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Dungeon Run: Sector Three vs. Fire Bombers
Date of Scene: 30 November 2014
Location: Galianda
Synopsis: Prince Landon al Cid invites basically everyone to his private box to watch one of the local professional sports events: Dungeon Run! Ensue mostly no one watching the game in favor of politics and multiversal information sharing.
Cast of Characters: Maya, Staren, 486, Inga, 548, 624, 626, 627, 630, 633, 642, 643

Landon al Cid (642) has posed:


     The skies of Ramuh are black with clouds. Water, lighting, and wind howl across the plate in equal measure, expressions of the raw, natural magic of the continent. Etched in neon lines against the swirling black stormclouds of the sky is the city itself, the massive, continent-spanning megacity of Ramuh, the City Without Sunlight. The ever-whirling storm is the lifeblood of the city; at the top, great spires catch the magical lightning, bringing it charging down the levels of the streets below. Like a great hive of metal and magical screens, Ramuh stands across its continent, triumphant in its domination of the natural world. Conjured, obviously-fake chocobos make their way through the streets alongside cars, busses, pedestrians on lightning skates, and pedestrians. Occasionally, monsters appear; they are set upon by travellers along their paths as though they're nothing but daily nuisances, no different than beasts to be dealt with.

     But you don't have to care about that.

     You are guests of His Highness, Landon al Cid. From the moment you set foot on the Great Span, high above the world, the ever-whirling mechanical edifice of a bridge that spans all of Galianda, you are accompanied by royal guards clad in the armor of the al Cid Judges. As you are guided down the leagues-long bridge, you are given an ample look at the world of Galianda; three of its great Plates are visible even as the darkness begins to fall upon them, Phoenix's light vanishing to the other side of the world. They are vast, vast, impossible things, each as large as a continent. One, a vast desert; one, an impossible mountain; the last, covered in storms.

     You are guided to the storm-covered continent and immediately given access to a limousine. You are driven through the vast streets in comfort and style, guests of His Highness. Finally, you are helped out at an immense structure, surrounded by buildings, and guided into what can only be described as a great, domed stadium. At the end of your journey is a sports box, like on so many other worlds, except what it overlooks is not a sports field but an open-top dungeon, still in construction.

     The Prince rises from his chair, dressed in the black-and-gold fineries of the al Cid family, a warm smile on his face. He could not be more than seventeen, eighteen at the absolute most. He holds out his hand.

     "Welcome, on behalf of the al Cid family."

Inga has posed:
The wisewoman from Uppsala continues to be amazed by the multiverse. Never in her most imaginative dreams could she have seen places like this, a world laid out on plates, a city so indescribably large. She's only been in the multiverse for what, a couple of months perhaps? She has seen things that have taken her breath away--but this is still amazing.

Ramuh, a city of constant storm. Inga reaches up to touch the hammer pendant that hangs around her neck, a small smile curving her lips as she's driven into the city to meet it's prince. All the while her eyes are roaming, taking it all in. At least she is becoming more at ease with vehicles, though this one appears to be run on pure magic rather than...whatever cars are run by. Noisy things.

The woman approaches slowly, a limp in her gait, a rune-carved oak staff used to aid her movement. She's dressed what must be fairly richy for her world, the fabric of her dress a soft red wool over white linen shift, large silver brooches pinned at her shoulders, a strand of amber beads hanging between them. Over this she wears a warm wool cloak with a fox fur collar. Her white hair hangs in a long braid down her back. Despite the white hair and the limp, she appears to be a young woman. She smiles and bows her head to Landon once she reaches him, extending her hand as he does, assuming it is customary to grasp hands here. "Thank you for your kind welcome, prince Landon Al Cid. I am Inga Freyjasdottir, Wisewoman of Uppsala, a Chosen of the Buzzing," she introduces.

Aqua (624) has posed:
    For the last few days, Aqua has been helping out at an inn; it pays her stay, and gets her some pocket change. The truth is, she doesn't have anywhere to call 'home' that she remembers, and this place has been pretty incredible all-around. Washing dishes might not be the most amazing work you can get here, but it pays her room! And she can afford wandering about to see stuff.

    It's also not every day you get offered to watch sport on the house. How Aqua came about this invitation is probably completely coincidental and ultimately irrelevant.

    This is why she is here with the crowd today. She had not been out of Chocobo yet, and even then, her wandering has been limited mostly to the Great Span and the Academy grounds and nowhere else. The size of Ramuh and its layout, the sighs, the lighs, cause her to spend most of the trip looking out the limo building like she's never been around this modern a city before. Which she hasn't! Well, there was Afterus, but Afterus is... WEIRD.

    Once they enter the chamber, she gives a polite bow to the prince. "Thank you, prince. Your world is just beautiful. My name's Aqua. I'm not... really anyone, sorry." No titles, no fancy intros. She fidgets uncomfortably, almost certain this is a social faux pas somehow.

Staren has posed:
    Staren steps out of the gate and is surprised to be greeted by royal guards, but okay. "Hey, Inga!" she gets a greeting too! En route, he pesters them with questions about the workings of Galianda whenever he sees something odd.

    At last they arrive! Staren walks up and extends a hand to Landon to shake. "Nice to meet you, I'm Staren, researcher of problems for the Union!" Souji gets a nod, and Aqua gets a 'Hi, new person!' After greetings are exchanged, he hurries to look out over the edge of the box. "Woooow. This is a great idea, but... isn't it dangerous and expensive, getting the monsters and healing magic for the contestants? I bet it'd be a hit on my world..." he turns back towards the others. "Although, we lack the global communications network to reach a wide audience."

Souji Murasame (627) has posed:
Souji would not miss a chance like this for the world.

The Murasame Heir does not ride with the Prince and his companions. He meets the group at the security checkpoint for the al Cid private box, standing there patient and immaculate. The faint smile on his face is the first thing Landon and his associates see.

His manners are impeccable and crisp, however, though one can practically /feel/ the tension around the Murasame and al Cid heir, like a gathering storm that somehow refuses to strike. He bows to the Prince precisely the degree he is supposed to (and not a centimeter more), and remains crisp and pleasant.

And then there's Helena at his side, which just makes it even more of a thing.

"Prince al Cid." Souji greets, accompanything them into the box and taking /second/ best seat in the box. It would be improper to take the best with the Prince present. His Moogle Glasses flicker as he samples the MogNet to get basic information about the upcoming event. He will need to be Prepared.

Though if the Mime Force Five try to follow them in he will happily have Helena dispose of them. He is /still/ irritated about how they were copying his observation pose while he was watching the Kendo team practice.

Xau'ra Tayuun (548) has posed:
Xau'ra has decided to come visit this-- strange world that sounds so much like Hydaelyn and yet-- so greatly different. Though he reminds himself to be on his better behavior, given these people have never met an Eorzean and if their technological advanced-- maybe, like so many other members of the Union-- they can lend a hand in keeping the Garlean Empire /out/ of Eorzea.

Though as he got ready to leave he found an expected guest in his backpack.. more correctly-- a moogle. "You can't come along." He hissed at the moogle. The moogle then closed the lid back down, "I'll be good, kupo! If we are to meet one from this world, we have the right to know too!"

Xau'ra sighs. Arguing with a moogle was-- rather pointless. Long as the fuzz-ball was quiet, everything would be OK.. he hopes.

He arrives though, he suddenly does feel very, very small indeed. The area causes him to have chills and the fur on his black feline tail to stand up on edge a bit. This place-- it felt lacking of nature-- controlling of it perhaps. He watches the lightning strike down.

His white clothing though was very striking to his dark grey, light fur over his body and those white strands of hair playing along side the deep shade of black. He also had his red lens goggles on, cause curse of being a Keeper of the Moon. Light can be your enemy sometimes.

Once he arrives though, he looks around the area. His airs moving around ever so slightly, but they stayed back a bit. He was-- so very out of place. He grit his fanged teeth for a moment, before inhaling the air.

Those boots of his moved softly across the floor. Though he did look over to the Prince as he greeted all and gave him a nod. "Pleasure to meet you and uh-- get a chance to see a part of your world.." He sounds very uneasy.

The moogle thankfully has fallen asleep during the trip in the backpack.

Maya has posed:
Maya had heard much about this world it was the first world in a decaerd really like her own and she was curious to put it midly. When Landon Al Cid put out an open invite and well? Maya eagerly accepted. She kept things casual as her normal style of dress might come off as strange for a social event she bows slightly to the prince.

"I am Maya of Oasis of Septerra and thank you for the invite."

Okay she's not using her formal title, if Maya uses her formal title that kinda means /bad/ things are happening.

"This is quite the world and very much like my own in many wayrs your Highness."

Helena Celba (643) has posed:
    Standing slightly behind Souji Murasame is a young woman, in her later teens herself. Her skin is alabaster white, almost like a dolls, and her eyes are red. Her eyes are covered with a thin pair of glasses, and her head is covered by a strange headpeace, her long hair intertwined with the headdress. Her hair, the same color of her skin is long and beautiful, but kept from getting her her way because of the hat and how the hair is held up. The headdress is black, much like the rest of her outfit...with red markings. there is a strange symbol of the eye in the center of the headdress...also red.

    The outfit is, however, frilly. VERY frilly, it is goth-lolita, with black satin material, and crimson looking frills. Her stockings are also crimson, and she wears black shoes, more like platform shoes than heels. Her arms are left bear, revealing more of her white skin as she smiles at the Prince and his...entriage.

    "Hello, hello! So many new people...and so many familar faces." She says, and looks towards Landon... "Too formal, Prince...I can't cling to your shoulder with all these big scary guards around!" She looks to the new meat. She might have to pick a victim, if one is not provided...

