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Latest revision as of 09:01, 30 December 2014

Bar Philosophy
Date of Scene: 30 December 2014
Location: Bar and Grill at the Edge of the Multiverse
Synopsis: An exceptionally dry philisophical conversation on the Multiversal radio made Riva decide to get something to drink at the bar. And she decided to buy for people. Much drinking and not a whole lot of philosophy ensues.
Cast of Characters: Kotone Yamakawa, 32, 240, Riva Banari, Ayako Hasekawa, 664

Riva Banari has posed:


Riva is chilling out at the bar, having announced she's buying drinks for all comers on the multiversal channel for an impromptu party at the Bar at the Edge of the Multiverse. She's got a virgin strawberry daquiri. The pink colored drink has maximum paper umbrella going on, and she sips it, waiting to see what craziness this pulls in.

She might end up poor by the time this is over. She might not. Who knows?

Courier Six (32) has posed:
    Comp drinks? Count Johnny in.

    The Courier is coming mostly alone tonight too. Only himself and a slightly mutated fellow in a machanic's outfit. "I'm tellin' you boss, we need to get one of these doors for the Lucky 38. Put the trap in tourist trap, you know?" Raul looks up at the door they enter through, and seems to be looking for hinges or things to pull it out of its place. ...We'll get back to him.

    Johnny grumbles at his mechanic-thief and shuffles over towards the bar, plucking his hat up and off his head to plant on the hat rack along the way. "You must be Miss Riva, I suppose. Name's Johnny, and I really need to be getting out more, I think. Whole buncha new voices I haven't met." He holds out a hand and peeks at the daquiri.

Shir (240) has posed:
Shir's not going to pass up free drinks, even if she's rich. A strawberry daiquri doesn't sound bad either. Thought she's not the virgin-type. She prefers actually alcohol in her drinks even if her tolerance isn't it what it used to be. Her attention turns to Riva, "So what made you decide to buy everyone free drinks, special occasion or just in a good mood?" Even with money to throw around Shir rarely buys everyone free drinks.

Archer of Brown (664) has posed:
     Tis several nights after Christmas, and all through the bar, several people are drinking, from near and from far. The draft beers flow cold from their kegs on the wall, and just might be empty in time for last call. Some patrons now enter all smiles on their heads, lured by a Templar who pays in their steads. The music is lively, the atmosphere grand, and a pianist plays in place of a band.

     When through the front door there arrives such a clatter, the pianist stops and so does the chatter. Towards the entrance eyes watch with measured restraint, to see who it is or perhaps who it ain't. The light of D.C. on the dark figure here gives a picture of older times, of times once revered. What, to those peeking should now manifest, but a walking piece of America's West! With a mustache of brown and an air of great skill, the history savvy will know it's Wild Bill.

     More silent than death is the air for a moment, but the gunfighter enters as no one's opponent. His spurs jingle jangle as he walks to the bar, and the ambient noise returns to its par. The man takes a seat and forestalls his departure, then tips his hat and says, "Howdy, partner."

Riva Banari has posed:
Riva's already got her credit card scanned in at the bar. She waves to Courier Six and his mechanic friend and grins as they arrive. "Hi there!" She shakes his hand and gestures to a seat. "They're with me." She announces, making them officially in Happy Hour. "It's great to meet you guys! I'm Riva Banari, working with the Union. You're right, though, I don't think we've met before now! That's good though, always new faces to see, right?"

She spins around in her stool and plops the drink on the bar as Shir arrives. She, too, is indicated as being on her tab. "Really, that philosophy conversation on the multiversal band was so dry, I just /had/ to get something to drink. Besides, philosophy is best done hammered. It's when you take it seriously, that's when you get into trouble with philosophizing. So hi there!" She waves to Shir. "I admit, I don't remember if we met!"

And then Riva looks over her shoulder as the next contestant enters, and blinks for a moment. Whether from the mad rhymes or the fact that it's Wild Bill isn't quite apparent, but Riva waves to the man and gestures to a seat. "How polite! Thank you for coming! Please have a seat. I'm Riva Banari! A pleasure to meet you. Order anything you like, it's on me tonight. It's become kind of a meet and greet at this point, I think!"

Courier Six (32) has posed:
Johnny's accent drifts a bit beteen western drawl and latino a little bit as he rubs at his nose at all the people joining in for drinks. "Mmmmh, well, it's true. Ain't much use arguin' theoretical sortsa stuff like philosophy unless you're tanked. Gotta be Bruce for that, now don'tcha?"
    The Courier grins and settles in with the rest, peering over at the other... cowboy. Johnny stops and sits up straighter, at Wild Bill Hickok. "...Damn. Uh. Howdy."

Shir (240) has posed:
"Yeah, I'm not really big on the religious business. Of course I've been cloned so that's bounded to piss off a few gods." Shir doesn't really think about the afterlife, she lives for today. "I'm Shir Gold, yes that's really my name." She has had to explain more than once that wasn't playing a joke on someone about that. She looks at the others, "Is it cowboy night or something? Because, I'm not putting on spurs." She's comfortable with the boots she's currently wearing.

