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Dark Divinity
Date of Scene: 25 September 2014
Location: South Shroud, Eorzea Region, Hydaelyn
Synopsis: The Dark Divinity has come to ride and those who heed the call of the people of Quarrymill must defend the settlement from his unholy might.
Cast of Characters: Maya, 216, 377, 522, 560, Ayako Hasekawa, 576

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
The call of aid does not come from Gridania itself, but rather that of Quarrymill. A settlement on the edges of the Shroud and the settlement closest to the place where the Great Elder Primal, Odin, once laid to rest -- Urth's Gift.

Those who come to the aid may find themselves being either teleported over by one of the female Seedseer's themselves or being lead through the Shroud itself by one of the Wood Wailers. Though Gridania would rather turn solely to the Union-- they know that Quarrymill stands a bit on her own.

Once they arrive though in this section of the Shroud though they will find the sky ever darkening and the wind howling through the trees and across the land. Closer in yet to the Settlement, including around its fringes one will find motes of aetheric light lifting from the very ground.

No beast stirs this day, not even the sound of a cricket to give comfort. Only the howling wind and the motes of aetheric light.

The people themselves for the most part have gone inside. Only a few of the Elezen Wood Wailers stand ready, two female Conjurers, and the Seedseer who may have brought some here. The seedseer through does not wear white this day, for this one wears robe of black with silver lining ad her hair is nearly pure white, with freckles along her face.

She steps toward the open gate entrance out to the Black Shroud from the small settlement of Quarrymill and looks out upon the land with her green eyes. "..Where are you Dark Divinity.. why are you hiding yourself..."

Two of the Wood Wailers quickly go up the ladders to get up on the higher part of the fort wall and start to scan outward as well, ever looking for whoever this Dark Divinity was. It is in this does the Seedseer before them decide to make clear just what this job is, for she turns to look at those who have come. "I am not sure if you have been explained the problem we are facing in this time." Her hand motions out to the Black Shroud, "But we are in dire need of aid. Somewhere out there roams an Elder Primal by the name of Odin. Unlike Primals, the Elders are far more.. problematic. Their power is greater, their tempering is far more underhanded, and they do not require worship to thrive. They thrive by their own will alone."

The Seedseer frowns. "If Odin is allowed to roam freely, he will come to this location and destroy the lives of these people," She motions to Quarrymill. "In his wake their is only that of Chaos, war, and death. It is for this reason we are sure the Allagans sealed him away and we sadly do not have the skills to repeat this process-- so we must do this by far more.. barbaric means.."

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
Her eyes look over at everyone, "I need all of you to weaken his aetheric hold on the realm and cast him back into the darkness. Though yes, this is not a permanent solution. It will at least continue to buy us further time to find a better one.." though she leaves out that there may never /be/ a better solution then this. "..you will be paid once he is gone and the skies clear once more, for this," She motions around in the air, "..is only part of his power... and we will see to your injuries and the Wood Wailers will stand by to get those out whom may fall to his blade."

The Seedseer then bows her head gently. "..May the Matron watch over all of you in this dark hour.."


Yet for those who come on behalf of the Confederacy--- they may find themselves transported by other means. Outside the sights of the Quarry Mill and in an open area where the Metal Trooper transport Airships use the howling wind to mask themselves as they slowly approach down to hover right above the land.

The doors slides open to reveal the aetheric influenced area before them. The motes of aetheric energy, tap the side of the Airship, seeming to do it no harm, but roll around its black metallic surface. The Centurion who is there watch this, before he turns to the Confederate members who may be on board. "This is in the midst of Alliance Territory. They are allies with the Union, so watch yourselves.. though we ask perhaps what they are asking of other outsiders. To deal with the Eikon that is in the area."

"If the Eikon is allowed to thrive, he will drain this bloody area dry of all the aetheric energy and become nigh unstoppable. Lord Van Baelsar does not wish to see this happen and though they be our enemies, this land is to rich with minerals to have it taken by some bloody beast with a god complex."

The Centurion watches as a few of his own men leave from the other Airships, before they take back off into the air. "Far as Lord Van Baelsar is concerned, Eikons are the whole world of Hydaelyn's issue. Not just the Garlean Empire's or the Alliance-- though the Alliance wants to pussy-foot about the issue, where we know what it takes to kill a false god."

"Sadly, we have no intel on this particular Eikon, but matters not. The only good Eikon is a dead one."

The Centurion then gives a nod of his head. "I wish you all best of luck, you have some of our men who know these woods to aid you and are under your command." He gives them a proper salute, before he goes back inside once all the Confederates have departed and then motions to the pilot to take them up as the door starts to close back down.

Andrew Detmer (377) has posed:
For the most part, Drew Detmer prefers to move about under his own power; Flinging himself through the air with the power of his own mind, bending the sky out of his way as he rips through it as fast as a small scram jet. To -flex- that muscle in the darkness of his eyes feels good. It feels -strong-, unlike the rest of his body. But these winds, man - it's just no good! Forced to 'ground' himself in the Centurian's airship, Detmer makes do by floating off the ship's metal ground. Letting only the tips of his toes touch.

The reflective stripes of his firesuit dimly glow as the aetheric motes pass, but the Apex Predator makes no note of it. His face hidden behind a gas mask that's just a little too large, facial features distorted and blurred by the thick plexiglass. His voice, when it does come, is hollowed by the rubber seals.
"Go in. Kill a god. Come out. Seems simple enough." He floats slightly higher, straightening up, the edges of his oversized 'costume' flaring out around him.

Tshallandria (216) has posed:
    Tshallandria is riding on that airship, and watching the bits of aetheric foxfire roll off the hull. "I see. However, I would prefer that you not put your scouts at risk in the battlefield." She turns to face the Centurion before she smiles, "I understand that the Eikons, Primals, or whatever they are can mind control your people permanantly and I would prefer to spare them that fate."

    "My Paladins... Because of their aspects are immune to such and I will be using them as support troops for this." A slow smile plays across her lips, "It does sound like a rather glorious battle doesn't it Andrew?" She glances back to the group of five people that accompanied her, "Keep the gawkers clear, and keep the collateral damage from getting out of control." She snorts, "Burning down the forest to save it is a bit of bad victory."

    Turning back to the Centurion she nods once more, "How close can you say, without putting yourself and crew at risk?"

Maya has posed:
Maya did get a call for aid and givne this place and she wonderd what had need of outside help, it seems she got a bit more of an idea as she arrived. She kept her self and she listens.

"He'd likely relish a fight."

She also knew they ahd a hand in freeing him not that she vboices this as she liustens she has to wonder about Odin really too bad there was no way to point him at the other Primals wasn't it? eiuther way she seems set and ready to go as she looks over at Tshallandria.

"There's no glory in battle I have found, but I am ready."

Emiya Shirou (560) has posed:
    Shirou's approach coincides with Maya's. The only person from the Union here that he at all knows - from a two sentence exchange or so. He's geared up to the best of his ability and resources, having adopted an armored vest of modern make - the fiber weave is light but durable, easily comparable to a steel breastplate but without all the weight. Besides that though, he has... just his normal clothes, and a sour look on his face. No apparent weapons. And he doesn't really look the part of a warrior, exactly.

    "So driving him off in a fight's the only way of subduing him?" He mutters. It's more of a rhetorical comment than a question, but he doesn't sound too happy about this idea.

    This Primal sounds really freakishly dangerous. "Do you think we can take him on, Maya...?"

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
The Centurion looks back over halting the door with his hand easy enough. He looks directly at Tshallandria, "I can have the man stay in this area. The airships will be higher in the skies. They have aetheric tracker devices. So if this Eikon gets anywhere near them they will be..."

Just as he gets ready to explain that one of them speaks up, "Sirs, lady--" He holds up the device which is showing a trail with a hot spot on it moving rather quickly. "Its on the move-- heading right for the Gridanian settlement..."

The Trooper then motions in the direction. "Which is just west of our location.. bloody hell and he is moving quick.. its.. almost like.." The trooper studies the signal, tapping in a few things on it. "..almost like there is.. two of them.."


The Seedseer looks over to Shirou and frowns softly, "I wish there was another way then to battle the Primal-- but.. it is the only way we know to protect Quarrymill.."

She tsks softly, "If only those scrolls were more clear we might--"

"Seedseer!" One of the Wood Wailers up on the upper level shouts down, "We see him! We see the Dark Divinity!"

Just as the Wood Wailer states this, a horse-like ear pitch cry can be heard, just as a dark fog then rolls right over the area. The wind suddenly comes to a complete halt.

The Wood Wailer next to the gate motions to Shirou and Maya, "Go now! we will close the gate behind you and give what support we can with our bows.

