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Latest revision as of 05:02, 13 February 2015

Fayt's Magical Adventure
Date of Scene: 13 February 2015
Location: Papaya Island
Synopsis: Riva's tired of Fayt putting off that vacation, so she arranges to trick Fayt onto the cruiseliner using his own flaws against him, as well as the assistance of a bevy of shenanigans-inclined ladyfriends. Will Fayt finally get some time to relax? FIND OUT HERE.
Cast of Characters: Tomoe, 73, 185, 319, Neuroi Girl, Riva Banari

Riva Banari has posed:

On its surface it's simple enough: A pleasant business/celebration lunch on a beachfront cafe which HAPPENS to be near a CONVENIENT pier where there COINCIDENTALLY happens to be a cruise ship docked to take on passengers.

BUT DON'T PAY ATTENTION TO THAT FAYT LOOK OVER HERE. Riva sits in one of the seats, a spread of jellycans and other Shinki goodies laid out for Metta (perhaps including a jaunty party hat, shinki-sized), while Fayt has a nice little cake to go along with whatever he likes. "Congratulations to you both!" Riva says. "It's important to remember the important dates, you know?" She grins, drinking an excessively bright colored tropical drink with an umbrella in it.

While all of the ladies here are technically here to join in the 2-year Shinki/Master anniversary celebration, EVERYONE BUT FAYT happens to be in on the real reason they're here: To relieve Fayt of his communications devices and get him onto the cruiseliner, by hook or by crook.

Metta happens to be on chloroform duty if all else fails.

Neuroi Girl has posed:
     The cutest Neuroi, Evangeline, is seated in one of the chairs, though her leg design means her legs just stick out beneath the table. She is watching quietly, a similarly brightly colored drink in front of her on the table.

     She has been told what to do if Fayt is resistant. With her ability to merge with and absorb electronic devices, she can float over and 'accidentally' absorb those communication devices.

Metta (185) has posed:
Metta has her fighting gear equipped so she can take advantage of her wings and float around. That and her microphone amplifies her voice excellently, and the rakish, jaunty party hat fits perfectly over one of her ear pieces.

She samples a strawberry jellycan.

"I'm happy with my master." She says, agreeably, her wings fluttering (well, the bow on her back fluttering) around as she circles around the table.

Frederica (73) has posed:
    Frederica is grinning, a happily malicious look some people might have reason to dread. It means she's up to something and happy to be up to something, and who knows whether Fayt knows her well enough to distinguish her current look from her normally-playful one. "Yes, congratulations both of you for putting up with each other so long." she smirks.

    Of course she has her own intentions on what to do if Fayt doesn't easily get relieved of his communications devices and such. These intentions probably involve fire. It's probably a good thing if Evangeline gets to the devices first.

Tomoe has posed:
Tomoe is here yes as her Fairy self but she's not clad in plate,heavy cloth. No she looks cltohing like she belongs here she's dresseed for it toom shorts tank top and she seems to just be enjoying herself really from the look on her face.

"Indeed I'm happy for you both."

She will never use the C word if she can help it, there's too much suffering and death assoiate with the word Congratulations to Tomoe.

She's also taking a look at Eva? Whom she's never got a chance to meet in person before. Well in a situation where they were not fighting.

"You two have quite the comitted relationship."

Fayt Ravus (319) has posed:
    Fayt is already slightly on edge.

    Granted, knowing osme of the people here for so long. you learn to get a little suspicious when When Metta and/or Fred start to act a little suspicious. Still, this is it, just a party, right? that's not so bad.

    The tiny trade takes a slow look around at the others. "Um... thank you. I had no idea what I was getting into when Metta activated, and it's nice to know I haven't made a horribe mess of things." his face scew up for a moment. "Or at least, I'm hoping I haven't made a horrible mess of things. Huh..."

Metta (185) has posed:
Metta turns to Fayt, her voice a sad little warble. "You haven't made a mess of things, Master, I promise! Metta's happy she's your shinki! You're happy I'm your shinki, right?" She asks, her pink eyes widening pitifully as she peers at him. Oh no, she's taking things the wrong way again.

Riva Banari has posed:
Riva slurps on her drink, and stifles the sudden urge to sneeze for some reason. Is someone talking about her? Whatever, WORK. PARTY WORK. Which is the best kind. She makes a pfft noise as she waves a hand nonchalantly. "Man, you don't even start. You're obviously doing fine, just look at her! She's giving you the big eyes already. I've never seen Shinki before coming out in the Multiverse. you two seem to be totally awesome together. So what's the story? I bet you two have done a ton together. What do you think was your favorite time?" Riva asks, trying to keep Fayt relaxed and off guard.

