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Valentione's Day Massacre
Date of Scene: 26 February 2015
Location: Planetary Plains
Synopsis: Yari Takane corrects a mistake, hires a mercenary company, and draws in the Elites Finna, Ineryon, Sanary, and Ferham into her little hunting trip on her days of leave. In the end, there's dead mobsters and a new beginning for the city and a pair of lives both.
Cast of Characters: 513, 516, 615, 691, Sanary Rondel, Duke

Yari Takane (691) has posed:
Yari Takane has business to settle. Taking leave from her work in the Legion, she's once again dyed up her hair black and changed her scale colors to crimson. Who appears here in not Yari Takane, but 'Miss Ashley'. Sitting in the side-seat of a black tinted model-t on the side of the road not far from the target, she looks to her compatriots, and smiles.

The Italiano Love is a mob-owned restaurant. Red on the outside, with many a shuddered window, it has an outdoor cafe and the interior is full of polished wood, white-clothed tables, and racks of wine. It sits between a bank and a high-end clothing store. The entire area is known to be mob owned, or under their protection. Today, the three controlling families of the area meet inside of the restaurant. Three graying-haired italian men in suits sit at a table, a fourth dark elven man also within. Outside, people pass by, even as cars sit parked at the side of the road. High-end Rolls Royces, all black and tinted. Inside, armed men with guns await. Inside the restaurant, ten guards are placed around the area. Two just within the entryway, and eight others covering both the kitchen area and lingering near the bosses and their guest.

One of the suited bosses, sipping wine and finishing his meal, offers an exhausted smile. The man's name is Don Micheal Carpo, the most powerful of the mob bosses gathered.

"I apologize for the display of guns, Mister Ineryon. Recently one of our clubs was hit by one of you out-worlders. It's difficult, but please endure it. It is insurance in case the wild killers strike. Do not worry, any associate of ours will die for our and your lives. We would like your business. My family is a specialist in making those goods you want. It will be only a question of price. Fifteen thousand for the first order. If you're needing a long-term supply, we'll be willing to negotiate."

Inside Yari's car, she keys up her communicator. "Can everyone read me? Let me go over the plan one more time. Our primary target is Don Micheal Carpo.You've been given his picture. Team A will arrive in a police car, and conduct the sting. Force everyone with their fronts to the wall near the bar. Once they are in place, Team B will arrive and begin gunning down the targets. Show no mercy to anyone inside. They are guilty." She pauses.

"Announce your teams, please." There's a chorus of mercenary voices as teams are announced.

"Alright. From there, begin to exit. Cover each other. Our priorities are the mob bosses, but do not endanger yourselves or civilians. The cops have been bribed, they will not halt us. Expect assistance from the other gangsters when they realize what is going on. I repeat, do not endanger yourself too much. Even one Don dead will ensure our victory. Extract yourselves as possible if there is Elite resistance. No heroes, come back alive. Now let's begin. Let me smell their blood."

With that, Yari gives the signal, and both her own car moves, waiting for the driver of the police car to begin the sting. Yari's car parks in an empty spot on the other side of the street. The one-armed, red-dressed woman slides a clip into her tommy gun, lights her pipe, then observes with her magitek armlet.

Ineryon (615) has posed:
     Ineryon shrugs a little bit, retorting, "There is no need to apologize for pieces of metal that launch smaller pellets comprised from metal. It's your place, so it's your decision, Mister Carpo. On the other hand,...... I'll take the liberty to redirect that apology elsewhere, since although I'm certain it was unintentional, you've once again forgotten to refer to me as 'Mister Valos; alas, this is quite commonplace as far as mistakes go, in this world." He yawns, and looks about, "So many people believe in the concept of friendship, and forget that all it really amounts to is a system of trading favors, as far as I've seen."

     The elven lord nods, "I offer no compassion, and, for the purpose of negation of hypocrisy, I expect none in return. My preference is to keep things as professional, and simultaneously as impersonal as possible, so, with this said... let's all restrict ourselves to the utilization of surnames, if it's not too much of a handicap?" After The mafia-boss announces the price of the 'goods' that the dark elf sought, which were ultimately to end up in the hands of Alexandria, fate-willing, Lord Valos scratches his chin, ".....I don't suppose that after the first order, if it is determined that I demonstrate myself to be true to my word, that greater bulk shipments could be accompanied by a rebate of sorts? Trust is, understandably, amassed over a spell, under optimal conditions."

