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Tech Realm Double Trouble
Date of Scene: 12 November 2014
Location: Urbania
Synopsis: The Realm War kicks up again with another pair of Champions showing up with their robot legions to try and pick off a 'weak' champion. Only to learn that Dex Alruin is no longer as weak as even he thinks.
Cast of Characters: Kotone Yamakawa, 62, 122, 332, 395, Riva Banari, 560, 583

Dex Alruin (332) has posed:
    And, at the coordinates in question, there is... nothing, at first glance. Just empty grassland. No Portal, no challengers, no Champions. A tumbleweed blows across the ground, rolling, rolling... vanishing...?

    That was weird.

    It's not until someone steps toward the spot where the tumbleweed met its end to the visible world that the truth of the situation is revealed. Upon passing that spot, or any point in a wide circle around it, any Elites or Champions would find themselves in... what seems like a whole new world. The sky is a hard silver color, with a bright white sun that seems just far enough away to give a shadowless light across the entire area. The ground is a dull gray, metallic composition, though the alloy is certainly not native to the Earth where this place supposedly is. It seems almost organic, though speckless and clean like a manmade floor. The area is certainly more massive than the ring it is within as well, easily the size of the city it stands outside. In fact... that's what the rest of the area seems like: a city. Buildings jut toward that odd sky, skyscrapers much larger and more sleek than anything found normally on Dex's Earth. However, none of these have windows, or any signs of real life. They seem more like spires... and indeed, this may be the case, as each is topped by a sleek mounted turret. There are at forty-nine, laid in a seven by seven grid, perfect square with perfect 'roads' in between.

    But those roads aren't empty. Spaced along them in even intervals are robots. Human size, human shape, made completely of metal with a smooth, shining chrome 'skin' and brilliant blue eyes. They seem agile by their builds, and appear to be in military formation. Seven rows, seven columns, seven robots per row and column. Seven regiments total. Seven, seven, seven.

    And yet, only two humans. One of them is dressed in all white, a tailored suit with a silver tie. The suit hugs to the young woman's form, showing an athletic and tall form. Red hair falls crisply to her shoulders, perfectly straight downward and almost artificial. Her eyes are green, sharp and intelligent, behind a pair of silver-framed glasses that glint in the sunlight. Next to her is a hooded figure, features shrouded and blocked from view. It seems to have gone through great lengths to hide its appearence, as the robe and hood are perfectly crisp and pure black, the only shadow coming from the fact the hood hangs in just the perfect way over its face.

    The woman smiles softly, her posture straight, her silver-heeled foot tapping the ground and causing it to ring. "He'll be here shortly," she says. "I'll take the allies, and you handle him, right?"

    A barely perceptible nod. "Exactly," the voice from the radio transmission says.

    The Champion in question leaps out of a warpgate and lands on the ground, making the short trip to the coordinates in question. He sees the tumbleweed vanish, tilting his head before following it into the odd area hidden away. The moment he crosses the threshold, forty-nine turrets, six hundred and eighty-six robotic eyes, and, presumably, four human eyes, all rivet toward Dex in perfect unison.

Elise Leroy (62) has posed:

    "Commander, I don't think this is a good idea. We have the preliminary data from Miss Yamakawa's test of the prototype..." Bradford complains as he walks abreast the taller Sniper.

    "I am aware, Central Officer. But we can't just sit and wait for the Aliens to come knocking at our door, nor can we afford to have the new armour fail under pressure." Replies Elise. "I'm suiting up, then we'll see what's happening out there."

    Alarm klaxons blare, and Elise charges down the corridor, adjusting the last few scutes of the new armour suit as she goes. "This'll have to do Shen, I'll make sure the recorder makes it back, don't wait for me!" she shouts over her shoulder... before catching a helmet as its hurled at her.

    The soldier smirks, then puts it on before resuming her path. "Big Sky, get the jets ready, I'm boarding in 2 minutes. Yamakawa, report to the Launch Bay in 1 minute.

    The dropship is ready to launch as Elise, and presumably Kotone board it. It then lifts up and out of the launch tube, before surging off towards the nearest vehicle-capable warpgate. "Union forces on site at coordinates. Do not open fire, repeat, hold fire. Dropship inbound from bearing 2-1-0." comes the deep male voice of the Skyranger pilot, before he cuts altitude and comes in for a short landing. The dropship doesn't stick around for long, taking off again to enter a holding pattern. "Bradford... get Shaman flight ready... we might need an airstrike."

Lyner Barsett (122) has posed:
     Another warpgate opens nearby and out steps Lyner, decked out in his usual white armor and cape. His sword is compressed, hanging behind his waist in a white case. "....." Silently, he eyes his surroundings, frowning a tad at the seemingly dead streets. "Was that just a bluff...?" He mumbled to himself, walking a few paces forward warily.

     After about a block, he finally noticed something off, coming around a corner. A tumbleweed that was rolling on by just...up and vanished? "Huh?" The blonde intoned incredulously before approaching. As he walked, he picked up a small rock and threw it forward. It sailed through the air before vanishing just as the tumbleweed did before it.

     "No way."

     Chuckling lightly, Lyner broke out into a run and suddenly, he found himself in... "Whoa...wait, wait, wait..." Robots. Robots everywhere. Well, at least they were organized? No, that's not the point! "They weren't kidding were they?" He asked no one in particular, stepping forward and stopping by Dex's side. "Hey. I'm here to..." He trailed off, eying the gathered forces.

     "...help. Probably."

Mantigora (583) has posed:
One of the benefits of being a bounty hunter is that you have perfectly reasonable reason to butt into other affairs, as long as they don't conflict with the goals and ideals of the ones you're working for. As far as Mantigora cared, that included threats of destruction of other regions of the Multiverse that either of her current contract employers might wish to conquer some day. When the threats weren't coming from them, at least.

Not far from the referred coordinates a VTOL style transport sets down, dropping the access hatch open as soon as it has settled into place and the energy turbines spin down. Mantigora strides down the ramp with her usual business-like manner, pausing at the bottom to look around. Hmm. Idly she taps the side of her head, utilizing hidden subdermal controls for her HUD relays to try and pick up the so-called hints.

And the professional aire is promptly shattered as Skuzzler comes scurrying out at a hurried gait that just doesn't work well with his short, rotound waddle. "Well, where are they? Skuzzler don't see no army, no destruction, no nothing!"

"Hmm." Is all Mantigora replies as she watchs a tumbleweed tumble through... and disappear. Then leans down to grab her partner by the tail, interrupting his rant as she yanks him off the ground.
"Yaahaahaa! What she-draken think she's doing?!"
"Making you useful." With that Mantigora hurls the furball towards the disappearance threshold.