Odin (576) has posed:
As the dark fog rolls in the area and the wind begins to calm. Clomp of hooves can be heard on the very soil. Red eyes are seen first from a hellish steed wearing dark armor and soon coming out of the fog is blue-white burning eyes from a even darker clad figure whose armor nearly streams with black aetheric energy as he moves through the fog.

A sword drawn in his hand with the edge of it gleaming with hot white light and he points out toward the Settlement in the distance, "I no not where you hide Urth! But once I find you, thy will know my wrath! DO YOU HEAR ME URTH!!"

With a hard swing of his sword, the very grass is torn from the ground and the very dirt ripples as being cut right apart by the sheer energy from the blade itselfs. The force of the sweep can be felt on the gust of wind it generates, which nearly cuts into the wall of the very Settlement.

Worse-- Odin wasn't even that close, which only demostrated perhaps the power of either he or the sword itself, yet the elder primal did not move toward the settlement. Instead with a pull on the reigns he started to in circle it. "..i tire of these games.." He rumbles softly to himself. "..they say you winch be dead.. but I know that be a facade.. I will fine you.. and your kin's kin.. and lay you all low.."

Then he pulls on the reigns once more to steady his steed before he seems to look about the area, "...Yet there is outsiders upon this land.. not like the ones whom freed me." He points his sword toward the Settlement then toward the woods to the east, "You dare to come and stop me!" His eyes scan the area carefully. "Then come! Show me your strength! Satisfy my blade! Fight me and let us see who is the better in battle!"

BGM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qAp8U5z9cjQ

Andrew Detmer (377) has posed:
Drew glances aside as the lady addresses him, and frowns. It's a petulent frown, as he flexes his gloved hands. "Huh? Oh. I'unno. It's just some stupid guy in a stupid place filled with stupid, little, squishy people. Who cares. I just .. I just want to hurt something right now. And this godling is perfect." He holds up his hand, letting the camera float out from it's orbit near his shoulder and pan upwards to get a view of the airship. And himself.
He's hunting for that burning rage, but all he's getting is a soggy smolder. Annoyance, and then being annoyed at his annoyance. When he's good and truly pissed off, he's not afraid of anything.
But this? This is got him a little shaken. I mean, floating motes of light, the wind suddenly halting - and then the booming voice from somewhere in the west. Drew cringes, turning his head slightly. But fear does it - that little spark of hate that he needs. Teeth creak as he begins rising higher, letting the dark armored lady person talk to the other armored centurion airship person. It all sucks anyways. "Oh. Yeah. I don't like him. I -really- don't like him."

Maya has posed:
Maya sigh and gets the Primal is lost in the past she knows what he could do. She was one of the ones who was there she looks as Odin basically uyelling fight me. She knows where this is going she pulls the rifle off her. Maya looks atr Andrew. She makes several mental notes about the teen he reminds het too much of Connor's Pirate crew, she may have to take similar measures against him but not tofday she's got to worry about Odin as she gets ready. She gives Shirou a look and says.

"You ready?"

Tshallandria (216) has posed:
    Tshallandria chuckles softly, before she tilts her head at Andrew, "It's smoke and mirrors as of yet. Fog amplifies your other senses as you try to adapt to it... Though I would not discount this one rapidly." She shrugs, "Usually those with that kind of a viewpoint have done something to deserve it."

    Her gaze shifts to the Centurion, "If we need any kind of support, I'll let you know, but I don't see how it would help much with all of the fog and the trees." She shrugs, "Stay safe."

    She turns to face her paladins and the mage, giving them a warm smile she speaks, "You have your orders and you know my will. Be safe, and remember, I need not heroes; Yet if it is in your will to choose that path, I will be waiting at the end to welcome you into your next reincarnation."

    And with that... She vanishes off of the Airship, and appears in front of the Eorzean settlement. "I hear a challenge-" Her voice echoes through the fog, "-But I hear no declaration of your name." She strides forward and gestures ... Then the earth erupts behind her, A giant sea of spikes that wall outward from the Eorzean settlement protecting them from something so simple as a charge, "If we are to do you the Honor of meeting you in battle, then I would hear your name, Eikon."

    She gestures to the side, causing her cape to sweep out behind her, and a massive claymore appears in her right hand wreathed in hellfire. "I am Tshallandria. Queen of the Heavens, and Queen of the Hells. I will answer your challenge."

Tshallandria (216) has posed:
    Meanwhile the group that Tshallandria left on the airship start give a group of affirmitives and respectful responses to Tshallandria ... before she teleports away. The mage in the group chuckles, gestures with his staff, and then they too vanish into the fog.

Emiya Shirou (560) has posed:
    Well, with Odin right here, it's less 'do you think we can take him on?' and more 'we HAVE to take him on.' Gulp. But all Shirou has to do to steel his will up is imagine what kind of havoc Odin will wreak if he's allowed to do as he wishes. The Seedseers who summoned him here looked quite worried.

    All around him are faces that will be crying and miserable if he fails. So. he has to win.

    Even if he cannot possibly fight that war god, he bravely steps out past the gates to meet Odin. Apparently... empty-handed, the whole way.

    "ODIN!" The redhead yells accusingly, pointing at the Elder Primal. "Will nothing we say convince you the person who sealed you is long dead? That was centuries ago. You can look for years and it will just be wasting time!"

    But the moment his eyes fall across the warrior's weapon...

    That sword is beautiful. It is as beautiful as it is terrible. As savage as it is noble. Shirou can't help but fixate on it for a few seconds. To him though? Those few seconds feel like an eternity.

    None of the weapons he knows of except maybe Kusanagi can possibly match that. And even with his magical circuits filled to their limit thanks to his efforts in Iianor's workshops, the Grass-Cutting Sword's ultimate ability will not fell Odin. It might, at best, just aggravate him.

    Shirou shudders. How can he match something that feels like it can't be matched? If anyone's going to beat Odin today, it won't be him.

    But he still has to do it.

    "TRACE, ON!"

    In his mind, the boy reaches down deep, gaze turning angry and fierce and locking onto the Primal's weapon. He chokes, grunts, straining to do SOMETHING...

    Reach it, reach it. Push past all limits. Compensation can wait! "Khhhhh...!!" The boy's almost GROWLING. The strenuous effort needed is a huge strain on his mind, almost soul. But he knows.

    If he doesn't pull this off right the first time, one swing of Odin's sword will kill him. It will kill Maya. There's no choice BUT to get this right.

    Golden light flares and sizzles from his hands, spreading out quickly. "Uroooaghhhhh!"

    With a final flash of ambery-golden light, it becomes apparent that Odin's sword has somehow gained a twin. Emiya Shirou holds Zantetsuken tightly. His nerves are all a-twitch, like a bomb ready to go off. Fear of death, the urgent need to win and protect his dream are all bubbling up.

    That's his answer for Maya.

Odin (576) has posed:
Odin watches as Tshallandria makes her entrance known. He almost chuckles softly at her own fortification to protect the settlement from him. "You come to accept my challenge, my lady and in that I shall giventh my name to you."

The nightmare steed stomps its hoof in the ground and strikes it across a few times as it bites down on the bit within its mouth.

Odin bows his head ever so slightly in a respect for another warrior. "I am the Dark Divine warrior Odin. Herald of times long past and once seen as a god among men," He then looks over as Shirou shots out his name. "..it would seem now I am a man among some swine."

Odin is not impressed by Shirou's call outs and he spots Maya as well. "You were denied battle from me when you aided in setting me free, boy. But I see that was my own folly." Then when Shirou copies his weapon Odin's eyes can be seen burning ever brighter. "So let me correct that."

Andrew may be away from the Battlefield, but Odin knows he is there, just for the moment. He avoids the judgment of the Elder Primal. Instead it seems Shirou only aids in putting Odin in the foulest of moods.

The horse of his hikes up as Odin points his blade right at Shirou and then with a charge, he sweeps the blade. The sword itself doesn't even come close, but its the very air current that carries the force of the slash itself.

Before he goes to charge right for Tshallandria and goes to meet her with a gallop by and a swing of his own blade. At least he has given her time to ready herself.

