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Latest revision as of 09:00, 16 March 2015

Moonlight Meditating
Date of Scene: 16 March 2015
Location: Pokemon Islands - Johto
Synopsis: Ferham visits Duke to instruct him in transcendental meditation! Also chili's baby back riiiibs.
Cast of Characters: 516, Duke

Duke has posed:
It is late in the night and Duke has left from the Ranch, though probably under some notice. Yet as some would know, he does this at times to stretch his legs given how uneasy has been sleeping since he has come back. The small Digimon finds a nice open field just beyond the trees and looks up at the night sky.

His gold eyes scanning the stars, as he frowns a little his muzzle. "...why?" He asks gently. "Why do I keep looking up at the night...?" Was there some connection to it he wonders? Some hidden love with the night? He can only sigh and sit down on his read, as he just stargazes for a bit more.

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "Why do you indeed?" Ferham's voice comes perhaps a bit unexpectedly--the large armored gynoid standing with one arm against a broad nearby tree, leaning against it. Her other arm was at her hip, though she seemed to be cluching a somewhat large paper bag in it, about the size of a book in width, but didn't seem quite so thin. A package of some kind? There was the unmistakable scent of something fried, something that smelled like barbecue.

     "Maybe you just thought I was up there somewhere?" she smirked a little bit, not moving from her lounging position against the tree.

Duke has posed:
The red dino-dragon Digimon heard the voice and his ear fins went up, before his gold eyes went seeking around until they at last landed on Ferham. A big smile crossed his muzzle as he looked up at her, "Ferham!" It was easy to tell though as she landed down that Duke still had some energy. A few cuts across his sleek form, a few cuts on his face. They all seemed to be healing nicely though.
"I wasn't expecting to see you here..." He says though his eyes then lock onto the bag as his nose picks up the smell of food. He tries to draw his attention away from the bag, but it keeps going back to it. "Though I am glad you are here."

"Alexis has been really busy and Doran has gone out on a long hunt," Duke admits, "While the others are nice to be around, sometimes nice to be with others too."

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "I felt bad after I talked to you earlier, so I decided to try and come see you," Ferham slid off the tree and stepped closer, the thigh-high high heeled boots moving through the grass softly. She brought the paper bag up and unrolled the top, taking out what looked like a styrofoam take-out container, and the bag bears the chili's logo. Uh oh.

     "You said your prey had not been adequate before, and you were hurt, so," she gestured down to him and would hand the box off, inside? Dark red charred baby back ribs, baby. "You should be more careful, you look like you got in a fight with a lawnmower," she gestured with a gloved hand to the various lacerations around his body.

Duke has posed:
Duke rubs his pawed clawed hands together at the food, his eyes locked on the ribs as they are presented to him. Once Ferham hands it over, he takes the box and gets ready to chow down! Though he holds for a moment, as the gold eyes then look up at her. "They are bad looking because they happened in my Ultimate Stage, so when I Degenerated they transferred over." Duke tries to explain before looking at some on his tail.
"So small scars look bigger on me, cause I'm smaller then my Ultimate." Duke tilts his head gently, "...and thanks for worrying about me... and for the food!"

Ferham (516) has posed:
     Ferham knelt down as she handed the food off to him, not wanting to drop it, but also wanting to inspect the marks all over him. "I... see," her gloved fingers hesitated for a moment before tracing around the area of one of the marks, not touching it, but being careful even so. "You should eat, it might be a little unhealthy, being fried, but..." she shrugged. For a robot, nutrition wasn't exactly always a super high concern, at least long term. Meat was meat.

     "I was worried, a little, you said you were having problems and needed some help with meditation, right?"

Duke has posed:
The Guilmon X doesn't pull away from Ferham has she goes to touch one of the cuts, he does watch her a bit and rumbles gently. His tail moves side to side softly as his ear fins remain neutral. He then starts to chomp down on the meat and actually eats the bone as well. Not seeming to be bothered by the harder substance.
He does listen to what she has to say and nods his head softly, he goes to speak, swallows, then speaks up, "Right! I was hoping you could teach me some, because I think that the meditation with the training would be a good combination together!"

