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Price Of Repayment
Date of Scene: 24 February 2015
Location: Techno Urbania
Synopsis: Duke carries out Lute's request in the agreement with Caster and Kari Wolf. Only to find the unexpected and the power within himself he didn't know he had.
Cast of Characters: 132, 276, Alexis, 701, Duke

Duke has posed:
One would think robbing a bank at night would be the intelligent choice, but Duke has decided to have this done during the day. Why? Because who would ever expect someone to come in during the day to take something. Yet in the Digimon's 'heart', he felt like this was off. Like something was wrong, but he couldn't put his talon on it.

Because sadly in that primitive mind he was trapped with, it just wasn't making the right connections and he had convinced himself that this was the right thing to do. It was for Lute and Lute needed the money. After all, others told Duke that money was needed to get items, so if all these people were donating the money and it was being placed in a large bin-- then this is what people did to get the money, right? A show of strength to those who properly deserved it? Like a contest? Yeah. It had to be a contest. A game, cause how else did people get money.

Duke probably met up the Confederates who were going to help him out. He probably even drew drawings with his talon of the Photos that Lute gave him. Showing them where they were going and what they would do. They may have been surprised the one running this was a four foot-- few inches taller dino-draconic lizard and might be hard to follow with his child like mannerisms and speech-- yet those gold eyes of his.

They held a deeper intelligence in them, something far older then what this Digimon looked or acted like. Yet it was slightly glazed over by the child like nature and primitive behaviors. But the plan was there before them. Get to the bank, the Feds would create a distraction-- and he would see to the vault.

He'd wait to go in the back, while all the attention is to the front.. and he'll make his way also out the back or by via the roof. Duke will also probably admit that he may need aid with the Vault itself-- and that is probably where Kari will need to come in, while the others stay on guard at the front.

This should work, Duke figures.
It sounds pretty solid.. right?

Yet here he was, now on a roof of a building near by, crouched down. His tail in front of his feet claws and paws. His ear fins back and his gold eyes staring at the spot. Waiting for the confirmation for the others to move in.

He was nervous. The small Digimon was very nervous and his nostrils would flare at times as he debates over in his scrambled head if this was the right call. Long as no one gets hurt...

...everything should be ok...

Yet in another small part of him has to admit. This is exhilarating! Though that is probably his virus side talking there.


Inside the bank people were doing as people do, there were some guards by the door, some guard by the back door. Several tenders and several office rooms for private conversations to be made. In some ways, this bank was also slightly special cause it also dealt with big dollar casino gamblers and all their chips they brought in.

There was high ceilings, beautiful pillars, and the place was pretty classy.

Caster (701) has posed:
A call for aid was delivered. Lute wished for this 'Duke' to receive help. Caster had no reason not to provide it, and curiosity about what was so special about Duke. Appearances deceive for more than one of those present. Duke may appear unassuming - though unusual - but there is more to him than meets the eye. And that which is hidden is a beacon for Caster, drawing her to attempt to discover it. For her part, she is dressed in more modern clothing to conceal her true nature, in the form of a rather form-fitting lavendar dress-suit, and a pencil skirt of the same color down to just below mid-thigh. A pair of dark-purple heels on her feet, and some sunglasses, complete her attire. Though she is trying to conceal her nature, she is doing little to try to conceal her appearance. She sees no reason to. And that huge mass of fire-red hair that reaches down below her waist is allowed to hang freely, swaying to and fro with every step she takes.

Oddly, however, every step she takes is completely silent. And those who are looking carefully enough, from the proper angle, may notice that Caster's feet... Aren't touching the ground. She is hovering just a fraction of an inch above the floor, with such precision that she never makes contact even though she's really close to it.

