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AWftF: Getting Better Acquainted
Date of Scene: 05 March 2015
Location: Reptilon <Rep>
Synopsis: Allo meets with potential allies for Reptilon's situation.
Cast of Characters: Maya, Staren, 325, 684, 691, Sanary Rondel, 724
Tinyplot: A Wish for the Future

Allo (724) has posed:
The Dinosaucer Carrier was not difficult to locate in its Reptilon orbit, as the interplanetary starship stood out with its resemblance to a massive metallic pteranadon. As it was designed to be sleek and aerodynamic in appearance, especially in comparison to it's bulkier and more warlike Tyranno counterpart. The ship's sizable docking bay was provided for easy access for the arrivals, be it by spacecraft, or needing a place to teleport to. While practical and utilitarian in layout, it made a good first impression of just how highly advanced these anthropomorphic dinosaurs were. Several smaller ships were parked in maintenance stalls, matching color schemes and decorative (or sometimes weaponized in the case of horns or tails) motif resembling their various owners.

The arrivals would be met by a dour looking red-brown ceratopsian in armor of multiple shades of blue, including the helmet that also covered his head frill. That was Tricero's typical expression, so don't be too put off by it, as a former law officer and resident head of security it was his job to be grumpy looking and giving suspicious looks in return.

Once everyone has gathered, he'll escort them to the proper meeting facility.

Elsewhere on the carrier, Allo was looking over his own itenirary for the meeting when Stego stuck his head into his chambers. "Yo, boss. Your special guests are here." A pause as he glanced back over his shoulder. "Including a couple of the -really- special ones." Implying that the Confederacy had followed through on their desire to send a representation as well.

Allo huffed softly, but didn't scold Stego over the tone of voice. "Thank you Stego. I'll be there shortly." Tricero had already given him a chewing over about allowing the allies of their enemies to attend... but then admitted that as much as he disliked the notion he understood -why- Allo had allowed it.

The only way this truce would work for the better of their planet would be everyone working together regardless of faction lines or ancient blood feuds.

How he constantly ended up in this role he didn't really want, Allo would never fully understand. Even though he did finally realize why his aunt and uncle had made him the Dinosaucer commander originally, being in charge of a majority of the planet after they had disappeared as well was a position far, far, FAR beyond anything he had ever expected. Or intended.... Yet, here he was, doing it. Pushing forward. Because regardless of how he felt about the role... Reptilon needed him for it.

With a final glance he set the list aside and turned to head for the meeting chamber as well.

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
Protecting a world was a noble goal. Protecting it from Saiyans, however, had struck a sore spot that Rhapsody had due to a certain other Saiyan taking over the home of a friend of hers. With the threat coming to yet another world, Rhapsody didn't care if she was helping Rex by proxy, she was going to help one way or another.

After finding out about the meeting, Rhapsody had arranged to have a -potent- teleportation spell cast so that both her, and her sister, could arrive on Dinosaucers' Carrier without incident. One flash of light later, there would be a pair of dragons in the cargo bay. Sidonia would look back at Tricero as dourly as he looks at her while her sister, and Guildmaster, Rhapsody, would be lightly gawking at the interior before getting led out.

Staren has posed:
    Staren was there at the fight, so he'd like to learn more about the world at stake in all this. Since the meeting is in space, he takes the opportunity to take his new spaceship out for another test flight -- he needs the practice! It's a bit larger than a bus, and styled with the aesthetic of a medieval castle, with some kind of giant coil wrapped around the middle.

    Staren steps out, not bothering with the caution of a spacesuit apparently, just in time to see Rhapsody and Sidonia arrive. "Hey." He waves a hand, and then nods in greeting to Tricero. "I'm Staren, researcher of problems for the Union." he introduces himself.

    While he waits, and once they're led out, he looks around, taking in the ship curiously. He actually hasn't been on the ships of that many spacefaring civilizations, so he's yet to see it all when it comes to spaceship design.

    Once he's led to Allo, he repeats his introduction.

Yari Takane (691) has posed:
While she'd much rather prefer her own Empire's ships, they've hardly managed space travel just yet. Thus it is that Yari Takane and her dear healer-slash-bff Sanary have taken a Confederacy-emblazened Generic Space Transport (tm) to the Dinosaucer carrier.