Archer of Brown (664) has posed:
     Archer nods to the Elites present. "You can call me Archer. If more of us show up, I already got it worked out that I'm Archer of Brown. The drinks are much appreciated, Miss Riva." The gunfighter has made his choice of seating in such a way that he faces the entrance and his back is to the wall--even if this puts an empty seat between him and another Elite.

     "It isn't cowboy night as far as I can reckon, but I suppose I'm just biased." The flat-brimmed hat comes off of his head, and is placed on the bar beside him. He nods towards the barkeep, then makes his request. "Whiskey," he says. Big surprise!

Ayako Hasekawa has posed:
    Ayako slowly floats into the Bar and Grill at the End of the Multiverse, riding sidesaddle on her broomstick. She says emotionlessly, "I heard the word 'dry' being spoken, and thus, I appear." And then she suddenly snrks and then bursts into giggles. "Kyahaha! Kidding, kidding! I just came because I wanted to play with Riva~."

    She hops cheerfully off of her broom and grabs it on the way down as she lands on her feet. Ayako walks over to Riva and sits down next to her cheerfully. And then spins around on her bar stool once. "Hello Riva, Archer, and everyone else who has come for drinks!"

Riva Banari has posed:
Riva laughs. "I hope it's not cowboy night. I don't have the right clothing for it!" She nods to Shir. "Good to meet you, Shir! I'm Riva. Riva Banari." She grins. "Bah, don't worry too much about it. We're here to have a good time, not worry about what hoary old bearded guy in a toga is thinking." She squints a little bit at Shir. "You got cloned, huh? So you're from a really high-tech world?"

Courier Six causes Riva to look over and nod. "See, you've got it." She chuckles a bit, and drinks her daquiri a bit more, looking over at the pair. "You look like you've been through the wringer. Where are you from?"

The Archer of Brown gives her a title to use, and she nods. "No problem, Archer." She watches him sit down and purses her lips for a moment. "Nothing wrong with your getup at all. You look nice and proper." She smiles, and nods. "You look like you stepped right out of the Wild West. So how are things over in your neck of the woods?"

AND THEN AYAKOS. Riva brightens up as she sees her arrive, and waves her over. "Ayako! Come on over! Good to see you again! It's been a little while... What's going on?"

Courier Six (32) has posed:
    Johnny snorts a bit at Riva as he sits down and waves for a bourbon. Ah, things you can't get anymore. "Ah, New Vegas. I run the place, actually, for the most part. Chief Operations Officer, or some such nonesense. I'm the fellow what goes and fixes problems in the Mojave for Vegas." He sniffs a bit and looks a all the people filtering in, and then nods over to the ghoul in the corner busy chatting up a waitress. "That slick fellow over there is Raul. He don't look it, but he's a charmer, and a better gunslinger than me."
    He grins. "And you must be Miss Banari. I heard plenty about you from the Syndicate. Nice to finally meet you in person, Miss Buzz Buzz."

Shir (240) has posed:
"Yeah, it's pretty high-tech. Of course the place has it's downsides." Shir's quick to point out as she drinks her daiquri. "I don't follow anyone's beliefs except my own." She plays by other rules. "New Vegas? I'm surprised the world can handle more than one Vegas. It's a fun place but you certainly wouldn't want everywhere to be like it. That would get pretty boring." She been to Vegas before, though not Johnny's. Her attention then turns Ayako, "Play with? You two a couple?" She can't help but to be a bit curious about that now.

Archer of Brown (664) has posed:
     "Back then we just called it the West." Well, that answers that question. "But, I reckon things are quiet, which probably won't last for long. Ain't seen hide nor hair of any other Heroic Spirits yet." He downs the contents of his shot glass and sets it back upon the counter gently, then gives a shrug. "Don't mind my boss, at least."

     Archer shoots Raul a wary look, but a respectful one--thanks to the tendency of Spaghetti Westerns to crib from samurai flicks, one might get the impression of one master swordsman acknowledging another. Archer then directs his attention to Johnny. Heard about Riva from the Syndicate, huh? "You a Syndie, too? Haven't heard you on the chatterbox, but then I'm new in town myself. Look forward to working with you."

     The Servant... resists the urge to indulge in an amused snort, when Shir asks her question. Archer acknolwedges the water spirit in a different way. "Hey there, Miss Ayako. How was your Christmas?"

Courier Six (32) has posed:
    Oh ho ho, don't think Raul misses the Look. The Ghouls' eyes narrow ever so slightly, and somewhere a sof string of Cheap Italian Orchestral music starts up, as the Look progresses.
    But then the waitress smiles and tells a joke, and Raul breaks the look to laugh.

    ...You win this time, Wild Bill.

Ayako Hasekawa has posed:
    Ayako smiles softly at Johnny, "Eeehh? COO, huh? Sounds sup-" And she holds that consonant for a while, "-per busy! And kind of annoying." She shakes her head slowly and then giggles softly. "Miss Buzz Buzz?!"

    Ayako then turns towards Shir. "Only your own beliefs, huh? That sounds rough but nice at the same time." When Shir asks if Riva and her are a couple though, She blinks her eyes quickly. "Huh? A couple? Well, a couple of really good friends!"

    She spins cheerfully while sitting on her bar stool and then stops facing Archer. "Hmm... my Christmas was fun!" Ayako giggles softly and glances off to the side with a hint of embarassment. "I... well... I'm not really used to being on the receiving end of presents."