Hiding in that thick red hair may be a certainy Shinki, but Caster for her part is making the attempt to appear as a simple - if flashy - modern bank-going woman. She even has a briefcase in one hand that probably contains money ready for deposit. Her red lips are curved in a smile, while her glowing-red eyes are concealed behind her mirrored shades. And when she makes her way up to the counter, she leans forward on one elbow and informs the teller, "I would like to make a deposit." Then she flips open the brief case, revealing a collection of bottles and vials full of unidentifiable substances. "...And also a withdrawal." Then one of the bottles is tossed into the air, where the glass shatters into motes of energy, and rains down a purple liquid that turns into a gas part way to the ground.

That vapor will dissipate swiftly, but everyone other than Caster and Kari who are in the bank at the time and breathe even a little bit become trapped in a paralyzed state. Vital organs continue to work, but it's like they're in suspended animation. "There's the deposit. Now for the withdrawal."

Kari Wolf (276) has posed:
    Hiding in Caster's hair is Kari Wolf, in her Dire Wolf armor. It might be kind of dark and confusing if Kari wasn't using the infrared part of her sensor suite. She's waiting for the words! The words which mean...
    Kari jumps out of Caster's hair and goes skidding with both armored feet across the slick floor of the bank towards the vault, arms held out for balance.
    "Party time!" She says cheerfully as her skid finally stops and she has to hop along to reach the vault. Maybe she should see if her Master could put skates on the Dire Wolf armor too. The lasers hidden in her shoulder pop out and get ready to start shooting the vaut door if necessary.

Duke has posed:
When Caster walks in, people don't give her to much thought. It is when those vials are thrown up in the air, the Teller has just enough time to hit the silent alarm button. The guards are already on the move as the motes come down.

Then when the gas hits everyone, it is as if time has frozen for everyone there beyond the two Confederate Elites. The guards only have their hands ready to draw their firearms. Some people hitting the deck, others just looking over confused.

So far..things were going according to plan and Duke-- well the Digimon was already on his way over by the back way alley.

Alexis has posed:
It's always something. You try and take some time to your self, and something comes up, an alarm goes off. Or something. Oh well, with the usual troubles Elites face busting up a bank heist is probably relaxing in comparison.

Of course there was the matter of mid-day traffic to deal with, with equally congested roads and sidewalks. Fortunately Alexis has a way around this, and with an ally-oop from one of her pokemon was now racing along rooftops, using her rollerblades to grind along edges and keep up the speed to jump from one surface to the next. Said pokemon, a stout humanoid avian with feathered wings fluttering behind him like a cape, was easily matching her pace and leaps. "Hawlucha" <Dispicable deeds on such a pleasant day, the fiends.>

"Eh, you get use to it. Mostly." Alexis replies as she hops another ledge and siderails along a fire escape railing. Almost there.

Beelzebumon (132) has posed:
     "... Fold."

     "I fold."

     "I'm out."

     With that, all three of the other players throw down their cards and push their chairs back, having lost enough of their money to the Demon Lord, who continues to smirk a bit as he shovels the pile of cash into a small bag and sling it over his shoulder as he starts towards the door, whistling all the way.

     As he exits the bar, he heads into a nearby alley way, where his daemonic motorcycle is parked, "Hey Behemoth! Pop your trunk, I got today's winnings here." With a soft click, the hatch on the back of the bike pops open, and Beelz stuffs the small bag inside before closing it, "Made off like a god damn bandit today. I love playing against the rich. Too stupid to win and too prideful to back out until they're in over their eyeballs... I should come back here again." He stands up and stretches, then glances towards the alleyway across the street.

     Wait, was that a Digimon he just saw?

     Quirking an eye, the Demon Lord slips back into the shadows and watches the Guilmon as he starts towards the bank, "Wait here B, but keep your engine warmed up. I'm gonna go check this out."

     Then with a mighty leap, Beelzebumon launches himself onto the rooftops above and begins to follow the red little dino from on high, curious as to what he's up to.

Duke has posed:
Duke gets to the door and tries to open it. The Guilmon X stares in frustration at the locked door as he huffs out some flames. Though for a moment that sense comes over him... something is off. It causes his body to tense up. Yet Duke shakes it off, there was an objective to do! He could not let Lute down.. and so he then runs back a bit before charging at it fully, then slamming it open with a hard WHAM.

