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Latest revision as of 05:33, 18 March 2015

Date of Scene: 17 March 2015
Location: The Corridors of Time
Synopsis: This scene stinks!
Cast of Characters: 2, Maya, 66, 106, 231, 691, 733

Schala Zeal (733) has posed:
    To everyone aside from Lucatiel, the conditions of the surface world are... well, probably quite appalling. Any who were present for the radio discussion nights ago might recall Schala had said they were such that 'nothing could grow there', but the reality is actually quite a bit more severe than any mental images those words could conjure.

    The moment each person makes their way through the warpgate, they are pelted by snow. It's -oppressive-; a far cry from the gentle flurries of Wintertime. Visibility is extremely poor, and it's exceedingly difficult for an major landmarks or features of this place to be made out at a glance. At most, the group sees a pair of mountains, the peaks of each gleaming in the light of a sun that refracts painfully off the pure white ground to blind them all ever more. It's all enough to make the visitors eager to find refuge within the cave at the base of the mountain, which mercifully also happens to be where Schala has asked them to go.

    Whensoever they're all capable of fumbling through the conditions outside to reach that cave, Schala would be waiting for them. She's seated upon the same stump she had been when Lucatiel had come -- indeed, Lucatiel may already /be/ beside her if it strikes her fancy - with a different children's book and a different satchel of foods to give.

    In one way, this young woman - Schala, they might suspect - is the very picture, the very embodiment of luxury. Where the walls about her crawl with vines and grime, her flesh is immaculate and porcelain; where the people in the rooms beyond subsist in the embrace of rags, her body is wrapped within a luxurious garb of silk dyed a distinctly regal purple. It takes her a moment to realize when the group has stepped into the area, but when she hears the crunch of their feet against the cavern's soil, her tome closes, her hands fold neatly in her lap, and she would turn to face them.

    Once they've come a bit closer, she bows her head and introduces herself more properly. "I am the one you spoke to on the radio: Schala. And this place where you have found yourselves is the village I spoke of before." She gestures to a leafy bower beyond and slightly above her. "This shrub conceals the town's point of entry. Whenever you all deem it would be appropriate, I will take you inside and I will show you exactly what conditions these people are made to live under so that there may be no doubt in your minds as to the necessity of action."

Maya has posed:
Dress for cold and ditch anything you can with a magical signature? Maya could do that it would leave her not in a good state for fighting but this was a diplomatic situation. Maya was clad in winter gear and finished it off with a hooded cloak, heck she even had a strip of cloth across the lower part of her face to protect it from the elements.

Across her back was a bundled up weapon, cover in cloth in certain areas to protect it from the cold, those who knew the Imperium of Man would be able to ID it as some mark of Bolter, She carried enough clips that if something happened she'd be able to put up a fight. She didn't think it would come to that.

but damn this world was cold, even being from a desert herself and with how cold the nights could get there? She wasn't always overly fond of winter conditions and this was more nasty than even the sudden snowstorms of Shell Three upon her home world. Thankfully it's not long before they end up out of the weather and meet their contact or so she thinks

Maya pulls the hood back letting her mane of blue hair fly free and pulls the cloth mask down from around her face.

"Hello, I'm Maya and it's good to meet in person. I think I get it you want us to just see things as it's well like a writer said? Show don't tell, right?"

Lucatiel of Mirrah (66) has posed:
Cold is not her favourite thing to deal with, although it is hardly a stranger -- Mirrah's desert nights are fierce and frozen, while the sun is a deadly force during the day. It's a world of extremes, just as this place seems to be, with no middle ground. One is forced to find that balance for themselves, if they want to live.

Lucatiel of Mirrah, then, is already here. A wayfarer, the princess had called her, and that is exactly what she is. She arrives where she pleases, when she pleases, and goes where she will; where the wind blows.

Today, she's leaning up against the tree trunk, half-hidden by the boughs and shadows. Her arms are folded, and her cavalry greatsword and metal shield are over her back and shoulder, rapier at her waist. Hat and mask are secured into place, leaving her face wholly concealed. Only the blonde braid hanging down her back, its ends tugged at occasionally by the wind, gives any hint of the person beneath that armour.

She doesn't do anything in particular; merely looms, silently, just close enough to suggest she's keeping an eye on Schala and an eye on the new arrivals, although the mask makes it impossible to tell where she's actually looking.

Yari Takane (691) has posed:
Being a scout lends to one being curious. With the addition of another new world in the Multiverse, the ever-sneaky Confederate Yari Takane took it upon herself to drag out her best winter-camoflaged bodysuit and white-furred cloak. Into the warpgate she went, shivering in the cold as she found a nice pile of snow to hide in and take Aetheric readings.

She quickly finds that reading /up/ leads to a near-scrambled mess. Keeping her device on a forward-searching sweep of the area, the thing starts giving off silent warning bells. The last time she saw readings like this was from reports of Eikons. Scowling, the young Centurion creeps from snow-drift to snow drift until she's upon the gathered group. For now, she'll try to creep along the edges of the cavern, just in range to hear inside. Crouched as she is, she might well appear as nothing more than another snowdrift as she waits and pays attention to her magitek device for further readings, scanning away to just see /what/ is inside.

Anyone with particularly keen senses or well practiced in detecting the hidden might catch something slightly off about that snow drift near the cave entrance. Surely i's nothing.

Yuri Stinson (106) has posed:
    Yuri, when not piloting his machine, persistently wears about a half-dozen cloaks to obscure his body. He's also nominally an Exalt outside of his machine. These two facts mean that the cold does not bother him so much as simply inconvenience him in an abstract fashion.

    Trudging through the snow without even bothering to wipe it from his face, Yuri keeps a somewhat dead-eyed stare straight ahead. Carried on the wind, with the sound of every step or motion, is the clatter of metal on metal, like chains grinding together. But his entire form is obscured by the cloaks he wears.

    The few people who would recognize the announcer from the WMAT or the times he talks to FIA might be shocked to see how he looks without her here. The same normal-looking form, but his stance, presence, and demeanor are far more emotionless. He practicedly drags himself through the banks and waves of snow before arriving at the cave.

    His cloaks are slightly damp, probably cold, and his hood clings to his face now before he pulls it back a moment later, "I am Yuri Stinson. Others know me as The Dark Hero That Rebels Against All Tyranny, Whom Was Forged In The Fires of Subjugation And Tempered By The Hammer Of Oppression." He says to her in a curious, if almost-monotone, way. He says, "You will likely prefer Yuri, but I also answer to Unchained Monster or Dark Hero."

    "I do wish to see this," Yuri says in regards to the condition these people live under, "Please show me the level of oppression under tyranny that these people are subject to."

Homura Akemi (2) has posed:
    Homura came dressed for cold-- the truth of the matter is that she did not pick her clothes herself, and that's probably something Madoka handles. Since she'd never say no to something she bought, this is why she looks so colorful today, between the pink shirt and skirt, the purple coat, the pink gloves and the alternating pink purple white scarf. At least she looks pretty warm in there.

    The teenager will not be too far behind Maya, although would abruptly disappear and reappear within the cave, completely pristine, as though she'd never had to deal with the terrain. No dust on her, no snow, just nice clothes, and a girl dusting herself after mysteriously just kind of blinking into existence.

    Since Schala introduces herself, it would be fairly rude not to return the favor. "Akemi Homura." No titles; she'll let Yuri handle being fancy. And being direct to the point too, apparently.

    "If we'd had a bit more time we might have been able to scrounge together supplies or rations if you need them. I can see about that on our way back out." It probably wouldn't have been anything to solve these people's problems long-term, but a few days of supplies is still a few days of supplies.

Ellestaria (231) has posed:
    Lest has dressed for the cold, as told to, and unlike some others she's actually sensitive to it. Without using magic to warm her, the Atlantean is rapidly shivering and hugging herself, being from warmer climes and normally living in a volcano fortress. Brr. Maybe this wasn't such a great idea.

    Getting into the warmer cave, even if it is still cold, is a relief. She pulls her scarf down, still shivering, and introduces herself after a small delay to keep her teeth from chattering. "Kuklos ka Ellestaria Schmendrick-Fortuna," she introduces herself. "I brought nothing specific, but I am a biomancer. I can, perhaps, see what I can do for the fertility of this place as a long-term solution. You can call me Ellestaria or Lest."

Schala Zeal (733) has posed:
    Schala repays Maya's words with a small nod. "Yes. The precedent of this situation, if that precedent is one that can be relevant to you at all, would be best understood through direct exposure. It's all very well to call circumstances 'deplorable' or people 'emaciated', but another thing entirely to see their thinning ribs peeking from the rags that cloak their bodies or to smell the rot of the bodies of those who have passed on in the night without notice." Her words maintain a sense of demurity and softness at all times, and yet the precise vocabulary which she uses seems meant to inspire emotion. It's almost hyperbolic at points which would suggest more vehemence than she likely means to wear on her sleeve.

