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Heck Mouth 2: Mouth Harder ft. Bigby Wolf
Date of Scene: 07 October 2014
Location: Chicago-667
Synopsis: Harry, Inga and Riva's plan to blow up another Illuminati piece of crap is briefly interrupted by the appearance of Mr. Big Bad Wolf
Cast of Characters: 206, Riva Banari, Inga, 585

Harry Dresden (206) has posed:
    Food, Glorious Food! Hot Sausage and Mustard and fucking not ketchup. Everything but catchup you animals.

    Harry Dresden is already out tonight, along with at least one of his new friends, chilling out at a corner cafe across from one of the old Libraries that dot the city. Old stone buildings that survived the Great Fire, and this one in particular was built by the same people that built the house Riva and Harry wrecked the other day.

    Dresden is keeping an eye on the front door of the place, eating a Chicago dog and sipping on a soda as he watches librarians start to close the place up, people shuffling out of thebuilding and generally shutting the place down.

    To the supernaturally tuned, the place feels funny. Darkish. Bloody. Something bad has gone down here and has kept going bad for a long while.

Bigby Wolf (585) has posed:
Ah, Chicago. Detroit and New York turned out kind of shitty for him (well okay, Detroit was more just plain WEIRD, but he did get shot at so that counts for something) -- maybe Chicago will turn out better. Otherwise Bigby Wolf is going to find himself a nice goddamn national park to disappear into for a few days under the header of 'still scouting for Fabletown you guys.'

This place feels funny though. Darkish. Broody. Something bad has gone down here.

Struck by a sudden sense of inexplicable deja vu, Bigby pauses under a street lamp to light a fresh cigarette and look around for whatever just tweaked his instincts on the tail. There's something he just can't quite put his finger on...

And then the smell of /food/ wafts across the street and fills his nostrils, in spite of the cloud of olfactory-damping shitty cigarette smoke, and his stomach rumbles. How many hours has it been since he ate? With the time zone changes across warp gates, it's hard to tell.

Whatever. He's hungry NOW. And so, glancing both ways first, the man in the extremely battered trenchcoat and ill-fitting clothes -- gosh it's almost as if he stole them off a clothes line after getting the crap kicked out of him the other day, which is exactly what happened -- crosses the street to check out the cafe.

Inga has posed:
Inga is eating a hot dog. She would have never thought to wrap bread around a sausage. Strange, yet it seems to work so well. The mustard is also an excellent addition. She's rather hungry, as she always seems to be after having used a lot of magic, and has more or less inhaled it in record time.

With a full stomach, she can now concentrate on the foul feeling eminating from across the street. She's beginning to draw a few runes from her pouch, opening herself the the words of the gods to see if anything trickles down that might provide insight.

Inga is begrugingly dressed like a local, if a conservative one. She wears an ankle length black skirt and a tightly fitted green sweater. She wears her belt still, hung with leather pouches in which she keeps various witchy things. A braid that falls to her waist is pulled over one shoulder, the hair white as bone.

In addition to the food, if Bigby has a hightened sense of smell he would get the distinct aroma of honey radiating from Inga.

"So, are we going in?" she asks Harry, gesturing toward the library.

Harry Dresden (206) has posed:
    Harry takes one more slurp of his soda, and wipes his messy bear with a napkin. "I think so. If we want to get inside without breaking any laws, we just need to be in there when they lock it up. I can... I can talk our way out of things, I think." A grin over at Inga, and the Wizard is just about to move out of his seat w-

    A sudden inhale of breath as Something Dangerous slaps right into his Spidey-senses, and the Wizard prickles. A hand snaps out to grab at his staff, a look of panic around him. Something... something scary just showed up. "Hells bells, I... did you feel that?"

Bigby Wolf (585) has posed:
Meanwhile, Something Scary is calmly ordering a hot dog from the counter, and getting some dirty looks about the foul vapour of cigarette smoke wafting up around him.