Andrew Detmer (377) has posed:
Teleporting? Drew blinks for a moment as everyone slips off with a faint poof, and curls his smallish hands into fists. "Dammit! I hate it when they do that." That'd be a handy trick, but he has no idea how to even begin envisioning that with his mind. Instead, the boy curls up his mind behind him, aligns himself with the ground and -pushes-. Air shrieks ahead of him as he booms forward, the camera zipping in his airstream - his own mind shielding him from the harsh wind, leaving nothing but a faint snap of the edges of his oversized fire jacket for him to hear. He begins lifting his arms up as the trees zip underneath him. And, for a moment, he can see Odin's charge on the rapidly approaching horizon.
JEEBUS alive, that guy is huge! And someone put spikes in front of the stupid little stupid town they were here to stop getting destroyed. Stupidly. To be honest, Drew is just here because he's frustrated and wants to hurt something. Gritting his teeth in a rictus of a grin, Drew swoops sideways and claws the air as he does - lashing out with his brain. A faint wavering in the air is the only warning of invisible tendrils of force slicing sideways towards Odin's horse's legs.
Swords? Armor? Honor? Announcing yourself? Fair play? He is the Apex Predator. The Villain! And he does not play by those rules anymore.

Emiya Shirou (560) has posed:
    "ghhhhh!" Shirou's own Zantetsuken leaps into action, much to its wielder's surprise. The iron-cutting sword carves a line through the air, setting currents rippling to counter the incoming 'air slash' with another. This partially succeeds, deflecting half of the force - though the end result?

    "Ghugh!" Shirou's flung off his feet by the force, knocked backward, a thin crimson line etched from his shoulder to gut from where the strike pierced his protection. He staggers, but his flesh doesn't part that easily.

    Shirou pants heavily. Pain. Oh heavens, the pain. But he can't stop now. he grabs hold of that agony and uses it to drive himself forward. The boy wobbles to his feet, raising Zantetsuken again. "My body... is made of swords!" This most recent addition to his familiar chants seems to help even more, now that he's aware of his elemental affinity.

    Behind him, Kusanagi, Clarent, Ornstein's lightning spear, and several greatswords form in the air... then launch like missiles at Odin.

    At the same time, Shirou rushes in himself. "Seeeeiiiiyaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh!!!"

    He might not be mounted, but he doesn't have to be to bring the PRimal's own weapon against him in a flurry of slashes! "Bastard, don't think everything'll just go your way...! Huah!"

Tshallandria (216) has posed:
    Tshallandria smiles slightly as the Union makes the brunt of all of the diplomatic mistakes in the first few moments of the battle. Odin on the other hand...

    Odin is given a slight, and graceful bow, before she steps forward to meet his charge, and her blade sweeps upwards at his own, meeting it in a parry that sends sparks flying everywhere ... along with a small portion of one of her shoulder pauldrons, "Ahh. Impressive." Wings of sweeping azure fire rise from her back, trimmed in dull burning red, "Definitely worth every moment of my time."

    With those words she takes to the air, circling the battlefield once, before she comes back down, this time charging Odin head on, and attempting to meet him face to face with a sweep of her claymore. "Sadly I have not a horse to summon, or I would attempt to meet you so."

Maya has posed:
Maya watches Shirou trace with a good deal of intrest and yes, she's got the idea that he's given her his answer and she makes ready to deal with Odin she's going for her rifle and she watche as Odin comes in at them. She looks at ODin she has not said anything to him as he makes his speech. She does not say another thing she simply knows there's no talking ODin down he wants a fight and he's going to get one. She isna't able to get clear of Odin's first stike the auir cuts into a expose section of her body and she's already bleeding. She does seem to be focusing upon some sort of spell the card glows green and she casts a curse trying to waylay Odin.

Ayako Hasekawa has posed:
    Ayako is lost! She did hear about the call for help and wanted to help, but it still didn't help that she was still mostly unfamiliar with the Multiverse. Getting lost for her was something of a daily thing. However, the feeling of the fog, the sounds of a charging horse, and the sounds of battle had quickly helped her reorient.

    She quickly runs in the direction of the battle, becoming more and more confident of her destination-doubly so when she hears Emiya Shirou's voice. "Ah. Shirou." Once she sees Odin she hesitates, closes her eyes and swallows... and then runs towards him-and suddenly stops a distance away. She quietly focuses for a moment and gestures with her hands at everyone she sees, other than Odin.

    "Water Bubble!" A bubble of water forms around all of them for an instant, and then seemingly vanishes. However, said barrier doesn't appear to do much of anything; it only appears to slow incoming attacks an extremely negligible amount.

Odin (576) has posed:
As Andrew sends a claw of energy down, it strikes the mighty war horses legs. He will not find blood that comes from the mighty steed of Odin's but rather some type of dark mist that releases and starts to seal back up, but it gets Odin's attention though.

But first he has to deal with the on he is dancing around, this being Tshallandria. Who comes in very impressively. Odin seems to tense up slightly, it is easy to see that he is preparing to do something, "Then I shall met thy lady on her own accord." Even for a raging bastard, he is apparently a gentlemen warrior on some level.

When Tshallandria swings, he jumps right off his noble steed, who seems to vanish into a dark mist of aetheric energy. Her sheer force of the swing catches him in mid air. Their swords locked as he is driven right back into the ground. His feet sink in and the force itself, actually rolls him over.

Though Odin does not remain long and with a flipping twist of his body to get back in feet, he strikes down with rapid slash of his blade. Only to turn quickly and take note of Andrew in the air. Aetheric energy forms around his fingers, as a lance then appears in his other hand, which he then throws at Andrew. If the lance hooks right a chain appears in Odin's hand connected to the lance which he uses to draw the man right back down to the ground.

He then spins that lance around to deflect all of Shirou's attacks that come in. The wide sweep of the lance creating a barrier almost, before it vanishes and only one of the weapons come in close as Odin knocks it aside with his own bracer. "Foolish boy. You believe that thy soul is powerful enough to contain my might in the sword you copied? Thy soul is weak, like thy flesh." He points his sword at Shirou, "You can't even begin to grasp the power of my blade."

Odin's eyes burn once more, "..and thy own heroics will get you killed.."

Though it is Maya who quickly catches the ire of Odin, as picks up her mystical energy and then sense the spell about to be cast. When it does cast, Odin glances over to Tshallandria, "..one moment my lady.." Then he disappears into a fog of aetheric form.

Then that very dark fog of aetheric energy appears near Maya as he suddenly goes to swing his very blade right at her in a cleaving strike.

Maya has Odin Aggro!

He only glances at the water element that has arrived, but he full focus is on poor Maya.

Andrew Detmer (377) has posed:
And hook it does! Drew curls up in his twisting turn, aiming to look right towards the 'God' with a smirk - which quickly turns into a shriek as a flying lance neatly pierces his thigh, slipping through his shields during a brief lapse of attention. The boy is pulled out of the air and SLAMS into the ground, seeming a ragdoll. Save for that camera - that treacherous extension of his own psyche, that continues to float and circle around the downed boy and the slowly spreading red stain.
Fingers claw at the ground, and the boy lifts his head, the dirt smeared across the faceplate of his mask. And he -snarls-, voice high with pain and hate as he reaches a hand out.
"Kill you." There. THERE. The hatred. Hurt the people who hurt him, kill them, rip them apart. A wavering in the air again as Drew tries to give Odin's head a SQUEEZE, like a giant hand.

Emiya Shirou (560) has posed:
    Shirou takes another nasty hit, this time from a swing of Odin's lance. Just gettin brushed knocks him stumbling backwards and almost off-balance. Another deep gash burns hotly in his senses, dripping crimson. This time it's from his side.

    But his body's still holding up for now. Metallic creaks accompany his motions to regain his stance.

    "If it's not, then I have to keep trying until it is!" The magus yells defiantly. Though.... poof, there goes Odin. "--Maya!!"

    He barely pays the sudden flicker of water much mind. Maya's health is way more paramount in his mind at the moment. So he rushes, leaps. "Orrrrryooooaaughh!!"

    Shirou apparently copied more than just the blade's form. It gleams with aether and flies into action, pulling Shirou's body along for the ride. Slash, slash, slash, at tremendous speeds. Shirou grunts and groans, for each strike is tearing at his arms something fierce!

Maya has posed:
Maya is used to getting this she's so used to getting this when she does this but it does mean the rest of the party however has less to deal with at this point. She on the other hand has Odin smasking her pretty damn good and well Maya's always had problems with unexpected swordings like now. Shink, okay that was prety bad and Maya is clearly hurt at this point.

"I see you have no love for one such as me you should remeber what I did to the vermin."

yes Ifrit will forever be called the vermin because that's exactly what he is far as Maya's concerned. Maya does not make a move to heal she sees Shirou do someting crazy.

"Shirou! Do not over tax your self I can only mend so much!"

She levels her rifle and opens fire as it spits out rounds and shell casing as it goes. She does take notice of the new arrival but knows little about what she can do, hopefully she find out soon, right?