    Nevertheless, her attentions would shift to Lucatiel next, whom she allows her gaze to linger upon for some time yet. She's still here, it seems, even though she had not called upon her. For some reason, the princess is not surprised. This 'knight' - or at least, as she insists on calling herself - seems to have found some sort of interest in her, or perhaps her situation. Given her penchant to ostensibly wander in the direction of whatever horizons seem most unique and appealing, though, it makes sense; this place is an oyster of opportunity, and a treasure trove of things to be explored. Moreso than other places about the Multiverse? She doubts that somewhat, but different people have different interests.

    "Lucatiel." Should that be 'Sir' Lucatiel? Schala is not quite sure, and never really thought to ask. Nevertheless, she is subconsciously coaxed into directly addressing the woman if only to shatter that expectation she had cited before -- that tendency for others to ignore her. It seems to her unjust to ignore such a peculiar, vaguely ominous presence.

    Though, Yuri's voice tears her attentions away from the 'curious' knight. She recognizes this voice fairly distinctly -- after all, it was the one she was the most concerned at the sound and intent of. What she sees upon his entrance would only exacerbate some of this, as would his introduction; in the hands of anyone else those words should seem flamboyant, mad enough to have been conceived for some child's game, but in his... no. It's mechanical. It's clear from his appearance and the distinctly absent glint in his eyes that this is a man with an extremely singular focus which his 'occupation' seems to reflect.

    Nevertheless, Schala does her utmost to treat him with the same civility she does the others. "I will know you as Yuri, then, if you've no objections." More of a formality to say as much, really, but one she feels is necessary. Though, the cavern. She stows the book in the bag slung around her shoulder and stands, giving a nod. "Yes. Whatever your motivations, the sheer degree of it is... relevant. It will help you to see the depths to which the Queen has fallen, and the swiftness with which this all must be resolved."

    Schala bows faintly to Homura next; it's subtle, but something in her demeanor might suggest a certain relief to be gazing into eyes less... intense? Likely not the word she was looking for, but even so. To her offer of supplies, she says, "That would be helpful. What you give may be enough to carry someone into the next day who would not otherwise find themselves so fortunate." Her words are still colored by that odd, thinly veiled emotion. It's almost strange.

Schala Zeal (733) has posed:
    Naturally, with Ellestaria's introduction, Schala does not so much flinch at the utterance of her name. She simply inclines her form again, muttering her name in kind. Her constant omission of a surname might have begun to garner the attention of any more astute people present, though. "Thank you for being present, Ellestaria. I'm sure your talents will be of great use here, especially if we can find a location where they may till land beyond the notice of those in the kingdom." Where exactly -is- this kingdom, though? Everything was blurry on the surface so they might not have even had a chance to see the place that ostensibly oppresses these people.

    But there is one thing they can see, and which Schala is only too eager to show them. "But, we've made our introductions. Please follow me. I'll show you those who suffer so that you might judge their plight for yourselves." Schala takes a few, ginger steps toward the ladder that leads to the top of the leafy entryway before calling into existence a series of translucent lavender steps which guide her feet higher into the cavern. Once she's reached the peak she would wait for them there before descending into the hole that leads to Algetty.

    There are not very many locals present when they enter, so there are only a few eyes to look on in bewilderment at the strange new faces that they see. They're mostly children, and none of them speak a word; they're far more wont to hide gingerly behind any nearby shrubs or stones, though their curiosity still keeps their eyes glued to the visitors even so. They are clothed in visibly moist rags made from hemp and bound together with sap. They tear in places to reveal just how thin these people, even the youngest of them, really are: their ribs are showing. Their features are sunken -- unhealthy.

Maya has posed:
Maya takes note of everyone whom arrives, some people she does know, another she does not know so well it all. It's going to be an interesting missions he thinks to herself, Yuri and Homura are nodding to in greetings the other people whom she's not encountered before get a look over. Yari is recalled from the rescue efforts in Freeport. She nods to Ellestaria and then makes note of the new Lucatiel for a moment before Schala speaks.

"All right."

Maya falls in step after Schala and doesn't seem to mind the muck of anything else that gets in her way. Maya's expression softens when she sees the children. She's got a soft spot for children given her life and those she had to raise. She sees why they need to farm. She also gets they could be hitting the point where their bodies would cannibalize themselves which is another worry. That would require some serious medical aid be it magic or not. At this point? Maya's at a loss for words at this point and thus says nothing only observing.

Lucatiel of Mirrah (66) has posed:
The wayfarer is largely motionless. The only indication that she hears is the fact that her head turns, ever so slightly, so that masks turns to regard Schala more directly; or a slight tilt of the broad-brimmed hat.

Otherwise, her arms remain folded, and she remains leaning against the tree trunk at the hip and shoulder. One gloved hand dangles from the loose-armed fold, fingers absently twitching every so often. Restlessness, perhaps. Even in her languid moments, this one has the look of a predator waiting to spring. An affectation of patience, perhaps, or practised patience tempered by instinct.

Instinct has told her to stick about this wretched land, and so she has, and she is there for the princess to call upon.

The others are given no mind, not yet; but the tilt of that mask suggests she does look at each and every one of them -- lingering for a moment on each, as though to remember their faces and the introductions they give for themselves.

Only reluctantly does she push off from the trunk, trailing after Schala; closer, perhaps, than the others. Not a word is given to anyone else, though. She has no reason to speak with them -- not yet.

If she feels any horror at the living conditions in this place, she keeps it to herself.

But perhaps some of them might notice the way the hand that had been twitching, the right one, very subtly clenches into a loose fist as they walk. Nerves, or reaction, or simple happenstance?

Homura Akemi (2) has posed:
    Intense is certainly a word Homura would use to describe Yuri, so it's not entirely untrue. By contrast the Puella Magi is calm, if possibly somber compared to her clothes. Those really clash with how she carries herself. She nods to Schala, turning to look at Ellestaria.

    "If you think these people could use it let's remember to have medical supplies and food brought here then. What will you need to help make the land more fertile? I've not seen you put those kinds of talents to use yet."

    But moving on, Schala shows them to the village. It becomes painfully obvious these people need help, and fairly quickly at that. Homura keeps her poker face on, but she's not so cold that she doesn't feel bad for those children. Instead she'll address Schala, asking the obvious.

    "Will you tell us what happened here, in detail? It seems they're not fond of outsiders."

Ellestaria (231) has posed:
    Ellestaria lost her poker face some time ago. Homura knows why. The Atlantean nods to the Puella Magi, absently, while she's observing Lucatiel. Some interest is in the knight, though Yuri she knows more about so doesn't really give his situation a second thought. She knows why he is interested, and she's not going to stand in his way. Is this knight the same? To Homura, she replies, "That is what I am here to find out. And medical as well... Maya likely can help with that."

    Which is a nice segue into her next statement. Lest steps forward, then holds very still while she looks over the sick and malnourished group. "We will want something high in protein," she states aloud. "Else their growth will be stunted." With a tsk, she moves away to let Maya handle the medical matters. Hers will be analyzing the area, to see what type of soil they have to work with. "It will be difficult to sneak something in which can grow without being detected," she admits. "With the conditions on the surface, options are limited... but we do have options."

Maya has posed:
Maya takes note of everyone whom arrives, some people she does know, another she does not know so well it all. It's going to be an interesting missions he thinks to herself, Yuri and Homura are nodding to in greetings the other people whom she's not encountered before get a look over. She nods to Ellestaria and then makes note of the new Lucatiel for a moment before Schala speaks.

"All right."

Maya falls in step after Schala and doesn't seem to mind the muck of anything else that gets in her way. Maya's expression softens when she sees the children. She's got a soft spot for children given her life and those she had to raise. She sees why they need to farm. She also gets they could be hitting the point where their bodies would cannibalize themselves which is another worry. That would require some serious medical aid be it magic or not. At this point? Maya's at a loss for words at this point and thus says nothing only observing.

Schala Zeal (733) has posed:
    "We of the kingdom above have invented magic that can repair biological tissue and even hasten its growth. This is accomplished on a massive scale in the cities above, but," She clutches the front of her robe gently and inclines her head, "the land there is also free of this endless snowstorm. The soil there has had time to heal, and thus mass agriculture has become a feasible prospect. Down here, however." She sighs. "Down here, it would take far more energy to sustain any food growth. Magic would have to be employed to generate heat at the least, and then the quantities it might require to hasten the growth so it would be prepared soon enough for them..."

    She would shake her head. "Not only are the amounts themselves abhorrent, but that large a confluence of energy would almost certainly draw unwanted attention. Therefore, we would likely prefer to seek some other methods." Looking to Homura more fully again, she would add in conclusion, "This is why I cannot truly say /what/ we might require to make this work. All I know is that any technology we use must be non-magical in construction, but -all- modern appliances thrive on magic in this world. Such a thing is a fantasy to me, but not, I presume, to you."

    Further, the issue of how these people treat them upon entry. This elicits another sigh from her. "The people here are essentially slaves to the so-called 'Englihtened Ones' of Zeal. All people considered to be 'able-bodied' - that's to say, all people above the age of sixteen who are fit enough to walk - are eventually drafted to serve in the construction of an underwater palace. This palace has far more relevance to this whole thing, I suspect, but I will discuss that as it becomes more germane to where our conversations will wonder. But suffice it to say, they fear them because they beat them and steal away their loved ones whenever they appear. Any person who does not appear every bit as ill as they do upon entry is assumed to belong to the kingdom, and so they naturally respond the same way to us as well."

