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Latest revision as of 02:01, 26 February 2015

Steak Friend
Date of Scene: 17 February 2015
Location: Slum Urbania
Synopsis: After stealing of the Steak and Kari pays for it. The two have a nice chat.
Cast of Characters: 276, Duke

Duke has posed:
After the steak theft, Doran trying to explain to Duke he can't do this and then running off to make sure they were not being followed. Duke was contently eating away on the steak he took-- and Kari paid for. The location they have been moved too is a dark back alley, away from really anyone or anything.

Beyond a few leaking pipes of water and some rats running around.
Not the best place to call home but...
Home is home!

Kari Wolf (276) has posed:
    Kari looks around at the place. "Wow, this place is terrible..." The shinki says. "You live here? Because there's better places if you want to go there! Like, there's a nice place in our building's basement that the stray shinki have made. Maybe they could use a guard in exchange for feeding you?" She adds.

Duke has posed:
Duke noms away at the steak even as Kari speaks, he then lifts up his head. His nostrils flare slightly before he sniffs the air. Then the Guilmon X licks his chops. There isn't much left of that steak. "Home is home. We have many homes! Duke stays with others.. others travel around."

The Guilmon X then taps his large claw against his chin. "Mm. Not sure if Duke is suppose to talk about that..." He sighs softly and goes back to eating a bit. Sadly he doesn't no manners all that well. "Duke was told." nom, "To not trust," Tear, "Others." CHOMP.

Those gold eyes then go to look at Kari again, as he licks his chomps once more. "So Duke doesn't know if he can trust you to go.."

Kari Wolf (276) has posed:
    Kari considers Duke for a moment as he licks his chops at her, subconsciously flexing her large (for a shinki) claws as she does. "Are you threatening me?"

Duke has posed:
Duke tilts his head gently as Kari's flexes her claws and asks him her question. "Threaten?" He tilts his head even further to the side. Those gold eyes blinking a few times. "Why would Duke threaten you-- uh-- um.. hm.." He then straightens his head back up as he says softly.

"...Duke realized Duke doesn't know your name..." His tail sways side to side as he finishes downing the last of the steak and then licks his claws. Then suddenly he moves quickly right up to Kari where his snout is just inches from her. He sniffs at her a few times, "Name?" Sniff sniff.

Kari Wolf (276) has posed:
    Kari is kind of heavily armed in her Dire Wolf armor. Blades on the arms, a bladed tail, claws on the hands and feet. Not to mention the hidden lasers and grenade launchers she has in those large shoulder pauldrons. "Because you just said you didn't trust me and you weren't sure if you should let me go." She says, sticking out whatever passes for a shinki tongue.
    "My name is Kari!"

Duke has posed:
The Guilmon X blinks his eyes a few more times and lifts up his head. "..your small.." he rumbles softly outloud, before he then walks around Kari. "How do you hold all that armor up?" Then he plops down and looks at her again, before closing his eyes in a big smile on his muzzle. "Kari!"

Then he looks at her again before hmming softly. "..and Duke said duke doesn't trust you.. so can't go with you.." He then sighs softly. "Because Doran would worry and Duke doesn't want to upset his friend further." His ear fins then droop slightly. "Duke just wants to to find answers and get stronger to defend friends.."

He then glances off to the side before looking back at her again. "...also Duke is hungry again.." Then he just stares at her.

Kari Wolf (276) has posed:
    The shinki looks puzzled. "I'm a shinki and we just have armor we wear. We're all small like me." She says with a shrug, watching the digimon cautiously.
    "Answers? Like for what questions? It helps to know the questions if you want answers!" As for the comment that he's hungry again, she scratches her head. "Maybe we should find you a buffet." She says, not realizing what kind of trouble /that/ might be.

Duke has posed:
Duke tilts his head, "Buffet?" He then sniffs her again. "..also why you wear stuff?" Duke then scratches the side of his face gently with those claws of his as he contemplates on what that all means, though regarding the 'questions and answers' part.

"Duke is.. searching for questions.. about.." His ears fins droops again, a look of sadness in those eyes of his. "..who Duke is.. was.." He then glances off to the side. "..Duke doesn't remember.."

Kari Wolf (276) has posed:
    Kari ohs, "A buffet is this place where you pay once and eat as much as you'd like." she cheerfully explains.
    "Shinki wear armor to fight with! And maybe somebody in the Confederacy knows what you are, I'll ask them!" She hops onto the Guilmon's head and settles there for now. "There's also places like bakeries and stuff that have old stock to throw out this time of day. Donuts, bread, pastries."

Duke has posed:
"Bread?" Duke winces only slightly when Kari gets up on his head ad then blinks his eyes. "All that sounds great! Duke wants! Duke wants!" He exclaims before he then frowns softly. "..but Duke has nothing to pay with.. whatever pay is.."

The Digimon then moves his tail side to side as he sighs softly with a huff of smoke from his breath. "Duke also knows what Duke is, Silly Kari." He then smiles gently. "Duke is duke! Duke is Digimon!" He nods his head gently, trying to /not/ knock her off.

"Duke just.. doesn't remember.." He says softly as his eye ridges crease and then he growls in frustration. "...Duke.. wants to remember.. to help Exiles. That is why Duke has to get stronger."

Kari Wolf (276) has posed:
    Kari ohs. "A digimon? I think I knew somebody who had digimon. A tamer, I think? Dr.... Hunter?" She seems to be trying to remember. "It's been awhile..."
    "Usually bakeries are /throwing/ this stuff away because nobody wants day-old stuff from a bakery. So they throw it out or give it away!" She explains.

Duke has posed:
Guilmon X's eyes widen as she says they throw away food. Perfectly good food. "Why would they throw away food? Food is good! Food is important!" He declares with a snort and a rumble. Seeming distracted by his personal problem once more.

Guilmon X then ahs gently and a big grin comes on his muzzle. All those sharp teeth. "Duke should get old food and bring it back! Then can share with Doran! Then take back to others! Then others wont be hungry too!"

Then Duke hrms, "..if Duke can remember where others were.. Duke followed Doran's scent..." He sighs gently. "..oh boy.."

Kari Wolf (276) has posed:
    Kari is consulting the MAP APP over her cell phone connection, and a little holographic thing appears in front of her as she points out where a bakery is. "Maybe this place will give away some baked goods?" She suggests.
    "I could guide you to it!"

Duke has posed:
Duke ahs softly as his gold eyes try to view at the holographic map. "Pretty.." He says softly. Then his eye ridges furrow. "Duke wants too.. but.." He then looks toward the main way. "..Doran told Duke to stay.."

Kari Wolf (276) has posed:
    Kari ohs! "Maybe I can come back when Doran is around and all three of us can see if they'll give out food?"

Duke has posed:
Duke gives a gentle nod of his head, still careful of her up there. "Sounds good!" Duke then listens to his stomach rumble. "..hopefully Doran comes back soon.."