    Another quick spin on the bar stool! This time, stopping while facing Riva. "Riva, it's good to see you too! Nothing's really going on with me... just being a Water Spirit. And maybe grinding skills in GGO!"

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa has just enterd into the bar again she's wearing likely a less formable bit than she wore the first time she visited Brown's world. It's a yellow top, with a hood but it's down, detthce sleeves and her shoulders bear. She's also got a pair of cargo pannts on as she mvoes into the bar notinc g a few people she knoes.

"Riva! Ayako!"

She's looks to ARcher and Johnny grinning slightly.

"Hello to you as well."

Shir (240) has posed:
"Nice save, water spirit? Like a nymph or something?" Shir figures the girl is playful enough to be be one. "I never could get into that MMORPG stuff, takes too long to get to the interesting parts. Who wants to kill hundreds of rats?" She dpesn't have the patience for that sort of thing. "Miss Buzz Buzz, I can think of several reasons for that nickname but you don't look like you're part bee to me" She takes another look at Riva just in case she missed something.

Her attention than turns to Kotone, "Didn't know I was that subtle, maybe I should just start wearing even less." She figures her friend likely just missed her upon first glance, but she can't help but to joke about it.

Riva Banari has posed:
"Miss Buzz Buzz?" Riva replies incredulously, and then laughs. "That's pretty good. I guess there is that whole bee thing happening." She leans over and looks over at Raul, nodding. "Yeah, looks like he's hitting it off already." Hey, she doesn't judge. She then takes another drink, and Shir points something out. "New Vegas, huh? Guess Old Vegas had some problems, then. That's too bad. You probably have a lot to deal with. A place like Vegas... And hell, look at the armor you're wearing. People don't wear armor if they don't expect trouble in their job, right?"

Shir causes Riva to nod again. "Yeah, that always seems to be the case. You look at the grass and it looks greener, but then you see all the little brown spots if you look hard enough." She sighs. "I just prefer to stick with the green." Shir's question about Ayako causes Riva to look over at the water spirit and then blush slightly. "No, we're just really good friends!"

Archer of Brown gives an opening for a topic change, and Riva smiles. "Glad things are looking pretty quiet on your end. Those Magical Highlander Games are always a pain in the butt, I hear." She sighs for a moment. "I have some connections in the Syndicate..." Riva says, shiftyeyeing a bit as she pushes her index fingers together a little nervously. "Kind of have to in my line of work, so...." She shrugs. "I've been talking on it more lately. You might hear me yelling at Arthur over random dumb things."

Ayako then gets a nod from Riva. "Well, I'm glad you enjoyed it! I really like the watercolors you made, they're /really/ high quality. I'm going to make sure to save enough of them for something special." She smiles. "But you know... in GGO you get to be a lot more like a human than you were before. What's it like?"

Then Kotone shows up, and Riva waves to her. "Hey Ko!" Riva calls. "Come on over and get a drink! Have some fun, it's all on me tonight."

Courier Six (32) has posed:
    A snort from Johnny at the others. "Well some damn fools 200 years ago blew up the whole damn world and left us with an irradiated swat of desert from California straight across to the Mississippi." He sips his bourbon and gestures. "But it's not all that bad. Plenty of fresh water and gamblin' for tourists from the Big Bear. Uh, that's the New California Republic, sorry."
    A glance at the others, and Johnny suddenly feels like he's missing his hat to tip at the ladies showing up. "Howdy, girls. Nice seein' people around here. Name's Johnny Tallbranch." He holds out his mitt to Ayako and Kotone.

Archer of Brown (664) has posed:
     Archer tips his hat to Kotone. "Ma'am. Good to finally meet you in person. I'm Archer. You already met my boss Mason." Technically, he's seen her before, when he was dematerialized; it's just that she hasn't seen /him./

     On the topic of the Grails being more trouble than they're worth, he chuffs. "You don't know the half of it, Miss Riva. But, we all want the Grail one way or another, so the best thing to do is hope we can get it and not fuck it all up before dinnertime." He pauses. "Come to think of it, though, I think I mighta heard you on our little radio band. That Arthur boy'll yell at just about anything, so I'm not surprised you'd yell back."

     "Pleased to meet you, Johnny. I'm something of a gambling man myself. Reckon I'll have to come pay your little town a visit sometime, see what you've got for poker."

Ayako Hasekawa has posed:
    Ayako waves hello cheerfully to Kotone! "Hello Kotone!" She blinks her eyes quickly and then inclines her head to the side as she glances upwards. "Uhm... do you drink?" Her hands then wave back and forth frantically as she run-on sentances out, "I mean not that I drink alcohol stuffs. I mean I can, but I don't get drunk off it and usually don't because it's a waste and." She then pauses. "Yeah."

    Ayako then turns towards Shir and then smiles brightly. "Un! Water spirit." Her gaze turns upwards as she bobbles her head side-to-side gently. "Hmm... water nymph, huh? Maybe?" She grins playfully. "To put it simply... while I might seem human, I'm made completely of water." She waggles her fingers at Shir-and said fingers and hands lose their color completely. Her fingers meld and unmeld with each other as if they were made of water-floating water, but still water. The watery fingers regain their color and solidity as she taps a cheek with a reforming pointer finger-one that melds with her cheek momentarily. "Hmm... well, the grind is just part of the game. I'm not one for cheating." She smiles brightly.