Bigby catches a whiff of sudden panic from behind him, and as he slaps a grubby bill on the counter to pay for his food he turns to cast a casual look across the cafe's clientele. Almost immediately, his senses narrow in on the messy bearded man grabbing the staff. He gazes steadily at him, not exactly hostile, but not trying to be subtle either. Rude. His nose wrinkles. Does that lady smell like honey?

Inga has posed:
Inga feels spirit fingers dance up her spine, her own supernatural-attuned senses prickling at the approach of something powerful and uncanny. As Harry asks, she nods to him quietly, reaching for a the knife at her belt that...isn't there. Apparently, one can't carry large knives on the streets of Chicago. Madness! Her knife was tucked away, so she doesn't reach for it yet. Her staff is there of course, so she reaches for it. It's a bit suspicious, two people suddenly looking spooked and reaching for their sticks.


Inga looks around, trying to pinpoint the sense only to lock gazes with Bigby. She does not blink, nor look away, her gaze intense and knowing. 'I See you' her eyes seem to say.

She doesn't know how delicious she smells; honey, and the faint smell of blood.

Harry Dresden (206) has posed:
    Harry's eyes narrow right back at Bigby, before he murmurs. "Inga, get ready to take cover if something happens here. Get a shield ready, something, try not to wreck the place." Says Harry Dresden.
    The Clientele, despite the lack of supernatural training can spot a fight brewing in any case, and between a pair of hobos, no one wants to be in on that. The place is clearing out quick enough, and Harry stands up, grumbling quietly. "Hey there buddy, nice and easy, we're just here having lunch, nothing's goign to happen."
    Harry smells like beer and sweat and the heady mix of material components and bachelor living at his apartment.

Bigby Wolf (585) has posed:
Fortunately for the delicious-smelling woman, Bigby hasn't eaten any /people/ in a very long time. Part of the terms of the general amnesty. As the dude behind the counter comes up with his hotdog, he releases the two suspicious looking people with sticks from his gaze, and turns to take his food. "Thanks," he mutters, drops the change in the tip jar more absently than with any sense of purposeful niceness, and is about to leave when Harry stands up and addresses him. Quietly maybe, but these ears hear better than most.

He can also pick up the sudden more widespread scent of fear from the other people clearing out of the place, and his brow furrows as he watches them go, before turning his attention back to the crazy hobo man. "What, I can't buy a hot dog?" he asks dryly.

What is it with the Multiverse that no matter where he ends up, someone wants to pick a fight?

Inga has posed:
Inga doesn't want to pick a fight. She's pretty sure she'd be pretty useful in one without magic, and she's not suppose to be flinging magic around in broad daylight surrounded by Normal people. So, there's that. And while she doubts Harry casually provokes fights, she knows he finds himself in them anyway. She nods at his suggestion. "Mmm, but I don't think it will be necessary," she comments, her eyes not leaving Bigby. He doesn't seem to want trouble. What is he, though, that would have them both on edge? Inga blinks, widening the well-trod path between her mind and the voices of the universe. When she opens her eyes a moment later, a vision flashes before her that causes her to flinch back slightly, startled.

The woman shakes her head to clear it, eyes clearing as she looks back toward Bigby, her question apparently answers at least in part. "Ah...so that is it," she comments lowly.

Inga looks sidelong to Harry. "Wolfskin," she whispers.

Riva Banari has posed:
Riva gets dragged with Harry a lot of places lately. He's on the job and following up on a horrible thing that they both dealt with, so it makes sense she'd stick with him for the haul.

And so it is that Riva is having what Harry is having, squinting at the library in almost exactly the same way he is.

She might be doing it on purpose. "Mmm." She says noncommittally as he describes the Plan... And then she blinks as Harry freaks out. With a grunt, Riva glances around, and then shrugs. "I don't see a problem here. Where's the problem?" She asks Harry. Maybe her Spider Senses are turned off. Or maybe she's the dense one of the team.

