almost/ did,>" the Joltik notes.

Bahamut has posed:
     Bahamut just grins to Rainbow Dash. "So have I." he says, motioning to his injuries. He doesn't seem to mind when the pony heads out. He chomps on another steak, then looks around at all the pokemon. "What are these creatures?" he asks, looking to Raven for the answer before finishing off another steak and continuing feasting.

     He stays long enough to finish off his plate, then stands slowly. "Actually, I should be going. I need to make sure and heal properly. There is no telling when I will be needed again." he says. He nods to Yuuma and Raven. "Thank you both for the conversation, and thank you Raven for assisting me." he says, then makes his way toward the door.

Raven DeVanos (41) has posed:
    Raven mms at Yuuma's reaction, and scowls over the idea of legendaries being cloned. Then she says simply, "Don't worry too much about her. I've got a knack with handling Pokemon that used to be in Rocket hands. Kind of comes with having -been- a Rocket once, myself." She says, smirking faintly, but not looking too malicious. Aries pauses in his eating, and watches Yuuma carefully. After all, his sister just said something that tends to piss people off (for good reason.) Raven seems to catch his unease though- and follows up with: "Ain't a Rocket no more. My world, I'm one of the few who got out alive. Only because everyone ELSE was dead." She grimaces, shakes her head. She DOES offer the Joltik a hand though - not, oddly, Yuuma. "Nice to meet you, Juru, and Denka," she nods to the voltorb.
    "Pokemon," Raven answers to Bahamut, "And it was my pleasure, sir. You should not be ashamed to ask for help if it can be given you," She smiles a little, and then bobs her head, "I hope you have a pleasent evening."

Yuuma Nakano (21) has posed:
<<I don't think this was Team Rocket,>> Yuuma replies. <<It was someone called 'Dark Industry' or something like that.>> Denka visibly shudders at the name. <<Denka was being used to power machines. I thought it was a Pokeball, so I picked it up. And got shocked. That doesn't hurt me all that much, though.>>

"<I was quite surprised at that, else there would have been an explosion following,>" Denka adds. 'Self Destruct' being a typical 'last resort' type behavior from a Voltorb.

Raven DeVanos (41) has posed:
    Raven nods thoughtfully, listening as she noms on her corn cob, then smirks faintly, "After as many times as I've been shocked by Pikachu, or sunblasted by Bulbasaur, I'm pretty... 'tonka tough' when it comes to elemental attacks," She says, grinning softly, "Though I prefer... other types." She picks up a rib still covered in meat and tosses this back to her arcanine, who catches it up in his jaws and begins to crunch through it with a thumping wag of his tail. After all, meat AND bone. Raven treats her 'mon well.

Yuuma Nakano (21) has posed:
The jaw strength of an Arcanine is quite amazing. And Yuuma hasn't quite gotten used to that yet, because his eyes go a little wide when he hears the bone crunching. Yikes! In the meantime, Juru pipes up, "<Well... he's kinda stuck with electric Pokemon, because he's an electric type himself!>"

The statement gets Yuuma to look back, and he nods. <<Afraid so. I have to be careful, because I don't have control of my abilities yet. I still shock people when I'm startled. Can't risk that happening to a bird or water-type.>>

Raven DeVanos (41) has posed:
    Raven nods, then suggests: "Ground types are resistant to electricity, as are rock types. You could try one of those two types as well?" She smiles a little, "And plant types are not as strongly effected, though not resistant. I would say maybe get uh.... A tropius or a torterra for a really big defense system. Onix for if you need something to ride..." She looks betwen Yuma and her arcanine then.. and laughs.
    "Aw sug don't you be afraid of Chips here. He's a retired police dog, he ain't gonna hurt nobody unless they're tryin' to hurt me on purpose. He's one of my best friends." She grins, reaching back to run fingers through the firedog's thick fur, and then grins, looking back. "I rode him through the Battle of the Black King, at the end of the Sburb War." She says, pausing a moment to make a gesture at the scars marking her face, "That's when i got these dillys here."