Something Beelzebumon will get to be witness of really from his high point advantage. The element none was expecting.

The small Digimon rolls along the ground, before rolling back up to his feet and shaking his head. Those gold eyes look around as he gets his baring, before then heading to where he needed to meet Kari who was already in the process of opening the vault.

As he slides up, he takes notice of the people frozen in time, gives a nod to Caster with a smile, and then joins Kari's side. His tail moves back and forth rather quickly. "This is exciting!" He admits to Kari as he watches her work. "How much longer, Kari?"

Though his gold eyes were drawn away. Peering toward the back door they took. His tail lashes again, as he eye ridges furrow. He can feel his data-core wanting to race right now. The Excitement, the nervousness, and yet that feeling that something was off. That internal warrior instinct bricking at the back of his neck.

An instinct, he doesn't fully understand.

Duke rumbles softy. "Duke gong to to check roof access, just encase." And the small Guilmon X moves from Kari's side and goes up the flight of steps. Why such a place need a roof access he isn't sure. Maybe encase of flooding or something. Either way he slams open that door as well and pokes his head outside.

The Digimon dino can feel the rush of air up her, his takes a few sniffs of the air, closing his eyes as he does. Before opening them and looking around. Trying to see what he can see. That is when his gold eyes spot a young woman with a bird creature following her on the roofs.

He squints his eyes a bit more. His ear fins go back into concentration, before they shoot up and his gold eyes go wide. "Oh No!" Just as he goes to go back inside, that is when he also spots Beelzebumon in the shadows and he suddenly comes to a hard halt. Those gold eyes stare right at him.

    Sound of battle...
        So much battle...
                ... "Beelzebumon!"


Duke squints his eyes closed shut and grits his teeth, breaking away from his lock sight of the Demon Lord, before moving back inside and then peers back out, though this time not finding the Demon Lord as his eyes go back to Alexis coming in hot. He goes right back inside and yells down to the others. Not closing the door, because well-- in slamming it open, it kind of damaged the door. "Caster! Alexis comes! On roofs!"

Alexis has posed:
Crap, the bank roof was a bit farther away from the roof Alexis was speeding across. "Hurri! I need another lift." <Si senorita!> The Hawlucha leaps past her to land on the edge of the rooftop with the perfect balance you would expect from someone skilled at walking top ropes and making launch maneuvers off a turnbuckle. As she closes in Alexis swings her trademark hockey stick to him, which he grabs onto and spins in place to heave around and then let go, catapulting her across the gap. Skate wheels screech with the hard landing as she careens sideways to bleed off some of the momentum, but it's not enough to keep her from catching note of the dino briefly appearing then disappearing down the access stairway.

The quick glance is enough to make her heart sink a bit. Even if she had been expecting something like this due to Lute's involvement in things, it was still a bit of a moment breaker.

But not enough to break her as Alexis resteels her will moments later. "Duke!" And she's off again, yanking the door open and pretty much skating her way down the stairs to the main floor despite the brutal trip it puts her in-lines through. "Duke, what are you doing?!"

It actually takes a few minutes for the fleet footed bird to catch up to her, landing just past the doors in a crouch. Unlike his trainer, Hurricarana takes stock of more presence than just the digimon. <Caramba, this is not good...>

Beelzebumon (132) has posed:
     There is a brief moment where Beelzebumon locks gaze with the little Dino, freezing in place as he meets that wide eyed stare with a look of... strange curiousity. And then he vanishes in the moment that Duke shuts his eyes.

     In reality, all he did was hop off the edge of the building and grabbed onto the ledge, staying out of sight as he scratches his chin with his free hand, "Huh... did he just recognize me...?"

     Intrigued, the Demon Lord then begins to scooty across the side of the building, hanging onto the edge untiol he can approach from the opposite side. He could go charging in guns blazing like usual, but now his curiousity is burning. Wonder if this is one of the 'Exiles' Lute mentioned... that might explain that look he got.

