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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2014/10/02 |Location=Urbania |Synopsis=Arabian Nights shenanigans happen. |Thanks= |Cast of Characters=2, 33, 42, 135, 176, 219, 253, 274, 395, 545...")
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Latest revision as of 20:50, 31 October 2014

Yad Lamron A
Date of Scene: 02 October 2014
Location: Urbania
Synopsis: Arabian Nights shenanigans happen.
Cast of Characters: 2, Arthur Lowell, Staren, 135, 176, 219, 253, 274, 395, 545
Tinyplot: Project C

Herbert West (274) has posed:
'Giant Camel' was something of an exaggeration. While giant compared to a normal camel, it 'only' clocks in at perhaps thirty feet tall at the hump. It's a Dromedary by the way. That's nothing compared to some of the giant robots and monsters that have been here!

What West forgot to mention was the minstrel on the back, singing(poorly): "ARABIAN NIIIIIIIGHTS~"

In the time it took him to report that, though, clouds have gathered! They thunder ominously, and a genie is seens scutting across the sky, poking at the clouds, his lower half made up of dark rainclouds as well.

Ness and Stone are there, of course, but Ness is just scratching his head. "Technically it isn't /doing/ anything wrong except obstructing traffic."

Homura Akemi (2) has posed:
    Homura appears behind Ness and Stone, stepping forward. She is wearing the standard business suit with untied jacket and no tie, her glasses on and her hair loose.

    "Yes, but I expect when we try to get it to stop it's going to cause a bit of a ruckus. Probably. Have you already gotten everyone you could to leave the area?""

Psyber (253) has posed:
    Psyber is here. He's driving a modest and responsible mid-sized sedan with an excellent crash-test rating. He has Hastur (and probably Homura) in the car with him. As he puts it in park, he turns off the ignition and looks out the window to the camel. And to the minstrel.

    "Alright, I have a plan. Homura, grab the drums out of my truck. If you can't play, just fake it. I'm getting the electric guitar and amp." Psyber says firmly, getting out and opening the trunk, "Hastur, wait for your musical cue. This is gonna be great. And probably get me killed. But still totally awesome."

    Psyber dashes out of the car, opens the trunk, and promptly vanishes. He reappears moments later on a rooftop with a guitar and an amp, plugging it in. He's on a rooftop and he's wearing a necklace with YET ANOTHER of Laine's boomstones in it.

    He strikes a chord on the guitar and shouts, "Maaaaaaaaaaaaake waaaaaaay! For Yeeeeeeeeeellow Kiiiiiiiiiiing! Yes praaaaaaaaise the Yellow King!" His voice, of course, carries due to the magic. And he's rocking that guitar pretty hard. It's a rock cover, of course!

    "Hey clear the way from old down Squa~are! Hey, shift your gaze, who's that over the-ere~. Oh come be the first on your block to meet her eeeeye! Make way! here she comes! Ring Bells! Bang the Drums! Ah! You're gonna love this gaaaaaaaaal!"

    Psyber promptly rocks the fuck out, "Yeeeeeeeellow Kiiiiiiiiiing! Fabulous Sheeeeeee! Haaaaaastur of R'lyeh! Peasant scuuuum, baaang on your druuuuuuum, call out her naaaame! Now try your best to respect, your sanity she'll reflect! Then come and meet the Old One from outside tiiiiiiime!"

Herbert West (274) has posed:
By now Stone and Ness are used to this sort of thing, so Stone replies, "Of course! That was the first thing we did!"

Lila (545) has posed:
    Lila is atop a large building, where she can see everything unfold. She has a milkshake, and as usual she is contributing nothing(visible) to the scene.

Amalthea (395) has posed:
    By now, with all the ruckus that chronically occurs in Arkham, by the time Amalthea arrives, she's already holding her head. The giant singing camel is one thing.
    Psyber takes it to a whole new level.
    Nevertheless, the armored unicorn joins with Homura, Stone, and Ness.
    "... So how are the property rates in the city, by now?"

Ariel (219) has posed:
Ariel is DASHING to the scene! Except this time, she isn't flying, but carrying Al on her back, in Unicorn form. Galloping up toward the street, she screeches to a halt and perks up ears. "Oh... well um... in that case."

Ariel just... lets the others take care of this while she concentrates, sending out feelers for the source of the magic power that's fueling these apparitions. If Al is right, that should mean they can strike the source.

Staren has posed:
    Once again, Staren's mecha is stashed 'discreetly' and he flies over the area in his power armor. If this is a page... well, he can't be too careful, can he? Black Lodge might show up, too.

