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Latest revision as of 03:00, 23 March 2015

Maximum Hangout Engaged
Date of Scene: 22 March 2015
Location: Heaven or Hell Tower <HoH>
Synopsis: Riva and Kyra hang out in her room and talk about basically everything.
Cast of Characters: Riva Banari, 626

Riva Banari has posed:
It's been too long since Riva and Kyra had some nice solid hangout time. Ever since the initial contact over Christmas wherein Riva commissioned Kyra to create the smash sensation of 'Hallstep' for the Union, they've not had much of a chance to actually sit down and talk.


Riva's chilling on the couch in her room, watching the Phantom of the Opera and munching on popcorn. Does Kyra dare to enter!?

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    It's true, it has been WAY too long since they've hung out together! So much had happened in those three months too so they're seriously overdue for some catch-up time.

    Kyra DARES TO ENTER! She does give a knock on the door and a warning, "Hey, Riva, it's me!" before just letting herself in to Riva's apartment. She's expecting her, after all, and Kyra's not so polite that she'd actually wait around to be let into a friend's place.

    Kyra's brought a few things with her though-notably her newer backpack that is shaped like an ADORABLE FUZZY MOOGLE! She's also brought a pizza and a big two-liter of cola.

Riva Banari has posed:
Riva perks at the door as Kyra lets herself in, and she immediately goes in for the hug on Kyra with a squeal of happiness. "Eeeeee! Kyra! It's so good to see you, come on over. Oh man, that is the /cutest/ backpack." She gabbers as she brings Kyra over to the couch and helps get the pizza and cola set up. "I've got popcorn too. Help yourself! Today, mi casa su casa." She kicks back on the courch and folds her hands behind her head, grinning. "So how have you beem lately? Busy, to be sure, I bet."

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    "Hi!" Kyra shoves the pizza aside and does some soda bottle juggling as she gives Riva a hug. She'd toss the soda aside but because she is one of those science-type persons, she doesn't want to shake the currently unopened soda bottle. "I know! So this is your place, huh? Is this all to yourself?" she seems to vaguely recall words of a roomate...Ayako maybe? "Oh, I know, right!? It's so cute! Dominic gave it to me." The fuzzy backpack is set aside on the couch.

    "Oh yeah, super busy! Especially with the Syndicate stuff, there's /lots/ to get in on there. I've also been helping out Deelel a lot with the ISOs on the Grid."

Riva Banari has posed:
"Sssssort of!" Riva replies. She gestures at the aquarium. "Ayako lives in here too. She's resting right now. Or maybe she's out and about, I can never tell!" She laughs. "She's fun to be around, and a great roommate. Nothing like the ones I had to deal with in college, that's for sure."

"The Syndicate has been super hopping lately. I don't even know what's up with that." She rubs her chin. "But hey, more adventure for everyone, right?" She thinks for a moment, then. "The Grid, huh? I heard about that. A whole world inside of a computer? Pretty awesome, if you ask me. Everything going all right there?"

However, she doesn't wait for the answer as she gestures at the pack. "Dominic, huh? Are they one of your sweeties, or was it another occasion?" She waggles an eyebrow at that, teasing.

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    "Ahaaa, I knew you said something about meeting Ayako here too. Too bad she's not in right now. Or...um..awake?" Kyra looks questioningly at the aquarium, as if expecting it to answer with the water sprite's cheerful voice. When that doesn't happen, she continues on:

    "It really has! It's great! I get experience and I get to see all kinds of places in the Multiverse." She rocks forward excitedly, snatching up a piece of pizza. "Uhh..well the Grid itself is under the control of a perfectionist facist program called CLU that chased off the Hume creator of the Grid when the ISOs showed up. We're trying to help get the remaining ISOs that are in hiding to safety so CLU can't kill them too. So far it...seems to be going okay, we haven't had anyone get caught or killed yet! Some close calls, though."

    Kyra beams. "It was for Valentine's day. Dominic and I are dating~ I gave him a nice scarf with his initials embroidered on it." Leaning sideways, she nudges Riva, "What about you? What have you been up to lately?"

Riva Banari has posed:
Riva also snaffles a slice. "Don't worry, she'll show up eventually. She always does. And she's really careful about that spirit permission thing too, so... I guess it's kind of odd she's not here right now. Maybe she's just being shy?" She peers over at the aquarium too, but shrugs.

"Whatever, if she's here she'll pop out eventually. SO YEAH!" She munches on her piece of pizza as Kyra explains her ADVENTURE in the GRID. "Whoa, seriously? That's pretty crazy. Maybe I'll give you guys a hand, can't hurt, right?" She winks. "You never know!"

