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Reconstruction Blues
Date of Scene: 15 March 2015
Location: Reptilon <Rep>
Synopsis: Yari Takane leads construction efforts in Freeport. Union, Confed, and Unaffiliated alike arrive to help out!
Cast of Characters: Maya, Staren, 114, 127, 578, 673, 691

Yari Takane (691) has posed:
Freeport, on the whole, has seen better days. Though the intervention of the Confederate and Union forces against the Neo-Saiyans certainly saved the city from annihilation, the scarrs of battle remain. Buildings are damaged and crumbling, infrastructure is blown, geothermal pipes are busted, alongside the more personal tragedies.

The combined effort of Dinosaucers, Tyrannos, and the myriad Confederate and Union detachments working all along the planet have found themselves, in part, a contact in Centurion Yari Takane, at least when it comes to freeport. The woman has more or less wound up being the main coordinator for the whole affair.

Her men certainly have fallen into the locals about as well as a mixed group of off-worlders can. The desperation and shellshock of the local reptilonians certainly eases up on this long-standing distrust. Yari has made sure that every group of her men, be they engineers, soldiers on patrol, or Medicus handing out clothing and food and offering healing all have their reptilonian counterparts with them.

A show of solidarity and a big dinosaur in each squad sure cuts down on the number of incidents. Things have gone remarkably smoothly; the bay-side walls are being repaired, infrastructure is slowly being rebuild, people are clothed and fed in the large tent-camps that have sprung up just outside of the city. Refugees from nearby areas hit even harder have flocked too. It's largely a logistical nightmare, and the normally impassive ninja is feeling the pressure.

Pressure she's reducing by piloting one of the large, imposing Reaper Magitek armors currently outfitted with hydraulic loading lifts that the ninja is defly using her tail and single arm to maneuver. She's thankfully had basic Reaper operation courses as part of her training, even as she relays a dozen orders at once over her radio. The ruined residential area is slowly being cleaned up by the many gathered soldiers and do-gooders. Eventually, however, even /she/ needs a break.

Hopping out of the large vehicle, Yari starts off towards one of the 'rest areas', cluttered with civilians and soldiers alike relaxing from the goings-on. Yari gets several salutes, which are returned, until the young Centurion sits down and grabs a drink. She's dressed in a red-and-black dress uniform given the occasion, pips on her uniform clearly showing an officer's rank. There's a Confederate ensign's mark on the uniform as well.

Genghis Rex (114) has posed:
Rex stands dockside, a pair of binoculars held up to his eyes as he surveys a massive carrier that got flipped during the battle. The ship, a Dinosaucer military carrier known as TITAN, is among one of the largest sea worthy vessels on all of Reptilon. It put up a valiant effort against the Saiyan onslaught, but their combined efforts lodged it on the nearby reef. It projects high into the Reptilonian sky, looking like a dagger sticking out of the side of the planet itself.

Smaller Dinosaucer and Tyranno ships drift nearby, collecting the spillage from the battered Carrier, to minimize any ecological damage.

A huge purple Brachiosaur stands near the commander, surrounded by a handful of hatchlings, all of them shrieking questions at him. The normally gruf Brachio seems extremely amused by this and is crouched down, signing autographs and taking photos.

Rex glances to the commotion and rolls his eyes, "Brachio, we are here to do a job! You can sign autographs later!"

Brahcio shrugs, "What can I say, Rex? They're hatchlings! This won't take long!"

Rex snorts, "I'm never hiring a celebrity again!"

Freya (578) has posed:
Freya is here to, she in her normal giant size mode, she pretty easy to spot, she currently picking up the large parts of concreate and other large peices of debree mostly concrete from falling building and the occasional crushed vechile from roads and around the buildings so the worker can get around alot easyer.

Rory White (673) has posed:
    When disaster strikes, the Argonauts help.

    This is probably one of the weirdest disaster responses that Rory's ever attempted however. There's DINOSAURS walking around. Space monkeys ripped the place apart. And it's on an alien world, a place she'd never normally be stepping foot on.

    But for the last half-hour her ship's been slowly circling around the city, and she's frequently beamed down from it in a stream of brilliant light, only to appear near one effort or another to deliver some miracle medical gear. She's also beamed back up with several wounded and been taking stock of the wounded.