Yuuma Nakano (21) has posed:
Yuuma nods, tilting his head in thought. <<That's true. and walking everywhere has been a huge pain in the butt.>> It's also pretty noticeable (mentioned now because his player is DERP and forgot to earlier) that he's not actually typing his response in. The tablet, which looks like just a normal everyday tablet computer, is speaking it for him, it seems. But his facial expression shifts as the words come out, as if he were really speaking them, even though he's not.

The mention that 'Chips' the Arcanine is a police dog gets a thoughtful look. <<Oh, that's right. The Officers Jenny use Arcanine, don't they?>> A pause. <<Wait. 'Chips'? As in. The show?>> To note, he's much younger than someone who knows the show should be, and he's Japanese besides. He looks up as Raven notes her scars, and winces a little. <<I've heard about that, but I didn't see what happened before. I did hear it was pretty rough, though.>>

Raven DeVanos (41) has posed:
    A laugh, and a nod: "Ayeup. Chips was named for the show about California Highway Patrol," Raven grins. "He came with the name though, and I asked him if he wanted to change it, and he said 'nope'." She grins. "There was a famous arcanine in the army, who saved many people's lives, who was also named Chips, because of the show. So it's kind of a double- honor for him, right boy?" <Yess'um, it sure is,> The dog drawls, without looking up from his bone.
    Raven then nods: "Growlithe, actually, and Chips here served with the Jennies for quite some time as a growlie, but when he retired, Jennifer let me take him on as... a personal favor. See, I've.. done a lot to work toward making a better name for myself in the islands. I may've been a Rocket once, but, I got too old for that crap." She grins a little, then nods. She takes a few sips of her rootbeer, eying the device Yuuma has. "Pretty near little tablet y'all got there. Kind of similar to my brother's collar. Aries, c'mere and let'im get a look at your armor," she says, looking at the Umbreon. Aries' ears lay back, but with a (put upon even) sigh he comes out from under the table and lets Yuuma look at the metal collar about his neck; which houses a voice speaker. "I designed it myself usin' some Confederate tech. It can sense his minor psionics projecting thought at it, and translate them to words. He can't speak normally, so."

Yuuma Nakano (21) has posed:
Yuuma actually chuckles at the response from the Arcanine. Though it's less actual audible sound and more 'smile and shaking his of shoulders', since aforementioned 'can't talk'. <<I can understand that.>> He leans towards Chips to get a better look at him. Though he doesn't reach out to touch, because he's not sure how much 'canine while eating' Chips has. He won't touch, because he doesn't want to get bit.

<<It's admirable you want to try to make things better, whether you were a Rocket or not,>> Yuuma notes. <<A lot of people don't care that much.>> Though the mention of his tablet gets a blink, and he looks down at it. <<Oh. It's just a regular tablet. Sony Xperia Z2.>> He pauses, to turn the screen towards Raven. Yup. Just a regular tablet.

He does however, look at the collar. And the mention that Aries can't talk? This is very interesting! <<Oh? Why not?>> This he aims at Aries.

Raven DeVanos (41) has posed:
    Aries lays his ears back a bit, and looks nervously over at Raven before he speaks up; the voice sounding rather like a young child. <Some stupid people decided the best way to get at Raven was to cut my vocal chords out, because I'm her starter pokemon and we used to be psionically bounded on a level close to that of a hyperlinker.> The umbreon says, as Raven just sort of ends up staring at her food a little, before she shakes her head, and picks up a fork, digging into the potato salad she grabbed. Raven follows up for him: "Aqua-Magma. They were trying to torture me. They killed several of my pokemon, but when they got to Aries, they made a mistake. I don't remember much about what happened after that, except I, Aries, and my Absol got out mostly alive." She says, simply. She frowns, and stabs a potato rather violently, "But that's the past... And while it hurts, I learned from it," She smiles just a little.
        Aries frowns, shakes his head, and rolls his eyes, then says, <Ever since the SOLDIER process, our link has been weaker, but she and I are still connected thick as thieves. Brother and Sister. I go where she goes.> He smirks faintly.