On the other side the "Aaaayaaaa!" of his startled cry is cut short as he hits the ground belly down and skids a bit. Waves a stubby arm without getting up. "No worry, Skuzzler okay! Landed on face. Abrasions totally normal."

Mantigora herself strides over the threshold a few moments later, stepping over his sprawled form without missing a beat. "Well well, what do we have here? Quite the gathering it would seem." He pause in commenting is puncuated by the *clk-shrrk* of her combat blades deploying, nearly as long as the arms they're extending from. "Hope you don't mind if I" she holds up one set of blades at angle in front of her "Cut in."

Left in the background Skuzzler scrabbles to get a handhold and push himself up. One metal-ridged ear flops to the side as he quirks a curious expression while smacking his lips... and then stoops back down to lick the metallic ground again, testing it. Smacks lips loudly again afterwards. "This alloy is unfamiliar to Chua taste buds..."

Mantigora huffs a irrate sigh. "Stop screwing around, you're making the Empire look bad."

Riva Banari has posed:
Riva is on her way! She's riding the Rivabike.

And by Rivabike, we mean an actual bicycle. She totaled her car last night. She pedals as quickly as she can, using Anima to boost her speed. It actually makes her movement fairly perky. She keeps going to the designated location until she reaches the strange warp in space, upon which she skids to a sweeping halt.

She skids right across the threshold, coming in right behind Dex.

Riva blinks at the scene before her, and then blinks at Dex. "Hi. I'm Riva." She asides, hopping off her bike. "I'm here to help you. Nice clothes. Good to meet you!"

With a flick of her hands, she pulls a pair of MAC-10s from within her coat, the weapons humming with Anima as levels them. As the Skyranger comes sweeping in, Riva nods. More backup is good. "Soooooo... What's up, guys?" Riva asks the invaders. "Something tells me you're not multidimensional Avon."

Emiya Shirou (560) has posed:
    Shirou thankfully doesn't need to worry about being really poor at figuring out where the gate is, because he gets a clear look at Lyner doing so just as he's approaching.

    This is utterly crazy, where is the--

    Shirou steps through the portal, and immediately... "...You're kidding..."


    The redhead gapes and backpedals slightly. Strangely, he does not seem to be armed.

    And he's not exactly dressed for battle either. Supernatural senses can't pick anything much up from either. A tiny trickle of mana, barely enough for cantrips. What's HE doing out here?

    Even so, the amber-eyed magus stares at the forces arrayed against the city in utter baffled bewilderment. This just DOES NOT COMPUTE AT ALL.

    "Wh-who are these people...?!"

Amalthea (395) has posed:
    That sense of timing is impeccable, if odd. See, just before the challenge and demand for Dex's life was laid out, Kuklos ka Amalthea Schmendrick-Fortuna was... Sleeping. Late days are the benefits of semi-vacation, but no sooner than she had groggily opened her eye and glanced at the clock, her radio was already abuzz. Without even a chance to tidy up or brush her teeth, the unicorn throws on the heaviest suit of armor she owns, boots carrying her with every clanking step to the closest warp gate.
    She arrives with her shield slung on one arm, lance in the crook of her elbow, sword at her side, and a mug of lukewarm coffee in hand, looking VERY miffed off.
    "They're a right squad of dicks, and they want to kill Dex and this world." She keeps the explanation simple for Shirou while taking a long dragging sip, standing casually in the face of the multitude of turrets and machines swivel on them.
    "And no one ever likes to play fair."

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone didn't think of herself as brave at all, she never really did, not that she's got the bravery that Dex doies she doesn't know too much but it's pretty clear the kid's got more spine thatn she does. Soon she finds herself suited up and in the sky ranger. It's not long before they are setting down she gets off the ramp at fairly high speed happy she's got a layer of armour between her and whatever awaits her here.

Dex Alruin (332) has posed:
    Dex's arrival holds the woman's attention, as well as that of her cloaked companion. However, as the rest of the combatants begin to arrive, the turrets and robots begin to focus on them instead, knowing their solitary instruction. Dispatch anything that is not the woman, Caitlyn, the robed figure, or Dex Alruin. And so, as it becomes clear that there are no more Elites coming, the robots begin to march forward. Their movements are organic, smooth, not halting or stilted at all. They seem like trained soldiers. Seven regiments, marching as one mind toward the gathering crowd. The woman steps forward, sweeping her arms out. "Hello, one and all! My name is Caitlyn, and I'll be providing your entertainment for today. If any of you try to interfere with my friend's battle with that little brat Dex, your end will be swift and decisive I assure you. So, in order to keep things balanced, every machine in this pocket is programmed to avoid Dex and only gun for you. That's fair, is it not? I also want to see what you... Elites... are capable of. It will prove useful for our research. If we can replicate your strengths, our Champions will be unstoppable, and victory is assured. So..." Her heels clack as she marches forward, keeping her arms spread. "Come at me, Elites. Show me what you've got!"

    Dex seems shocked by the proclamation, and issues one of his own. "Don't kill her," he calls, though his tone conveys no urgency. "At least try not to. I need her for a boost later." He steps forward, his battle armor manifesting over the tradition leather armor he wears, the crimson fedora and duster flaring around his body. His bow, a deep green metal compound, remains on his back, along with Amalthea's magic quiver. However, he carries another weapon. A saber, sheathed in a plain brown sheath, rests on his hip. He steps toward the robed figure, ignoring the sounds of impending battle around him. He stops, reaching a standoff position with the robed figure. Both Dex and the figure are shorter than Caitlyn with her heels, but might edge her out otherwise. In fact, their heights appear to be identical. Dex narrows his eyes. "Why did you go to such lengths to call me out, I wonder?" he asks, rolling his shoulders. "I mean, clearly you've heard that I bested Bel'thede, and that me and my friends wiped out all of the Hellion Lords, but I get the sense that doesn't interest you."

    The figure raises a hand toward its face, resting the palm against something under its hood. "Actually," it says in its warbled voice, then there's a tug. A small machine, a voice masker, drops to the ground. "It does," the figure continues, the voice now marking it as male. And the voice should be immediately familiar. Dex staggers back, his face going pale.

    "Oh... COME THE FUCK ON!" He roars, "REALLY?!"

    There's a soft laugh, before the robe explodes. The fabric is vaporized as another white-clad figure becomes visible. Aside from the white suit, which matches Caitlyn's perfectly, there's no way to tell the previously robed figure apart from Dex himself. "Surprise," the smiling doppelganger says.