    "Helena Celba, asssistant to Mister Murasame."

Raditz (486) has posed:

Plus Raditz simply isn't a big fan of sitting still in a car for very long, no matter cozy the limo is. There was an open invite to this event, and Raditz wouldn't mind taking a look around in this bonkers world. It also wouldn't hurt to get to know the new kids.

God, Raditz felt old.

Regardless, the Saiyan walks into the box, in his royal armor and cape combo, looking pretty boss, and he takes his time to glance around the boss to see who was who and where. After a little bit more of that, he looks over his shoulder, and nods, "Come on in, Merra, let's find a nice cozy spot." He steps on in, followed by a woman in a chinesey type dress with red hair, who stretches, "Glad to finally have a night out." Raditz only grins a bit, and takes a moment to walk over to the kid in black and gold and nods, "Your highness, glad to visit your planet finally. Heard interesting things about it. I am Raditz, son of Bardock, King of the Saiyan Race." He pauses and gestures to Merra, "I have a Plus One, if you don't mind." Merra smiles and bows, "Merra. A pleasure to meet you, Your highness."

Soan Sagittarius (633) has posed:
     This has been something of a crazy day for Soan. Or at least, at the /very least/, kind of annoying. Not being followed, losing people in the city is what a Thief does. Having a squad of five colorful mimes replicating everything that you do is awkward when you are pickpocketing a bunch of people in the crowd, he meant to get rid of them. He had many unsuccessful attempts during the day, but now, he feels confident that this is going to stick, this time.

     Soan Sagittarius comes through the door to the box. He's wearing a neatier version of his school uniform, pristine and his hair was particularly well-combed into his ponytail. He's put some effort into his apperance -- after all, he wouldn't want to give some embarassment to his friend. Doing this is already something of a risky thing!

     "Prince Landon al Cid." Soan lets out, brightly, bowing his head with a wide grin. "Thanks you for the invitation, friend!" He offers. He didn't need to be this formal. Still, it wouldn't hurt at all.

     His eyes travels around. Let's see. There is that spellcasting lady, that witch, from that crazy zombie-infested island. A man with cat ears talking to ... to... to a moogle. To a moogle. He idly wonder how Moogle Corp will take to this. Are they going to love it, or at they going to try to sue an entire species over intellectual properity and image? He wouldn't put it past them. Lastly, there is another lady. Aqua, was she? Of course, there was Souji... and Helena. This is gonna be awkward.

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    Kyra does not speak of the mime squad. She may or may not have set one on fire once. It may have even been /accidental/. Kyra is completely quiet on the matter when Mimes are brought up. There was also a point during the previous day where she seems to have dropped off from the radio with little explanation. Hadn't she been adventuring with Quentyn around then...?

    Upon hearing Landon's invitation over the Union channel, Kyra herself had to show up-to meet curious extraversal beings, of course. (And PRINCE.) Not really one for competative dungeoneering, she's certainly not all that interested in the match itself though she is impressed by the excellent seats. Of course, Landon should be able to get such excellent seats!

    As far as dressing up nicely goes...Kyra really doesn't. Her idea of dressing up nicely is to have the hood on her hoodie down so her head is visible and she doesn't look like a completely shady jerk. The front zipper has also been unzipped, revealing that she's not stocked with her usual dual bandoliers of potions and components, signalling she's not expecting many random encounters here. She is wearing one of her guns, though.

    She follows alongside Soan, her green eyes immediately falling upon al Cid himself. She gawks openly for a few moments before shaking her head and regaining a sort of 'yeah, I'm cool with this' composure. That composure grows a bit icier when she sees Souji Murasame there accompanied by...

    Oh no. Helena came.

    "Shit." She mutters and edges closer to Soan.

Landon al Cid (642) has posed:
     The Prince takes Inga's hand and kisses it in a courtly manner. "Your patronage of our humble city is appreciated, Lady Freyjasdottir." He takes note of her staff and her gait, but doesn't say anything. Such strange clothing is not uncommon here; in the stands outside the box, the group can see people in all sorts of garbs, many of them a mix of traditional Final Fantasy clothing and cyberpunk weirdness.

     "Everyone is someone, miss Aqua," Landon replies gently, but firmly, as he kisses Aqua's hand just as he did Inga's, "Especially in Ramuh. Lives change in a flash here. And you're known to my friends, which makes you a friend of mine, as well."

     "It's my pleasure, Staren." Landon's handshake is firm and strong, the handshake of a swordsman, or someone who practices frequently with melee weapon. "I can't speak for the expenses, but the industry is thriving. I imagine you'd have better luck talking with one of the coordinators about the logistics, I'm afraid." He offers an apologetic smile.

     That smile becomes strained as Souji comes through the door. The atmosphere is one of notable tension, but to Landon's credit, the strained smile lasts only an instant. He's clearly at least familiar with matters political. "Murasame. I'm honored you could make it."

     Helena gets a slightly less polite smile. Landon's thoughts on the matter are clear. "No, you can't, can you, Miss Celba? Still, I'm pleased you could be here. You're welcome to help yourself to the buffet, if you wish." The food on the back table is...enticing. It's an array of local delicacies, many of them strange, but warm and tasty-looking. It was likely prepared to make a good impression on new friends.

Landon al Cid (642) has posed:
     "That offer extends to all of you, by the by," Landon observes as Xau arrives, "Please, help yourselves."

     Landon blinks as Xau'ra doesn't return his handshake, but moves through it easily enough. "Of course. I imagine it's a bit unsettling for you. Please, relax. Nothing is going to harm you in here." And that certainly seems true - the Judge contingent is well-armored, if not well-armed, in black and gold plate.

     "It is a pleasure to meet you, Maya of Oasis, and my pleasure to be your host. It's nice to hear that Galianda isn't alone in the Multiverse as a world with sensible Plates and a clockwork core." He quirks a wry smile. "All these balls of dirt and rock, spinning around through a void near a great fire...it's something out of a fantasy novel, or a children's comic, really. Amazing, isn't it?"

     "Not at all, Your Highness," Landon replies deferentially. He's clearly used to dealing with nobility. He politely kisses Merra's hand as well. "Your Plus One is of course welcome. It's an honor to welcome you both to Galianda. I hope you find Ramuh as comfortable as possible during your stay."

     "Soan," Landon observes, "I'm glad to have you here. It seems the box is a bit more full than I'd expected, but the more the merrier, as they say."

     Landon was going to greet Kyra, but, well, she's hiding off to the side. He does, however, notice her gaze, and offers her a polite smile, following her look towards Souji and Helena. He's not stupid.

Landon al Cid (642) has posed:
     Outside the box, during the course of the conversation, tonight's dungeon is being assembled. Walls are erected with Magnet and Float magic, professional Time Mages moving massive metal plates around the field in intriguing configurations. An announcer is describing some likely-trumped-up rivalry between the Sector Three Thunder Mandragoras and the Dome Fourteen Fire Bombers in loving detail, explaining how Sidney 'The Viper' Saradyne recently beat the time of Louis Tryndlemere in a recent Run, and how Tryndlemere is dying for a chance at payback.

     As rooms are put together, monsters are brought in. Tonight's run looks like it's primarily composed of serpentine creatures - there's some very large snakes, some big Couerels, and...and it looks like a Zolom. The snake is bigger than the limo you drove in on by a factor of /two/, and it's the last thing they bring into the Dungeon, in the very last room. Clearly, it's a boss monster.

     Not to worry. The walls are /quite/ high. And there appear to be officials on standby all around the Arena in case something goes wrong, so they clearly take this very, very seriously.

Inga has posed:
Inga turns to look as others arrive and make their introductions. She looks to Aqua, nodding her head in greeting. "A pleasure to meet you Aqua, you are certainly someone," she replies with a smile before looking to Staren, smile growing. "Always good to see you Staren," she adds.

Souji is given a look, one brow raised. She nods to him if he can be bothered to acknowledge her presence.

Inga's gaze moves to Xau'ra and her smile persists. "Xau'ra, how nice to see you again. The boar was delicious--I have distributed the leftovers to those in need of food in Kingsmouth. That said, I suppose I shall be needing another in the near future," she says with a small laugh.

Then, a nod to Maya as well. This is becoming a rather large gathering!

Souji's companion speaks at least. Inga looks over, blinking. Well, they have very similar coloring, don't they? She suspects the hair color is more common here, however. She nods to Helena. "A pleasure to meet you...and Mister Murasame," she says, pronouncing the name a bit slowly to make sure she does it correctly.

Another arrives. Inga blinks, then nods to Raditz. She remembers his voice from the radio.

Aaand another. Oh gods, she's going to become quickly overwhelmed with so many people in tight quarters, the chances of a vision growing stronger by the moment...A nod is given to Soan as well, who she has at least met already. "Soan, good to see you again. Thank you again for your help in Kingsmouth," she says. And then, Kyra. "And you as well Kyra, you were both...very effective," she says. SO NOISY, but effective.

Inga wonders what would be the proper titles for these people? Raditz says he is a king! By the gods, she didn't think she'd be meeting so many people!

Inga raises a brow as her hand is kissed. As he does the same with Aqua, she assumes there is nothing weird about it. She smiles though, acknowledging the buffet. "You hospitality is to be commended," she informs him, then will move aside to let others meet the Prince. Food, perhaps. She seems a touch overwhelmed.

Aqua (624) has posed:
    In order, Aqua does say hi to some folks! Mostly: "Hello, mister Murasame," and then a brief nod to Staren, whom she does not know but is trying to be polite to, and then a wave towards Soan. There's a nod for Inga too! But then the prince grabs her hand! He is a gracious and good host, and kisses her hand. The girl turns red and is obviously completely out of her element now.