Caster (701) has posed:
The roof? Well, Caster hadn't really had time to set the place up in advance to her satisfaction before taking action, so it's viable someone could be up there... The sorceress shrugs when Duke goes to check up there, and simply looks around, checking for any sign of intruders. Kari is equipped to open the vault, and while Caster could probably manage it as well, her methods might draw more attention. When there's the sound of STUFF happening up there, and they are called to aid upon Duke coming back inside, however, Caster purses her lips and says, "Kari, please keep things running smoothly. We still need that vault open. I will see what our 'friend' needs." She is not giving orders, only making requests.

A few moments later, there's two new arrivals. Beelzebumon is still up top, and Caster can feel... SOMETHING up there. But she puts it aside for now. "What appears to be the problem, Duke?" Caster asks, her eyes still concealed behind her sunglasses, but taking in the sight of this girl and her... Bird... Chimera... Thing. She bends down with her hands on her knees and asks the digimon. "Are these two friends of yours?" She reaches up and pulls down the sunglasses a bit, exposing her crimson eyes and her reptillian, vertical pupils. "Or are they trying to hurt you?"

She'll address the matter of that OTHER presence once she knows what to do about the more obvious one right in front of her.

Kari Wolf (276) has posed:
    Kari umms... "I can't cut through that!" She points a claw at the vault door. "My batteries would die a lot before I could..."
    Movement! A person and a hawk thing. The lasers move to track the fast moving creature with the faint electric whine of the capacitors charging up. Grenade ports open up too, loaded with smoke-rounds, just in case. Ready for action, yep.

Duke has posed:
Duke runs down the steps and slides across. His claws digging into the marble ground as if it was actually dirt and he can hear Alexis yell his name and he quickly tries to high tail it around the corner as she comes down with her inline skates.

His body feels like its on fire right now. The tension of the moment, the stress, the sheer anxiety that it was going all wrong, so fast. He had to depend on Caster to keep Alexis busy-- but he didn't want to see her hurt either.

Why did she have to come? He asks himself. Why did she have to be here!

The Digimon about trips on the rug and he flips over in the air. His gold eyes almost flickering with blue in that moment. Watching as Alexis hits the ground floor and yells toward him. 'What are you dong?!' How does he even answer that? Staring at his friend like he was.

Duke slams onto the ground and slides back a few, His claws digging into the marble as he then roars toward her, "Duke doing this for Lute! Alexis should go! Now!" Yet it may already be to late for her as here comes Caster.

The Digimon tries to catch his breath. It was hard to breath, he closes his eyes tight even as Caster asks him questions. Duke shakes his head, growling lowly, flames lick around his chops for a moment as he snaps his teeth trying to get control of himself.

Duke gives a nod to Caster, but doesn't speak. Its hard to say what Duke was nodding too. Was she hurting him or were they friends, cause the Digimon isn't giving a very clear answer, as he claws dig into the marble.


"GO AWAY!" Duke roars out at Alexis. On the edge of perhaps losing control or something else. He can't tell anymore. Everything is almost turning red. The heat inside. Panicking almost inside at the fact he can't seem to calm himself down.

As Kari starts to get ready for a fight, Duke hears her say she doesn't have the power and he figures while Caster has Alexis slight at bay, he'll take out whatever is wrong on the vault. At least Kari isn't in the way.

The Guilmon X roars out, "Kari! Move!" as the flames fully lick around his maw, his eyes going from gold to a glowing blue. "Fire Ball!" With a blast of fire it impacts the vaults door with it. The sheer force not only starts to melt the door, but the flames also cause an explosion where helps break down some of the heavy vault metal.

His tail thrashes a bit as he growls lowly. His eyes trying to become slits almost. At least Kari was hopefully out of the way and maybe with that help, she may be able to finish it off!

Beelzebumon (132) has posed:
     Beelzebumon scratches his chin as he stops near the roof entrance to the bank, right after Alexis and her WRASSLEMANIA Bird disappear inside. He can hear shouting and something exploding.

     Should be easy enough to sneak down while everyone is preoccupied... but where's the fun of that?