When Kyra then confirms Riva's guess, Riva chuckles. "Wow, got it in one! Man, that's awesome. Dominic is a pretty cool guy who looks like he knows how to treat a lady. Hang onto that one, I think you'll do just fine."

She gets nudged. "Well, me?" She looks up at the ceiling, speculatively, while she munches. After a minute, she replies, "Wellllllllll, mostly I've been dealing with this crazy dream world problem in Mizuki's world. It's like this... narrative dream-world that's collapsing under its own weight and we need to pull up the stakes to help break it down in an orderly fashion and allow it to be created over again or something. There's a lot of high-concept stuff going on there." She shrugs. "Past that, there's been a hunt for a murderer in a virtual reality world. Gun Gale Online, you know? That popular FPS VR simulation MMO? Yeah, that's the one. And then there's mostly trying to keep people going and acting as moral support. I've been poking into a lot of things but nothing too spectacular."

Totally nothing weird going on here. Nothing to see, tra la la.

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    "Seriously. It's pretty intense! I keep hoping we'll take all the ISOs off the Grid entirely, maybe take them to live in Afterus...somewhere, anywhere besides the Grid. Provided they can actually leave. But Deelel can leave so...yeah! Next time we do something there, I'll let you know in case you wanna come and help."

    She giggles. "He's all proper and princely, no doubt from being best friends with Prince Landon. He's also /great/ to partner with while we're out adventuring! He keeps me from getting healer aggro and I keep him from being knocked over~ We have a saying in Galianda-The couple that slays together, stays together!"

    Her excitement fades a little, "Oh, is that what Mizuki wanted to talk to you about the other day? So is Mizuki's word mostly a dream world or something? Did Mizuki make it? I remember her mentioning a lot of narrative-author stuff here and there." Admittedly, her knowledge of Mizuki is extremely limited. "-oh yeah, that's the game with the Bullet of Bullets thing going on that Reker's so excited about. Do you have an account on Gun Gale Online, Riva?"

Riva Banari has posed:
"Absolutely!" Riva nods, Kyra laying out her plans for the Grid. "Just keep me posted and let me know if you run into anything you might need backup for. No problem!" She winks and gives a thumbsup at that.

She does, however, listen, entranced as Kyra talks about Dominic. "Really? I guess that works out pretty well for you then!" When Kyra rattles off that saying, Riva laughs, slapping her leg. "Oh man, that's an awesome saying. I guess adventuring couples really are the best!"

There is a pause. "Yeah, apparently she wrote her world into existence in a book or something? And it's basically a world of imagination. There's a lot of awesome stuff... But less, now, since we have to do that thing." She sighs, a little morose about that, clearly. "But yeah, I have a character on GGO. BulletArtist Riva!" She says, pumping a fist triumphantly. "I use a lot of emotes though so, uh... If we meet up be prepared!" This has nothing to do with Riva having gotten herself muted by at last half of rhe game.

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    "I'm curious, though..." Kyra leans over, nudging Riva, "Are /you/ seeing somebody?" Of course she's going to ask. It's become clear to her at this point that people generally don't discuss their dating lives on the radio-except for Lute about a month ago.

    "-wait, what? But if she wrote her world into existence, then where did she come from to begin with...? Is it like with Arthur where she became the creator goddess of this place?"

    She steeples her fingers. "Reker said he could get me an account on GGO. I kind of want to give it a try and play as a super DPS monster! I don't exactly get a lot of time to play online games though. But that reminds me-" she reaches over to her adorable backpack and opens it up-seems it opens by tilting the head back which gives the sort of appearance of tearing the moogle's head off. Um. From it, she pulls out her mPad and a set of fancy-looking headphones.

    "I got a new mix going made of Psyber clips." Kyra giggles mischeviously, passing the headphones to Riva after hooking them up to the mPad. "All taken from the Union radio!"

Riva Banari has posed:
"Me? Ummmmm..." She pauses a moment, considering what to say here. "Nnnnot right now, but I have some plans."

She takes advantage of Kyra's shock to possibly try to get her to not follow on that too much. "Where did she come from? Well... Apparently it was something involving some craziness involving a time machine and a book. The process of this apparently destroyed her original world." She leaves some details out.

"GGO isn't too bad for dabblers. Just watch out with the shouting. People don't like it when you yell a lot." She looks a little embarassed about that.

When the headphones get passed over though, she puts them on. "Hell yeah! Psyber mix! Let's hear this stuff!"

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    "Awww. I'm kinda surprised, actually, 'cause you're pretty cool." Kyra frowns a little, giving Riva a critical eye. She can pretty much gauge her age so...

    But fortunately (or perhaps unfortunately?) Kyra doesn't keep on that subject. "A time machine and a book...that destroyed her world. This is really starting to sound a lot like the Afterus stuff, actually. You know, with the world destruction and all that." she points out, "But that's probably just a coincidence."

