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Latest revision as of 08:43, 24 February 2015

The Seamstress Delivers
Date of Scene: 22 February 2015
Location: New York-199999
Synopsis: Tomoyo has Toph's order ready!
Cast of Characters: 20, Tomoyo Daidouji

Tomoyo Daidouji has posed:
     A black car with tinted windows drives along the winding roads towards the Stark Mansion. Tomoyo sits in the passenger seat, looking through the darkened glass out at the surroundings. Her eyes drift into her lap, where her hands are clasped. Her left hand has bandages wrapped around the palm. She clenches and unclenches the hand contemplatively.

     "Fussing over it will not make it heal faster," the suit-clad woman in the driver's seat says, not taking her eyes off the road. Tomoyo gives a sheepish smile and stops making a fist. "I know..."

     Soon, they stop outside the gates! The bodyguard rolls down her window and speaks into whatever intercom or radio is there. "Tomoyo Daidouji and plus one, here to deliver a commissioned outfit to Toph Beifong," she says brusquely.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    The gates open, allowing the car entry to the mansion, and Jarvis' voice can be heard. "Welcome, Miss Daidouji. Miss Beifong is expecting you in the living room with refreshments."

    That much should be clear when Tomoyo and her bodyguard enter the house. From the hallway they should be able to get a good look at the living room, and on the table by the couch Toph is busy setting down the final items; a bowl of crackers and chocolate, as well as some bottles of cold iced tea. When they enter the living room itself Toph grins and turns away from the table and offers a wave to Tomoyo. "Heya! Thought you and your driver would like something to snack on, hope you like blueberry crackers and chocolate," she greets the two. She herself is wearing only a simple t-shirt and shorts today, as Malibu isn't exactly the coldest place, even during winter.

    "Been busy with all of your commissions, huh?" she inquires. Not that she has been impatient for the clothes, she's been able to get by without any spare clothes before.

Tomoyo Daidouji has posed:
     The car pulls in and parks, both doors opening simultaneously. Tomoyo and her bodyguard go to the boot and extract multiple items. Tomoyo carries a gift basket in her right hand and a plastic bag with a coat hanger carefully in her left, her fingers under the hook. Her bodyguard carries a box containing six objects wrapped in soft cloth.

     And into the mansion they go! Tomoyo carefully waves back with her left hand before she sets the gift basket onto the table and drapes the plastic bag over the couch. "Hello Toph~ You didn't need to go to this much trouble for me!" Although, she does sound happy that Toph did anyway.

     "Oh yes! Business has really picked up! It's all very exciting~" she says, giggling softly as her bodyguard stands to the side, passively observing. "But! Before we get into the outfit, here you go." She picks up the gift basket and hands it to Toph. While she might not be able to see inside it, she can feel some metal ores at the bottom.

     "It's a bit early, but happy birthday! It's some homemade sweets and some hunks of metal ore. There's some mythril, some cold iron... I thought you might like them. And that's not all!"

     Reaching into a pocket, she pulls out a wrapped box and offers it to Toph!

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    "Hey, I was going to get something to snack on myself for movie time later anyway, so why not?" Toph shrugs with a grin. There aren't many girls her age in the Union, so it's nice to have some of them around, even if they are rather girly.

    It sounds like Tomoyo really has gotten a lot of business, huh? Many people have liked her advertisements, and it ought to give her something to do as well as earn her some money. Nothing wrong with earning money if you are good at what you do, right? "So who are you working on clothes for now, huh?"

    The presentation of the gift basket makes Toph blink, and yes, she recognizes immediately what's in the bottom of the basket considering her ability to sense earth around her. There's a pleased look on her face, and she reaches out to take the basket and dig through it, sniffing at the homemade candy. "Thanks! I guess I'll have to share with Pepper and Goldie, huh?" If only a little. "And huh, never tried bending metal like this before! Sweet!" Oh, it's always interesting to try her hand at new types of metal and earth. "Two and a half weeks left, but I guess it's okay if you can't make it for the birthday. I'll have to make sure to show up for yours to make up for it."

    When the box is pulled out and held out to her Toph looks rather curious, and she takes it before she begins unwrapping it. Just what's inside?

