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Latest revision as of 23:45, 20 August 2014

TZ: Dragon Country
Date of Scene: 20 August 2014
Location: TARGET: The Rookery (TR)
Synopsis: The 14th Legion makes a move for the Rookery. Only to find a beast with a namesake is in the way to victory.
Cast of Characters: 522, Bahamut

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
The Rookery was one of the targets that had been requested by the command within the Confederacy to be taken over. Mostly because one of them required it for components for their spells and alchemy. It is this reason that the Imperial Legatus, Gaius Van Baelsar has come here to this heavy populated dragon region.

Gaius though was no stranger to dragons. It was dragons his men and him battled over Mor Dhona at the Crystal Tear Lake in Eorzea that not only did it end in a stale mate-- but he took down one of the king of wyrms-- and it in turn took down the Garlean Empire's mightiest of Dreadnaughts--- the Agris.

Yet this time, his current Dreadnaught would not come into this land, perhaps for this very reason, but several airships of his fleet did hover on the borders, as troops leaped out from the very airships onto the ground below. Magitek machina known as Vanguard were also deployed as they went to march across the land.

A few flying Magitek armor were also deployed to move through the skies; Juggernauts; which were to aid to stirring up the restless dragons in order to distract them from possibly interference on the main ground troops to take over the area.

A few of the ground troops went one way, another group took another position, while the dark armored clad figure with crimson red leatherly cloth appeared in blue light along side one of the Centurions. His voice spoke with an air of calmness and command. The words reverbed within the helm he wore. "If the battle turns for the bitter, fall back, but make sure none do so before."

"As you command, my lord." The Centurian then turned to the group, before raising up the gunblade, "All forces! Move In!"

The Technological might known as the Garlean Empire marches forth upon the Rookery and soon begins there battle with any defenses in play. While Gaius himself moves forward on his own stride. Each step precise, calculated. The little spheres that hang from the horns barely move with his steps and the kama itself barely stirs, beyond the howling wind that whips through at times heralding the sound of gun fire, cannon blasts, and clashing of steel.

Bahamut has posed:
     As the troops of the Garlean Empire march in, they face a moderately well-armed garrison of allied troops. But, these troops know by now that when the Confederacy pushes toward a target, they will need assistance to repel them.

     Luckily for these troops, the Rookery was not full of only the growling, snarling kind of dragon. It also have a visitor. And that visitor makes himself known as soon as the troops start fighting. Runed sigils appear in the sky before a loud roar rings out, and like a comet falling from space, something crashes through them, spiraling downward until it looks like it will flatten the entire area.

     But, at the last moment, wings of at least 30 feet across spread out, and the spiraling fall stabilizes, then the creature crashes into the ground, landing in a crouch and shaking the nearby area. And the attacking troops are faced with the metallic form of a 15 foot dragon who looks very intelligent and very dangerous. He growls menacingly as he stands up tall, then crosses his arms over his colorful armored chest. "I would suggest moving out." he says in a deep rumble, energy already beginning to crackle around him.

     The allied troops retreat behind their champion, and Bahamut fires a warning shot. Impulse. The bursts of grey-white energy explode just in front of the troops, letting them know that they should make a strategic withdraw or face the consequences.

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
When the sky opens and the massive figure arrives, several Juggernauts have to quickly move, a few get caught and then knocked from the sky. One of the metal airships banks hard to avoid it as well. The radio chatter comes to life over the Garlean Legion's frequency...

"Is That--"

"Damn it all! Its Bahamut!"

"Its that damn dragon!"

"There is impossible! Surly it does not continue to haunt us!"

"Damn Eikons! How are we--"
"We have to remain calm!"
"I.. I.. have children.. I don't want to die! Not like they did!"
As Bahamut does make himself know, Gaius foot comes to halt as he crushes a smoldering rock under his boot. Those black void eyes of his helm only seem to stare at the massive dragon that lands upon the ground. He can see some of his troops wanting to scramble away. The centurions themselves having to calm the nerves of the now rattled men, but even the Centurions as well.

For only a few weeks ago, the Primal who carried the same name and more organic look to this one laid waste to not only most of Eorzea-- but a great deal of Garlemalds own forces. Gaius raises up his hand to activate his own comm. "This is not the Eikon who laid into our forces and those of Eorzea. This is another. Continue with the operations. Leave the damnable beast to me."