Ferham (516) has posed:
     Fer doesn't seem to mind so much as the Guilmon goes about wolfing down the ribs, bones and all. She was just studying the severity of the wounds around his body. "Well, it's not a terribly exciting exercise, but is there a phrase or thought of yours that comforts you? something you can concentrate on, instead of what is happening to your physical body?" Fer continues to kneel down, sort of sitting there on her knees in front of him in the grass, or whatever happens to blanket the forest floor. "Once you're able to do that, you need to repeat that to yourself, and relax your body for a while--if you have an internal chronometer you should be able to tell when 20 minutes has passed," she paused. "If you have one."

Duke has posed:
"I have a really good instinct for time!" Duke admits as he holds up a rib, before woofing that down next. Chomp chomp, chew, swallow. He repeats this a few times. Ferham probably would have noticed that the scar are indeed starting to heal again with an electrical flicker of green light.
His gold eyes then look at her as she sits there on the grass floor. He licks his claws to clean them off and then puts down the Styrofoam box, tilting his head gently as he studies her posture. "So... think of... something that comforts me? Hmm... that is..." He eyes look back up at the stars itself. "Hm."

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "Hmm, good enough," Ferham seems to be satisfied with that, raising a brow as she watches the green healing glow of midichlorians or cure spell or whatever that effect might have been similar to on the Digimon. It did make for an interesting sight that late in the forest, if anything. "Do you not have anything that relieves stress or calms you? like a phrase, or something that you can picture?" the femmebot looked over at the guilmon, tiltign her head. "Try to think of something you've heard before."

Duke has posed:
Duke hms softly and closes his eyes, trying to think of /what/ could, then he exhales gently. "I like the stars... so... I'll focus on those. Stars and the sky. I like both." The Guilmon X admits as his tail tip gently taps the ground.

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "I do like the stars myself, I like to imagine it as a big velvet piece of cloth with diamonds here and there," Ferham nodded, smiling lightly. "Diamonds are a girl's best friend, didn't you know?" she peered over at the digimon and relaxed her kneel, moving to sit back on her rear as she folded her legs around her in an indian style sitting position. She remained quiet after that, trying to help Duke relax.

Duke has posed:
"Girl's best friend huh?" Duke asks back, but he says it softly, keeping his eyes closed and trying to focus on the stars and the sky, trying to keep his mind on such things and enjoy the quiet. The breeze. The air. The smell of BBQ still in the box.... wait no... ignore that!

Ferham (516) has posed:
     Ferham would remain with the guilmon for a good while longer, relaxing mainly, and trying her best to get herself in a similar state of mind, her palms folded over her lap. After a while of that she opened her eyes and would look over to check on his status. Meanwhile, her wings were raised up and left to trail outward behind her, so they didn't get in the way of her sitting position.

Duke has posed:
Duke remains quiet and calm, his tail actually has stopped moving and his ear fins are back. It is almost as if he has done this before, though given he has memory loss, perhaps some part of him in the past did meditate. It is one of the mysterious that may never be known about Duke, at least not any time soon.
There is a minor snout twitch though and a slight tap of his claw, but beyond that, he seems to be quiet in his happy place.

Ferham (516) has posed:
     Ferham doesn't move to stop him or make any noise beyond the slight clicking of her armor as she turns her shoulders and head to look at him. She returns to her position and remains there until enough time had passed. She let the guilmon meditate for nearly a half hour, before she turned to him again. "Are you calm yet? I sure hope so," she smiled a bit, reaching over to trace a palm of her glove over his snout.

Duke has posed:
Once Ferham's hand touches Duke's snout, he opens those gold eyes and looks at her. They stare at her for a moment, before he gently taps her gloved hand, purring gently, then gives a very sheepish smile as his ear fins perk up. "...and a bit hungry again?"
This is where he lets out a bit of a sigh. "I had to really ignore the smell of the food, it wasn't easy, so that was a good challenge." His gold eyes then look over at the box. "Kind of like in battle how you have to ignore pain, just its your stomach."