    Kyra waves a dismissive hand, "Eh, I'm not THAT much of a shouter. Shouldn't be a problem." She sits her mPad in her lap and queues up the latest file of mogstep she has...of course, made out of Psyber voice clips and a sick beat. It starts with Psyber straight up talking to the effect of 'do not record my voice for remixing unless this starts the remix and the beat drops now'. Sounds like Kyra took his advice verbatum. It's a pretty high energy mix but it cuts off abruptly, clearly she's not finished yet. It's got a Gregorian chant mixed into it too.

Riva Banari has posed:
Riva fiddles and blushes. "Aww, Kyra, you know just how to flatter a girl." She Laughs. When Kyra turns on the muric, she holds her hands up to the headsits, listening to the mudic unfold and starting to bop her head to the beat once it is DROPPED LIKE ITS HOT. "Oh yeah, this is good stuff!" Riva says, still jamming as she listens. "I think you're going to be able to pull some Greatest Hits soon, Kyra!" She laughs, and then nods. "The whole thing that happened to Mizuki's world is weird, but it feels like there's some important differences. You should stop by there sometime and see for yourself... Or maybe wait until we're done, the place is a little depressing right now."

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    "It's true, though! You're like the cool older sister I /wish/ I had. All my real older sisters are lame and stuffy." Kyra exclaims, snatching up another piece of pizza, perhaps secretly plotting to set Riva up with someone. But who though? "Hee hee, when it's finished I'm going to trick Psyber into listening to it and surprise him. Because that's hilarous...yes! Multiversal hits! A lot of my followers on Wark and my blog get pretty pumped for the extraversal stuff I post.It's not just the music though, there's lots of pictures too."

    For the heck of it, Kyra puts on another song for Riva, also mogstep, but whatever music she mixed it from is not readily identifiable. "Well you know me, I love to visit new places. Heck, if you need help with stuff, I'd be glad to help, but I'm not sure how much help I can be since I don't have the background that you have with Mizuki's world."

Riva Banari has posed:
"You have a lot of sisters, huh? I was an only child." Riva responds. "Maybe we should have traded a couple, huh? Eh, whatever. It's all right, though. I'm just glad to have the chance to hang out with you! Maybe next time we'll go out to a club, or an amusement park or something. There's a lot of options out there!" Riva grins, perhaps unaware of Kyra's impending shenanigans.

"Oh man, I bet you're kind of a celebrity, aren't you? Got a bit of that interent star thing going on because you get to go popping around the Multiverse, right? Hahaha, make the most of it, girl! You've got 'em hooked, show them how awesome things can really be, right? Then maybe you can have a big dance party sometime with all your froends and people online! That would be badass."

Kyra moves to another song, and Riva seems to enjoy the mogstep just as much as the previous work, jamming to that too. "Only one way to get that background, Kyra! And that's the same way I did. Go check things out! Take a look around and dumk your head into the springs, feel the air, eat the food, and maybe hit on the locals." She laughs. "It's all about the experience, right? Life it, feel it, make it a part of you. Every place is different and you've gotta see them all."

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    "I've got three sisters, two of them are older, one's younger." And the fourth one is dead but Kyra doesn't bring that up because that's depressing. "You can so have my sisters if you want them. But they're boring. Or annoying. My two older ones are off married." She makes a face, then a dismissive motion as if to signal that she doesn't really want to talk TOO much about her family. "You know Kotone was talking about going to a club the other day when we were testing out some Abstractum stuff in one of those Canadian cities. So that could be a thing!" She seems about to make a mention that according to Galianda laws, Kyra can't drink, but decides not to.

    But then Kyra puffs herself up. "I am /so/ Mognet famous." She says proudly. "First it was just because I was DJ DEADM0G, right? From the music? But my followers, like...exploded ever since I started putting up the Multiverse stuff. It's /awesome/. I'm glad, too. I want to show the people of Galianda that the extraverse is cool and they shouldn't worry about it being there!"

She goes quiet for a moment. "You know, you're totally right about that. Hey, if I do go there, you'll come with me, right? I could use a wise and knowledgable guide."

Riva Banari has posed:
Kyra's not IN Galianda. BONUS. "Really? Maybe I'll have to meet them and find out just how boring and annoying they really are sometime~" Riva teases. "But not now." She laughs. "Abstractum stuff, huh?" The nods. "Yeah, Kotone keeps mentionining I need to go clubbing with her. One of these days we'll get around to it. I hope her place is worth all the hype, know what I mean?"