    But this... he just... he just stares and listens and sees how this all pans out.

Hastur (176) has posed:
    Hastur is indeed in Psyber's sedan, looking more than vaguely annoyed as she sulks in the front seat. This was probably not how she wanted to spend her evening, but...well, when duty calls, Hastur gets off her lazy ass so she doesn't have to deal with regenerating gunshot or axe wounds.

    Once they park, Hastur steps out and shuts the door behind her, then turns to Psyber and...stares. Confusion flits over her expression as she looks between him and the giant camel, then back aga-

    Oh. He's gone already.

    And then she hears him /singing/. Her expression changes from confusion to shock, then deeper confusion as she turns to look up at where the half-angel has vanished to. One crimson eye twitches.

    "It's /Carcosa/, not /R'lyeh/," she shouts as loudly as she can, glaring up at Psyber from the street level and no doubt being drowned out by what one might call an eldritch battle of the bands. "/I'm/ not sitting in hibernation at the bottom of some scum-filled ocean like a common barnacle!"

    For the moment, she's more focused on being a complete lyrics snob than dealing with the strangeness around town.

Al Azif (135) has posed:
    Al, being on Ariel's back, arrives at the same time! For this one, she's mostly watching, but being in her actual human form she can do a little more than usual.

    "This is the WORST IDEA EVER, you know?"

    She can bitch more at Psyber.

Arthur Lowell has posed:

    Tries, for a moment, to arrive in his usual way, with a lot of rocket-brooming! Blasting his way through the streets, yelling! "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh it's not doing anything." He says, as his broom sputters out under him and he slides to a stop somewhere near Ness and Stone. "WHY is it not doing anything? Besides CARRYING THAT MUSIC." He makes a disgusted face, sticking his tongue out.

    He then takes a moment to peer at Heaven or Hell's showing here, squinting an eye in a baffled, uncomprehending way. "Is he... Is this a MUSICAL THING? Is THAT what we're doing? What?" He shuts his eyes and shakes his head. "WHATEVER! Okay, time for WAY MORE JOKE DEDICATION than I oughta have." With a flourishing gesture, he's suddenly brandishing... A mundane corn broom! He's going to wait, of course, a fairly long while for the natural reaction to Psyber's musical thing.

    Then he intends to immediately blast forward and up with a burst of gravity magic, and use the increased surface area of the camel to avoid hitting the minstrel while he tries to slam the broom into the camel's back in a way intended to snap the spine. Moreover, though, he tries to land on it and appear to have threatening proximity to the minstrel! He'll take a COMBAT-READY STANCE... For fighting the GENIE!

    Arthur thinks he knows what's going on here. But first thing's first: It's time to wield the straw that breaks the camel's back.

Herbert West (274) has posed:
ARTHER streaks in and SLAMS his broom down... which makes the camel BLEAT loudly and buckle at the knees! That was a powerful hit! A loud *WHUMP* has it land on the street, where it immediately... does nothing special. It doesn't even try to get up.

The GENIE is a danger, that's true! Because thunder rolls, and it summons up a lightning bolt to its hand. Laughing and using his other hand to stroke the little tiny beard, he holds aloft the crackling bolt, squaring off with Arthur! But, even though he throws it, Arthur will find the genie alone is fairly weak.

Ariel sends feelers out, and a few blocks away can get the pulse of something magical. It's not that hard.

MEANWHILE everyone else sees the camel lurch to a stop and stare... then spits. *PTOOIE!*

The spit slams into the sensible mid-sized sedan, which EXPLODES IN A TREMENDOUS BAY-STYLE FIREBALL!

And then the minstril... stops singing, and begins to play something else: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5gNuj8UkyC4#t=11

Staren has posed:
    Staren listens along... May as well enjoy the song, right? And then, everything breaks down because SPITFIREBALL.

    The catboy teleports back to his mecha, as before, and soon has it in the air, firing a burst of railgun fire down at the robo-camel!

Psyber (253) has posed:
    Psyber frantically waves a hand at Hastur during a pause in the song. And at Al too, "I don't have time for this criticism. I don't go to where either of you work and tell you how to eat and sleep all day while criticizing people. Jesus, you two should go into business together. You'd practically be unstoppable!" He scolds to BOTH of the ancient and Lovecraftian entities that have chosen to criticize him today, "And another thi-"

    "MY RESPONSIBLE PARENT CAR! NO!" Psyber shouts, falling to his knees in bitter agony, "Its crash test ratings were SO GOOD and it had a TV in the back so Homura or Hastur could watch Finding Nemo on long car rides." Psyber cries to the sky, "I was trying to be a responsible aduuuuuult!"

