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Master of Arms versus Master of Earth
Date of Scene: 29 September 2014
Location: Njorun Station - Ring of Philosophy
Synopsis: After some radio bickering, Toph and Armsmaster seem fed up with each other and decide to up the ante in the Ring.
Cast of Characters: 20, Staren, 73, 152, 301, Neuroi Girl, Riva Banari, 541, 554, 569

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Seriously, who the hell does that guy think he is? It's not often that Toph doesn't meet somebody who rubs her the wrong. Was it the way he had an issue with her supervising officer? How he claimed to be so superior to all of them, never having a bad idea? Being so set in seeing the world in black and white? Either way, she's had enough.

    And Toph Beifong does not bow down to anybody. Especially not after she's finished her lessons for the day and escaped Jarvis' nagging.

    For now the young girl is standing in the middle of the arena at the Ring that she's set up. There's earth and metal lying around, but she's not hiding, standing in the open with her arms crossed across her chest and standing at her full impressive height of five whole feet. Somebody has grown since she first joined the Union, after all. Her expression is determined. He already thinks she's lost? This isn't the first time she's met big guys who's dismissed her, either for her gender, age, size or disability. Like it will stop her. Not that she intends to lose, but if she does, at least she will show what the hell she's made of and why she is the greatest earthbender of all time.

    Anybody who walks in to watch the match earn a nod from Toph, though she remains quiet, just waiting for her opponent of this grudge match to show his sorry ass.

Armsmaster (554) has posed:
     Toph hears Armsmaster coming. His footsteps are heavy, slow and precise, each footfall deliberately set and placed.

     He towers over her, standing at least six feet tall with a halberd that is as long as he is tall in one hand. His armor is a heavy set of power armor, sleek and shining. It is midnight-blue, with silver trim catching the edges of each plate. With his helmet on, there's nothing to be seen of his face beyond his lips and neatly trimmed beard.

     Armsmaster pauses just inside the ring. "I've studied your files," he speaks, in a voice that one knows people are usually inclined to obey, "And I know why you have the metal and earth on the field. Call this off before you get hurt."

Staren has posed:
    Staren wastes no time getting here. It's not that he's eager to see a fight (although, certainly, seeing Toph's and Armsmaster's abilities in action should be quite interesting and educational), but that he's been presented with a mystery: This fight makes no sense. Why are they having it? What do they really hope to gain? Maybe if he watches, he can find out. Well, okay. He knows Toph is hotheaded. Armsmaster, though... he never seemed the hotheaded type, and isn't he like, his world's Superman or something? It just doesn't fit.

    And then he says he's 'read her files' and asks her to back down. "Have you, now?" he quirks a brow at Armsmaster, before making his way over to wherever the observers are.

Riva Banari has posed:
"Room for another?"

Riva doesn't even wait for Staren to answer as she plops down next to him and kicks up her feet, watching intently with a big tray of nachos. "How's it going, Staren? Nachos?" She offers him the tray. "This is going to be a hella fight."

Staren has posed:
    Staren is sitting there, leaning forward, brow furrowed in concentration as he tries to work out the mystery. Riva's attitude rather contrasts with this, and he looks a bit surprised and confused. "Uh... sure..." He takes a nacho and nibbles on it. It's a snack he hasn't had much, so normally he'd take some more to enjoy, but right now... "That's not why I'm here." He looks back to the combatants again. "Don't you want to understand? /Why/ they are fighting? /Really/ why, what purpose will be served, how it will actually /help/ them in the long run?"

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    The blind girl not only hears Armsmaster arrive, but she 'sees' him as well. While he towers over her, their egos seem to be of the same size as Toph stands her ground. Unlike him the blind girl is only clad in simple clothes, the toughest material are the leather cuffs and belt she wears. His armor and gear doesn't escape her notice, and she arches an eyebrow when he speaks.

    "If you had really studied my files, you would know that you are the one who will get hurt." Especially if he's wearing that, sheesh! If she had known, she would have just filled this arena with earth! But seriously, if he wants to see what she can do...

    A slight snort leaves her, and she does a dramatic sweep of her hand, all before she falls into a clearly defensive stance, legs set apart and her arms held up with her palms facing her chest. Beggar's pose, as those familiar with martial arts would know. "Ladies first."

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
Tony Stark saunters in, munching on an apple he snagged from the cafeteria on his way up. "This is pathetic," he announces to no one in particular and anyone who wants to hear it. "You know there are actual /bad guys/ out there, right, but picking a fight with a thirteen year old girl is WAY more important." He finds a seat on the edge of the arena and slouches in it, regarding Armsmaster as he would a vaguely uninteresting mold in an old coffee cup.

Staren has posed:
    Staren quirks an eyebrow at Tony. So he's not the /only/ one who doesn't get it? Intriguing. So it's not just a mystery because of his problems with social understanding.

Riva Banari has posed:
Riva shrugs, and munches on another nacho. "Well, I figure it's because Toph there is a free-spirited young woman with the ability to make her own way in the world, and he's a fairly rigid guy who is devoted to The Cause and kind of has an ego on him. They're like complete opposites. Some people go to counseling to deal with this kind of stuff. Others yell at each other. Superpowered people? I guess they spend a little bit of time brawling to work out the sparks. There doesn't have to be some huge meaning to it."

Armsmaster (554) has posed:
     "I have outfitted my armor with psychic shielding," Armsmaster states, seemingly having the completely wrong idea about Toph's powers. "This fight is already over."

     As Toph settles into her stance, Armsmaster twirls his Halberd with a surprisingly about of speed for a weapon of that size. He levels it at Toph, and a burst of electricity leaps from the tip of the blade!

     "That," Armsmaster says, "Was a warning shock. Yield. Now."