    She doesn't remember why.
    Or even past occurances of such a thing.
    But she knows deep down she is very bad at dealing with these sorts of greetings (especially when pushed further, although thankfully the prince hasn't gone from flattery to romance... yet).

    Turns out you don't need your memories to be uncomfortable.

    "A-Ah. Thank you. I don't... I don't disagree, I just can't call myself someone yet, sorry. Everyone is special somehow, but... I haven't found what makes that true for me yet. It's humbling to be before a prince, that's all."

    Especially of a place so big as this.

    She instinctively edges towards Soan, perhaps because he's the only one she had extended communications with and who is actually present! Well, there is Souji too, but he's a very stern and tall man, and surely has better things to do than answer all of her questions.

    She looks out the booth as the walls are put in place, and frowns a little as the monsters move in as well. "Are... there are white mages on standby, right? The participants aren't at any risk, are they?" Entertainment? No way, she's a worrying mom type. She hopes nobody gets injured! Being reassured would likely make her able to enjoy this much more.

Xau'ra Tayuun (548) has posed:
Xau'ra only gives the Prince a mild smile. The area was-- not setting well with him and there wasn't much to keep him distracted. he sometimes wondered if his dreams were tied to other /worlds/ now, just not his.

He slides near Inga, at least knowing her he feels a bit more comfortable and when they are taken to the are to watch, he only mildly raises an eye brow at it all. "..just like the gladiator pits before it got shut down..." He says idly to himself.

Xau'ra does watch the others, before he looks at Inga, "Glad they enjoyed the hog.. thankfully the elements were understanding." He looks at the creatures in the bit. "..Do these.. beasts have a normal habitat at which they are brought in from?" He decides to ask the Prince. Curious to what the situation with the animals are here.

Helena Celba (643) has posed:
    Helena smiles beautifully towards Landon, taking it all the stride. "Oh my, Prince...I do see the buffet before me." Indicating all of the new people, than the food in the room. It, however, seems to be mostly playful. For now.

    She looks back towards Landon, "Ah I suppose...a little orphan like me is not worth your time." She says, "Stations and all..." she notices Kyra's hiding...but decides not YET to jaws on her. Though she attempts to lock eyes for just a moment.

    Her hand moves to her mouth, to consider the new arrivals for a moment. "Well met." She says, simply, she slides towards Xau and Inga, aiming to mingle. "So what is a 'hog'." She asks, smiling.

Staren has posed:
    Staren nods at the explanation that Landon is no expert on the logistics of this sport. He doesn't seem bothered to learn this, and rushes on to look at the under-construction dungeon all the same.

    Food! When Landon mentions that, Staren turns and looks at the table. After a moment and the realization that he can't identify any of the food so can't pick out favorite items, electric-blue tendrils reach out from his pendant, levitating things they touch -- a plate is picked up, and several pieces of food are picked up and dropped atop the plate before it's pulled back to him.

    He watches the dungeon as its assembled. One hand on the railing as he stands just behind it, his other hand picks a piece of food up from the levitating plate and he takes a bite. "Mm." he comments, on the food or the rivalry, who can say? "How do they transport such a monster safely?" he muses to himself with a mouthful of food as the Zolom is brought in.

    His ears twitch and turn back when someone asks what a hog is. "A hog is a pig. A kind of creature on Earth." Staren places his right hand on the railing, holds out his left hand to the side and shakes it so the sleeve will fall back a bit and expose his bracer. An eight-inch-long-or-so hologram of a pig is projected for several seconds while he chews his food.

Soan Sagittarius (633) has posed:
     "Yeah." Soan mutters understandingly after Kyra, following her gaze. Helena sure is here. He supposes that Souji finnaly let her out into the multiverse. He kinda have some pity for it now, a new shark is on the loose. She wasn't the worse, he found, she had some good points.

     The Thief then finds himself flanked by two women. Kyra, of course. Now, this Aqua lady he's met before. The young man gives the latter a smile, shaking his head as he looks at her. "Oh, of course. There's quite a lot of White Mages at the ready to take care of things if it goes horrifically badly. That usually means the give up, if their own White Mage can't handle it."

     Igna gets a nod, the same smile as Aqua got. "Hey, it was no problem. It was a pretty... enlightening adventure, I'd say. A taste of what to expect -- which is everything."

Inga has posed:
Inga smiles to Xau'ra, observing his discomfort, which she is most certainly sharing. Inga likes meeting new people and seeing new places, but so much at once runs the risk of completely overwhelming someone as sensitive as she--and the possibility of rather inconvenient visions a the more likely. "It was indeed, and the meat was quite appreciated. It can be difficult to get supplies into Kingsmouth. No one particularly wants to be there," she replies.

Inga looks to Soan and Kyra again, nodding. "Yes...indeed. I expect we will be continuing that particular mission soon. Can't afford to wait," she says. Especially with Ainsley's world now also infected...Odin's bones, what a mess.

"Perhaps we should get a little food and drink, as it was kindly offered," she suggests to Xau, moving to the buffet. Helena addresses them then, and Inga smiles to her. "Ah, as Staren says. You don't have pigs here?" she asks, looking puzzled. Cows, pigs, horses...all the things she thought were universal are actually not.

Raditz (486) has posed:
    Merra smiles as Landon makes with the polite kiss to the hand, and nods, "Thank you so kindly, your Highness." She then grins, "Come now, Raditz, let's find ourselfs a seat." The Saiyan himself nods and then tells Landon, "We'll take our seats then. If you'll excuse us."

    With that, Raditz makes his way over to the woman, and waits a bit for her to sit, before following suit, "So, Dungeon Run... This should at the very least be interesting." Raditz glances in to see what's going on, and arches an eyebrow, "Well, -that- is a big snake. I could take it on." He can't help but grin at the prospect.

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    There is a brief bit of eye contact between Kyra and Helena before Kyra sidesteps to the other side of Soan. Knowing Helena, she's banking on all these fantastic extraversal people here catching her curiosity for tonight.

    "Inga!" Kyra exclaims brightly, the mood disappearing with the flicking of a light switch. "Hey, you're welcome, I'm just glad you're okay now. We're both completely down for helping with the follow-up and searching after that guy and/or artifact." It's easy to see she's pretty eager about helping in spite of possible further exposure to sanity-eating talking bees.

    For Staren, Kyra has an explanation ready: "Beastmasters go out and catch them and bring them in. They get released in the right spots in the dungeon-like that zolom there." Kyra points out the hugeass snake. "For something that big whoever caught it probably had some magitek helping."

    Kyra pauses, looking to Landon as she realizes something, and suddenly seems a little bit saddened that she misses the hand-kissing boat. But on the other hand he is the prince. Authority...boo? Her saddened expression turns to one of extreme cognitive dissonance.

Maya has posed:
Maya grins a little bit.

"I do much feel the same way though in my world's case the core is ... a living thing. Tell me about it though my world does orbit a star I must say having one of your gods as the sun is quite ... a uncomon things. Tell me about it it's strange really but I been here a long time. Still there are quoite a few sights to see and I hopw you get to see many of them."

She pauses for a moment as she looks to Inga and humms for a momebnt curious about her.

She pause at Aqua she does not know and miles at her.

"Hello there Miss I'm Maya and it's good to meet you. I'd assume they'd have healerss standing by."

Souji Murasame (627) has posed:
It is of course Helena's job to acquire anything Souji might want from the buffet. He's too rich to deal with such things. Souji does, however, incline his head politely to Inga. "Greetings, Miss Freyjasdottir." He replies smoothly. It's clear he's had occasion to sound out names of that style. "It is a pleasure." She is, of course, outworld. Scorn is not appropriate at this time.

He does the same for Aqua, nodding to her. "Greetings, Aqua... And the participants are generally not expected to take fatal wounds... Though it is not unheard of."

The King gains a bow from Souji. Outworld royalty is to be respected. "Greetings, your Majesty. It is good to see you here."

Then Souji looks directly over towards Kyra. She gains an inclination of his head as well. "Kyra." He greets neutrally. If she thought he didn't notice her, well...

Landon al Cid (642) has posed:
     "Hospitality is the foundation of diplomacy, I've been told many times," Landon tells Inga wryly.

     The Prince isn't that kind of man, Aqua. It seems it's just local manners. He waves his hand. "Then let's both agree to be humbled; if you are humbled by a prince, I am humbled by a visitor from outside my world. The universe is a much larger place than I ever imagined in my wildest dreams, and being Prince of Ramuh seems a very small thing when one looks at the grand picture we've been presented with."

     He blinks at Aqua. "Of course there are White Mages on standby! The teams are professional athletes, not suicidal lunatics. Nobody wants to see anyone die. We're not barbarians." Landon shakes his head. "That would be awful. Injuries happen now and then, but it's actually a very safe sport; professional Dungeon Running isn't something you do unless you're very competent at the sport."

     Landon keeps his eyes on Helena. "Not at all, Lady Celba. I would simply hate to monopolize your time. After all, there are so many more interesting people here to meet than I."

     "There are monsters everywhere on Galianda," Landon informs Xau'ra, and presumably Staren as well, "I believe the Zoloms live in Leviathan, if you mean that specifically. I'm not an expert. I wasn't expecting a Zolom, though; this should be a good show for you all."

     The zolom hisses and twitches as its room is sealed off from the outside. Heavy locks staple themselves around the sides.

     "I look forward to seeing your world, Miss Maya. It'll likely be a comforting sight."

