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Revision as of 03:15, 26 September 2014

GENESIS: Ryuko Matoi
Date of Scene: 25 September 2014
Location: The Homeworld
Synopsis: Ryuko obtains her Abstractum, Jarring Chord!
Thanks to: Abstractum for GMing!
Cast of Characters: 2, 140, 347, 430, Riva Banari
Tinyplot: When They Return

Ryuko Matoi (140) has posed:
    Ryuko shows, though she's in her more casual attire. And, to note, that means not wearing Senketsu. She's got her scissor on her person, though, most likely. Still, she's not really expecting a fight to break out. She takes a few minutes to look around a bit, as this place is pretty big. "Huh.."

Homura Akemi (2) has posed:
    Homura has invited Ryuko (and others interested) to gather in the Homeworld, specifically in the Lobby. It's pretty big! But it's also pretty busy. Homura is where she said she would be-- she's wearing formal black pants, a white dress shirt without a tie, and a black jacket slung over one shoulder lazily. She's got her glasses on, and her hair is loose. Her Abstractum is a ring, so perhaps not very obvious at first sight.

    She seems to be examining a small creature best described as a walking two-dimensional cloud painting. Peaceful Familiars are kind of a new thing even for her, so she's poking at one with a metaphorical stick while waiting.

    Though she does turn to greet Ryuko when she arrives.

Riva Banari has posed:
Riva isn't actually involved with what's about to happen. Nor is she familiar with the people involved, but she is a curious sort who likes poking at things, an asset that has been both boon and bane in her homeworld, as well as elsewhere.

Right now, the Templar is walking around in the main lobby, looking around and taking in the surroundings. She's never actually been the The Homeworld, and as a result one can see her poking at various things and checking her phone frequently, likely doing remote searches on the Union databases for things she's seeing. You learn how to use Google fast in her homeland, and that habit continues here.

As Ryuko wanders past, Riva glances over, and nods. "I know, right? It's kind of overwhelming. Your first time here too?"

Riva waves to Homura, who is the other Dramatis Personae in this event as far as Riva can tell. "Hi there!" Riva exclaims energetically to the both of them. "I don't think we've met in person. Name's Riva. Don't mind me, I've just been, um.... curious. Especially with something of this magnitude going on, everything related to it seems to be crazy interesting."

Abstractum.Net (347) has posed:
    The cloud itself seems not particularly averse to poking, though it seems to have some mode of sapience that is human enough to be at least slightly awkward about this, in a serious way. Not really very talkative, though...

    Homura's ring, the little eye-gem peering up, It speaks in shy tones, politely. "H-hi, Mr. Riva. Hello, Miss Matoi." There's a gulp-like noise. Being the subject of demonstration and watching is so awkward to this little Abstractum.

Ryuko Matoi (140) has posed:
    Ryuko manages a pretty genuine smile. A bit different from her usual serious, scowling self. "Yo!" She waves to Riva, then Homura, as she notices the latter waiting for her. "Ah, yeah.. pretty intense, huh? Didn't think it was gonna be this huge, but. I guess a lot of people have these, so.." She shrugs, "I'm a bit curious too, and all.. and well. If Satsuki Kiryuin has one, then.. I need one too. Just in case.."

She clenches her fist a bit, but relaxes as she's addressed by Homura's abstractum. "Ah, hey there. What's your name?"

Homura Akemi (2) has posed:
    Have they met in person?
    Homura thinks. No, she'd probably remember. She's usually got a pretty good memory for faces and voices. She gives a polite wave and then a nod to Riva. "Akemi Homura. And that's fine. The Abstractum crisis is a bit of a loud one, so getting familiar with it, even if you don't have time to get involved, is probably not a bad idea. This is the Homeworld. Our base. Our Abstractums generate resources when we do things in here that are then used, namely, to upgrade the place. It used to be much smaller," she says, summarizing a lot of crunch into one sentence.

    Then to Ryuko, a nod. "That makes sense. She did not use her Abstractum against me in the tournament, but then I did not use mine either. I don't know how the fight would have gone if we had, but she had me close enough to pinned I can say it might have changed the outcome entirely."

    She will let her ring introduce herself.

Riva Banari has posed:
Riva chuckles at the ring, but doesn't bother correcting it. "You're a cute little one, aren't you?" She asks. Homura's assertion, however, causes her to pause. "Upgrading an entire world?" Riva says, thinking. "I guess the mind's the limit, considering some of the things I've read." Because the sky sure isn't one.

She nods at Ryuko's comment. "God a bad case of the rival, huh? I can see that. Gotta keep up with the Joneses."