     Beelzebumon steps away from the entrance and heads to the middle of the roof, before rubbing his claws together and crouching down. Then slowly he draws back his arm and the nails of his gloved hand behin to clor with purple energy, before he suddenly leaps into the air and comes down upon the roof.


     And as he lands, he /slams/ his claw down, tearing through the roof and plunging into the back below before landing about ten feet directly behind Duke.

     Then he looks up from a crouched position as chunks of roof fall around him, boring a hole on Duke's back with his eyes as he grins wickedly.

     "Hi there."

Alexis has posed:
And what she feared, confirmed. That makes Alexis' eyes narrow farther, though it wasn't necessarily an angry look. If anything she was more mad at herself for even thinking Lute could be trusted to have better intentions now that his mind wasn't in so many different pieces.

"Doing -what-?" Alexis points at the blasted vault door with her stick. "What could possibly make you think this was a good idea regardless of who it came from?! This is -exactly- the sort of thing I told you to be careful of; just because a 'friend' asked doesn't justify STEALING from all the people who put their money here to save it for the futu--"


"Shit!" Lex cuts her lecture off short as she holds up her bracered arms to shield her face from the chunks of ceiling from Beelzebumon's entry.... Not that it's needed when her Hawlucha jumps in front of her to smash several pieces and kick them away with his hands and feet. Finishing by landing in front of her again, crouched forward again, one arm bent in front of him and the other held at an angle for balance. And dramatic pose. "Hawluuucha!" <I think you all have overdrawn your welcome!>

Caster (701) has posed:
Caster doesn't know what Duke is nodding to, but given the shout for Alexis and The Flea to flee, she chooses to interpret it as 'these are enemies'. The lecture just confirms it. When that corrupt presence descends from above in a crash and a rain of concrete and plaster and who-knows-what, things become quite a bit more chaotic. Red motes of energy fly from Caster's body in a flash as her modern clothing transforms into an extremely abbreviated and open purple tunic. Her hair moves itself up into a high ponytail, almost fountain-like, and a golden veil falls over the upper half of her face to replace the sunglasses.

Now barefoot, the redhaired sorceress floats up into the air, and says, "Kari, do you have an adequate battery for helping me deal with these intruders while Duke handles the vault then?" If the answer is no, then Kari will receive a small bottle tossed her way, along with the instruction to, 'Pour that on yourself for a boost.' What does it do if obtained and used? It super-charges the Shinki with added energy and fighting power! Stronger, faster, tougher, and able to last longer too! The effects are temporary, but they should help buy time.

And what does Caster do either way? She raises a hand, and the floor beneath Alexis, Hawlucha, and Beelzebumon just seems to start melting like wax on a candle, sinking down into itself in a liquid-like manner. The floor is -dripping- and -running- into some other level below the bank! ...Or so it appears, at least.

What's more worrying, however, is that there seem to be... THINGS moving in the melted floor. Uncertain shapes, squirming and writhing their way through the liquefying tiles. Some of them may have hands that stretch and reach with the pattern of the floor across their appendages. Others forms and body parts not quite so human-looking.

It's all an illusion. But it's a -really freaking convincing one-, since it carries the illusion of touch and sound and sense of balance in addition to mere sight.

Kari Wolf (276) has posed:
    Kari, being a shinki, dives to the floor as the Guilmon unleashes a fiery doom upon the vault door.
    "Woah." She thinks maybe some of her paint peeled from that! She looks at Caster. "Ummm... maybe?" She thinks she could try taking on Alexis, but Beelzebumon looks fairly out of her league. She goes for it anyway, launching tiny smoke grenades at Alexis and the Hawlucha as she jumps for cover. Wow, this got serious quick. Maybe it was a bad idea to get involved. Oh well, she's here now. She taunts Alexis by sticking out her tongue.

Duke has posed:
Duke looks back over to Alexis as she says her peace. Those gold eyes look away, yet when they look back there is a sternness in them, as he stands up a bit taller. "..save it.." It was his worst fear. He didn't understand the world and it was showing now more then ever.