Tshallandria (216) has posed:
    Tshallandria pauses and then winces slightly as Shirou is sent for a loop, which makes her shake her head slightly, before she raises her guard and ... meets Odin's blade head on, deflecting it slightly into part of her plate armor, where it hits hard enough to crack the surface... ...And make a few droplets of blood drip to the ground beneath her. "Ahh-I see."

    She chuckles, "I thank you for your consideration," The wings of sweeping fire sink into her back as she lands, "And go ahead, take a moment to deal with ... what's irritating you. I'll be right here."

    Tshallandria runs her left gauntlet along the blade of her sword with a slight grating noise ... which to be honest probably isn't going to be heard over the rest of the battle, and the soft dripping of her blood along the blade? Who's going to notice that or the fact that that the blade seems to drink it in hungrily.

    What people may notice is the soft azure radience that flickers around her body, and the increased dull red glow around the blade.

Ayako Hasekawa has posed:
    Ayako inclines her head to the side gently as she thinks... a lance that could be thrown and pulled back with a chain, a sword that can slash at an amazing speed, mist that allows them to seemingly teleport and is used for misdirection... no, still not nearly enough information to make a good barrier. She whimpers softly, "uuu... Please hold on... doing this is hard..."

    She flinches visibly when Shirou gets slashed in a brutal fashion by Odin, and then blinks her eyes slowly. Is Shirou's projection eating away at his own body? She cups her hands together as if pooling water and then flings the imaginary water towards Shirou.

    "Healing Water!" A ball of purple water materializes from Ayako's hands and flies swiftly towards Shirou to heal his wounds and a bit of magical energy as well.

Odin (576) has posed:
As Shirou comes charging in to protect Maya, Odin spins around and misreads the speed of Shirou's form and the willingness of the youth to give everything he has. The strikes impact the armor, aetheric dark fog rolls off the armor with each strike, but it quickly starts to repair itself.

Odin simply grunts at the last impact as the blade is caught in the Elder Primal's hands. It cuts in, but no blood can be seen, only that dark atheric mist. "You fight so recklessly for her.." He hisses out, "..but in the end you may find yourself betrayed by those whom YOU LOVE!" Odin then pulls the sword one way, then the other to try and knock the youth off balance before he then actually back hands Shirou.

Then Maya states her deal and his eyes cast a long stare at her, "Vermin? Speak plainly wen--" Though that is interrupted when Andrew reaches across the battlefield and tries to wrap his telekentic hands around Odin, he'll find the graps slipping away by some unknown force, more correctly Odin teleporting in like he did with Maya right in Andrew's face. "Hmph." Is all Andrew gets in reply, before with out even a blink, Odin goes to lift him right up and then toss the man into the air, before reaching around to grab him and then throwing him right back into the very earth.

Though this leaves his back open and the Dark Divinity takes the shots right to his backside, the cape bellows out from the impact, before he spins around to look upon Maya, but then to see someone reaching out to heal Shirou. Then lance forms back in his hand again, he swings it out and starts to sweep it around him by the dark chain, before with a hard lunge, he swings the lance to impact the whole group over there, and then using the Momentum, he slams it into the ground and uses the force to sail him right over to Tshallandria, which he comes down with a cleave strike for her.

Andrew Detmer (377) has posed:
Drew's eyes widen when he feels the target of today's HATE slip out from the coiling fingers of his brain force. The camera that watches - documents - his failure rises higher, swinging aside to get the absolute perfect view when Odin reappears. Only to lift the boy off the ground, fling him up, then SLAM him back to the earth. Another piercing cry is torn from the youth as he feels his ankle twist and crack beneath the force, not to mention having the air drawn from him. He remains cratered for a moment, as Odin moves off to deal with others. Limbs quietly shaking.

Fear. Fear is the fuel for his rage. Breathing heavily, the boy begins to rise once more, lifted like a puppet on strings - rocks and clumps of earth rising up with him as he twists to slowly face Odin once more. The air shudders around him as he draws his own power inward, before -LASHING- out. A ripping, tearing poltergeist that tries to spring up AROUND the teleporting monster. Rip and tear, rip and tear, the same way he tore a mecha apart. Bit by bit.

"Y-.. hate.. y-you... k-kill.."

Tshallandria (216) has posed:
    Tshallandria grunts slightly shaking her head as Shirou is once again, pretty directly nailed by Odin. "This ... will not do. It seems that the Union's forces are weaker then I remember..." Her eyes flicker a dull red for a moment, before she steps forward to meet Odin, "You said you were released? Not summoned?"

    Tshallandria's armor thickens, as she steps up forward and into his strike, not bothering to parry, but instead meeting offense directly with offense, in a blazing upward strike to match his downward one --- and her armor suffers for it, parts of it cracking and exploding across the battlefield in a shower of semi-molten metal.

    "This is ... from what I understand unusual." She chuckles, "Tell me more of your yourself Odin, I would learn of the one whom I face!"

Maya has posed:
Maya says "Ifrit. I think the other name suits him better."

She's not throwing out insults at Odin however no so far as she knows he doesn't eat people's souls he's just off on a hell of a grudge and looking for fights so there's not the feeling Maya had to just wipe Ifrit off the face of reality. She tracks Odin's movments and gets lucjky as she's just about gets out of harms way this time. She wtches as Andrew as he goes in, he's clearly losing it.

"So this one you hunt? It's more than just how they locked you away isn't it... what happrned."

Maya lets lose this time a beam that comes from the under side of her rifle at Odin before she rolls away, she's got an idea she's going to need to be putting people back togehter, and their backup? Seems she can heal, which is going to be a Fate send really.

Emiya Shirou (560) has posed:
    Each impact stings Shirou's arms. But he can only grit his teeth and bear it. His muscles tear and are denied rest, his lungs scream for air, and with each injury he inflicts upon himself or Odin inflicts, his broken flesh stiches together with swords. there's a distinct metallic *WHUNK* when Odin's fist makes contact, blunting some of that force... but this just insures that Shirou's intact when he slams into the ground and rolls four times.

    But then blissful healing reaches him. Cool, refreshing water. "Ngghuh...?"

    He stands quickly, re-energized, and sees nearby.... "Hase...kawa...?!" This just got so much more serious. "Look out, Odin's monstrously strong!" he warns - but it's too late.

    "I-it's not like that! I don't need a reason like that to protect a girl!" He blurts angrily, once again rushing after the primal. "teeeeeeyaaaaaahh!"

    With Odin distracted by Tshallandria, Shirou charges. Zantetsuken's at the ready. And now that he's somewhat healed... he can keep trying. Trying to take this guy down so the Shroud's people won't suffer.

    Failure is not an option, no matter the price.

    The traced Zantetsuken mimics Odin's first swing beautifully, sending a slash through the air at him mere moments before Shirou arrives with a furious overhead swing at a harsh diagonal!

Ayako Hasekawa has posed:
    Ayako winces as the impact from Odin's lance is moslty absorbed by Shirou squarely. She does get a few scratches from the sheer force of the air displaced by the lance, which she quietly rubs with her left hand-and then flinches visibly when she can feel the hatred from Andrew just by looking at the rocks and clumps of earth that are rising. Once he starts trying to tear into Odin, she whimpers softly, "Eeep... scary..."

    Despite this, Ayako's eyes still look very alert. Thinking, thinking, thinking! All of the attacks going out of the Water Bubble. Slashes, bullets, beams. All of the attacks coming into the Water bubble. Wait! Ayako brightens suddenly. Shirou is using Odin's weapon! The two methods match a little, so she can complete this barrier more quickly! For this barrier... yes! This will work! "Sea's Depth Barrier!" Ayako cheerfully makes a shoving gesture in Shirou's direction.

    A deep blue bubble of water surrounds Shirou, although the blue might make it a bit hard to distinguish some colors, the effect more than makes up for it. The barrier appears to slow attacks coming in, as if someone was attempting to attack underwater, yet melee attacks coming out have much more weight to them without affecting their speed.

Odin (576) has posed:
Odin's attention for now stays on Tshallandria as she meets his blow with one of her own. He easily sweeps around her like a dance actually, his cape moving with simple ease, "Aye this is correct. I do not how long I was trapped in that crystal, but it was done by betrayal. I seek vengeance on the one whom has done this to me, Urth, and all of her kin."

Odin then comes it with a quick combination of strikes for Tshallandria, seeing how well she can keep up, even as he speaks, "The one whom freed me has my Favor, a favor I will give any whom is worthy of it." He tilts his head, "I wonder if you would be such, my lady."

Andrew's anger seems to grow in the distance and Odin can sense the area around him turning against him. Not through mystical sense but a keen warrior one. His glowing eyes peer over at Andrew, before he even feels his very armor being torn at.