Elise Leroy (62) has posed:
    "Yamakawa, stay close. Bradford, ETA on that airstrike?" radios Elise, unslinging her Rifle from the magnetic clamp on the back of her new, pearlescent purple and green armour. The metal alloy reflecting the light in odd, oil-on-water patterns. "<ETA 20 minutes to station, Com-- Captain. Will advise when they're available.>" replies Central.

    Elise then takes a knee, and lines up the first shot on one of the robots. Her SCOPE seeks out weaknesses, exposed optics, a lightly armoured hydraulic system, easily damaged actuators, anything to take down or cripple one of the bots. Once she's got something, the heavy .50cal rifle roars its report, sending red-tracer death to lodge and explode within its target.

Lyner Barsett (122) has posed:
     "Tch...So we get the army, Dex has to take those two...Fine then." Lyner reached back, hitting a button on his carrying case behind his waist. At once, a white handle popped out and the case expanded, allowing him to draw his blade. It was a long, white sword, sleek and rather advanced looking. But still just a sword. Runes were etched down blade and a faint magical aura could be felt from it to those who had the senses.

     "Whatever they have going on...We'll trust you to handle it. In the meantime..." The knight turned his attention onto the approaching forces, taking a stance with his weapon. "We'll just have a carve a path through these guys!" Lyner's blade began to light up and currents of electricity crackled along it's form. "Alright, let's see how they handle a little lightning!"

     Turning his body, the blonde swung outwards, causing a current of lightning to burst out of his sword and arc through the air erractically. It split off and began lancing through several robot soldiers all at once. Surely creations this advanced wouldn't fall victim to the usual downfall of conducting electricity?

Mantigora (583) has posed:
"What we're capable of, you say?" Mantigora cants her head to the side slightly, causing a faint glint to flash across her horns. And her eyes, which bear the expression of someone maybe a little -too- happy with this arrangement as she eyes the fluid, life-like movements of the robots. "You remind me of some friends.... I do hope you'll at least be half as challenging..." Her saurian-like tail flays a few times behind her as she lowers into a crouch, nanotech kicking into battle ready mode and her longcoat being reverted to reveal the lightweight body armor worn underneath it. "Skuzzler, stay back. Do something useful."

The Chua click-clacks his datacron interface and his Scanbot materializes over his head, extending its scanning apparatus. "Tactical analysis acclimation beginning!" Then strokes his goatee with the other paw. "Oh yes, love when research includes watching she-draken handle the termination of subjects, nyehehehe..."

Multiple enemies, multiple ragtag allies assembled. "This is gonna be as much fun as the Warplots.." Energy briefly cascades around Mantigora, briefly resembling almost a circuit-board pattern and then she fades out of view as the trademark Stalker optical holo-camoflague cloaks over her. But as soon as she's stealth she moves quickly, trying to find an advantange point to exploit against the robots while the other more forward attackers get their initial attention.

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa is looking at this Caitlyn she doesn't like what she sees at this point. He pauses at the mention of not killing her? She had more interest in wrecking robots and honestly maybe Kotone just didn't quite have that kill drive that some have but on the other hand she'd rather see this sort in a tiny cell somewhere. Either way she's got a figtht and now she's got an idea about the robos does she ever she's already feeling out with wireless to see if the thing's got wi fi, she's not sure if it does but she's got a plan if they do.

"Right I got an idea! I'm going to try to mess with the bot if I can."

The question is will her idea work?

Riva Banari has posed:
Riva blinks as she hears Caitlyn lay down the rules. She arches an eyebrow. "You totally can't copy my awesome groove." Riva asserts. "Though I don't know, what's your opinion on bees?" She asks idly... And when Dex reveals his Awesome Mode, Riva stares. "Whoa! Even nicer!" She compliments Dex, before the Big Reveal.

"What." She utters in a deadpan, eyes narrowing. "I guess maybe you /can/ copy our awesome grooves." She admits grudgingly. "But my bet's on the real one." Because he's on their side!

Riva immediately pitches herself to the side, spraying bolts of blue-green energy into the massed robotic army. She's not even aiming for Caitlyn, instead focusing on laying down a volume of firepower on the army and fortifications behind.

Amalthea (395) has posed:
    A handful of elites against an army of killer robots and two Champions. Amalthea remains right where she is, sipping her coffee a moment longer before heaving a sigh. This lady wants to analyze them, gain strength and data. And on top of it all she flings at Dex a mechanical mockery of himself.
    That... Actually makes silvery lips quirk into a smug grin.
    If anyone knows Dex Alruin as well as Amalthea does, then they will know one thing. Dex beats his own ass harder in training than SHE pushes him. He wasn't ready for this fight. She is fully aware of one thing and one thing alone.

    Dex Alruin was BORN for this fight.

    One last sip and Amalthea gently sets her mug on the ground out of the way. It looks hand painted and says 'Multiverse's #1 Dad'
    A slow roll of her shoulders and she pops her neck. "Well hate to say it, but I don't give the most interesting data. All I do is storm around and wreck people's shit."
    Like right now.
    In an instant, the unicorn is moving in a blaze, a sudden forward charge with all the force and explosive roar of a bullet, lance shifted into her grip as she lunges the winged spear-point blade first into a squad of the machines with an ancient war cry, intending to thrust herself into the fray and shatter lines.

Emiya Shirou (560) has posed:
    "...Trace, ON!" Shirou blurts out hurriedly. Suddenly, a little MORE magic flows from him. Still not enough to really worry about though, by any real standard.

    Anyone believing such notions is about to eat their hats.

    Flashes of golden light spew from Shirou's hands and spread out like liquid metal in a mold. The light solidifies with a *SIZZLE-CLANK*

    A blade of legend rests in his grasp. EXCALIBUR GALATINE, treasured and trusted partner of the Knight of the Round Table, Gawain, and sister weapon of the Sword of Promised Victory. It's a polished holy sword of gleaming silver and dull grey-blue that was not made by human hands.

    And as Shirou adopts Gawain's favored combat stance, the blade ignites with searing golden-orange sunfire - and simultaneously radiates a flood of magical energy far beyond the trickle that Shirou was giving off... and used to make it... combined.

    The heat of that weapon's easily enough to melt through metal with one clean slice however.

    Unfortunately, one or two slices might be all Shirou's gonna get out of it. GALATINE is a high-ranking holy sword, and his ability to formulate its structure and mythos and bind it into a weapon is fairly crappy.

    But a knock-off of a legendary weapon, that's nothing to sneeze at, is it?

    "I've got your back!" Shirou yells Lyner's way, rushing over. He can't possibly help Amalthea, because she's FAR TOO FAST, he'd never be able to keep up.

