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Latest revision as of 20:12, 4 November 2014

Bad Blood
Date of Scene: 04 November 2014
Location: TARGET: Phase Rock (PR)
Synopsis: On the island of Phase Rock, a teenager has a breakdown and a soldier tries to stop them killing everyone in the vicinity in the process. Does anyone really come out of this a winner?
Cast of Characters: Rebecca Chambers, 476

Crona (476) has posed:
    The giant crystal that makes up the centrepiece of Phase Rock has seen a lot of blood shed. Today, it seems, is not going to be any different. Having descended from above on black, liquid wings, Crona's long, slender blade had carved into the defenders with ease, and now the pink-haired child sits in the middle of the scattered defenses. Most of the non-elites have just fallen back - Crona is well-known enough that they realize trying to use conventional arms against them is... ill-advised, they need Elite backup.

    Crona doesn't look very happy, though. The teenager is repeatedly stabbing into one of the bodies, their expression a mask of beaten, abject misery as they do. Poor Crona. Life just isn't going very well for them right now. Come to think of it, life has never gone very well for them at all.

Rebecca Chambers has posed:
    Not long after Crona makes his appearance, an alarm is raised and the non-elites are calling for backup from the Union. Fortunately, backup is not too far off, for the alert is heard quickly by Rebecca Chambers, and she is quick to move out to respond to the attack on Phase Rock.

    A few minutes after the alert goes out, a helicopter with the S.T.A.R.S. logo on it can be seen arriving in the area, followed by a cable dropping from it, ending slightly above the ground. After that, Rebecca can be seen exiting the helicopter and descending to the ground on the rope. Once she hits the ground, she signals to the pilot, who raises the cable and proceeds to fly away. Then Rebecca looks around, attempting to spot the aggressor at Phase Rock. She doesn't look too long, for she quickly spots Crona, and her face contorts into a fierce glare. "You made a foolish mistake attacking a Union territory!" Rebecca calls out as she draws her submachine gun, advancing on Crona. She doesn't say anything else, knowing that calling for compliance would be a waste of time.

Crona (476) has posed:
    Crona looks up at the helicopter as it flies in, and their depressed expression just deepens. Medusa's 'encouragement' on the radio has set some pretty clear conditions for all this. They can't show mercy; there can be no survivors.

    The Meister raises up after Rebecca drops to the ground, but they still aren't paying attention to her, even when she starts shouting. Instead, they draw their sword level with their face, and a ruby-red mouth bursts into being, a tongue slathering over Ragnarok's lips before Crona speaks in a dull, monotone voice. Really more 'resigned' than enthusiastic. "Screech Alpha."


    Ragnarok's terrifying howl is met with a scream of Crona's own, and the sword is swung upwards. A black ball of energy some eight feet across rips from the blade, and swallows up the tail of the helicopter whole, leaving it to crash into the ocean about the island, before Crona looks to Rebecca, and acknowledges her presence.

    "I'm sorry." They say, quietly. "But I love her, so ... now, everyone dies. I'll be quick."

Rebecca Chambers has posed:
    Rebecca can only watch in disbelief, then in horror, as the helicopter goes crashing down towards the ocean. For a moment she stares wide-eyed, mouth hanging open, before she stares at Crona again, and scowls at him, angrier than before. "You just killed one of my own men! Now you leave me no other option!"

    Double-checking to ensure the safety is off on her firearm, Rebecca levels it at Crona. "You're going to pay for this... IN HELL!" She then fires a semi-automatic burst of gunfire.

Crona (476) has posed:
    Crona brings their sword up with one hand, and waves it around in an erratic motion. One of the bullets grazes across their cheek, drawing a thin trickle of black blood, but the wound closes up quickly. The Meister whimpers, bottom lip quivering, before lurching steps loop them erratically towards Rebecca.

    "Its not my fault!" Crona protests, "I had to! She told me to, so if you'd please stop moving around and just let me cut your head off it'd be way easier for me to deal with right now!"

    As they say it, the point of their sword jabs out, making full use of their long, gangly reach and several foot of razor sharp black metal to try and stab Rebecca in the leg to slow her down.

Rebecca Chambers has posed:
    Rebecca isn't in the mood for negotiations, nor is she about to let her head be cut off. Unfortunately, the same can't be said for her leg. The blade cuts directly into her leg, causing her to cry out in pain and drop down to one knee briefly, just long enough for her to realize she's bleeding and wrap some gauze around it tightly to stop the bleeding so that it doesn't cause any more serious complications for her. Once she's stopped the bleeding, Rebecca is back on her feet.