Harry Dresden (206) has posed:
    Harry Dresden grumbles faintly. Cynicsm. That hand loosens on the staff a little bit, and the wizard's dangerous mein slides away faintly. He's still at the ready though. "Sorry, yeah you can buy a hot dog. You'll have to excuse people though when the person buying a hotdog is walking in on a stakeout and is also tripping every warning a fella's got."
    Eyes flick over at Inga and Riva though, and Harry grumps.
    "Wolf, then. You're not one of the Alphas..."

Bigby Wolf (585) has posed:
"You'll have to excuse me for not knowing this was a stakeout," Bigby retorts, with a definite 'well la-di-dah aren't you important' tone. He smirks, first at Inga's assessment, and is about to correct her 'Wolfskin' comment with a simple, 'Wolf,' when Harry does it for him and his smirk turns into a lazy scoff. He takes a bite of the hot dog. "I'm not?" he queries. "Well, that sucks. So whose throat do I have to tear out to earn my title back?"

His posture is relaxed, lazily confident, with no indication that he's actually tensing for any kind of conflict.

Instead, he gestures with his chin toward the building across the street. "That your stakeout objective? I thought I smelled something funny about the place. What happened?"

Because surely these strange, suspicious people will want to spill the details to a random Scary Person eating a hot dog and being kind of a dick about it.

Inga has posed:
There's Riva, oblivious of the dangerous man that could turn into a powerful supernatural creature while Inga and Harry get all in a twist over his presence.

Inga is untwisting however. She doesn't think the man will start trouble here, with all these people around. The wisewoman gives Harry a questioning look as she asks, "what is a stakeout?" As for the alpha comment, she's a little confused. There are /more/ creatures like this around?

Inga can only offer the wolf a shrug. Not her town.

She also pretty accustomed to warrior-types being dicks. Rolls right off her shoulders. For now.

Riva Banari has posed:
"Hey, relax people." Riva waves her hands. "No need to get all feisty!" Riva just tries her best to moderate this. "Look, there's nothing to worry about here, let's just get our stuff handled and get moving." She looks over to Inga. "It's a term for where you wait and watch for a crime or something else. Like hunting, I guess."

She looks back to Bigby. "Do you really want to get involved in this stuff?" She asks. "I mean, you might be a wolf, I guess, but uh...." She pauses. "This is getting /super awkward/."

Harry Dresden (206) has posed:
    Harry's eyebrow raises a bit at Bigby's... manner. There's a snort, and he chuckles. "The assholes who built the place put blood in the slurry when they poured it, or so we think. We were going to go in and ruin whatever sort of crap magic they left behind."
    He's now leaning on the staff, rather than gripping at it. "Honestly we were looking to sneak in and say behind once they locked up but..." The place is pretty dark now, with the last of the library staff shuffling out. "Now it's gonna be breaking an entering, I guess."

Inga has posed:
Inga looks to Riva , brow rising. "Ah, I see," she replies. What a strange expression! Because you stay in one place, like a stake in the ground? Odd. As for awkwardness, this doesn't even rate on the awkward-o-meter for Inga. The awkward-o-meter has been hitting new heights.

"Well, I did not mean to stare at you rudely sir, and since we are speaking I believe it would be right to at least introduce ourselves. I am Inga Freyasdottir, a wisewoman of Uppsala. This is shield-maiden Riva Banari, and this giant is Wizard Dresden," she says. Titles! They are happening!

Inga looks toward Harry, tossing her long braid over her shoulder. "Ah well. I can conceal us--and you must know a charm to gain entrance?"

Woo, she gets to mess up someone else's blood magic! After recent events, Inga would welcome feeling competant.

Bigby Wolf (585) has posed:
Bigby glances at the hotdog in one hand, and the stump of cigarette in the other. Shrugs, and drops the cig on the ground to grind it out beneath his shoe. "Blood magic," he grunts. "Sounds nasty. Well, I got nothing better to do if you want a hand." Making allies is part of his mission statement after all, and this sounds like a good cause.