Riva then turns to pay close attention, waiting to see what happens next.

Abstractum.Net (347) has posed:
    "Oh! Um, my name is Clairvoyant Rush, and I'm the Abstractum for my User, Miss Akemi." The little ring says, its gem shifting around the ring itself, its proportions changing slightly like some sort of cartoon thing. All very nervous sorts of mannerisms though. "I'll be helping you out, if you're really wanting one. Um, just let me know if you have any questions about what'll happen, and I can do my best to answer."

Ryuko Matoi (140) has posed:
    Well, Ryuko can't think of anything in particular.. "Er, hm.. Do I need anything, for this? Or does it more or less just happen on it's own?" She asks Rush, before shrugging at Homura and Riva. "Yeah, I watched your fight.. I haven't heard of her using it, yet, to be honest.. and if she's holding it back, that's kinda what concerns me." She rubs her neck a bit with a hand. "Mostly looking for something that's gonna help me out in a tight spot. If I need an edge in a fight, and all."

Homura Akemi (2) has posed:
    "Oh, Genesis is easy. Just state that you consent to the Genesis Drive and Claire will start it," Homura answers, raising her hand to put the ring on-level with people's faces. "Claire, I consent to it as well."

    She turns to Riva.

    "Well, not the entire world, per se, just this place and its surroundings. I think. Maybe it'll change later. This is where it gets interesting though."

Riva Banari has posed:
"I looked at the recordings, those fights were /crazy/." Riva laughs. "It makes me wonder what I'm in for in the future. And it's good to meet you too, Clairvoyant Rush. Hmm... It's pretty amazing nonetheless, Homura. A place like this really makes me think."

When things get down to business, Riva goes quiet and watches attentively. This is the part that she really wants to see.

Abstractum.Net (347) has posed:
    "R-right it's just like Miss Akemi says, just... Just give me, um, 'explicit' consent. And Homura gives it to me too, like now. Then I can help you. Is there anything else you need to know?"

Ryuko Matoi (140) has posed:
    Ryuko just shakes her head, again. "Nah, I'm good.. I consent." She says the last bit a little louder, figuring she'd need to add a little emphasis to the statement. Either way, she gives her go ahead for.. whatever is about to happen.

Abstractum.Net (347) has posed:
    "Oh! Okay, well, I guess... I guess everything's covered then. I'll get started." The ring says, nervously, as the low hum of power begins building in it.
    "Powering Genesis Drive."

        THEME: http://tinyurl.com/ABSTRACTUM-PROCUREMENT

    A vivid red light shines out of the ring's eye as it shifts, slowly, into a monotone. "User explicit consent confirmed. Candidate User explicit consent confirmed. Drawing resonance." Loud whirring builds to a peak in the Abstractum; a burst of wind blasts out of the ring that sends small shockwaves into the environment, and the locals back off a bit, some watching, some getting away as much as they can.

    "ASSEMBLING CONCEPTS. AMPLIFYING PARADIGMS." It speaks in a harder monotone. "DETERMINING IMPRINT." Ryuko is going to feel a sensation not entirely unlike being grasped, tightly, but instead of in physical space, it's in another spatial axis entirely. It lifts her, and then she's struck against reality, with the sensation of leaving an imprint in it, a mold of sorts.

    When she's struck against reality, there's a bright red shockwave of light and another swirling rush of wind, likely to blow light debris around. "CONCEPT MOLD ESTABLISHED. ENGAGING FULL GENESIS." And, it would seem, this "imprint" gets filled in. Like certain actions before it, this "filling in" seems to be performed on another spatial dimension, looking the way a mold might look to a flatlander when filled.

    It's a crimson red guitar, with jagged, harsh designs inscribed in black along its neck, a fancy rosewood pick-guard, and a hemispherical gem embedded below the strings alongside the tone and volume controls. Within the gem, a defined black pupil forms, surrounded by a pair of shadowy eyelids.

    Both Abstractum speak in unison now. "NETWORK MESSAGE: A new Abstractum has been deployed. Thank you for assuming the duty of protection. When They return, together we'll end them." And, abruptly, everything settles down. The guitar - floating previously, now settling - will either need to be caught or will be settling 'face-up' on the ground gently. Clairvoyant Rush seems out of the automated trance, and seems to be quite resistant to the exhaustion of the process now, recovering quickly. "O-okay, um, that's... That's done, then, Miss Matoi. I hope you like it."

    As for the newer Abstractum, the guitar seems to be waking up, slowly. Ryuko will need to introduce herself!

Homura Akemi (2) has posed:
    That light never gets old.

