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Latest revision as of 01:38, 29 August 2014

Dark Eldar Attack
Date of Scene: 28 August 2014
Location: The Eastern Ruins
Synopsis: The Imperial Guard call for aid against a Dark Eldar attack.
Cast of Characters: 20, 307, Karian Icefang, 559

Karian Icefang has posed:
    Desert ruins...A place that should be filled with learning and ancient history. Today, it is filled with smoke, gunfire, and screams. A regiment of brave Imperial Guard had escorted a group of archeologists from an expedition here, but were now trying to hold ground against an evil, insidious enemy. They were ancient, but depraived. They were the Dark Eldar.
    At the moment, the guard had a heavily defended ruin locked down, their wounded inside and the line slowly falling back to it. They needed help, and fast. Their salvation would come on iron wings, and with great fury.
    From above, Thunderhawks landed nearby and within minutes, bolter shells were flying. The Sons of Russ had arrived and set up an evacuation point. "Guardsmen! You've done well to hold this long. You no longer need to lay your lives down in defence of this place. We will take the brunt of the enemy's strength, and ensure no more of you fall today." Karian shouts, taking charge and protectorship of his 'little brothers'.

Rocket (559) has posed:
    Thunderhawks aren't the only thing flying in. A small commercial shuttle zips in overhead between the Thunderhawks, setting down near the ruins while the rear hatch opens. From within comes two figures, charging down the ramp, one on the other's shoulders. One of the pair is giant, taller even than a Space Marine and seemingly made entirely of wood, moss growing here and there. The other? Tiny, and just as bizarre. A three foot tall raccoon hefting a large pulse rifle in one hand and clinging to the tree-man with the other. Once they're on the ground, the shuttle wastes no time in taking off. One does have to wonder how much the shuttle pilot charged in cab fare. The raccoon thumps the side of the tree-man, pointing over towards Karian. With a nod, he heads over, the raccoon glancing out towards the combat.
    "Geez, who're these idiots? Why'd they wanna fight over a big ball of dust like this?" he says, turning back to Karian. "You the old guy in charge of these humies? Name's Rocket, what's the plan?"

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Desert... ugh. Even if Toph Beifong has been working on her sandbending, she's still not too comfortable with sand, but hey, if somebody calls for help and she can help, then you've got yourself the greatest earthbender of all time coming in to lend her personal assistance.

    The first sign that somebody is coming might be a cloud of dust that whirls up, as well as a small avalanche as a small figure comes over the dunes. And while the avalance might not be big enough to pose a real threat, it does allow the blind girl to make her way towards the ruins quickly. With a solid kick into the earthen plate she's surfing in on, the young earthbending master launches herself through the air... she lands in the sand next to the ruins. "Heya buddy!" she greets Karian. "Seems we got here in time, huh?"

    She does look a bit surprised when her feet pick up the shapes of Rocket and Groot however, turning her face towards them. "So... you guys the mercenaries?" she inquires. "How you guys wanna do this? I can help slow them down and take care of their armor."

Allyn (307) has posed:
Not in wolf form today, since he figured he'd need a form with a little more arsenal than just that of a wolf, a large sabertooth makes his way towards where Karian, Toph and the others are. He eyes the alrge tree and raccoon for a few moments, hmmm don't see anything like that every day. Well, you don't see sabertooth cats too much every day either, so nothing too odd there, "Hmmm, they look a little tough for my claws, well, I'll do what I can."

Karian Icefang has posed:
    Karian looks over first towards Toph and gives her a nod. Then to the strange creature and giant tree-man. "....Did someone spike my ale, or did that strange creature just talk? Either way, the help is appreciated." He says towards Rocket and Groot. He stares towards the battle, thinking. "Dark Eldar, as I thought. They like to ambush and use stealth. Energy weapons and something they call 'dark matter' are amongst their arsenal." He says, his bolter ready and loaded.
    The evil Eldar look up and see their new prey arrive, evil grins sliding across their faces. Suddenly, the Imperial Guard are ignored. "Ahh......fresh prey. I think that your screams will be so much more satisfying, Space Marine.....and your allies will make good pets and their souls such filling endulgances." The apparent leader growls from behind his helmet. Moments later, the dark 'elves' make their attack, energy weapons firing.

Rocket (559) has posed:
    "Oh yeah, sure, let's talk about how the new help is a strange creature in the middle of a warzone, great plan there,"
    "I am Groot. <Perhaps we should deal with the foes before us first?>"
    Rockat looks over at Groot, opening his muzzle to speak before being cut off by the Eldar. As the firing starts, Groot holds out his arm, his body growing to form a large, wooden shield between the Eldar and the group, pushing fowards towards cover.
    "Oookay, this freak isn't creepy at all..." Rocket braces himself on Groot's shoulder, poking his rifle over the shield and firing at the nearest targets, a heavy 'thwoom' sounding on each blast. "Gonna need a plan better than 'shoot the bad guys in the face', gramps. Feel free to pipe up any second now."