     He pauses, giving them time to consider his words with earnesty, before proceeding further, "If t'were said some manner of 'trust' develops, I'd anticipate a more potentially 'accelerated' transition between your institution's prospective sales, and the purchases to be made by those whom I currently attempt to represent with as much accuracy as is in my means." Relaxing, the tall elven nobleman steepled his fingers idly, and in a confident manner, as he leaned back in his seat comfortably.

     (Summary: Valos discussing the transaction)

Duke has posed:
Chicago in the 1920s is a very interesting time frame and Duke has found himself managing to get into the big city of mobsters and crooks. Though in truth is, he lost track of his best friend, Doran and managed to somehow get here after a bit of a hunting trip.

Following the instructions given, the Guilmon X moves in the back alleys, ducking behind garbage bins and leaping over things in order to stay out of the line of sight. The red dino-draconic dinosaur does not at all fit in this setting and while trying to stay low, its hard to say how long he can back there behind the cramped buildings.

He comes to pause behind the building perhaps all the action may go down in or at least close enough to it. He also finds a box which he leaps inside of and uses it for momentary cover, thinking he heard some movement. Better to be safe then sorry right?

Finna (513) has posed:
    Having seen all kinds of crazy examples of politics and law action with Eliot Ness' world, Finna's been intrigued enough to go researching across several! Which is why, when strolling through on a quick jog from one world to another... she spotted all the expensive cars in one spot, lots of guards around...

    Well, unless they're supernatural guards no amount of mobsters and dons will be worried about a hummingbird!

    Because when nobody's looking, a brightly-colored one - mostly green with red around its throat - flits in through a window, up to the ceiling, and perches... on a ceiling fan.

    Well, one that isn't turned on right now, anyways.

Ferham (516) has posed:
     Having recieved the instruction remotely, Ferham is on her way to get into position. Of course, one might not see the fembot coming, as she's currently driving a squad car. The door opens and out steps... a dark navy blue uniformed police woman. Of course, 'dames' weren't exactly allowed on American police forces back in that age, though this department today is making an exception--as is her partner, the actual officer scheduled for this route is hand-cuffed and gagged in the backseat of said car.

     Black leather dress shoes, slacks, double breasted coat with large 'copper' buttons giving police their age old moniker, course, not many crooks have seen a cop with 'gams' like these, to be sure. She cuts a curvaceous figure even in that outfit, and despite her long black hair tied back, it's quite a jaw-dropping sight, she's even wearing lipstick, because she doesn't really give a shit. Her face is stern however, no nonsense.

     Those leather shoes click clack against the pavement as she moves toward her designated spot.

Sanary Rondel has posed:
For being such advanced methods of transportation, cars are a little too cramped for Sanary's comfort. Not enough leg room, nowhere to lie down, noisy as hell... Still, the job needed to be done, and she wasn't about to turn down Yari after what happened last time. Even if it wasn't Yari asking, meanwhile, there was still a just cause behind this mission.

    Plus, the healer just feels snazzy in her disguise. It's not all that different from what Ferham's wearing, although significantly less flattering to her own figure in comparison. No lipsticks, either, although the eyepatch does help somewhat in giving her a slightly more grizzled look... If not for the fact that she's still only five foot four. Thankfully, not being able to actually see the Fembot keeps the healer from needing to worry about such a stark contrast between their appearances.

    "Got it. Police team approaching the place on foot from here. Following... I-have-no-idea's lead." Her voice comes in over the communicator as she rests one hand on the bell at her side, holding it from the inside to keep it from ringing out prematurely.

Yari Takane (691) has posed:
"Oh? Apologies, apologies! Mister Valos. Our customs are different here, but for a client we're willing to put them aside. We are very interested in trading, Mister Valos. Compassion isn't our business. Only profit."

"That is the agreement, yes. We will need a certain amount of time to create enough of course, but if this deal proves profitable we can extend trust and begin production after the money's delivered. You're buying something that isn't common. Prove yourself to be a trusted customer, and we'd be willing to turn aside less useful buyers if there's enough to be made." Comes the mob boss agreeably.

There's definitely a box for Duke to hop into! It's a nice, empty liquor crate and the top closes nicely. Roomy! Just as he does so, there's the sound of someone coming out the back door of the restaurant. A suit-clad gangster is armed with a pistol, but it's in an obvious holster as he lights up to smoke.

"...Ahhh, hate these damn meetings. And the Don's pissed. Gonna be a long day. Heh. But it ain't like someone's stupid enough to attack us. That dress-lady, crossdresser, and coat-girl were just flukes."