After a professional hailing of the ship and statement of their intentions, it's smooth sailing into the landing docks. Stepping off of the ship, Yari's far slower than usual as she leaves the pilot and a quartet of Garlean Troopers to guard the ship. She'd not be doing her duty if she didn't bring backup, of course.

Just before they meet with the Dinosaucer representative, Yari nods to Sanary. Her voice is warm, and exceedingly quiet.

"Thank you, Sanary. We will need each other's support here." Yari isn't exactly talented in diplomacy, after all. So having a friend here helps. Then she turns, suddenly formal and all business.

The woman that meets Tricero's exceedingly large visage is average in height, dressed in a formal red-and-black dress uniform including insignia that denotes her rank of Centurion in the Legion, and Ensign in the Confederacy. The latter seems slightly oddly placed, simply due to not being standard on the uniform.

More importantly, the woman seems to be wincing every few steps, and her usually pale and fair skin has a palor as if she's recovered from some sort of fever or infection. She doesn't look good, but still walks with the authority of a (Legion) officer. Stopping, she salutes in a sharp motion.

"Centurion Yari Takane, XIV Legion of the Garlean Empire, here supporting the Confederacy, Sir! I've brought my ally and associate, Miss Sanary Rondel. Will our presence be acceptable?" Her voice is quiet, but firm and with that demanding quality of an officer. Her scaled tail flicks every now and then as she awaits other arrivals.

When the group inevitably gathers and begins moving, Yari will stick close to Sanary. She never quite directly leads her out of respect and decor, but any bli

Sanary Rondel has posed:
    Another day, another mission. This time, Sanary found herself heading towards a starship owned by dinosaurs floating in orbit over their home world for discussions about a force of invading space warriors.

    That made perfect sense. Thankfully, Sanary wasn't in any position to have much actual political clout or anything of that nature. She was just there to offer her support as a healer and make sure Yari wasn't getting in over her head.

     "I'll do what I can. Might be able to get on their good sides if we're careful." She certainly feels better with Yari around, and it's enough to keep her from freaking out over the bizareness of everything about this situation.

    Following behind the Centurion, the healer puts on her best neutral expression as they stop to greet Tricero. She's wearing her usual white closed today, and she's even managed to procure a pair of decent-looking slacks to go with it. Between that and the closed jacket, it's much easier to hide the fact that she's still wearing her crappy tunic underneath all that.

    The blind girl keeps quiet in favor of Yari's greeting, raising a hand in a salute as well. She seems fairly calm considering her circumstances, but she also doesn't have that eye on to warrant seeing anything that could startle her any more than she already is.

Maya has posed:
Maya was able to get the to carrier with little problem she had to give the design style a nod to how the ship was designed and it wasn't too hard for her ride to get aboard, it was just a standard shuttle nothing too impressive. She got off clad in leather and metal looking like she walked out of a post nuclear movie from earth. Long blue hair was also somewhat notable but it might be hard to tell really. She falls in behind Rhapsody and just head on she's also geeeking out a bit as wel

Brooklyn (684) has posed:
    Along with the rest of the Unionites that are arriving for this meet and greet, Brooklyn is tagging along with the group. He didn't make it to the big fight, but he's still concerned with the attacks by the Saiyans. He's heard a lot of things about them, and most of those things are bad news.

    For the moment, he's looking araound the area, taking in the sights. He's never really been able to go into space before, so that part is pretty damn cool. For the time being, he's being quiet and looking things over. It's always nice to be around somewhere that he's not the weirdesst looking guy.

Allo (724) has posed:
While not the command center of the carrier the meeting chambers is impressively high tech, large enough for the entire crew and then some to be comfortable. Meaning there's plenty of space to go around for their smaller guests. The central table is entirely round, following Allo's preference for an equal, team-centric establishment, with several appropriately sized chairs provided around it. Probably the most use the smaller seating has seen in a long time.

There's no 'head' to a round table, but one could consider the end opposite the doorway where Allo is standing to be such for the time being. The others were also here, though for the moment this was their leader's show. Tricero stops to stand guard at the doorway, but not before pointing out Yari and Sanary to Allo, just to make it clear which one were the 'special' guests as Stego had put it.