Dex Alruin (332) has posed:
    Caitlyn, for her part, seems unarmed. This illusion is broken when Elise fires into the robot army. Her scans, and any sort of weakness scan would show that their weaknesses are typical for humanoid-shaped beings. Elbows, knees, headshots, eyes. All of these are labeled are weak points. However, as the first squad of seven takes Reaper fire straight on, and those weaknesses are hit, they seem to be relentless. One loses its head and keeps walking forward unphased. Knees are struck, but the machines keep advancing, crawling instead of walking, but with the same relentless movement. One of the robots to avoid the first salvo points a hand out, which shifts into a cannon. There a brief red glow before a wave of hot energy flies outward toward Elise in recompense for losing comrades. Caitlyn also flicks a hand toward Elise as well, a hardlight dagger, glowing brilliant green, rocketing in the wake of her gesture.

    She still has no held weapon, though. Odd.

    Lyner's blade is drawn, and Caitlyn's attention turns to him. "Such varied skills. You have a sword, and is that lightning magic?" As bolts rain down, several bots seize and fall to the ground, only to stand back up and continue the advance. They twitch wildly, spastically, and as they shoot their red blasts at Lyner, Caitlyn swings a... is that a sledgehammer? Yep, a hardlight sledgehammer! Right for his skull. Where is she pulling these from?

    As Mantigora fades into stealth, the robots seem to lose track of her. However, there's a couple of quiet reports from the mounted turrets. Red lasers streak down toward her last location, but they can't seem to pinpoint her. They seem to try to pepper areas they think she might go, protecting the robots as best they can. She'll find that her blades can damage them, but she will have to find a way to deactivate them. If she's observent, she might notice a red light slowly fading in and out of view in between where shoulder blades would be on a human. Beating. Almost like a heart.

    Unfortunately, Kotone's Wi-Fi check is a negative. They're on a closed circuit system, and seem to refuse any attempt to break through. However, her effort is not fruitless, and she will be able to confirm that there is a switch-off trigger in the torso area, dead center about seven inches from the base of the neck. Caitlyn leaves her be for now, but watches her with a curious eye. "And what are YOU trying?" she asks, her voice a coo.

    Riva's guns rip into the ranks of the robots, and more damage is inflicted. A larger wave of retalitory fire opens up on her in response, and Caitlyn is on her like white on rice. A sweep of her hand, but there's no hardlight this time. Nope, just a swift smack to the side of the head. "Two gun users. I can dig it. Maybe I'll show you mine later, eh?" A turret turns toward Riva and fires off a laser for good measure.

    Amalthea's speech is met with a snort. "It's how that I'm interested in. If you're still moving, clearly you have some sort of talent we can augment our Technomancers with." Champion name drop! "Like that guy over there, Ben. He noticed that he's an exact twin of Dex, and it seems to have shocked the poor guy!" Amalthea's head-on approach does a lot of damage, and crumples one of the robots entirely. However, it seems that breaking their 'heart' comes with a nasty side effect. In its final moment, it attempts to grab Amalthea, before detonating upon her! Add the turret fire and robot cannon fire that accompanies her charge, and we have a recipe for lots of Michael Bay inspiration.

    Shirou calls up a hell of a blade, and Caitlyn FINALLY has a solid target. She's there in an instant. "Well well, aren't YOU interesting?" she says, smiling softly. She draws her arm up, and her hand clenches around a sword made of the same green hardlight. It's a simple sword, and she shows genuine envy at the magnificent blade in Shirou's grip. "How'd you do that? I'm getting no tech reading, so it must be magic... We need to harness your power. You're coming with me!~" She slashes down ha

Dex Alruin (332) has posed:
    She slashes down hard at Emiya, her eyes flashing with excitement.

    Meanwhile, Dex and Ben stare each other down. Dex draws his bow, and Ben does the same, drawing a bow with... an eye gem in the center. Dex seems shocked again, but he smirks. "You're a moron, aren't you?" he taunts, "You are me from another dimension, right? But you had Champions to help you, right? I didn't, so we're trained differently. How good a shot are you?" Ben chuckles. "Better than you, I'd imagine. I've trained every day for this moment. I'm the best of any of the Technomancers."

    Dex smirks. "But how well do you know yourself?" He draws an arrow, nocking it into his bow. "Because I know you and that weapon better than I know myself." His arrow bursts into holy flames, and Ben seems to back up, gripping !Legenia tightly. "What do you mean?" Ben asks?

    Dex doesn't answer. He just lets the arrow fly.

Elise Leroy (62) has posed:
    "Relentless... damn it." she racks the bolt, drops the magazine then slams a near one home... just in time to get hit full on by that beam cannon. She's knocked backwards, skidding along the floor in the heavy armour suit, though it seems completely unharmed by the attack. The hardlight dagger hits, and shatters against the chest plate as the Sniper hauls herself up again, leaving a gouge in the outer layer. Just what the hell is that made from?

    "Plan B." she states softly, holstering the rifle in the mag-clamp again, before pulling the OTHER weapon held there. It's a massive warhammer, daemonic in look. The weapon seems to sit easily in the womans grasp as she charges forwards. "Have a taste of THIS!" she shouts, before leaping up to bring that hammer down in an overhead smash into the ground. Now, normally this would cause a fissure to open up and spew out hellfire and what not. That may or may not be the case here.

Lyner Barsett (122) has posed:
     "Thanks!" Lyner replies quickly to Shirou before turning his attention back to the robot army. So lightning only partially worked. "Tch, looks like dismantling them manually is the only option..." He raised his sword, electricity fading away.

     Caitlyn's comments earn her a look, but no more as he quickly moved to evade. Several red blasts veered by him, as Lyner just barely weaved about. Several others seared past his sides and through his cape, leaving holes. "Oh come on! Do you know how hard it is to get this fixed!?" The knight complained comically, holding his cape in his free hand. But a sledgehammer veering right for his skull snapped Lyner back to attention.

     Immediately, the blonde raised his blade, and then parried the strike off course. ...The impact sent Lyner skidding back and he had to stab his weapon into the ground to slow himself down. "Guh! ...This one's stronger than she looks..." He mumbled to himself, pulling his blade out of the ground. "...Time to turn things up a notch then!" Gritting his teeth, the Knight of Elemia spread his feet, taking a stance as his sword began to glow again. The runes lit up, and a current of wind surrounded him.


     Lurching forward, Lyner broke out into a dash, aided by a burst of wind, and at high speed, aimed to cleave through several robots with precise strokes of the blade. Trusting Shirou to handle himself, he decided to forego engaging Caitlyn and instead focused on clearing out the ranks of machines.