     Landon looks over at Kyra and offers her an understanding smile. Of course, he thinks he's offering her an understanding smile about Helena, not about her missing hand-kissing!

Raditz (486) has posed:
    Raditz does give a nod in politeness, since yes, he was addressed, all before he gets to his seat of course. "Thank you. I've been wanting to see what Galianda was like. You've got an interesting cosmology and everything." Only AFTER does he sit.

Inga has posed:
Inga's smile to Kyra grows. Her enthusiam is infective. "Excellent, I am glad we can count on your assistance. If you and Soan are sure to return I will work on talismans for you," she replies. Her list of people who are needing them is growing quite lengthy. She may have to start asking for a bit of compensation or she'll run out of materials.

Her eyes turn toward Souji, smile returning. He has an air of power about him--of priviledge. That is something she is used to. Of course, Inga is also accustomed to Jarl's giving over their seats of honor for her. She's not one to be cowed by powerful men, though she does give respect. "The pleasure is mine," she replies to him. She noticed Helena is getting food for him. Must be an attendant. Hmmm...

A smile again toward Landon. "Wise words a ruler should always hold close to his heart," she responds.

Once she has a bit of food, Inga sits, leaning her staff against her leg. She looks down to the 'Dungeon Run' curiously. Odd, but she supposes she can see why it would be popular.

Xau'ra Tayuun (548) has posed:
Xau'ra stares at Helena as she gets in close, shifting the backpack a bit on his back. "Its-- a hog. Um.. Wild Pig?" He then places out his hand to about his chest, "They can get about this big, though some-- bigger." He motions his hand above his head, before it drops back to his side.

Yep. He is overly nervous. His tail is twitching side to side and his ears are slightly back.

When Inga speaks to him, he looks over to her. His ears perk up for a moment, his tail stops swishing in agitation, though it still slightly moves. "Um.. really? I mean.. Limsa Lominsa is abundant on fish, so maybe I see if the fishers guild would be alright with sending you some fish for them... I could even try to see if the elements are willing... to..." He then looks off from her.

More correctly at her wine skin that is starting to float in the air. Which causes Xau'ra to shift his bag and then he looks over his shoulder at his backpack-- oh no...

Xau'ra though looks over to Landon as he explains, though when Kyra brings up Magitek, his ears go back. It is something he should get use too-- so many worlds have something akin to magitek, but its--- instinctive reflex really.

He tries to inhale deeply and then snags the wineskin before it gets away. However the wineskin just suddenly goes up-- well-- higher-- and something starts to drink from it. Xau'ra just slumps over and stares up at it. "..I'm sorry Inga.. I think your wine just got.. Mogged.."

Helena Celba (643) has posed:
    Helena continues her smile towards Landon, "It is as you said, Prince...it is as you said." Helena does enjoy her games.

    While she speaks, she has already manuvered to the table as she speaks to people who answered her question. "Nope! I am told that Chocobos are not very common outside of certain places either! I wonder how people get around...besides technology! Airships and boats and I guess 'cars' is another thing I heard." A beat, "Or under your own power." She smiles at Raditz. Helena seems...quite capable of fitting in a party, trading social feints at blows with the best. On the table, helena holds up her hands, and moves, perhaps flashing Soan a challenging stare.

    Helena moves, pulling a set of toothpicks out, and skewering a few samples of food. Then, she stomps her foot once, a small signal for Souji, and tosses a plate into his hand. This is followed by several skewered bits of foot, that land in a semicircle on his plate followed by a cup of punch directly in the center.

    "We don't have pigs either! Interesting...interesting..." she says, thinking, and flicks her wrist, aiming to pour a small flask of something into a punch bowl, specifically when Landon isn't looking, and mixes it up. She then, pours a cup for herself, and another for someone else.

    Her cup is emptied, right into her mouth.

    "Now this is party." She grins.

Aqua (624) has posed:
    "O-Oh. I see. That's good."
    Phew. Aqua breathes.

    Okay, okay, blood sport. It's fine! It's totally fine. They have mages. Don't think about the risks and death and bloodshed and aww damnit you're thinking about all three of those.

    At least, several people confirmed this should be fine.

    And one of them's the prince, he has to know his stuff.

    "That's... that's fine, alright. I can't argue with that. Where I'm from, worlds are tiny. A castle, a forest. Maybe a small town. Just one of your continents makes any of the worlds in my sky look like a pamphlet next to a book. And then comparing that to the 'Multiverse' is..."

    Well, shit be huge, yo.

    She smiles back to Maya, after that consideration.
    "Ah, hello Maya. The name's Aqua."

    She looks towards Soan and Souji (though anyone can answer, really) and resumes her train of thought. "So what's the prize? What are they competing for?"

Inga has posed:
Inga, surprised, looks down as her wineskin has been removed from her belt and is /floating/. Her eyes widen as she looks to Xau'ra. "...Mogged? Oh! Has your moogle taken it? All he need do is ask..." she says, frowing. "I shall want that back you know!" she calls up.

A sigh, then she looks to Xau, winces... "Fish...I think fish would not be welcome there at this time," she replies.

You know, because of fishmen and other repulsing horrors crawling out of the sea. Certainly doesn't stir her appetite for seafood.

Staren has posed:
    "Beastmasters..." Staren echoes as he watches the dungeon, and takes another bite of food.

    Helena asks a direct question about facts! "On worlds without chocobos, humans often domesticate and ride horses, beasts that I am told resemble your madponies."

Soan Sagittarius (633) has posed:
     Soan cannot help but notice Helena's stare. In his line of work, sometimes, it's far easier to notice something subtle, quick that don't want to be noticed, than grand, big obvious things at times. Not always. Sometimes, it's just the sheer volume of it. However, Helena's unspoken challenge need to be met. His reputation as a Rogue is at stake. "Oh! Fame, fortune, fabulous prizes, rivalries, chances for accessing higher levels of competition. It's a sport, after all." Soan replies to Aqua, briefly looking back at her,

     Not speaking much, he speaks away for a brief second, scooping up a few cups without looking much at Helena, staring down at the bowl. It's just got mixed. It should be fine, it's not all spreaded out. Soan pours out about five glasses, taking a split second to observe the punch, the fruits in it, going around the edges and very specific spots. He gives a taste of one of the cup. No, he can't taste the wine. Good! He pours some more glasses, until the alcohol is fully spread -- and bowl's content quite less full, but perhaps a bit more cocentrated of wine.

     He comes back to Kyra and Aqua, handing off a cup to each, producing out of nowhere a small plate of little nibbles and skewers. "Tonight is a big grudge match, I think. A player's been talking smack about another team's player."

Xion (630) has posed:
    There is a tumbling, a stumbling, and a rather forboding portal that disgorges a black-coated female youth, replete with very EDGY silver drawstrings and a drawn, concealing hood. The sworling portal seems to grow hands that start to claw their way into the world, before she starts punching into the portal. "No! Go back in!" She calls, before gesturing vaguely at the dark, horrible portal into infinite darkness, which then... Closes.

    Dusting her hands, she turns to Landon and gives a little salute. "Hello! I heard your world had monsters, but I am happy - I think it's happy... (is it happy?) - to report that the heartless aren't here!" Xion calls, with an unnaturally chipper state. Then, she wanders over to the punch bowl, giving a little finger-wave at Aqua as she passes.

    "I've never had red punch before... I wonder if it tastes like red, or being punched? Why would you call it either of those things? Why not 'red tasty drink'? Is it tasty? Only one way to find out..!"

    Xion finds a cup, scoops the liquid, and drinks heartily of the spiked punchbowl. "Ooh. That's a new taste. I wonder what /that/ is. Is it the red?" She muses, before looking around. Oh hey! People she knows! And... Huh. Where'd Roxas go.


    Roxas is probably getting chewed out by Saix for their shenanigans the other day.

    Xion doesn't notice a handy GOOD SAMARITAN seperating the alcohol out of the punch. Or any of the shenanigans. Instead, she just sort of stares blankly at Helena.

    "Are you a Dark Knight too?" She asks, out of the blue.

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
Landon looks at Kyra and /smiles/. The cognitive dissonance grows even worse. One hand lifts, then lowers, then lifts again to waggle her fingers at him. "....hi." she eventually says. She doesn't say much more than that, between feeling really awkward about this whole meet-up and the fact that they have extraversal guests to be meeting right now.

    Fortunately the presence of Souji seems to temper this awkwardness and brings Kyra back to unpleasant reality where people like Souji exist. "Murasame." she returns evenly, at the very least pleased he's stuck to her request to not be referred to with her family name. The expression on her face remains blank, perhaps slightly cold, not beholden to the complicated political dance between Murasame and al Cid that necessitates more cordial reactions. Souji's recent overprotection was chafing on her anyway.

    "It's going to be a thing so a talisman to protect us from the Filth would be very appreciated, Inga." Kyra grins at the woman, giving her a bright thumbs up. She's about to say something else when Inga says something interesting in response to Xau'ra, "...moogle? You have a moogle?" she whips her head around to Xau, "Where?"

    Accepting the cup from Soan, Kyra takes a sip. "Well Staren, most of the time they use a special jar. Kongoro or something..?"

Maya has posed:
Maya says "I'd be happy to give you the tour when that day comes, a few people about the world owe me favours so it should be easy enough to show yous ome rather out oc the way things."

She pauses at mention of the creatre known as a Zolom she's aware of those things on other worlds.

"If they are anything like the Zoloms I know of? They are impressive creatures and ones you don't want near your settlements."

She looks back t Inga for now curious about the VIking wisewoman relly she knows she's a friend of Riva's but not much more.

"Humm yes...Magi..."