    Ellestaria garners a look from Schala. The princess nods with interest as she goes on, but it's clear that 'protein' is only a thing she has heard mention of in passing... if she has at all. Science does not appear to be explored with the same depth here as it might have been in Atlantis; it's likely eschewed in favor of more detailed analysis of arcane theory.

    What happens next, though, may surprise some. A single child -- a girl who can be no more than eigh years old with matted hair tied into a ponytail -- would step out of hiding. Her eyes would grow wide and she would announce to any who are within earshot, "S-Schala!" She would immediately dash to the young woman and... cling to her leg. Quite a different reaction than any of them had received beforehand. Schala would actually begin to smile in response, gingerly resting a hand atop the girl's head. "Everyone, it's okay! These people are with Miss Schala!" This proclamation would seem to carry some weight -- all the children emerge from their varied hiding spots, now, some of which the group might not have seen before they concealed themselves. There are at least five and all, not counting the adults that also begin to come forth.

    Several moments later, a man with a large bald spot from which two long 'wings' of gray protrude limps forward toward the group on his cane. In a tremulous, unsteady voice, he says, "Welcome... to Algetty. We're of very humble means so we've little to offer, but any friends of Miss Schala's are always welcome here." Schala joins her hands at her waist and bows to the man as the little girl's presence allows. "Thank you," She gently intones. She seems genuinely humbled.

Yari Takane (691) has posed:
As it seems no one tromps through that Not Suspicious Snowdrift outside, Yari has the fun of trembling in the cold and wishing she'd brought some whiskey. Her insulated cloak and camo-overcoat might help matters, but the lower lands of Zeal are utterly /terrible/. But she gathers valuable information: this doesn't seem to be an Eikon. Or if they are, they're one hell of a sneaky sort.

Given names are tucked away in her memory, and slowly the entire thing falls into place. A hidden village. Yari, for better or worse, can't help her curiousity. She waits until the sounds of the last person entering the village fades out. Sticking to the shadows, it's not too hard to find the leaf-covered entrance. Tieing her tactical cloaks closer so they won't flap and cause noise, she'll tilt aside the leaves just enough to peer down and ensure there's no one there immediately to spy her. Then with a small breath, she shoves them aside and uses her tail and one arm to start slightly down to get a lay of the underground land. Spying the large group and hearing them speak, her interest is already piqued. Silently, she leaps from the vine up towards the ceiling again, catching one of the vines and scrambling atop it. From there, she'll start a zig-zag pattern of leaps, swings, and flips that take her slowly from one vine to the next as she uses the vegetation to cling to the ceiling as flat as she can.

It's a remarkably silent affair, and she tries to keep to parts of heavy vegetation to hide in should someone look up casually. But the feeling of being watched might prickle the hairs on the backs of the Elites here, nevermind any supernatural abilities they might have.

Especially as she very nearly misses one of her lips, just a /little/ too far, and has to scramble up and flat against the topside of the vine. Sweat on her brow, it falls to the floor, the quietest of breaths on the air.

The people here, in their ragged state, are enough to enflame even Yari's heart. Even moreso as the pure level of slavery comes to mind. Her own nation might conquer, but this is something far worse. She can't help it. Claws scratch at a vine, and the smallest bit of icey dust falls.

Yuri Stinson (106) has posed:
    In Schala's defense, most of her opinions about his intensity and declarations are true. Without FIA around as a tempering force, Yuri is pretty goddamn weird and more than a little creepy. He tilts his head to Schala and then nods.

    "Yuri, then. It is what many would know me as," He says in a calm tone. He slowly walks along after her. Inside the cave, the mysterious noise that follows him is more audible due to the lack of wings and ambient noise. A metallic rattling that comes with every footfall.

    "Let me ask you, are you acceptant of the reality of this situation?" Yuri asks to Schala curiously, "Not of the idealism of helping these people, but of the reality." He says seriously.

    The fact that the locals are scared of him is fine. Most people are and many people should be. Without a tempering factor, he is not a very comfortable person to be in the presence of. His many cloaks move and swish around him as he walks, paying minimal attention to the people.

    "There are many solutions. I could make you a pit of sustenance-granting demon insects, if you were so inclined. I could make large numbers of people able to eat dirt for the next 24 hours and draw nutrition from it. I imagine these are repulsive to standard sensibilities, and you would prefer more conventional aid from my allies."

    He looks to Schala, tilting his head, "That was an appropriate pause before I segue back onto my point." He narrows his green eyes, "If the Queen cannot be saved, she may have to be removed. If you wish to help these people, others will suffer for it. Understand there is no free solution that leads to sustainability. A revolution happens when people are so beaten down they will rise up to grasp at equality with blood-soaked hands. If you wish for a true solution, you will need to undoubtedly change the very systems your 'world' governs itself with."

Lucatiel of Mirrah (66) has posed:
Evidently the knight notices when there are eyes on her; the masked face turns just slightly in Ellestaria's direction, just enough to indicate that the scrutiny is most definitely being returned. She might smile, as that seems to unsettle people, but it would be wasted. All anyone sees is the mask's brazen scowl.

But that's alright.

That hat and mask turn to face the impoverished crowd, and for a moment something in the knight's posture almost suggests hesitation.

She had once lived a life not unlike this, although the military had offered her a way out. These people have no such recourse; no service record with which to prove themselves. With her sword and her loyalty to her lord, she had carved herself a piece of the world for her own... but these people have nothing, not even a rusty knife, to their names.

What a bother having a conscience is.

Well, there's nothing to be done for it. It isn't as though she has aught better to do, although there's been little and less of a whiff of Aslatiel in this place. Instinct goads her to keep moving, but conscience compels her to stay... at least for a little while.

The others might hear a long, drawn-out breath being released through teeth, beneath the mask; a harsh and almost exasperated sound.

Much as she had been before, she leans against the wall, folding her arms and observing in silence. Maybe the others might think she's mute for all the opinion she offers -- but she's listening to Schala's explanation, by the look of it; her mask is turned unambiguously in the princess' direction, and from behind those shadowed eye slots, one can see the faint glimmer of light reflected from eyes. Her regard turns, then, to the little girl who greets Schala with such enthusiasm; and to the old man.

There's no mistaking the way she glances aside, though. She knows when shes' watched -- but the brim of her hat hides the motion that might otherwise give away Yari Takane's acrobatic jockeying on the cave roof's vines. So she simply shifts her weight.

And then a bit of dust falls from the ceiling, lands on the brim of her hat, and bounces off the brim. Beneath the mask, Lucatiel frowns, tilting her head and catching some of it, sifts it in her gloved hand, and looks up to the ceiling in languid curiosity.

/Something's/ up there. Cave rat? Bird? What does a place like this sport as vermin, anyway? It can't be any worse than Drangleic.

Schala might notice the way she rests a hand on the hilt of her rapier, pointedly; as though in silent warning to anyone that might be Skulking About. The Knight of Mirrah does not /like/ the sensation of being watched. It usually precludes something trying to either rob her, or attempt to eat her.

Yuri's ultimatum is listened to, but only half-heartedly. She's still watching the ceiling for whatever-it-was.

Maya has posed:
Maya nod to Ellestaria as she bring up her healing abilities. She has somethings that are not innately magical on hers she does look to Schala.

"I do have some healing abilities but they are magical based."

She grimaces for a moment waiting for Schala's verdict as most of her abilities are magically based when it comes to healing. She is however quite powerful at it.

"So floating land just like back home humm? My world's about as tied to magic as you get but I have experience with non magically related technology."

The natives of the continent above however reminds her of the Chosen, and she has little love for them. She'll wait to see if Schala will let her work other than that it's a few healing roots she's got with her.

"We're here to help you as best we're able."

Ellestaria (231) has posed:
    Revolution is not Ellestaria's concern. Nor is the other stuff that Yuri speaks of. Lucatiel and Yuri can handle anything else, while Lest concentrates on nutrition and the like. "Without sunlight, people will sicken," she clarifies. "There are some edible species of lichen and fungus that can grow down here and provide most of what the people here need, but they will still need fruits and the like. Still, if they can provide the bulk of their nutrition, providing fresh fruit and perhaps some canned beans should be far simpler than attempting to cover for everything."

    She starts shaking her head when the reasoning is given. "Unsustainable. That strategy will not work for long." That's all she says about the Queen's idea to use this as a work force. Meanwhile, Lest turns to the child, holding out her hand. "Hello. May I see you a moment? I am here to make sure that anyone who is ill can be helped. Most of my healing is magical, but I know some techniques that you can learn yourselves."

Homura Akemi (2) has posed:
    Homura follows, idly; at least when the villagers ease up, so does she. Yuri continues his trend to offer direct-- and effective-- solutions, on which she does not comment. Repulsive or not, the ability to draw sustenance from mud even for just a day means a day during which people are fed. She would go as far as to guess since this is obviously magical, then it eliminates the need for a careful diet when starved. At least, for as long as the spell-- Charm?-- lasts.