As Finna-bird flits in and lands on the cieling fan, none of the mobsters react. The little bird is even missed by Yari's magitek armlet! Thankfully, all of the guards are utterly mundane gangsters. One does look up eventually, but only shrugs and returns to looking about warily.

Though the mobsters in cars outside notice Ferham, they hardly stop her. Given the outfit, though, they do oggle a little as they alert their bosses.

One of the mobsters out front smiles, takes off his hat, and walks over to the cop. He rather openly looks her up and down.

"Evenin' officer! If you're here for the 'compensation', go on in! Don's got a guest though. I'll get one of the boys to get ya a drink if you want to wait!" It seems that, though willing to make exceptions for women cops, the local police are almost openly corrupt.

Then the man turns to Sanary. "'Ey, and there's two! Let's go, officers! I'll take ya both out to dinner here, huh? You hard workin' lawmen need to relax. Heh heh, boss even upped the rate, so consider it on the house!"

The mobster is even turning around to hold the door for the two cops.

Yari has her driver warm up the car.

"Understood, police team. Please begin lining up the targets. Radio me if there's any problems. Make sure Carpo is at the end on the right."

Yari then begins to put the gun in a large woman's handbag. Adjusting her dress a little bit, she lets out a low sigh. When her eyes reopen, they shine with anticipation and eagerness.

The Don finally frowns. "...Oh. It looks like we have guests. Forgive me, Mister Valos. We'll take care of them. All of the cops in this city are powerless, or bought. Even if they do a sting, it'll all be a show. You'll be escorted out, and when people can't see, you'll be let go."

Ineryon (615) has posed:
     As bad luck would have it, there does happen to be someone who is worried about the hummingbird, and this is fundamentally thanks to Ineryon's distaste for melodies, muscial tunes, and things of that sort. Ugly noises don't bother this dark elf too terribly, but he's well-read enough to know that even though the hummingbird doesn't who doesn't presently seem to pose a threat, it could very easily begin to sing a song, and cause Lord Valos considerable irritation, outside of the fact that he'd become somewhat fatigued.... weakened.

     ".....Pardon me, Mister Carpo; I believe I need to engage in some pest control, for quality assurance purposes." In the outside world, where there was lots of space, a few birds chirping wasn't so terrible a thing, albeit, most North American venues, secret or otherwise, tended to have ceilings that reached a height of ten to twelve feet at most, with very few going beyond that because of the expenditures involved, architecturally. Inside of a building, even something so minute as a hummingbird had the yet untapped potential to cause Ineryon distress. His eyes dart over towards a loose nail that had been left lying on the floor carelessly, which was forged from iron. Willing the sharp article to ascend, he levitates it over in front of his face as Ineryon then stared cautiously at the tiny avian, taking careful aim. Then, like a miniature arrow, the nail flies at the bird's torso, which was the largest target belonging to the creature; it being as small as it was, a nail, in the drow's mind, should've been adequate to exterminate the 'pest'.

     At the mention of being 'escorted out', Ineryon furrowed his brows in annoyance, "I cannot say I am wholly fond of having someone touch me, especially when this was not discussed prior. Improvisation is sometimes necessary, I suppose, but... I might prefer another method, if I need to make a departure, Mister Carpo...." With that, his body is outlined in a very faint, purple glow, at such a low intensity of power that it's barely visible at all.

     (OOC: Ineryon shoots a nail at Finna, the 'hummingbird', like a bullet. He also starts to charge up his mana so that in the near future, he can cast a spell.)

Duke has posed:
Duke hides in the box in time for it seems a man to come walking out. His gold eyes peek out of the hand hold of the box and he blinks a few times. His ear fins perk up slightly as he listens to what the man has to say. Canting his head slightly inside the box.
Not that really any of this means anything to the Digimon, but he has never seen a human dressed like this one nor has he ever seen a human gun, but given Beelzebumon has some, he knows what he is looking at enough to know it could be dangerous.

Which causes those eye ridges to narrow and him to frown slightly on his muzzle. This was-- probably not the best place to get separated from Doran and go exploring a bit. Then again, did either expect such a city to have such possible dangerous humans? Probably not.

It is another fact to learn about this large world.

The Guilmon X contunues to observe and listen, its when the man lights a smoke, is there a bit of problem. The smoke finds away into the box and the Digimon quickly backs away from the hand hold of the box, covering up his snout and sticking out his tongue in minor disgust to the smell.
Sure, he may huff out smoke, but doesn't mean he actually likes the smell of it! The only probably with the sudden movement and perhaps momentary standing taller then the boxes possible lid is if the Gangster is paying attention, he may spot the bit of movement. After all, Duke when he stands up fully is a touch above four foot and he isn't exactly light.