Yuuma Nakano (21) has posed:
Yuuma seems to have a rather typical quality for someone who's mute-- he's more expressive. So when Aries mentions his vocal cords were cut out, his eyes widen, and shock seems to suffise his entire expression. <<How horrible.>> He shakes his head. <<I hope you got to hurt them back. I'm not originally from a world with Pokemon, but these two?>> He indicates Juru and Denka. <<I. Can't say what I'd do if someone hurt or killed them. Probably attempt something horrible to the people who did it.>> Wow, vindictive kid! Even if he looks pretty innocent.

He also smiles when Aries says he and Raven are siblings. <<I noticed she called you her brother. I thought that was kind of strange for a Pokemon and trainer. But after what you guys have probably been through, it's not all that surprising.>>

Raven DeVanos (41) has posed:
    "I call him my brother because he's my starter.. And because we've, been together for both our lives very long." Raven says, chuckling softly. Aries sniffs. <She's only older than me by five years. She got me when she was five.> He shrugs, tail flipping a little. He turns, and picks up a chunk of pizza, puts it on the floor, and begins to nibble at it like a cat. Raven grins a little.. then nods to Yuma, having heard him.
    "Oh, we got them back. it took a few years.. but we ran into a bunch of the agents who'd been responsible for torturing me a while ago.. and I rescued a Torchic from them. Poor thing was badly hurt though. Can't locomote right anymore, but is determined to fight for me since I saved his life, so. I keep him in my reserves," She says, softly, as she smiles.
    "... I've always been better with Pokemon, and real monsters, than I am with people. So I guess that's why I've ended up with.. so many animals in my life."

Yuuma Nakano (21) has posed:
Another silent chuckle from Yuuma at the exchange. <<You two have a headstart on me then,>> he teases. It's hard to tell 'tone' from his electronic-sounding voice, but the wry smirk on his face is enough to tell that he's kidding. <<I have a ways to go.>>

Oh, but Raven's mention of being better with Pokemon definitely draws a sympathetic nod from Yuuma. <<I know the feeling there.>> A look to the tablet as the words appear on the screen. <<Kind of, anyway. I've always been better with machines than people. They're just so much more logical, you know?>>

Raven DeVanos (41) has posed:
    "... Machines are m.. more logical." Raven can't help but grin at that. But it's a wry one. She nods, though. "I know what you mean, really. And hey, don't worry about gettin' a head start on people, neh? Just because we come from Kanto, doesn't mean we're better than you. Just means I'm more apt at being able to catch and link with Pokemon. You'll learn, don't worry." She grins. ".. You know. If you're good with machines, you should get a Porygon. Those are very good pokemon for machine users."

Yuuma Nakano (21) has posed:
Yuuma nods. <<I've linked a little with these two. Just enough for basic communication. Since I'm not native, I probably won't ever be able to link any closer than that with a Pokemon. My brainwaves are probably different or something like that. But I feel them there. It's done a lot to make me realize I'm not alone anymore.>>

In response, Juru twists around in his pocket and starts climing up his hoodie. When he reaches Yuuma's shoulder, he crawls up to Yuuma's face... and nuzzles his cheek. Happy Juru is happy! ^w^

As Juru climbs back down into the pocket, Yuuma considers Raven's suggestion. <<I've seen a Porygon at work. Having some hacking ability could be useful. I can TALK to machines. Like, literally. 'Hi machine, how ya doin'? Oh, ess-ess-dee-dee, how about you?' but I can't just plain hack into a computer normally.>>

Raven DeVanos (41) has posed:
    "A porygon should be easy for you to find if you have the right connections. If you can get in touch with the Union, ask to speak to Alexis Hanekari, or Ash Ketchum. They're the best two Trainers I know. Alexis herself has a Porygon, but I don't think she's breeding any time soon." She shrugs. "I can't really help you much with that aspect, I, don't go to Kanto often. I'm still not welcome in a lot of places, and I'd rather not go where I'm not wanted." She shrugs. Smiles a little. Then leans back thoughtfully. "I think you're doing fine though. Your joltik appears to be very happy where he is, as does your Voltorb. And believe me, if a voltorb isn't happy, you know."