    "If the nobility is doing this to its people then it needs to be stopped. You'll find that those you contacted," Vague, intentionally, given Schala is not officially associated with the Union, "Will be more than willing to take up arms and apply a... violent solution to your problem." She can be direct too, despite being dressed from head to toe in pink and purple right now.

    "Helping these people will see them through, but it won't get rid of the problem. You'll need to put thought into how you would like to see this solved." The unstated reason is that sooner or later people will take the initiative themselves. Better it be on Schala's terms.

Schala Zeal (733) has posed:
    The girl in Schala's embrace briefly glances to Yuri as he asks Schala is she is willing... or perhaps, able to accept the reality of the situation herself. She wants desperately to say yes; she wants to say that her position as a monarch and her dedication to principle have lead her to a more lucid understanding of what this situation warrants. She likes to believe she can segregate the like-to-dos and must-dos in her mind, but especially in her mother's case she cannot claim to be entirely realistic in her aspirations. What she wants involves a sacrifice of time and life to put more precedent on preserving the Queen's well-being. It's a slight comfort to know that she is a figurehead - a presence of authority that may be instrumental in maintaining order throughout societal transition - and that she has some practical claim toward preserving her life, but is that -truly- her reason?

    No. No, she must not even ask. Schala, too, finally looks to the Dark Hero after some time and gingerly shakes her head. "No." Her voice is quiet; almost shameful. "I do not believe that I can fully grasp the reality of this. I have lived too long in idealistic condition. I am innocent. I am meek where I should be firm. But that is why I am so glad to have found all of you." She would finally release the girl who, with some trepidiation, inches away. Her eyes continually dart back and forth between Yuri and the princess. "I believe you will temper me and guide my hand when it matters most. I do not know why I feel this," She would, oddly, steal another glance to Lucatiel for a moment, "but nevertheless, I do."

    Clearly, though, the things Yuri suggests do not sound appetizing. She immediately shakes her head after the notions have been raised. "It is not that I doubt the efficiency of the solutions you've proposed, but the psychological ramifications of them. As you see, there are children here. Further, these people are vulnerable; in the interest of their mental well-being in addition to their physical, the source of their food would ideally be more... benign. I will consider allowing a few willing people to attempt this... dirt eating method you've suggested, but I should not like to force them to, and I doubt that we will receive many volunteers beyond the incredible desparate." Nothing Yuri wasn't expecting, of course.

    The last point he makes, though, makes her wince. Any mention of the Queen seems to fill her with anxiety. Her hand squeezes at the fabrics of her robe. Its waves twist and contort with her anguish. Ultimately, though, she nods her head and solemnly answers, "... yes. The upheaval... that would inspire may well be a necessity after all. But it is something I would prefer to avoid if possible. This world already has enough tribulation and tumult without the presence of a civil war." Though, yes -- there will need to be a change. A -big- change. She has a plan for that, but it's a bit winded. Her abbreviated explanation, however, is, "Yes. Yes, there must be change. Once we've fashioned a solution - whatever that solution may end up being - I intend to join the kingdoms once more. Whether all the people move to the sky or all to the ground... I care not. But this ice age, and this unjust disparity, must end."

Schala Zeal (733) has posed:
    Once Schala has finished with Yuri, she heaves a sigh. Again, she looks somehow exhausted. It's clear that delving into all this must be phenomenally taxing for her, but -why-? It's likely tied to that aforementioned, cloaked vehemence. She does give Ellestaria another look, though. That glint in her eyes would almost suggest... respect, or at the least appreciation. Quietly, she would aside to her, "... perhaps you should meet Melchior. He is the Guru of Life in this world -- an advisor to the Queen and a personal mentor of mine. He, too, is versed in these aspects of life you mention. With your combined knowledge and his familiarity with this world, I have no doubt that the two of you would be able to accomplish many astonishing things."

    The girl, however, is less certain. At the offering of Ellestaria's hand, she recoils, returning and clinging to Schala's side. Schala, however, smiles in kind, returning her hand to her head, kneeling down, and taking her hand in her own. In a tone infinitely more familiar and soothing than she has shared with others, she almost coos, "Afia. This woman is Ellestaria. She is here to help us. If you trust her now, she will make many things better for all of us later. Can you do that for me? Can you trust her? I promise that, if anything bad happens, I will be right here to save you." She squeezes the girl's hand before echoing, "Can you do that for me?" After much idle swaying and hesitation, 'Afia' would comply, slowly tearing herself from Schala's presence and walking up to Ellestaria. She looks up to the woman with large, fascinated eyes.

    "U-Um..." Her gaze flicks to the ground. "H-Hi. What did... what did you want me to do?"

    She looks terribly nervous, but she might be able to get some of her knowledge across after all.

    But, Homura. Again, she must shift her tone and viewpoint from tenderness to something of a more hard, official nature. She is all to quick to reiterate, "I would prefer that we avoid violence. The Kingdom of Zeal has reigned in some way or another for thousands of years. A shift too sudden would cripple what little infrastructure remains for the people on the ground, and would send those living in the kingdom itself into a frenzy. As things stand, their opinion of the Earthbound Ones is negative, but it is not given credence by any tangible happenings. They have no physical cause to hate them -- only the abstract 'magical' or 'non-magical' difference."

    "But," She continues, "if the Queen dies or we incite revolution, we would foster a lasting bitterness. We would only deepen the void. Ideally we will find a method of solving this that will keep the Queen alive and ease the tension between both groups. This will be a gradual process but not, I feel, impossible." After a brief pause, she would add, "It is especially important that we make certain of the cohesion and well-being of the people as swiftly and in as lasting a way as possible so that we may join our efforts in researching whatever evil has claimed my mother. It, I fear, is a threat to all of us. Even more so than this schism. Even more so than famine. After all, it has already done so much damage without even showing its face."

Ellestaria (231) has posed:
    Ellestaria nods to Schala, "I would like to meet him, some time, if that is so." She doesn't really linger on the topic, because she's more concerned with the child. As the girl steps forward, Lest tries to give a smile to her.

    "Please, relax," she says. "For now, all you need to do is stand there and let me examine you. It will not hurt, nor should it be uncomfortable. If you begin to feel pain or discomfort, tell me and I will stop immediately." This is really unlikely, because Lest is barely even touching the girl, she's just tapping here and there to lightly assess the problems, with just the barest minimum of magics used for physical evaluation.

    "I know I look young," she says conversationally, "But I have a little girl at home. A daughter, I mean. I think she would like to meet you, some time, if you're interested. What is your name?"

Yari Takane (691) has posed:
Thankfully, this Skulking Vermin isn't quite so desperate as to eat poor Lucatiel, nor rob her. (Though that sword is /really/ nice looking).

No, she's content to hide and try to keep her breath normal. It doesn't work too well as that sword shifts, and the knightess moves in all those little ways that indicate someone has noticed something. The caught dirt doesn't help the impression. Flat on her back atop the vine, as Lucatiel gazes, it certainly looks like it's being shoved down by some form of weight if one can spy the others in comparison. A little /too/ quiet to be an animal, perhaps.

All throughout, she does keep track of the conversation. Most here she doesn't recognize, but /Maya/ is certainly so. It actually brings a smile to her face, knowing that one of those who saved lives on Reptilon is here trying the same.

Right then and there, Yari Takane makes up her mind. She's going to help these people if at all possible; though likely in a way that Union won't like.

Yuri Stinson (106) has posed:
    Yuri shakes his head to Schala, "I am not a being of restraint and temperance," He confesses to her, standing in an easy stance as he listens. he tilts his head a bit and then says, "I am the opposite. I am a solution called in when the situation has reached so dire an escalation that the only response would be a disproportionate one."

    "This is not a statement meant to insult you or to tell you I will not help. I simply do not wish for people to operate under a misconception of my nature, my goals, or my concepts," He tilts his head, "If you wish simply to feed them, I recommend the people here or perhaps my wife, FIA. You may find her presence more comforting than my own as well."

    He steps back a bit, that rattling noise sounding out again, "The solutions to avoid a mass rebellion are simple, then. You kill the tyrant or you kill the source of corruption. Or both. And then you take measures to ensure no one will step in to fill the vacuum of power who would lead with an unjust hand."

    "Understand that I am not of the Union. I am a concept that drifts where it is called, holding no affiliation but to my own desires and to the call for rebellion. I do what I will, for so long as the people need me."

    He levels his gaze on Schala, spreading his arms about to indicate the people, "Which begs the question. Do you truly need and want revolution, or did you merely believe you do before you saw it personified?"

    His tone indicates this question is not insulting, or patronizing, or condescending. The Titanic Exalt is asking Schala if she genuinely regrets his presence, "I will hold you no grudge if my presence is undesired. I am not a monster that all would welcome and the Union has sent its own representatives to help you."