His gaze wanders past Harry to Riva, and he gives her a distinctly predatory smirk. "Not 'a' wolf, honey; I'm 'the' Wolf." No harm in revealing his identity at this point, he supposes, since these folks are clearly magic-sensitive and not your typical keep-em-in-the-dark mundies. "But you can call me Bigby." He gives a slight nod to Inga, acknowledging her introductions.

"I'm not so bad at breaking down doors if that's what's needed, either."

Riva Banari has posed:
Riva Banari says, "No, like staking an animal out to lure what you're hunting." Riva replies dryly to Inga.

Riva looks over to Bigby and thinks for a moment, before her expression brightens. "You mean /the/ Wolf? The Big Bad Wolf? Huffing and puffing? Well, that's... pretty amazing!" She says, trying to be optimistic about it. "Oh right, you were talking on the radio a while ago, weren't you?"

Harry goes and explains what's up. "I don't know what guys think they're going to accomplish by doing this kind of asstastic evil magic around here but if we find 'em they're going to regret it." Riva pops her knuckles meaningfully. It might be more intimidating if she actually looked like she could brawl, compared to the slab of badass wolf over there."

Harry Dresden (206) has posed:
    Bigby. Knocking down doors. The Wolf. And then Riva spells it out. Big. Bad. Wolf.

    Harry Dresden stares at Bigby, eyes narrowing a bit. "You're kidding me."

Bigby Wolf (585) has posed:
Bigby stuffs the remainder of the hot dog in his mouth and chucks a thumb at Riva. "She's got it," he confirms through the mouthful of processed meat. Swallows hard. "Yeah, I was on the Syndicate frequency yesterday. Were you one of the people on there? Sorry, I'm... better with smells than voices."

He gives Harry a bland look. "Well I'd /prove/ it to you but I have rules about huffing and puffing in public." Contrary to this statement he shakes out another cigarette and puffs on /that/. "So, are we going to break into this place or stand around sniffing each others' butts all night?"

Inga has posed:
The Wolf? That may have different meanings to Inga. Riva and Harry seem to have a clue, and a story is certainly tickling at her mind--one that has warped a great deal since its inception no doubt. So, Inga merely raises a brow and pulls herself to her feet, staff in hand.

Inga looks to Riva, open to explaination.

"Yes, lets go see what these so-called witches have wrought there," she says, wondering if they are moving on.

A small smile to Bigby. "I don't think that will be needed, but good to know," she says

Inga then begins to cross the street as if expecting the cars should just know to stop for her.

Furious honking ensues.

Harry Dresden (206) has posed:
    The library is... well, it's not the most secure place. A side door is easily popped open to get into the basement, by a number of means, but Harry goes with a nice spell of opening.

    The archived stacks are dark, with reference materials down here in the dusty confines of the sub basement. The library's old Card Catalog drawer are down here as well, turning the place into a bit of a maze/rat race. Who the heck could find anything down here?

Bigby Wolf (585) has posed:
Bigby crosses the street with a little more decorum, actually watching for traffic before blithely crossing. He seems almost a little disappointed at how easily they're able to gain entrance. Shameful security. He stubs out his cig on the way in, and sneezes as he enters the dusty archives. Blowing out a sharp snort to clear his sinuses, he then lifts his head for a good sniff. Who could find anything down here? Try this nose.

"Over this way," he gestures with one arm, pointing deeper into the building, and turning his head in that direction to confirm the scent. "Your call, Captain," he grins at Harry Hobo, his eyes betraying a faintly luminous glow in the dim light. "You want to lead the way or should I show you where to go?"

Riva Banari has posed:
"It's fine. I have a line." She says sort of evasively. "We can talk more about that later." Riva, too, waits to cross with traffic, sort of facepalming when Inga heads over. "At least it's not New York. They'd probably run her over." She mutters.

Nevertheless, they get inside. Riva's perfectly content with just watching the environment, though she does watch Bigby. Not with suspicion, but curiosity. She doesn't seem /that/ put off by his gruff demeanor, though she does back off a bit when he gets that cigarette smoke near her.