    A flotilla of small drones zips across the city, little saucers the size of small dogs, scanning through wreckage for survivors and structural instability that might become a problem...

    And weirdest of all, she seems to be in several places at once. One larger drone on treads is at one of the main camps, speaking with the organizers and semi-automating much of the logistics reporting between some of the smaller squads. No details will be missed!

    Without ANY warning, the bright teleporter beam splashes down near the docks and disgorges Rory White's Synth morph - which looks human enough, blue hair notwithstanding. She's not showing any signs of distress at all of this multitasking, but then again... she's not good at showing much emotion at all sometimes.

    If anything she seems a bit bewildered as she tilts her head back to try and look Rex in the eye - he's easily twice her height.

    "What's to be done about the disabled ships?"

Kirikou (127) has posed:
    Kirikou, being stronger than a normal human, is making himself useful. Not like strength of ten men strong or anything like that. Two at the outside, and not even an athletic two men. Compared to a dino, he's not terribly useful... except he's also small and flexible, able to apply leverage in places no bigger man or dinosaur could reach. He's not afraid either; willing to enter a crumbling building to support a crumbling wall from the inside allowing others to safely remove debris from the outside.

    Fire and Thunder are not quite so physical, but then they're barely 8 years old. They're wide-eyed at all the dinosaurs, and would be spending all their time playing if they weren't so impressed by the problems the city has been facing. They use their own peculiar talents, helping out by indicating where a cellar or basement has open space within. There's possibly a few residents who owe their lives to the detection abilities of the Twins, directing Kirikou and his squad to places where survivors are most likely to be rather than wasting precious time on collapsed buildings with no space where a survivor could lie.

Genghis Rex (114) has posed:
Rex looks down to Rory, "We'll salvage what we can, recycle what we can't. This will take years, I'm afraid ..."

Brontothunder steps gingerly by Brachio, "That's right smart guy, go ahead and deal with your adoring public, while a REAL Dinosaur does all the heavy lifting!"

Brachio drops an autograph book mid sign and swings his head after Brontothunder, "Aw, no you don't Jabroni! TITAN is MINE!"

Brachio hurries down the dock, after Brontothunder.

The two Sauropods trip over one another and fall off the edge of the dock. A second later, both have dinovolved into their ancestral forms and now tower over the docks, glaring at one another.

"You're still a little shrimp compared to me! Best stand back and let the BIG boys take care of this!" Brachio boasts loudly

"I'll make you eat those words, tail for brains!" Brontothunder calls back.

Another Brachiosaurus, grey skinned and wearing what appears to be police riot gear, yells up at the two, "Why don't you two focus that energy on the TITAN! I've got more movers and shakers on the way. You can either get to work or get out of the way!"

Brachio stares down at the Officer and nods, "You got a big mouth Roman! You outta spect your edlers better n' at! A'right, let's go!"

Roman (Brachio's younger brother) leaps into the water and dinovolves, following after Brachio and Brontthunder.

All 3 thunderous Sauropods making their way to the TITAN. Several more are wading in at the shore, dinovolving as well.

Yari Takane (691) has posed:
Despite all the little hachlings shrieking away questions, there are a pair of Garlean soldiers walking up behind the pair of Brachio and Rex. One is a tall, blonde Garlean, and the other a short female mi'qote. The woman gives a sharp salute.

"Ah...S...Sir?" Comes the woman nervously, young and clearly fresh into the Legion.

"We've been told to report on the progress of the crashed carrier. Ahh...any...anything we should know about?"

Freya has her work cut out for her, but the giantess' pure size and strength has proven a boon. There's a small gaggle of soldiery on all sides acting as assistants and hangers-on to remove the smaller bits, engineering teams swiftly ensuring all the removed rubble is reprocessed or otherwise used as fuel. It's a highly efficient team that's been gathered, and everyone is working at their best.

But one particular falling structure is indeed a menace. A towering building, it's beened burned out by ki-blasts at the foundations, and leans dangerously. Only Freya's work has allowed others to get even remotely close. High up as she is, Freya might just catch the hissing cries of a 'tiny' baby Reptilonian! From the sounds of things, they're in one of the top three floors, and the building is starting to collapse!