Mantigora (583) has posed:
Mantigora keeps to quick feet as she circles around, not giving the turrets long enough to catch up to her. Those will have to be dealt with, but one thing at a time. She makes note of them, augmented mental processing ability churning through rapid calculations and strategy...

The blinking light as she nears does not escape the huntress' attention as she moves in, mostly because it trips the 'Analyze Weakness' scan of her nano-ware and marks it nice and bright on her HUD.

The Draken seems to literally appear out of thin air as she looms over the robot from behind, emitting only a contrastingly savage growl as she thrusts to impale her clawblades right through its body at that red spot. "You want to see strengths, woman?" With the opposite hand she grabs the robot by the arm. "Then witness the power and the fury of the Dominion!"

Mantigora yanks the robot off her blades, and spins around to heave it's form towards the turrets. If it hits them or they blow it up farther, makes no difference to her. "And be glad it is only -one- Draken that is here to put an end to your little game."

Amalthea (395) has posed:
    It's not much of a speech, because after she's said her piece, Amalthea is in a whirling fray of furor and violence. With her lance embedded in one robot she wrenches it free-- only for the tihng to come clanking back to life and...
    Latch onto her.
    "The fu-"
    The explosion is deafening. But when the debris and smoke clear, the unicorn is still standing. Ears ringing, armor blackened by flames, dented and mangled plating holds as she grits her teeth. If anything...
    It only seems to have made her ANGRIER.
    Tattered and scorched red cloak flowing behind her, she twirls, the business end of her lance lashing out, slashing with the long, razor tip and halberd wings, stabbing and jabbing, she stands her ground, eye wild with battle as she attempts to thin out the numbers of the menacing machinae, showing little by way of mercy to what amount to mindless robots, right now.

Riva Banari has posed:
LASERS! AAAAAH! Hitscan weapons, Riva's archnemesis! Riva is unable to dodge faster than light, but the laser distorts slightly as it nears Riva, probabilities realigning slightly, her body turning a little more, to keep what would be a lethal blow into a painfil glancing hit. "AAGH!" She says, collapsing to one side from the shot. "Damn!"

Riva shakes her head, one hand coveringthe wound for a moment, before she launches again in an acrobatic backflip. "I wouldn't mind seeing what you've got." She says, joking through the pain as she shifts her target to returning fire on the laser emplacements. She has no time to pay attention to the showdown, unfortunately, so she deals with what she's got.

And what she's got is an ally in trouble. "Amalthea!" She yells, bringing her guns over to fire at robots on her as well.

Emiya Shirou (560) has posed:
    "Don't...be... RIDICULOUS!" Shirou brings up Galatine to parry. Sparks fly and gouts of flame rush out in every direction as brilliant flares. The Reborn Sword of Victory might be a knock-off, but it's mighty enough to clash a few times! And Shirou's footwork has vastly changed from the fumbling he ran in with. "I'm not going anywhere, especially not with a group here to wreck a whole city! " Unfortunately, it'll be quite tough to back up Lyner AND keep Caitlyn busy!

    The clash leaves him driven backward over the grounds. It's only a meter or two, but he's fighting a being more experienced than he is!

    Still, Galatine shines radiantly in his grasp, as if telling its wielder... don't give up.

    "... My body is made of swords." The young man intones next.

    The failing illusion... is strengthened. Perhaps it will last longer than previously thought!

    Which is a good thing because...


    He goes on the attack swiftly, and brings Galatine about for a swift and powerful slash! "Who are you guys?! This is a whole city you're threatening!"

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa humms gets that she won't playing around in thie systems enough but pauses as there is somethign what's this? It looks like a kill switch if they can be triggered it could solve a lot of the problem they are dealing with. She opens a general raidio to the fighters.

<The machines's have a kill switch, rin the troso dead center and about seven inches from the base of the neck.>

She'll leave the fighting to the otehrs for the moment as she's got an idea to go after one of the switches.

<Assault I'm going to need some cover I think I can get to one of the kill switches if i'm lucky>

She's keeping her head downa for the moment.

Dex Alruin (332) has posed:
    Elise's armor seems quite effective against the robot's shots. As she also blocks the dagger, then launches in with her hammer, a couple of turrets turn to open laser fire upon her. The hammer smashes into one of the robots, compacting it and breaking its heart. It dies off immediately, even before the odd metal ground groans open. Fire, smelling heavily of brimstone, roars out of the gash, melting a few of the robots to the ground. They still fire, but only a few shots before the heat seems to trip their switch and 'kill' them.

    Lyner's cape... perhaps he can send a bill back through a Portal or something. For the time being, however, a turret and robots turn their attention toward him. Red light fills the space around him, but the wind magic proves to be an uncalculated factor, and the shots may or may not even come close. A number of robots are shut down on impact, before their bodies split at the impact point. Those behind them though open fire with a bit more careful aim.

    The Huntress annihilates one of the robots, which happens to explode on death. It seems that some of these are interspersed with the rest of them, and she hits one. More behind her open fire, but her taunt seems to fall on deaf ears for a moment. Then Caitlyn's voice rings out. "There are more of you? Bring them next time! I want to see everything you can do!"

    Amalthea weathers the explosion well. It seems, almost for a split second, that the robots around her stutter. It may just be a trick of the explosion, though, as they raise cannons, fire, and then are silenced by a lance to the heart. Metal falls to the ground as the entire force of Elites begins cleaving through the robots. All of the turrets are turned toward the battle, raining lasers upon anything that moves it seems, some of them misfiring and taking out its own soldiers. However, there's still a good number of them still standing.

    Riva's shielding or whatever it is stops the lasers from killing her, but they don't stop them from firing more at her. The robots take more notice of her as well, opening fire on her as well even as she returns and manages to blast a few of them through their 'hearts'. As they fall, more seem to take their place.

    Caitlyn matches Emiya blow for blow, his shining blade eventually causing her hardlight sword to shatter. She falls back, flicking her hand and generating another one almost immediately. "Your body is made of swords..." she says, then yawns. "My body has a hardlight generator that ties into my brain. I can make anything I want. Any weapon I choose is in my body." She seems almost disappointed. "Sad day. I wonder, though, why is that sword so radiant? It's special. And I want to know why you can do that." She leaps back in, not giving Emiya an inch, meeting his swing with her own.

    Kotone alerts the others to the presense of the killswitches, and Caitlyn smirks. "I added those for dramatic effect. I wanted to give you all a chance, after all. Nice going, you. Of course, there's also the red-light tell, but you figured it out without moving. I like it."