Inga has posed:
Inga gives Harry a nod of approval for his spell, then moves in, her eyes scanning the dusty space. The card catalogs are are foreign to her as computers until she's learned to read. Inga opens her magical senses a touch wider, searching for a hint.

The Wolf has caught the scent it would seem, and Inga looks to him with a nod. If he can smell the old blood, may as well let him lead them to it.

Poor Riva, Inga's going to give her white hairs.

Harry Dresden (206) has posed:
    Dresden grumps at the condition of the place, and murmurs as he follows along behind Bigby. "This place is bigger. Newer than the last one. Had the outside walls up and they were working on the Inside when the Fire hit. All sorts of dark and shitty secrets down here, though..."
    The Wolf is leading them over towards a central set of rooms, concrete and brick construction around where support pillars likely lie.
    Riva's Anima would prickle first as there's a glint of energy over the top of even the unobservant Templar. This time... it's one of their symbols to go along with the rest. Oh dear.
    Inga's senses will <span class=" bold_fg_y bg_n ++ atch...

    chy">...wisdom flows so sweet...</span>

    A glimpse of Three Old Men shaking hands over the top of blueprints.
    A worker with their throat slit in the dark, blood pooling into a cement mixer.
    And then a long cavalcade of shitty lives growing up in the dark down here. So many young people, going off to do awful things with thier lifes.

Bigby Wolf (585) has posed:
The Wolf leads swift and sure through the maze of junk and old construction, his footsteps muffled by the blanket of dust. He pauses ocassionally to wipe his nose and clear it with little sharp snorts, but these are only moments along a purposeful route. Though his sense of the blood scent is clear, he doesn't have the insight of the witches into exactly what kind of horrible shit went down here; just a vague sense of unease.

Unease isn't enough to give him pause, though. Unless someone calls for him to wait, or he detects an active, living threat, he'll follow the trail steadily on to its source.

Inga has posed:
Inga enters the area before her visions swims before her. She reaches out to grab hold of one of the pillars, but touching it only makes the signal stronger. Her eyes roll back as she gasps, then begins to speak the vision of the past, telling what it is she Sees.

A heavy breath as the vision leaves her, the feeling of despair rocking her physically and mentally as usual. Visions are intense. "Odin's bones," she swears. "A long and wicked curse--what purpose does this even have? Who benefits from the energy raised here?" she asks, leaning against the pillar.

"We can purge this. Just...kindly give me a moment," she says, opening the larger of her pouches to pull out her knife.

Riva Banari has posed:
Riva feels the prickle, and looks around, frowning at the presence of certain markings. "Hey, these look almost like..." She pauses. "Well, I guess the Templars might exist here too. It'd make sense." She shrugs. It's not really relevant to her yet, it seems.

Riva seems to get chatty when she's nervous. "So, anyone see anything yet? No horrors from the darkness or murderous crazies?"

She glances over to Inga. "You know, I asked the /same thing/ last time. If we find the guys behind this I'll make sure to ask before kicking them in the jimmies repeatedly."

Bigby Wolf (585) has posed:
Bigby pauses to cast a look back at Inga's exclamation. "The source is still up ahead," he points out. Why does she want to stop here?

Harry Dresden (206) has posed:
    Harry Dresden grumps and trompstomps forward to a point equidistant from the pillars and kicks a bit at the floor. There's a rattling of dust from the blocks, and a little delicate ring set into the stone. It's as wide as a man is tall in diameter, and vague markings sit around the ring.

    The wizard grumbles as Inga confirms what he thought, and starts digging in his duster. He then hands a bag to Bigby. "Wanna help. Help me huff and puff this at the floor. Just don't breathe it in too much." The bag feels like very fine sand and is heavier than it should be.

    He then looks over at Riva, and murmurs. "Get your sword out."

Inga has posed:
Inga gives Bigby a look. "Because visions are very disorienting and I would rather not fall on my face," she informs him.

A sigh, and Inga straightens to continue forward, staff clicking against the floor as she moves.