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Hey, somebody she recognizes! Toph blinks when Allyn joins them, then offers the shapeshifter a grin. "Heya! Took your time, huh?" Okay, time to be serious. Toph gestures to the approaching Dark Eldar forces. "I can work on their armor and give you some openings. It doesn't feel like their armor is too tough..." she muses for herself, narrowing her eyes.

    The large talking tree or whatever it is? Toph shrugs at Karian when he comments on it. "This is the multiverse, better get used to new stuff, right?"

    The Dark Eldar though earns a frown from the blind girl, especially when the leader speaks up. "I say we show them a thing or two, guys." Pets? HAH! That's a good one! The vibrations through the sand are difficult to pick up, but Toph decides to be safe rather than sorry. Spreading her arms wide, she reaches out to the sand, making the ground underneath their feet shake as suddenly a rocklike wall is erected in front of them to help block any attacks made on them. "I'll cover you guys!" she encourages the others. They might not be Union, but they are here to save lives.

    And just for good measure, Toph reaches out with one hand, sensing the metal in front of her... and she twists her hand, aiming for the leader's helmet and intending to yank him over. Hopefully it will create an opening and startle their opponents.

    "Hey, Groot!" At least she assumes that's his name... "You gonna be okay with those blasts?" Can a tree even take them? He hardly seems like a normal tree though...

Allyn (307) has posed:
Allyn would chuckle if cats could do that, but he does purr to Toph, "Hey Toph, yeah, I'm a little slow still. Been healing from some injuries though, but figured I need to stop being so lazy and get out and stretch out my claws some.. Looks like a good place to do so." he glances around again and blinks as he hears the word 'pets'

"Hmm, yeah I think these guys need a lesson, have to show them there are no pets here." He glances to Karian a moment, "Where's the big wolf? Looks like we've some damage to do."

He eyes the wall of rock as it rises from the ground and then crouches and leaps on top of it, and then leaps off the other side and begins to run after one of the Dark Eldar, not wasting any time as he tries to dodge the shots as best he can, time to maul something!"

Karian Icefang has posed:
    Karian smirks. "He's around, hunting the stealth units." He says. A glance towards rocket musters a nod. "Aye, but then shooting some is fun." He says, before his bolter roars to life. The closest Eldar is pretty much torn into by the round, likely impressing someone who enjoys explosives.
    The Eldar stare at Groot, unsure what to do with him. "What a strange being....is it a Deamon?" one soldier asks the other, but in their moment of unsureness find a giant feline mauling him. The leader blinks a moment, and is pulled close to the group. "What the?!

Rocket (559) has posed:
    "Can't argue with that!" Rocket laughs, firing off a few more shots into the advancing army. He does glance over at the bolter, eyeing it with a little awe and maybe a little jealousy before turning back to the army, thumping the side of Groot's head before jumping down to the ground level. "The big guy can take it, trust me. Big idiot's tougher than he looks," he yells, ducking and weaving between the Guardsmen to fore from the barricades. Or from on a box behind said barricades.
    Groot, meanwhile, keeps pushing forward with his shield, ahead of the barricade, wood splinters flying off in all directions as each energy bolt hits him. "I am Groot! <A forward assault will be difficult, we should devise a strategy and break their ranks!>" Those who get too close to the tree-man will find themselves getting whacked upside the head with Groot's other arm, sending Dark Eldar flying through the air almost comically.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    There's a determined look on Toph's face as she feels the leader pulled over, and then she reaches out with both hands together, all before she seemingly tries to pry the air in front of her apart. Instead, her focus is on the metal. It's taken several months of hard work, but now she's at the point where she can bend metal comfortably from a distance, and her aim is the armor on the closest of the Eldar. While she can't bend them all at once, she does focus on four of them, tearing the metal armor apart in the middle.

    "Well, we can focus on drawing their fire then!" Toph replies to Rocket. Still, with Allyn she might want to keep him safe... so she focuses on the sand, kicking down into it to raise a pillar that should work as partial shielding for the shapeshifter, and also give him something to work with.

    "You guys attack, the big guy and I will cover you!" she suggests. The raccoon thing does seem to know what he's doing.

Allyn (307) has posed:
Allyn finishes mauling the one that he was doing so too. Well, that's not too bad, of course he does get blasted by others a few times and yowls in pain when he gets hit. Fur only protects a little bit after all, but mostly he jsut comes out a bit singed. No, no shifting to a flying form today, he's tired of losing the use of his wings because flight feathers getting singed.