    He backflips up onto his feet and slams a hand down on the guitar, "You want a duel?! It's ON."

    His fingers expertly pluck at the strings as he lets out a rock music response to the acoustic challenge.


Homura Akemi (2) has posed:
    Well at least Arthur seems fine.
    Homura mentally shrugs and walks past Ness and Stone.

    If they have people out then there's not much left to do, anyway.

    "So what do you two do, anyway? Weapons? Any special skills? You wouldn't have survived this long without something, anything, under your belt in these conditions, would you?"

    Although she does not move in the slightest, a dozen 9mm bullets suddenly appear in the air on camel's head level, and streak towards its right eye.

Lila (545) has posed:
    From far away, an empty milkshake cup is tossed at the camel, too. TAKE THAT!

Amalthea (395) has posed:
    You know what.
    "... I think the others have this handled."
    Amalthea proceeds to just hold her hands up, palms out.
    Then to Ness and Stone: "Think there'd be anything by a park maybe?"

Ariel (219) has posed:
"Seriously?" Ariel is galloping along, searching for the place where the source of magic is coming from. It's not like she's doing anything all that intense, except for running REALLY FAST down the street. Hopefully everyone else can handle the actual problem.

"Al... how powerful is this mirror, anyway?"

Arthur Lowell has posed:
    Arthur doesn't make a lot of sense. When the GENIE comes around, he does something counterintuitive! He floats up, accepting the bolt head-on! Mostly because he can't really dodge and wouldn't be able to make it not look silly. However, floating up means he is NOT GROUNDED, and therefore cannot disperse the electrical charge! "HRRRRRRRRGH!" He gives off a long grunt of pain before seeming slightly underwhelmed. "DAMN IT, I thought I had you FIGURED OUT! Fuck it, we'll DO THIS THE NORMAL WAY!"

    The LIGHTNING-CHARGED ARTHUR LOWELL achieves LIFTOFF while electricity arcs all over him. "C'MERE, BLUE MAN, I'mma TURN YOU into EXPERIMENTAL PERCUSSION." He swaps out the mundane corn broom for a more proper metal battle-broom! "I'll get some BLACK in that BLUE, let's DO THIS SHIT!" He actually does make good on what he said, as he electric boy attempts a flurry of blows saturated with his electrical charge that provide percussion accompaniment to Psyber because A CERTAIN SOMEONE (HOMURA AKEMI) who was supposed to be on drums is a HUGE PARTY POOPER.

Hastur (176) has posed:
    Hastur isn't too broken up about the exploded car. Mostly because she was standing close enough to it that she ended up caught in the explosion right when it happened.

    We can ignore the various severe burns over Hastur's body, mostly because those are quickly regenerating themselves, and also ignore the large patches of burned-away robes, because that's not important. What will be less ignored is the flat-eyed glower leveled toward the camel across the way as Hastur slowly turns toward it.

    "I am really growing tired of this musical imbroglio," she mutters darkly, raising her hand as her fingertips glow a radiant yellow. Sigils are weaved in the air, all directed toward creating a guillotine of yellow magic around the camel's neck. It'll take a bit to form, but when it does, Hastur is severely hoping that it will end part of this artistic catastrophe.

Al Azif (135) has posed:
    Clinging to Ariel's mane, Al leans forward and just listens to the sweet, sweet music of Psyber's anguish. Seriously, there is something WRONG with this girl. "Oh, not that powerful by itself. It's mostly for misdirection and that sort of thing. I'm sure they'll be fine."

Herbert West (274) has posed:
PART THE FIRST: Everyone slaughter the camel! The Camel's head explodes as it's chopped off by Hastur, bullets blasting through its eye, while railgun fire tears into its body and splatters it messily all over the walls. As soon as it is 'killed' it starts disintegrating into white, mystical light.

The Minstrel hops down from the destroyed construct and just PICKS UP THE PACE because nobody bothered to shoot at him, just the camel he was riding. Now he has an electric guitar too, and is matching Psyber note for note! OH NO!

The genie cackles with laughter, grabbing his belly all dramatically... and then Arthur starts to wail on him. "AH! GAH! IT HURTS AND STINGS!" Arthur is literally beating the genie back to the city, which is making the stormclouds start to clear up.