Tomoyo Daidouji has posed:
     Tomoyo giggles and nods, taking a small square of chocolate and nibbling on it. "Uh... how do you watch movies? Does someone describe what's happening on screen to you?" She bites her tongue a little to keep herself from apologizing for being rude. Toph's the sort who wouldn't be offended, after all.

     She giggles and shakes her head. "You can share if you like~ But it's your birthday gift, don't feel obligated. And I would love to have you at my birthday when it comes. It's quite a way away though! September 3rd~"

     What's inside the box is... a patch of brown fabric, with gold embroidery forming the image of a badgermole on it! Now, of course, Toph can't see this. But inside the patch, she can feel metal wire, looping in and around itself to form the very same image as on the outside of the patch. "When you mentioned badgermoles, I looked them up and made that. I can put it on this new outfit, or onto another one if you like!"

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    How does a blind girl watch movies? "Jarvis tells me what's going on if there's something visual going on. It's fun to listen to anyway, and some movies have awesome songs too." From above Jarvis' calm voice speaks up. "Miss Beifong is rather fond of Disney movies." At this the girl snorts. "And he likes telling on me," she adds, though obviously it's in somewhat good humour.

    So September 3rd, huh? "You will have to let us know so we can celebrate. We fight too much and celebrate too little if you ask me. Besides, nothing like a real birthday, huh? I never had a proper birthday until last year myself. We had a pizza party at the Bar and Grill. It was pretty sweet." Toph grins at Tomoyo, then sniffs at the sweets in the box. Hmmm, she might share a few of these with Tony and Pepper, though she will have to eat most of them herself.

    The opened box makes Toph blink, her hands feeling the cloth under her fingers. Sure, she feels the metal in there as well, but her mind is mostly used to thinking in three dimensions, not two. Being blind, that isn't so weird. But the explanation makes everything clear, and she grins. "Really?" Badgermoles, yay! She grins and runs her fingers more over the sewn item. "I think I would like to put this on my bag or something, could you do that?"

Tomoyo Daidouji has posed:
     Tomoyo listnes patiently as Toph explains. "Ooohhhh, that makes sense." But, she flinches when Jarvis's voice comes from the roof! "Oh! Oh wow, a smart house? That's amazing~" When he snitches on Toph's taste in animated movies, she has to actively stop herself from laughing. The idea of Toph liking that sort of thing... "Oh, I won't tell~"

     She tilts her head and blinks though, at the mention of 'too much fighting.' "But I thought you liked to fight? Or are there some kinds of fights you don't like?" She pouts and crosses her arms. "You only had a real birthday for the first time last year? How awful! No wonder you want to celebrate more, you have a lot to catch up on!"

     She beams when Toph realizes what the gift is. "Certainly! Go get it while I set up your outfit to be put on~" She opens up the plastic bag and starts taking the contents out, followed by the wrapped items.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    "I assist mister Stark and the entire household with their daily tasks as well as security," Jarvis explains. Toph herself huffs a bit, crossing her arms across her chest. "It's not like I care much, really. I just don't want it shouted all over the multiverse. I have a reputation to maintain!" She is tough, after all. And her singing songs from Disney movies aren't going to help much, are they?

    Again she lets out a snort. "Of course I love fighting! But I like to have some fun too and hang out with my friends in the Union and exchange banter with the Feds who aren't complete dunderheads," she explains. "And I like fair fights, really. As long as people don't do unsportsmanlike stuff, I don't really care." But yes, last year was her real proper birthday. "My parents didn't do much really, I was kept secret from the world because they thought I wouldn't be able to handle myself." The tone she speaks with should say everything about what she thinks about that. Because Toph likes to think of herself as a rather capable young girl.

    Okay, time to get her satchel. Toph sets the other items down on the couch before she heads off down one of the nearby hallways leading off from the living room, and she's gone for about two minutes before she returns, carrying a green and yellow satchel with gold trimming on it. It's rather wellworn, but Toph is beaming when she holds it out for Tomoyo to take. "It's my favourite satchel, and I think it would be even better with a badgermole on it!" So... the outfit. She has to admit, she is a bit curious. "Did my outfit give you much trouble?"