Rory's efforts similarly lend speed to the already efficient works Takane has set up. It's a large city, and even what Elites and mundane troops are here are vastly under-manned. A disaster on this scale is a difficult thing given the rest of the planet's woes, but Yari's managed as best she could. Much of the residential district where Freya is working is in the worst shape, as well as the bay's problem with crashed ships. There's also severe damage to the unique geothermal technologies the planet relies on.

But the small flotilla of drones is a vast help. Though there are lost survivors everywhere to shuffle about, most seriously is in one corner of the residential district. Right by a geothermal vent, what was once a one-story house has collapsed in on itself. It's a grisly sight, mostly dead bodies, but faint..and growing fainter...signs of life can be detected by the drones' scanners. Yari grabs a drink, chugs it, and then walks over to Rory's tread-drone.

"Excuse me. Who is your operator? Recovery Coordinate, Centurion Yari Takane. I've heard reports of aerial scouting drones, have they been patched into the local recovery net yet?"

Seems that the Garleans and others here have set up a wireless network, likely of a hybrid magical-technological nature given the many people working here. Yari taps on her magitek armlet, and pulls up the local 'net to search for identification codes and a map of the goings-on.

Fire, Thunder, and Kirikou certainly help. In fact, for one newlywed dino-couple, they're likely to be lifesavers. In another section of the ruined city, another house has collapsed almost entirely. It's enough that several soldiers have passed by without a second's thought, but the sharp-eared could pick up vague cries for help.

It must have been a very beautiful home, with an outdoor garden and everything. Flattened like a pancake, there's only a small shattered window that could possibly admit entrance to a /very/ small person indeed. What lies beneath is a twisted makeshift, crumbling drop down into a busted door with a busted set of floorboards leading down to the basement.

Good news: if one gets down there somehow, the two Reptilonians are alive. Bad news? They're about three times too big to actually get /out/ of the pathway that's left to them.

Genghis Rex (114) has posed:
Rex takes his gaze from the converging Sauropods and glances to the nervous legionnaire. He crouches down to get as close to eye level with her as possible (having been told that this makes communication with humans far less intimidating.)

He motions to the Dozens of Sauropods converging on the Titan, "You see those walking beanstalks over there? They're gonna try to right the Titan. Their tough and strong, but the titan weighs several hundred million tons and they could probably use help. Do you have any anti-gravity devices that might assist them?"

He eyes Rory, "I do not know you. What is your specialization? I can better assign you based on that ..."

Rory White (673) has posed:
    Rory executes a somewhat overly formal courteous bow and nods quickly. "At least it CAN be salvaged, and isn't in the deep ocean!" Way to put a positive spin on it, hm?

    She's doing her best to not be too distracted by all of the antics around her. Or show how much she wants to tear apart the wrecked ship too!

    Meanwhile, anyone correlating events might find out something interesting. When she's talking with rex?

    She's also talking with Yari. At the exact same time, in fact.

    The drone's upper portion swivels on a mount and a few manipulator arms gracefully wave around. Maybe in greeting. "I am the operator. Rory White of the Argonauts. The drones are mine and they're patched in! Rescue efforts will be needed at..." She rattles off coordinates and puts a ping across the sensor network. "... Working with this network isn't so easy..."

Freya (578) has posed:
Freya hms and turns looking at a building near her is that someone crying? She spots a tiny baby on the 3rd floor. "Oh no!", she says rushing over and using her immense body to support it. "I'm going to need some help here! There someone on the 3rd floor here! I'm not sure how long I can keep this buiding from falling!"

Maya has posed:
So things are a mess here this is a contested world and lets face it few people deserve sayain planet pirates on a genocidal grab for both land to sell and mayhem to have. So here she is, she's not alone either there's a number of other leather and metal clad junkers the odd thing is some are very old most seem to be about 20sih or so there's a whole odd gap and then there's humanoid robots which are brown for the most part with gold optic visors.

Maya will come forward at this point. "I brought some help where do you need repair and salvage crews?"

The bots whom Rory might be paying attention to are using wireless and seem to be talking about a union meeting...