Ness and Stone watch all this, and answer those who talk to them. Ness replies to Homura, "Eh? Oh, a little of this and that. Picked up some martial arts, got my investigators license, you know how it is. I guess. You're a little young to be helping these guys, aren't you?" The way he says that, it's like he's unsurprised.

Stone answers Amalthea, "THE PARK IS INCREDIBLY EXPENSIVE FOR A GOOD VIEW!" A vein throbbing in his forehead, he treats this question with the UTMOST SERIOUSNESS. "I would recommend SECTOR 5! It was just rebuilt so probably won't be hit again for a while, and if you get a high up apartment you can overlook the harbor!"

Ariel and Al are able to quickly find an apartment, where a shimmering mirror is just inside the window. A random guy has fallen asleep watching some old arabian-themed cartoons, while he's laying in a recliner.

Lila (545) has posed:
    Lila now has potato chips. She is munching them loudly. Beside her is a dark-haired, pale girl in glasses, about her age. The same one from last time. She asks, "Are you not going to interfere this time?"

    The girl nudges her glasses up the bridge of her nose. "No, I think they've earned a little break this time."

Staren has posed:
    Camel down! Oh, so the /genie/ was the real problem. Staren takes single potshots with the railgun at it, but it's a small target. He can do better.

    Back to the trusty missile pod. <<Arthur, watch out, here come missiles!>> And over a dozen of the small, magic marker-sized minimissiles streak down to try and ram the being and explode.

    Maybe this is overkill.

Psyber (253) has posed:
    Psyber has had about enough of this epic duel, amazing though it may be. So when the Minstrel has produced an electric guitar, Psyber is sure to rock out for a few notes as he confidently stomps his way over to the musical opposition.

    However, this serenade only lasts about as long as it takes Psyber to reach the Minstrel. Because right after he gets there, the half-angel shifts his grip on the guitar and then swings it at the side of the Minstrel's head like a bat. It won't be lethal, but it'll hurt like hell and probably need some medical attention.

Ariel (219) has posed:
Gallop gallop... skiiiid. Ariel looks at Al, then looks at the man... and sighs. Quietly she weaves a little magic, trying to keep him in slumber, but that sort of spell isn't really her strength.

"Okay Al, can you seal it from here?" she asks, just sorta... standing there while everyone has an epic battle.

Amalthea (395) has posed:
    Amalthea is taking notes. "Okay, sector five, got it. Harbor view might be nice."
    She proceeds to fiddle with her radio to start checking the web for good rates.

Al Azif (135) has posed:
    "Decipher Aethyrs encryption. Overwrite program..." Al is already incanting the spell to absorb the pages when Ariel asks, actually. "Way ahead of you, Master. This shouldn't take long... though I have the strangest feeling that this is too easy. It's weird."

Hastur (176) has posed:
    The mount is defeated, but the rider keeps pushing! Hastur's glower turns practically lethal as she lets the guillotine dissolve in midair like burning paper, then starts striding over toward the despicable minstrel. Brown tentacles slip from under her robes, each one tipped with a sharp, golden spike and rising up like serpents prepared to strike-

    And then Psyber just beats the man over the head with his guitar.

    Hastur stops, then blinks. She glances over to Psyber, her gaze turned much less venomous after that display. The tentacles slip back under her robes again after a moment, and her eyes drift closed as she crosses her arms over her chest. "Well. Good to see we finally agreed on something," she remarks.

    "I'm still not forgiving you for that grave lyrical error, though."

Arthur Lowell has posed:
    "QUIT being VAGUELY MAGICAL in this city, we NEED YOU or whatever MADE YOU to BE PAPER." Arthur declares, firmly and aggressively, to the Genie, as it protests the beating. Staren's message is... Well, it's ACKNOWLEDGED, but Arthur doesn't actually watch out. "I THINK YOU'RE MISTAKING ME for someone who doesn't BELONG IN THE MIDDLE OF EXPLOSIONS!!" He calls back out, and... Doesn't watch out! Micromissles will be exploding around him, causing him some more burn damage.

    He continues his efforts to beat the genie back towards the city! Specifically to the ground. He's trying to smash him into the street, in fact, pinned under his broom. The intent is obvious! Discharge that built-up bit of electricity back into the genie by grounding himself through the Genie. Camel's dealt with, AVTUAL page is being address, and Psyber's dealing with the musician, so this will hopefully be a HEAVY FINISHER, timed appropriately!

Homura Akemi (2) has posed:
    "You're a little old to still be heroes," Homura answers the two cops, though like them her tone isn't entirely serious or critical of them. It's just an idle jab.