Neuroi Girl has posed:
     As the others talk about egos and how terrible it is to beat up young girls, a soft fairy-like whisper of movement can be heard as the littlest Neuroi makes her way into the area. She floats over toward where the other watchers have gathered and takes a seat as best she can. With how her legs are designed, anyone in front of her might end up with propeller plane engines resting on their shoulders. "...he...seems mean..." she says in her soft little voice coming from her wristband.

Staren has posed:
    Staren just looks more... whaaaaaa? as Armsmaster speaks again. "Psychic shielding? /Has/ he read her file? At /all/?"

    He looks to Neuroi Girl. "Maybe. I get mean sometimes too. That doesn't mean we're bad people."

Riva Banari has posed:
"Maybe he read her file and came to the wrong conclusion? I do that sometimes." Riva replies. Damn Illuminati. Riva shrugs. She's not judging here.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    When Armsmaster makes his statement, Toph blinks and arches an eyebrow where she stands. "Psychic what?" she asks. "What the crud are you talking about?"

    That's all she gets to ask before he points his halberd towards her. Knowing better than to take this guy lightly, Toph shifts her right foot slightly and digs her heel in, and an earthen wall rises in front of her. The lightning dances about it, though none of it seems to connect directly with Toph. Even if he can't see it, he should hear the focus in her voice as she speaks. "I'm a /bender/, not a psychic." Her right arm shoots out, and she twists her hand as she reaches out towards the halberd. Better take care of it... Half a year ago she wouldn't have been able to do this, but if there's one thing Toph does not hesitate to work on, it's her bending. And now with more training she can't only sense metal, but she can also bend it from afar.

Marrik (541) has posed:
Marrik had found himself here after much asking around, getting lost, and misadventures worthy of a montage. That he seemed to be leaning on a plain black wood staff was not part of the montage. At Neuroi's comment he merely shrugged. "Bluntness does not always equal meanness, but even though Toph is an elite it does seem in poor form." A shrug before he offered pieces from the cheddar block he'd been cutting chunks off of.

Then he quirked an eyebrow at Toph's bending. "Interesting." He mmed soft before absently eating more cheese. "He had to have known she could do something like this. So why fail to adopt his tactics?"

Faruja (152) has posed:
Faruja is nearby one Lady Evangeline, a.k.a. Neuroi Girl. He has a cup of tea in his hand, and offers over a fair few sugar cubes N.G.'s way.

"Now, now mine dear! While I admit the age gap is a bit...broad...for mine tastes, can we truly deny two honorable warriors a good duel? Consider it /training/ for Toph's part, if ye must, Lady Evangeline."

Pause. Frown.

"...Though I must agree, methinks a good swat upon the ego wouldst do Ser 'Armsmaster' well. And our dear Earthbend...oh whom art I kidding? That shan't ever happen." Sip tea.

"Fight honorably, ye two! The Lord's eye is upon ye both!"

Frederica (73) has posed:
Frederica's there, observing, sitting primly as usual. "I think it's simpler than that." she notes, no particular reason. "Armsmaster's always right. He said so." she explains. "And then he makes a statement Toph doesn't agree with. She's not about to agree with him, and neither will admit they're wrong." she says. "I don't think it's worth fighting over, but then I generally just let fools say what they want." she lies.

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
"He's an idiot," Tony puts in helpfully. He is more than happy to judge. "He's a big insecure bully whose first impulse is to insult anyone he thinks might possibly be cooler than him. Which it seems is pretty much everyone. He tried it with me and backed down when I offered to rearrange his face. I guess he figures a young girl is more his speed. He's in for a rude awakening."

Armsmaster (554) has posed:
     The moment Toph gives him reason to think his shielding was a bad idea, Armsmaster /moves/. He's quick, his armor boosting his incredible physical prowess further.

     When Toph grips his weapon, she might find it unusually dense - it's not a simple pole and blade, it is crammed with weapons, tools and a myriad of equipment. It bends, but doesn't quite break.

     He meets that wall with his shoulder, slamming through it, and then the blade of his Halberd is the ball and chain of a flail. He spins it around his head and then swings squarely for Toph's knees!

Riva Banari has posed:
Riva watches the exchanve, wincing at the shenanigans involving the halberd-flail. "I think Toph is going to rudely awaken him plenty. One of the problems of being an 'armsmaster' is when all the stuff you use happens to be made of the stuff she can manipulate. She has a major advantage here, all she has to do is keep it." Look at it this way, Arms. At least you didn't pick a fight with Magneto.

Neuroi Girl has posed:
     Neuroi Girl looks toward Staren, then back toward the arena. "...but...you are not mean...you are merely opinionated..." she says before floating back into the air to get a closer look at the fight. She doesn't actually want either to be hurt, but if someone is, she hopes it is not Toph. "...please...do not injure each other...we are supposed to be allies..." she says, though she may not be heard by the combatants.

Staren has posed:
    Staren wonders if it's right, for so many people to be looking down on their ally. That could be him. He imagined it was, for years. How many times has he been called stupid and thickheaded?

    But it's /not/ him. Maybe Armsmaster really /is/ that mean and dumb. If that's the case, though, his career in the Union will /not/ go well. Staren hopes that things will be able to go better.

    Staren watches the fight. Wondering if it will somehow show the truth, whatever it is.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Man, he's awfully light on his feet for being such a big guy! Toph frowns even as she feels him move, all while she works on bending the halberd. Just what is in that thing? There's little time to consider this however, and Toph narrows her eyes as she senses her opponent rushing at her and slamming into the wall she erected. "Now who's got the dense head here?" she calls, kicking off forward and to the side. Only to curse under her breath when she realizes that the flail is coming towards her. Her left hand gestures for it, but its force is too much to be stopped. It slams into Toph's left leg, and the girl lets out a pained cry as she stumbles slightly. Shit, that hurt!