    "I don't care who or what you're following orders from!" Rebecca exclaims, firing off another burst of gunfire, hoping that this time she hits her mark. "You're not welcome here!"

Crona (476) has posed:
    The second burst of gunfire does seem to have more of an effect. Bullets punch into Crona, and the teenager wobbles uncertainly for a moment. "Owww..." They whine, black blood oozing from the wounds, but Ragnarok is quick to help out. The dented lead slugs are spat back out onto the ground, and Crona raises their weapon high up above their head. Repeating:

    "I'm sorry."

    And then there's a faint giggle from them. "But... I suppose it won't matter what you like, when you're dead. I've never heard a dead person complain before. Hehe, he..."

    The child's movements are, strange. It is like they are constantly falling as they wobble erratically around, almost like some kind of dance, but the sweeping, slashing motions of the sword remain horribly deadly for all that - and Crona is giving Rebecca their full attention, now.

Rebecca Chambers has posed:
    Rebecca tries to pull back from the slash, but it catches her full-on. She is stunned and left bleeding more than usual. She grits her teeth through the pain and attempts to pull back a little, in hopes of giving herself a little more space while she recovers from that injury. "You're not going to kill me that easily! I've dealt with the living dead so many times in my life that I know it like it's an everyday occurrence!"

    Rebecca then holsters her submachine gun and draws her Magnum instead, loading a clip into it. "But you won't become one of them I'm afraid!" She then fires a single shot.

Crona (476) has posed:
    The magnum is just one bullet, and that makes it easier for Crona to deal with. The noise is loud, and it rings out clear and true, but the sword is swung around to cut through the incoming bullet, and the larger lump of lead gives way to the Demon Sword's edge, spiraling off to either side of them. The Meister's eyes shift to the left, then to the right, and they lean in close.

    "I don't think I'm dead." Crona confides in Rebecca. "Zombies like to eat meat, but really, I just like pasta..."

    Although the second after they've said it, that large mouth on Ragnarok's blade spring back into existence, and tries to BITE down hard on Rebecca's arm.


Rebecca Chambers has posed:
    This really bites! OK, seriously, this really hurts. Rebecca cries out and drops her magnum as Ragnarok bites into her arm. She struggles to get her arm free from the bite, until Ragnarok finally releases its grip. Taking some gauze and wrapping it on her arm to stop the bleeding, Rebecca grits her teeth through the pain and grabs her Magnum again. "I don't care what you like to eat!" Rebecca shouts as she steadies her aim in spite of her injured arm. "YOU ARE NOT TAKING THIS TERRITORY FROM ME ALIVE!" She then fires again.

Crona (476) has posed:
    Crona pauses, and steps backwards. "But I do because I betrayed her and I betrayed everyone and they'll hate me if I don't!" Crona babbles, not really paying much attention to Rebecca as she gathers her weapon up again, and squeezes off a shot. The bullet hits Crona square between the eyes, and the pink-haired Meister falls to the ground with a startled expression on their face.

    Lurching back up to their feet, Crona's hand touches the ugly black wound, and tears well up in their eyes. "WHY IS THIS SO CONFUSING?!" The Meister shouts, waving Ragnarok around wildly, brandishing the weapon in all directions. "WHY CAN'T EVERYONE JUST DO WHAT THEY'RE SUPPOSED TO?! It isn't fair, it isn't..."

    Sobbing, they fall to their knees, and Ragnarok unfurls. The sword becomes, instead, a large, muscular man made of the black blood, and white-gloved hands press in to either side of Crona's head. "It isn't complicated, you idiot!" he barks, "Stop feeling sorry for yourself and KILL everyone, then we can go home. We MIGHT even get cake!"

Rebecca Chambers has posed:
    Rebecca can only stare in disbelief at how Crona is acting in this situation. This is supposed to be a Confederate elite? "What's wrong with you?" Rebecca asks. "Why don't you try to kill me?" She's not being sarcastic at all, instead she's both confused and angry at this whole display. "You're supposed to be a Confederate elite, so go ahead and kill me already!"

    Then Rebecca realizes what she's saying and shakes her head. "Actually forget it! I'm going to kill YOU instead!" She rushes in, ignoring the wounds she has, and attempts to slash Crona with her combat knife.

Crona (476) has posed:
    Poor Crona is clearly having some sort of nervous breakdown. They keep mumbling to themselves, "It isn't fair. She ruined my shirt and it isn't fair and she /shot me in the head/ and I should kill them all. Mister D if I kill them all then people will like me again. I don't want to but I have to I'm sorry."