Lute didn't explain that to him, at least-- if Lute did.. Duke didn't understand the exact details of it all.. or maybe he did and some part of him ignored in. The internal conflict within, and the conflict that was making itself known as Duke about roars out at Alexis again perhaps to tell her to shut up or who knows what.

'I'm sorry Alexis..' is what he really wanted to say. 'I'm sorry that I was a fool..' Yet those words were not easy for him to speak out and perhaps that was only adding to the frustration. Though all that was shoved aside as the Demon Lord sudden came crashing down and Duke jumped slightly out of the way of the falling rubble.

As Beelzebumon stated at his backside, the Digimon slowly turned around. Those gold eyes staring right back. There was a look there, a look trying to come to surface. A look Beelzebumon may know all to well.

Duke growled lowly at the sight of the Demon Lord. His tail did not move this time, his ear fins reared back as the snarl showed up on his muzzle. He wasn't sure why there was such internal hatred for the Demon Lord. Such large distrust, after all he was only told about them-- right.

"..I.." He manages to get out, as his pupils pulse for a moment. "..you.." Visions of something flood his mind as he stares at the Demon Lord. His body tenses up and he can feel the flames lick around his chops once more.


Duke's body starts to glow as he growls lowly. His shoulders hunch and his eyes narrow down sharply as he hisses out. "No. Hurt. Friends. EVER!" Hard to say what Beelzebumon's present has triggered within n the small Digimon, but something is happening!

He lets out a roar, which almost seems to shake the area as a burst of light suddenly explodes outward. The windows shatter in that moment, lights explode, computer screens go crazy as data flows before they also short circuit out, and after the explosion. Beelzebumon may find himself looking directly an axe bladed lance of gold and digi-chrome.

An armored figure ever his height and a cape that bellows out for a moment from the wind that rushes through but soon calms down. The Digital Monster that stands there now looks like an almost medieval knight with a bit of dragon influence to some of his armor (MedievalDukemon_crusader.png & Medievaldukemon.jpg).

He keeps the weapon pointed right at Beelzebumon. His voice deeper and far more pronounced "I don't know why I know you... but you will not interfere..." Perhaps the next part is for Alexis to hear as well. "I am going to finish what I started.. and then hand myself over."

His gold eyes then narrow in the shadows of that helm of his. "If you dare move a muscle.. I will cut you in half, Demon Lord."

Alexis has posed:
Alexis was quickly finding that she probably bit off more than she can chew with her concern for Duke.

Battlefield hazard! As the floor starts to melt and shift shapes in its surface Alexis jumps up onto one of the desks, while the Hawlucha just leaps into the air in general, spreading his wing-cape to catch some hangtime that makes Kari's use of Smokescreen-err-I mean smoke bombs a small inconvenience at the most. Then twists mid-air to come diving down, aiming the flying drop kick to smash through Kari's cover and the shinki too if she doesn't move quickly!

Alexis kicks at a few grasping limbs, muttering about this spiraling out of control quickly, and debating the quickest way to put an end to it. Which in itself is quickly ended by Duke doing something which she hadn't expected due to his still child-like nature. Not that he evolved, that part was natural. But she knew enough about digimon, and monsters in general, to tell that he had evolved into something -much- stronger than one would expect and -that- was a shocker.

Unfortunately a phantom limb grabs her ankle while she's dumbstruck and with a yelp the tomboy topples over from the yank, crashing into the chair behind the desk and hitting the floor hard.

Being in actual peril is enough to trigger a response even without being commanded due to the strongest bonds between trainer and pokemon, and in a burst of light Scorch appears beside her sprawled form, flame collar already lit. "... Typhlosion." <... You get me into the WEIRDEST things.> The flame badger roars and exhales a stream of flame towards Caster, blasting through whatever illusions get in its path.

Beelzebumon (132) has posed:
     "So... you /do/ recognize me. Fascinating..."