    The blind girl is too stubborn however, and she grits her teeth together. Since he came so close...!

    Both of Toph's arms launch out, and she digs her fingers into Armsmaster's armored chest, doing her best to slam it into him before she yanks with the intent to tear the armor clean off.

Marrik (541) has posed:
Marrik winced at the hit and then looked from Evangeline to Faruja and mm'd soft. "In fairness to Armsmaster just because Toph has an advantage doesn't mean he's automatically sunk. He's still got a good reach and mass advantage on her and Brockton's got a variety of threats, so it's possible he's had to deal with someone that works metal over before." Reminded him of when he'd tried to use a horde to batter a cult's warehouse fortress down and they had a necromancer of their own that more or less turned it into a sorcerer's duel over who got the army, til he sent the spirits away and blew the door down.

Armsmaster (554) has posed:
     Armsmaster's armor is as dense and complex as his Halberd. A dozen different systems and components all arranged to support each other. The waste heat of one generator powers a servo motor which assists something else, like a carefully constructed honeycomb of technology.

     But it's still metal, and Toph can still pull on it.

     Feeling the chest plate begin to give way, Armsmaster hurls his Halberd high. It vanishes in a white burst of light, and Armsmaster sets his hands around Toph's wrist. His grip is hard, painful. When she tries to pull back completely, tearing his armor free, Armsmaster twists her wrists in his iron grip - is he trying to break them?!

     Even so, his chest took quite a hit. He won't make the mistake of getting close again, it seems.

Riva Banari has posed:
"Isn't this place some kind of super holographic thing? No one's going to actually get hurt." Riva comments in response to Evangeline. "You have a good point too, Marrik. Let's just see how it all plays out. They're sure going to learn a lot about each other in the process, I think."

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
Tony crunches on his apple. "Yeah, it's all holograms. Lucky for him, or she'd take him apart." He raises his voice, "Had enough yet, tough guy?"

Frederica (73) has posed:
    "They might even be friends by the end of it!" Frederica says, shaking her head dismissively. Silly silly fighters. Her brother's the sort of guy who'd do that. She doesn't understand it... but she can recognize the type.

Faruja (152) has posed:
Faruja shrugs. "Methinks whom wins is hardly relevent. 'Tis a duel, after all. Whomever shows more /honor/ shall be the true victor."

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    This is almost like inspecting Tony's suits, she notes. So complex, probably more complex than they appear to be for most seeing people. There's some surprise on her face though when he hurls his halberd up and it vanishes all of a sudden, though it's nothing compared to the look on her face when Armsmaster has the nerve to grab her /wrists/. "HEY!"

    Okay, that hurts! And it should be clear on her face that the big guy isn't going easy on her.

    Like hell if she will let him break her wrists though. So rather than the snap of bone and tendons when she yanks her hands back, there's the creak of metal as Armsmaster's armored gloves disintegrate into metal scraps, and Toph glares in front of her. "Tough luck!"

    With part of his armor torn off however, it's time to show that it's not only metal she can bend.

    Throwing both of her arms forward in a split palm attack, Toph causes a large earthen pillar to shoot out diagonally of the earth next to her, aimed straight at Armsmaster's now exposed chest.

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
"So Toph, then," Tony asides with a smirk. "I have more honor than that guy in my d--" he is thankfully prevented from finishing his crass comment by the crashing noise of the earthen pillar.

Frederica (73) has posed:
    "Your what? Your day off?" Frederica asks, completely innocently. No, she has no idea what Tony was going to say. None at all.

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
"Something like that," Tony agrees, leaning back in his seat to the tune of another apple crunch.

Neuroi Girl has posed:
     Neuroi Girl turns her head toward Tony, then looks back toward the battle. "...Yoshika said never to use that word..." she says before floating back over to take a seat. "...it looks as though they are both giving it their all..."

Faruja (152) has posed:
Faruja opens his muzzle, then closes it. He looks from Eva to Tony.

"Lady Evangeline, I shall make a proper Lady of ye yet! Well said, well said!"

Tony, for his part, gets a glare.

Armsmaster (554) has posed:
     There go his gauntlets. It took him /months/ to design them, have them built, and further hours to keep them in working condition!

     Armsmaster dodges, the pillar of earth catching his shoulder armor and throwing up a gout of sparks and sending him stumbling. He raises his hand and, in a white flash, his Halberd is suddenly in his hand once more.

     Leaping into the air, higher than any normal person could leap, Armsmaster closes the gap. He falls near Toph, driving the haft of his Halberd into the floor of the Ring.

     There's a deep, deafening /boom/, enough to rattle eardrums and shatter glass, as an incredible amount of concussive force roars through the ring, knocking everything flat! Armsmaster stands tall, in the eye of the storm, watching Toph.

Marrik (541) has posed:
Marrik glowered at Tony but didn't say anything and just stared at Armsmaster's counter offensive. "He's actually fighting smart. Try getting her off her feet, prevent momentum, and he's moving." There was an approving nod. "With luck Toph will learn lessons of her own, and if the powers that be are in a good mood lessons for both will actually stjpffttaaawhoamikidding?" He couldn't keep a straight face even as he offered Faruja a chedder block. "They'll either become friends, or dislike eachother worse."

Neuroi Girl has posed:
     Evangeline headtilts as Faruja speaks up. "...I am not a proper lady...?" she asks, her monotone voice making it hard to tell how she took the comment. But, given her usual demeanor, she was probably genuinely curious. She floats over to sit by Faruja, then reaches up with one hand and...gently grips one of Faruja's ears before tugging it lightly up and down. "...ear..." she says before reaching up with her free hand to do the same to her own ear.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    There's a look of annoyance on Toph's face when she feels the pillar not strike him directly in the exposed area as he dodges. Maybe she should have torn off more of his armor first...