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "Alright, listen up, everyone line up alongside the bar," Ferham motions to the mobster-types with a black truncheon, once she's inside. This is way before the tonfa-design of nightstick of latter days. She is quick and very direct in getting her orders carried out, not taking any no for an answer, and even when one initially resists her physically--she's quick to get them in line with a squeeze to their wrist or hand or the like. She makes sure their leader is there with them, the 'Don' or so he's called. She gives him a cursory glance, which might be taken as derision, likely at the kind of confidence those types might exude when faced with the law.

Finna (513) has posed:
    WOOOSH goes the nail!

    Whoosh, then *KCHNKT!*

    The tiny hummingbird doesn't, as one might expect, get stabbed clean through and fall to the ground. Instead it goes spinning around on its round perch in a manner one might expect from a cartoon character! Around and around and around like a blur, until it's left dangling upside-down... the nail was snagged right out of the air in its beak, indeed! ... but there was so much momentum that the little bird couldn't keep its perch QUITE straight...

    What the hell?

    Dizzied out of its wits, the tiny creature releases the nail from its beak.

    It might plonk someone on the noggin. Or maybe land on a table.

Sanary Rondel has posed:
    That was... Not as difficult as expected. Sanary smirks slightly at the rather obvious display of familiarity and flirting from the mobster at the door, even touching the brim of her hat and nodding lightly in acknowledgment. Between that and the smell in the restaurant, it takes all of her will just hide the bile rising in her throat and avoid snapping.

    No wonder this city's gone to shit. Thankfully, Ferham takes the lead before the healer can do something stupid, and she works on the other side of the room to make sure the mobsters line up nice and neat against the wall. It's somewhat trickier than she expected, however, especially when it comes to making sure their hands are in place with all the varied angles and heights involved.

     "You all know the drill, then. Sooner we're done here, the sooner we can get out of your hair."

Yari Takane (691) has posed:
As Ineryon causes a nail to strike out at the little bird, the gangster nearby give a little collective gasp. Some very nearly drop their guns. The Don, however, laughs and claps his hands. The gangsters only stare further as the bird spins around and catches it in its beak. Thunk! A gangster gets a nail bop on the head.

"Oi...what the hell? First we got some kinda witch, then a weirdo bird!"

His man's words only have the Don laughing harder.

"Perfectly fine, Mister Valos! Sorry, sorry. This is how business goes in this city. Ahh, and we've got cute young officers today." The Don takes a moment, openly leering at the pair of officers.

"You two must be new on the force, I would've remembered such cute faces. You should visit my villa some time. We'll...improve relations." He lets out a big grin as he motions his men.

"Ok, ok! At the bar like the lady says gentlemen! Go ahead and pat us down if you want!" It seems, that Don Carpo is a horrid perve. The gangsters nod, dutifully making a line at the bar as Sanary assists. One gangster gets an elbow swat to the chest, but doesn't complain. Carpo ends up on the rightmost side.

He looks over to Ineryon. "Once this is over we'll contact you again, Mister Valos. Your deal sounds fine. Ahh...do all you outworlders have such wonderful abilities? I could use those skills. We could control this whole state with more people like you!"

Sanary's words get a laugh.

"Right, right! Check us out, cuff us, do what you must!"

It's about then that the second car of Yari's pulls up. A tall man and a red-dressed woman step out as they enter the bar. They walk in, and once inside, they draw their guns from suitcase and handbag. The mercenary man starts firing on the left, gunning down a gangster mook. The one-armed Yari pulls her own tommy gun, and aims it at the Don, smoothly starting to fire. Both begin to sweep inwards! The Don dies first, but perhaps Ineryon or Finna could prevent more casualties.

Outside, Duke is noticed. The gangster walks over, frowning. "Ey...some kitty in there?" He'll reach out, and try to yank off the box top to peek inside! Then gunfire starts. He whirls around. "Shit! The Boss!" The gangster draws his gun, and starts to rush inside!

Outside, four car's worth of gangsters step out and busily load their weapons. Civilians flee away from the area, until it's utterly clear of innocent people. There's only a growing line of gangsters heading in from the outside.

The scout in the building across the street radio's the assault and police teams.