Kirikou (127) has posed:
    Led by the twins to a collapsed building with a potentially open basement, Kirikou's team soon hears the cries for help. If they hadn't been specificially listening, if they hadn't known there was a sizeable space not filled with rubble, they wouldn't have scrambled over the debris to get close enough to check. There's just so much destruction and injury to check everywhere and everything. But yes, being more certain there's liveable space means the checking isn't quite so random.

    Kilik frowns at the opening. Too small for himself. He's not huge, but he's an athletic teenage boy just starting to fill in. This opening is suited, he figures, only for animals or very small humans. Thunder volunteers silently, and Kirikou considers the option briefly before smiling wistfully and shaking his head.

    "You couldn't do anything from inside." Kirikou explains quietly. Thunder has a good heart, as does Fire, but they lack physical might. And if they could get to the living creatures buried in the basement, well, they can't speak. There'd be no way for them to reassure the survivors of anything. No, it'd be an extreme risk with no real payoff. Even if both Fire and Thunder were able to get inside, they couldn't do much once in there... not unless Kirikou were there too to feed them power.

    "I need some help here. Surviors." Kirikou says into the rescue net communicator. "They're trapped in a basement. We're going to need to shift a lot of rubble to get to them... or just a little bit to widen an opening to get me in there. Unless there's someone around that's tiny who can do something from inside?"

Yari Takane (691) has posed:
The poor Trooper /blanches/ as the massive creature kneels down to look her in the eyes. The man beside her, more stout of heart, reaches over and yanks her tail. She squeels, and then is in full-on parade ground stance.

"YES SIR MISTER SIR!" She all but yells, fur on her tail on end.

Then she ponders. "Well, we have a /few/ on loan. Uhhh, but something that big?" She perks up suddenly.

"Wait! I know." There's a rapid-fire conversation between the heavily distracted Yari and the Trooper. Five minutes later? Three long, cylindrical Garlean vessels with large sets of red wings and pincers dangling off their bottoms come floating in. These aren't the normal varient, but much, much larger. A boat borrowed from the locals has a duo of Garleans speeding towards the downed Titan.

"Here's the plan: the flying units are going to hook the side that gets pulled up while the 'beanstalks' push. And while they do that, our aetheric specialists are going to lessen gravity around the whole thing! It'll be tough, but I think everyone together can manage it!"

The mages are already chanting, filling the area with magic that makes the Titan significantly lighter...at the cost of bulging eyes, and generally pained expressions. This is likely the hardest spell they've ever tried. The flying units too visibly strain and one begins to smoke dangerously in the attempt. They're giving it their all.

Yari visibly frowns. "I'd appreciate honesty here. There's no tricks in this operation. I have been informed of a voice-pattern matching yours near my other Troopers and Mister Rex." She says, voice full of authority and deep displeasure. She's mollified a bit, however.

The dual-nature of the network is likely a pain for all involved. Yari nods in understanding. "Endure it. This place will be restored for the honor of the Legion and Confederacy. Mmm?" Yari pauses as reports flood in, and she starts flicking buttons on her armlet.

"One moment Miss White."

Freya's great strength and keen eyes save the day! For now! That building is bouyed by her body, still starting to crumble as reinforced walls slowly decay as gravity does it works. Yari scowls and peers to Rory.

"Sector A-10, get a small flying drone in there /NOW/! There's a child." Orders the Centurion perhaps a little too roughly. From her heart-rate and breathing, this whole thing is clearly wearing on the young woman. Manners are somewhat out the window, but at least she's maintaining as much order as can be.

Rory might want to get that drone to work, and maybe some form of tranquilizer for the stressed Centurion. Seems she's neglect her own health in favor of the city.

Then she flicks on her radio. "Miss Freya, we'll be having an off-world drone there immediately! Hold on!"

With as busy as she is, Maya and crew don't immediately get Yari's attention. Instead, another tall human steps up to the diverse group.

"Eh? What's all this then? Ahh, whatever, salvage eh? Just what we need. Ya need some work...Sectors B3 and A9 are...hold it..."

Back at Kirikou's sector, the man's plea doesn't go ignored. A very, very tiny Lallafel soldier comes running as fast as her tiny legs can manage. She trips, falls into a roll, then smartly comes up with a salute.