A trap door is found (is this a thing for wizard types in this era!?) and grips her knife in one hand, ready to stab. She looks to Riva, shaking her head. "No, stab first, then ask as they are bleeding out," she replies.

Riva Banari has posed:
Riva nods and opens her coat. The coat wasn't actually hiding the blade all that well but it was good enough for non-government independant contractor work. The weapon is a simple broadsword of standard steel, except for a couple of points: First, it looks a little warped, as if it was exposed to a great deal of heat at some point, and it's also inscribed with a faint silvery circuit-like pattern that stands out slightly from the metal itself. Riva stands ready with the weapon, making sure to keep it not pointed at Bigby. She immediately saw how holding a weapon with silvery-looking metal in it might make him super nervous given the situation.

"You know, I like that idea too." Riva nods to Inga. "Anyway, I'm ready when you guys are.

Bigby Wolf (585) has posed:
Bigby looks at Dresden, the bag, and the cramped quarters. No, he doesn't think Hobo Harry REALLY wants his huff and puff here. Besides, he'd have to take all his clothes off first and there are ladies present. "You... want me to spread this on the floor?" he asks, to confirm. He's no wizard, he's just a big bad beast. He doesn't know what the fuck with these rituals.

Riva's blade does get a glance, but the Wolf doesn't seem particularly perturbed by it; or at least no more than a regular dude would be by a regular blade.

Riva Banari has posed:
"If it makes you feel any better, I have no idea what he wants you to do with that stuff either." Riva comments from the side.

Bigby Wolf (585) has posed:
That does, in fact, earn a slight upturn of the corners of Bigby's mouth.

Harry Dresden (206) has posed:
    Harry nods, and chuckles, catching the hesitation. "Yeah yeah, I'll get the half over here."
    He takes a handful out of the bag, and starts to sprinkle it around in the area of the taint. And as it goes, the floor starts to glow faintly, as that dust settles into the seams of the circle.

    Blood red lines start to dully illuminate the dark basement. This circle is more elaborate than the last, with three inscribed rings instead of the two before. This is a circle of summoning, and not binding. This is a Bad Circle. A Wrong Circle. A circle made specifically for being reckless with magic, and the tension in the room builds. Energies are collecting now that the circle's been revealed.

Inga has posed:
Inga gives Harry an 'oh, the uninitiated' sort of look.

"Yes, spread it over the floor--what is it? Graveyard dirt? Bone dust?" she hazards a guess.

As the whatever-it-is is spread over the floor, Inga stands back and watches, frowning gently. This sort of magic is a thing she is not really familiar with. Circles and latin symbols, etc. She is however, quick minded and sensitive to magical energies--not to mention the visions.

The wisewoman touches the blade of her dagger to ward against evil, then begins to walks slowly around the circle, trying to guess it's purpose. "I feel the touch of malevolent spirits," she says quietly, then looks up to Harry. "We need to break it?" she asks.

Bigby Wolf (585) has posed:
Keeping one eye on what Harry is doing, Bigby follows suit, sprinkling the strangely heavy dust around his half of the area. The short hairs on the back of his neck stand up. Glancing from one lady to the other, with their weapons out, he asks, "Uh, exactly what are we about to pull through into this world?"

Of course the answer probably makes itself evident sooner than any verbal explanation can suffice.

Harry Dresden (206) has posed:
    Harry smiles. "We're gonna bust it."

    He shuffles back a step, and nods at Inga and Riva. "Push your anima into it, and ground this piece of crap. I'll see what it takes to blow this one up."

Riva Banari has posed:
Riva nods, and gets to work as soon as the signal is given. She stabs the point of the blade down, perhaps a bit more forcefully than one might expect given it's a sword and she's certainly not going to puncture concrete with it... And then she begins pouring Anima through the blade, using the weapon as a conduit to dump her own power into the circle. The blade gleams a honey-colored gold as she does so. The last circle grounded out and was countered by it last time, hopefully this one is built on the same principles. "Go for it." Riva calls.