Frederica (73) has posed:
    Fortunately for everyone involved, Frederica is so often cheerfully malicious that her being so today gives away nothing in particular. She's up to something, clearly, but that could be nothing more than her intending to embarrass someone with her gift offering. She's not nudging and winking with people to indicate a conspiracy or anything.

    Allowing her posture to relax slightly, she kicks out with one dainty foot and then flops her hood back, pulling out her hair in a well-practiced gesture and letting the tails flop over her shoulders and chest before her. "Yes Fayt, tell us!" she urges. "What's your favourite time with Metta?"

Neuroi Girl has posed:
     Evangeline raises her head, watching Metta and Fayt with her featureless face. She focuses on Metta, thinking to herself that she needs to learn how to make eyes for herself. She holds her drink up, but just holds it. She doesn't try to drink it. Water-based beverages don't sit well with her. She just wants to look like she is supposed to be here.

     "...you have done very well...and worked very hard..." Evangeline says as she watches the others.

Tomoe has posed:
Tomoe looks at Fayt for a moment and tries to look as innocent a possibl, the Salamander fails so hard here. Stil she seems to be in a fairly good mood. She looks at Fayt for a moment and shakes her head

"You done quite wlel the bother of you and I have to wonder about wht Frederica asked what is your favourite moment with her?"

Fayt Ravus (319) has posed:

    "Er... No no! it's ok!" He reaches out to carefully pat Metta on the head. "I'm happy, really." He lets out a small sigh as he looks around at the others. "Favourite moment? Erm uh..." He frows a bit as he considers this. "Hm... we'll she's been a good help around the office?" The frown deepens. "bit hard to keep track of the details... I remember that time I made that Rubicks hypercube you seemed interested in." He slowly tilts his head to the side. "You still have the smaller one I made you, right?"

    Yes, Fayt made a 4D Rubik's cube at one point. Probably best not to think about that too much.

Metta (185) has posed:
Metta giggles. "I do... I haven't solved it yet, either."

It's very distracting. "My favorite moment was... waking up and seeing my master's face for the first time!"

Riva Banari has posed:
"Dawwwwwwww." Riva says, not even trying to hide how absolutely adorable she finds that. "You two are so /adorable/." Riva squeals. "Come on, I'm sure you've got more stories to tell! What made you decide to get a Shinki in the first place? How did you choose Metta? Come on, tell us all about how you feel."

Meanwhile, Riva deftly pokes Evangeline and some of the others around the table with her foot. Time to start coincidentally relieving Fayt of his comms devices and feeding them to Evangeline.

He's got a business, he can afford to comp the nice Neuroi Girl a snack, right?

Tomoe has posed:
Tomoe looks at Fayt andsomehow has her smart phone out, she's totally recording this moment forevcer. She pauses for a moment a 4d rubiks cube she stares for a moment as her mind startst to glaze over as she tries to think about how it works.

Frederica (73) has posed:
    Frederica's not precisely the most nimble-fingered of the group here. With senses hyped to maximum she MIGHT be able to pickpocket, but she'd be so weirded out by the mere prospect of sticking her hand into a boy's clothing that she'd never even have a chance of being discreet about it.

    Instead, she figures it'd be a great idea to be a distraction! "What?!" she demands, smacking a hand down on the table. Then surreptitiously rubbing it. "You can't be seriously saying your favourite moment is making a toy?!" she demands, trying her best to get in Fayt's face. And, not coincidentally, the only way he can retreat from her is likely to make him bump into someone else. Maybe several someones.

Fayt Ravus (319) has posed:
    Fayt goes slightly red in the face as Metta brings up how they initally met. He remembers that day.

    It was kinda weird.

    He turns to riva, looking jsut a tad embaressed. "Huh? Metta was a gift, I... kinda didn't have much say in it-ACK!" Fayt nearly jumps out of his seat as Fred suddenly gets in his face, causing him to immeidatly lean away, Likely slamming into Tomoe in the process. "U-u-um... sorry?"

Neuroi Girl has posed:
     Stealthily, Evangeline has floated around behind Fayt. When he stumbles back, he bumps into her as well, and she drapes her arms over Fayt's shoulders. "...you should have a favorite moment that involves other people..." she says in her soft little voice. And as she does this, she is tracking down his communication devices by running her sleeve-covered hands over him and when she finds one, she attempts to merge it into her hands and draw it away.