    And it is about as they come to the end of the rant that Rebecca slashes at them, and Crona raises their arm up to defend. The cut causes thick black blood to spray out of the wound, and they giggle, alarmingly. "What did you say?" Crona asks, "... You're right! You're right! You want me to kill you, that makes it okay! I'm a Confederate Elite, so I should go ahead!"

    Laughing, Crona stretches back up to their feet. They actually seem taller, with black blood dripping down their face and arm. Ragnarok swirls as he reforms a sword, and...


    In an instant, all of the blood shed by Crona sprouts razor-sharp needles, dozens of droplets across the battlefield suddenly shooting in to spear the enemy soldier.

Rebecca Chambers has posed:
    Being hit with those needles is worse than being hit with bullets... in several ways at that. Rebecca could tell you why, but right now she's busy trying to avoid them. And unfortunately, she's failing miserably. The blades cut into her flesh and cause her to yelp with pain as she pulls back, trying not to be turned into a human pincushion by this weird duo of Crona and Ragnarok. "You're really testing my patience," Rebecca calls out.

    As the flurry continues to pound down upon her, Rebecca looks up long enough to try to fire off another round of gunfire before trying to find someplace to take cover behind.

Crona (476) has posed:
    Crona seems to hesitate again, and speaks loudly, almost shouting, "But she said to go ahead and kill her! Why is everything so confusing?!"

    And that gives Rebecca the opening to shoot them all over again. Bullets thud heavily into the child, and the pink-haired Meister raises their weapon up in front of their face. They're actually shaking, trembling with frustration at all of this. "I... I DON'T CARE ANY MORE!" Crona screams, their pupils tightening down to tiny pinpricks. "I JUST WANT THIS TO BE OVER!" As they howl, the groud around them trembles and shakes, purple lightning crackling for a moment before...



    The explosive blast of dark black power that streaks towards Rebecca is even larger than the one which took out the helicopter; actually forming a howling, pained face before it detonates, aiming to blast the soldier into tiny pieces - or clear off the island!

Rebecca Chambers has posed:
    The blackness that comes at Rebecca would destroy her, but the rock she's taking cover behind seems to absorb a good portion of it. Unfortunately, it sends Rebecca flying a good distance across the area, causing her to smash her head into a nearby rock wall, and she finds herself rather dazed and quite confused for the time being. Not to mention, her arm feels like it might have a sprain or something in it. As Rebecca struggles to get her bearings back, she can be heard muttering gibberish like, "Ungh... where's the ink ribbon? Did anyone see the Armor Key?" She shakes her head a few times, trying to get that feeling of dizziness away as she struggles to get up, and it's only then that she realizes that she's in a bit of pain.

    "Damn it," Rebecca hisses, trying to find her gauze, only realizing now that she's got quite a predicament on her hands as she remembers what happened to her just now. "OK, now you've really made me mad!" She grits her teeth through the pain that her arms are in and attempts to empty the remainder of her clip into Crona. "You're gonna pay big time for this!"

Crona (476) has posed:
    Bullets rain into Crona freely, and the kid just stands there and takes it. When it passes, their knees hit the floor for the second time, and they look up at the sky. Ragnarok bubbles as he resumes a humanoid form, grabbing and shaking the Meister to try and get them back into the action. "Come on, Crona, you idiot! Don't let that guy get into your head! You're worthless! You're useless! You're pathetic! He could never make you safe, and even if he could, what sort of kid turns against their own mother?! Get back on your feet and do what you came here to do, damnit!"

    Crona, though, doesn't move. Despite it all, they just whimper, and tears flow constantly, making their nose run and their shoulders shake. "I don't want to do this any more." And, making themselves blink away the tears, they look up at Rebecca with wide eyes, "I'm /sorry!/"

Rebecca Chambers has posed:
    Rebecca is shocked by this confession. She keeps the gun leveled at Crona but doesn't fire just yet. "All right, then. If that's how you want to be, then I'll give you one chance, and only one chance, to retreat from this territory at once! Otherwise, I will have to attack again!" She maintains a steady level, although the shakiness of her aim indicates how bad her injuries are.

Crona (476) has posed:
    Crona doesn't get back up right away. Shaking, their hands dig into the ground, and they take a few, deep breaths to try and steady themselves. It doesn't really seem to be working very well, though. In fact, as it goes on, it becomes pretty clear that Crona is having a panic attack, hyperventilating as they try to make a decision.