    Homura continues to do absolutely nothing.
    Mostly she adjusts the glove on her right hand since that still hurts.

    Cooks, kitchen, etc.

Herbert West (274) has posed:
The Minstrel gets an axe to the head. KABONG! He thuds over... and will start to disintegrate later. But for now he just thuds to the ground and says nothing. The awful musical duel is over. The galaxy is at peace.

The mirror in the apartment vanishes, swirls into pages, and combines with Al to make a gentle glow. It worked!

Finally, the explosions rattle the genie about, making him tumble all over before Arthur SLAMS him into the ground. In the middle of the city a large mushroom cloud erupts for no particular reason...

Then the skies are clear, and other than a bit of collateral damage to the street, it appears the threat is past.

Ness adjusts his cap. "It feels like we should be doing something more, but I guess we'll just have to wait and see."

Psyber (253) has posed:
    Psyber twirls his mighty axe and calls to the heavens, "YES. AXE ME NO QUESTIONS AND I SHALL TELL YOU NO LIES!"

    And then he looks over at Hastur as he swings the guitar across his back and hmphs at her, "Whatever. R'lyeh, Carcosa. Both are suck places. It was ~artistic liberty~." He points out.

    And then he's heading over to Ness and Stone, "Yo Ness! Stone! Any more word on Metatron sightings?" He asks casually, intending to chat them up. But he also is careful to wait until a break in their talk with Homura.

Staren has posed:
    Staren blinks. "Did we get 'em?" BOOOOOOOM

    Staren's machine starts speeding away, before he realizes there's no actual shockwave. He flies back over the battle area, hovering in the sky and looking around. That explosion... seemed fake. So maybe the source is still around... also, Black Lodge might show up again, right?

Herbert West (274) has posed:
Ness and Stone reply to Psyber with a shake of the head. Ness clarifies, "They say a black angel showed up to fight Metatron, and they sped off. Nobody has heard from her since. No idea if that's some fanciful story or not."

Hastur (176) has posed:
    "Artistic liberties don't count when they blatantly contradict the source!" Oh boy, Hastur's glowering again. She scoffs quietly as Psyber walks off, pointedly glancing away toward the briefly interesting mushroom cloud that appears in the middle of the city...then, grumbling and reluctant, she turns to trail after him.

    As Psyber questions Ness and Stone, Hastur looms behind him, a glaring and brooding yellow shadow. Or at least predominantly yellow; those robes are a mess now.

Ariel (219) has posed:
Ariel starts trotting back to the others. "So... I guess we're done?" She looks a little confused. Isn't there usually a sorcerer or something?

Psyber (253) has posed:
    "Man, that is really mysterious, I guess I'll have to start hitting the streets for info." Psyber says before he sighs a bit and scratches at the side of his head.

    The sulking and brooding Hastur hanging around beside him gets a look over his shoulder, "Aren't you curious to go meet Al Azif?" He asks her.

Al Azif (135) has posed:
    The Necronomicon is riding a unicorn over to everyone else. She doesn't look any different, though. "It felt like there should be more to it than that," Al says thoughtfully.

Arthur Lowell has posed:
    Arthur impacts the ground, and before the dust clears, he takes an aggressive stance, arms out and fists clenched! "YEEEEAAAAH! Well, those were mostly IRRELEVANT DISTRACTIONS, but YEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAH!" A fistpump! Arthur is burned and a bit blacked by the explosions, but he seems to be in full spirits.

    With a bright-eyed, swaggering sort of stride, he's immediately back with the rest of the group that's assembled in the vague Ness/Stone proximity. "HEYA! So, that was COOL. Kinda QUICK." He also peers at them! "MAN." He declares. "Was I the only one gettin' INJURED here? You gys oughta get FACE FIRST into more of these things. Can't let me be HOGGIN' all the PAIN." There's a nod to Al Azif. "MAN, it kinda FEELS that way, RIGHT? I guess the whole BLACK LODGE issue is the one we'll get some REAL toughness on!" He slams one fist into the opposing palm eagerly!

Hastur (176) has posed:
    Hastur gives a glance over to Al as the girl approaches on Ariel's back, her gaze then shifting over to Lila and the bespectacled girl beside her. A frown shifts over her expression before she looks back toward Psyber, though it's not a frown of irritation. Discomfort, maybe?

    "Normally, but...I'm not exactly fond of this environment. Perhaps when we're somewhere else, somewhere not so..." Another glance out of the corner of her eye toward the girl near Lila. Distaste begins to trickle into her expression. "...public."