    Ben dodges the arrow, then draws his bow's lightstring. Dex rushes toward his double, slinging his bow over his shoulder as he does. Ben, it seems, is even worse than the simulation version of Maximum Dex that Dex normally trains against. His aim is steady, but Dex seems to predict his shots, dodging them on his way. There's a panic in Ben's eyes for a moment, before he smirks. Dex narrows his eyes... and then is blasted in the back. Ben's arrows turned completely around, surrounded by crimson light, and slammed into his target. "Full arrow control. Don't tell me you for--" Ben starts, before Dex rolls back to his feet and, which a swift motion, draws his sword and stabs. Ben dodges, but blood blossoms from his side as the sword finds purchase. Dex spins, sheathing his sword, drawing his bow, and nocking an arrow before the turn is finished. He lets it fly, and Ben roars as he catches the arrow to the left shoulder. "What... what is this?!" he cries.

Riva Banari has posed:
"Oh, so your deal is you can make up any weapons you want? Nice bennies!" Riva calls out. However, she's still getting lasered. It's not so much shielding around her, but a little bit of probability shifting from the charms linked to her Anima, combined with supernatural toughness. It's very weak, but the magical effect seems to stem from her, as she draws power from the envrionment, concentrates it within her, and uses that world-energy to fuel her weapons and said minor occult effects.

This becomes more of a thing as energy concentrates in the two MAC-10s, which appear normal but for some circuit-like patterns that seem inlaid into the slides on the weapons. They hum with power, and it's clear she's not firing bullets - she's not stopping to reload.

The problem is, neither do the opposition, really. The lasers and blasts from the robots keep coming, and even if she's not taking direct hits, it's clear she's slowing down from chip damage. She's certainly verbose about it every time she's hit, after all. "Agh! You guys are tough!" She yells. Maybe she's not as much of a hero as some of the others present.

Riva then stops, firing full auto not at the enemies, but up into the air. The bullets sail through the sky, arcing over the technological landscape and descending in a rain upon the robots, splashing outwards in a circle of energy, a pool of binding blue-green energy spreading out that keeps those hit stuck for a short time. The circle bears a distinctive hexagonal color pattern in it.

Lyner Barsett (122) has posed:
     Skidding to a stop, Lyner was immediately beset by a rain of energy fire. "Crap, crap, crap!" Comically dancing about amid a hail of deadly blasts, the blonde deflected a few shots with his sword, several others striking various points along his body and drawing blood. "Guh...!" Wincing at the spikes of pain that shot up from the various impacts, Lyner retreated to the nearest cover; which in this case, happened to be around the corner of a building.

     "Man, these things just don't let up..." Catching his breath, he complained to himself as the surface of the building could be heard getting riddled with bullets. Lyner patiently waited for any sort of cue that suggested there was a gap in the firing, and meanwhile, he raised his sword, runes glowing as electricity crackled along the surface.

     Once it seemed like there was a moment of lag between volleys, he dashed out from behind his cover and thrust his sword outwards. "Take this!" The currents running along his sword flared up and then burst outwards as a singular beam of blue lightning.

     After tearing through the initial few soldiers, the beam broke apart, turning into a scattershot of chain lightning that aimed to electrify all that had their sights on him. He didn't stop there though. Not about to make himself a standing target, Lyner broke out into a forward run, meeting the forces head on to take any close enough in melee combat.

Mantigora (583) has posed:
"Maybe if you and your toys prove worthy of the challenge." Casual danger dialouge? Not a problem here that's for sure. But Mantigora doesn't let it distract her from the battle at hand, either. Hmmm. The robots have weak spots, but some of them have explosive killswitchs as well. A gamble at odds, interesting twist.

Whover this crazy woman is, she makes things a different challenge, we'll give her that much.

With a snort and a fangy grin Mantigora crouchs a bit, flexing her legs. Nanotech augmented muscles take over, and with a startling leap the Draken launches herself towards the turrets. Someone needs to disable the coverfire for the enemies.

As she lands near them nanites swirl in her hands to form a pair of sharpened discs, which start to spin under their own internalized nanotech power. "But now, we can't let you have all the cool playthings, can we?" She flings the armor serrating discs at the turret line in an effor to slice several apart. Or at least damage them to reveal more vulnerable innards. Throwing stars? Pfff. I've got throwing -buzz saws-.

Emiya Shirou (560) has posed:
    Shattering hardlight. Now that's an accomplishment! Shirou didn't get through the match unscathed however. Caitlyn did inflict several glancing blows on him, each a partial parry that sliced into his flesh and produced... sparks, strangely enough. Piercing his flesh, one finds that it's hard as metal underneath. It clinks, and clanks, and groans like a wall of blades.

    MAybe his body really is made of swords, and that's not just a helpful phrase to guide his magecraft.

    "Hrmph. You're out of luck. Even I don't get why I can do this, and it's nothing like these hardlight constructs of yours."

    Blood drips from his body, but very little. It's healing remarkably well from those few cuts - they're superficial at best.

    So long as Galatine holds up, Caitlyn faces the skill and power of a Heroic Spirit! With a fierce battlecry the boy rushes in at her again. SLASH SLASH SLASH!

    Great, gallant attacks that demand full attention, all designed to overpower an opponent! ... They are the heroic pride of a knightly warrior, and not quite suited for Shirou's body type. "Uoooooaaaargh!"

    However, while it was Caitlyn's sword that shattered before..


    Galatine follows suit. And as if mimicking Caitlyn's own feat...

    "gh..." He sees another weapon more suited for this situation not far away. "Judge concept of creation, form basic structure, duplicate materials, imitate maker's skills..." He speaks not to Caitlyn, but to his own soul, a form of self-hypnosis.

    Again, golden light shines from his hands, stretches out... it's taking the shape of a spear. "Complete growth, follow its life from start to finish... Trace complete, deploy!"


    The Wishblade halberd Amalthea's been wielding is in his grasp, and with a hot-blooded roar SHirou DRIVES it for Caitlyn's side. He's trying not to hit vitals, but that could be NASTY!

Amalthea (395) has posed:
    In the sheer fracas of a fight, the call of Amalthea's name makes one loppy ear flit up. Riva's voice is the only signal she needs, and the unicorn pauses. Holding off on her furious assault her shield comes up. Because in that instant she DUCKS. Using the fussilade of gunfire as cover to back up just a few paces and catch her breath.
    Already steam is venting angrily from her shoulder and knee joints, but she pushes her body on. The sight of Dex scoring a blow, drawing blood brings a quirk of a smug grin to silvery lips.
    Practice indeed. Practice makes perfect after all.
    "Heh... That's my boy." Grunted amid taking a few more wild stabs at the closest machine in her path. Before she realizes her Wishblade is no longer the only one on the field.
    "Well damn, boy. If you can wield it, then wield it true."