Homura Akemi (2) has posed:
    "Then I should hope that you have the means to convince those who rule above that these conditions aren't acceptable," Homura answers Schala, matter-of-factly. It isn't a threat, but rather a hopeful statement that Schala is on to something-- because as Yuri demonstrates, there is an obvious solution, and while it might cause undue chaos and uproot the foundations the world is built it, it's better than standing by and doing nothing.

    "If you are so inclined to try negotiating, I can leave a note for one of our best spokespeople to meet you." Probably Nathan, let's face it. Homura doesn't know about this Kingdom of Zeal, but she knows Nathan can handle himself in any situation that comes down to words.

    "However, if you would excuse me a moment."

    Homura disappears. No sound effects, no flashes. Maybe a flicker of powerful time magic, if that's within Schala's realm to sense. The black-haired girl would reappear, a vague distance outside of Yari's immediate field of view, just in the blind spot, holding onto one of the vines with one hand. The noise, and Lucatiel's glancing, had tipped her off, and when you have access to the tools she does, it's not too difficult to make time to search.

    "Perhaps you would like to come down and introduce yourself, as well?" she says, all too casually for someone who just appeared in someone's blind spot. Homura doesn't seem too happy from her expression, but on the other hand she's completely unarmed and wearing frilly girly clothes. Her intimidate score is firmly in the negative right now.

Lucatiel of Mirrah (66) has posed:
Although she's half-listening to the bandying about of problems and potential solutions, the masked knight is by far more interested in whatever's crawling around up above. It's too stealthy for an animal, although she can't imagine who would be crawling around on the ceiling vines. Or why, for that matter.

The mask tilts when Schala looks at her; she doesn't miss that look.

Lucatiel's attention rather quickly turns back to the ceiling, though, scanning. After a moment she must decide that there's nothing really worth any interest up there, for her head lowers again, turning to follow the discourse between Yuri and Schala. Evidently she has nothing to say. Or maybe she's just mute. She hasn't spoken yet.

After a moment she kneels down and picks up what looks like a rock, absently dropping it from one gloved hand to the other. Something to fidget with, maybe?


The hat tips up just a slight fraction.

"Schala." She finally speaks, masked face turning to Schala. Her voice is hard and low, but undeniably a woman's. "While this is a fascinating conversation that I would rather not interrupt," she states pointedly, "I believe there is an uninvited guest somewhere in the vicinity of--"

And then, quick as you please, without missing a beat in her sentence, she hucks that rock at the last place she'd seen Yari's vines tugging against the cave ceiling. It's not thrown lightly. It's probably going to smart pretty bad if it hits.

"--the roof."

Dusting her hands, Lucatiel goes back to her casual lean against the wall.

A far more direct method than asking. If someone's skulking about, they probably have a reason to be, which makes Lucatiel less inclined to be nice.

"I dislike the sensation of being watched."

Half a glance is cast to Homura. Who is now in the vines.


'Sorry,' the knight's casual shrug seems to say. She wasn't going to throw it at Homura! At least her aim is pretty decent.

Schala Zeal (733) has posed:
    Schala nods to Ellestaria, but even amid other conversation she would constantly keep one eye trained on her and the girl. She has some investment in even this individual girl's well-being, it seems; if she truly has so strong an attachment to these people, it may not seem odd after all that she's so profoundly ambivalent about all this. Perhaps not the least biased person to handle these affairs, then, no; and yet, the world seems to lack anyone better suited.

    The little one, in the meanwhile, would nod. She would remain perfectly still. Her attitude toward the whole thing is a notably more responsive than one would expect of someone entirely unaccustomed to this sort of medical 'checkup', though, as it were; maybe this 'Melchior' has given her a similar examination before? She finds no cause for complaint throughout the procedure, though her cheeks do remain rosey and her manner perturbed. Even so, they seem to calm somewhat as things wear on, so she isn't quite so shocked when Lest addresses her in a slightly more warm, personal way.

    Though that doesn't keep her from being shocked when she claims to have a child. "B-But!" Her eyes would bulge! "You look like my big sister! How could you have a kid?" Genuine surprise from her; maybe a compliment to the recipient. But she probably gets that a lot. She hesitates a moment before she responds to the prospect of meeting a new friend, but when she finally does, it's decisive -- exuberant. "A-Afia! My name's Afia!" She's smiling radiantly now. "And I would love to meet her!" That went over well!

    ... though, Ellestaria might notice something a bit more curious in her examination if she's especially sensitive to magical potential. It's faint, but this girl seems to possess some small quantity of magical energy within herself. Didn't Schala say that the 'only difference between the Earthbound Ones and the Enlightened Ones was the presence of magic'? Why, then, would she have any? Unless magic is some sort of recessive trait that she happened to be lucky enough to acquire.

Schala Zeal (733) has posed:
    Schala, though perhaps after some delay on account of various distractions, nods to Maya as well. "If ever we decide to operate more openly or are otherwise discovered by those who dwell in Zeal, whether or not we decide to use magic will be irrelevant. Until that time, however, yes; I would prefer it if you would do what you can to bring in helpful, non-magical technology for our use whenever you can." And at the assertion that she would help to the fullest extent of her capabilities? Schala bows again in thanks.

    "Thank you. Your dedication and interest here so soon after meeting us is more than I could ever have asked of you."

Maya has posed:
Maya is keeping with Ellestaria for the moment she needs to know what she's allowed to do and she knows anything she can do? It's not going to be a long term help, they need to get /food/ they need to get nutrients into these people and she knows she doesn't have enough food on her. Still she's keeping an eye on all the people here and she looks very sad at this point. She nods to Schala for a moment.

"If it comes to the time I am a fairly adept healer, but I understand didn't come fully prepared. Look for what it's worth? Schala? My people the junkers had been stepped on by the rest of the planet I'm from. So it would be a lie to say I'm not sympathetic with the people's plight here."

This sort of stuff never leaves her pleased, she honestly wants to do what she can. She's already going over /what/ she can do, no magic so that would limit things to raw supplies like clothing, basic tools, food, and the like though there were a few things like the healing roots and the potions /made/ from those would help.

She takes notice of the Ellestaria and the girl she's with, Maya would come to look the girl over for a moment she does seem to sense something from the little one.

"I have a few healing roots, they are bitter but they also are fairly good food otherwise."

She also says something quietly over her radio.

Ellestaria (231) has posed:
    Ellestaria steps back and flicks her hair back. "Hmm. Well, aside from the nutrition, everything seems to be healthy. No doubt a sturdy people. Keep up a decent diet and everything should be fine. Perhaps not comfortable, but fine."

    She smiles. "I am older than I look," she admits. "Much older. I am over eighty of your years old, but that is still young for me. My daughter, however, is much closer to your age. Her name is Ariel, and she is a very kind girl that I'm sure would enjoy your company. I will see if she can come visit sometime, or we can sneak some of you out to visit her."

    She glances at Schala, then admits softly, "It may be hard for Ariel to visit, herself. Does the sensitivity here also extend to magical creatures?"

Yari Takane (691) has posed:
One moment Yari loses sight of Homura, the next the woman is calling out to her. The Au Ra's body goes tense, as much as one can tell under so much white camo'd cloth, and she looks about to the source of the noise. The slender woman is visibly stunned for a moment, but quickly recovers reflexively. To put it mildly, Homura is distracting.

The one armed woman slowly relaxes, and stands up cautiously. She's caught. Her single hand is in the air. Unarmed or not, to be able to so easily escape her notice in a seeming flash indicates a dangerous woman. The offer to come out seems the most inviting option of a list of very bad ones.

"...Admittedly it's a bit cold up here. And I guess at this point it'd be rude to not accept an offer like that." Pause. There's a look of caution mixed with curiousity and respect in her gaze.

"...No amount of physical skill could produce such silent movement and distance coverage from the ground at that rate. Teleportation then? Impressive, Ma'am. I see I have much to..."

But Yari is cut off as the grand knight Lucatiel throws a damn rock at the woman, entirely focused on HOmura as she is. There's a loud hiss of pain as that rock smacks her on the back of the head, and she's plummeting lifelessly towards the floor. Knocked out for about half the ride down, to her shame, she awakens in a hissing, lizardy panic. Her arm is flexed, and from beneath the hem of her camo flies a kunai attached to a chain. It embeds in one of the upper vines out of pure training and reflex, and she's set on a swinging angle that results in an utterly unhealthy sound from her shoulder as it pulls taut and then Yari lets go.

It's less a foward flip and more a vague tumbling that the noob ninjette lands in, arm obviously dislocated from the scramble to save her own life. She lands on her feet, trips, and tumbles to the ground not a foot away from Schala.

Lucatiel however doesn't even get glared at. For now, she's too busy shoving her shoulder back into its socket.

"...Can't offer a name...mmm..." She grunts out in pain and exhaustion from tailing the group.

"But I have a few healing supplies and curatives for illnesses that should be common. Consider it a reward for spotting me. Well done." She states to the group, somewhat deliriously.