    "If, if I run away, Lady Medusa will be angry with me and she'll punish me again... but if I stay, Mister D will abandon me and he'll never try to help me again. But can he help me? I'm a horrible person, I lie and I cheat and I hurt the people who want to help me and I'm a MONSTER."

    Managing to get up to their feet, Crona takes three steps towards Rebecca, looking at the woman as though they are seeing them for the first time. "... Hey, you're hurt. Are you okay?"

    And Ragnarok, seeing his opportunity to stir things back up, carefully leeeeeeeans over the top of Crona... and then bends down to try and flick Rebecca's nose.

Rebecca Chambers has posed:
    Jumping back quickly, Rebecca shakes her head. "No, I'm NOT okay! You and your stupid weapon almost killed me! And since you aren't retreating, I have no choice but to take you out!" She doesn't try to shoot this time. Instead, she takes out her stun baton and flicks it on, energizing it with a small, but notable, amount of electricity. "I don't care what consequences happen to you, YOU are a Confederate!" She tries to shock Crona with the baton.

Crona (476) has posed:
    Crona's Black Blood, it seems, is a good resistor to electricity. The baton hits home, and the shock makes them jump backwards, "Eep!" Crona squeaks, rubbing their stomach for a moment, and then... their expression seems to fall towards a more neutral one. "Ragnarok is right." They murmur, "Nobody does care about me, so I should stop caring what other people think..."

    As they talk, their sword reforms, and for the first time, Crona grasps it with both hands. "Screech.... Beta."

    The scream that follows is heard for miles around, loud and echoing, Crona's blade slashes out over and over again, trailing that same destructive black energy as Crona gives in to Ragnarok's desires, aiming to hew Rebecca limb from limb.

Rebecca Chambers has posed:
    The good news is that Rebecca still all of her limbs intact. The bad news is that she's more injured than before, and is showing definite signs of being weakened from those attacks. Yet, somehow, her resolve still remains strong, and she doesn't back down or retreat. Instead, she stares at Crona with a glare of anger and determination. "You were pretty tough there, but I've got a few tricks of my own too!"

    Rebecca reaches into her pocket and produces a vial of chemicals. It looks simple enough, but it's not for drinking. In fact, Crona might notice that there's a symbol on it that indicates that it's very hazardous and flammable. "Catch this!" Rebecca yells as she hurls the explosive vial at Crona.

Crona (476) has posed:
    Crona brings Ragnarok around to cut the vial out of the air, with the result that the whole mess explodes directly over them, sending up a thick cloud of dust and smoke. As the cloud begins to settle, Crona is standing there, dress burned and blasted, but sword still held just as firmly as ever, looking up not with sadness in their eyes any more... but a manic mirth. Its over, now! Its so much easier when they stop worrying, and just start killing.

    "Could you tell Mister D that I'm sorry?" Crona asks, "... Don't worry if I kill you first, because, he'll be dead soon, too."

    What the hell that is meant to mean is probably a secondary concern compared to the words that Crona speaks immediately after. "Screech Alpha."

    And the third juggernaut-sized explosive projectile of energy that eats into the ground as it tears towards the brave and dedicated soldier.


Rebecca Chambers has posed:
    The projectile strikes Rebecca, sending her flying across the area and causing her to land in a crumpled position. Badly injured and barely even able to get up, Rebecca looks up at Crona and scowls. "I'm not telling anyone anything on the behalf of a Confederate goon!" She draws her gun and aims it weakly. "Here, take this instead!" Then fires.

Crona (476) has posed:
    Crona stumbles under the impact of the bullet, and nods their head in understanding. "Well. Okay. I guess I'll tell him myself." They decide, walking forwards with careful, deliberate steps. They're in a lot of pain too - its just that the Black Blood does a great deal to hide the impact of the damage until it can no longer hold all the wounds in check.

    Ragnarok, though, is raised up high, and the Demon Sword licks his lips. That's all the warning Rebecca gets before the blade descends - intending to make good on the threat that had been issued at the very start of the fight, and separate Rebecca's head from her body in one strong arc.

Rebecca Chambers has posed:
    Rebecca somehow manages to roll out of the way, being grazed by the attack instead of being decapitated. But she's close enough to being incapacitated that she knows she has to retreat. Pressing a button on her wrist device, a glow begins to envelop Rebecca. "You were just lucky this time, you little brat," Rebecca says weakly. "Next time, you and your talking weapon are going to pay!" Then she vanishes.