Gaius then reaches for his backside as he easily walks up the side of a rocky hill. As he reaches the top, his gunblade's tip comes to point toward the mechanical dragon. "You presence unnerves my men, beast. But I must know if you are ever as powerful as the one who laid calamity upon the land that was to be ours." The Imperial Legatus continues to hold his ground. "Face me beast! For you quarry is with I, Imperial Legatus for the Fortenth Legion, Gaius Van Baelsar! For you who will learn true resolve of the Garlean Empire!"

Bahamut has posed:
     Bahamut can't help but grin at the panic his mere appearance creates. He might not if he knew what happened. When Gaius steps forward, Bahamut snorts lightly. "Your resolve will not help you against me. I am no mere beast. I am Bahamut! King of dragons and Aeon of Bevelle! Even the mighty Megatron fled before my power. Rest assured, my power is not to be triffled with."

     Bahamut raises a clawed hand as the Union troops re-engage the Feds. Lightning crackles over those claws before a shot of Thundaga fires at Gaius. "I do not hold back on my enemies." he says as the lightning bolt impacts. Then, he spreads his wings again and takes to the skies, flying in to land within striking distance of Gaius. He is not afraid to engage in close combat.

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
Gaius watches as the Lightning bolt magic is created then cast. He studies this for a moment, before moving to shove off the ledge he was perched on. Yet even as he moves with great speed, his timing was off, and the electrical bolt slams into him.

The electrical current impacts some type of magical defense barrier-- at least that is best one could describe it, as it ripples across it, shatter some of it in sparks of blue. Gaius slides back from the impact, even as Bahamut comes soaring down to move into melee range, Gaius is actually moving to stride in more long distance.

He runs up the side of a rocky cliff before a blue tinge runs through some of the lines of his boots. Like a dragoon he shoves off the rocky cliff, gaining a great deal of height in the air, before his gauntlet glows with blue light and then fires off three plasma bolts right down for the Dragon King.

Bahamut has posed:
     Bahamut is not exactly know for his agility. While he does attempt to dodge, with a bulk like his, that is like a barn trying to avoid a bullet. He does manage to avoid one of the shots, but the other two explode against his armored hide. He growls as the plasma sears him, then spreads his wings again and with one powerful movement is flying up at Gaius with the speed of a jet.

     Large metallic talons open, ready to tear into Gaius if he is unlucky enough to be caught by them. If successful, Bahamut would try to sink those claws into Gaius, then throw him back toward the ground. "With a blade like that, I would have expected you to welcome melee combat." Bahamut says as he slowly floats back down, his wings flapping every now and then to arrest his downward momentum.

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
Before Gaius can even touch the ground, the dragon is already on him. The mechanic beast flips him over in the speed and though he goes to correct himself, those claws take hold of Gaius' frame. As Bahamut attempts to crush into the armor, he find that the steel is not only very sturdy-- but light. Not forged metal that would be found in many places of mystical origins.

The smell of aetheric magic also comes from it-- like one would find from the essence of a lifestream, mako, or the mist of Ivalice. Yet the claws do manage to bite into the leatherly cloth as some blood is drawn, before Bahamut goes to throw Gaius to the ground.

The Imperial Legatus flips in the through. His feet across the rocky soil as his other hand comes down to bring him into a three prong stance. The Gunblade held against the armor of his arm, as he stays that way for a moment. Musing something silently to himself as he takes note of Bahamut's words, then as he looks up toward the King of Dragons, he speaks calmly. "If that is what you wish."

There was a blue glow in the gauntlets and his feet, before Gaius shoved off once more. He sprint between where he was and the dragon with great more speed then a normal human should ever run, and then leaped up to meet Bahamut dead on.

With sudden blue 'warp' like bubble he moved from Bahamut's center of mass, but came around to the other side, toward the shoulder then to try and jam his Gunblade into one of the shoulder joints. If successful, he then pulls the trigger, attempting to blast into the joint.

Bahamut has posed:
     Bahamut is flying along the ground when Gaius comes to meet him. When he thinks he has Gaius committed, he attempts to strike again, landing with a rumble that shakes the ground and sends up a cloud of dust and debris.