All the same Allo holds out his clawed hands slightly to the sides, open palmed in a standard greeting of non-hostile intentions. "Welcome, and thank you all for coming. Make yourselves comfortable and we'll get to the matters at claw."

Everyone is given their chance to make their introductions as they feel necessary in turn, and then Allo does the same. "As most of you are already aware, I am Allo, the commander of the Dinosaucers." He pauses a moment, which Stego interrupts with an obnoxiously unsubtle *ACHEM* from the background. ".. And due to circumstances, the standing de facto leader of most of Reptilon itself. That.. we will get to that in a moment. You've already met Tricero, our head of security needs." Tricero just continues to glower dourly at the group, and at Yari and her companion specifically. Old habits just die that hard.

Ignoring his gruffness Allo turns a bit to indicate the rest of his crew in turn. "The rest of my primary crew: Dimentro, our resident technichian and occasional engineering miracle worker." The dimentrodon gives it a semi-dismissive wave. "Now isn't the time for flatteries lad."
"Teryx, medical officer and one of our finer scientists." The somewhat bird-like female waves briefly with one winged arm.
"Icky is another one of our scientists, specializing in aquatic life of both our world and Earth." It's not hard to tell which one, he's the one in the scuba-like armor paying more attention to whatever is in the slide veiwer in one hand.
"Stego is one of the younger members of the group, and pilots our secondary transport craft." Stego makes a point of leaning back in his chair, putting his feet up on the console in front of him, and other than a wave and a "Yo" does his best to act indifferent."
"And finally Brontothunder," Allo gestures at the sauropod standing just behind him, who lowers his neck down to get closer to the level of the others, "my second in command and, when necessary, heavy hitter."

With introductions out of the way, Allo turns back to the table fully and leans forward a bit, resting his hands on it. "As I'm not entirely sure how much of our situation you know from your dealings with Genghis Rex, I believe it's best if you all ask what questions you have and we will answer them as best we can."

Staren has posed:
    Staren takes a seat and listens. "Wait... you've had contact with Earth? Which one?"

    Staren considers other questions... "I'm not sure where to begin... I'd love to know about your developments in science and technology and magic... I notice this ship has artificial gravity... but I could spend hours discussing that alone. As for more immediate matters... I guess it comes down to, now that you know they're out there, and have time to prepare, would Reptilon have the military might to fight the Saiyans if it comes to it? Or is an alliance necessary to survive?" He glances towards the 'extra special guests'. "I'm assuming Genghis Rex already knows, so this isn't a secret we need to worry about them overhearing. If it is..." he turns back to Allo. "I can ask later."

    His ears perk up. "Oh! I know what else I can ask: How else can we help /you/? Are there any other problems facing Reptilon, of a non-military nature?"

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
As Rhapsody enters the room, she would have quickly introduced herself, her sister, and then she would move to have a seat at the table. The guildmaster could appreciate the significance of the round-table and as a result was already warming up to the group. Sidonia, typically 'the bodyguard not seen', seemed a little uncomfortable being so visible infront of so many.

Introductions aside, Rhapsody would let Staren speak his mind, then offer up her own assistance. "If Reptilon is in need for any sort of resource, power, water, or otherwise, The Izzet League has been running the utilities of the citystate of Ravnica for nearly its entire existence and we're also -extremely- familiar with geothermal energy. So. If the attacks cause any kind of damage to your power sources we'd be happy to help. For now, though, Staren has the right question. What does Reptilon need to protect itself? Whatever it needs, we'll be happy to try and supply it."

Allo (724) has posed:
"Reptilon's position is the exact opposite end of the same orbit as Earth. It was.. roughly a decade ago that we had attempted a diplomatic visit to Earth. But that eventually fell apart due to dififculties between us and the Tyrannos."

Dimentro perks up a bit to the conversation when someone expresses a rambling interest in their technological aspects. "Talk to me later if you're curious lad," he replies with his almost scottish sounding voice, patting one of the compartments of his toolbelt. "You'll need t'know some of the basics of our infrastructure if you're gonna help out, anyways."