    Homura's not got much to say; it would ruin the moment, anyway. Things happen! The Puella Magi will watch quietly, eager to see what comes out of the process, and how Ryuko reacts to it.

    The end result causes her to perk a single brow up.
    And break the mood with a question.

    "You're a musician?" She mostly remembers Ryuko for having talking clothes and a sword. She might have missed a thing or two there, evidently.

Ryuko Matoi (140) has posed:
    Ryuko is quick to reach out and take hold of the instrument, before it touches the ground, fingers grasping around the neck. She then brings it up against her body, and gives the strings a strum. "Yo.. Looks like you and me are gonna fight together, from here on out." She nods to Homura, the smile still present. "Yeah. Been a hobby, but when my dad's place burned down, my guitar went with it."

Riva Banari has posed:
Riva listens to the words, watches the process intently. She might not have a way of viewing the more conceptual portions of the process, but the experience is useful nonetheless.

As the process finishes, Riva looks... thoughtful. She's quiet, tapping the side of her head in some form of rumination.

Several seconds later, she suddenly claps her hands together, as if suddenly paying attention now after being distracted. "Oh man, that was /awesome/!" Riva says. "And a guitar, too. Man, that's got a lot of potential for all kinds of cool things."

Abstractum.Net (347) has posed:
    There is no amp, and there's no need for one. Apparently the Abstractum is enough amp, and perfectly tuned to boot. She'll be able to feel the note through her whole body every time though, the noise seeming to run straight through the bones. It's unnerving and a little energizing at the same time.

    "/Fighting/, huh?" The guitar says, in a tone that somehow manages to be harshly friendly, going straight from zero to directly energetic in no time flat. The strum takes a sudden turn and flares intensely, the note wobbling up and down as if to emphasize the word. "I like the sound of a party like that, kid, even if I'm not the kind of axe what's good for slinging around and beating with. I'll be playing to your blades if you're not minding, but you'll not hear me whining about a good fight! Name's Jarring Chord, and I don't want to hear you forgetting it. What do I call you, huh?"

Satsuki Kiryuin (430) has posed:
    A shining, radiant light fills the lobby.

    "So that is the weapon your life's shape creates, Matoi."

    The voice and radiance both give away Satsuki's location as just outside the Red Wing's door, Bakuzan's sheath planted on the ground in what has become a very familiar posture from her. The Queen of Honnouji stands, calm and impassive, with the faintest hints of a smirk; it's clear that she's been watching for a good little while now. "A red-type, and guitar no less. Perfectly suited to an ambitionless drifter. I suppose at the very least, the power such an Abstractum gives you may become worthwhile in the future."

Abstractum.Net (347) has posed:
    "Loud and with no actions past or future to back up the volume. It sounds like it has just the type of hollow boisterousness that shows an ego without substance." Thorny Path says, firmly. The little Abstractum can be seen hanging from Satsuki's ear. There is a tiny, miniaturized version of the radiance Satsuki uses coming from behind it, and somehow it seems to match its User's posture. This would normally look silly, if it weren't for the fact that both Abstractum and User make it look perfectly natural and dare you to laugh at it. What, you wanna get in a fight?

    "Hah! C'mon down from that ear and I'll show you some substance, ya dumb chunk of cubic zirconia! Don't you start saying I'm not planning on earning every decibel." The guitar takes this offensive gesture to its User and itself as an immediate prompting for an aggressive response. Touchy!

Ryuko Matoi (140) has posed:
    Ryuko's excitement only seems to grow, as the instument makes some noise, even without an amplifier. "No problem.. If you want a party, I'm your gal. We'll definitely be able to show off what we can do, if you follow me." She chuckles a bit, "Jarring Chord.. I like it. Yeah, I won't forget. I'm Ryuko. Matoi Ryuko."

And that voice.. Ryuko's smile is wiped out by a scowl, her teeth clenching, and her hand tightening around the guitar's neck. "It's good enough for me.. Even if it can't replace what I lost, when my home got burned down, Kiryuin.."

As her Abstractum counters Satsuki's with a retort, she holds it up and out, like a sword, brandishing it.

Homura Akemi (2) has posed:
    "I see. That makes sense, then. I expected a sword, but a surprise is never unwelcome," Homura says-- at least, in this regard. Surprises are plenty unwelcome in her life, but how she perceives others, is usually a fine place to get surprised.

    It's pretty vivid too! The guitar, that is.

    "Oh. Hello, Kiryuin," Homura says flatly, gaze trailing towards her briefly, and then back towards Ryuko-- and then toward sRiva. "If you want one, as well, the process is that simple. Having one doesn't force you to participate in these matters if you find them too large or daunting, either. No strings attached." (OOC: Besides needing to work it out with Abby first.)