His armor scrapes out aetheric mists and tries to regather. This happens a few times as Odin moves back with the force. Then with a hard step of his foot and slight head tilt, he starts to walk his way over toward Andrew. Each step slow and steady. His cape moving only slightly, beyond the times when whatever it was tries to cleave at it and it has to rebuild itself.

He marches ever closer and goes to pick up Andrew if the youth is not already on his feet. By this point his form is perhaps a fury of aetheic mist from the telekentic force playing on him. Yet physical he remains and just how physical Andrew is about to find out. For the sword in that moment vanishes from Odin's hand as he then goes to step back, his fist rears back and then with a roar that causes the very shroud to almost shake, and in the very distance birds fly in fear. As Odin then slams his fist right into Andrew.

That fist impacts with enough force to send Andrew perhaps sailing back and he doesn't even keep his eyes on the boy to see how far, just to simply remove the pest from his sight for now.

With that done he doesn't even look at Maya fires at him, instead the sword appears in his hand quickly as it hand vanished and he easily deflects it aside with the glowing edge of the blade. "Ifrit. Hmph. Dare /not/ compare me to the likes of those brood of incompetents."

Odin gets then impacted by Shirou's wave slash, but he quickly deflects the next attack that comes in. Then shoves the youth away. "You nigh not what thou want." Odin decides to declare before he reaches over and goes to slam Shirou into a tree if his hand gets a good grip on him.

Though that is the time he sees Ayako send a wave of magic his way. "Element of water.." Odin says with a very, very calm voice. It was kind of creepy actually. "Thy should not have done that." Then Odin steps, teleports and appears before her. He then goes to actually back hand her into the very wall of the complex they are trying to protect.

Andrew Detmer (377) has posed:
The boy is upright, yes - held in the embrace of his own telekinetic abilities, even as they're doing their best to shred Odin's form. But they simply can't grasp at the vitals; For all that is peeled away merely reforms, almost as fast as Drew can whirl his cuisinart mind. And when the boy is taken in hand, there is no fear left; Just the senseless, berserker HATE. He hates Odin. Hates, hates, HATES.
In fact, he's pulling his hands up, likely getting ready to unleash another psinoic assault when Odin uber punches him. The air shudders as his shields creak and shatter under the assault, the very momentum of it sending the youth high above the trees and arcing into a small dot in the distance.

As if to emphasize the point, the camera wobbles and settles to the ground, no longer under psychic control.

Emiya Shirou (560) has posed:
    'You don't know what you want.'

    Those words cut deep. Shirou's stunned for a split-second, brought to gasp sharply by them. And that's all it takes. this critical opening leaves him an easy target - he's shoved out of hand, but goes FLYING straight for the tree. "Huuuaghh!"


    ...Splash? ... Well, he hits the tree, but a water barrier surrounded him when it was needed most, dulling the impact. His back solidly strikes the tree and he vomits out a few drops of blood, and slumps over... but he doesn't crumple, he doesn't collapse unconscious as most would.

    Though he's slouched over forward a bit limply, it's for a good reason.

    "..." What does he want? "Kh...!" Memories from years past flash through his mind's eye... and his own words, a child's voice.

    'If you can't because you're an adult, then don't worry! I'll fulfill your dream instead!'

    Shirou growls. "A world without tears, agony, and pointless death... I /WILL/ become a hero who can save everyone! Don't go spouting off crap like you know me, OOOOODIN!!"

    Rage. A furious, righteous rage fills Shirou with new vigor, and he raises up to his full height - IMMEDIATELY springing off. His body surges with energy as he pumps prana through it, filling all the 'cracks' in his flesh, muscles, bone, eyes, clothes, armor. He has to suck down another bloody cough, for the process was hasty and tore up something in him, but he Reinforces his own body in a ridiculous fashion and springs at Odin with terrifying power.

    He is a moment too late, but he zips right in front of Odin a moment after he strikes Ayako and brings Zantetsuken about in a vicious horizontal swing with much of Odin's own strength behind it!

Maya has posed:
Maya says "I will not then, and I have to agree with your view but I'd use stronger words about him and those of his ilk."

It seems she manage to insult him withuot meaning too she watches Odin trackiung his movments but she ends up with an attack deflected back at her. That wasn't much fun for her and it seems their watery friend is able to do some good keeping Shirou together which is allowing her to go on the attack again but this time? She turns some of the ground it self against hodin a chuck is pulled free and then thrown at him.

Tshallandria (216) has posed:
    "Then ... In many ways I am sorry about your betrayal." She gestures to the side, and smiles, once again meeting offense with offense, and ingoring the rents torn in her armor, and the blood dripping to the ground. "If that would be the case, the let battle continue to be the Judge of Princes, Kings and Gods."

    She rotates to the side, and attempts to meet Odin's attacks head on, with a series of slashes and a thrust. "I take it that you are not an Eikon or a Primal... Which makes things more interesting."

Ayako Hasekawa has posed:
    Ayako blinks her eyes quickly as Odin teleports in front of her. "Eep." On impact, it seems Ayako is surprisingly light. And very soft too boot; it's like punching a gel pack. Even when taking a direct contact hit, it seems, she doesn't hurt the enemy-rather, it almsot seems to be a... comforting feeling. All the same, the backhand still sends her flying towards the wall of the complex. The wall that just so happens to be lined with stone spikes.

    Ayako swiftly, yet gently expells mist from her body to slow the speed from the impact of Odin's Backhand Express and just barely manages to stop herself from impacting with the wall and it's merry band of spikes. Barely. With her sandal on the smooth surface of a spike to boot. She whews softly as she settles her insides as she pushes off the spike and runs back towards the battle. Towards Shirou specifically!

    25 meters-no, too much margin for error... 20 meters-good enough! Healing Water? Too far to throw, and too likely to be intercepted at this range, so this case calls for-"Healing Mist!" A purple mist forms inside the Sea's Depth Barrier and absorbs into Shirou, healing his body evenly.

Odin (576) has posed:
Odin hears Shirou coming in and quickly uses his own sword to actually parry the very strike as Shirou attempts to further show the lack of ability to handle the might of Odin's blade-- even if a copy. It is the power that is blocked though that rushes past Odin that tears into the edges of his dark armor.

He stares at Shirou and his words are spoken with calmness, yet a hint of bitter rage in his voice. "Yes. You are shaping up to be a fine young hero. You take the weapons of others to craft into your own hands. Then do the blade the disservice of being not only a copy.." He then shoves Shirou back, ".. but in the hands of one whom can not even master the art without theft involved."

Maya then calls upon the ground and goes to batter him with it. The sheer force actually throws him off balance a bit. He notes a few Earth elements peeking out, before he glares over at them and they quickly drop back into the earth. Cause /screw/ that shi!

Though because of this, he is easily battered back by Tshallandria this time due to the already battering he has taken from the other assaults before she steps in. Yet he does give it his best. When the final strike comes he flips back and slides across the ground as he lands.

Then with a sharp whistle, his might nightmare steed comes racing out from the aetheric dark mist itself, which he grabs onto as his faith mount comes riding by. He encircles the group, but the horse is moving at a much quicker clip. He also speaks with calmness in his voice, "I once echoed as being an Elder Primal. Equated to that of Bahamut and a few others with such a rare title. Be that if what I am, then so be it. An Elder Primal I shall be." His eyes flicker with a brilliant glow for a moment as he he pulls his steed to a bit of a stop.

"..A monster whom kills monsters.." He whispers softly before he summons his lance out to his hand, "..I wonder if that is what such a title shall bestow upon us all."

The lance glows brightly before he clicks his heels and sends his steed back into another run, as he does so, he moves into the center and then as he steed rears up he throws the lance into the very heavens. The Heavens split with crimson dark light, before suddenly four spears coming racing down, each for the very people he fights.

On impact a bright blue wave flashes over and if they are not quick, they will get caught in the blue sphere that now forms with the lance that was white, now becoming as black as obsidian itself.

Maya has posed:
Maya 's form of magic tends to not alter the earth for very long hel she'll put it back when it's over but so far it looked. She pauses with the elements and makes an aplogtic look, her style of magic is what it is. It's basicllly enforcing one's will upon things.. Things are not going very well for a moment she listnes however as he tells a story it might be imporant she does seem to undestand that part. Wait he hunts other Primails? Is that what he's saying? Maya acts fast is able to get out of harms way and she fires another burst from her rifle as she keeps on the move trying to draw him off the others.

Emiya Shirou (560) has posed:
    "Grrr..." Sarcasm. Shirou could tank it if it was aimed at his ideal. he can't fault anyone for criticizing that dream. But it won't stay him from following it either. Still, he's shoved back before he has a chance to retort, and then...