Riva Banari has posed:
"A gift?" Riva replies. "Oh man, I wonder who liked you that much~" She says, a little mischevious tone in her voice. "I bet - whoa!" She says, backing up a little as Frederica gets direct on the situation. Surely someone will take advantage of it! Riva's sure thinking it hard enough. TOO BAD NO ONE HERE IS PSYCHIC.

When Evangeline does just that though, Riva gives her a mental gold star.

She might get her a real one later. Possibly made of real gold. She hears Eva loves that kind of stuff.

Tomoe has posed:
Tomoe grins at Fayt for a moment as sh leans in a little bit to get a better shot. "You apologise more than my friend from Canada, Fayt." She grins and moves to get photos of a few others she pauses at the moment about the gift she gthen gets a grin she wonders what the gift is.

Frederica (73) has posed:
    Did Fayt just.... apologize? Frederica hasn't gotten a chance to get freaky on Fayt for that for a long time now. Picture the pyrokinetic girl LOOOMING. Which she's totally doing, yep.

    Only, you know, she doesn't look exactly ferocious when she suddenly grins. It might have something to do with seeing Evangeline taking advantage of the situation. "It's okay, Fayt." she says, reaching out to at least try to pat his head. And perhaps keep him from getting out of Evangeline's reach. "I'm sure you have other favourite moments, you just can't think of them right now. My personal favourite was your birthday!" she says with a cheerfully-manic smile. "Metta was so adorable!"

Metta (185) has posed:
"I'm /always/ Adorable." The shinki says with a frown.

Fayt Ravus (319) has posed:
    Fayt goes red in the face as Frederica pars his head. "Um, y-yeah..." He then blicks as he notices a pair of arms draped over him. slowly, he turns he head around to try and look at Evangeline, a confused look on his face. "Um... what are you doing?

    Fortunatly, in all the crazyness, he doesn't notice as Eve yanks his radio off the side of his belt.

Riva Banari has posed:
Riva looks like she's relaxing again now that progress is being made again. She smiles and drinks more of her SUPER FRUITY DRINK. "Evangeline asked you a question, Fayt, you should totally answer it!" Riva says, trying to keep Fayt distracted from Evangeline's shenanigans. "I mean, really, look at Metta. See those adorable big eyes? How can you resist those eyes? And she's so devoted, too!"

Tomoe has posed:
Tomoe is chipper, is happy and honestly has forgot all about the insanity of the last three years or so years of her life. For all this insanity she's got a moment where she's forgot how insane things are for her.

"Yes it's rude to not answer her question, Fayt!"

Neuroi Girl has posed:
     When Fayt reacts with more confusion than the embarrassment Evangeline was expecting, she carefully pulls her arms away from Fayt. Along with his radio, now absorbed into her arm. He can have it back at the end of the day.

     "...I was...attempting to alleviate your stress...did it not work...?" the little Neuroi asks as she floats a short distance away from Fayt. "...so...what is your favorite moment involving another being...?"

Fayt Ravus (319) has posed:
    Fayt slowly tilts his head to the side. "Erm.. I-I'm alright, really." Eveangeline's question however, causes him to blink. "Um... Well... That would be." slowly he looks over to Metta. "Um... help please?"

    Yes, he's asking Metta for help, this is a totally awesome idea.

Metta (185) has posed:
"I think master's favorite day was the - well, his favorite time around others - was the party after Aincrad was cleared." Metta says, actually helpfully.

Riva Banari has posed:
Riva nods. "That sounds like it must have been a blast. I heard the Aincrad stuff was /really super intense/." She sighs, looking over to Tomoe for a moment. "Hey, how about we get up and move around a bit?" She stands, and begins pulling Fayt along. "We can't just sit around, it's an awesome day!"

Her goal is, of course, to cajole him down the beach towards the cruise liner. "So tell us about the party, Fayt! How did it go?"

Neuroi Girl has posed:
     Evangeline headtilts in curiousity as Fayt asks Metta for help. "...you...cannot even determine for yourself what your favorite event involving other beings was...?" she asks as she floats along after him and Riva. "...my favorite event was...waking up after being rescued from the warlock...and seeing so many of my friends there..."

Fayt Ravus (319) has posed:
    Fayt lets out a yelp as he's practically dragged along by Riva. "Um.. well... My memories of the party are a tad sketchy. I'll admit I'm not all that great at parties. That and their may or may not have been booze involved, and that always messes with my head..."