"Demolitions expert here! Uhh...just widen it? Well I can get inside. But it needs to be controlled. And we gotta pile up some of this junk to make sure that happens!" The tiny lallafel is already setting up some explosives around the perimeter; magitek gravity-based ones. Likely to suck /in/ debris rather than cause an outright collapse.

Then she's pointing at the trio, then at some loose debris. "Hey! See all that crap? Start using it to prop up that window. Break the glass if you have to. We need it open and wide for when I set these off."

The Garlean human looks to Maya again. "Hey. Go find that Lallafel engineer and the outsiders. Seems there's a couple trapped in a bloody basement. Salvage, right? Well start salvigin'! Clear as much junk over there

Freya (578) has posed:
Freya would nod but she worried that any movement would bring down the building. She grunts a bit, keeping the building steady. She can do this she can tear down moutains this should be no problem! Thought she hope that drone hurries up..

Yari Takane (691) has posed:
The Trooper addressing Maya and company also give the coordinates to Kirikou and the engineer.

Staren has posed:
    Staren seems to be taking a page from Rory's and Freya's books. His giant robot is here, moving heavy debris, as are a few large, stone humanoids. Small, spherical drones search for the wounded, while animate metal unicorn-pony statues bring people saddlebags containing the same medical equipment Rory's giving out.

    As for Staren himself... A humanoid robot is here, about 5 2/3 feet tall. Without the disguise on, it seems to have a simplistic design -- not sculpted to appear to have a human's musculature or anything, just the basic humanoid shape. Painted sea green down the right half and white down the left, with brass-colored trim here and there. There aren't even toes! The head is shaped to have a human-looking nose and mouth, though, and the mouth moves when he speaks. The optics are behind some kind of protective covering, giving it the appearance of having something like car headlights for eyes.

    The humanoid robot is moving debris too, lifting large chunks of collapsed building with more ease than it seems someone of that size should. At one point, it lifts a piece of building that looks like it might weigh as much as a medium-size car with only some difficulty and grunting, then tosses it into a more out-of-the-way heap of debris. Staren or his mecha are quick to arrive anywhere where someone is found trapped under rubble.

    Whichever drone is nearby when someone says they need to move a million-pound ship turns and bobs, "I can't help with moving something /that/ heavy, sorry..."

    Meanwhile, help is needed elsewhere! "I might be able to help with that child," one scanning drone offers -- another, "I might be able to help with that basement."

Genghis Rex (114) has posed:
Ankylo, forever under Rex's feet, peers through his own binoculars, then starts jumping up and down excitedly on the dock, sending tooth chattering shockwaves along the metal surface, "Look! Bossasaur! Look! It's working!"

Rex, gritting his teeth as he shakes up and down, looks back to the Titan.

The mass of Sauropods has grown to 30+, their necks swinging about, looking like a scaley forest. Some use their shoulders to press under the Titan while others are up on their hind legs, pressing their forelegs into the hull.

Droplets of water begin lifting from the surface of the water, creating a light upwards shower of rain that rises up into the atmosphere, thanks to the magics being cast on the ship.

The Garlean vessels add lift to the whole process and the Titan, slowly but surely, begins to move.

"Watch your feet everyone! This reef is SHARP! URRRGGGGHHHH!"

Brachio yells "Aww, quit yer belly achin' ya hachling ... OWCH!"

Dimetro, Plesio and Icthy stand on the shore, waiting for the massive Carrier to right itself.

Dimetro says, "You guys sure you sealed up all the big holes in that thing? I don't wanna get it off the reef then have to pull it outta the bay."

Plesio hisses "We did what we could, Dinossssaussserrr! I doubt you could do better!"

Icthy says, "Cool off, Plesio, he wasn't criticising you." then to Dimetro, "We did our best with what we had to work with ... it's not perfect, but it should hold long enough to get the Titan back to a repair dock."

Dimetro nods, "I hope so, lad ..."

Maya has posed:
Maya :listens for a moment at the situation that's going on she pays attention to the oher person as they give her aheads up.

"Right we can look into that."

Some of the Junkers and workbots go off to do what they can. Maya herself is going to go find that Engineer and once she's told where where to go.

"Got it I'll see what I can do with that."

the Workbots seem to be chattering as they work but it doesn't seem to hinder the robot's ability to work though.