     Gazing into those eyes, Beelzebumon can see something... /personal/. He has met other survivors from his world before, and although they hated him for the role he had in the downfall of their world, none of them had that look in their eyes.

     Slowly, the Demon Lord stands up, in spite of Duke's warning for him to be still. His eyes flash with glee as he looks upon the knightly form before him, "Lute mentioned that there were other Digimon from our world still alive... and if I had to wager a guess, you would be 'Duke', right? A bit unimaginative for a name..."

     The phantasmal hands start to clutch at his legs, yet the Demon Lord doesn't move, daring not to take his attention off the medieval foe before him, "So... tell me O Knight, have we met? I have a sneaking suspision that we have, but no sense in jumping to conclusions..."

Caster (701) has posed:
The monsters melt nightmarishly when struck, but don't seem to stick around or multiply or anything like that. Caster 'tch's as the situation rapidly spirals out of control. If there is one thing she simply cannot stand, it is NOT being in control of things. When Duke transforms, Caster doesn't know what to make of it. The dusky-skinned woman floats away from the violent flash of light, shielding her head with one arm against any falling glass from breaking windows or exploding light fixtures.

She doesn't know Beelzebumon, and she doesn't know Alexis, and she doesn't know Hawlucha, and she doesn't know what Duke just turned into, but this is a bit of a bust. So raises a hand and a bottle appears in it. "I am too weak to help you in this fight, Duke," Caster calls out. But she tosses the blue bottle to the Digimon and says, "But the Confederacy does not abandon its -friends-. If you are in trouble, drink that. It will help you get to safety." Then she tries to fly away even as some NEW chimera-creature appears - a summoned monster maybe? - and breathes flames at her! The monsters in the path of the flames melt and fade, and Caster takes some damage as well. Enough that she lets the melting floor illusion lapse. The ground snaps back into its proper position and form.

Now she has even begun to feel PAIN! That is UNACCEPTABLE. A series of multiple images of Caster appear, and scatter everywhere, flying in all directions!

...And masking the true Caster as she flies by and hands off one of those super-charging potions to Kari, before departing the building, with all the rest of her duplicates!

Alexis has posed:
Scorch peers down to the side as Alexis grabs the desk with one hand to pick herself up, trying her best to not look too hurt. <Too stubborn for your own good.> "Yeah, well, that gets me outta trouble as much as it does into..." She pauses as Caster drops the illusion, only to seem to scramble in multiple directions at once. "Dammit!"

She glances in the direction of Duke and Beelzebumon for a moment, then snorts into her bangs. "We'll have to let them sort out this reunion themselves." She takes a moment to flick off her comm. "Duke... or whoever now... you, me. Talk. Later."

She then calls her two pokemon to her and takes off after the Caster(s) in pursuit. In everything else going on she possibly didn't even notice the tiny doll girl was there.

Kari Wolf (276) has posed:
    MOAR POWAR! Kari is dosed with magic and she feels a surge of energy. And sticky. Master will likely make her to take a bath and ask what she rolled in... FIRST things first. Uhh... Where'd Alexis and her monsters go? OFf that way? Um. The Demon Lord seems really intimidating and Duke seems to have put on his armor. SO.
    Kari omphs and launches grenades at the weakened vault door and fires a barrage of lasers at it. Guess it's up to her to take care of the vault then.

Duke has posed:
"Your Beelzebumon." Duke says firmly to the Demon Lord as he holds himself steady. "...and while I don't know /how/ I know you, I /do/ know that I do know you." The Medieval Digimon says holding his ground still. Even when he is tossed the potion and Caster makes his peace, he doesn't take his gold eyes off the bottle.

When conversation perks up on global. His eyes land some confusion. "Nostalgia.." those words are repeated even here. He tilts his head faintly. "..why your interest with me?"

Kari's grenades do break through the already weaken metal, with the money right behind the vault for easy grabbing. Duke cane hear the vault door give way and speaks to her with ease, "Kari. Take what you can and return it to Lute."

As for Alexis, he heard her, but he had no reply for her. There was a bigger issue in front of him.