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa says "So a bait humm?" %R% She's not sure about it at this point and she really not liking them for a moment. She's really not liking this lady at all, she's got her armour on and she's making a sprint now trying to get for one of the bots hopefully she'll be getting the cover that she needed. If not this is gong to be crazy. She's not human normal in terms of speec as she tries to get around the robot and leap up behind it going for the the kill switch with everything she's got to trigger it.

Dex Alruin (332) has posed:
    As destructions rains down from Riva's guns, more of the robots begin to collapse. She pops two of the ones that have explosive hearts, and that takes out a few more. Their military precision and predictable forward marching is beginning to be their downfall. They're falling in squads, and the onslaught is starting to slow.

    What about the turrets, though? Surely they'll win the fight for Caitlyn. Nope, buzzsaws. Yup. Buzzsaws. Turrets begin to fall as well, and the entire master plan is starting to unravel. Caitlyn is hearing it, her suit torn by the constant exchanges with Emiya, blood flowing freely. And she falls back, stepping away as she sees him regenerating the damage she's inflicted and he creates a duplicate Wishblade. Her eyes go wide, and she looks over to Ben. Ben... is doing really poorly, Dex lunging, rolling, and dodging all of his attacks with practiced precision. She seem to calculate the odds in her head... then she turns and runs, heading for the center of the square formation made by the turret towers. Ben sees her. "Sis, no! You can't leave me here like this!" He tries to dodge Dex's next shot, but catches it to the gut and falls to the ground, roaring with pain.

    The robots, it seems, are expendable and being left for dead. So, it seems, is Ben. Familial relationships come out into the open, and are broken as Caitlyn reaches the center of the square. A silvery Portal appears and she dives through, though the gate remains open. She can be followed, but the world beyond the Portal is much like the one they're in right now, a maze of identical towers equidistant from each other. It'd be hard to track her position accurately.

    The robots aren't giving up, though they do break formation. Now they just charge at the Elites with wild abandon. Just asking to be mowed down.

    Dex raises his sword, standing over Ben, who is trying to crawl away. "Tell me something, honestly," Dex says, "If you were me right now, and I were you, would you let me go?" Ben turns and stares up at Dex, but despite the fear in his eyes, he submits. "No... I wouldn't."

    Dex closes his eyes and slashes down. "I didn't think so."

Mantigora (583) has posed:
Mantigora half turns as Caitlyn runs past her general proximity to get to the portal amongst the turrets she was destroying. "Hah! So in the end all that talk was for naught? Pff. Run back to your world, not as a conqueror, but as prey just waiting to be hunted down!" With a lash of her tail the bounty huntress looks like she's about to chase after the fleeing woman, but she gets blindsided by the robots going into suicidal outrage mode. Or maybe actually taking their sacrifice to the point of protecting their so-called leader's cowardly retreat.

The blow knocks her off her feet, but after a brief tumble Mantigora springs back up into a ready stance... and retracts her blades? Huh? "As for you..."

She pulls a pair of weapons out of her inventory instead, twirling them in her hands as she raises her arms up to cross in front of her and then catching them in proper grip. Despite being in the class for 'Dual Swords' the Macerators look more like large bludgeons with spiked, sharpened edges.

"Been waiting for chance to test these out!" She lunges at the robots that charged her, unleashing a frenzy barraged of strikes with the tandem weapons at any robot that gets close to her fury. Not only are the weapons themselves dangerous, but each impact unleashes a small burst of water elemental energy.

Emiya Shirou (560) has posed:
    Shirou doesn't pursue. He's here to save the city, not hunt down and kill people. If his enemies are running, then that works fine for him!

    In fact, he drops to his knees for a moment, using Wishblade to hold himself up, as his guts threaten to come spilling out his mouth. Nausea, adrenaline, fear, all of it comes boiling up to the top when his life's not in danger anymore, and he struggles hard to not collapse.

    His whole body sure wants to after that abuse, that's for sure. He's not able to physically match Gawain - using skill like that has an awful cost.

    So he rises up, breathing raggedly and still dripping blood, just in time to see Dex standing over his double... and bringing it down.

    "Sto--" he stretches out a hand - but really, it's probably too late.

    And he really doesn't have much right to demand anything.

Lyner Barsett (122) has posed:
     "Alright, they're starting to break down!" Lyner called, feeling a bit triumphant at surviving the initial onslaught. With the robots apparently being left for their own, he found it much easier to cleave through their increasingly disorganized ranks.

     After feeling his sword cut down another robotic soldier, the knight cut back on the magic, feeling a bit of a headache coming on from the repeated usage. From there on, he stuck with plain old swordplay, which was nothing to sneeze at. Even without magic, Lyner's movements were smooth and practiced, despite his idiotic demeanor, his skill couldn't denied.

     With things eventually thinned out, the knight lowered his sword, heaving a deep sigh. Blood stained his clothes in parts and ran down along his arms and legs. "...Is it over?" Asking to no one in particular. After a moment, he glanced towards Dex...

Amalthea (395) has posed:
    Is that it then? Even in the middle of melee, the unicorn's keen eye surveys the ongoings of the field. Shirou beating Caitlyn back- who in turn flees as the constructs are rendered little more than chaff. Another stab of the Wishblade to the nearest robot and she disengages. Letting Manitgora test her blades to her heart's content and Riva handle the crowd control DPS. Her focus is elsewhere.
    Upon the fleeing Caitlyn at first, yes, but then upon Dex and Ben. And she watches solemnly her student's blade come down.

Riva Banari has posed:
Riva throws a gun up into the air and gives Amalthea a thumbsup as they avoid getting hell murdered by 343 or so guys, minus however many have been blown up by now. She doesn't have time to count. Thankfully, the robots seem to just be robots and not like actual people, it seems, so Riva can feel better about it. At least it's not zombies.

Several more shots catch Riva, however, as she tries to line up her next attack, and she's dropped to one knee, black smouldering marks on her clothing hiding the damage to her body. She breathes heabily, her teeth clenched. "HEY! HEY!" Riva yells, indignant as she swings one gun around and fires a salvo at the escape door, but she stumbles, her wounds throwing her off balance. It's at this time that the other gun hits the ground, her reflexive grab for it missing as she falls over. "Damn!" She swears, her hand scoopint it up as she throws herself into a sideways roll, muttering things as she come up on her knees again and just holds down the triggers, trying to take down the incoming suicide robots before they can finish the job.

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa gets the first bot pulling the kill switch and leaping off the bot as it feels over she leaps to another doing the same and finally stopping on third before she leaps to the last one. she flips off at this point her body crunching the ground from the force of the impact. Ya she's a bit heavier than a human of her size should be. She takes note of what's happening with Riva and turns to pull her rifle off her back opening fire trying to gie Riva support fire. If she knows about Riva getting better when she goes boom? She doesn't seem to care, she still feels it right? Then again she might have left her self open.