"Several enemies incoming from the front door. Possibly more from the back. Be prepared." Then, the scout pulls out a sniper rifle, and begins firing. Two of the gangsters outside die instantly, and the rest scatter behind cover as four of them manage to slip inside with guns at the ready.

Yari then similarly responds. "Right. Kill as many as possible, then we leave. Remember, no civilian deaths. This is an act of justice."

Duke has posed:
The gangster gets in close and the Guilmon X's mouth sneers those rows of sharp teeth. Thankfully the sound of gunfire starts up and it looks like the man suddenly runs inside. Duke pops his head out of the box and his ear fins go straight up as he hears all the commotion inside.

He hops out of the box and stands up tall, he looks away from the building, but curiosity starts to take hold. The instinct of wanting to know and that primitive desire for a good battle draw his gold eyes to slowly look back at the door.
With a deep inhale as his nostrils flare, Duke makes his way toward the door as he gets down low and then goes to take a look inside. Careful to not get to close in encase some stray bullet is to come his way.

Just what was going on in there? He thinks to himself as he narrows his eyes in contemplation.

Ineryon (615) has posed:
     Deciding to cooperate for the time being, so that Ferham doesn't have to make physical contact with him, Ineryon Valos meanders over towards the bar area, folding his arms over his chest, appearing to look dis-satisfied with the impromptu antics, but so long as he's not manhandled, he inwardly reminds himself there's no justified prerequisite to start slaughtering folks wholesale, which was not too unusual for those of the Valii clan.

     Some were even more prone towards inciting violence than actually being physically harassed, but Lord Ineryon Valos possessed enough self-control to allow others to breathe until they invaded too much of his personal space. However, his attention is more so diverted by the uncanny fowl who managed to comprehend the nature of the nail surging at it, besides anticipating the attack foreknowingly enough to have caught the 'bullet', only to spit it back out? And the bird didn't bother to arise, despite its muddled state, and try to flee through its life through the nearest window? It was a little too peculiar for him. He narrows his eyes, "Dried trout entrails on my spear aside, something smells... fishy."

     The glimmer around his body increases in strength as his enchantment is nearly prepared, "Well... since all is about concluded, I'll forego anymore digression. You all do what you need to do, and I sha--" just then, he's interrupted as chaos ensues. Is Ineryon brave? Only when he stands to benefit. Almost immediately, the building is in an uproar, and the Don is dead, leaving behind his piteous lackeys. The whole fiasco with the bird was one thing, but people being shot down was more questionable, especially being that bullets were moving somewhat in Ineryon's own direction. A midnight pool materializes and radiates outwards, as the nobleman bows to everyone present, "Ah... It seems today was not to shine such providence on you all. Farewell, and see you in hell someday, for, eventually, that is where we all shall go!" He hasn't left, but he'll be gone in another moment's time...

     (OOC: Ineryon opens a portal, and 'prepares' to leave)

Ferham (516) has posed:
     As the shooting starts, Ferham drops down low beneath where the tables before the bar might have been--trying to get to cover, flipping over one of said tables if they were near and keeping her back up against the underside. She wasn't in her armor, which meant she was a softer target--but she also didn't exactly want to get involved with the... well, bloodbath that was going on here. It wasn't her style, though she wasn't going to disobey orders and not assist with this... operation. These people were scum yes, but still people. And right now her stomach was churning at the mass death, despite being a robot.

Sanary Rondel has posed:
    "If official business takes us there." Sanary's doing a fairly decent job at keeping the smile up, although it's wearing down rather quickly as the disgust at the gangster's reactions to her and Ferham's presence increases with each word from their gaping maws. Her hand clenches and unclenches frequently as she resists the urge to just grab the bell, but...

    Thankfully, the sound of gunfire brings the healer a great relief. She ducks down swiftly while keeping one hand on her hat to hold it down in the mistaken assumption that doing so would make her less of a target, the grin widening at the sound of panicking mobsters and bodies hitting the ground. She doesn't expect the job to end quite that quickly, however, especially at the news of reinforcements arriving.

    "Understood. Just give me the go ahead and I'll make some real noise." A short snicker later, the blind girl's amusement fades at the sound of the back door opening as she snaps into action. lunging towards the door and pulling the oversized bell off her belt. Swinging it upwards, she bashes it straight into the chin of one gangster with a loud ring, knocking out some teeth from the impact and dispatching him fairly quickly.

    The gangster behind him recoils in shock with a short yell as he brings his own gun up reflexively. That sound is enough to warn Sanary of his presence, and she rings the magic bell directly into his face. The sound is literally defeaning to the man as it blows out his eardrums and sends him to the ground in a crumpled heap, but not before he can let off a shot into her free arm.