Beelzebumon (132) has posed:
With a casual shrug, Beelzebumon replies, "You remind me of someone I knew..." He has a fairly good idea of who this really is, though why he has chosen to appear in this form instead of his more traditional... 'attire' is unknown to the Demon Lord, "Besides, there are so few of us left from our world after it was scorched clean by Yggdrasil. How could I /not/ be at least a little curious..."

     He glances at the vault and shrugs. He doesn't really care one way or the other about the vault or the theft, "Gues you're one to always honor his word... even when you were tricked into giving it by one who took advantage of your naivity."

Kari Wolf (276) has posed:
    That was the plan, yes. "Okay!"
    Kari hops into the vault and starts looking for a stack of bills she can actually carry, the largest denomination she can find. Oh, there's bank bags in here.... she stuffs stacks of bills into them while keeping an eye out for any further trouble. Ooh, shiny things. Hey! She could throw these outside the vault door!
    From within the vault, one can hear Kari going OOMPH! as gold bars are hurled one-by-one through the hole in the vault door. This may prove hazardous for others outside.

Duke has posed:
The Digimon Knight doesn't lower his weapon, but his stance relaxes only by a touch to what Beelzebumon speaks. His gold eyes do not leave him for one moment. "I.. don't remember." Duke says with a hint of puzzlement in his eyes. "..any of it.. beyond fragments.." His voice is softer for that moment, before his guard goes back up.

He then takes a step back. "But you remember it all.. don't you? Who I am.. why I know you.. what happened.." His hand tightens its hold on his weapon. "..yet you are right. I have an honor to keep. As much has I dislike him for taking advantage of me.. and many others still could."

Duke almost winces for a moment, there was a strange flicker in his eyes, almost like he was losing power. "Nrrh.." he then barks over at Kari, "Kari!" Even as one of the gold bars come close to him. "Forget the bars! Stick to the money and get going! I can't..."

'I can't keep this up forever.' Was the words on the edge of his metaphorical lips, but to say that in front of the Demon Lord may be foolish-- even if Beelzebemon may be already aware of it.

Beelzebumon (132) has posed:
     "Perhaps..." Beelzebumon says, "Or perhaps not. I have a few hunches, but I think it might be better if you found out that for yourself."

     Then the Demon Lord throws up both his hands and places them on the back of his head in a carefree manner, "Though I cooooould give you a hint or two, provided that you manage to entertain me in battle."

     Then he turns his back to the knight and starts to casually stroll towards the front door of the bank, "Though in your current condition, you'd hardly be a challenge. Get stronger little knight, and maybe you'll find the answers that you seek."

Kari Wolf (276) has posed:
    Kari bounces out of the vault with a bag of cash, throws... one gold bar in the bag, thanks to Caster's SUPERCHARGE potion, and makes for the fire exit. Because you've already broken the law, what's one more illegal exit or entry. "Okay, be safe Duke!" She calls out to the changed digimon.

Duke has posed:
"I plan too.." He says to Beelzebumon. "..and I will." Duke narrows his eyes, before his axe-lance slow lowers down in his grip. He then grunts gently, before he nearly topples over, his body slamming against the pillar nearest to him.

He watches as Kari then leaves as well, looking at the potion he was handed, before crushing it in his hand. Seeming to simply vanish from sight. It would be a bit while longer till all the people come 'back' to life in the near destroyed Royal Bank. Most of them unaware of /what/ happened.

As for Duke.. once he showed up again, his form flickered, before he crashed down into a puddle in the Alley as a Guilmon X again. He tried to pick himself up before gritting his teeth and moving himself into some boxes.

The rain stated to fall about then and he curled up in the box. His gold eyes pained and he closes them tightly. He growls lowly to himself before he lets out a slightly howlish roar, even as the lightning crackled in the sky. Before he found himself passing out exactly where he laid down at.

On this day...
Duke had come to learn not only pain of false friendship.. but that it be a long road before he ever gained the answers he may seek.

But yet...
There may be still hope at the end of the rainy day.