Dex Alruin (332) has posed:
    As the robots fall in their final charge and everyone begins to feel battle weary, Dex's blade falls. For a moment, the world seems to fall away, the blade falling between the pair as though it were cleaving through ice. Dex's gaze, hard and fierce, meets Ben's scared yet resigned eyes. He knows his time has come, and he is terrified of it.

    Then the blade falls to the side. Dex pulls the arrow out of the boy's gut, kicks him in the stomach, and turns away. "Leave. I'm not going to kill you this time. Get out, don't come back."

Amalthea (395) has posed:
    And Amalthea's grin turns into a true smile when Dex spares Ben. It is small. Gentle. Hard to notice unless paying full attention to the old knight.
    That kick was totally fair game and well deserved though.
    With one last exhausted venting of steam she trudges to Dex's side and lightly lays her hand upon the youth's shoulder.
    "Dex have I ever mentioned I'm proud of you, kid?"

Mantigora (583) has posed:
Mantigora kicks a dead robot out of her way to walk back towards the others. She regards Dex and Ben for a moment, then just snorts softly when he tells the other boy to leave. As far as she can tell, Dex is just giving him a change to become a more appropriate challenger later. Doesn't really matter so much to her, she was just here for the fight.


Instead she walks over to her own partner, tucking her secondary weapons away as she does so. "Well, Skuzzler? Did you get it?"

The space-rat grabs his Scanbot and holds it up towards her as he cackles in a chitterish fashion. "Every brutal detail~. So much information. So much -violence-."

"Good." Mantigora glanced over her shoulder in the direction that the portal had been. "Certainly both the war councils and the Collegium will find it.. interesting." And prove they're actually doing their job of collecting data on various Multiverse threats and/or allies.

Lyner Barsett (122) has posed:
     Watching as this all happened, Lyner had sheathed his sword, the case constricting to a smaller form again. And then he nodded, crossing his arms with a smile on his face.

     "Good...death isn't always the answer, I say." As far as he was concerned, he had done his part and survived. He was more than satisfied with that.

Emiya Shirou (560) has posed:
    now THAT? That's a relief. Shirou immediately untenses, droping back to his staggery slouch as he gasps for air. He's in great shape, but what HUMANS can do is quite a limit to what he NEEDED to do there.

    He doesn't even finish that screamed request for mercy, he just smiles, and stays focused on keeping conscious.

Riva Banari has posed:
Riva sits there as the robots are finished off. "Ugh. Wow, that was ugly." She puts her guns to the side and pulls out some tacos (the mexican kind, not the fruit), and starts munching. "Is everyone okay?" She asks. "Did you win, cool dude?" She asks. She tilts her head as Amalthea congratulates him. "Good work, man." She congratulates. As she eats, it looks like her wounds are beginning to heal visibly.

Dex Alruin (332) has posed:
    Dex smiles a bit, hearing Ben laboring to stagger through the Portal. When he is safely through, he turns back to his allies. "Thanks for coming. I guess that Portal leads to their world. Probably a higher tech variant of my own. If you want to investigate, be my guest. They still have seven Champions, even if one is severely wounded, so it'd be a death sentence for me to go right now." He smiles, brushing his duster off a bit.

    "I just hope I don't end up regretting that."

Dex Alruin (332) has posed:
    Dex glances at Riva. "... Are... are those healing tacos?!"

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa stops shooting as things come to an end and watches as Dex does not finish them off when they can't fight any longer. She only met Dex today but what he's done here says a heck of a lot about what sort of person he is.

"You all right Riva?"

Riva might notice Kotone's in some pretty damn heavy armour very high tech looking armour from the looks of it. She turns back to Dex for a moment.

"Look, you did the hardest thing I think. You didn't give into agnger rage or hate...wait tacos?!"

She stares at Riva

"You and Hex are alwaqys chomping down on thsoe thing /where/ do you get them I have to know."

Riva Banari has posed:
Riva looks up. "Not quite? Eating augments my natural regeneration ability when I'm not spending all my energy fighting. Food give you more energy, you know? I get them from a nice place in the Haitian Quarter in London." She holds up the wrapped tacos. One of them has a sticker that reads: 'TAKE THE TEX MEX T-REX CHALLENGE!'

"I have plenty for everyone if anyone wants them. The place sells them in packs of like, 100. Really popular for parties. If nothing else, it'll help you feel better."

Dex Alruin (332) has posed:
    ... "Man, shame they're not healing tacos. That is an amazing idea. Maybe we should get out of this strange dome-square thing of robot death, though."

Emiya Shirou (560) has posed:
    "What the hell was THAT about?" Shirou ambles over Dex's way, and collapses on his rear in a rather unheroic fashion. He's looking a bit worse than he actually is. Nothing some rest won't handle, given his regeneration, but ow. He was way out of his league there.

    "Who are these people and why are they after you?!"

Mantigora (583) has posed:
Mantigora narrows her eyes at the portal again. Tempting.. but for as aggressive and loving of a good hunt as her people are, she's not one to go off blindly into such a location possibly by herself. "Hmph. As long as they stay away they are safe. But if they come back to threaten this world...." She lets that comment hang as it is.

Nostrils flare a bit, and she strides over to take one of the offered tacos. Though at first she holds it up to scrutinize it, just because she has a soft spot for sampling the foods of other cultures... sometimes -made out of- said cultures, but that's besides the point. It's got meat in it, so that's good.

And the savage side shows a little more as she practically stuffs it in her mouth in one go, not wanting to spare a bit. Omnomnomnom

Lyner Barsett (122) has posed:
     With the threat gone, Lyner relaxed a bit more, stretching his arms above his head. "Food would be excellent right about now! I could go for about a dozen funbuns! Or two dozen! ...Maybe three!" A pause followed. And then he grinned. "...Or anything else works too."

     His grin lessened a bit after and he shook his head with a bit of a shrug. "...But I think getting out of here might be a good idea. Shall we?"

Riva Banari has posed:
At this point, Riva stands up. Looks like she can walk again by now. She picks up her guns and pulls out a big cardboard box. It's full of tacos, all wrapped and stickered just like the ones she had from... Somewhere.

"Come on, we can have a taco party once we get out of here. We can convince them to go away and stop bothering Dex later."

Amalthea (395) has posed:
    Tacos sound great right about now. Amalthea goes back to her Multiverse's #1 Dad mug, picks it up, and has a long, slow, sip, of the last of her coffee.
    "I'm totally down for a taco party."