Schala Zeal (733) has posed:
    Schala nods to Homura. "I should like to at least come into contact with them, yes. Anyone versed in communication would be a boon here -- the people of Zeal are far more inclined to battles of wit and word than anything else in spite of their alleged superiority." Though in that moment, Lucatiel's voice breaks in. No sooner would she have turned to face her than would Homura have darted to a side of the cave wall. If the stone that collides with Yari coaxes her into visibility, then Schala's eyes would grow wide, and she would draw a breath of exasperation.

    'So close,' She would inwardly chide herself, 'so close and I had not even noticed them.' Never has she been so acutely aware of how necessary the aid of others is than she is in this moment. They could be an assassin. They could have killed her, and she would have been none the wiser. At the mere thought of how oblivious she had been to such a grave potential danger, she would lay a flattened palm to her chest, take in a deep breath, and close her eyes.

    Again, she feels somewhat ashamed. To measure that, though, is a certain quantity of gratefulness -- Lucatiel would get a positively warm nod of acknowledgement, as would Homura. To each, "Thank you. I..." She doesn't need to complete that statement. She knows that they understand, and she sees no real need to belabor her own embarrassment. So she doesn't. Rather, she would approach Yari with all due sterness and demand, "Who are you? What purpose do you have in being here? If you seek to do harm to me or anyone else within the confines of this village than I would suggest with no gentleness whatsoever that you -take your leave-."

    Her eyes, usually so reticent as to appear mournful, beam like the edge of a sharpened dagger. She's holding out her hand where a bundle of static has begun to gather. Her palm crackles with ludicrous quantities of magical energy -- so much that their simultaneous transferrence can not be healthy. Rather than appearing impressive to the magically adept, it would appear unrefined; dangerous.

    Eventually she would allow the energy in her hand evaporate, but even after she does she never removes her eyes from the ninja-to-be. She eyes her with a sort of lasting, even malevolent skepticism. Homura and Lucatiel would each receive supplementary looks that say, 'Keep watch over this one.' As if they even needed to be told.

    Before she walks away to converse with Yuri, she gives a final, displeased look. Bad way to make a first impression with her.

Lucatiel of Mirrah (66) has posed:
By this point, the Knight of Mirrah is back to her casual lean against the cavern wall, as though she had not in fact just hucked a rock at terminal velocity at the resident ninja. Casual as you please.

To that grateful nod from Schala, her head merely tilts, and there's an unmistakable slow, drawn-out sigh of exasperation from beneath the mask, as though to say, 'What a bother.'

She'll let Schala do the talking, and if the ninja gets feisty, she might see about baring steel. For now, though, she just leans against the wall, careless as one might please. The mask is fixed firmly on Schala's hand, watching the magic as it manifests. Well, now, that's an interesting trick.

Casual. Harmless. Except for that one explosive movement, still as a serpent sunning itself on a rock... but, properly motivated, even the most languid-looking serpent can strike in a flash.

Lucatiel remains where she is, mask turning back towards Yari, watching; silent once more as the noob ninja reorients herself.

Homura Akemi (2) has posed:
    Lucatiel is already forgiven on the basis she has solid aim. That's usually a good reason not to dislike someone for what happened! To Yari's question, she provides no immediate answer, at least not until the ninja is off the vines and down on the ground. Homura disappears off her perch, and returns to where she had been standing near Schala, dusting herself.

    "I suppose it is akin to teleportation, yes. I would suggest you just give us your name, since you have ours. If you are here to help, your identity isn't going to be a factor in whether or not we let you. It would be easier to work with us than try to work around us," she explains, before turning her sight to Schala.

    "I'll see if our chief diplomat is available for a meeting with Zeal's nobility. With a bodyguard or three, just in case. To backtrack, however... you mentioned these people live in the sky. Why build a fortress underwater? That must be terribly inconvenient, though since the workers are only "lowly ground dwellers" perhaps they don't care."

Schala Zeal (733) has posed:
    Yuri is... interesting to Schala, if nothing else. He does, she suspects, speak for many of the people here; in fact, it's a bit surprising to her that no one raise their voices to meet his proclamations and the implicit demand for change that they involve. Yet ever the more do the seem to fear him for this. They seem to lack not the curiosity to muse on the possibility of revolution, but the will. Were he to ask one of them, they would simply say that they 'have no chance'. They have been told since their birth by every circumstance, person, and reflection that they are inferior. That they are weak. Not only do they lack the mental solidarity to stand up for themselves, but they are all too painfully aware that they lack magic -- and in that lacking, the greatest martial tool they could ever possess.

    So instead of speaking for themselves, every last man, woman, and child in that cavern looks to Schala who, even in their fear and defilement they seem to have recognized as their impromptu leader. After a deep, deep breath, she would muster a reply. "I do not lament your presence," She asserts, "and neither should they. Rebellion is not out of the question, and you are a tangible reminder of its necessity should we fail in what we seek to do. More than an aspect of our potential woe, though, I would suggest that you are something more. You, as the harbinger of rebllion, are an avatar of change. And change," She would bow her head, again clutching the fabrics of her cloak closely, "is something we desparately need."

    "We do not want revolution," She continues, "but your aid may still be pivotal to our success. For even if we do not wish to topple society wholesale, we do wish to change its machinations. Each and every one of those changes is a 'revolution' in and of itself -- and this, I feel, you could aid us with. If your mere presence will usher in violence, as you say, then it might be best if we put some distance between ourselves... but otherwise, I would ask your hand in help. We have many people willing to make the cultural changes, and those in the vein of supply. But." She would harden her gaze a moment. "There -will- be conflict. And when that conflict comes, we may need you. All this I say..." She would hesitate a moment. She closes her eyes.

    ... is now really a good time?

    Yes. If she is really going to request this man's aid, it should be done under no prestenses.

    "... all this I say as Schala Zeal, daughter of the Queen who oppresses these people. By whatever means the ebbs and flows of situation may demand, I am the servant of the home that has raised me. And if that service demands revolution, so be it. But until then I will hold my faith that it - and, perhaps, you - will ultimately be unecessary."

Lucatiel of Mirrah (66) has posed:
The knight folds her arms again, and the gloved fingers of one hand drum absently against the opposite forearm. The masked head tilts slightly as she watches the ninja fumbling to regain her composure and her bearings.

Again, she gives that hard-edged sigh of obvious exasperation

"Just give us your name. It will be less time wasted on all sides; time, I suspect, that we do not necessarily have to spare." Her voice echoes very slightly from beneath the mask. While Homura turns her attention to Schala, Lucatiel keeps her attention centred firmly on the ninja. "I would recommend cooperation."

A brief glance to the princess, and the knight gives a slight snort from behind the mask. Impressive. Most nobility and royals have no desire to give up their comfortable stations; that, it seems, might have bought the princess a few points' worth of respect in the knight's estimation.

Schala Zeal (733) has posed:
    Schala gives -another- long, arduous sigh before gripping her forehead. Is she... just tired? This looks like more than that. She looks pale; sick. But she doesn't let that keep her from responding to Homura. With some degree of malice that might be owed to whatever is ailing her, she would almost rasp, "Avarice. The great evil I keep mentioning -- Lavos -- actually exists deep underground, near to the planet's core. In order to extract more energy from that entity, some edifice had to be built from which energy withdrawal could take place. It had no cause to be so grandiose, but I believe the Queen..." She bites her lip, "... that is, my mother, sees it as the new capital of the kingdom; the new 'center of the world'. So the only things that demand all this toil and death are hubris and want."

Yari Takane (691) has posed:
"As I told your ally I will not be revealing that information." States Yari to Schala, her demeanor not causing the downed lizardess to budge. Existing after a fall like that is pain incarnate, and she's not really inclined to move for a moment or two.

"The fact that you're still alive should make the second question obvious. You should be grateful for the people you've gathered here."

Then she looks away towards one of the children.

"...I do not see any gain for anyone in hurting people reduced to this. The notion would be laughable if it wasn't so pathetic." Yari's jaw sets, something about this whole affair clearly angering the otherwise impassive young warrior. Even as Schala makes with the crackling magic, she doesn't go for the sword at her belt. Instead, she raises her arm, and sweeps her armlet over Schala's body before project a screen before her eyes.

"Mmm. I've only heard rumors of readings like this. Are you sure that you are truly a mortal, Miss Schala? I'm surprised that amount of ae...magic doesn't kill you outright."

Then she flicks off the screen, and looks to Lucatiel. "Frightening. Either that, or I am truly pathetic. Well done." She offers to the knightess as she watches her like a perching hawk. By now, she's slowly getting to sitting up, and starts chugging a potion. A glance over to Maya. For some reason, there's a bashful smirk there to the woman.

Then again to Homura. "A mage. I see." Damn tricksy aether users.

She considers Homura's words.

"Maybe, but I have operational parameters to consider. I'd like to, to be honest, but unless you want to torture me I won't be giving it. And I can't say I'm really here to 'help' until I know the whole picture. But I'll say this much: my presence is happenstance, luck, and curiousity. I only intended a few readings. If it isn't obvious, I'm not from this world, and I do not know this 'Zeal'. Do with that information what you will, Ma'am."