"As for the military part.." Allo gives a faint shake of his head. "Our kind are not unaccustomed to fighting. Over our existance we've dealt with everything from space pirates to alien races trying to hunt us for sport. Not to mention our own feuding. But these Neo-Sayains have proven themselves a threat beyond what we were capable of dealing with, even with the Dinosaucer and Tyranno forces pulling together to respond to Freeport's invasion."

Yari Takane (691) has posed:
A faint nod to Sanary, Yari soon similarly neutral as her compatriot.

"Agreed. A show of good will and focus on reconstruction efforts would be best."

Then they're in the meeting room. Yari goes through another round of salutes. "Sir! Thank you for allowing us to attend this meeting." The Unionites get looks, and similar salutes. She might not be a diplomat, but Yari can show respect even to her enemies.

Then the woman pulls out chairs for herself and Sanary. Her single arm is held on the table, and she quickly pushes a button. Soon a screen is emitted by her gauntlet, her eyes occasionally scanning it. When Sanary is offered a glower, her eyes narrow slightly at the chief of security.

A glance to Staren and Rhapsody. "We would be greatly interested in the disposition of the Dinosaucer forces as well, and their capabilities. What of the current disposition of the citizenry towards the current truce?"

Rhapsody gets a glance as well, followed by one to Teryx.

"I am willing to send as many Troopers and Medicus to Reptilon to assist in the reconstruction, and can ask my fellow Confederates similar measures. The infrastructure, engineering, and needs for medical supplies and workers would assist both sides I think in helping Mister Rex's and your planets."

Then the Centurion's giving sidelong glances to the Union representatives, tentatively searching for looks of agreement. Inwardly, the ninja is nervous as hell.

Then she's motioning to Sanary. "Miss Rondel is an expert healer. Her input may be beneficial to a group effort to see this planet back in one piece."

Sanary Rondel has posed:
    Following Yari to the table, Sanary seems fairly calm despite the apparent size difference between herself and just about everyone else present. She doesn't notice the stare from Tricero, simply walking along with the Au Ra towards the table.

    The shape of the table seems to confuse her more than anything else, although the healer's attention returns to the matter at hand once Allo begins to speak and introduce the crew members. She mutters each name to herself as they're spoken, trying to get those ingrained into her head instead of relying on re-introductions later.

    It's unlikely to help much, of course, since her attention is easily grabbed by the mention of the medical officer. After hearing the sound of the moving wing, the blind girl raises her hand in a quick wave.

    Sanary waits until the introductions are finished and Yari speaks before standing and speaking herself. "Hey there. Uh. As the Centurion said, I'm here to help with healing wherever you need me." She pauses for a moment to think about what else she could really add, then, sits back down with an awkward chuckle.

    "So... Yeah. Guess I'll probably be working with you, Teryx."

Allo (724) has posed:
Though the mention of geothermal energy brings a faint hint of amusement that the topic came up to Allo's otherwise solemn expression. "Funny you should mention geothermics." He taps a control near him and a holographic display flashes to life in the center of the table, initially showing Reptilon itself before zooming in on a scale display of a large volcano, heavily modified with machinery and a number city like structures around it. "This is the Lavadome. The geothermal energy in produces provides power to essentially -all- of Reptilon. While technically controlled by the Dinosaucer alligned government, it is considered neutral ground and guarded by both factions. IF this does come down to fighting... Lavadome is easily the most important location on the entire planet."

As for the questions on medical and other support, Teryx steps forward into the conversation, nodding to Sanary. "We can provide medical information for those of you that aren't familiar with our kind. As for other support." She pauses, mming softly as she rubs the back of her head with one hand. "As much as we appreciate it, and the Tyrannos will begrudingly accept it, our society as a whole is fairly xenophobic due to the reasons Allo already mentioned."

"Yeah, that Freeport actually called for help from mercs instead of waiting for us or the Tyrannos really says something about how much trouble these guys turned out to be." Stego finally pitches into the conversation somewhat off-handedly. Though despite his disinterested demeanor and flippant commentary, if someone was to look close enough they'd probably notice he's paying a lot more attention than he's given credit for.

Brooklyn (684) has posed:
As introductions go around the room, Brooklyn looks to everyone who gets introduced. He smiles and gives them a nod hello, and then looks back to Allo, "My name's Brooklyn. I don't really have a question. I'm kinda like you guys, a protector and a fighter. So you know, if you really need any kind of help at all, you can give me a yell."