     But then, Gaius is gone. Bahamut growls, and spins around quickly, lashing out with a clawed hand in a mostly blind attemt to counter the attack. This time, he is lucky. He catches the blade in his hand, the metal striking sparks against his metallic talons, and the bullet fires into his heavily armored palm. Bahamut grins as he holds the blade. "A noteworthy tactic, but against an opponent like me, you will need more powerful offenses." he says.

     He then uses his grip on the blade to throw Gaius again, and then crouches as energy builds around him. He growls as three spheres of grey-white form around his shoulders, then with a thrust of his hands toward Gaius, they launch themselves at him. Their trajectory is anything but straight, and when they impact, they explode in a burst of pure energy. If Gaius is anywhere near them, he is sure to at least get scorched.

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
Gaius is thrown once more and this time he actually rolls across the ground by the sheer impact of the force, though he does manage to kick himself back up onto his feet, about the time to see the three spheres impact around him.

Bahamut would have noticed something blue light was flickered on about then and when the dust clears, Gaius is almost knelt down with one hand on the hilt of his sword and his fist against the earth. The ground scorched around him and parts of the crimson red armor burnt by the sheer explosive force, but a slightly magical barrier was activated, that barely now stands.

The Imperial Legatus goes to stand back up, as he pulls out his Gunblade from the ground and then slides his foot back. Where-ever he may be looking can not be seen, but the tension of moment was indeed in the air. The Imperial Legatus continued to stand at ready till at last he shoved off with his foot and then spun his sword down low, kicking up a high cloud of dust into the air.

For a moment Gaius was missing, until seen again moving up along side the rocky face of the mountain, before there was an audible 'click'. Then from his free hand a massive blue plasma orb starts to form in his fingers, the black armor almost taking on a slightly gold hue, before he spins around and blasts the plasma sphere right at the Bahamut, which will explode on impact with anything it hits.

Bahamut has posed:
     And impact it does. Bahamut lets out a roar as that plasma engulfs him, staggering even the giant dragon. Much of his hide is blackened after the attack, and it looks like his armored scales might have been compromised along his left side. He growls heavily against the pain, then grins. "So, you do have some fight in you." he says as he stands up straight again, watching Gaius running along the mountain. He certainly is fond of running along sheer rock faces, Bahamut thinks to himself with a chuckle.

     Bahamut stays standing where he is as he holds his hands out again, then gestures toward Gaius, and this time a shimmer is al the warning Gaius gets before the area around him explodes in a fiery blaze.

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
The shimmer does catch Gaius' attention, but all to late-- cause that is sometimes the curse of magic. The area explodes around him and shoves Gaius off the side he runs along. The Imperial Legatus corrects himself in the air with a flip as he goes to land down on the ground.

"If I did not know how to bite.. I would not be called the Black Wolf.." Gaius at last speaks up with a calm voice, only hinting slight at his own fatigue from this battle. Yet the man does not stay put long. Instead when Gaius stands he then takes aim with his Gauntlet once more. Aiming right for Bahamut, before aiming off to the side where his Gauntlet fires off several times.

The impacts hit a part of the mountain ledge itself above where Bahamut is, sending rocks and crags tumbling, if not falling down from the mountainside. Gaius though does not run, he only shifts his position, ready to either leap, or move in for the next strike.

After all, rocks may not be very effective against a mechanical dragon, but it may slow the powerful construct down.

If thinking of it as a construct is even a valid thought of such a marvel. Gaius has to silently admit-- it may not be the Bahamut who brought forth a great deal of devastation-- but still was ever bit the challenge of many of the others that also taint all of Eorzea.

Bahamut has posed:
     Bahamut does move when those rocks start to fall, but he is not fast enough to avoid them. The dragon roars as he is pummeled by large boulders. He smashes and blocks those he can, but when he emerges from the rubble, it is not without injury. Yet, despite the damage, he continues to stand tall. "That names seems inappropriate." Bahamut comments, his wings flapping to clear some of the dust. "A wolf hunts in a pack, not alone. Perhaps you should consider something more accurate. Like the Black Behemoth."

     Bahamut grins after that, then launches himself at Gaius again, again with claws outstretched. His powerful wings easily bear him across the gap between them, and this time Bahamut brings both hands toward Gaius in a sort of haymaker. Except hay that was made here would be shredded.