    He leaps, and Toph doesn't run as she rushes forward to help close the gap. Why should she be afraid to fight him up close? He might be big, but that only means he will fall heavier once she gets him knocked off of his high horse!

    The deafening boom hurts her ears for sure, and Toph winces, even as she struggles against the force. And sure, while Toph gets thrown back she seems less than a ragdoll than some of Armsmaster earlier opponents. She skids along the ground, doing her best to remain on her feet, though she does tumble, eventually hitting one of the metal beams that is embedded in the ground. A trickle of blood runs down the side of her face as she pushes herself up, a sour look on her face. Okay, that's it!

    The blind earthbender rises to her full height again, raising her arms before she strikes out, two fingers extended on each hand in typical southern praying mantis fashion. Rather than talk Toph is completely focused on the fight. Several earthen pillars shoot out around Armsmaster, aiming to knock into his chest, his head and whatever she can get to, and she's not pulling any punches, even as she takes a step towards him with every strike she aims at him through the pillars that shoot out from the ground around him.

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
Tony Stark is glowered at. He continues to devour the apple, unconcerned by this. He has nothing nice to say about Armsmaster's fighting though, even if he IS fighting smart now. "I don't see anyone becoming friends with him unless he pulls his head out of his ass," he remarks sardonically. "Maybe Toph can bend that?"

Riva Banari has posed:
"Whoa now, she just learned metalbending, didn't she?. Assbending is a whole different field." Riva says glibly. Evangeline's exploration of the mysteries of ears draws off her watching the fight to stare for several seconds. She munches on another nacho before she pronounces, "If you could bottle that adorableness and sell it you'd make millions."

Staren has posed:
    Staren's heart sinks a little more at the words of his allies. This feels wrong, somehow.

Bitter Medicine (569) has posed:
     Thud, thud, thud, thud. The sound of jackboots on the bleachers is belittled by the cotton candy in the owner's hands. Bitter Medicine takes a seat and eats his carnival fare with a dour expression. "Hrn," he grunts in greeting to the other spectators.

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
"Well, she hasn't done too bad a job with me," Tony returns with a grin. He is after all, a noted ass too.

Faruja (152) has posed:
Marrik tosses Faruja a cheese wedge, and he devours it with utter lack of racial stereotypes. He happens to /like/ cheese!

"Neither art a bet I wouldst take, Ser marrik."

Eva floats over, and Faruja's silver tongue turns rusty. "N...nay! Hardly what I meant! 'Tis a /compliment/ mine dear! Rather, I wouldst say that ye art learning what one shouldst and shouldst /not/ say in polite society quite well thanks to thien dear companion! If ye ever require tutoring upon the subject of manners, grace, and other such manners, I wouldst be..."

Faruja pauses, his eye on the match, grinning as the two fight. Then Eva goes and starts rubbing his ear. He slowly melts into his seat, and flops against Eva, making cute little rat chittery sounds.

"...Lady Eva, ye art all but a saint, mine dear!" Soon enough? There's a blissful, half-snoring rat leaning against the Neuroi Girl.

Armsmaster (554) has posed:
     He's beginning to get used to Toph now, predictive software beginning to give him so idea of when and how she'll strike. Because of this, he manages to evade much of the first pillar.

     "I've got enough information to pred-"

     He gets cut off as the rest of the pillars strike him from behind. Those ones strike true, and they leave great dents in his armor. Armsmaster stumbles and drops to one knee. His head, however, remains set on Toph. His eyes might be hidden but the anger is clearly expressed through his lips.

     Armsmaster gets to his feet. He's battered but not out of the fight, even with his armor sundered and Halberd damaged.

     Armsmaster reconfigures his weapon and raises a mighty hammer above his head. It strikes the ground, blasting a shockwave of immense kinetic energies in Toph's direction!

Marrik (541) has posed:
Marrik looked over at Faruja just in time to see the paladin melt at Eva's ear scritching. Then he looked back at the ring and grunted. "You know if he keeps with that she'll find a way to counter." Still if he could keep her off balance all he'd have to do is outlast her, and for all the blind bandit's skill and grit she was still a girl barely in her teens against someone that's trained and may as well be a professional soldier.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Let him be angry! Perhaps he'll learn to take her seriously!

    The blind girl does frown when he gets to his feet again though, and she narrows her pale milky green eyes. This fight is at least serious now, and perhaps now he will know that in the multiverse you shouldn't underestimate anybody, not even young disabled girls! As many have stated, the young elite girls have proven themselves in many ways. And Toph hasn't exactly been quiet about her prowess, now has she? Sure, she lost her first fight in the WMAT this year... but so what? She knows what she's good for. And perhaps Armsmaster has finally gotten the idea now.

    The moment the hammer slams into the ground Toph widens her stance, keeping her weight low and spread out as she stands her ground, her hands clenching into fists as she skids back several feet, and she lets out a pained cry when she is knocked into a group of metal beams. Ow! Seriously? She's gotten some serious scrapes now, and she's bleeding in several places. But despite her bruises and cuts, she's not about to back down just yet!

    Toph shakes her head to get out of the brief daze, all before she reaches her hands out to grab into one of the metal beams each, and the material creaks under her small fingers. Then it begins wrapping itself around her, coiling up her arms, around her torso, legs and her head. Nothing is left exposed, with only a small opening behind her head. Sure, the metal armor isn't as fancy as his... but it doesn't need to be. Not when she wears it as an extension of herself.