    Ayako's amber gaze then goes towards Riva. And then she blushes lightly when Riva blushes slightly. She recovers from the blush. Slowly. She nods her head quickly. "Un un! I did enjoy it! I hope you like them!" And then Riva asks her what it's like to be more like a human in GGO. It takes her a while to think about it. Her cheeks suck in and she chews lightly on them as she thinks... "Hmm... well... it's weird." She nods her head once. "Everything's all confined and it takes so much work to do... -everything-!" Her hands, now fully formed and solid gesture to the bar stool. "Just sitting like this in GGO takes so so so SO much effort!" She pouts softly, "I mean... if you don't keep certain muscles tensed, you fall down! I don't know how you people can handle it all the time and not just stay in bed somedays."

    She then turns towards Johnny and winces when she hears about blowing up the world and leaving an irradiated desert behind. "Ick. That sounds horrible..." Ayako does brighten when she hears the words 'fresh water', though. "I'm glad you at least have water." She curtseys in Johnny's direction (yes, even when seated) and then shakes his hand. "Nice to meet you, Johnny." Yes, her hand isn't watery at the moment, it's a normal human hand right now!

Ayako Hasekawa has posed:
    Ayako then smiles softly at Archer. "After the Holy Grail, huh? I hope you're very careful with it if you do get ahold of it!" She then raises her free hand. "But... I like Arthur! His love for adventure, his YELLING and EMPHASIS!" She coughs softly after that. "I don't know how he can speak like that all the time. I don't even have throat muscles and I find it difficult." Her head shakes slowly and she giggles softly. "Maybe he keeps some water with a bit of lemon in it hidden away to sip when no one's looking."

Shir (240) has posed:
Shir looks a bit surprised by that, of course in all the time she's been in the Multiverse she's never met a water spirit before. "I would pay 1,000 credits to see Hugh's reaction to this." She bets he would never belief someone like Ayako could exist before coming to the Multiverse. "So trying to stay solid is hard for you? I mean I guess it would be the same way if I was suddenly turned into liquid but that sounds more painful than anything else."

"So they nuked a huge stretch of land, that's pretty screwed up. Then again destroying someone on an atomic level is kind of overkill to begin with. Gambling does sound like fun though. Even though I don't usually tend to win much." Not that she needs the money.

Riva Banari has posed:
Shir mentions hundreds of rats, and a haunted look enters Riva's eyes for a moment, and she shudders. But she doesn't comment, instead just looking over to Shir so she can explain. "I, uh... Well, I get magical powers from techno-spirits. The techno-spirits happen to be bees." She shrugs. "I hear some people refer to others like me in my world using the term 'Bees' as well, so I guess it's something I'll have to get used to."

Courier Six explains the central Deal as well, and Riva nods. "Well, that explains why you look like you could probably hang out with Mad Max." She says. "You probably have a ton of stories about it though. Vegas is a crazy place even before bombs drop."

Archer causes Riva to laugh. "I can't help it. The way he EMPHASIZES things is just SO INFECTIOUS, you know? Ayako is totally behind it too, see? But yeah, if you need any help with your shenanigans over your way, let me know. I get the feeling some nasty stuff will go down if the wrong person gets one of those things."

Riva then pokes Ayako. "I /could/ get you some seltzer..." She teases, but listens attentively as Ayako begins describing her experiences. She nods. "Believe me, sometimes I /do/ want to just stay in bed. But humans get used to it. It becomes instinctive. I'm glad you're working so hard, though. I think you could be an example for a lot of people."

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa had missed Shir and she then turns to her and pauses.

"Humm MMORPGs can be interesing I admit with how things are on my world I admi and hello Shir, the bike's coming along pretty well."

She looks over to Riva nad pauses a tthe mention of a New Vegas? That was inteewsting and she smiles a bit as she comes over to take up Riva on her offer.

"Even if I can't get buzzed anymore I can still enjoy it right?"

She listens about the magical highlander and seems sad about it as she looks to Archer and then smiles a little bit.

"Hello, it's good to meet you in person as well your boss is interesting. I think if America on my world had someone like him it might not have fragmented after the third world war."

Seriously that generation were about a charimatic as a brick either way she moves on to look over to Ayako.

"So I'm not sure if I'm ever going to poke a Tarot deck again after our last encounter, still I'm gald still to have some time to talk to you."

She looks back and nods to the elemental.

"Yes I can eat and drink, but it's mostly just to remind myself I'm still human honestly."

Riva Banari has posed:
Kotone also comments to Riva and she nods. "Yeah! Just get whatever you like, Kotone. Everything will be fine." The Templaress seems to be mostly chill at the moment, relaxing with her drink.

Courier Six (32) has posed:
    Johnny pauses his drinks to lean against the bar and snort. "'Huge Tracts Of Land.' Naw, they nuked the whole damn planet, near as we can tell. I mean, I ain't ever been to Red China nor farther south than Mexico. I did make it out to the Capital Wasteland though for an especially long delivery." Siiiiip.
    And then archer wants to come 'hang out'. "Heck. We'd be happy to have an old timer like yourself out with us. Spice the place up. Just don't get kicked out of too many of the casinos. Then I gotta listen to the bosses bitch at me about 'multiversal ringers' taking them to the cleaners, got it?" He snorts and rolls his shoulders, before hmphing. "And yeah, Lake Mead is still a thing, if you don't mind lakelurks trying to sonic you to death. S'even got fish in it."
    Wow. Fish.