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
Gaius goes to leap back as Bahamut comes in, but the dragon proves to be the faster. The claws slam hard into Gaius. Slamming him into the ground. The metal claws cause sparks of metal to flash outward from the impact and some blue flickers of light to also spark on the impact as well, leaving behind nasty claw marks in the metal.

Gaius lays in the ground for a moment, before he pick himself up. Part of his helm also met the claws and the claw shattered one of the black void lens of his full face helm, allowing Bahamut to see the man's gold eye behind the lens.

A gold eye that stares with great ferocity and little to show of backing down. Even as this battle has not been in his favor. "You are no Eikon like of our world. You are alive-- yet machine-- but not of Magitek..." Gaius's form flickers with a wisp of blue before he seems to vanish before Bahamut can bring down another blow.

Gaius the appears on a ledge from behind. His Gunsword has electrical charge surrounding around the blade as he takes aim for the massive 'wheel' on the Dragon's back, or perhaps for one of the wing joints. "I admire the craftsmanship-- but I disdain the form." The shot then fires with a heavy electrical charge and the force from the shot actually causes a bit of recoil from the Gunblade.

Bahamut has posed:
     Bahamut, sliding across the ground after his attack, is a sitting duck for Gaius's attack. He roars as the electrical shot impacts his back right between his wings, causing him to slump forward onto one arm. He pants a bit as he turns to face Gaius again. "I am no crafted construct, despite my appearance. I am a being blessed with the powers of the Fayth. I am a guardian of my world, and of any other that faces tyranny and blood-lust." he says, even as he holds up his free hand.

     He makes a few gestures with it, then points to Gaius while his wings spread for balance. "And while I appreciate the compliment, I cannot back down." he says, even as energy crackles around Gaius before erupting in a burst of pure energy that only burns red after it has caused whatever it is hitting to combust.

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
Gaius was in the area of damage and honestly with his own teleporation was still be recharged, there was no way to get out of it. He tsked under his breath and then did the next best thing.

Went to jump up in the air before it exploded and create another magical barrier field under him with his hand extended out. The massive explosive force soon engulfs him. It flares around him in bright light and blue wisps of the barrier can be seen torn away before he is entirely engulfed in the flame.

Once the explosion clears the air, Gaius form can be seen in the sky, before landing down hard into the ground, where it does a few rolls, before coming to a stop. His own Gunblade spins before slamming into the ground right above his own horn.

The Imperial Legatus lays there for a moment, before he looks over to the side to see the blurry form of Bahamut still there. In such a state-- it almost looks like the very Bahamut of his world.. and with such a vision of that Bahamut he curses under his breath, "...damn you Nael Van Darnus..."

"..damn you.. and the shadow of crimson you cast over us all.." Gaius then forces himself with whatever strength he has to get back to his feet. His steps unstable, but he rips his Gunblade free from the ground, before there was another 'click' of his gauntlet.

With that click was also the signal sent to his Dreadnaught that was some ways out, but could still take aim with the Magitek Cannon. Crews move quickly as power is dropped to rooms that did not need the power. From the bottom of the massive black metal machine, a cannon dropped down and swung in the direction of the Rookery.

Several people at the weapon stations, dropped down several sliders on their panels as the glowing monitors displayed the power levels.

Once before Gaius fired the Magitek Cannon-- but never at the request of full power. This time though-- he was requesting it. He pointed his gunblade at Bahamut once more. His field of vision still blurred, the battle of several weeks ago still fresh in his mind. The conversations he had with Nael Van Darnus still audible in his ears. How mad the plan was to pull down one of the moons-- how the Emperor was so blind to see the folly of such a genocide notion. How yet, going behind it all to employ the alliance's mercenaries to end it-- and yet-- even when Nael Van Darnus was laid to rest-- it did not end.

"This Ends." Gaius said flatly and with of a rasp in his voice from the very heat that found its way to his exposed skin and torched his very armor. He then raised up his free arm and a flare fired out of his Gauntlet.

It exploded in the air with a flash of gold light.

It be just a moment, in that moment it would seem like nothing would happen. Yet out in the distance a flicker of light could be seen light a 'star' twinkling. Before then the clouds ripped apart by a massive gold-blue electrical beam of energy that roared down from the sky.

Be it impact its target or not. The sheer force of the impact rips apart the land, throwing stones into the air, creating a massive air wake that even knocks a few of the Airships nearly from the sky as they did not clear in time from the zone and perhaps even a few dragons from their perches if they did not move in time.