Staren has posed:
    Staren takes all this in. "Hmmm... I'd advise your people to get over their xenophobia, but I understand that can't really be rushed. If it would help, I'm sure there are ways to disguise some of our aid as coming from, um... what do you call your species? Robots and golems of the appropriate shape covered in synthetic skin, illusion magic, that sort of thing."

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
For the first time in a while, Rhapsody actually feels invested in something. Finding out that a familiar source of power is essentially the lifeblood of an entire planet? Its like a cherry on top of a sunday. Too perfect to pass up. "Considering how advanced the tech on Reptilon is, I doub tthe Izzet can offer much in the way of reinforcing from a technological angle. However, I think we can help in a different way. Geothermal energy is something we're really familiar with, and its even capable of defending itself. If we can work something out, Allo, I can get Izzet in there and reinforce the volcano against attack, not in a tech way, but in a mana based way. I don't think the Sayians and their technology will expect something so foreign to what they are familiar with."

Allo (724) has posed:
"Not that anyone will cause you trouble if they're not a moronadon," Tricero actually speaks up finally, gruff voice suited to someone that's a former police detective. "But it's something to keep in mind. If you're being helpful and behaving," though this time he glares sternly at the group as a whole, "maybe it'll help smooth some of that roughness over. Eventually." Then he crosses his arms and goes back to just being the grumpy looking one.

"Reptilonian, as a whole," Teryx answers Staren. "Other than our various outward appearances, evolution has made our kind more similar than not biologically. Save some obvious differences." Instead of her wings she actually reachs over to give Icky's dorsal fin a playful tug, getting the scientist's attention a bit more on the matter at hand than his own dabbling. At least for a few moments. "We are capable of mating regardless of outward species traits, and while preferences towards meat or herbavore tendancies remain we are technically for the most part all ominvores."

Prehaps surprisingly when Rhapsody mentions mana and magic, she does -not- get a lot of stares. Allo even rubs his chin thoughtfully for a moment. "Magic... is not unknown to our kind, though it has long become unfamiliar and rare outside of a few very exceptional instances. If there is something to tap into to help though, it may be worth looking into. A.. what was the phrase..."

"Something about cards up a sleeve?" Brontothunder shrugged his shoulders. "I dunno, the kids used it a few times, but most of us don't wear sleeves."

Sanary Rondel has posed:
    Biting her lip, Sanary hums quietly as she rubs the back of her neck. "Information, eh? I can probably try and work with that. My healing's more of a... Use-magic-and-stuff-happens than the medical science sort, though, so I don't know if what I'll be doing is all that different from the usual."

    The girl chuckles again and inches her seat towards Yari's, trying to nudge her side subtly before whispering. "Hey. Uh... What's 'xenophobic'? Guessing it's a bad thing, but... How?"

     She sits up slightly at hearing Stego and Staren, directing an amused grin at the former and a recognizing grunt at the latter. "Well... However it's going, I can probably help with keeping the troops healed up. Keep 'em in the fight, get them back to the front lines."

Maya has posed:
Maya had been fairly quirt for now as she's listening to what their host has to say. She looks at allo for a momet nodding for a moment.

"So it's your world's primary source of power? I will say I'm glad both sides have gone for a power supply with low enviormental impact."

Maya pauses to Teryx.

"That would be useful if your willing to share even for basic first aid, I can't reply on my magic for all situations. Also forgive me my name is Maya and it's goof to meet all of you."

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
Color her surprised, Rhapsody is actually amused to find out magic exists, even if its rare. "I guess that could make it a bit more easily accepted by anyone living in and around Lavadome. My point is this, if push comes to shove, we can have pieces in place to draw off the energy of the volcan for a lot of different things. While it would take some work to do, I'm sure that a rather potent barrier to help against any kind of attack. If we want to put the mountain on the offense, the same energy could be focused and blasted out if we needed one last final shot to end a battle." Pause, "This is all really theoretical, though. I'd have to get my brother and a few magewrights out to survey and see how much energy can be tapped. Once we have some numbers we can certainly figure out what we can do with them."