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa looks back to Shir fir a moment grinning a little bit.

"Friend of yours I take it and ... the nukes went flying on my world when I was kid to be honest. Not on a huge scale but if not for some developments in tech? It be a wasteland in some places."

Archer of Brown (664) has posed:
     "I'll go easy on 'em, Johnny." Although the Spirit only appears to be in his mid thirties, the term 'old-timer' elicits an oddly pleased response from him. Not even he's sure why, but it brings a smile to his face. "Maybe spend some money on drinks to even things out." Archer knocks on the bar, and his shot glass is refilled.

     On the topic of the good senator, the Spirit shrugs. "Might not have," he says. "A lot of what he wants to say, he can't. Leastwise, that's the way it seems."

     Riva receives a grateful nod. "I expect we will, at that. If we ain't seen no other Spirits yet, it means either the Grail's taking its time finding Masters, or the Masters are out looking for catalysts to try and cherry-pick. I don't much like the implications of either."

     "Careful doesn't even begin to describe it, Miss Ayako. My boss jokes around about hiring a lawyer to write up his wish so there ain't no way he can get Monkey's Pawed. Wonder if that isn't such a bad idea, myself."

Ayako Hasekawa has posed:
    Ayako giggles softly at Shir's bit of surprise. And then giggles brightly when Shir says she would pay 1,000 credits to see another's reaction to this. "Oh oh... I love surprising people with how I'm made of water." She closes her eyes and smiles proudly. "I am really proud of how well I imitate a human form and forming an attractive appearance!" Her eyes blink slowly... and then she nods slowly. "Staying solid like this does take a lot of effort and attention, yes. Melting and being solid doesn't hurt or anything though."

    Ayako spins around to look back at Riva when she pokes her. "Hmmm? Uhh... I don't feel like some seltzer right now." She sticks her tongue out at Riva playfully in response to the teasing. "Hmm... As something without any instincts... well... I don't know how to respond to that." She blinks her eyes quickly, shakes her head, and then giggles brightly. "Me? An example? Of what?"

    She inclines her head to the side gently and hmms softly as she glances over at Kotone. "Hmm... Kotone, remember that the fortune doesn't have any magic behind it... and... the future isn't ever set in stone! If you don't want something bad to happen, work to make sure it doesn't happen!" Ayako takes off her witch hat and rests the base against her body while smiling cheerfully at Kotone. "If it puts your mind at ease, I don't see anything wrong with eating and drinking then!"

    Ayako looks back to Archer and nods her head quickly once her witch hat is back on her head. "Even if you let an attorney write up the wish... it's still very possible to get" She pauses for a moment when she smiles softly at the term, "Monkey's Pawed. So be cautious all the same!"

Shir (240) has posed:
"Techno-spirits called bees? I would say that's strange, but seeing how I can light things on fire with mind I don't really have any room to talk." Shir would be a hypocrite if she did so. "Yeah, Vegas is kind of weird and that's coming from me. A lot of fun though." She doesn't seemed too bothered by that.

"Good to hear that the bike is coming along well? There isn't an add-on or anything that let's you get buzzed, Kotone?" She's kind of surprised by that. "Friend? Who are you referring to, there's quite a few people here?" She couldn't pick up just by the context.

"Well, good to hear you have a sense of humor about being a water spirit. I know there's some people that wouldn't. Fortunetelling? What did the cards say? Not that I believe in that sort of thing, just wondering what Kotone's bothered by." She's a bit concerned for her friend though.

Riva Banari has posed:
Riva looks down into her daquiri and then swirls the glass speculatively. the frozen concoction inside sloshes in a distinctly un-ominous way, and Riva chuckles at it. Something about it seems to amuse her, for some reason. "You know..." Riva comments at the subject of Monkey's Paws and wishes. "One of my literature teachers always liked to say, 'There's two great tragedies in life: Not getting what you want, and getting /exactly/ what you want.'" She waggles her eyebrows at Archer at that. "We'll see what happens with that. I hope it all works out for you guys, though."

Ayako gets another chuckle, then. "It's okay... And an example of someone who works really hard to experience new things and understand what things are like, of course! I think the world would probably be a better place with more people like you."

Shir's response causes riva to nod again. "Yeah, that's pretty awesome! You should talk with Wuyin about that, he's the one who has the lightning and fire and stuff. I usually stick with guns and swords." She gives Shir a playful slap on the shoulder. "Don't worry about it, it's the Multiverse, nothing is weird out here!"

Riva Banari has posed:
Courier Six's response gives Riva a moment of quiet. Suddenly, she looks up and blinks. "Oh man, if the place was nuked, of course water would be a problem! Wow, that's got to be /rough/." She sighs. "And that means if fish can live in that lake, it's still got to be tolerable... Without the lakelurks, anyway..." She ponders. "Hmm."