    "Keh... Two down. Don't hear anyone else coming. Took a hit, but I'm fine."

Finna (513) has posed:
    When the bullets start flying and people start dying...

    THAT's when Finna starts zipping around in a dizzy panic. She bashes her skull against the fan and sends it spinning, then goes skidding over a table only to recover at the last moment and head ceilingward again!

    Her lightning-quick wits take only a few seconds to get the measure of the situation and balk at the mess that's going on...

    So much for her prospective investigation!

Yari Takane (691) has posed:
It seems Duke won't be immediately accosted amidst the dance of bullets within. The door wide open, and with Duke on the ground, he's in much less danger. What he sees is, for most, horrific. The mercenary and Yari gun down the line of gangsters until not a single one is left standing. Yari's demeanor cracks as she watches the final Don fall and she smiles.

"...What a shame we can't linger. I don't often get to bask in the scent of dieing scum." She says aloud, barely audible amidst the last gunshots.

But there's still one more target. She keys up her radio this time. "Careful of the extra target. He's not native."

Yari's gun then aims directly at Ineryon despite the portal he's preparing. She's unused to the gun in her hands, and her aim is rather slow, giving Ineryon ample time to dissappear if he pleases. She's also distracted by Sanary's predicament.

"Understood. Police team, please begin extraction. Assault team will provide covering fire. Proceed to your vehicles and move to the designated extraction points. Mister Gunderson, please inform the client that our job is complete. Prioritize your health, everyone. Go ahead, use any methods required."

Then she tosses her gun to the tall man beside her, who reloads and starts to fire both at the other gangsters slowly trying to make their way in. Between the sniper and now Gunderson, there's soon only two gangsters left.

As well as the one rush in from Duke's direction. "Shit! Shit! Bosses!? Somebody help! Get more guys! Die, die coppers!" Seems no one has noticed the falling bird that is Finna in all the chaos! Then the man aims for Gunderson. When he fires, Yari's there, a kunai thrown that intercepts the bullet. Outside, Yari's car is pulled up to the side of the building as the driver punts open one of the doors.

Ineryon (615) has posed:
     Not that he needed much reason to leave, but had Finna come out of bird-mode, Ineryon might've been tempted to actually stay, in an attempt to riddle her with the very bullets being used by the people firing guns back and forth; her cheerfulness irritated the dark elf in a way that made her a viable threat. In most circumstances, he wouldn't attack her, but with so much shrapnel going in so many directions, who could really pin anything on Lord Valos personally, if a bullet happened to strike the fox-woman...

     Nevertheless, since Finna was still a bird, Ineryon was all-too-eager to retreat, especially in the light of that 'bell' being swung about. The sounds that resonate through the bell are heard by the sensitive ears of Ineryon Valos, which sends a shock through his system, causing him to stumble around for a moment, dizzily, before he could collect himself and properly make his exit. He makes a mental note to be cautious around Sanary Rondel, whose name he doesn't even know, if he meets her in the future; she has a weapon that, to someone of his blood, is assuredly no less harmful than Prince Edward's harp would be! However, as a 'parting gift', after Yari fires a few bullets at Ineryon, he regains his composure, since he'd also been temporarily stunned in his own way, and wills the bullets with metal casings to race back in the exact direction from whence they came, right at Yari, "Hmmm... I'm not a thief, Miss. You may keep these for yourself."

     (OOC: Ineryon goes through Shadow Portal, and is teleported elsewhere, possibly along with any stray bullets aimed at the portal, but first he 'returns' Yari's gift.)

Finna (513) has posed:
    Argh, this has gotten far too wacky for Finna's tastes. What should've been a quiet investigation has been turned into a horrific Ruckus.

    The Lunar is now ANNOYED. And she tends to be childish when annoyed and uninvested in a situation!

    Upon regaining her senses she flitters back up to the ceiling, opens her beack, takes a deeeeeeeeeep breath...

    And sings.

    But it's not birdsong that comes from the shimmery feathered throat! With the deafening force of a trumpeting mammoth...

    THE RESTAURANT IS FILLED WITH THE SOUNDS OF WAR. The percussive assault of bombs and grenades going off, a sharp staccato of countless machine guns, a harmony of people screaming and dying and cursing and shouting meaningless words.

    Is this coming from INSIDE? From OUTSIDE?

    Did a WAR start outside?!

