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Latest revision as of 12:07, 30 October 2014

Green and Blue in Fuschia
Date of Scene: 30 October 2014
Location: Fuschia-Cinnabar Area <FC>
Synopsis: Riva and Ayako sit at a seaside cafe in Fuschia, talking about random things. The color of the grass on the other side is discussed.
Cast of Characters: Riva Banari, Ayako Hasekawa

Riva Banari has posed:
And so Riva decided it was time to go hang out with Ayako. And she asked for a place with a lot of water, so....

A random selection involving 'water' and 'nice town' sends Riva and her watery ffiend to Fuschia Town. The place is a nice port town, simple enough in layout. Riva seems to be fascinated by the Pokemon all over the place, working along with people to do various things, but that doesn't keep her from finding a portside cafe, where she's gotten herself and Ayako a table.

Riva herself is drinking some tea and munching on a sweet bun of some kind. "This place is nice and peaceful. I guess I can see why people like it!" She comments.

Ayako Hasekawa has posed:
    Ayako of course jumped at the chance to meet up with Riva! While she did say that she liked places with lots of water, she didn't mean to limit where Riva could go... but nonetheless is happy to meet up with her.

    For Ayako, seeing a Pokemon is definitely a new experience. And so she spends a bit more time than usual looking at them curiously. While Ayako herself doesn't eat, she still sits next to Riva cheerfully and is sipping from a bottle of water. "It is nice! I do sort of wonder why it's called Fuschia City, though." She giggles brightly.

Riva Banari has posed:
"Well, from what I saw, basically all of the towns in this region are named after colors." Riva gestures. "There's also a Cerulean, a Vermillion, Saffron, and all that." She pauses. "But what really gets me are the little creatures they have here. Pokemon?" She pauses, sipping her tea. "They're /super cute/. Almost like you, Ayako." She teases with a grin. "So what do you usually do to pass the time? You've apparently got a lot of it, right? I'm sure you don't spend /all/ of it telling fortunes..."

Ayako Hasekawa has posed:
    Ayako blinks her eyes quickly. "Haah... named after colors, huh...?" She shakes her head slowly. "Next you're going to tell me that there are people named after trees." She giggles brightly and then nods her head once. "Aahh... they're called Pokemon, huh?" And then blushes deeply when she's called /super cute/.

    Ayako pulls the brim of her witch hat down to hide her blushing face. "T-t-thank you, Riva." She lifts the brim of her hat slightly so she can peek out with her amber eyes. Why yes, she's still blushing, but her eyes almost glisten golden-it seems she likes answering questions! "I... I do have a lot fo free time. Usually I'm bottling Healing Water in Union Medical, but otherwise... I just wander around." Her gaze goes downwards and her hat's edge goes downwards a bit as well, "I don't tell fortunes all the time. Only when I get in the mood for it."

Riva Banari has posed:
Riva picks up her phone and pokes at it for a moment.

A minute later, she holds it up, the smartphone showing an older guy in a lab. "Professor Oak." She just comments, then sets it aside.

When Ayako gets all embarassed, Riva leans over. "Awww, don't worry about it, Ayako! Be happy! You really rock the water." She chuckles at that, and then picks up her sweet bun and gestures with it.

"Healing Water, huh? You mentioned that before. So you can just make it? It's gotta be really useful for the Union." She grins at that. "I bet they ask you how to make it all the time, too." She shakes her head. "But I ber you just fold your arms and go 'Ayako's special secret! 14 herbs and spices!" And they're all 'awwwwww' but you're just 'Nope! I like having a job!'" Her voice changes tone as she goes through that, pitching in some vague approximation of Ayako's whenever she mimics her. And then she laughs a bit. "Well, I guess after thousands of years, there's still plenty to see out there in this multiverse. You probably have a really different perspective on some things."

Ayako Hasekawa has posed:
    Ayako blinks at the smartphone's picture for a moment... and then shakes her head. "Uh huh..." And then smiles softly while still blushing. "I... I am happy! But... uhh... rock the water?"

    Ayako then nods her head slowly. "Yup. I can make it like I can make water." As if to demonstrate, she sticks her pointer finger into her water bottle and said finger turns into water and emits a stream of water to refill her bottle. "Well... I hope it's useful!" She smiles softly and nods her head. "They do ask me to make it all the time. And... 14 herbs and spices?" Her head inclines to the side in confusion as she blinks her eyes slowly. She does giggle brightly at Riva's impression of her voice. "Oh oh, that's pretty good!"

    Ayako nods her head slowly... "There's lots to see... but I don't know if I have a really different perspective or not... for me, it's normal."

Riva Banari has posed:
"It's just a reference from my world. There's this place that makes fried chicken and they say it's so good because of the secret recipe of 14 herbs and spices in the breading." Riva replies, explaining it. "And of course it's normal for you, you've always been an awesome water spirit. I guess I can't talk, I've always been a human." She pauses. "I guess..." And then she pauses again, and then shrugs. "But yeah! Short of us figuting out a way to swap places in some insane freak occurrance, I guess all I could do would be to imagine it."