The Guilmon X looks at her once more. "Though uh... can I get up now? Or is... there more to this?"

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "Hungry again after such a short time?" Ferham blinked and looked quite a bit surprised at that, shocked really. She couldn't believe it, but the surprise melted into a little grin as she reached over and gave one of those ear fins and his neck a stroke. "Sorry, I won't bring food next time... err, well when you're trying to meditate," she gave him a little boop on the nose with her index finger, nodding. "Sure, you're only supposed to do it for about 20 minutes, I kept you a bit longer," she carefully rose to her feet too, flexing her wings and arms in the process.

Duke has posed:
Duke leads into the ear fine and neck petting, he rumbles gently with a purr of contentment, at least until Ferham taps his snout which he wiggles gently and then watches her stand up. The Guilmon X then hops up to his own feet and shakes his whole body down to his tail, before giving a gentle shrug, "I eat allot, I did warn of that." He rubs the back of his neck gently with his claw talons. "I don't think I have ever been, well, full."
This causes the Digimon to hrm gently. "I'm not even sure what it would take to actually get me full to where I am not hungry. Probably never will be until I get fully fixed." He tilts head, "...I think." The Guilmon then walks over and gently rests his forehead against her hip. "Also don't feel bad for bringing food. It helped me to learn to focus."

Those gold eyes look up at her, "After all, if I am to learn to focus right? I need to learn to focus through distractions too!" His attention turns to the empty box, "So... with some more practice, maybe I'll do really well and it wont be so hard at all."
Duke then looks back at her, "Who taught you to Meditate?"

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "I noticed," Ferham nodded in reply to Duke's eating comment, standing up to her full height and giving the guilmon a comforting pat on the top of his head, apparently content to give him pettings while she was here. "Oh, I didn't feel bad about that, it was just poor timing on my part to help teach you a little meditation," she shrugged, leaning back.

     "Well, I hope this has been somewhat helpful for you," she tilted her head. "Oh, not really taught, just I've used this sort of technique before to help control emotions like anger, so I figured it might assist you when you try to digivolve next," she paused. "That is what they call it, right?" she sounded a little comically unsure for a second.

Duke has posed:
The Guilmon X nods his head gently to her, "Right! Digivolve!" He purrs a bit more to the petting and says softly, "I am glad you are my friend, Ferham. I hope we never become enemies." His gold eyes open gently slightly after those words, as his brows furrow.
He then moves his head away as he seems troubled by something, something he said, to point where there is near tears in his eyes. He shakes his head, before using the back of his paw hand as he goes to laugh it off. "Got something in my eyes, hehe. Probably something that blew in on the wind."

Duke then looks up at her with a soft smile on his muzzle, "You are lucky you are not effected like that or... are you?" The Guilmon X asks as he tilts his head, ear fins going up, but his attention also drifts to her wings. He looks at them for a long moment before he goes to try and reach up gently to touch one of them out of curiosity. Seeming to perhaps take some interest in her own physical structure, much as she did his own. "...and does everyone like you... look like you?"

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "We likely shouldn't, at least I have no reason to want to be on opposite sides as you," Ferham sighed a little and leaned over to give the back of his head and neck a bit of a stroking pat. "It's alright," she nodded slowly, then leaned back, giving him his personal space again.

     "Affected by anger? yes, I have been, and still do," Fer affirms with her tone. "I'm affected by emotions just like you or a human is, I suppose," she peered down at him, before looking surprised and grinning a bit. "Like me? no. In fact every Reploids tend to look different, even if they're of a similar looking civvie model," she shakes her head. "And there are some almost matching designs, but no, no one that looks exactly like me personally. I'm mostly custom."

Duke has posed:
"Custom?" Duke asks her back, raising an eye ridge gently, "So... like humans. No one looks the same and everyone smells different too." The Guilmon X then walks around full to face her once more, his head tilts gently to the side, as his ear fins perk up, "Mmm." His head then tilts the other way, "Hmm."
The Digimon then grins, before he closes his eyes and smiles brightly, "That is pretty neat! At least I wont have to worry about an impostor version of you showing up!"