Ayako Hasekawa has posed:
    "Well, I've always been a water spirit." Ayako smiles softly and then winks slowly. "Learning humor however? Took much. -Much- longer." She giggles brightly. "I think I seem pretty natural acting like a human now, though." Once Shir brings up Kotone's fortune she sighs softly. "Hmm... well. Her past was The Hanged Man, reversed. That is... one of moving forward without much thought or reflection. The present was The World, reversed. That of being completely stuck in a rut, unable to move forward. The immediate future was Judgement, reversed. Stagnation, or her past coming back to haunt her. And the future was The Lovers, reversed. Loneliness and bitterness. Her advice was The Wheel of Fortune, reversed. To remove chance and go against Fate, so to speak." She ends with a sigh. "I sort of wish I could have given a better fortune to you, Kotone."

    Ayako then brightens when she turns towards Riva. "Riva~. Of course I love experiencing new things!" She winks playfully at Riva. "I'm not a stagnant water-water spirit after all! And the Multiverse is so full of interesting things!" And then blushes when Riva says that the world would be a better place with more people like her! What can she say in response to that? She sure doesn't know! Her right hand reaches up and pushes the brim of the witch hat down to hide her blushing face.

Courier Six (32) has posed:
    Johnny's gaze turns to Archer as he lights up about 'old-timer'. The Courier doesn't look too much older than Mr. Hickok at this point. But there's a grin. "You think I can't tell what sorta shooters I'm looking at?" He nods a head over at Raul, who's... uh.
    Raul's apparently found himself a bottle of cheap mezcal and fellow mutant to chat up. Said mutant lady is occupying all of the ghoul's attention and also his lap. Hmmm.

    Johnny blinks a few times and looks back to Archer. "Uh. I... uh. I sorta just lost what I was talkin' about." He finishes off his bourbon and calls for a refill.

Archer of Brown (664) has posed:
     "Well, you've got a good eye, Johnny." Which is more than he can say for Raul. Eugh. It must be true what they say about beauty and beholders. "What kind of iron's it take to run New Vegas? Practical? Tough? Easy to carry, easy to hide? Something to the tune of a Colt M1911?" This is where the supernatural aspect of Servants comes through--Archer seems familiar with guns invented far after his time.

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa listens about the bees and just nods for a moment.

"Last time they jacked some of my systems and I was tasting honey for the next day."

She makes a face, the bees as sassy little things. She nods to Archer and nods.

"Fair enough, and that's honestly a /good/ idea. Given how I hear some wish granters can be."

She's serious there and she nods.

"True still I have to wonder about things and my own future. I just fallen into a world I didn't think wa real. It makes me wonder about a good deal of things."

She looks back to Shir nodding a little hopefully thge bike wilk be done shortly.

She looks at Riva frowining.

"I got what a lot of people seem to desire and whelp I'm stuck with it, you know that curse? May you live in interesting times? It refers to the multiverse."

She looks back to Archer for a moment.

"I have to admit...sometimes Revolvers are better than more modern firearms in someways, some still pack slugs that can deal with combat cyborgs."

Courier Six (32) has posed:
    Johnny shakes his head a bit, before fishing under his duster to pull out That Gun. You know the one, don't you, Blade Runner? The heavy rifle-chambered pistol clanks on the bar as Johnny smiles over at Riva, letting Archer examine the piece.
    "And water ain't so much a problem really, with the Hoover Dam still operational. It's the fact that Fresh Water plus Electricity makes us a primo target for bith the NCR and the Legion. Mighty precarious place I'm in, really."
    Another sip of bourbon.

Archer of Brown (664) has posed:
     Archer emits a low whistle, turning the gun over in his hand. "This is a beaut," he says softly. "Barrel looks like it's for rifle rounds... interesting cylinder." The Heroic Spirit gently opens the cylinder. He removes a bullet, and almost immediately discerns its make. "...5.56 NATO? Hell and Jesus, boy. This thing'll tear through a man like Sherman through Georgia." He slides the bullet back in, clicking the cylinder back into place and sliding it back over to Johnny. "What's that whine? Laser sight?"

     Kotone receives a so-so gesture from Archer. "It's give and take, if you ask me. Mine are a special case, so I tend to favor them, but I try to keep an open mind. I just like 'em cause they're light. I can count the number of people that could quick-draw a Winchester on one hand."

Ayako Hasekawa has posed:
    It takes her a moment, but Ayako does recover from blushing. The brim of her witch hat goes back up and Ayako smiles brightly at Kotone, "That's true... when I first learned what sort of place the Multiverse was, I didn't know what to think at first..." She then giggles brightly. "Then, I became excited about how all the different things that are in it!" Her hand then raises into the air cheerfully. "I don't know about that being a curse. But then, I've been alive a long time. I prefer interesting to boring anyday!"

    Ayako leans upwards and tries to get a look at the gun that Johnny placed on the bar. Ever since she started playing GGO, she has gotten slightly more interested in guns. Hmm... can't see. She floats a little off of her bar stool to get a better view. "Oohh." She lands lightly on her bottom back onto her bar stool and spins around a bit. "Nice gun. And..." Her amber gaze moves off to the side. "I know how people can fight over water..."

Shir (240) has posed:
"Well, there's certainly worst things you could taste then honey. Though I can imagine it would get kind of annoying after a while." Shir figures it would be frustrating to have a taste in your mouth that you couldn't get out. "I wouldn't worry too much about it, if anyone or anything gives you crap just let us know." She's certainly used to dealing with it.