    He tries to move, but... oops. A moment too slow. There's a flash of energy, and he's stuck in place. "Ghhh!!" Bound, but not pacified. He struggles against the magical binding with everything he's got, whole body twitching and aching with the effort. His face is red and teeth are clenched. But still, he has the spirit to reply.

    His words drip with sarcasm. "Yeah, it definitely is a cheap knockoff. I'm sure the pain and anguish you'll inflict if we let you do as you please is a MUCH NOBLER USE!" Now if he can just figure out a way around these bindings... can't project through this thick of energy, it's overwhelming... and struggling isn't doing ANY GOOD....

    What's worse, almost everyone else is stuck too. Crap.

    On the good side, Ayako's water is doing its job. Shirou's most visible wounds heal rapidly, but it's the less visible ones that have done the most to him. They're healing too, and it's easing his pain. With that, his mind clears a little, but when you get down to it he's still just a loud and determined redhead mortal struggling against a god's bindings. It's futile. He can't even begin to contend with Odin.

    He probably even knows that.

    It's impossible, but he's still giving it everything he has for some suicidal reason.

Ayako Hasekawa has posed:
    Ayako's eyes widen as the spear falls right next to her from the heavens! The only thing she can do before she is bound by the blue energy field is to brace herself for whatever is going to come next. She doesn't bother trying to fight the physical binding and saves her strength. Although she does say one thing! "Nice aim! Uuu... this might be bad..."

Tshallandria (216) has posed:
    "An Elder Primal? I didn't realize that there was a difference..." A pause, "Though those fools in Lominsa seemed to think that I was one when-" There's a moment of ... Floating in nothing as the obsidian sphere surrounds her. This ... Displeases Tshallandria. In fact, it displeases her a LOT. Which is why the earth rises up to surround her sphere, and if there's a way for Odin to tell? The earth is trying to crush the sphere from the outside in, and Tshallandria... ...Is about to take her blade to the inside of it.

Odin (576) has posed:
The shots impact the armor and do so actually rather deeply, the dark mist can be seen spewing outward as it seems to be drawing from Odin himself to actually repair the damage. Each shot rings true, but Odin stay right there on his horse. Soon tether of energy forms around his finger tips to the four lances, even the one Maya managed to escape from.

Odin looks at the three that are contained and ignores Shirou as he mouths off, tugging on that string a bit as the lance makes a slight humming sound, the field of energy there can be seen flickering around the Obsidian lance for a momet.

Then he looks over at the other who holds the Queen of heaven and hell. "Forgive me, my lady-- but not all is fair in war." He then pulls on hers a bit tighter as well. "But you strike me as one whom already understands such games."

He then looks back at Maya, "You are fortunate thy has escaped, now bare to what comes for those whom do not!" With a hard pull on the aetheric cords. Then a snap of aetheric energy that sends out a wave into the air, before it comes crashing down upon the four spots like a lance itself, it shatters the Obsidian lances and the sheer force explodes the very dome of energy, blasting a massive energy wake in that very area.

Maya has posed:
Maya is keeping moving and she sees there's little she can do for the moment on her allies. She tilts her head a bit at the odd bit of insight that Odin has no he's just in a pissed off mood. He's not the meat here some might take him for. She notices to see she got lucky, sh watche ant is already starting to cast as the spell is let lose on her friends. The card of Order is in one hand burning with a blue flame, in the othe the card of Chaos which also glows with the samr blue flames.

Thgey rise from her hand and that's when reality does a double take as she attacks Odin trying to almost seemingly take him a part or weaken the bonds of what he is and slam him forcefully back together.

Tshallandria (216) has posed:
    Tshallandria is blasted by an incoming skylance, which is ... well. The shockwave of which is briefly contained inside the very earth that she was trying to use to rupture the black sphere.

    The earth around her skyrockets, blasting outward and leaving a smoking crater, and decimating a large amount of her remaining armor, and when the smoke clears ... She's covered in small cuts, abrasions and burns that are slowly dripping blood, "Hehehe..."

    She laughs softly, "Of course I know how it is Odin, but I thought we were leaving this to simple bladework between the two of us--" She rights herself, floating up out of the crater, and chuckles again, "Since this is no longer the case then..."

    She straightens her right hand and the blade, before she gestures with her left hand and --- all of the fog? All of the dancing motes in the area? All of the lightning spirits that have the misfortune of being nearby? Are sucked into a single towering thunderhead that forms in the sky ... and it unleashes all of it's violence in a single earthshaking eyesearing blast of lightning centered on Odin, and the follow up wave of thunder is literally so strong that you can see air resonating in it's violence.

Emiya Shirou (560) has posed:
    Shirou blurts out a gurgly word, eyes going wide, when Odin triggers Gungnir's trump card. "What--?!" Oh. So that's the trick behind this. The binds are also a bomb. Oops.

    "Gyaaaaagh--" Pain, pain like nothing he's ever experienced before. Even having his arm crushed by Leyte can't quite compare to having his skin scraped raw and bolts of energy pierce through his body here and there. He's not that tough a warrior, when you get right down to it. Shirou's hurled around randomly and hits the ground back-first like a ragdoll. He's bleeding all over, despite Ayako's barrier... and breathing hard. His eyes flutter weakly, struggling to stay open as the pain threatens to force his consciousness into overload and shutdown.

    He's a WRECK. His body's been pierced all over, his clothes are half-shredded, he's bloodied beyond belief. But none of his vitals were pierced. Even if his body is screaming 'stay down or you'll kill yourself!' it's just a matter of not listening to it. His legs still work. His arms still work. So he has no right to be concerned with himself!

    "ghhhh..." Struggling, wobbling, and groaning with every inch he rises, Shirou manages to get to his feet. He's panting uncontrollably, body dripping blood all over the ground.... and hold on, what's that metallic gleam coming from some of his wounds?!

    Shirou's mind nearly overheats as he goes over his options. Everyone else is getting pulverized, and he really doesn't want to see Maya and Ayako getting hurt by this monster. Yet for this fight, he has only one weapon.

    Zantetsuken almost pulses in his bloodied grasp. It's a wonder this trace has lasted for as long as it has, but the projection was beautifully done in that moment of need.

    Crap, what choice does he have? Consequences will have to take a hike.

    Forcing his dreadfully injured body to move against its wishes, he raises the traced blade high.

    "There's no rule against copies beating the original!" he spits out at Odin. At the same time, crimson lightning crackles and surges along the blade's length. The Aetheric currents shift, being drawn into the traced weapon at a prodigious pace. It's matched with a surge of prana from Shirou himself. The air about him practically glows. An awful, terrific dark power fills the weapon, blade gleaming ominously.

    "You're not taking one step into these towns! I don't care what the cost is! ZAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANTETSUKENNNNNNNN!!!"

    Wait. HOW did he even know the sword's--

    Too late. Think about that, and it's all over.

    Shirou swings the blade with every ounce of energy he's got in him. Zantetsuken cleaves the air with a great howling - and at the same time, all reason is split in twain.

    A cutting wave sears straight at Odin in a wide arc, and everything in its path is torn up and diced into ribbons--!

Ayako Hasekawa has posed:
    Ayako patiently waits... at the exact moment the binding releases from her she smoothly moves. Her legs and posture take an extremely odd, yet possible for a human, stance. Her legs move forward, stepping quickly towards the edge of the sphere, yet her torso curves back towards the wake of energy. If she were to stay in that position for more than half a second, she would definitely have fallen over-the energy from Odin's attack however, doesn't let that happen. On impact, she gracefully moves her legs, dancing with fluid grace along with the wave while dodging the shrapnel from the lance. In the end, Ayako is just grazed and scratched by the attack. She does 'bleed' a few drops of water, but her wounds seem to smooth over in about 30 seconds. "Eeep eeep eep." Ayako windmills her arms quickly as she almost loses her balance after all of that. "Too much, too much!"

    She quickly regains her balance and looks over to Shirou. "Shirou..." She winces visibly at how horribly torn up he is-and then flinches again when he suddenly charges at Odin and uses his own technique against him! "Shirou, you, you..." Ayako pauses for a moment... she's upset, but not so much as to use foul launguage it seems. "You're reckless." She runs over to where Shirou has fallen after using Zantetsuken and feeds him some water from her right hand. "Drink." It's more of an order than a request. And once he does, even if it's just a drop-

    "Water of Life!" Ayako focuses her attention completely on Shirou, and his body begins to heal rapidly!

Odin (576) has posed:
Maya draws the two cards and using them to seeming attack the very aetheric nature that is Odin. Trying to rip him apart and the sheer pain of it actually does something slightly impressive. It actually causes him to actually fall off his horse.