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "Well, nonstandard, most of the female models of Reploid are more... conservative in their frames," Ferham paused, speaking a little slowly, as if careful in her phrasing. "Petite," her hands settled rather subconsciously over those hips of hers, the wide flaring ones they were, afer all. Maybe she was also a little conscious of how she tried to explain it to him.

     "Well, you shouldn't, but if anyone ever tries to impersonate me, just remember this phrase: 'The three-tailed fox knows,' alright?" she looked at him a bit soberly there, her mind having been taken off the rather buxom and voluptuous figure that differentiated her from most other models.

Duke has posed:
"Three tailed fox knows?" The Guilmon X repeats back and nods, "Right! I'll remember that. Secret word." He gives a nod of his head and hrms softly, "I also don't think there is anything wrong with you," He tilts his head a bit and hops back a few times, before standing up a bit taller, those gold eyes looking her up and down. "You look fine to me."
Duke's ear fins then raise up slightly once more, "And if they think other wise, I'll let them know they are wrong!" He nods his head firmly. Then glances off into the distance for a moment, before looking back at her.

"I'll admit though, I don't think I fully understand all that anyways." The Guilmon looks down at his claws, "I seen stuff on TV like you spoke about, but for us Digimon... our species share the same look. A Guilmon is a guilmon... is a guilmon." He then lowers his clawed hands. "Though I'm a Guilmon X cause of the X Antibody in my system."
He scratches behind his ear gently. "Like... we tell one another apart because of smell and the way we sound... and we just know. Doran gave me the nickname Duke, which... I suppose nicknames is another way we know one another apart too, but... nicknames are not so common. I think it is something the Exiles picked up on in order to help survive out here."

Duke's tail moves side to side a bit as he continues to talk on the matter, though his ear fins have dropped back a bit. "We also accept one another by personality, not by looks... that seems to be a... thing common among other species here in the Multiverse though..."

"And... and relationships are based on how well personalities get along... and from that tight bond of friendship, could spring a relationship of love." Duke looks to her, with his ear fins back a bit. "...Does that make any sense?"

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "Yes, exactly that," Ferham smiled a little, broader than the previous times, blushing a little as the guilmon assured her her appearance was fine. Her green eyes followed the red dragon mon as he sort of went about his explanation. "Your voices are different, then?" she idly asked, in a lull between his speaking, of course. She walked over and patted him again, along the back of his head and neck. "It does, you identify with and tell eachother apart by voice and personality--personal traits that are not dependant on appearance or form," she leaned against a tree, once she was done patting the Guilmon.

     "That's similar to how some of us handle it, because though we can look similar or resemble eachother we identify eachother based on personalities and voices, all of us are different mentally."

Duke has posed:
Duke purrs under the petting and nods his head as she seems to understand, "It is?" He does ask her though as she explains its really the same for her own kind and then he smirks faintly. "That is pretty neat! I know humans are really about looks if what I've seen is right, like cloths... I don't get either." He shakes his head gently, "...But, maybe one day I'll understand it. Maybe."
The Digimon lets out a bit of yawn, before he shakes his head, then rumbles softly in protest at his own tiredness starting to kick back in. "I... I should head back to the Ranch, Ferham. Get some more sleep and... and get back before they start to worry." He pads up to her a bit, looking up at her, "Thank you again for everything. I'll keep trying to meditate like you showed me and... maybe next time we meet, I'll.... I'll be able to hold my forms!"

"We... we will meet again, wont we, Ferham?"

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "Clothes can be fun, and they're useful and classy because they're modular," Ferham smirked and turned away, her wings spreading behind her and fanning out. "Sure, you get some more rest, hopefully that food took care of your injuries, mostly," she nodded, and gave the Guilmon a little wave.

     "Well, we should, I'm not going to allow anything to happen to me before then," she winked at the digimon and sprung up into the air, doing her anti-gravity routine and quickly sailing off into the nightsky.