Tomoyo Daidouji has posed:
     Tomoyo bows her head in... the general direction of Jarvis's voice. Hopefully he understands! "Aw, I understand Toph~ I promise, I won't tell a soul." She means it too!

     She listens as Toph explains the types of fights she likes. "You like honourable fights then~ No interference, no underhanded stuff. I see~" Though, she does tilt her head at the mention of non-dunderhead Feds. "What Confederates are you friends with? I know that Sakura has a Confederate friend... isn't it a little awkward if you have to fight them?"

     Hmm... overprotective parents huh? "My mom always understood if I could do something, and so would let me do it~ But, I remember some of the other kids I met at her parties... they were really spoiled and sheltered. I never really got along with any of them." She smiles and shakes her head.

     As Toph retrieves her satchel, Tomoyo finishes laying out the outfit! The pants are a light tan, very baggy with cords around the cuff of the legs to keep them secure. The vest is a dark brown, with gold stripes along the hems. The blindfold is dark green, with embroidery of a yellow eye embedded in rock in the middle. A pair of baubles dangle on the ends, made from cork plated in impure metal.

     Lastly, the armour. They are quite shiny, and Toph would be able to tell that they are mostly pure metal. The gauntlets are leather gloves with segmented metal plating to allow a full range of hand movement. A cord hangs from the wrist, with metal on the tips. The vambraces consist of the metal plate with elastic straps ending in metal tips, different from the rerebraces only in shape and size.

     When Toph asks Tomoyo if the outfit gave her much trouble, she can probably feel Tomoyo's heart rate spike. "Well... a little bit, to be honest. I've never forged metal before, and I burned my hand doing so." She wiggles the fingers on her left hand. "Nothing serious though! No need to worry~"

     "A-Anyway! Start with the clothes while I sew the patch on, then I'll help you with the armour."

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    "Fights are supposed to be fair with no cheating. But if the other person cheats, then I will too," Toph smirks. As for the Feds, Toph doesn't like most of them. "Well, Kilik and the twins aren't bad. They are coming to my birthday too, and well... some of the others are okay enough. Sanary seems okay, and Taro too. The others? There are some of them I wanna punch through a wall." Let's not begin naming names here.

    Spoiled? No. Sheltered? Yes. "My parents thought I was weak and helpless. So... I ran away. At least I have multiversal parents now who will let me do something without fretting over everything," the blind girl says and gestures to the living room at large. For one they don't prevent her from fighting, not from going where she wants to. And besides, they give her what she needs.

    For now she picks up the costume, feeling the textile between her fingers. "Huh." Soft indeed, far from scratchy. But when she hears about how Tomoyo burned her hand she turns her head slightly, looking a bit surprised. "Huh? You didn't get help with the metal?" she asks with surprise. But she doesn't seem to be outright lying either, so Toph lets it rest. Instead she picks up the clothes and nods at Tomoyo. "I'll go change in my bedroom, I don't want to change out here." Off she goes, and she is gone for a little while. Putting on some new clothes is a bit weird, but at least she seems comfortable when she returns, busy with tying the blindfold in front of her eyes. It does seem Tomoyo has been spot on with the measurements at least.

    "The armor is a bit different... but heh, I can imagine it would come in handy!" Toph says as she readusts the gauntlets. Her toes wriggle a bit as she stops, standing on the middle of the floor. "The pants are comfy too." And the vest seems to allow her some good range of movement.

Tomoyo Daidouji has posed:
     Tomoyo nods as she takes the satchel and extracts a needle and some thread from her pockets. With practiced hands, she threads the needle and starts sewing the patch on, not even needing to look. "I think it's wonderful that friendships can cross between factions~ Maybe someday, there can be peace as a result."

