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Latest revision as of 08:32, 14 February 2015

Dressing for Adventure
Date of Scene: 03 February 2015
Location: Tomoeda-865
Synopsis: Eiko comes to retrieve her coat. +10 cold resistance get!
Cast of Characters: Tomoyo Daidouji, 650

Tomoyo Daidouji has posed:
     It's been unseasonably warm in Tomoeda these past few days. The locals are taking as much advantage of the sun as possible! Clothes are hung out, people are running around in clothes more suited for summer, businesses are leaving their doors open...

     One such business is Tomoyo's Boutique, where business seems to be picked up. A crew of six are just leaving the store, all tans and muscles. Yamazaki is bowing to them as they leave.

Eiko (650) has posed:
    Eiko arrives in seasonably appropriate attire, which basically means she's here in jeans and a t-shirt. (Hey, it works.) She's hoping to leave in something else, but was /also/ hoping she'd have a chance to put it to use right away. Ehh. Well, maybe soon.

    "Hey, Tomoyo!" is the way she greets upon entering, bearing no regard for anyone else already being in the shop, or the girl already being busy. Honestly, she barely notices details like that in a peaceful place like this.

Tomoyo Daidouji has posed:
     "Welcome!" Yamazaki says, bowing to Eiko as she enters. The store is customer free now, and Tomoyo is behind the counter, filing away several pages of sketches. She looks up at Eiko enters and smiles, bowing deeply.

     "Hello Eiko~! Are you here to pick up your coat?" she asks sweetly, tilting her head?

Eiko (650) has posed:
    Eiko gives a toothy smile and a short wave. "Yep! That's the thing I came in to see. It's ready, then? Can't wait to see it." Only then does she really look around. "Hey, business did pick up, didn't it?"

Tomoyo Daidouji has posed:
     "Oh, yes it did~ Yamazaki can explain, I just need to go upstairs to get it!" Tomoyo turns about and starts up the stairs behind the counter as the young man begins to explain.

     "It turns out that protective clothing is popular among non-Elites too! Especially those who participate in extreme sports. That group who just left are surfers who wanted strong wetsuits so they don't get bruised so much." Now, most people would stop here. But Yamazaki isn't most people.

     "Speaking of, did you know that surfing was invented by the Ancient Romans? They used it to deliver shock troops onto beaches from ships that had weighed anchor away from it. They would swim underwater to conceal themselves until a big wave came! Then they rode it, firing arrows at defenders to cover their attack! They sheathed their bowstrings in animal guts to keep them dry. The process of making those sheathes was quite interesting actually. They would-"

     Thankfully, Eiko is spared from further ear-chewing by Tomoyo arriving with the coat wrapped in a big plastic bag. "Okay! The dressing rooms are over here~" she says, leading Eiko away from Yamazaki and into a booth, drawing the curtain behind her.

Eiko (650) has posed:
    Eiko looks fascinated by the story. Sure, she thinks she'd have heard something about this before if it weren't total bullshit on her world, but this isn't her Japan she's standing in. "Ya don't say." Though, she is much more interested in the actual product, so when Tomoyo gets back Eiko turns right around to her. "Great! Let's see it, then." She's not sure why they need privacy to try on a coat, but whichever, she won't sweat the small stuff.

Tomoyo Daidouji has posed:
     Tomoyo extracts the trenchcoat from the bag, and helps Eiko slip it on! It's the dark blue of deep water underneath clear ice. It's also a bit longer than most trenchcoats, the hem sitting just above Eiko's ankles when it's put on. "I left it a little long to maximise protection~"

     The sleeves are slim, fitted to match Eiko's own. The buttons are double-breasted, black with little white snowflakes painted onto them. The collar is quite wide, and when popped, the ends can be buttoned together to cover Eiko's mouth. It also has a belt added to the waist that can be secured so it hugs the adventurer's curves a little more. In addition, there's a pair of gloves made from the material in one of the pockets. "There was a bit of the material left over, so I made you some gloves from them. Free of charge, of course~"

     "So! What do you think?"

Eiko (650) has posed:
    Eiko stretches out her arms, rolls her shoulders, and gives a few kicks with either leg, doing a little skip to see whether the length will trip her up, and how the fabric drags when cinched up. She's actually concentrating, now, in contrast to... possibly every other moment in which Tomoyo has seen her. She works the gloves over her hands, working out the range of motion, and feeling the grip. She windmils an arm, then reaches her hand to the opposite hip and lashes out with her palm, up and to the side, knees bent nearly into a crouch. Then she straightens, cracks her knuckles, and turns toward Tomoyo with a grin. "I like it! You done good work. Still gotta see how it handles in the cold, but that'll come. The length's good, too. Should have plenty of work with when I need an upgrade, if I've figured that right." She gives a little nod to herself, arms crossed.

Tomoyo Daidouji has posed:
     Tomoyo does note how uncharacteristically serious Eiko gets as she tests the coat's physical limits. She supposes that the adventurer wants to make sure it won't trip her in a vital moment. Better time to be serious than any, she supposes! As such, she politely gives Eiko plenty of room to stretch and strike.

     "I actually tested a scrap of it myself before making that~ Even when exposed to liquid nitrogen, it just got a slight coat of frost. Didn't become brittle at all! I think you'll be fine~" she says with a nod. "Of course, if you want any mundane alteration, come see me! I charge discounts on alterations to clothes you ordered here~"

     Leading Eiko out of the booth, she goes behind the counter and produces the price for the coat. It's actually pretty cheap, since she only charged for the labour, as Eiko gave her the material.

Eiko (650) has posed:
    Finger-snap. "Sounds cool."

    And then they're both back out to settle the price. On the one hand, Eiko's adventuring has proven profitable to the point that high-quality, custom clothing really isn't all that noticeable an expense. On the other, she is *really* cheap--but with just the labor charge, there's really nothing to complain about, there. She isn't sure what the frostweave would have gotten her otherwise if she'd looked hard for a buyer, but overall feels like she's still getting a good deal out of this, given the effort she's had to put in.

    "Sure thing. Might have another opinion once I really put it through its paces, maybe." Meaning, if it does slow her down, she'll have to address the mobility. Probably not, though. She's a good, firm feel of the kind of motion her style needs.

    "Bank card's okay, yeah? Putting this through the Syndicate."