    The metal keeps on moving even as she raises her left foot and slams it down into the ground, and suddenly the earhtbender rushes forward, earth and dust whirling up around her as she closes in on Armsmaster. And once she's within feet of him, she raises her right armored fist, leaping up and forward, aiming a punch at his jaw!

Neuroi Girl has posed:
     Evangeline pauses as Faruja melts against her. Intrigued, she keeps rubbing his ear, then reaches up to start rubbing both ears. "...saint...our base is named after a saint..." The attention to Faruja is interrupted when Toph and Armsmaster make even more noise beating each other up. "...I am glad they are not actually hurting each other..." she says as she watches.

     "...even if he is mean..." she adds after a moment.

Armsmaster (554) has posed:
     As Toph goes sliding back, Armsmaster advances, his halberd held in two hands. "You have a potent set of powers," he says, "That, I am prepared to admit. But power means nothing without-"

     Toph's fist collides with Armsmaster's jaw, the only part of his face that his helmet doesn't protect!

     His head whips around, spittle flying from his lips. The force of the blow sends him spinning, and then falling to sprawl into a metallic blue heap on one side of the Ring. For a moment, it seems like Armsmaster is down.

     And then he gets his knees under him and he rises. He spits blood against the floor of the Ring. Defiant until the end.

     Armsmaster raises his Halberd, held under his arm, and the air stinks of ozone as he blasts Toph with crackling energy!

     "Fall!" Armsmaster shouts. Looks like someone's ego took a hit!

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
"Getting frustrated Army?" Tony catcalls, cupping one hand to his mouth. "Is the little girl too much for you?"

Marrik (541) has posed:
Marrik grinned at Toph's improvised armor and leaned forward, resting elbows on thighs and chin on hands. "It's like watching Sal fight." He didn't specify who reminded him of the blind paladin from home. "But where both of these are like oaks he was as an ancient ironwood tree; bend and give under stress." The fight interested him now. Greatly.

Enough so that he hadn't noticed Faruja turn into rat puddle at Evangelin's touch.

Frederica (73) has posed:
"Tony!" Frederica cries out, scandalized. "I'd smack you for that if you weren't a superior officer." she claims. Yes, she learns. Her days of hitting superior officers are over. Mostly. "You shouldn't taunt the poor guy just because a little blind girl is beating him senseless." she admonishes.

Riva Banari has posed:
"That's the most backhanded reprimand I've ever heard." Riva comments offhandedly. "You look like you're thinking about a lot of stuff, Staren. I can practically see your brainwaves going 'woobwoobwoob' off your head. You going to be okay?"

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
"Hey, he started it," Tony retorts mock-defensively to Freddie. "Even before tonight. That little blind girl is just defending MY honor, really."

Bitter Medicine (569) has posed:
Bitter Medicine tries to determine the best way to eat his cotton candy. "So, that's Beifong," he notes--she mentioned 'bending earth.' "Hell of a right hook." He tends to like both of the people in the ring--so he shouts at Armsmaster. "Stop talking! Start hitting!"

Faruja (152) has posed:
Faruja squeak-snore. Squeak-snore. Faruja finally snorts as the wonderful attention ends, and his less ear-rub distracted brain wakes up.

"Oh? Remind me to visit thine compatriots soon, inquire as to the particular Saint." Pause. Right! Toph and Armsmaster are pummeling each other.

Faruja chuckles a bit. Reaching up, he'll rub Neuroi Girl's ear-like protrusion in turn curiously.

"Agreed. However, the sin of Pride is most...difficult to overcome, methinks. 'Mean' he may be. But mayhaps this day, both shall learn a lesson. Some best learn through physical confrontation. And with the magitech of /this/ place? All the better. Let us bare witness to their glories, triumphs, and failures alike! For /all/ hath their flaws. And there art always lessons to be learnt from our allies, nay matter how pure or impure they art."

Then, Faruja wiggles a free hand before offering one more sugar cube to Eva.

"But I ramble, as always. 'Tis the nezumi and Priest in me." His eye, now somewhat un-ear-blissed, returns to the two battered fighters.

Staren has posed:
    Staren turns and glares at Frederica and Tony. "Really? You act like it's shameful to be beaten by Toph, when you know it isn't? What's wrong with you guys?"

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    The noise of Toph's fist striking Armsmaster's jaw resonates throughout the Ring, and Toph lands roughly, her armored feet making cracks in the ground around her. And as he spins to a stop, she snorts. "Too bad for you that I have the willpower too, dunderhead!" Toph exclaims, her voice echoing from within the metal. Has he had enough?

    Seems not.

    Toph assumes a defensive stance again. At least she isn't blowing him off, taking him seriously even now. Sure, she was a bit haughty when she first joined the Union, but she's learned from her losses in this very Ring too. Wait... 'fall'? From inside her armor Toph's nose can't catch the scent of ozone, and well, considering she's covered in metal, it's pretty hard to avoid the next strike.

    The lightning hits the girl, whose scream sounds even more disturbing with the metallic echo. Her limbs lock up and she finds her head slammed against the back of her makeshift suit. The armor sizzles, and she heaves for breath and pain as she stumbles. Without her actively bending the metal armor though, it somewhat helps her remain standing. It might require more concentration to move in the armor, but it does seem to have its uses. Especially now.

    It sounds like she's panting as she nearly doubles over. But her voice is one of pure defiance as she speaks up. "I /refuse/ to fall to the likes of you...!"

    Her body cries out in protest, and she /wishes/ that the smell that's filling the armor is not because she's suffered burns... Either way, she's not about to stop now, and she kicks into the ground, an earthen pillar launching her forward through the air towards him. Her hands reach out towards the halberd, and she focuses on bending it /around/ his hands, an attempt to neutralize him... and then she focuses on bending his armor, an attempt to keep him in place so she can hopefully land on him, kicking into his chest and knock him back down!