    Without checking it'll be hard to tell. Of course the ground's not shaking or anything, so eventually someone'll probably spot what's OFF about this...

    But Finna's hoping to rattle everyone up a little at least!

Duke has posed:
The Guilmon X watched the bullets fly and people get knocked down. His eyes go wide, before they narrow sharply, along with his eye ridges. The Digimon's ear fins drop back as he snarls. Then he hears Yari's words about these being scum? Were they? Yet who was the 'good' and who was the 'bad'?

Which should he help? Which should he hinder? Then he notices one of the 'cops'. He knows that face. "..Sanary?" He says in his child like way, before his gold eyes go wide as a man goes running toward him. This is also about the time that Finna starts to troll everyone.

Well, it becomes obvious what he must do, because some how the sound of battle...
..It just excites him further!

The Guilmon X roars loudly as the Child Digimon suddenly leaps up and goes to slam his massive clawed feet right into the chest of the gangster on the run. He flips around and crouches down, flames flaring out from his maw as his gold eyes narrow sharply. Those wide pupils almost narrowing down to slits. "You're the enemy.." he says with a fiery breath and then huffs out some flames.

Sanary Rondel has posed:
    "Extraction is... Getting out, right? Right." Confirming the term to herself, Sanary winces as she reflexively touches the entry wound. She doesn't have time to deal with it just yet, however, as her focus is shifted towards all the noises going around her. How did everything go to shit so quickly, anyway? There couldn't have been that many reinforcements, but she can't figure out where all these sounds are coming from. Finna herself goes unnoticed as the healer ducks behind a table, keeping her head down again and trying not to get herself shot by everything she's hearing

    "What the hell's going on out there? Shit.. Do we have a clear path out of here, or should we risk the back?" She keeps her grip firmly on the bell in her left hand, looking particularly tense as she tries to sort out the sounds around her and the sounds of immediately approaching threats.

Ferham (516) has posed:
     Ferham in the meantime takes the initiative and the fact the eye-patch girl looks wounded to grab her up under one arm and proceeds to try and lug her out with her, trying to get outside under the fire coming from the street and back into the patrol car she rolled up in. She didn't think the still bound police man in the back would mind, really.

     "Hold on tight," by this time, the disguised fembot had lost the crowned hat she had been wearing earlier and her hair was a bit mussed, but it didn't keep her from starting up the patrol car and putting peddle to metal to get them out of there. Vroom vroom.

Yari Takane (691) has posed:
Yari's a swift little ninja, and as those bullets fly back, she's deft enough to toss a fan of kunai. All but one is knocked away, and the missed bullet strikes her in her bad shoulder. It lodges in, staining Gunderson's back with blood. The ninja erk's.

And then Ineryon is gone. A shake of her head. Their mission is through. Time to get away. Taking out a thin needle, she stabs her shoulder, and the coating of pain-dulling suppressants start to kick in.

Finna's song of war has Yari reacting instantly. "DOWN!" She screams, showing that indeed she can be loud when it's necessary. A professional, the ninja drops low, only to then realize there's no bullets. Gunderson isn't so solid, the pure amount of sound making him quiver and let out a terrified scream. It seems Finna's managed to tap into some old psychological wound, and he's starting to curl up in a ball. Yari scowls, stands, and starts to haul the man off with one arm.

"Scout! Report!"

It seems said scout has already killed off the rest of the men outside, and uses his scope to scan the area. Off in the distance, the sound of rushing cars of reinforcements can be heard.

"Nothing, ma'am! Targets outside eliminated. Reinforcements approaching."

Yari frowns, mind racing, and she waves to the rest. Sanary's words spurr her on as she keys up the radio. "Unknown. Proceed as planned. Ignore the noise! The way is clear, but reinforcements are on the way. Be cautious, something's at work here. Kill that last gang..."

Yari's words are cut off as the form of Duke crashes upon the gangster. He goes down screaming, and then the child digimon is stained with the red of the man's blood as those claws rip open his chest.

"Da...fuck...are...AHHHHH" Then there's fire, screaming, and the man becomes a living torch beneath Duke as he writhes and dies.

Then Yari's speaking into her radio again even as she drags Gunderson outside and throws him and the guns in the car. The entire time, she eyes Duke.

"This is justice, creature! If you can understand me, run away. Thank you." Then she's trying to leap into her own getaway car and slam the door.


The thin getaway driver gives an affirmative grunt as wheels spin and tire rubber fights for traction.