He crashes into the ground as the horse bucks back by the mystics at works and Odin rolls back and across the ground. His clawed gloved metal hand digs into the ground as he goes to lift himself up. It was obvious he was already getting weaken by all the assaults he has taken and the punishments were /far/ from over.

Then as he goes to stand he watches what Tshallandria about to preform, as he says calmly, though his voice a bit dim. "I can see why perhaps the mortals of this world saw you as a primal.. but nigh..you are of a far great class, my lady."

He didn't even try to avoid it, instead he raised up his hand as the lightning strike slammed down upon his form. The sheer electricity surged around him until there was only that of dark mist where he stood. When the electrical surge ended, he was crouched down. The dark aetheric mist reforming around his armored form. For a moment one may get a glimpse of dark purple-blue skin that hid under it, but only for a moment.

At least in time to see Shirou actually use his own attack against him. "..What?!" The energy from the blade slams into him and washes over him in a blinding light. The area around him is cleaved and the trees behind him are cut right in half and torn from the ground in sunder. Even the dark clouds above move ever so slightly.

Though as the light fades, Odin still stands, his horse coming up by his side. He pats the stallion gently, before he speaks softly to it something in a tongue that is hard to make out. He then gets back up on the saddle once more, before twirling his blade around in his hand.

"My dear boy," He address Shirou directly. "Not only do you lack thy will to even carry out this desire to be a hero-- thy lack even the ability to handle the power of a lacking copy of my own weapon. Perhaps if you live, I will shall you the proper method."

Odin snorts gently. "..Heroes.. buh.." The horse starts to circle around with greater speed. "Only good hero is a dead one!" He then races right for the healer who is trying to keep Shirou alive and then slashes at her as he passes, then head for maya to do the same, before he leaps off his steed, who goes back into the Aether and then goes to slam his blade down right on the Queen.

Odin (576) has posed:
It also obvious for those who look close enough at Odin, that his physical form is starting to wake a bit, fluxing slightly as the Aetheric energy is waving around him. But his sword-- that sword is glowing brightly. It is the only warning they have that something powerful is coming.

Odin must fall swiftly!

Ayako Hasekawa has posed:
    A swift sidestep is all Ayako needs to evade the worst of Odin's charge. She does get a long scratch on her cheek, though. She winces slightly as a few drops of water 'bleed' out. "Hey hey! That's rude! I was focusing really hard on Shirou!" She pouts and then brightens. All this time, she's been analyzing Maya's method of attacking... and her analysis finally completes! "Alright... let's try our best!" She shoves the air with her hands in Maya's direction. "Mystical Ice Convex Barrier!"

    This barrier is odd. Even for one of Ayako's barriers. For one, it's defensive value is zero. Second, it's incredibly fragile and breaks instantly after use. But what it does is greatly amplify offensive magic towards the enemy!

Emiya Shirou (560) has posed:
    Shirou's physical wounds, oddly enough, are slowly healing even without Ayako's help. SOMETHING is keeping him alive, no matter how much punishment he suffers. So long as his head is not cleaved clean off, so long as his body is not entirely torn to ribbons, it keeps him alive. It regenerates pulped organs, mends wounds, keeps him from shedding too much blood and holds his life in place long enough for a broken body to keep going.

    Right now, that's A VERY GOOD THING, because the backlash of such a technique on an already-wounded, mortal body is enough to rip muscles and tendons, dislocate joints, and set his Magic Circuits into a tizzy from the strain. They're hot, they're burning. he dumped literally every bit of prana he had charged up from his stay in Iianor's painting into that one move...

    And it STILL didn't bring down Odin.

    But after it's all over he staggers, beholding the results of his handiwork. He's conscious just long enough to see trees toppling, and hear Odin's proclamation....


    Then his body's condition catches up with him, and he topples forward limply to the ground. Alive, but just barely.

    Curiously, the wounds are not what threatens his life, but lifeforce drain. He really put everything his body would allow into it. EVERYTHING!

    So there's no resisting it when something cool and quenching's ofered. he's not even awake enough to think about it all. Consciousness only comes back - just barely - thanks to Ayako's efforts. "Ngh..."

    The boy's eyes open. Zantetsuken lies on the ground next to him, but... almost as a mighty afterthought, it partially fades, then shatters into tiny pieces which then fully disappear.

    He's just, JUST barely got enough wits to identify Hasekawa-- and see the glowing blade on the horizon. "U...uwoah! H-Hasekawa, get... away. He's... readying the same skill...!" 'You'll die!' goes unstated, but his worsd are desperate enough to get the message across! "...Sorry, I can't move... dammit!"

Tshallandria (216) has posed:
    Tshallandria grunts softly as the thundercrash from her own attack echoes through the forest before she smiles, "Of course I am." She angles her blade slightly at his shifting form, "Just as you are, my friend." She narrows her eyes, and chuckles softly, "And unlike them, I'm not bound up in the thoughts of those who worship me, or stuck in some unchanging pattern of aether."

    She twists as Odin comes in, then brings Grace up in a blazing parry that sends Odin's blade wide and slamming into the ground next to her ... with enough force to blast dust, and fragments of rock out behind her in a wave at the stone barricades protecting the small settlement of Quarrymill... Her eyes narrow, "That protection is utterly useless now isn't it?"

    She fades out and reappears on the side of the clearing farthest from Odin, and the settlement before she grins, "But it's still useful. In it's own way." A side gesture with her left hand, causes the stone spikes to sink back into the ground and then ... massive stone spokes explode upwards in a sea around Odin, all of them aimed inward at his form.

Maya has posed:
Maya sees Shirou acting to protect her and another face flashes back into her mind one whose haunted her since the day he died. Lord Gunner of the Chosen died protecting her she can't stop him it's too late and he's down it's also not very pretty either. The very weapon he's using is harming him.


there's nothing else she can do she might be able to get him back up but he'd not be in the shape to keep fighting.

Maya however is still in the game and then some strange magic comes from Ayako she's not about to complain and she's getting the idea she's now working with her magic again she does also move to put her self in between Odin and Shirou even as she's starting to cast, and that's when starts muttering again in a language that might very well be Babylonian again. There's a huge spike of magic and we're talking a huge lot.

<<The slayer of Gemma, Son of the creator I request your aid in this battle.>>

There's a huge spike of magical power as a portal forms and Maya seems to fade away from the amount of magic she's working on a large man clad in full plate, carrying two huge dual handed sword across his back appears he looks at Odin with a level of interest before he readies his blades he then launches himself at Odin causing a shockwave of holy energy to fly towards the Elder Primal. Marduk can not remain long and after his strike he vanishes back into the portal pausing once to observe everyone on the battle field, Maya gets an notable look from him before he departs and she fully fades back in.

Odin (576) has posed:
Odin watches as Shirou tries to get himself back together. He also watches as one of the Gridanian's Seedseers comes out to help get Shirou away from the appending danger. He darkly chuckles about then. His blade almost humming at this point, "..so.. you know what is to come..."

Though his attention quickly shifts as he picks up the change in the area around him. He swiftly goes to move when Tshallandria's earth spikes goes to claim him, but he isn't quick enough and a few pierce right into him. He then uses his own blade to break himself free and he uses his other hand to pull one out.

His footing staggers a bit as he looks at her. Then goes to take a few steps toward her, it would seem a great deal of her idea may work, but he comes to a halt. His glowing eyes looking at the two Wood Wailers at the top who have their bows ready. "..Tell me, my Lady. Would the price of two foolish guard men be enough to make a point, whilst the rest of the lives be spared from my own reckoning?"

It was obvious what he was planning, but then he pauses. He slowly turns to look at Maya as she then summons. He can see it long before it appears and then lowers his head. "..or spared entirely it would seem." He chuckles, then looks to Tshallandria before he bows to her directly before the creature fully even forms. Seeming to almost sense what is coming.

Then when the creature charges forward, Odin charges right toward it in equal turn. He shoves off with his foot to meet the strike. Only in the rush of holy energy, did Odin seem to become lost in the wake and when the creature was done, the dark aetheric energy could be seen impacting the ground, the form starting to dissolve away, because of the Aetheric light.

The helm then vanished to show the face of Odin behind it as he grinned faintly. His voice a near echo in the minds. "It would seem I was bested for now.. in this.. I will honor your charge when the time comes.. but no this.. I will not stop my reckoning.. not until all her kin pay for the price of her sins.." Then he fades away complete.

The motes of aetheric energy start to fade away and the sky clears back to its blue luster. Slowly even the sounds of the forest start to return. They have protected Quarrymill from the Judgement of Odin-- at least-- for now.