Riva Banari has posed:
And that's when the rival shows up. Riva can just tell. That's the kind of sass a rival does. Riva looks over, surprised... Although she shouldn't have been. Riva studies her for several seconds intently, and looks back as the two Abstractum begin squaring off. "Ummmmm...." Riva trails off. Something seems off about this, but she back up out of the way regardless. Not like she can get involved in this anyway, her replacement weapons are still being commissioned.

"I'm interested, but I'm still thinking about some things." Riva replies. "I appreciate the offer, though." Is she up to some kind of shenanigans? Or is the prospective fight in the middle of the Lobby possibly distracting her?

Satsuki Kiryuin (430) has posed:
    Calmly, Satsuki reaches up with one hand, brushing the hair away from her left ear, in order to give her Abstractum a more clear view... and to show it more clearly to the others present as well. "Good enough for you? That is the difference between us, Matoi Ryuko." Her eyes look to her left, addressing her Abstractum with a simple, "Don't be rude... introduce yourself. Name, and type."

    Homura and Riva aren't exempt from her attention, however. To the black-haired magical girl, she offers a respectful nod. "Akemi." To Riva, on the other hand, she gives only an appraising stare for a handful of seconds, before simply stating, "There will not be a fight here unless someone else starts it. I'm not so crass."

Ryuko Matoi (140) has posed:
    Ryuko just waggles her new Abstractum in Satsuki's direction. "Ain't no difference, now.. You and me, we both have what the other has. Abstractum, weapons, Kamui." She places the guitar back against her body, and strums it again with her fingers, "Nothing but a level playing field, now." She tilts her head, "Nah.. If I wanted a fight, or expected one.. I'd be wearing Senketsu."

She shrugs, "Ain't my place, neither. Belongs to everyone, yeah? Honnouji's our battleground, anyway."

Riva Banari has posed:
The assurance that there will be no fight on her part seems to cause Riva to relax. Maybe she's gotten the read that whatever Satsuki is, she's someone who keeps her word. Or maybe she's just willing to take someone at their word. Who knows! Regret is for people who make those mistakes!

Ryuko seems to agree, and this causes Riva to let down her guard, breathing a sigh of relief. "Nice to meet you." Riva says. She might actually mean it. "Riva Banari, Knights Templar liason to the Union." It's been a while since she's introduced herself with her full position, but again, this seems to be the kind of person who puts stock in such things.

Abstractum.Net (347) has posed:
    "Thorny Path. Green chromarchetyped Abstractum, in service to my user Satsuki Kiryuin." Thorny Path says, the earring shifting as if standing at-attention, with firm tones, like a soldier. "I will look forward to giving you a trial by fire, guitar, to see if you are all noise."

    "Jarring Chord. Red, helpin' Ryuko." The guitar takes a confident posture with the neck of its body. "I'll tear the roof off wherever you and your User want ventilated, ya prissy jewlry." A confident, boisterous strum follows. "Not here, not now, but whenever and wherever."

Homura Akemi (2) has posed:
    To Riva, Homura nods.
    "No hurry. We'll still be around to perform Genesis Drive when you think you're ready for the commitment to... well, a partner, essentially." No better way to call them. Then she looks towards Satsuki and Ryuko, who are tense as ever.

    She avoids being snarky about it.

    "I'd rather not find out what failsafes this place has against fighting, anyway. Speaks can emulate up to the eighth level of Shift, I'd rather not find out if he'd personally get involved to stop you." Well, that, and... "Damaging this place would be against all of our interests anyhow, so I trust all parties to know better by default."

Satsuki Kiryuin (430) has posed:
    "Kiryuin Satsuki," the black-haired young lady replies to Riva. "Honnouji Academy Student Council President, daughter of REVOCS C.E.O. Kiryuin Ragyou, and ally to the Confederate military."

    And then Satsuki finally begins to walk, her aim to head past Ryuko, Riva and Homura towards the warpgate out. "But there is a difference, Matoi Ryuko. You're content with a Red. My power is vast enough that only a Green is fit to enhance it. If you and your Abstractum take issue with that..."

    This is where she moves past Ryuko, a moment in which her lips curl into a proper, smug smile. "Your vow from that day in the schoolyard still stands. You're welcome to try and fulfill it." And on she walks.

Ryuko Matoi (140) has posed:
    "Green, Red, whatever. Don't think I haven't forgotten about that promise, Kiryuin." Ryuko replies, without turning to see that smirk. She knows it's there, either way. "We'll see just how 'vast' it really is, when we go head to head, again."