He crouches behind the pillar Toph sets up for him and ponders for a few moments, he can use the breather though. Seeing Toph's work though reminds him of that stone he held not long ago and has him wondering what he could have done with it, but its destroyed now so that idea is kind of moot

He continues to crouch behind the pillar, waiting for prey to come towards him at least, it's good to have a place to ambush from and saves a little bit of energy.

Karian Icefang has posed:
    Karian nods and looks over. He see's one of his brothers fall, and with a grin starts moving. He points at Rocket and then over to the heavy bolter now laying dormant. "Grab that and let fly!" He shouts. He then leaps right into the fight, sword and axe drawn and swinging madly.
    The Dark Eldar expected guardsmen not marines and allies. Their lines started to get cut down quickly, and the leader currently was trying to take down Toph. Groot turns eldar into baseballs and sends them flying, and more fall to Allyn. "Damn..." the leader says through gritted teeth, quickly realizing he bit off more then he could handle.

Rocket (559) has posed:
    Rocket glances over towards where Karian pointed, a child-like grin creeping over his face as he slings his own gun over his back, scampering between the Guardsmen once more as he shoves a crate over there, the Guardsman in question perplexed by the sudden acts. "Okay, move it, move it, professional comin' through. Outta the way!"
    He jumps up onto the box, now set up just right for him and grabs the trigger and just admires the weapon for a moment. "Oh, come here, beautiful..." he croons to it. "We're gonna have some fun together, you and me..."
    And then all hell breaks loose.
    With a loud shout, Rocket lets loose a wild volley of constant fire from the emplacement, the other Guardsmen even stopping to watch perplexed as a three foot tall woodland critter goes nuts with heavy caliber weaponry. It's... certainly a sight, and surprisingly effective as those unfortunate enough to be in his path either scramble for cover or take a few bolts in the face. "I HAVE GOT TO GET ME ONE OF THESE!"
    Groot, meanwhile, has taken the opportunity to change up his own tactics from an armored push. The shield retracts back into his arm as he grabs one of the nearby Dark Eldar by the leg, swinging hum around like a flail with a shout before tossing him into those ducking for cover. His arm grows outward again, forming into a wooden whip of sorts, giving him a bit more range in his mook-tossing attacks.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    It does seem like Allyn could use some cover, so Toph focuses on bringing up some more pillars, providing the shapeshifter with the opportunity to get to more enemies all while hopefully keeping himself safe.

    "HEY!" Toph calls back to Rocket as he admires his new weaponry. "LESS TALKING, MORE BLASTING! You can make out with your new girlfriend when we're done!" Okay, there we go. It might be one hell of a sight, too bad that Toph is missing it. For now the blind girl is focused on raising cover for the others fighting to defend the ruins here.

    By now there are several pillars and small walls all around the battle field, just to provide them all some cover. With that done, Toph twists her foot, making the earth underneath her feet harden into a rocky plate, and she kicks off, surfing her way across the sand towards the Eldar and between the rocky walls and spires. And thanks to the Eldar wearing /armor/, she can tell where they are, even if she can't sense vibrations all that well in the sand. But like this, she can still do something. Rushing past a few of the soldiers, she reaches out, grabbing for their armor with the intent of tearing it off.

Allyn (307) has posed:
Allyn ducks behind a wall as some of the blsts come his way again, he growls from where he is and waits for a lull in the firing. He then leaps over the wall and onto some helpless person or other. Hey, he's not afraid to take advantage of cover and leap attacks either. The large cat swipes at the weakened parts of the armor that Toph has made.

Large cat claws probably can cut through them like butter now though he does once or twice take bites at the enemie's middles where the armor is broken. He can't help it. When you don't have guns, or lasers or anything really cool, you sue what you do have and use them effectively.

He growls to the Eldari as he gets closer, though not too close, probably behind a wall, "You said something about pets, earlier? Do we look like pets now?"

Karian Icefang has posed:
    Karian's charge into the mass of enemies begins tearing them apart. They were fierce, but in the end they were not meant to stand against the might of a space marine...or being made into a flail......or get their armor ripped off. All in all, they were getting torn apart.
    he leader curses under his breath, realizing he was in a losing battle. "Damn you all. I will be back." He says, turning to run.....right into the roaring fire of Rocket and his new girlfriend.