Armsmaster (554) has posed:
     Toph comes at him, and she might catch Armsmaster's lips breaking into a grim, smug smile. He steps back, adjusts his footing, and remains where he is as she charges.

     He holds his ground, seeming unphased. And, at the last possible second, he drops his Halberd to catch Toph's charge.

     His halberd bends in her grip, but the sheer length of the weapon should keep Toph from reaching his armor!

     "How predictable and foolish," Armsmaster says, derision dripping from his words. "You fought well, but this - is - finished."

Frederica (73) has posed:
    Frederica flaps her hand dismissively at Staren, though she's hurt by his condemnation. She doesn't show it though, or at least she tries not to. Intent and reality are probably quite a bit different, however. "Oh come on. You know neither of us would demean Pebbles." she says. Make affectionate diminutives, sure... but not actually demean!

Staren has posed:
    Staren tilts his head. "And yet, you just did." He shakes his head and looks back to the fight.

    Man, what the hell is going on with /everyone/ here today? He wishes Twilight were here to explain it. She can always make sense of social stuff.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    No, the expression on his face goes unnoticed to Toph. What doesn't escape her senses however is how he steps back, and she frowns behind the metal. With her bending she is able to grab onto the halberd though, bending it aside so she won't get struck. Even through the metal armor it would freaking hurt. But even as Armsmaster speaks with such contempt, Toph snorts. "You don't know crud about earthbenders then...!" she claims... and her metal armor creaks, opening in the back.

    The blind girl leaps out, wincing as the lightning cracks and coils around the metal, only some of it striking her as she escapes. The people watching the match should be able to see that Toph is indeed injured from the fight, burns in some places, blood running down the side of her face. But her expression is determined, and she's already moving her arms, fingers gesturing to the metal in front of her.

    It bends, moving through the air and wrapping itself around Armsmaster's torso, constricting as best as it can around his arms and chest, possibly even crushing his armor. As Toph lands on the ground she doesn't stop, raising her arms up. Thick earthen pillars rise on each side of Armsmaster, and Toph slams her fists together, sending them crashing together.

Marrik (541) has posed:
Marrik quirked an eyebrow. "That's actually not a bad track to take." The downside of body covering armor made of metal was it's conductivity and weight. Toph seemed to move just fine in it, but he was going under the impression that she was constantly 'bending' to keep it pliable. Still didn't help with conductivity though. He looked on and hrmed thoughtfully. "Hey Faruja. Think me and you could square off here next time work lets up? Winner takes on whoever's left standing?" He'd be deprived of spirits and the undead while the Paladin eoukd have his summoned creatures, which might or might not be something he could steal.

Faruja (152) has posed:
"And a knight forget a challenge? Hardly! I quite welcome a desire to duel! As ye wish, Ser! I shall arrange such an honorable duel!" Cue an Inquisitor to agree to such worrds.

Frederica (73) has posed:
    Frederica just shakes her head. "You don't get it, I guess." she replies to Staren. In her mind, she wasn't demeaning Toph. Teasing, sure, but that doesn't mean she thinks less of the earthbender. And, well, Armsmaster may be a jerk and a half, but he's also a fearless fighter who she'd willingly fight beside. Or more to the point, fight behind.

Armsmaster (554) has posed:
     Toph is injured, and so is Armsmaster. He is worn out, breathing heavily, sweating from beneath his armor, armor cracked and broken, smoking in places as carefully calculated systems have been disrupted or knocked out of place.

     But, as the metal begins to shift under Toph's bending, Armsmaster whips his Halberd up - the blade wreathed in purple energy - and bisects much of it before it can restrict him. "Did you think I would not see such an obvious strategy?"

     Still, he doesn't stop all of it - just enough. Metal grabs him, binds around his joints, but not enough that Toph had needed - not quickly enough.

     "And then two pillars of earth to crush me with," Armsmaster says, leaping backwards as they crash down where he had just been standing. That might have stopped him for good, held him down and rendered him out of the fight. On some level, he respects that attempt at a trap. "The more you fight, the more information you give me! No one faces the Master of Arms and prevails because I know every attack before you make it!" Oh, yeah, he's angry.

     He leaps forward, over the remnants of his pillars and e deactivates the glowing field of plasma. He swings his bent, battered Halberd and goes to catch Toph with the flat of the blade and send her flying!

Staren has posed:
    Staren just frowns. "Or you don't." Well, he came here today to learn about his allies, after all. It's certainly been educational.

    He's just not sure what it /means/.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Damnit! Toph frowns as Armsmaster manages to free himself, and then he even manages to evade the two pillars? What the hell is going on here? "You tell me, I'm the blind one, remember?" she snorts. That's useful information though, so he is able to predict somebody's attacks the more they fight? What kind of ability is that? Still, she snorts. "What good does that do you in the long run though? It doesn't matter if you can see it if you can't stand it!" Toph retorts with her usual brattish demeanor.

    Up he goes again, and Toph takes a deep breath. Focus! She spreads her arms, which shake slightly as if struggling against something. The ground rumbles around her... in order to do this she will have to suffer an attack... so be it! She brings her arms in against her torso and /stomps/ her right foot into the ground. Only to be struck with the halberd and knocked back, hurtling back through the air with a pained cry.

    Right before she is sent flying though, the ground erupts, fissures causing the ground to go unstable even as spikes shoot up all around, threatening to tear into anything close. All in all, it's a very dangerous place to be right now.