She leans forward on the table, leaning on her arms as she smiles over to Ayako. "Don't worry about it, okay? You're fun to be around!"

Ayako Hasekawa has posed:
    Ayako listens intently to Riva about the fried chicken... and then her eyes close halfway and she flatly says, although in a joking fashion, "I bet one of those speices... is salt." She tries to hold this flat expression-but can't for more than a few seconds and then bursts into giggles. Her head shakes slowly and makes a melodious disagreeing noise, "Mmm, there's nothing wrong with being a human." A gentle smile crosses her face.

    When Riva mensions experiencing what it's like to be made of water, Ayako thinks to herself for a moment. She then opens her mouth to say something... and then slowly closes her mouth. Was she going to say something? It's not exactly clear.

    She does, however smile cheerfully at Riva. "Riva, you're also fun to be around too!"

Riva Banari has posed:
"Salt is awesome, until you get too much. Don't want you to get too briny now!" Riva laughs. She can make jokes about apparently /anything/ all day. "Oh yeah, no problems with being a human. Sometimes you gotta wonder, though. What would it be like to be something else? I mean, there's all kinds of crazy awesome things out there, like dragons, and spirits, and robot unicorns... You know what I mean, right?" Her eyes are bright as the looks out over the Pokemon city. "Or even a Pokemon." She laughs, drinking some tea. "I bet they get to do fun things, look at how much the people here love them. I guess I'm just always wondering what shade of green is on the other side of the fence."

She does, however, squint at Ayako for a moment when she looks thoughtful... but the moment passes. "That's good! I'd hate to be boring after I'm dragging you out and about to places, right? Maybe next time I'll take us out for ice cream. You can get a sorbet, that's /kind/ of like frozen water, right?"

Ayako Hasekawa has posed:
    Ayako giggles brightly. "If I go swimming in the ocean, I get really really briny. It actually feels kind of icky for me, since I perfer being made of pure water." She smiles softly. "Well... I could look like just about anyting but... I'd still be a water spirit underneath it all... and I think you would still be a human even if you were turned into something else, Riva!" Ayako then thirstily drinks from her bottle of water. She then smiles softly and thinks to herself for a while. "Hmm... what shade of green, huh?"

    Ayako places her water bottle onto the table and then cups her hands together. A ball of water forms in her hands and slowly changes shape. It actually takes a good few minutes-what she's forming out of water isn't the usual simple thing. When she's done, she offers what she formed to Riva. It seems to be a monocle scope, much like the ones used to inspect cut jewels. "Here Riva..."

    If Riva were to look through it, the world looks... incredibly strange through that lens. Water and water mana are plainly visible through it and nothing else. Ayako herself is of course made of water and is a massive ball of water mana as well. "This... is how the world feels to me... well, in human visual terms, anyway!" She giggles softly.

    Ayako does note the squint... and almost says something, but... she seems to be hesitating for some reason. Nonetheless, she does smile cheerfully at Riva. "And you're not boring! Eh heh. Hmm... well... that would be okay! As long as it's not carbonated in anyway... I get... weird when I drink that kind of thing." She blushes lightly.

Riva Banari has posed:
Ayako causes Riva to nod. "I guess you're right. I'd still want to be me despite whatever I was doing at the time. Don't mind me, I just like thinking out loud sometimes." She munches on the last of the bun, and then tilts her head. "And you'd still be the same Ayako, too. That's why you shouldn't be worried about Halloween, you know? Anyone who knows you won't care what you look like, even if it's super scary."

She reaches out and picks up the watery lens, and holds it up, looking through it. Her eyes go wide as she starts looking around the area, looking intently at things. "So this is what it's like to see things like you do, huh? The colors! The way things all flow together, it's beautiful."

And then she looks over at Ayako, and stares for a moment. "And so are you!" She says, awed. "You're like a million tiny stars, all flowing around and about. The patterns are so cool!" Looks like sht's really getting into it.

Riva laughs again, tilting her head as Ayako blushes. "Don't worry. I won't be giving you anything like that. You're safe with me!" She picks up the loupe and offers it back. "I should give this back. It can't be easy to keep something like this together, huh?"

Ayako Hasekawa has posed:
    Ayako smiles cheerfully at Riva. "I think aloud all the time too. When you're with friends that understand, I don't think it's a bad thing at all." She then smiles awkwardly when Riva brings up Halloween. "Ha ha ha... well... I guess I'll see when it actually becomes Halloween, huh...?" A soft sigh escapes her lips and she shakes her head slowly.

    Ayako rests her chin on her palms and rests her elbows on the table when Riva starts looking through the lens. "Eh heh... well... thank you very much." And then blushes again when Riva compliments her!

    Ayako takes the lens back with a soft smile on her face. "It is pretty hard to do, but... you did want to see how the green looks on my side." She giggles brightly as she gently puts the lens into a pocket in her muffler.