As for Gaius he could only brace himself as he slammed his Gunblade back into the earth and crouched down low. The very soil and rock whiffing past him and a few bits clinging against his shoulder pauldrons.

Once the the blast was clear, he slowly raised his gaze to not only see what power the Magitek Cannon could bring at full power-- but what may remained of the fierce foe he has been facing...

Bahamut has posed:
     Bahamut is standing there one moment, watching the flare and pondering Gaius's words, then the next a bolt of energy lands almost directly on him and explodes with massive force. The dragon disappears in the blast, his roar drowned out by the roar of the explosion. It is a powerful weapon. Surely even this fierce foe could not stand before it.

     For a moment, it seems as though he could not. But then, there is an eruption from the top of the explosion, and the winged form of Bahamut emerges in a fiery shroud, eyes glowing visibly against the backdrop of the debris-darkened sky and the rising explosion. He flies upward until he is clear of the explosion, and even at that distance Gaius would be able to see red staining the multi-colored scutes of the mighty dragon.

     As Bahamut floats there above the blaze, another glow appears, this time at his mouth. "A valiant effort. But I will not be put down by some wolf." he says, his voice loud enough to be heard even at this distance. The glow increases, a bright white-blue that is obviously a buildig of energy. The gyro floating over Bahamut's back starts to spin rapidly and small bolts of energy arc from it and over to the building energy orb. It grows until the orb is nearly the size of Bahamut's torso.

     Then, Bahamut fires. Unlike the Magitech cannon, this is a steady beam of blue-white energy. It lances downward like a laser. The aim doesn't necessarily have to be good, so broad is the beam. And when it impacts, it results in an explosion not unlike the cannon, except this explosion spreads forward in the direction Bahamut fired, taking anything within a few hundred meters with it. The upward eruption of energy might even threaten the airships if they are not careful.

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
Gaius watches as the Bahamut breaks from the flame. His hand tightens on the handle of his sword, as he grits his teeth behind the Full face helm. His troops are already retreating. The airships are only slightly moving, as a few are trying to remain near.

The counter on his teleportation is still counting down. That gold eye that can be seen staring out at the dragon with far greater hatred then he was before, as if any sense of whom he was staring at was lost. As Bahamut speaks and he charges up the Giga-Flare, Gaius rips his sword free and gets ready to actually fire into it as he yells loudly over the roar of the Giga-Flare, "CURSE YOU EIKON!!"

Soon the Imperial Legatus is lost in the massive wake of the Giga-Flare. For when the rubble cleared and the smoke at last moved aside, Gaius had been thrown back nearly hundred feet or so. He laid against a rock, within the ground. His armor smoking and parts of it melted. Blue-like liquid dripped down from some of the armor, almost like water.

Bahamut may see that man actually stir ever so slightly, his hand extending out. He still had fight in him it seemed, but only for that moment. He raised up his hand, as if trying to repower his Gauntlet once more. But soon the glow from the wrist blaster faded and the arm came to collide by his side.

Yet the wake also nearly took down a few of the airships, one such airship chanced its luck and flew in close and tight over the burning ground. Another followed it in, as one acted as a blockaid for the other to protect it from further relation from the dragon.

They lifted up Gaius with care, before the Airships then went to take back off into the air with a good clip of speed. Bahamut may realize that the very design is more mechanical so fused with that of magic. Much like perhaps the machina of his own world.

The troops that may been in the area were indeed clear soon after and the Dreadnaught-- the mighty airship that fired the Magitek Cannon could be seen for a moment from her lights that flickered, before the several mile long airship started to pull away from the battle zone. Heading perhaps to a near Confederate airspace, as no Garlean camp was near.

It was a close battle-- for though they had injured the namesake that haunted them all-- they still had yet the power to bring it down.

Bahamut has posed:
     Bahamut has to slowly make his way back to the ground after the attack. He looks up at the airships, but makes no move to stop them from retrieving their commander. And as he watches, he wonders about the hatred he saw in Gaius's eyes and actions. "What is an Eikon?" he asks himself. It sounds suspiciously like Aeon to him.

     Bahamut watches them retreat, then lets himself relax, lowering down onto one hand again. He is barely standing, but he is victorious, and that brings a grin to his face. "I suppose the Galean Empire still has some work to do." he says haughtily.