Maya's cut off as she watches Helena and just kinda stares at her, that was one heck of a trick she pulled oif and it be a lie to not say she wasn't impressed.

She grins at Aqua

"It's good to meet you Aqua. Humm I'm curious about the prize my self."

Landon al Cid (642) has posed:
     "Worlds in the sky...I can't even imagine." Landon smiles gently at Aqua. "We don't even know what our own stars look like. It's amazing, what we've been thrust into."

     In truth, the Prince wonders if they're ready. Landon is certain he isn't, but he's doing a very good job pretending he is. All the strange things unnerve him, but he pushes it down deep, where he can leave it for later, and carries on. Such is the al Cid way. They carry on through hardship. "Thank you, Lady Freyjasdottir."

     Landon may not be watching the buffet, but the Judges, in their black-and-gold armor, certainly are. As Helena spikes the punch, one of them mutters something to another; the second Judge nods and leaves the room. Landon looks off after him, his gaze slowly tracking over to Helena - and then to Murasame. He stares at Souji for a long moment, then breaks the gaze, offering Kyra a smile - and the customary kissed fingers. "Lady Hyral."

     His attention is then basically immediately drawn by someone falling out of the air. Landon looks taken aback for a moment, both at the hands crawling their way into the world and the girl who just fell out of it. He looks between the for a long moment, as if he's trying to get his head on straight and figure out how to respond.

     It takes him a moment.

     "Erm," He manages, "That is...excellent...news?"

Xau'ra Tayuun (548) has posed:
Xau'ra looks at Inga, "No fish huh.." Suddenly there is Kyra, "Um.. yes.." He then backs up a few feet, his ears up up slightly, before suddenly a the moogle appears before Inga, hands her back her wine skin, then flutters right back into Xau'ra backpack.

Its not that small, but it would explain why Xau'ras backpack is larger then standard. "Well--," Xau'ra rubs the back of his neck, "He isn't my moogle.. he is one of the Shroud's natives, but because there was some expressed interest in meeting them.. he wanted to see what this place was like first."

All the activity though has the Miqo'te gritting his teeth slightly, then he steps back to go lean against a wall, in the corner really, putting backpack down near his feet. "..Menphina.." he places his hand just slightly above his chest and right below his collarbone-- where the Medallion is. His hand doesn't stay there long as he simply crosses his arms over his chest and closes his eyes.

So many voices. So much unnatural sounds.

It was getting to him.

Helena Celba (643) has posed:
    Helena looks /impressed/ by Soan's stunt. She realizes what it is, for what it is...this is infact, important. When he walks off, Helena, however draws three tasty bits with three of his own skewers...just enough to make him /notice/. The Judges can notice all they want, but Helena starts drinking from the second cup now, her plan busted. Ugh...these judges! THESE JUDGES! They really get her goat...


    Helena mood might turn darker...if not for one thing.

    The portal of the darkest dark distracts her, causing her to stare at the little girl from it, which turns her darker thoughts into more positive ones...for the moment.

    "Well! That is certainly good news...the last thing we need are more Tax collectors!" a soft smile before a dangerous question is asked.

    She laughs a little, "Oh not at all, little one...I am certainly NOT a Dark Knight...infact I am actually a Necromancer and thief." A beat. Well duh, that is what she is! Jobs are important.

    "I suppose you could call me a Necroief. A Thimancer. Ooo, a Thiefmancer. I like that one." She grins, no hard feelings at all. "Who are you, mysterious girl?" She continues to drink her spiked punch. The moogle talk slowly gets her attention, but right now Xion is here, and much more interesting!

Souji Murasame (627) has posed:
Without even looking, Souji reaches up and catches the plate, angled precisely for the appetizers to land perfectly upon the plate and the cup of punch. He does this as Aqua asks her question. "Fame and fortune. There is a great deal of money involved in Dungeon Run and sponsorships are a major part of the impetus. Murasame Weapons features prominently among the more successfuly teams."

He also tells Celba to lay off spiking the punch over the radio before one of the idiot guards mistakes harmless booze for poison and costs him political standing to deal with the problem.

Kyra's cold response does not garner any additional comment from Souji. He seems to expect such from Kyra.

The stare from Landon is met with a stare back from Souji. One can see the tension there, crackling. Thankfully, Landon chooses break gaze first... And then Xion arrives. Souji takes advantage of the moment to engage in social disengagement from the potentially ugly situation.

Aqua (624) has posed:
    "So they have staged a great entertainment show over... a personal feud?" Aqua blinks. Nope, she does not get it. This sort of stuff is... outside her appreciation range, although that's mostly just due to confusion right now. "I... I see. And people enjoy watching this?"

    She looks towards Souji and nods. "Money... I guess there is always a need for more, for some people. Maybe I'll calm down a bit once this gets underwa--" Suddenly, Xion.

    Aqua goes from guarded at the appearance of the portal itself, to kind of glad it's just Xion. And VERY glad nothing followed her. "X-Xion! Hi, erm, h-how did you..." No, nevermind, she doesn't want to know. It's just nice to see either of the two kids enjoying themselves.

    She sighs and resigns herself to this fate.

    "I agree. This world is wonderful. I'm sure there are tons of negative aspects to this, too, but I think the positive ones outweight them by far," she answers the prince, finally moving to get a better look at the dungeon. "So... what are the rules of this competition? They teams have to advance through levels of monsters until they reach the end or can no longer keep standing?"

Inga has posed:
Inga nods to Kyra again, frowning gently. "It is most certainly...a thing. We must be extremely careful," she replies.

Suddenly, a portal filled with darkness appears and a woman seems to fall out of it, declaring there are no heartless? Inga blinks, completely confused. There are...none without hearts? Well, that's...alright...

Inga glances toward Landon as he more or less gives the response she was thinking. Well, at least she isn't alone in her confusion. That's...comforting?

Inga looks back to Xau as he backs off from the gathering, sympathetic. She may need to do that at some point. This is all rather overwhelming.

Inga turns then, aware that she's being looked at, only to meet Maya's gaze. The woman raises a brow in question. "May I help you?" she asks.

Now, having pinned Landon as someone both sane and pleasant, she'll go to sit nearby him. The tension between him and Souji has been noted but she'll not ask about it now.

Soan Sagittarius (633) has posed:
     "They have to go through the rooms, deal with the challenges laid down, the traps and the monsters as fast as they can. There's usually a treasure, or a boss monster to take care of at the end of the dungeon." Soan explains, taking a seat as well... to then immediatedly getting back up to give a wide eyed stare at the OMNIOUS DARK PORTAL that comes forth and spills out untold horrors upon the world.

     Or just get a dark-clothed, hooded girl out. Soan idly wonders what happened to the dark omnious forbodding portals of today, they seem to have lost their edge.

     "Ahhhhh... hello." The Thief lets out in an polite manner. This 'Xion', Aqua says, makes a beeline for Helena. Another bad sign!

     He sits back down, looking at Aqua. Kyra left to compose herself, this is fine. He hope she wont get drunk. "You know her?" He asks. The Prince will handle the finer details -- or the announcer will, in any case.

Staren has posed:
    Staren blinks. "A /jar/? They put the monster in a /jar/?" He actually looks back at her in surprise, then seems to get it. "Oh, I see. Like a pokeball?" He raises an eyebrow at Xion, but obviously she was invited too.

Landon al Cid (642) has posed:
     "Essentially, yes," Landon informs Aqua, "The goal is to see who has the fastest time clearing the Dungeon and the most collected treasure. Penalties are applied for failed traps and defeated party members. There's some strategy, as I understand it, in whether it's better to go for a fast time or a higher treasure rating. I know very little about that sort of thing, I'm afraid."

     The Judge who lefts returns, along with a caterer, who's wheeling a fresh bowl. The old, spiked bowl is removed, and the caterer apologizes.

     Landon smiles politely at Inga. The dungeon is set up; the teams are rolled out. The Fire Bombers, as the away team, comes in first; they get some cheers from the crowd, some excitement, but not nearly so much as the Thunder Mandragoras. The roar of the crowd is /incredible/, even in the comfortable box. There's chants and shouts and people screaming wildly, people taking off shirts to reveal painted symbols, and a Mascot Mandragora doing loops around the field on a summoned chocobo as part of a routine. They're dressed in /really nice/ gear, too. They are clearly not schmuck amateurs. The Fire Bombers are kitted out, too, but one of the guys in the Mandragoras has what appears to be a /giant lightning gun/, so it's hard to compete.

Xion (630) has posed:
    The response Landon gets is radiant. "Yep! It's a wonderful thing. But if creepy heart-eating monsters ever show up, uh... Be... careful!" She tries, before thumbs-upping the prince.

    Then, Xion looks directly at Helena, a grave look on her face. "Is that a new kind of heartless? Don't worry. Aqua and I will protect you, and Roxas when he's done at..." She offers, before pausing, and looking confused, and then sort of 'breaking' for a few moments, as she mouths words without meaning or sound.

    "Tax Collector..." She whispers, before she re-brightens. "Oh! That is a joke! Because they have no heart metaphorically, instead of literally! Ha ha ha it is a very funny joke!" She laughs, mechanically, before stopping just as suddenly. The most curious thing about the whole exchange is... There's absolutely no sarcasm. For all intents and purposes, Xion looks as if she was wholly honest with everything she did and said. She just did it like some sort of UNFEELING ROBOT.

    "A Necro-thief... Oh! I am a Dark Knight! I think. A man named Kamon said that's what I look like. Becuase I am Dark and also Creepy! And I agree, I am very dark." Xion replies, lifting a black cloaked sleeve. "And, also, creepy!" She mentions, gesturing at... herself. "I guess? I don't really know 'creepy'."