Yuuma Nakano (21) has posed:
Yuuma's expression takes on a look of recognition! <<I've met Alexis before. She was the one that helped me get started with Pokemon training. I watched her Galvantula stop a store robbery,>> he explains. <<I picked up Juru here in the same town while I was volunteering at the Pokemon Center. He actually unplugged the healing machine to eat the electricity from the wall.>>

He pauses thoughtfully as Raven mentions not wanting to go where she's not wanted. <<I understand that too.>> There's a low, quiet electronic whine from his machine that functions well as an audible ellipsis. It's not high-pitched enough to hurt a canine's ears, though.

Yuuma nods as Raven notes his Pokemon seem happy. But it's Denka who speaks up first. "<The boy is intelligent enough to fully utilize all three of our talents to their fullest. Even beyond, sometimes.>"

Juru nods. "<We made a yo-yo move we can all three use together in a fight! I make a thread, Yuuma ties it around Denka, and then throws Denka like a yo-yo! Denka can use Sonic Boom, too, so Yuuma doesn't have to hit things with Denka.>"

<<No, I wouldn't use Denka to hit something with,>> Yuuma replies. <<I wouldn't headbutt an enemy unless I had to, so I wouldn't expect Denka to.>>

Raven DeVanos (41) has posed:
    "Okay, good, yes. Alexis can definetly help you," Raven says with a smile. "She can help you find a porygon." She looks between thw two electric'mon and grins at their recounting.. then smiles a bit easier when Yuuma says he would never hit someone with the voltorb. "See, you're off to a great start. Your pokemon like you and trust you, and you're not abusing them. That's a very good start indeed." He gets a smile! Of course by now Raven has pretty much finished almost everything she picked up from the buffet. She mms, first at tthe empty plates, then the sated pokemon, and says, "It's been VERY nice to talk to you, Yuuma! I wouldn't mind talking to you again some time even. Here," She pulls a card out of one of the pockets of her apron, and offers it to him. "This is my card. You can find my ranch via the address, and you can also find my e-mail there." She grins. "Come by for a visit some time, you can meet the rest of my pokemon, and my son. Don't worry about shocking any of us, like I said, I'm not as badly effected by electricity, and my boy, Malkuth, isn't either. And any of my pokemon, if you shock them, will understand, I'll explain it before hand, hm?" She smiles. "You seem like a very nice gentleman who needs friends."

Yuuma Nakano (21) has posed:
Yuuma smiles, accepting the card and looking at it. He takes on a sheepish look as she mentions the possible accidental shocking. <<It usually doesn't happen unless I get startled. And Juru can sometimes absorb a little of it. Of course, he has to bite me to do that, and it kind of hurts.>> Can a Joltik grin evilly? Because if they can, Juru so totally does, with a 'Tik-ing "<Ehehe....>" Denka, on the other hand, rolls its eyes.

<<I'll come visit sometime,>> he promises. His smile gentles a little when she mentions he needs friends. <<Yeah. Everyone could use more friends,>> he agrees. <<Good to meet you, Miss Devanos.>>

"<Pleasure to meet you. I look forward to speaking with you again,>" Denka adds.

Waving from Yuuma's pocket, Juru adds, "<We'll see you again! Take care!>"

Raven DeVanos (41) has posed:
    Raven smiles, and stands; bowing first to Yuuma, and then again to each Pokemon he has- Pausing to offer Juru a finger wave and a grin back. Aries stands, and slips in beside her as the Arcanine, Chips, takes her othere side-- and she leans against the Arcanine even, as they head for the door, Raven limping a bit as she goes, thus explaining the lean against the large fire dog. A waves before they're out the door even comes.. and then gone.