    Hastur's attention turns back to Psyber, then, her head cocked at an angle. "So how exactly are we getting back home now that your wonderful vehicle is a pile of blazing rubble?"

Lila (545) has posed:
    The girl near Lila peeeers at Hastur... and waves merrily~

Herbert West (274) has posed:
A static hiss resounds across the city... and then a GIANT ELSA appears! She is clearly a hologram, because she's kind of translucent, but must be five hundred feet tall! She sweeps her arm out dramatically!


Then the image shimmers and vanishes.

Arthur Lowell has posed:


    He does his best to keep a cool non-reaction and just sort of look dramatically brooding in an enthusiastic way at the massive holographic display. It's encouraging! When the whole Giant Elsa thing stops being a huge surprise.

Staren has posed:

    Staren watches.

    At the end of it all... "Man. Way to show up the Black Lodge. They couldn't even bother to do that announcement /themselves/? Very showy though." The Star Hawk puts away its missile pod and claps a few times.

    Then it drops down to land on the road. "That was /your/ car?" Its head turns to look at the smoking wreck, then back to Psyber. "Did you have Monster of the Week insurance?"

Psyber (253) has posed:
    "Dude, I've been a hunter since before you were born. I've got insurance covered." The half-angel says with a bored wave of his hand, "It'll get replaced, doesn't mean I'm still not bummed I lost it."

    He shrugs his shoulders and then looks back over at Hastur, "What's your problem there, Hastur?"

    And then his attention his much more drawn to the 500 foot Elsa in the sky. He claps his hands a bit, "Very good. Very dramatic."

Staren has posed:
    Staren considers this problem. "If you converted your car into a protoabstractum, it could regenerate as long as the core matrix is intact. Should we do that with your next car?"

Psyber (253) has posed:
    "Not happening," Psyber says firmly, "I need my cars to not start at a fraction of their potential power and have to level up through a complex set of extended uses. It'd be an incredibly inefficient waste of my time to level it up from Golf Cart into Mid-Sized Sedan."

Hastur (176) has posed:
    Hastur doesn't return the merriness or the wave. The girl only gets a briefly maintained leer before Hastur's attention turns-

    To the giant Elsa in the sky.

    Hastur simply stares in befuddlement, then lets out a slow, weary sigh before rubbing her temple. 'I give up,' says her expression. "...I'll talk about it later," she replies to Psyber in a grumble.

Staren has posed:
    Staren snickers. "Actually, that only happens with protoabstractum Eureka makes. If you use the machine on the homeworld, they start at full power, but cannot grow. Of course, you'd need both form /and/ function... You could use a powerful but ugly car for the function, and a 3d-printed shape of the car you want for the form, maybe?" The mecha scratches its 'chin'. "That's what I'd do, anyway. Also, you could give it a second form like a key or something. No more hunting for parking spaces!"

Psyber (253) has posed:
    Psyber waves a hand, "Too much hassle. Plus I'd have to buy a car to blueprint for the process anyway. If my insurance or the Union covers damages, I just don't care much." Psyber holds up an index finger to the mech, "Aaand I take a certain level of calming joy out of working on my cars that I couldn't get from a protoabstractum. It's like my equivalent of... I dunno, you researching string theory to relax over a three-day weekend. Sure, I could get a proto-abstractum for it, then I lose the whole process of car shopping, tune-ups, parts replacement." He explains to Staren, "Some people read books to relax, I fix cars. I appreciate the offer, but I'll still pass. They work for you, but they're not my bag."

Staren has posed:
    The mech nods. "That is understandable. Good luck with your new car."

    Then it stands up straight again and looks around. "So, no Black Lodge? Is... is that it then?"

Ariel (219) has posed:
"It looks like," Ariel agrees, still waiting for something huge to appear. Aside from Elsa. "I guess we got an easy one tossed our way?" She wanders over to Arthur to start the healing thing.

Arthur Lowell has posed:
    Arthur gratefully accepts the healing. "THANKS! Yeah, maybe we just kinda ran out of STRONG PAGES to get in FIGHTS with, or somethin'? Maybe. Well, whatev', good to see YOU'RE OKAY TOO."

Staren has posed:
    Now Staren's left with a giant robot in the middle of the street, although it's much smaller than what the city usually deals with. "Well... I should probably get this thing out of here. Good work everyone!" The robot leaps into the air, transforms to hybrid plane-with-limbs mode, and flies off to the warpgate.