    She seems to not notice the general air of 'what the hell, Xion' that is in the room, though she does pull her hood down. Which reveals her short, shiny black hair, and bright blue eyes.

Helena Celba (643) has posed:

    She holds up a hand and holds it at Xion. "You are not creepy! You are adorable! You also laughed (oddly) at my jokes!" This makes her more important than almost everyone in this room right now! Yes, even more important than YOU. But not Souji.

    "You might be a dark knight, but it is SO TYPICAL for that guy to be all 'dark knight's have to be creepy'! Truly, it is like he fears the dark like some sort of six year old!" Helena is annoyed now. She says, and is FORCED to drink NON ALCOHOLIC punch. This does not make her mood better.

    "But you might be very dark. Dark is okay." A beat, "Though I dunno...I don't think I'm very dark, I think I need some more time in the sun." WINK.

Maya has posed:
Maya Says "Well it could be worse right i's organized and ... hummm?"

She pause at Zion for a moment and looks her over.

"No world's perfect every one has it's sinners and saints as the people of earth might put it."

She notes to Aqua before catching Inga's attention.

"I'm sorry I was just curious about you you...seem to how to put it feel like someone from my world there's no shortage of magic with you."

Aqua (624) has posed:
    Aqua nods as Soan explains the game. She gets it; sounds simple enough. Now that she isn't internally panicking over the pointless violence, she'd have to say it might almost be fun. If the proper safety measures were in place, of course.

    About Xion, she answers: "Y-Yes. I've met her before. We're both Keyblade wielders and Heartless hunters." As Xion herself says outright.

    She's momentarily distracted by the prince, whom she nods to as well. "That's alright. Thank you for the answers. I'm sure it'll be tiring after a while to explain the same things to every outsider..." Or, well, she would assume, anyway.

    Right, back to Xion.
    She cringes a bit at her inability to read the joke on the first try, but then smiles and wanders over to pat the black-haired girl on the head. "I don't think you're creepy at all. You're more on the adorable end of the spectrum. I don't know about being a dark knight though."

    Braincell, Helena!

    Then to Maya: "I guess that's true, nowhere's perfect."

Inga has posed:
Inga keeps her gaze on Maya, nodding thoughtfully. "Mmm, I do sense that of you as well. It is the anima, yes. The magic," she says. "It comes with being chosen by the Bees," she comments to her. "But you are not from....earth? That version of it, at least?" she asks. Certainly, there are plenty of people burstig at the seems with magical energy. They surely don't know all the people chosen by the Buzzing.

Soan Sagittarius (633) has posed:
     "Is that so." Soan replies, pondering as he watches Xion speak. She's a little awkward, but he can't really judge on that. He's somewhat awkward himself on several occasions in life. He smiles at Xion in return as well. "Yeah! Don't worry about what Kamon said, he's a friend of mine. You do wear a lot of black, but so do I. Nothing wrong with that at all!"

     As for the 'creepy' part, that's another story. He's just seen here for precisely two minutes and so far her train of thoughts seems to be very scattered at the very least. "But you don't feel like a Dark Knight at all. They're... usually more obssesses with chrome, blood and brooding."

Landon al Cid (642) has posed:
     The Prince stares at Xion for a long, long moment. Eventually, he just.../nods/. What else do you *do* there? What else do you *say* to that?

     Nothing. Because...wow.

     He turns his attention elsewhere. Landon waves his hand dismissively and smiles. "This is part of my duty, after all," he tells Aqua politely, "It's not tiresome at all."

     Landon glances at Soan. "Now, come on. That's not true."

Xau'ra Tayuun (548) has posed:
Xau'ra is still here. He is just keeping to himself, in that corner. Zoned out really with his eyes closed. His tail was not even moving anymore. The place was cold. The nature of the world felt-- absent to him.

Even the moogle peeked out of his backpack to poke at his ear to get him to come around, but it was no avail. Maybe coming here was a /bad/ idea.. but it was good to know there was a limit to what the former bandit could take from other worlds.

This seem to be becoming one of those limits...

Soan Sagittarius (633) has posed:
     Soan looks back at Landon, grinning. "You're right, it's not really. It's a stereotype, if anything."

Xion (630) has posed:
    Xion feels that heat against her cheeks and ears, and a lightness around the top of her head. Her stomach turns over, and her fingers and toes get tingly. Her heart swells in her chest, filling her with a sense of... something unknowable. She understands - she thinks - some of these feelings. But all at the same time, and causes her to get confused. She can pick out some of them - 'Embarrased', 'Accomplishment', 'Anxiety' - But they're so muddled and clumped together, and... These people are causing her to be so horribly twisted up. Her hair is mussed, and she's fawned over, and she's assaulted by 'good' feels, and 'bad' feels, and some 'neutral' feels, and she's not sure how to /process/.

    "P-please stop, you're making me..." She trials off, tightening her shoulders and tugging back on her hood, before her fingers begin to play with her weird messed-up-heart-sword-thing zipper.

    "I'm not good at this y-yet..." She offers, breathlessly, as her hands drift up to claw lightly into her hair as she has a little breakdown.

    "But... But Kamon said I was. He was so sure-sounding. Was he lying? Is it not what I am? What am I, then? Tell me! You have an idea, right?" She pleads, desperately, looking quickly between Soan, Helena, and Aqua.

    "There's a thing, a thing for me. For me specifically. There has to be."

Helena Celba (643) has posed:
    Helena thinks about this a little...Xion's suffering actually doesn't bother her..

    "Okay so, wow. Okay maybe I /was/ wrong because that was so emo even I felt say." She says, putting a finger to her lips and thinking for a moment. Hmmmmmmmm...

    "Maybe Kamon has JOB SENSE." Helena guesses, this is...a very dangerous ability. Kamon must die.

    To that end, she looks back at Xion, "It's okay, obviously the darkness is your thing. I might suggest picking up rock and roll, and carrying a guitar around too."

Maya has posed:
Maya says "No I'm not from Earth or any iteration of that world actually. I'm from a world called Septerra, we have some things in common with the old earth Civilization of Babylon but that's about it really."

That and posisble Scotts somehow but that's another story entirely really.

"Your a firend of Riva's right and working on the issues in kingsmouth?"

Staren has posed:
    Staren then realizes that of course they don't know what pokeballs /are/, but... Hey, the event is starting!

    Staren quietly watches and tries the food, occasionally 'mm!' ing at something particularly delicious or an interesting bit of the game.

    His ears twitch and turn this way and that, though, one frequently aimed back to listen to the conversation behind him.

    Finally, he looks away from the game, at Xion. "Something for you? What do you mean? What kind of a thing?" He looks puzzled.

    One of his hands has pulled out a cellphone-like device to keep an eye on the game in his HUD's picture-in-picture.

Inga has posed:
Inga is beginning to get completely overwhelmed. There are so many people in an enclosed space. Snippets of visions beg for her to follow their threads in a dozen-dozen directions. It is really more than she can take.

Inga reaches for her staff, using it to lean on to help herself to her feet. She turns to Landon, bowing to him once more. "I'm afraid I must take my leave. I did not expect so many people...it is...difficult for me. Thank you for your kind welcome and hospitality however. Perhaps I can visit again in less hectic setting," she says, smiling through her discomfort.

Inga glances over toward Xau as well. She rather thinks he is feeling similarly.

To Maya, she nods. "Yes. Riva...I am. We are. I--Please excuse me, I am sorry to cut our conversation short, I just...can't remain here," she explains, moving over toward Xau. "I'm feeling rather overwhelmed. I am going to make my exit...if you'd like to come along," she offers.

Aqua (624) has posed:
    Eek, Xion is panicking.
    Or freaking out? How should Aqua know!

    "W-Well, there's always just... being Xion? Nobody but you can claim that. There doesn't need to be a name, or Job, attached to it. You're you, right?" But really, anyone's guess is as good as hers. Maybe Xion really is a dark knight? Maybe she's something else.

    "Doesn't the Academy have ways to test for those things? If you're really curious what Job you fall under you could probably ask them to test you. I bet it's not very reliable for outsiders, though..." She looks towards Souji, Landon and Soan, assuming they would know best.

Xau'ra Tayuun (548) has posed:
Xau'ra opens his eyes and looks at her. He looks like a kitten that has been kicked off to the corner almost. Scared maybe-- or feeling very out of sorts. He gives her a light nod, "Yeah-- just-- haha.. stranger in a strange place, you know? So easy to forget you are when your in a battle or.. having to help someone.. but like this..."

He then pushes off against the wall and goes to swing the backpack around and get it back on. He motions to Inga one moment before he bows to everyone. "Forgive my rudeness.. But I'm going to go with Inga. I do hope to see more of your world, just uh--" He motions around, "Need air. I didn't expect such a gathering.." He smiles sheepishly.

"So.. have a nice party. All of you and it was an honor to be here." With that he steps away and goes to follow Inga, and their escorts, out.

Landon al Cid (642) has posed:
     "We don't really know how Jobs interact with offworld patterns yet," Landon tells Aqua hurriedly, "I imagine Kamon was just joking around. Jobs are strange things even to us; we've had them for as long as Galianda's existed, but only recently have we begun actually studying the rules behind them and their development in a formal manner. I'm not sure if you have a Jobat all; it's not something you're born with, it's something you learn to become and then become over a long period of adjustment."

Soan Sagittarius (633) has posed:
     Soan, to be fair, wasn't expecting such intensity. The young thief blinks at her, reeling a little on his seat.