     She looks at Toph with newfound awe when she mentions fleeing her home so casually. "Just like that? Wow... that's so brave of you! Amazing~!" She nods as she looks around the lavish living room. "It was so nice of them to take you in. They must care about you a whole lot~"

     She smiles a little sheepishly and rubs the back of her neck. "Well... I wouldn't know if I could do it until I tried, you know? The metal did come out well in the end, but... I think, once I can, I'll hire someone more skilled than I to work with metal in future~"

     As for the clothes, they do indeed fit perfectly. The vest buttons up at the front, the pants have cord around the waist to secure them. The cords on the gauntlets tighten them around the wrist, and the impure metal tips allows them to be loosened with metalbending. The vambraces and rerebraces are secured by pulling the two elastic straps (one on each end) around under the arm and inserting pegs on the opposite side into holes on the metal tabs at the tip. The tabs are similarly made from impure metal.

     When Toph comes back, Tomoyo has the satchel ready! But she gasps and puts that aside at the sight of Toph in her outfit. "You look so cool Toph~! Like you could take on the Multiverse! Do you mind if I take a photo to put up in my store?" She takes out a digital camera, eagerness clear in her voice.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    All in all Toph looks rather pleased with her new outfit, at least after she has adjusted the blindfold again so it doesn't gnaw against her ear. "Well... they say they care about me, and since I can tell if people are lying or not, I know they're telling the truth," Toph claims. Why else would Tony and Pepper adopt her? "And there is no way I would stay somewhere where I wouldn't be allowed to be myself. I am an earthbender, and if I can't earthbend I might as well be dead." It seems like she means that...

    "If you need some help with metal I could help you," Toph offers. "I can bend it easily enough without any tools, after all." And it might be a nice way to repay Tomoyo too, even if she is getting money for this as well.

    Does she look cool? The comment does bring forth an impish grin. "Yeah, sure!" Why, Toph even poses for Tomoyo, assuming her usual beggar's pose, a standard stance for her when she invites her opponents to attack. Feet apart, her arms held up facing inwards against her chest. "You gotta show these off, right?"

Tomoyo Daidouji has posed:
     Tomoyo nodnods. If she can sense vibrations, then stuff like heart rate, right? That makes sense. "That's what I love about the Union~ You can just tell that everyone cares about each other. Although, I suppose that SOME people on the Confederacy must care about each other. Like your friends!" She nods sympathetically in agreement. "If I couldn't make clothes... goodness, I don't know what I would do myself..."

     But, when Toph makes an offer to help, she gasps! "Oh wow... that would be very much appreciated~ I would pay you for your time, of course." She raises the camera and takes a photo, smiling as she checks it on the display. "Good pose, by the way! Yup, this goes up on the board of satisfied customers~"

     She packs up the bag and box she brought the outfit in and smiles as she rattles off a reasonable price for the outfit. "Wire it to me when you can~ Thank you for having me!" She starts to bow to Toph... but catches herself, and waves to her. Jarvis too! She and her bodyguard then make to leave.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    "You gotta do what you like doing, right? There's a reason you like doing it, and if you're good at it... then you have even better reason to do it," Toph states firmly. Tomoyo clearly knows what she's doing, that much is clear. "But yeah, you're right. I don't want to imagine the Union without people actually giving a crap about the others." They have always been there for her, and well... if her allies are in trouble she is ready to help them.

    The offer of payment earns a wave of dismissal. "Nah, bending is fun and what I do for the Union. Just let me know, it's easily and quickly done. I don't think it warrants pay. Just spread the word and keep on helping the Union."

    It seems they are done though, and Toph blinks, pointing to the snacks on the table. "You didn't take anything to eat yet! Grab some!" At least then she can honestly tell Pepper she didn't eat it all. Just... most of it. "Thanks for coming by, I'll have the money in your account tomorrow. Can you transfer it for me, Jarvis?" she asks, directing the question to the AI. "Certainly, Miss Beifong." Jarvis is helpful to a fault. It does help when Toph doesn't have much to spend her money on either. And in addition to her Union pay she does receive a rather large allowance from Tony too. Luckily she doesn't waste it on frivilous stuff considering her simple pleasures in life are mostly free.

    But Toph does offer a wave to Tomoyo and her bodyguard. "Too bad you can't make it to my birthday party, but I'll have to make sure I can come to yours. If not we should try to do something fun with the other kids in the Union. Like a sleepover or something." Because that would be fun.