And then Lucatiel is watching her /more/. "I've said all that I will on that matter. But there's one here who should be able to answer that, so I would look to her. I've been told I'm stubborn." Seems Yari clings to orders desperately even now. Maya's presence here might lend her even more refuge.

Then she looks to Schala, and sighs just a little.

"...Right now I couldn't advise you on a course of action. But I do know enough about matters like this to comment. You are a naieve, innocent woman from the looks of you. Working in the shadows like you intend...and rebellion necessitates that much...will wake you up entirely. It might even destroy you as a person. We all react to it differently. But I just think someone like you should know. You're putting yourself at risk more than you might think. That's all."

Then she grows silent, scowling, at the mention of this creature Lavos. A great evil seemingly being used to the advantage of a mortal? It stinks of Van Darnus' like, and the ninja is more aware than ever.

Schala Zeal (733) has posed:
    Schala is -more- than glad to escape to conversation with Maya and Lest for a moment. If Afia could find a friend... that would be absolutely wonderful. Far less dismal and dour than the more 'pressing' and 'relevant' things they're discussing. If she had her way, it would all vanish into thin air -- but alas, it will not, and she would never allow herself to voice that grievance. She is not, she reminds herself, the one who is truly suffering here.

    She would almost manage a smile when Lest asks if it would be safe for Ariel to visit, because this is something she can give a positive answer to. She would nod 'yes' the the question of whether they might be able to sense a magical construct, but immediately clarify her lighter expression. "Mercifully, Zeal is distant from this place. The only connections to it from the ground are runic, magically-ordained passages which teleport one far, far to the North, and even further into the sky. This is the same reason why she," She would gesture to Maya, "has not drawn any attention yet. I am sure a short visit between the two of them would be safe."

    Afia, still reeling somewhat from the suggestion that this woman is older than her -grandma-, takes some time in processing the full consequences of what Schala has just said. When she does, though, her face would jump right back from its bewlidered 'o' to a much more clear arc of elation. "Really? So she -can- come, Schala?" She would rush the girl's leg again, almost causing the poor, disoriented older woman to topple over. She would barely suppress a giggle as she begins to nod. "Of course. And if you ever work up the courage for it, I could certainly accompany you on a brief journey outside of this place. You deserve to see more - much more - of the world than this."

    The suggestion of leaving immediately draws the girl's eyes to another woman, though -- a woman clad in similar rags whose dirty blond hair is knotted into loose curls. That woman would nod her affirmation, too, though. "R-Really, mom? I can?" Another nod, followed by something roughly comparable to a squeel. "Yay! Thank you, thank you!"

    After Schala has freed herself (at least somewhat) of Afia's exuberance, she would look again to Maya. She would give a slightly more serious nod. "Healing roots and any other herbs would be extremely beneficial. They are likely to hold nutrients these people are mortally deficient of." Food, obviously, is always a good idea.

    But for now, she has her own bit to add to the radio.

Yuri Stinson (106) has posed:
    For whatever else is happening in the room, one commendable trait (or perhaps immense flaw) in Yuri is his single-minded focus on his goal, whether that be attacking something or grilling an innocent woman about potentially murdering her mother. Yari's appearance goes unregarded. Besides, Lucatial was handling her and that woman seemed like ten shades of deadly anyway judging by her stances and motions.

    The opinions of the people, though? Yuri can feel those. He takes in a slow breath, as if smelling the air the room and making a judgment call. People were the kindling of any rebellion, Yuri was often just the spark. He could feel that, for now, these people were soaked in fear and that a spark would merely fizzle at this point. He exhales a moment later and looks towards her.

    "My presence does not, inherently, bring violence. It is, instead, a reminder that violence may be necessary. I can train these people, once they are fed, clothed, and rested. I will not make them warriors, but rebels. I can harden their bodies and ignite their hearts." His green eyes glow a bit, "If you so wish, I can empower them with Essence, even, but you will owe me a favor if I do so. This is how I can help your cause: They will not be warriors, nor an army, but they will be hearty and ready to resist should she come for them."

    He narrows his eyes at her and then says, "Daughter of the Tyrant or Daughter of the Farmer, your identity is only so relevant to your goal as you make it. Blood will only tie you so long as you allow it to, and once you liberate yourself from such ties, you will understand. The people do not care about who you were, only who you are: Will you be their savior, or will you flinch if you must confront your mother?"

    "The force controlling her is another matter. That, in particular, is also my specialty. You mentioned once before that it corrupts her. If so, it will be my true target as opposed to her," He says seriously. He turns away and starts slowly walking. Once again, that eerie noise of rattling chains follows him. Where does that even come from? "It is the nature of the Exalted to kill that which no man believes is capable of dying. They were forged to fight such beings and then bring them low."

    He appears to be shuffling towards the entrance of the cave, "I will need to see your Kingdom, soon. To judge it, weigh it, and figure out what I should train these people to fight."

Lucatiel of Mirrah (66) has posed:
For the moment, the masked knight is content to lean against the wall with her arms folded, listening with evident placidity to the ninja. If she's impressed or unimpressed, she doesn't show it. Indeed, if Yari's needling reaches her at all, she doesn't show it.

As Yari's attention drifts to the others, the knight continues to watch, studying posture and perhaps anticipating the ninja's level of skill. That was a nice save on the way down. Maintaining one's own well-being is one thing. How deadly would she be if she were applying herself in deadly pursuit of a target?

And who does she work for? She's obviously /some/ kind of operative. One hired by Schala's insane and royal mother, perhaps?

Maybe she's thinking about whether or not she ought to throw another rock at the ninja, just to see if her reflexes are up to catching it or dodging it. In fact, she bends to pick up a smaller one, absently tossing it up and catching it. It's only an inch or three into the air at a time, but the movement's enough to suggest she's still watching the ninja.

Still half-listening to the others, too, but she's being paid to safeguard Schala, and so safeguard she does. By her estimate, Yari is probably the most suspect person here.

Ellestaria (231) has posed:
    Ellestaria glances at Yari, frowning slightly. "I do not trust this one..." But she doesn't argue beyond stating that, more intent on other things. "Healing roots may grow here... and Yuri is correct. We should contact FIA, as this is exactly the sort of thing that she is best at. I also believe she is soon to return to her youth, if I am remembering correctly."

    To Afia, she smiles, "I will let her know you are here, and introduce you. She is not like me, though... I think she is pretty, but I should warn you that she is not human in appearance. She is very gentle, though... moreso than I ever expected. So I suppose I cannot complain that she defies my expectations in that way, hmm?"

Maya has posed:
Maya finds out Schala is part of the Royal family that rules the nation above, it's a bit shocking but it's quite hopeful if one of the Royal family has an attitude about what needs to be done, like that? There's a fair bit of hope to Maya with that. She does take a note of Yari's smirk and if she can pick up Schala's own levels of magic? Her own would be yes detectable by her. Maya's going to have to be cautious and there's a reason she's not even thinking about using magic at all here unless there's absolute need to do so.

"It's often about the skill of the mage's use of what they have."

Barring healing and wards? Maya's magic is primal and the magical analog to a claymore after all.

Maya does understand why, things can't just change with a snap of a finger. She's got enough political experience to know that.

Maya sees the girl whose somehow not lost all of her innocence in a place like that and that makes Maya smile, it also makes her want to protect the kid, no all the kids here and anyone else she can help.

"I'm going to shake down some people back home who owe me pretty big to get some of what we need, but I can do it.."

She nods to Ellestaria.

"Yes Fia's help would be very much needed here."

Maya's power could hear, destroy but fertility and crop related things? Her people relied on more mundane means. Maya would also offer a second root to Afia.

"I trust you know someone who could use this Afia. I will be bringing more and as we said? Hopefully teach your people to be able to grow your own."

Schala Zeal (733) has posed:
    This time, Schala's reply to Yuri is far less winded. This is likely because she's so relieved to hear it. Most of her response is characterized by a notable silence in which she, for the first time in hours, remembers to brush a few errant flecks of hair out of her face. She wants to get the one semi-tense thing out of the way first so that she can skip right to talking about the more hopeful prospects of the Dark Hero's involvement instead, so: "You will have to share with me more details regarding what exactly this 'Essence' is before I can give you a definite answer, and then you will have to at least insinuate to me what your favors may entail. I seem to be gathering quite a lot of debt," She would glance furtively to Lucatiel once more, "from all this aid I've been receiving already."

    She would continue to nod as he speaks of the methods of his 'judgement' -- the process by which he will decide his involvement and weigh the worth of the Earthbound and Enlightened alike. She seems to have quite a lot of faith in the merits of her people, however, because she again has little in the way of verbal reply; she would merely continue to nod, hands neatly folded at her waist, posture quite a lot more straight now than before. Some of her sickness seems to have abated, and she seems to have risen from a nearly invisible hunch. All this would speak volumes of how Yuri's words have eased her mind.

    At the culmination of it all, she would respond rather simply and cleanly: she would extend her hand. "... this... is a gesture I learned from a traveler, once. A traveling merchant who visited Enhasa when I was still a child. It's called a 'handshake', and it is a symbol of good faith between two people who have made some form of exchange, or who have otherwise promised to do so in the future." She smiles again, gingerly. "I would like to share this with you. As thanks for the suggestions you have made, and the interest you have taken." And before he can say anything, "Even and especially if you feel my gratitude is lost on you."