"Having techniques isn't really that strange most of my friends back home can use them." She doesn't really see itself as weird. "Yeah, it sounds like there's limited room to expand, I mean you can't just build a new dam and I'm pretty sure the old one is falling part huh?" Most places weren't designed to last 200 years without maintence.

Courier Six (32) has posed:
    Johnny snorts right back at Archer and spins the gun around on the bar until the grip is pointed at Ayako to hold, the safety back in place against the trigger guard. "Careful, it's a 5 pound piece. Ain't for casual use."
    He looks back over to Archer though. "Uh, .223 or 5.56, yeah, dependin' though I'm only vaguely familiar what a NATO is. But. That whine is an internal battery that charges off the recoil force. Makes it more useful for the rest of things." And then he shifts his hand to let the Pip-Boy slide out of the sleeve of his coat, the computerized gauntlet twittering faintly. "More machine than man in some bits. And I'm okay with that." He sips on his glass again. "Ain't all of us mystical heroes of the past."

Ayako Hasekawa has posed:
    Ayako raises her hand. "Question! Question! What does honey taste like?" She shakes her head. "I know it supposedly tastes 'sweet' and is sticky like syrup but... that doesn't really help me. How is it different than sugar?"

    Her gaze goes back to the gun on the bar as she looks it over carefully. Ayako's hands completely turn into water and her fingers meld together; forming two watery paddles-which then stop before touching the gun. "Oops. Better not do that. I don't want to ruin any electronics." She sheepishly blushes lightly and reforms her hands. Instead, she looks at the gun carefully with her eyes rather than her hands. As she looks the gun over carefully, "Nothing wrong with machines! No one will fault you for using the right things to get the job done."

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa says "Yes it's the last of the old heavy cal pistols that I refer to. They are still cheap to make and effective still, but I get you. I only started learning about such things really since I have ventured into the multiverse. Fair enough."

SHe klooks over to Johnny for a moment.

"You have some very nice alterations and ... I know the feeling there I'm pretty much a walking example of that phrase."

Riva Banari has posed:
"Yeah, Ayako, but you're putting a lot of work into it!" Riva says, smiling.

Riva leans over towards Kotone and peers at her for a moment. "Huuuuuuh." She pauses for a moment. "You should watch out for that. I wish I knew something about that, then I could say if you'd want to be worried." She shrugs.

Courier Six pops in about the political issue. "Oh, wow. That WOULD make you a prime target for big guys with lots of guns, wouldn't it. How have you been holding up?" CLONK. Riva's eyes widen at the massive gun. "Wow. I don't think I could even shoot that thing straight, let alone handle the recoil."

A comment from Ayako draws Riva's gaze and she watches the spirit carefully for a moment, but doesn't say anything, instead finishing off her daquiri. "Honey... It has a distinct flavor. Real honey is kind of thick and sticky, and has a faint taste that reminds you of plants and flowers. Some people will make honey from specific flowers and trees because of that. It's very different than eating processed sugar."

Courier Six (32) has posed:
    Johnny's eyes widen and he chuckles, sliding the gun back into his duster. "Thing is, one side has fewer troops but better gear. The other side is a literal slave army cobbled together from 70 Native tribes of outlaws and bandits and native groups stretchin' from the Colorado back to Indian Country. Ain't either side got an advantage just yet, and they won't so long as the House has the upper hand with all the best toys in the Mojave."
    He sips his drink and pokes at Ayako. "Also honey was the first processed food humans got to eat, and usually their first taste of proper sugar that wasn't boiled down from tree sap or squeezed from fruit. THAT takes a lot of effort, let me tell you."

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa looks at that pistol again she could likely fire it she thinks all things condiered it would be a matter of skill really. Shge looks back to Johnny and snps at her drinks after a moment.

"Slave Army?"

She shakes her head.

"God in heaven that's a bad situation your boss and you are dealing with."

She shakes her head.

"So many wonders in the multivese but so many damn nightmares. I half expect someone like Gengis Kahn or the Huns to show up packing modern weaponry...somedays."

Ayako Hasekawa has posed:
    Ayako smiles back at Riva and then spins in her chair a few more times. She stops when Riva starts describing honey... and then inclines her head to the side gently. "Hmm... plants and flowers, huh...?" Her eyes close halfway and she smiles gently. "Hmm... I see... maybe?"

    And then winces when she hears the situation in New Vegas. "Eep... that... that sounds like a pretty difficult situation... I hope nothing bad happens to the water and the electricity from all that fighting..." And then Ayako giggles brightly when she's poked. Ticklish, it seems! "Was it now?" She nods her head once. "I still don't really understand what's so amazing about sugar, though."

Shir (240) has posed:
"Yeah, a slave army's just screwed up. How does something like that even get started?" Shir wonders how something like that could even work. It sounds like it would be rather disorganized if a smaller force is able to post a threat She sounds rather digusted at just the thought of it. "Does sugar have any effect on your body Ayako or do you just absorb it?" She's not sure how would work.