Bitter Medicine (569) has posed:
Bitter Medicine crumbles the paper cone once he finishes his cotton candy. "/Armsmaster/ must think it's shameful." The Alchemical points. "Angry." The cone is deposited into a pocket to throw away later.

Staren has posed:
    Slowly, Staren turns to look at Bitter Medicine. "So. they're not using Toph to make fun of him. They're using his own shame to make fun of him." Staren tilts his head as he considers this. "I suppose, if she approves, that's okay." He looks at Frederica. "Why didn't you just /say/ so?"

Marrik (541) has posed:
Marrik just stares. So that was Toph's play, sucker him in while she pulled the earth up at him. Risky, but he couldn't argue with the results. Then he looked over at Staren and shrugged, "Cultural thing. Harder to diffuse an attack like that if you go through the sort of culture norm they're used to. It's like when Sal cleared a bar because a friend of his was getting hurt. Guy mopped the floor with like eight guys, picked the leader up, and let him know he got whipped by a blind guy."

Armsmaster (554) has posed:
     Armsmaster lands, strikes Toph aside and goes to spin his Halberd and find one of the few systems that still work. And then...

     The ground shakes.


     Whatever else the Protectorate cape was going to say goes unheard as the ground /explodes/ all around him. Too much to evade, to turn aside, to cut through. An attack that, even if he could predict it, he can do nothing to stop it from hitting him. There's the sound of metal tearing, peeling off, and eventually the devastating, localised quake subsides.

     Armsmaster is still standing. His armor is ruined, shattered, revealing his flesh underneath. And that is bleeding and bruised, punctured in places by that chthonic attack. "Clever," Armsmaster seethes, leaning on his Halberd. "But I still stand." He limps over to Toph, supporting himself on his weapon, and he blasts her with another burst of concussive force. His Halberd sparks with the effort. "Surrender."

Neuroi Girl has posed:
     Evangeline headtilts, then looks toward Staren. "...you didn't know...?" she asks, then turns back to the battle. Toph's attack is impressive, but Evangeline's featureless face and still body give away none of her thoughts or emotions. Then, Armsmaster calls for surrender.

     "...never surrender..." is all Evangeline says.

Staren has posed:
    Staren finally pays attention to the sparring match in time to see... he facepalms. "You're in the Ring! You can't really hurt her! Why would she surrender?"

Marrik (541) has posed:
"Attagirl." Marrik sounded approving at Eva's quiet declaration. "She gives in he'll use it to keep twisting her arm. Yet this is how it is for him. I do not know how he is without the mask, but this is his persona, it demands he call for surrender even if he's down to nothing. For him there is no other way because he has no flex or give."

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    The earthbender hits the ground roughly, wincing as she is thrown along, eventually coming to a stop as she pushes herself up, her hands digging into the ground as she feels the earthen spikes tear into Armsmaster. Okay, he /had/ to feel that! Toph spits to the side and reaches a hand up to brush her knuckles against her nose. "Just barely, buddy!" she snorts. He is going down if it's the last thing she does!

    And when he throws another blast at her, she grits her teeth, feeling the force hit her and forcing her further back even as she digs her hands and feet into the ground. It hurts like hell though, and it further aggravates her wounds, making Toph wince and clench her teeth together as she keeps her eyes shut. "/You/ surrender!" she calls out, throwing out her right arm twice.

    From behind two earthen pillars shoot out, aimed to strike into Armsmaster's back. Hopefully it will send him forward, all where a larger earthen pillar erupts. She's nearly there, she can do this! She has to!

Riva Banari has posed:
Riva isn't even munching anymore, she's on the edge of her seat to see how this goes down. Who's going to win this!?

She makes a mental note to go pick up those boxed DVD editions of the last WMAT.

Armsmaster (554) has posed:
     Armsmaster hobbles closer. His ankle seems like it might be twisted. Even if he wins and proves his superiority, the fact that Toph could ruin his equipment and hurt him - him! The seventh-best hero in the Protectorate - might give him a moment's pause.

     "Barely standing," he grunts out, "Is standing enough. I have no reason to surrender - I hold the power here!"

     His battered helmet warns him as the pillars come in, but warning signs don't help so much when he is slow, injured. He gets hit by the pillar from behind, but Armsmaster angles what is left of his armor to bounce him off the one it was suppose to drive him against.

     He limps over, until he's standing over Toph, glowering down at her behind his scarred and battered helmet. "You fought well," Armsmaster states, raising his weapon. "But willpower pales in comparison to skill and technology. Sleep now."

     He sets the haft of his weapon against Toph's back, and applies a shock - carefully measured, to end the fight without further injury!

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Toph's face scrunches up in displeasure, feeling the pillars strike. But it's not enough! She can feel him limping, and she herself is in little shape to move now as well. Her knee is aching, she's bleeding, she's feeling dizzy... and damn, everything just /hurts/. Good thing that the Ring will set things right once it's done. And it's only done when she says it is! No matter what this pompous bastard might think!

    There are many things she could say in retort to his comments. But for now the blind girl is more focused on what she can do that he won't see coming. If he truly has the power to analyze obvious attacks, then... well, she just has to do something out of the book. And it's easier when she's surrounded by her element. His armor is pretty much done for, and he can't evade... and neither can she. The blind girl pants with exhaustion, and she winces as she attempts to get moving, but then the halberd settles against her back...

%tHer right fist slams into the ground, and right before the shock is applied, an earthen pillar shoots up from behind Top as she lets her head fall forward to knock the weapon up towards Armsmaster's face.

Armsmaster (554) has posed:
     The Halberd shifts and maybe, with his armor in a better state, Armsmaster might have been able to stop it. But it collides with his jaw, arcs it's electrical shock into him and Armsmaster collapses backwards, like a puppet with its strings cut.