    Then Eve gets his attention as the tiny trader loosk a tad embaressed. "Well um... This is something that doesn't doesn't come up often, so I haven't thought of it much before?"

    It's not because he's a work-a-holic definatly not that. Nope!

Tomoe has posed:
Tomoe grins widley and blows a strand of purple hair out of her face.

"Yes we shouldn't be inside on a day like this."

An irony for someone here via avatar but then again the question is which mask does Sheena consider her actual face? Either way she's looking to Evageline for a moment and then sighs.

"I think mine was... logging off of Sword Art Online...If that helps at all."

Riva Banari has posed:
Riva walks Fayt along, continuing to make sure he doesn't stop and stand around as they steadily get closer to the ship dock. "Man, I love a nice tropical day, it's so relaxing and refreshing~" She says, humming.

Evangeline gets Riva to wink at her and grin. "You must really love your friends, huh? I admit that would be a pretty amazing memory!"

There is a pauses as she listens to Fayt. "Well, I guess I can forgive you if you took advantage of the opportunity to get hammered, Fayt. You're so tense all the time I bet I could use you to play guitar!" She laughs, and pulls him up onto the pier.

"Speaking of relaxing, there's a great view from up here. Come on, let's go do that! You and Metta can make some more new memories!" And there she is, pulling Fayt up the steps onto the cruise ship!

Metta (185) has posed:
Metta floats along with a jellycan.

"Yes, memories are good. Metta loves her master~<3"

Neuroi Girl has posed:
     Evangeline listens to Tomoe, then Riva. She nods at Riva's question. "...I love...my friends..." she agrees, then floats closer to Fayt. "...it is alright...I am sure you will have moments involving other people eventually...I did..."

Fayt Ravus (319) has posed:
    Fayt nods to Evangeline, slowly. "R-right..." He then looks to Riva, frowning. "I don't drink if I can help it. magic... disagrees with it."

    As the approache the ship, Fayt tilts his head ot the side. "Well... I'd guess it's a nice view, but the ships kinda in the way, isn't it?"

    Poor guy has no idea.

Riva Banari has posed:
That works to Riva's advantage, to be sure. "Oh, don't worry about it!" Riva says as she pushes him up the steps and onto the cruise deck, where there's a bunch of other people already relaxing in the sun. She pulls Fayt to the opposite side of the deck and points off the railing. "Check out that view!" She calls, trying to get Fayt to look out there. "I bet there's like ten whales out there just waiting for us!"

She pauses, pulling back. "Man, I should get us some drinks or something, this will be /awesome/. Stay right there, Fayt, I wouldn't want you to miss it! Eva, Tomoe, come on, I need you guys to help carry them." She says, grinning as she quickly leads the others off the ship. Metta's job is to keep him where he is and under no circumstances let him call for a pickup. Other than that...~

When they get to the bottom, she signals to the skipper, who nods, and closes up the stairs. Riva and the others gather on the end of the pier, waving as the ship emita a loud horn and begins casting off.


Metta (185) has posed:
"Here, Master, hold my jellycan! I want to show you something, so you need to stay absolutely still, okay?" Metta hands over her itsy bitsy jelly can and then pulls a small bag out from her slipway. She takes a deep breath, holding it, then takes off into the air, opening the bag behind her as she goes off.

The bag trails sparkles behind her as she puts on a veritiable /show/ for Fayt.

Tomoe has posed:
Tomoe smiles at Eva for a moment and nods.

"Okay I can accept that reason. We don't need you to have a shot and become a pink elephant."
R She's moving with the others now as she moves to /carry/ them if needed there's a big old grin on her face as she moves to help.

"On the count of three we lift!"

She moves in to get hold if she can. If the Salamander pulls this off she'll do the count. "ONE, TWO... THREE!"

Fayt Ravus (319) has posed:
    Fayt carefully holds the Jelly can. "Erm... ok..." As Metta puts on a little show, Fayt calmly watches.

    Then the horn sounds.

    Then the ship starts to move.

    Fayt's face goes blank for severla moments, before slowly, carefully, he speaks up. "Metta... I've been had, haven't I?" He sounds surprisingly calm about this, somewhat bewildered, but calm.

Riva Banari has posed:
Once Fayt sees content to not do anything silly, Riva hugs tomoe and Evangeline, laughing and waving to the ship. "WE DID IT! WOOHOOOOOOOO! VICTORY! ENJOY YOUR VACATION, FAYT! MWAHAHAH! ICE CREAM FOR EVERYONE!"

Metta (185) has posed:
"You've been /very/ had, Master!" Metta says with a grin.