Ayako Hasekawa has posed:
    Ayako hops off of her bar stool and walks over to Shir. "Hmm? Sugar's just sugar to me." She gestures at herself by resting a hand on her chest. "Me... I'm just made of water." And then she startles slightly. "Oops. I never really introduced myself to you and Johnny... huh?"

    She curtsies politely towards the two of them. "I'm Ayako Hasekawa. Please call me Ayako!" Ayako smiles brightly. "As for what would happen..." She walks over to the bar and orders an apple.

    After a moment, Ayako's order arrives! She cheerfully grabs the red apple and starts to eat it. "Normally..." She says inbetween fresh bites and chewing, "I don't usually eat because I don't like wasting food. But... I think this should be fine." Whoa, she ate that apple pretty fast. There's just a core left, which is left on the bar. Anyone who checks said core might note... it's unusually dry for an apple core-as if the water got drained out of it. Ayako searches on the bar counter for a moment... and then gets a napkin and spreads it out on the counter. "And... this is what's left!" She places one of her palms over the napkin and... a fine white powder with a few red flecks falls from her palm and onto the napkin, leaving a small pile. It's dehydrated apple powder!

Shir (240) has posed:
"So basically all the moisture gets sucked out of it. I guess that makes sense." Shir's not going to question it. "So what happens if you swallowed something that was already powdered like cocoa or lemonade mix?" She doesn't seem to mind the questions so she can't help but to ask. "I'm Shir Gold." She introduces herself as well.

Riva Banari has posed:
Riva has a grim look on her face for a moment at the mention of a slave army, but doesn't comment. Maybe everyone else already echoed her sentiments.

She does, however, watch with interest as Ayako eats. "Huh." She says as she sees the dried powder. "That's pretty cool!" she says, and then her phone plays a few bars of Flight of the Bumblebees. "Whoops!" She checks the phone, and then frowns. "Well, that's a thing." She puts her phone away. "I better get going. I'll see you guys around, okay? They have my card info, feel free to keep drinking if you want! Have fun!" She hops off her stool and waves, bouncing on her heels as she strides for the exit... much faster than one might expect.

Ayako Hasekawa has posed:
    Ayako smiles brightly at Shir. "Nice to meet you properly, Shir!" Her head inclines to the side gently. "Well... it stays powdered. Unless I let it dissolve in me and then you get a cocoa or a lemonade spirit." She giggles brightly and shakes her head. "I normally don't like that, though."

    She blinks her eyes quickly when 'Flight of the Bumblebee' plays, though! Is that... Riva's cell's ringtone? That's just so... perfect! Ayako giggles brightly and then waves goodbye cheerfully to Riva. "See and talk to you later, Riva!" Her amber gaze follows Riva as she exits. "Whoa, she left fast. I hope she isn't in trouble."

Shir (240) has posed:
"Like a sentient being made of cocoa and lemonade?" Shir's not quite sure what she means by spirit. "So how did you come into existance to start with? Magically-enchanted water or something? And I'm sure she's okay, things just come out of the blue sometimes." She certainly knows that can happen."

Ayako Hasekawa has posed:
    Ayako smiles softly. "Well... I'm sentient water, after all." Her amber eyes sparkle as Shir asks her questions. If there's one thing Ayako likes doing, it's answering good questions! "As for how I came into existance... yes! Exactly. Magically enchanted water." She rests a palm against her cheek as she thinks to herself for a while...

Shir (240) has posed:
Shir's looking at her glass at this point, wondering how much she's had to drink. Either too much or not enough, of course the fact that Ayako's magically enchanted water just raises further questions, "So who enchanted that water to begin with and why? They wanted to see if it was possible?" That seems to be the reason anyone does research after all.

Ayako Hasekawa has posed:
    Ayako sits down next to Shir cheerfully. "Hmm? I was created as... hmm... how do I put this right...?" Her amber gaze shifts over to the bar counter for a moment... and then she brightens. "A water bullet. You know. Like one of those things you load into a gun and then fire it at something you don't want living anymore?"

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa is listening and she looks at Ayako for a moment and she nods.

"I guess I'm wasting in a way but ... I need to remind myself whom I am and that helps a heck of a lot, I find."

She pauses for a moment and looks for a moment.

You could make some ... hey wait desscated rations I wonder if we could do something like that. Really you were a weapon to start your life?"

She waves to Riva as he heads out and then turns her attention back to Shir and Ayako.

Shir (240) has posed:
"So someone used magic to create a high pressure concentrated drop of water and ended up creating you instead? I have to admit that's a new one for me." Shir certainly hasn't that one before. Her attention then turns towards Kotone, "Need any help with that, or is it one of those personal enlightment quests?" She figure it couldn't hurt to offer at least.

Ayako Hasekawa has posed:
    Ayako smiles softly at Kotone. "Hmm... well, the rations might turn out a lot on the dry side." She then nods her head once. "Un. I was a disposable weapon that had a capacity to learn."

    She turns towards Shir. "Hmm... as for creating me... I wasn't designed to be like this." Ayako giggles brightly. "I sort of learned to be like this. After a very, very, very long time."

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa says "I'd never have known and I'm not sure shir. I don't know about a lot of things anymore."

She jinda just keeps going fearing if she stopped what might happen, she does however finish off her drink.

"The ration thing may still be good it could be used to keep people alive, right? IT's funny you know I grew up on the water and loved to swim..."