     "I think he was just making a guess, uh, Xion. Lots of Dark Knights wears some /kind/ of dark clothing, or at least that's the perception of it." He says, reading her expression. It's... strange, it's as if she didn't really know how to react or how to ask anything like this.

     Soan, subtly, takes a deep breath to take in some of the smells in the room. That's the best part with your detection powers being based on smell, it can be very discret. He look up at Inga as well as the cat-man, giving them a polite nod. "It's quite fine. Don't worry yourselves over it -- I hope you'll still give us a visit at another time, when you both are feeling better!"

     He turn his attention back at Xion, stopping at Aqua to notice her stare at him. He stares back, listening to Landon, tilting his head over. "There's still Orientation, even if she's not from here." He states. "It might be worth a shot. It's about spotting aptitudes, basing on personality traits and such."

     Soan smiles at Xion. "There's a thing for everyone, I'm sure for that. Yourself included!"

Maya has posed:
Maya nods ot Ing frowning a bit but lets het go she howeer seems curious for a moment as she looks at Landon with intrest.

"That's pretty strange form my world I not really hear od it being set up like that. Humm I have to amdit your world is curious Prince Al Cid."

Souji Murasame (627) has posed:
Souji studiously bears up amidst Xion antics. "Lionward may simply have been incorrect. You are not from our world and as such the vagaries of whatever Job you may or may not have is really not for us to decide, as Aqua has noted." He notes this clinically enough. "You will define what you wish to be. Whether you accept what others give you or define it on your own terms is up to you."

Landon al Cid (642) has posed:
     "Murasame is correct," Landon agrees without a trace of the actual distaste saying those words spikes in him, "You shouldn't feel bound to our structure. You aren't of our world, and it isn't our place to judge you or set boundaries upon you."

Helena Celba (643) has posed:
    "Exactly, someone above you will do that for you, based on social structure and luck of birth." Helena says sweetly.

Souji Murasame (627) has posed:
"Celba." Souji says shortly. "Whatever your personal beliefs on the matter are, please do not misrepresent our world and the societal structures that have evolved to accomodate."

Helena Celba (643) has posed:
    "Alllllright." Helena says, taking it as a win. But saying nothing else on the matter, for now. Also possibly adding more words to scan on the autologger.

Landon al Cid (642) has posed:
     Landon does not /say/ thank you, but he does nod politely at Souji, because Souji having that under control is way better than Landon scolding Helena. Souji is her employer, after all.

     "The idea of noble blood determining a man's worth is an artifact of the distant past," Landon informs the group politely, "It may still hold weight in some parts of the world, but not with the al Cid family, and certainly not in Ramuh."

Aqua (624) has posed:
    Political tension!
    Aqua awkwardly fidgets a bit.

    "That's good, at least. Freedom is... an important value, right?" In most places, anyway. She thinks. She hopes. Unfortunately, she doubts it's true everywhere.

    DISTRACTION. From this topic.

    "O-Oh! Prince, I'm curious. Is prince your Job? Or is it... rude to ask someone? I don't fully understand how Jobs work, but you make it sound like it's a pretty important and significant deal, so I wondered if that meant positions like royalty are also Jobs or not."

    Technically it's a completely roundabout way to ask him what he does in life, but also to get some understanding of what separates a position in life from a Job.

Xion (630) has posed:
    Xion recieves a lot of mixed messages. But, it's okay. They're not making her feel any different! She gets herself under control, though she's still wildly confused. "U-uh... You sure are all kind of saying different things. "B-but that doesn't help. Why can't he be right?" The dark-haired girl wonders as there is Issues flying over her head.

    "I have so many jobs already, I just want what /I'm/ good at." She mumbles.

Helena Celba (643) has posed:
    Helena just smiles.

    She leans over and pats Xion on the head, "Oh you already have one, being adorable." She says, and decides she's done here. "Well, it was real, but I'm feeling a bit stif-stuffy, here. Until next time." She waves, and escuses herself.

Landon al Cid (642) has posed:
     "Ah, no, it isn't rude at all. Don't worry. My title is the Princehood. My Job is Judge. Well, my primary Job is Judge. It's a Job that was created by my family after my great-grandfather overthrew the tyrannical King Arlas tav Sternn and instituted the mayoral electorate."

     Landon makes a sort of gesture with his free hand. "A Job is, as near as we understand it, a psychomystical pattern that takes shape as you grow and learn. We don't fully understand what makes a Job a Job, but it isn't the same as an occupation or a title."

     "Well, I..." Landon shifts a bit. He understands how Xion feels. He's not exactly great at being a Judge, and the Freelancer Job isn't particularly suited to anything in particular either. But saying that in front of Murasame is dangerous. "...suppose that, then, you might be a Squire? At least until you figure out what it is you're good at."

     "Of course, Lady Celba. Have a pleasant evening." Landon watches her walk out, his face entirely neutral. He's really good at keeping his face neutral, even when someone's annoyed the hell out of him.

Soan Sagittarius (633) has posed:
     Crisis... averted?

     Soan's not too sure about that. At least, answers were given, as well as some stern looks to politicaly dangerous statements to say in front of visitors. The conversation seems to return into... another alley, at least. Soan gives a short wave at Helena as she leaves, actually giving her a smile. "Take care of yourself." He offers her., before settling back into his seat.

     The Prince explains things just nicely enough. He's far more eloquent than he is. However, Soan has gotten used to /break/ down long explanations, which he does so now. "A Job is like a path that other took many times before you did. You follow the already smoothed out path others carved, sometimes you just need to be shown where the road starts."

Staren has posed:
    Staren nods to Xau'ra and Inga. "Goodnight."

    He looks to Xion. "What you're good at? You'll have to try different things and see."

    He listens with interest to Landon's explanation. "You can create new jobs? How? What does a Judge do?"

    Celba gets a nod of aknowledgement as she leaves.

Landon al Cid (642) has posed:
     "I don't know. The story goes that my great-grandfather made a pact with Carbuncle, the God of Law, but I don't know how Jobs are made. Nobody really does." Landon shrugs at Staren. "We have people exploring that field, nowadays, but..."

     Landon glances over at Souji. "Unless Murasame Corporation has made some particular breakthroughs in the field, or knows of one of the other corporations doing so? I understand your RAIJIN team is very well-connected."

Souji Murasame (627) has posed:
Souji's eyes narrow in the slightest when Landon is about to go into his second Job. But he says nothing. He's in a bad political position tonight and he can't afford to misstep at this point. The situation between himself and the al Cid heir is... exceptionally complicated.

And then Landon actually mentions him. Souji replies casally, "The FUJIN Institute continues to perform research into all facets of Galiandan life. RAIJIN is, as always, dedicated towards ensuring the Zaibatsu remains protected from all threats. The information they gather and connections they make continue to remain confidential for the security of the Zaibatsu."

Maya has posed:
Maya has been listening and wtching the match at this point as there's quite a bit of things of intret she pause at th mention of the Judge and nods.

"I heard of Judges before not yours but I get the idea it sounds like your world has quite a history to take a look at. Humm I think I get it about Jobs for you at least the basics. We just kinda do what we need to do where I'm from to get by. As for hmm I see sounds a littke like Marduke but he over sees war along side law."

Aqua (624) has posed:
    "Ah..." Aqua understands, now! Or, well, understands as much as one is able to when given a brief explanation of a complicated, poorly understood supernatural system. Still, she understands more than she did moments ago!

    The tension between Souji and the others is completely lost on her; she doesn't know their history. But Souji has been very welcoming and nice to her, so she has no reason to suspect anything or even be slightly distrustful. For all she knows, the man is an honest and nice faculty member of some sort.

    She decides to talk with Soan in the meantime.

    "So, why Thief?"

Xion (630) has posed:
    xion thinks about this.

    "Squire... Like... A trainee knight? But aren't you just telling me the same thing I was, while saying I'm not that?" She wonders, before sort of... Getting up in the prince's face. Her hood falls back off, as her hands move to ACCUSATORIALY POINT.

    "But if I'm dark, and use dark things, and am creepy, and you said I'm a knight's trainee, aren't you just saying I'm a 'dark knight'? Don't... Don't do that! Don't spin me around and act like I'll get it! I don't! I don't get anything!" She calls, not really getting she is stepping to like, the Heir Appararent of Errything.

    "Why... Why would you say stuff like that?"

Soan Sagittarius (633) has posed:
     The conversation goes into a more... political domain. Soan is rather glad for the question Aqua asks him, turning his attention back at her. "Why not?" He asks, giving her a shrug. "It seemed to be what I was good at when I was a kid. Pickpocketing people for survival and such. Came naturally."

     Soan says it in such a way that it's clear he don't mind talking about this. It's also not a lie. This is what he did when he was young in his early years. It was the truth, too. "I got enlisted into the faculty pretty early on, I stole the Headmaster of the Department of Rogues' wallet. That got me noticed. Thief seemed like a perfect choice."

     Then Xion explodes. Fortunately, not literally, as this would confirm to Soan she was truly an eldritch horror from dark frobodding portals. "No, no, Squire is ... merly a term we use for someone that did not decide what Job he or she will take. It applies to Magic Users or any such." He says, lifting his hands disarmingly.

Landon al Cid (642) has posed:
     "Ah, no. A Squire is more like a, a half-Job. It isn't related to the Knights at all, except that sometimes people decide to become Knights." Landon waves his hands in front of himself at Xion. "I apologize for the confusion. I think this is simply cultural misunderstanding."

     Landon has /no idea/ how to handle Xion. She is an anomaly. With Souji looming nearby, he can't exactly say anything particularly damning about himself, either. Thankfully, Soan's on it in a heartbeat.