Bigby Wolf (585) has posed:
Bigby Wolf is a bit mystified by all of this, uncertain how he'll need to react when the whatever-it-is appears, but not afraid. Oh no. Everyone else is afraid of HIM, not the other way around. He keeps one eye on Harry for his cue to act, and his stance shifts to the wary readiness of a man about to get into a brawl, balanced on the balls of his feet, hands slightly curling toward fists.

Inga has posed:
Of course they are going to break it. Inga nods, then brings her knife up to slice open her arm.

Apparently its for stabbing /herself/.

Blood sprays, but congeals, forming a spear in the air that Inga then uses to do as Riva is doing, plunging it down into the circle and channeling her power through it, chanting words of power as she does so.

Harry Dresden (206) has posed:
    The Wizard has learned. Last time he shot the damn thing when it was right in front of him and Riva. This time... he's angling his blast off away from the group.

    And as the two ladies ground the circle's power, there's a tactile lessening of the tension in the room, the circle dimming in intensity. Harry snorts. "Bigby, if this messes up, kill whatever comes out of there."
    That cheerful thought in the minds of everyone, he points his staff down at the circle, draws up his power and... FOZARE!

    Okay so it's not as directly messy this time. This time, there's a kickback of air and force and noise and light and BLOOD holy crap the blood and not Inga's blood. Nope, this is more of that 200 year old blood that mixes with dust and marble and uranium powder. Harry staggers back and falls on his ass.

Bigby Wolf (585) has posed:
Kill whatever comes out? Well that's straightforward enough. That's the kind of task he's built for. Bigby flexes his fingers, the nails seeming to look a little bit longer and sharper as he stares intently at the circle with eyes that seem to reflect the honey-golden glow from the channeled power.

And then he's blasted backward, throwing an arm reflexively over his face to shield his eyes from the blast, though he doesn't fall over like SOME people. A disgusting mix of dust and blood seems to be coating him like an explosion of flour from a particularly inept baker. He coughs, once. "...is that it?"

Riva Banari has posed:
Riva knows what to expect, but that doesn't make it any better. Riva is sent flying, hitting the ground roughly as her sword goes skidding along the floor in another direction. And she's coated /again/ in 200 year old dried blood and cement. She spits repeatedly, yelling, "EEW EEW EEW NOT AGAIN!" At least she's not deaf this time.

Inga has posed:
There is no way Inga is going to be able to remain on her feet when a force like that slams into her. Momentarily blinded, Inga is blown off her feet and collapses backwards, sprayed with two hundred year old blood, dust, and uranian powder (well, at least she doesn't know what that is so she can't be worried about it).

She has enough sense to curl a bit so he head doesn't smack against the floor, but she's still stunned for a moment before she sits up. "Is everyone alright?" she asks, reaching up to wipe a clean lean through the grime on her face over her eyes. She blinks, then promptly snickers. Bigby sounds so disappointed, and Riva so thoroughly grossed out. Harry's on his behind, and all of them are filthy.

And for some reason, that is hilarious.

Harry Dresden (206) has posed:
    But before Harry can even respond to that, the fire alarms start to go off inside the building and in the basement...

    All of the sprinklers turn on. Wooooooooooooooosh. Harry gahs and sputters and stammers. "Gah! That's no good, everyone out out out go go go. Before the fire department shows up."
    No he does not want to explain things to Murphy. Tonight.

Inga has posed:
Well, they /did/ all need a shower...

Inga laughs more, accepting help to her feet if it is offered. Seems they have to get out of there quickly or they will be in trouble.

"I can work a concealment charm once we are out, should get us back to your home without drawing attention," she informs them. Concealment charms to dodge the authorities. Rebels.

Riva Banari has posed:
Sprinklers! Woo! Riva looks like she is totally going to use the sprinklers to clean off until Harry yells to get out. She grumps for a moment, but doesn't argue. She gets the hell out with the others, snagging her sword on the way. "What a night."