Staren has posed:
    "Hmmm, interesting..." Staren mutters, as they explain more about Reptilonian biology. "As for magic... most magic takes a long time to learn, at least when it comes to learning to cast spells or enchant objects or the like. But the multiverse is full of things you could use, magic or not."

    One ear flicks, as does Staren's tail. "A card up your sleeve is a metaphor referring to card games -- some players hide extra cards up their sleeve and then replace the cards they are dealt in order to cheat. In practice, it means a trick or other capability you have that your opponents don't know about."

Yari Takane (691) has posed:
Lavadome gets noted in particular as it's brought up. A small frown as she takes in its ground.

"I see. Mister Allo, if you could forward me a copy of Lavadome's map, terrain data, and defensive structures, it would be appreciated in case of future operations in the area, Sir." She'll then offer her personal id for her current gauntlet.

Then Staren speaks, and her lips quirk downwards. But rather than voice her thoughts, she turns to Allo.

"Will remaining undisguised be acceptable for my troops, Mister Allo? I'd prefer that to be a last resort." Cards close to her chest, she glances to Sanary. A small nod.

When she's gently nudged, she doesn't even move. She still manages a sidelong whisper to her compatriot. The ninja's good at this sort of thing.

"An irrational and culturally ingrained hatred of races other than one's own. Be cautious. That security officer seems particularly upset by the appearance of humans."

Then her attention's back on Allo. "Are there any obstacles to maintaining the current truce in place, Mister Allo?"

All the entire time, she's tapping away with her thumb on her gauntlet, dutifully noting the proceedings. An audio recorder is already on.

The lizardess then pipes up again. "Are there any concerns you and your people have with the involvement of outsiders? I would like to have forewarning so that we can take countermeasures. Please be frank, we need open communication here." She offers somewhat bluntly. The Centurion is fairly certainly she and her men will be far more concerning than the many Unionites here.

Allo (724) has posed:
"It means they are uncomfortable dealing with outsides, especially off-worlders," Allo explains to Sanary. "But I'm afraid that our tendancy to focus on ourselves is part of the reason the Neo-Sayains succeeded in catching us off guard. No one is going to turn away any of your help, but that our kind are unaccustomed to friendly company, you could say, is something to keep in mind. Like Tricero said, hopefully the assistance with this problem will help start towards overcoming some of those issues." Which should cover most of that in general. He nods a bit to both Yari and Rhapsody. "There's areas of Lavadome that are restricted to all but the highest officers, but a general layout and defensive positions should be possible, considering it's importance to the situation."

"If there is a problem with it, I'll have to speak with 'em myself if necessary." Though by 'speak' Brontothunder probably means something else by the way he smacks a fist into his palm.

Allo gives him a look out of the corner of his eyes, though it's not without a hint of amusement. Part of the reason Brontothunder was his second was that the saurpod had the willingness to be physical when it was necessary that their leader could not. Then to the others about the truce. "As many differences and disagreements as we have, this the Tyranno's world as much as it is ours. This problem is bigger than any civil war we may of been dealing with before... As much as we may not like each other, we have to realize the only way we're going to save -our- world is by working together. I've made that much clear to the Dinosaucers, and I trust Genghis Rex to do the same to his followers. He wants to -rule- Reptilon, not destroy it."

Allo (724) has posed:
Allo resumes folding his arms behind his back, "I don't think disguises will be necessary. Just keep in mind that you're dealing with a people unfamiliar with so many outsiders. That said," he gives a nod towards Staren, "considering Reptilon has some fairly hostile environments, your 'golems' may be more suited for tasks that would be dangerous to non-Reptilonians, should they come up. We'll keep those in mind for if the need arises."

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
Seems the Guildmaster can understand the reservations, "I'll only let the magewrights go where they're allowed. Just being close to the mountain they'll be able to get what they need, being inside will just make it more accurate, Allo. The last thing we'd want to do is it fall into the hands of these Sayians, or at worst, have it destroyed. Given a chance? We'll make sure that mountain stays up. Heck, maybe we'll get it putting out even more power for everyone, Who knows?" God she feels like she sounds like a politician. She learned too much from those Azor classes. Blech.

Staren has posed:
    Staren nods. "Sure... That's what automatons are for, after all."