Kirikou (127) has posed:
    Kilik looks down at the little lallafellan soldier dubiously, but his expression clears when he learns the being's specialty. "Yeah, that'll work." he agrees. When in doubt, blow shit up. "If there's no way to blast a hole that'll let the survivors out, open one up that'll let me in and I can shield them from the next round." he directs. Well, he can MOSTLY shield them. Fire and Thunder can do a lot, but they're far from a perfect defense. "Of course if you can open it wide enough they can get out, it'll save everyone some pain. Especially me. Do what you can!" he encourages. He doesn't NEED to be a hero or anything. He just wants to be sure to do what needs doing.

Rory White (673) has posed:
    "What?" It takes Rory a few moments to figure out what Yari's talking about. But Yari might be amazed to find that one of Rory's drones moves in closer immediately!

    "I'm picking up very unhealthy heart rates, miss! Calm down or you might need medical care too!" The tread-drone's speaker announces with another manipulator arm wave that seems a bit more frantic.

    Meanwhile, back at the docks, the teleporter beam retrieves Rory... and then deploys her again right down near the tread drone with another splash of light. She's now standing by the drone...

    "Humans have two arms and legs," states the bluenette...
    "Only two eyes and ears." The tread-drone continues as if the young woman never stopped speaking at all...
    "But bodies are like limbs and eyes to me. If I have a 'body' right now, it's the ship above!" They both announce, while the drone continues circling the aforementioned building and pelting it with multi-layered sensor scans to map the wreckage...

    A port on the rebuilt Odyssey opens as the ship flys over the building Freya's supporting, and deploys a rotorcraft with a grappling claw. It won't be a COMFORTABLE RIDE...

    But the saucer and rotorcraft both fly in through a window.

    At the same time...

    The tread-drone and Rory's Synth body both seem to be very distracted and not really looking at anything.

    If all goes well though... it's like playing claw game with the baby to snatch them up and carefully fly them out. HURRIEDLY descending and getting away from the danger zone!

Freya (578) has posed:
The baby is saved and out of the danger zoen.Whew! Freya is glad for that. "Now everyone back away! This thing is going to topple!", she holds up the building for a little while longer and slowly start trying to let to building slowly crumble but it doens't have much effect and the building falls apart tumbling to the ground bring up much dust and her feet getting covered in rubble. Her clothing is covered in dust and she coughs a bit from the dust.

"I'm okay.. I could use some water thought."

Yari Takane (691) has posed:
So far, Freya manages to hold the building somewhat upright. She's all but become the single supporting pillar that's keeping this ramshackle display of former-construction in place. Ki-blasts, it turns out, are very good at collatoral damage. But there's a rather unfortunate caveat to the whole thing; the right side of the building is listing horridly in a way that even Freya's foot couldn't help with.

Cue the knife-wielding, psychopath that is Yari's next-in-line to being Optio in her unit. She's technically not cleared to pilot a Reaper armored unit, and it shows by how /wobbly/ it's being driven. There's beer bottles in the cockpit of the massive Ceruleum powered mobile weapons platform. Yari is going to be /pissed/ later.

"OIIIIII! Hear me up there, ya giant bi...ahh, I mean rescue worker! GARLEA TO THE RESCUE, AHHHH HAH HAH HAHHHH!" Very, very drunk, this mi'qote. Powerful metallic legs rush the vehicle forward, and the kitty-woman smacks the controls forward. Leaping out gracefully, the mi'qote lands, and puts both hands on her sides as she watches the expensive reaper unit collide into that listing side of the building like a Tetris piece. The building stops crumbling immediately. The Reaper unit, beneath so much steel and concrete, bends with a terrible noise. Any /other/ Garlean trooper would be afraid. This one grins.

"AWWW YEAH! Another job well done by the Legion!"

At this point, Staren and his unicorn-slash-robot small army is a welcome boon. They're all quickly put to task in various places in the city. Soon enough, a few places discovered by Rory's drones are salvaged thanks to the manpower combined with several of Maya's junkers. The combined efforts save many a life, but more epic encounters are imminent.