Marrik (541) has posed:
Marrik just blinked. Then smiled broadly. "Well fought, both of you!" He straightened while sticking his food in a pouch before looking at the fight that was all but done. It had to be done right? Getting hit in the face tended to end things.

Neuroi Girl has posed:
     Evangeline is completely still as she watches the battle. Unnaturally so. She doesn't move when Armsmaster misses Toph, or even when Toph lands the next blow. It is only when Armsmaster finally goes down that she finally moves again. Well, more relaxes really. Her stone still posture, natural to her, returns to a more natural to other people posture. She raises her arms above her head and waves them about wildly. "...yay..."

Staren has posed:
    Staren winces as Armsmaster collapses, then claps for a moment. Then he stands. "Congratulations, Toph! But... what does this mean, really?"

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:

    Those unseeing eyes remain defiant even as she heaves for breath, and Toph brushes off some dirt on the side of her face, even as the Ring begins resetting the injuries inflicted on the two fighters. There's a wince as she presses her hand against her knee, feeling the field taking effect as it works on restoring them to their former uninjured selves.

    "I know we are on the same side and all, but seriously...? If it were up to people like you, I would still be back in Gaoling. Still sitting in a corner, be expected to be quiet because 'that's just the way things are done'." Somehow it sounds like those last words are not her own, and her expression turns somewhat bitter as the words leave her lips. "That I should follow rules and do what I was supposed to do. To not be /me./" No, that obedient and demure girl is not her. The real her is the person Armsmaster faced in the Ring.

    "People told me that metalbending was impossible. My father called me helpless, weak and fragile. Bigger guys than you laughed when I challenged them." Though she must admit, Armsmaster was no pushover like some of her opponents have been. Did he challenge her because he took her seriously, or because he thought it would be an easy win against a blind girl? If it's the latter, then screw him.

    "I used to think that non-benders couldn't fight. But as I got to explore the world, I learned otherwise. Perhaps now you have learned a lesson in humility, /Assmaster/." The next words that Toph speaks are not loud enough for the audience to pick it up, even as she rises to her full height with a pained grunt.

    "Oh, by the way... Goldie might be an ass, but I wouldn't hestiate covering his ass in a fight. The only reason I would cover yours is because I'm not an asshole like you."

    Her attention turns towards Staren as he poses his question. "This means that I get bragging rights, and Assmaster here has to live with the fact that he was /wrong/ for the first time in his life," she states with a sarcastic tone. Her next comment is directed at Tony however. "Goldie, let's head on home. I'm freakin' starving!" She fought for his honour, he can at least feed her like he is supposed to now that he's her dad and all.

Armsmaster (554) has posed:
     Armsmaster rises to his knees, and slips his Halberd onto his back. He says nothing as Toph talks, but he seems to be listening.

     That is, if he ever listens.

     He knows Toph is angry. He's not an idiot. He just wishes he knew /why/.

     "You have your victory," Armsmaster says, at last, "Take it for what it is. But I did not laugh at you."

Staren has posed:
    Staren snrks a bit at the nickname. "That's a bit harsh, isn't it? The name I mean..." Beat. "...Well, have a nice dinner." He watches her go, then approaches Armsmaster. "So, she wanted to take you down a peg. Was your goal today the same?" He tilts his head to the side.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Why is she angry?

    Toph snorts as she brushes off her clothes. Heck, she should probably grab a shower when she gets back to Malibu... "Oh, you can laugh at me all you want," she states. "What I didn't like was your goddamn attitude! I mean, they call /me/ stubborn? You could rival a gator mule..." Toph mutters as she walks out of the Ring. Hopefully he's learned a lesson from this, and hopefully he won't badmouth Tony again lest he wishes to duke it out again. But yes, Toph has her victory, and she thinks she got her point across.

Armsmaster (554) has posed:
     Armsmaster gets to his feet. "Yes," he says to Staren. With nothing more to say, to anyone, he makes his way out of the ring.

Staren has posed:
    Staren watches everyone go.

    Man, did he really learn /anything/ today?

Neuroi Girl has posed:
     Evangeline also floats down into the ring, watching Armsmaster go. "...he is not actually mean...just...not smart..." she says as she floats over to Toph. She then pauses a moment, considering what is the proper response. Finally, she settles on a hug. She reaches out with her now handless arms and gives Toph a hug. "...congratulations..."

Staren has posed:
    Staren glances sidewise at Evangeline. "'Not smart.' You say. He built that armor and staff, didn't he?"

Marrik (541) has posed:
Marrik used a burst of magic to leap into the ring and walk with Toph and Eva. "He is plenty smart. He's just stubborn and inflexible." A wave to Staren. "Plenty of folk like that when confronted by the unknown. Cling to the familiar."

Bitter Medicine (569) has posed:
Bitter Medicine grunts. "Mrm." In this case, it means 'I learned something about both of these people today.' He stands up and rolls his neck, then heads over to the nearest trash receptacle to throw away his eaten cotton candy. Swish. No compactor? Nothing to reduce it to its base components? He peers into the trash can. Not even an incinerator. "Inefficient." He pays Toph a glance, then calls out to her. "Good fight, Beifong."

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Sure, Toph is about to walk off, but she blinks when she feels Evangeline float over to her, and she turns her head slightly towards the neuroi. When she reaches out to hug her though, the blind earthbender seems a bit surprised at first, but... she doesn't fight it, and she even smiles slightly as she hugs her back. "Heh, I don't need congratulations for beating sense into dunderheads." The other people are heard, and Toph raises one hand in appreciation. Then she pulls back from Evangeline. "Stop by Malibu sometime, and I'll read you another story," she says. For now she doesn't intend to let Tony wait though, and then she heads out.