Rocket (559) has posed:
"She's still better lookin' than you!" Rocket fires back, swivelling the bolter to open up on the leader. "Grab him, Groot, grab him! I'll keep him pinned!"
    With the numbers thinning out, Groot makes a break for the leader, spotting Allyn crouched nearby. His arm shifts again, this time growing into a mass of vines and branches towards the leader, attempting to ensnare and trap them, just for Allyn. He does glance over to Rocket, who by now has turned his attention, and barrage of bolts, towards the stragglers despite the obvious signs of the weapon's overheating. "I am Groot? <Is this one to be taken in alive?>"

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Turning her earthen plate around, Toph skids to a halt in the sand, narrowing her eyes at Rocket's comment even as she throws aside some of the metal that she tore off of the Eldar. "Yeah, because blind people really care about appearances, squirt!" Hey, it's not often she meets people, or whatever Rocket classifies as, who are actually shorter than her!

    At least it seems they have managed to dissuade the Eldar from attacking further, and that's when Toph stands down. "You guys okay?" This seemed pretty easy... but somehow she doesn't feel too comfortable with Groot's question. Nopes, she's staying out of this one, and her discomfort should be pretty easy to read on her face. Instead she turns towards Allyn. "You okay there, Mister Whiskers?"

Allyn (307) has posed:
Allyn pads over to Toph since things seem to have died down now that the enemy has been routed and he gives her a lick with his rough tongue right on her face! "Yeah, I'm purrfect. Thanks to you. I think this is one time I haven't come out too much for the worse for wear. My fur is singed in a few places, but no holes or anything, which I am thankful for."

Maybe human's aren't so bad after all, he'd never done something like actually willingly lick a human before, but a friend gave him a kick in the tail and plus he still feels bad for some other reason. "How about you, did you get injured?"

Karian Icefang has posed:
    Karian looks over and smiles softly. He goes straight to rocket and.....nods. "You looked like a natural. Tell you what. In addition to your fee, keep that." He says, looking over. It's about that time a giant wolf appears, dragging a dead dark eldar over by his throat.

Karian Icefang has posed:
    Karian looks over and smiles softly. He goes straight to rocket and.....nods. "You looked like a natural. Tell you what. In addition to your fee, keep that." He says, looking over. It's about that time a giant wolf appears, dragging a dead dark eldar over by his throat. He then looks over to Groot and the leader, thinking. "He attacked Imperial guard regiments, killing men only sworn to do their duty. He should be exterminated." He says, rather coldly at that.

Rocket (559) has posed:
    Groot's expression shifts at Karian's statement, surprised by the coldness he shows. Rocket, meanwhile, just unslings his rifle and blasts the Eldar a few times. Job done. "Eh, I was gonna take it anyways," he says, shifting his weapon onto his back as he goes about collapsing the heavy bolter emplacement, the Guardsmen team looking more perplexed by the tiny raccoon taking it to pieces. "But now I'm gonna need a way to talk to your boss about payment. And if I don't get paid, we're gonna have a problem."

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    When the large feline licks her face the blind girl can't help but yelp, then sputter even as she makes a slight face. "Only glad to help," Toph says, feeling a bit awkward. This is different from when Buster licks her face in the morning when it's time to get up! As for her? "I'm fine, just a few scratches and shots that didn't hit anything important," she assures him. Why, she doesn't even need to head into medical for this.

    However, she doesn't seem to like it when the leader is actually shot like that, and she winces slightly, a serious look on her young face. "If you're not gonna need anymore help... I'll be going back home," Toph states as she turns towards Karian. Too bad that he's so cold about this.

Allyn (307) has posed:
Allyn nods, "Good to hear." he blinks as he hears the shots and looks back. Well, he supposes soemtimes it has to be done, though if he's ok with it or not isn't quite clear. He then looks over to the large wolf as he drags someone in, <<Good hunting?>> he asks the wolf.

Karian Icefang has posed:
    Karian looks over to Groot and shakes his head. "Besides...He was hit with the heavy bolter. At least he didn't suffer long..." He says. As the wolf comes over and drops the body, it gets immidiate praise and pettings from his master, and whuffs his agreement to Allyn. "Hmm? Oh, that would be me. I am Karian Icefang, Wolf Lord of this company of the Immortal Allfathers Space Wolves Chapter of Space Marines." He says. Ygdril, the wolf, looks at Groot and gingerly sniffs him, curiousity in the wolf.

Rocket (559) has posed:
    "Good," Rocket says, having managed to collapse the weapon enough to heft it around, Groot scooping him up and putting him on his shoulder. "Now unless you're gonna pay me to hang around like an idiot, we've got some money to chase." He thumps Groot with his elbow, pointing off towards a nearby warpgate. "But if your pockets are feeling heavy and you need some help in the future, we like gettin' paid."

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Well, there's seemingly little to do here. So Toph sighs, closing her eyes and offering a brief two finger salute to the people. "Mister Whiskers, Groot..." She hesitates as she considers the other two. "Blasty. Marine boy. Take care." With that the blind girl heads off on her own towards the nearest warp gate. She has deserved some dinner after this.