Yari Takane (691) has posed:
A simple nod is given to Allo over the xenophobia. "I will order my men to be on their best behavior, then. If you receive reports of delinquency that my own Optio do not receive, forward them to me and I'll deal with them personally." Promises the Centurion. From her look, doing so would be very bad for the trooper in question.

Once the map is forwarded, Yari touches a few buttons, and she's staring at it. Already, her lips quirk downwards as she simultaneously begins making potential plans. Thankfully multitasking is an officer's skill.

Brontothunder very nearly gets a smile out of the ninja. Her tail, notably, is swishing at such brutal honesty.

"Your ability to maintain the discipline and morale of troops and citizenry will be appreciated, Mister Brontothunder."

The truce will be maintained. Yari lets a small smile slip in at that.

"Then the morale of both sides is paramount. I'll of course contact Mister Rex about how best to maintain global morale, but if you have any cultural gestures or festivals that can be held while maintaining readiness, it may help keep morale high. These Saiyans have already proven a great threat. Perhaps even a festival commemorating the defense of Freeport might be in order, if your culture appreciates such things." Suggests the Centurion.

Allo (724) has posed:
Everyone was expressing interest in assisting, regardless where they came from or which side the supported. This was reassuring that he was making the right choice here; and reassurance was in short supply these days. Some of it was just ideas. Some of it might not be practical. But that they got people together and discussing them was steps in the right direction, and one that would hopefully provide the help when it was needed.

"Again, I thank you all for your willingness to put differences aside and help in this dire time. Hopefully the negotiations will work out," Allo takes a breath, "but I would be lying if I didn't admit to having concerns. But we have time to prepare now, and multiple avenues to pursue." A.. celebration had not been even considered at this point. Hmm. Noted for later, though that's hardly his line of thought at the time. "I'll see about getting the various information bundles out to those who need them. If you need any farther details, don't hesitate to contact me or the other Dinosaucers. We're all working towards the same thing here."

Maya has posed:
Maya :is just taking her time at this point she looks for a moment and nods.

"So they are not used to mammels or other types od people. Man I must look kind of freaky by your people's stantards humm? So I get it keep to a soft touch on things. "

Maya nods to Allo and thinks about it.

"Yex, Rex's forces did act to protect the planet, he's able to put things aside for something like this? Someday you might be able to end it without more fighting."

That's what Maya hopes for at least.

Yari Takane (691) has posed:
Yari turns off her gauntlet with a flick, then slowly stands. She offers another sharp salute to all present.

"I look forward to working with you all in this matter. I'll be taking my leave then. May we all bring peace, glory, and honor to Reptilon!" Then, after waiting a bit for her blind compatriot, she'll start heading towards their transport ship.

Only once they're out of sight does Yari finally let out a long deep breath. Reaching into her things, she has first half a flask of whiskey chugged, then lights up with her magitek armlet.

An arm folds around Sanary's shoulders, and she leans a bit as nervousness is finally expressed in her vices and bodily shaking.

"That...went almost eerily well. Either the Dinosaucers will betray us, or they're all speaking the truth. Let's just hope it is the latter, Miss Rondel."

A weak salute to her troopers present, and off they fly home.

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
A smile from Rhapsody, "I'm sure my brother will be really happy to look at any information that you can provide, Allo. Once, and if, we get permission to have a look around I'll personally escort the group here with him and Sidonia and we'll get it all taken care of in one shot. Once he have those numbers, I'll see if we can talk again and figure out what we want to do. I just can't imagine they won't come after Lavadome, Allo. Its too important."

Sanary Rondel has posed:
    "Be safe, everyone. We'll be seeing each other again sooner or later." Sanary offers the gathering another quick salute before following Yari back to the ship. She nearly trips on her own feet as she does so, but she does right herself quickly enough and even manages not to walk into someone on the way over.

    It certainly did go better than expected. No fights, no screaming people, only a bit of mistrust because of the outsiders aspect to herself and Yari. What she's not expecting is for Yari to lean against her, although she does brace an arm against the Au Ra's side to offer some support.

    "Easy now... Yeah, you did good. You're good at the whole... Talking thing. If they do betray us, at least we know what the inside of this place is now. But we can worry about that later. For now... Ice cream and booze."

    Clapping a hand against her back, Sanary breaks into a grin. It could have definitely gone a lot worse.