Schala Zeal (733) has posed:
    Afia tilts her head waaaay off to the side when Ellestaria says that her daughter 'isn't human'. "But... aren't -you- human?" Evidently she totally forgot about the 'people of my race age more slowly' thing in favor of what she can see. After all, what she can -see- doesn't suggest in any overt what that she's inhuman, and Afia isn't liable to assume otherwise. Still, she would attempt to riddle this out. "So... is she a Fiend?" The word 'Fiend' is pronounced as though it's another race unto itself. "... it's sorta silly to think that your daughter would have a big, blue head and those long, wiggly ears, but if she does that's okay! I think I would still get along with her!" Ooookay, no, she's making some pretty wild assumptions. But whatever -- she'll probably figure this out in due time.

    But, gentle! Gentle is good, right? She actually might struggle a bit with the meaning of that word before having a moment of epiphany. "Oh! Ohoh! Gentle! Like Schala!" She would smile proudly, as though expecting some sort of praise for her effort. Her mother would grant this to her, confirming for her daughter from afar that, 'Yes, dear, 'gentle' means 'soft and loving'.' Maybe not the most elegant definition, but it's unlikely that they're allowed to keep any dictionaries down here.

    Curiously, though, Afia would accept the root. She would give it a faint whiff here and there, turning it about in her hands as though it were some sort of weird gourd at a Halloween Pumpkin Sale. "Um... okay! I'm supposed to give this to someone who is sick, right? I'll find someone!" With those same rosy cheeks and that infinitely warm expression, she would of course add, "Thank you~!"

Ellestaria (231) has posed:
    Ellestaria laughs lightly, "It is a long story, really, and one that isn't worth telling right now." She sets aside the worry about Yari in favor of talking to the child, deeming that more important than plotting revolution... for now. "She is a unicorn-girl. Far from fiendish. Though I am not sure if you have unicorns here."

Schala Zeal (733) has posed:
    "Unicorns?" -That- certainly gets Afia's attention. "You mean those wish granting horses from that storybook that Schala gave me? Wow! -Wow-! She's one of those??" She would squeeze her hands together excitedly. "I wonder if she could give me some real clothes... or, or... something like that..."

Yuri Stinson (106) has posed:
    "Essence is simply a generic term of supernatural empowerment. I can make them stronger, faster, smarter. In my world, they'd be called Tiger Warriors. Englightened beings that are leagues above standard people. I could grant this to them, but you would owe me a favor," He notes, keeping the favor vague, "The insinuation of my favor is that it is whatever I ask, and that it can be called in at any time. Power does not come without a price, and that price is inescapable, no matter what any tells you. The conditions upon the task I give you may be anything, so long as they are not the following: One, impossible to complete in their parameters. Two, considered unacceptable by your concept, existence, or personality. This usually constitutes causing your death, but rare individuals have other situations that it cannot be applied to because they view death as preferable to that order in a literal sense to the core of their being." He pauses to take a breath, "If you do not work towards that without a break longer than a day, misfortune untold will befall you. If you do not succeed in a month of hard work and dedication, you will be released from the contract without harm."

    A long explanation, but she did ask.

    He stares at her hand when she holds it out to him, "I am familiar with a handshake. I used to be human." He still SORTA is, but his Exaltation has probably changed him at his core more than the other Pilots from his world. He extends his hand to her and that rattling happens again. His robes shift a bit and his hand comes out of one part of it. It's a human hand, and it grasps hers tightly before it falls back to his side.

    He takes a long moment and narrows his eyes. He seems to be thinking of something. FIA would encourage him to do something nice, maybe show he is a good person. He lets his hand hang for a moment before he says, "Xinsheng, open..." And holds out his hand at the ground. There's a huge flash of light before it subsides and then is gone.

    Padding around on the floor is an adult, female Beagle. It barks a couple times and then looks up at Schala. Yuri says, "Her name is Zhongcheng, it means Loyalty. You may keep the dog if you wish."

    He adds: "It, itself, is not edible and would likely kill anyone who tried to. But if there are edible monsters nearby, it can hunt for the village."

Yari Takane (691) has posed:
Though distracted and likely half-concussed the entire time, Yari eventually notes her initial discoverer again. Tossing a rock up and down. Her body seems to shift reflexively in defense even as she's only sitting up. That single arm of hers tenses beneath thick fabric, ready to ward off a throw her way. She might not be the most experienced ninja, but she has been trained to a T.

Yari's gaze meets Lucatiel's for a moment. Perhipheral vision keeps track of that rock as though it were a deadly weapon. Mostly because it is. A flick of her hand has a kunai held defensively before her.

Then a glance sideways to Maya. Unfortunatley Yari's aetheric talent is on the mid-to-low end at this point, and needs some training if she's ever going to have some supernatural senses. She hardly picks up on Maya's own talent, but the observant might pick up on a certain warmness Yari has towards Maya. Maybe the two have met?

Schala Zeal (733) has posed:
    Schala nods to Yuri. Really, those stipulations sound exactly like those she recommended to Lucatiel, so she has no reason to reject them. "I would accept your offer," She says, "But I am not the only one you need the approval of. You might consider returning here on a later date when these people are less shocked and exhausted to recommend this to them. Some of them are quite a lot more pacifistic than one would assume. So long as you only grant this boon to those who explicitly request it - which of course I trust that you would have in any event - then we have a bargain fitted."

    She's a bit more surprised, though, when there's a brilliant flash of light... and a Beagle appears. That garners a rather large quirk of her brow; a gesture so dissonant with her usual demeanor that it might appear somewhat comedic. She gently turns her head to face them, though, and echos the translated word under her breath. 'Loyalty.' She reaches out to pet the dog on the head if it is receptive before raising up again and regarding Yuri. Again, she's smiling. "Well. I'm not entirely sure how well Loyalty will get along with my brother's pet Alfador, but. I will see to it that they are taken care of, that they might watch over this village in kind." And again, she bows in gratitude. "Thank you again, Yuri. For everything."

    Afterward, though, the princess would shamble back over to Lucatiel. Without a word at all, she removes the same pouch of coins that she had shown her the other day and offers it to her. "Already you have proven to me your dedication to your oath and your worthiness as a warrior. The fact that you've done this without so much as drawing your blade from its sheathe speaks volumes, I should think. But." She meaningfully tosses the small brown bag to her feet, flashing a look of narrowed eyes that would, if this were any other countenance, almost appear coy. "Take it. As proof of my faith in you, and as thanks."

    Afterwards, she addresses the rest of them a final time. "It has been an eventful night, but I fear it's time for me to retire." Glancing to Homura, she would remark, "If the aforementioned Union diplomat is indeed interested in aiding us here, then you need only ask me and I will likely be able to arrange a meeting between him and my mother. Until then, though," A concluding bow. "thank you." Suddenly, all the people of the village present - some twenty-five people by now, at least - would all bow with her. "THANK YOU!" would echo across the entire cavern, much to the princess's surprise. She would practically jolt from her incline to behold them all, and then to smile. She would take her leave of them all shortly after, satisfied.

    Maybe things will be alright after all.

Yari Takane (691) has posed:
Yari looks to all involved, and especially the Princess who has gained such favor amongst the lowest of the low. The ninja smirks, and starts to walk away. Only when she's vaguely out of immediate retribution to all but the rock-bearing Lucatiel, does she drop a smoke bomb.


Smoke everywhere. When it fades away? Yari is gone like a proper ninja, with much sweat and toil on her part. This night has been an utter failure of her skills, after all.

Maya has posed:
Maya pauses about Yari with how she's been looked at for the last little bit, she wonders about that but if Yari is here to help she's not going to complain much. Still it was curious and she'd find out what was up later. Either way she's going over what she needs to do, there's going to be a lot of work here.

"Good night Schala, I shouldn't stay too long, I'll get back home and start calling in those favours in the morning."

Lucatiel of Mirrah (66) has posed:
Although Lucatiel attempts to wave off the smoke with her free hand, fingers clawed, the sudden smoke bomb is too much of a mess to disperse. With a soft but thoroughly disgusted sound, she lets the rock fall to the ground. It lands with a soft thud; weighted enough to have caused pain, but not enough to do any serious damage to the ninja she had been targetting.

In the same movement, she stoops and retrieves the pouch, pocketing it without bothering to check its contents or value. She may not be particularly interested in material gain, but she's hardly going to turn her nose up at a profit. In light of her wanderings, she does have modest travel expenses to attend to, and this will help that.

She doesn't respond, though. Maybe she just doesn't like speaking in front of groups? Or maybe she just has a natural disinclination towards speaking if she hasn't got anything useful to contribute. The masked knight does go back to leaning against the wall, but the way she watches Schala almost seems as though she's weighing something. Or weighing the princess, perhaps.

Only after Schala herself leaves does the masked knight turn to go, without a word to anyone else.