Ayako Hasekawa has posed:
    Ayako stares for a moment as she watches Odin fade away into motes of aetheric energy... and then sighs softly in relief. A single swift nod follows.

    Swift, firm footsteps. One direction. She walks stiffly back over to Shirou and starts throwing Healing Water balls at him. "Shirou! You! Are too! Reckless!" She punctuates each '!' with a Healing Water Ball. Her cheeks puff out-she's pouting.

Emiya Shirou (560) has posed:
    Oh good heavens. What are people doing criticizing SHIROU? After what Maya just did...

    Well, when she did it, the half-conscious magus was quite awed. That... was divine in a sense he can't quite fathom. And the twin swords gained his attention with even more force than Odin's Zantetsuken had. But there'll be no tracing THOSE. Not any time soon. At the very least... not in the shape he's in right now.

    Which is 'dragged away by Seedseers, and then assaulted by an angry water elemental healer girl.'

    Groaning, the boy tries to gather his wits. It's a bit easier the wetter he gets, since the splashes are rejuvenating his lifeforce faster than he could possibly so so himself. He's now able to struggle up to a sitting position, though the moment he does... "Hajiiiii--" with a gibberish exclamation he clamps his teeth shut tight. His body's still in an awful state, and probably will be for a while. He almost falls unconscious just from THAT and it takes all his effort to keep from doing so.

    But he gets a pretty good look at Ayako's angry face. Against all sense, and probably his own clear thoughts (hint: tehy're not clear at all right now) he smiles stupidly. She's mad. She's really, really mad.

    Which means she didn't die.

    "... That's a relief..." FWUMP.

    He's on his back again.

    It's another ten seconds before he gains any wits again. "...what? That was the only thing I had left that might work." He grumps sourly.

Tshallandria (216) has posed:
    Tshallandria nods to Odin, then smiles slightly, "I think you would have made your point in any of the fashions Odin." Odin is given a swift, and graceful bow of his own before she smiles, "Until we meet again, Elder Primal."

    Then with a slight sigh she looks at Shirou, before she turns her gaze to Ayako, and then finally to Maya, "Well done. You prevented him from using that particular ability that knocked--" She points at Shirou, "--That one out and in the process prevented him from destroying most of that settlement back there."

    She walks over to Shirou, "And you... Did you really use a weapon you've never seen before, against a foe you'd never encountered before?" She tilts her head, "That's a bit reckless. Isn't it?"

Maya has posed:
Maya has the mana to brun to od such and she doesn't seem to sufrfer anty sor to blow back as she comes back into phase with everyone else she looks to her and nods for a moment.

"Your welcome and lets get Shirou back on his feet."

Maya's reaching for a card of some soert if it's needed.

"Come one lets get you home hummm?"

Ayako Hasekawa has posed:
    "Uuu..." Ayako's cheeks puff up a bit more and then she sticks out her tongue. She then blinks her eyes quickly when Shirou tries to sit up. "Don't stand up yet! You're going to make it worse!" She sighs softly. Huh? Angry? Ayako isn't angry at all. Upset, yes. If she were angry, everything in a thirty meter radius would know she's angry. But that's not here or now.

    "Why are you smiling?! Uuu..." She puffs her cheeks up in a pout again. "Shirou, you stay down until I finish healing you!" Ayako shakes her head swiftly, causing her ponytail to swish wildly. "Just using that sword was hurting you! What drove you to use that technique?" She mutters softly, "Besides. It would've been more dramatic if you used it when he was preparing to use it himself." Her tongue sticks out playfully. Seems she's a bit relieved that Shirou is healthy enough to grump now.

    Her gaze turns towards Tshallandria, "He is, isn't he?" She smiles softly at Tshallandria, "You were wonderful, being able to fight in close combat like that..." And then to Maya, "Oh, right. Although part of me wants to lecture him a bit more before he can stand." She giggles softly.

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
The Seedseer looks at the group, before she shoos the Water Elemental away. "You may not be of the elements we commune with, but I can give this young one proper succor." Young one? She herself only looked twelve! Her and those horns of hers.

The Seedseer then places out her hands as aetheric energy flows around her with simple ease and then she weaves the healing energy of the aether through Shirou to deaden the pain, put back where the bones should be so they can mend themselves naturally, and close up any cuts and clear any bruises. "I can not fully mend bones if you have any, but I can at least clear the cuts, gashes, and ding to make you nearly as new as one can."

She looks at those who came from the forest before her eyes narrow at the Queen of heaven and earth. "You came with the the Garleans did you not? The elements told me the steel ones were here... please go back with them.. as though we thank you for what you have done.."

She then looks down at Shirou, "...beyond the Primals, I fear we are enemies.. for the Garleans do not respect nature.. and they will tear the Black Shroud apart if they dare to set foot here. So.. please go.."

The Seedseer looks at them all, "..and do not use the favor of Odin. For only devastation comes in his wake.. but if you do.. then may the twelve have mercy upon what he may twist your words too."

Emiya Shirou (560) has posed:
    He can't answer that. Sheesh. Why does she think he can answer that question. Why shouldn't he be smiling if the others are alright? They won! Nobody died!

    "I'd better have bones." He mumbles at the seedseer. "They were there yesterday." Seems the healing magic is making his head a little foggy. Foggy enough he'll say stupid things without paying attention!

    In fact, he realizes it a few moments later, and makes a screwed up, sheepish face. "...Thanks, that's feeling better. I used... too much prana..." The word might be unfamiliar, but the meaning is clear enough. WAY too much energy.

    But he has to at least answer the two girls, doesn't he? "... What was I supposed to do? I don't know of any other weapons that can match him. You'd all die if he got serious. And everyone we were here to protect. Just seeing his sword made that obvious to me." He sighs wearily. Failure, on his part, but victory for the group!

Maya has posed:
Maya pauses for a moment at the rent in the earth she caused she focuses a spell to return that which she took for the fight. She'll take a moment to also cast a heling spell of her own on him for a moment.

"The last time someone protected me like that he ... died."

She goes to make sure he's okay.

"Just keep in mind if you don't live you can't protect anyone else, all right Shirou?"

She smiles a bit and adds

"Sometimes its better to make due with what you have. Still thank you."

Tshallandria (216) has posed:
    Tshallandria chuckles at the seedseer, "As you will, mortal." She raises her left hand and a number of people in plate mail step out of the forest, "My compliments by the way. Your evaction teams worked exceptionally well, and we didn't have to save anyone."

    Then with a chuckle she turns away, and with a sweep of her blade, cuts open a porthole in the air, leading to what seems to be a cafe on a floating continent. "Come. We'll get you returned to your worlds after."

    And with that, Tshallandria, her paladins and the mage all go marching through, and out of Gridnanian space.

Ayako Hasekawa has posed:
    Ayako eeps softly as she's shooed away. She quietly watches as Shirou is healed by the seedseer and sighs softly, "'Used too much prana' is an understatement." She nods her head quickly, agreeing with Maya. "She's right! You can't protect people while dead." When she notices Tshallandria leaving, she bows politely towards her and smiles cheerfully in her direction. "Aa-aah... I want to just go back and soak in a nice lake or something now..."

Emiya Shirou (560) has posed:
    And so Shirou's not really going anywhere. he can't move with any coordination,. So he doesn't seem to be trying. Instead, he just makes a grumbly, disappointed noise. All his training, all his goals... they're seeing further and further off the longer he spends in the Multiverse. He wants to become a hero of justice who can save everyone...

    But there's a whole faction, a league of people dedicated to this cause, and none of them have managed it yet. They only drove Odin off y the skin of their teeth, too...

    "...." Maya's statement isn't helping much either. "We drove him off, right? There shouldn't be anything to complain about here!" He sttes, a bit bewildered. Does everyone really think he was -trying- to be suicidal, deliberately...?

Maya has posed:
Maya looks at Shirou for a moment and notes to him. "There is a soultion we need to start training you more, a whole lot more since Iianor was able to help fix you up we can actually push you now."

Ayako Hasekawa has posed:
    Ayako thinks for a moment and then nods. "We did drive him off, but-" She agrees with Maya quickly, "What she said! You need to train!" A sheepish smile crosses her face, "Although..." Her gaze glances away, "I don't think I can really teach you anything. But... I can always heal you!" As if punctuating this, she flings another ball of Healing Water at Shirou.

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
The Black Shroud is safe once more and the seedseer will keep her word giving payment to those who came to aid on the side of Quarrymill. Yet though Odin is gone-- one can never say how long that will be. For at any time Odin could return or one can call forth the might Elder Primal for either that of the challenge to gain his favor-- or to use the favor for some means.

Only time may tell what is to come..