     "Judges use Law Cards to erect barriers and stop people who break the law from escaping. It's a Job my family strictly controls; only people trained by the al Cid family are able to become Judges."

Aqua (624) has posed:
    The others know what a Squire is about! So Aqua can't really inject anything useful in that conversation, as much as she really wants to help calm Xion down. She's interested in Landon's Job, too, because the idea of someone whose powers just... interact with the law? That's weird, even by 'swings a key-shaped sword' standards.

    She finally answers Soan, at least: "I see. And do you ever wish you had chosen something else? Making a decision like this, and not being able to turn back easily, must be rather stressful at times." She kind of wants to ask if he exclusively steals from awful people, but THAT, that might be impolite. It's... well, he can do whatever he wants, really. She just hopes he's as good a fellow as he sounds like he is.

Soan Sagittarius (633) has posed:
     Soan is blissfully unaware of what a keyblade is, or what it does. Otherwise, he'd think that he'd be out of a job with something like that around. It still sounds silly to him, but he can't argue against that.

     The Thief thinks on her question, giving a look over at the current going-on into the arena, slowly shaking his head. "Yeah, sometimes." He says, a bit quietly as he reminices on his time as a Dragoon Trainee. It was hard. It drove him very hard. Yet... it was a strong sense of unity in there. He wonders how some of them are going? He blinks out of his reverie, leaning into his seat to smile at Aqua again. No, he do not regret having chosen to be a Dragoon. The Thief part, however, need to keep as a facade for now. "In the end, I go back to it. It's stressfull at time, but also exciting. I study people, create traps, disarm them... There's a lot to the Job. I mean, I'm a bit crazy, I explored all facet of it, not just tiny parts like most people.""

Xion (630) has posed:
    Xion lowers her hand, but seems... Pouty. Well, as much as she can look pouty. Like she had something sour in her mouth. Then she nods. "Oh. Well, I guess it's true. But..."

    She hangs her head. "It's just kind of telling me 'oh, you don't know where you are? what you do? Well then, here's a job, for people who are that way. It's not really a job. It's quantified indecision. I..." She gently extends her hand, as...

    SOUJI'S TEN THOUSAND FOLDED KATANA appears in her hand with a metallic shwing. She frowns, and rattles the sheathed weapon a bit, and it wavers, before reforming in a sworl of light to Heart's Desire (which is, itself, just the Kingdom Key).

    "All I have is this thing. Which is, I mean, great, but... It doesn't really /help/ me figure out what I am."

    She sighs, leaning forward on her weapon, tip-down to balance her shoulders on as she puts her hands against her cheeks and looks grump. "Thanks anyway."

Aqua (624) has posed:
    Soan's answer makes sense, she supposes. If it's exciting, and he still enjoys it, the weight of the choice doesn't really matter. Aqua nods and smiles, her blue eyes switching from the Thief to Xion with something of a sigh.

    "It's alright, you know? You'll figure it out eventually. Nobody can discover who they are overnight. I don't know who I am either, and that's okay. What matters is who you want to be, not who other people tell you you are. Eventually you'll find something you really want to be, and you'll strive for it harder than anything else."

    She stops. She errs.

    "S-Sorry, I think... this is literally what I told you the night after the attack, isn't it? I guess whoever I used to be I just wasn't very good at pep talks."

Staren has posed:
    Staren raises his eyebrows a bit when suddenly SWORD! But, she doesn't seem to be going to attack. "Hey. You're not from this world, right? And even if you were... He said it takes /years/ to find a Job here. A Squire isn't someone who's chosen to have no Job... they call that a Freelancer. A Squire is someone who hasn't chosen a job /yet/. It's not indecision, it's /potential/. So. How do you think you might go about finding out what you're good at? What you like to do?"

Maya has posed:
Maya looks over at Soan for a moment and has this look on her face.

"I wish I'd met you back during the Heratic war back home. None of us were very good at trap checking and most ruins had a love of horrible nightmareish switch puzzels."

Maya had a good crew but trap checking wasn't something they were too strong on...

Soan Sagittarius (633) has posed:
     Soan smiles back. He had a choice. He just cant really expand on what that choice was. He's pretty far along in his education that switching, anyway, is kind of a massive total crash. He enjoys his Job, really! He, too, remove his eyes away from Aqua, toward Xion.

     "The point of a Squire is that it's OK if you do not know. This means that you will find out, it's the path on discovering that what you wish. Indecision is maybe part of it, but, ah," Soan says, standing up and ignoring some other parts of the conversation. He's on a roll.

     "Most of all, it means /potential/, Xion. The potential to be what you can be, who you want to be. The inspiration to do it." The young Thief smiles at her encouragingly. "Continue being inquisitive, ask, explore! This is what a Squire do and must!"

Landon al Cid (642) has posed:
     Landon looks over at Staren. He's doing a really good job of keeping how he ACTUALLY feels about that in check. Saying, well, /saying/ that to Landon....well, Staren doesn't know better. He doesn't really understanding. And Souji can't know. So Landon keeps his thoughts heavily in check and instead offers a broad and gentle smile.

     "That's right. A Squire is limitless potential. It takes a very long time for a Job pattern to crystallize; some people barely qualify in their twenties. Some people who do barely even learn any of their job's abilities."

     He also tiptoes around something else. Fortunately, the keyblade draws his attention. "That's...fascinating," he observes, "Can it become any shape? Perhaps you're already leaning towards a martial job. I imagine Kamon would love to have something like that."

Staren has posed:
    Staren didn't actually /say/ that choosing Freelancer was a /bad/ thing, just that it was choosing to not have a Job. Still, the connotation is there, and Staren lets it hang because there are no Freelancers here and his immediate objective is cheering up Xion. "You make swords? Man, that's what, like three people who show up in the space of a few months who can do that? I wonder what /that's/ about..."

Souji Murasame (627) has posed:
Souji's gaze is immediately drawn to the unusual appearance of Xion's copy of his blade. He frowns at her, though his expression becomes intent as he sees it rechange into the Keyblade. "You have an odd ability." Souji points out. "I cannot place your techniques or displayed nature. It may simply not fit into anything we have in our world."

He then looks over to Staren, who said something interesting. "Making swords? Is this a common power?" He asks of the scientist.

Xion (630) has posed:
    "No, no, I... I don't do that." Xion replies, shaking her head. She stops rocking back and forth leaning on Heart's Desire, and sighs. "Well... I guess that makes sense. It still feels kind of weird. I mean, I have tons of /skills/. I can do anything! It's just not... really me doing it."

    She raises a gloved hand and taps her head. "It's just something I know. I didn't learn it. I didn't try, and fail, and gained skill, I just do it. So it's not me."

    Xion releases her hold on the sword, tossing it up before catching it. "It's just like my Keyblade. I don't actually /really/ know how to use it. I never trained or practiced. I just know. And when it changes shape, I still just know. So it doesn't... really feel like I'm doing anything."

    She glances around, before she looks into the PROCEEDINGS of the giant dungeon happenings. And then, without much ado, a giant nearly-a-Xion-and-a-half long greataxe rematerialzes, which she hefts with equal grace and gusto as the awkward key-shaped sword before.

    "See? This was the biggest, so I wanted it!" She explains.

    She balances the huge haft of the weapon over her shoulder, though it's probably safer to not be behind her right now.

Soan Sagittarius (633) has posed:
     Soan gives a long, impressed stare at Xion. She's just... mimicing all of that gigantic long greataxe just like that. She says she wanted it, she's done it, but she didn't 'do' it. The Thief tries to puzzle what it means.

     He gives it up pretty quickly.

     "What do you mean you don't /really/ know how to use it? It just... come like that?" He says, snapping his fingers.

Staren has posed:
    Staren blinks at the weapon change. "You just know, huh? So, what you want is to find something you can earn, huh?" He wonders how she just knows, what's going on here. But... She's presented him with a problem. He can't help but try to solve it, and there's no particular reason /not/ to. "So, when you want a weapon, or fighting skill, you just get it. Is there anything else you want, that you could learn the normal way? Or do you want a weapon that you can learn, instead of just... knowing?"

Xion (630) has posed:
    "Well, I've never really even seen a weapon like this before!" Xion replies, hefting the axe up, before rolling it by the haft, and giving an experimental chop (in a clear area) before letting it dissipate back into Heart's Desire briefly, before in another metallic 'shwing!' and flash of light, it's gone.

    "Sort of... But I mean, it's not just anything. I want /my/ thing. I've just got to find it for myself, I guess." She sighs.

    "I don't know what I want. What does want feel like. Is it the tingling in your fingers, or the swelling of your chest, or a lightness in the head?"

    She pauses, before remembering there were more questions. "I can use any weapon Heart's Desire becomes."

Staren has posed:
    Staren thinks about this.l "Want is when... you know it would be better if something was different." He looks Xion over. "Is there anything you've enjoyed, perhaps music, or food, that you don't know how to make? Maybe you could learn to make it. Maybe you could learn to /forge/ weapons. Understand what would make a good shape for Heart's Desire to become. Study martial arts... not just the moves you know how to do, but the /reasons/ for those moves, why some are better than others in different situations, /why/ a weapon has to be used the way it is."

Soan Sagittarius (633) has posed:
     Soan thinks on this, holding his chin up with a balled fist, furrowing his brows on the matter. She don't know what she wants, she don't seem to know what a feeling of wanting something feels like. She seems very confused, very... inconsistent, somewhat. The absorbing of the weapon copy is not very much commented on: it's not that unusual. Just peculiar.

     "You want the thing that is you, but, somehow, for some reason, you already know how to do a lot of things without having them be yours." He sumrises.