Maya would find a very tiny human-like being setting up a frankly questionable series of explosives around said flattened building. There's enough debris about that needs to be cleared for the explosives expert and Kirikou to work! If she just clears away a few beams and other things, the whole setup will be that much more effective!

The lalla demolishions expert frowns slightly for a moment, then nods.

"Alright. Time-delay. You've got...two minutes Sir before the next explosion."

Then the lallafel blows the initial charges, which opens up that 'window' into a full-on person-sized hole.

Yari slowly frowns even deeper. "I'm...adequate." She protests, /definitely/ beyond healthy standards right now. A reach into her pouch, and she's soon adding on the unhealthy habit of smoking to her current situation. At least her heart-rate slows a fraction as she feeds her addiction. Blowing out a smoke ring, she nods.

One eye closed, suspicion clear in her features, she simply nods to Rory. "I don't have any information regarding such things...so I'll believe you for now, Miss White." The matter seems to be closed, disbelief warring with practical need.

"Show me." She ends, before more pertinent matters rear their heads.

Elsewhere, the Odssey' rotorcraft flies in, and plucks up the cute dinosaur baby just in time. That now-crushed Reaper armor and Freya's actions of holding it up have made the collapsing infrastructure manage just long enough for that rotocraft to zoom /out/ in the nick of time. The the entire thing begins falling apart.

Right onto the exploding Reaper armor.

The mi'qote looks to Freya.

"OIII! Uh, might want to move. Those things are kinda explosive."

KABOOOOOM! The Reaper makes a lovely fireball as the entire stack of cards tumbles down. Can Freya get away?

The TITAN slowly rises, one of the mages passing out, and the other two spitting up blood in the effort. One flying unit working on the matter has three wings ripped off, nearly a smoking wreck, but the thing begins to right itself and slowly work towards the harbor. Success, at much blood, sweat, and tears, is imminent.

Genghis Rex (114) has posed:
As the Titan settles on the sea, several of the Sauropods assisting snap back to their normal sizes without warning. Dinovolvers do have a limited timespan, but thankfully they are all ood swimmers and begin making their way back to shore.

Dimetro whoops, "Wouldja lookit that! Get her back to the repair dock, boys! I'll meet you there!"

Brachio and Brontothunder have extended Dinovolvers and swim alongside the Titan, keeping it steady for the small trip to the harbor.

Brachio says, "Good thing you had me here to help you out, tiny!"

"WOn't do I just put it back for you and you can get it out yourself!" Brontothunder challenges!

The Two continue to argue back and forth as they continue their escort.

Kirikou (127) has posed:
    "Two minutes, right." says Kirikou.

    He moves into action quickly, utilizing powers that are probably familiar enough to those around him by now. New arrivals, such as Maya or Staren or Rory's drones... well, they might be not quite so familiar. He armors up, the twins transforming into gauntlets, which allows him to wade in and move rubble aside with a certain casual disregard for abrasion. He can also smash rocks, but applying such force in this particular case isn't terribly practical. He'll prefer leaving such things to the 'explosives', instead doing what he can to help clear and contain the blast. He's got only minimal real experience with explosives, but he's got a good head on his shoulders and a willingness to listen to experts. Also, he's willing to keep working until the last possible moment, relying on his speed to make a last-second dash for cover before implosions go off.

Freya (578) has posed:
Freya shrinks down to normal human size and get some water from a rest station. She smiles looking around. "Isn't it nice when people work together towards a common goal?", thought they need to drawn and quater the guy that's resosable for this! She doesn't say that part out loud, thought.

Rory White (673) has posed:
    A dinosaur baby is a bit more than Rory's little rotorcraft was designed to carry. It's a wonder that it made out of the window. The little motor - whatever kind of wonder gadget propels it - only has so much oomph. As it clears the danger zone it just keeps dropping at a slow but steady rate - all while cranked up to maximum lift. So it becomes a glorified glider that travels about half a city block before finally forced to land somewhat unceremoniously and certainly uncomfortably - with thankfully very little force. Baby's not likely to suffer more than a light scrape on the pavement and a few scratches!

    Much better than being stuck in that collapsing building, right?

    "Success!" The blue-haired synth seemingly comes to life again, and while she sounds relieved, she's not moving terribly much. Body language? Eh.