Despite the sounds of gunfire, Ferham's and possibly Sanary's escape is rather easy unless Finna chooses to intervene. The onrushing reinforcements pull in, utterly ignoring the cop car that's racing away. Once the cop car's out of there, the occupants would arrive at a small dock where another car is waiting to take them to the local warpgate not far away. One of the mercenaries there, if Ferham or Sanary don't stop them, will drag out the tied up cop. Things likely don't look good for her, as there's a pair of cement shoes and chains right by the waterside. Already, the cop car is being hosed down with gasoline in preparation for a roasting.

Yari's own vehicle has a more roundabout path, the expert driver peeling out and eventually making a similar exchange of cars, gasoline, and fire if no one gets involved.

Finna and Duke likely will simply be greated with confused and horrified gangsters as reinforcements arrive to find the corpses of the three top mobsters, as well as much of the high-ranking enforcers dead. Some of the gangsters fall to their knees, openly weeping. They know these signs: the mob's finished in this Chicago. Maybe even finished for good.

Duke has posed:
The Guilmon X had no plans to actually /kill/ the man, perhaps in his state of excitement for battle he got carried away, which is all too possible given he has yet to fully learn control while like this of his own power.
So Duke stands there for a moment as he the man dies from the fires that got to close and he looks at the blood upon his chest white scales, along with over his red arms. It then dawns on him. He killed a man. He killed a human.

His gold eyes snap out of their frenzy state and when the other humans come in, his eyes go wide and he makes a run for it out the back. Perhaps also heeding Yari's words when she yells them and his brain at last processes it all.
He almost slides across the ground, about to fall over on his side, before he picks himself up and keeps running, before then leaping over a fence, using his powerful claws to shove himself over. He needs to get rid of the human blood. Find a river... something.

Why does bad luck seem to find him?

Sanary Rondel has posed:
    The healer doesn't object to being picked up, still looking somewhat wary of all the noise until the reassurance about the noise comes from over the comms. "Erk.. Understood!" She raises an eyebrow in confusion at sound of Yari shouting at a 'creature', glancing around instinctively to try and hear whatever she's referring to.

    "Is there someone else helping us out here?" It couldn't be, could it? Whatever the case is, Sanary breathes a sigh of relief as she's placed into the familiar cramped space. She's relatively quiet during the getaway, letting the adrenaline die down and finally noticing the still-bleeding wounds in her arm, but...

    Fixing that can wait until after they're gone.

Finna (513) has posed:
    Except Finnas' not greeted! There's not much left to do here. She'll have to go find another Chicago! ... or at least tail these guys and find out how deep their operations went.

    Either way, once Yari realizes the trick, Finna stops singing, so there's that at least.

    Realizing that she just sent someone into a breakdown might have something to do with it too.

    That's kind of a damper on her mood.

Yari Takane (691) has posed:
Duke would find his escape easy. He leaves before the gangster reinforcements arrived, and they're all too traumatized by the inconceivable deaths of their highest bosses to pursue. Yari's as good as her word: the police would arrive an hour after the client receives word to clean up the mess. There's a free-running river that Duke could run to through back alleyways, even if stories will persist of a demon fleeing from the sight of the battle in some circles. Further confusion to cover the gunmen and gunwomen.

"Yes. Possibly. Some form of beast, Ma'am. I'm unsure if it is sentient. So long as it does not impede us, ignore it. We have to leave." Are Yari's words over the radio to Sanary.

Sanary's escape proves almost effortless. Both cars are away as planned, torched, and they're gone. Only two light casualties, but Yari's already informed Confederate medical of the need for two bullet extractions. The mercenary company, too, is pleased. No casualties on their part. As per the contract, secrecy is upheld. Yari well vetted this company, and the pure success promises contacts in the future for all involved.

Bird-Finna is utterly unmolested. After some time, the cops show, and bodies are laid with white sheets. Eventually they'll be toted out, but no one pays any mind to a single unusual bird. She could easily flit out the window. In the wake of losing the three most powerful mob bosses in this Chicago, for an Elite Exalted, watching the chaotic infighting that will follow swiftly in the mafia that remains is almost trivially easy. Crime might flatten for some time, but elsewhere, the mafioso wage war for internal dominance.

Ferham's getaway is equally as smooth. Her intervention saves the poor cop's life. She's left nude at the docks, tied up, but eventually some near-chivalrous dock worker takes her home. It's a fortuitous moment. The unfortunate cop meets the love of her life, quits the corrupt force, and the pair live out their lives with a gaggle of happy kids.

Truly, Ferham might be the hero in the dance of death wrought today.