    Slightly disconcerting to be sure.

    "A few light scrapes and bruises, nothing more, as far as I can see." The rotorcraft isn't going anywhere though!

    One of the little saucers swoops down next to the shrunken Freya. Across the speakers... "Any injuries? That was an amazing feat!"

Maya has posed:
Maya would bne moving at a good speed to make for person she was sent to find. Huh they reminded her of Gnomes from both Athas and Azeroth. She however catches up to see Kirikkou there as well whom she at least knows of.

"So you need some help here as I can see."

She's not alone as a work bot has chosen to follow her.

She looks over to Kirikou for a moment and she says

"Humm also it seems we got some others here."

She notes to the drones, the Workbot pauses and pokes one of the drones, it's just curious and stops after the first attempop.

"So we need to make use of explosive I'm not exactly trained int his my self I mostly picked up a bit from someone who was."

Freya (578) has posed:
Freya looks at the sauced. "No I'm okay.", she laughs a bit neverouly blushing a bit. "It wasn't all that impressive."

Yari Takane (691) has posed:
One of the flying Garlean units finally breaks off, a half-busted wreck. Still, it eventually lands mostly in once piece.

Those poor mages hopefully get a ride home, as they're all unconscious by the end of the utterly titantic maneuver. They'll get one hell of a promotion after this, given that what they just helped with is likely utterly unheard of as far as Hydaelyn's mages go.

Rubble flies aside thanks to Kirikou's efforts. The Twins upon his hands, there's a lovely pile of debris to one side that /isn't/ occupying the blast radius for the explosives the lallafel set down. Maya's own workbots and herself help clear another pile of debris that makes the eventual explosion all the more effective. The lallafel has this horrible light in her eyes as she fingers the trigger to the magitek explosives.

And the efforts of the man to limit the explosion itself is more than effective, the debris-sucking nature of the bombs that the little one laid out leaving plenty of wind-up for Kirikou to get the heck out of dodge. Glass, wood, steel, and likely other more exotic materials are sucked up as light itself is devoured by the implosion-magitech-bombs planted by the lallafel.

She grins as she watches. "AHHH HAH HAH HAH! GARLEAN SCIENCE PREVAILS!" Cue a high-pitched villainous scientist voice from the soldier. Clearly Yari's gaggle of soldiers is full of lost screws.

The end result is that there's a hole in the ground, and a pair of Reptilonians slowly clawing their way upwards. They're battered, bruised, and holding clothes to themselves for modesty's sake, but they're /alive/. Kirikou, Maya, and the lallafel get swept up in dino-hugs that end in tears and blubbering thanks to all involved.

With the baby saved, the explosion petering off, and everyone alive? That crazy third-in-command drunk mi'qote wraps an arm around the now normal sized Freya.

"Damn right! Cooperation! Would be better if those Eorzeans surrendered, huh? ELSE I'D NEED TO CUT 'EM UP, AHHH HAHHHHH!" Grin!

"Good job! Uhhh." Pause.

The kitty-eared woman ruffles Freya's hair.

"Just don't tell the Centurion about the Reaper. Heh. Heh heh heh." /Woops/.

The little baby is a bit scraped, but a nearby Medicus quickly attends to the reptilonian child. There's a hearty slap to the drone.

"Oi, mate, ya got a damn good operator! Right then, we'll heal up the kid stat! Like the Centurion says, Glory and honor! And a lollipop." Cue the Medicus offering the kid a sweet treat as their injuries are treated.

At about now, a dozen crises overwhelming her, Yari finally sees sense. She calls for her second in command, her Optio, and nods to the man.

"Take the field." She commands, and with a salute, the man does so. Then?

The stressed, exhausted Centurion quite literally passes out due to stress and overwork these past few days right in front of Rory's robo-body. She probably needs a medic at this point. Or someone to snuff out that pipe of hers.

Maya has posed:
Maya is however getting back at this point before the charges are set she's faster than she looks. She seems to have experiance with these things, yes a certain flirty merc. Serioulsy Aryhem is still /chasing/ maya's tail and it's been years. He's also not been set on fire by Maya oddly. So who knows. She does however see the civilians are all right and then they are pounced by the people they helped get out.

"I'm a healer is anyone injured?"