Riva sagenods, then. "DJ DEADM0G, huh? That's pretty awesome. Remainds me of some similar artists from my world! But hey, you've got a good chance to show what it's really like out here. You've got a great gig, keep it up!"

She laughs, then. "If you're looking for wise and knowledgable, I'm the /worst/ person to ask. But I'll be able to guarantee it'll be fun!"

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    "Noooo they're seriously uncool!" Kyra protests, sounding VERY embarassed by her own family's uncoolness. "They won't even leave Galianda!" At least...not to Kyra's knowledge. "Oh, yeah, Kotone had a universal adaptor protoabstractum that can interface with my mPad, it's pretty neat. I also detect maybe some Canadian bias?"

    She looks thoughtful, "Though speaking of gigs, I should see if I could get a gig outside of Galianda somewhere. You know, at a club or something." Maybe even one of those CANADIAN CLUBS?

    Kyra lets out a pfffffft and nudges Riva, giggling, "You're wiser and more knowledgable than I am so I guess we'd BOTH be in trouble! But we'll have fun at it, hahah!"

Riva Banari has posed:
"Eh, we'll see~" Riva pokes at Kyra, teasing. "Maybe they're just uncool because you've lived with them all your life. Maybe i'll be different when I visit." PROBABLY NOT.

Riva shrugs. "Maybe Canada's a cool place. I've been there a few times." A 'few'. "We can go prowling around and find some things to do. I bet your music would be a huge hit at some of them."

But then she eyerolls and throws her hands up in faux surrender. "Well, I guess we'll /both/ just have to go make some trouble and have fun, right? Look out, Multiverse, here we come!" She laughs at that herself. God, these two.

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:

    "Yeah. There's gotta be some clubs with good taste out there." she says, preening some more. "If I manage to set something up, you'll be the first to know, Riva! Then you can come and we can party."

    She giggles some more and leans back on the couch, her hands resting behind her head, her mPad left in her lap to loop through the other song she was demoing for Riva. "Damn straight! We won't wreck things! ...that much."

Riva Banari has posed:
Hell yeah, parties! Riva finishes listening to the song and pulls off the headphones, offering the headset back to Kyra. "Those songs were awesome. I look forward to seeing more of your work. Hopefully at a DJ booth, right?" She leans in and nudges Kyra, winking back at her. "Until then, we have a lot of things to poke at, right? Man, We've both been all up on the whole adventuring thing lately. It's been pretty crazy. See how easy is it go to get in trouble? Can't go walking down the street without hitting a quest these days."

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    "Ooh, thanks Riva." Kyra slips her headphones back into her bag, "You're being honest with me, right? 'cause if it sucks, you can tell me, I can take it from you!"

    The mPad goes back into the backpack too. "Keeping busy and getting into trouble is just how I like it!" She giggles, "Like with this Heaven or Hell thing. I didn't think Psyber was being serious about the job offer. I expect Nathan Hall might have stern words for me at some point, but I'm not too worried! That being said, what are your plans for the future, Riva? Do you attend the school that Psyber teaches at?"

Riva Banari has posed:
Riva waves a hand dismissively. "Don't worry about it, Kyra. IF I think you've got problems, I'll let you know. Artist to artist, you know? That's how it works!"

She shakes her head, then. "Nah, I already graduated college with an art degree. I don't need any more schooling. College waf fun, though. Make sure to enjoy it while you can!" She exhales, blowing some loose hangs out of her eyesight. "Between my work at home for the Knights Templat, my work for the Union, and for Heaven or Hell, I think my future is basically booked for the foreseeable future."

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    "You have?" Kyra looks around the apartment where all of its walls are covered in Riva paintings of various colors and subjects. "...you know, I should have guessed." She laughs despite her mistake. "Oh, I will enjoy it! When I get to it! And when I get out, people will call me /Doctor/!" Kyra jabs an excited finger into the air. "So you're pretty happy with the Union and Heaven or Hell and...uh, those Knights Templar guys." She only has a vague understanding of who they are but the name itself invokes a super religious organization and Riva's never come off as super religious to her.

Riva Banari has posed:
    Riva giggles a bit at Kyra, but shakes her head. "It's no big deal, Kyra. Or maybe I should say, /Doctor Hyral/." Riva laughs at that and gives Kyra a soft punch in the shoulder. "You go get 'em, girl! Show them who's boss!"

Kyra's unspoken question causes Riva to spread her hands. "The Knights Templar is an organization in a lot of different worlds. My specific one is a group dedicated to protecting innocent people from the supernatural threats of the world, since our people don't generally walk around equipped to kick ass like yours do. People in our world don't want to know about the monsters. They want to be safe and just deal with their lives, not wondering if a demon is going to leap out from an alley and gut them." She gestures. "In the past, the Knights Templar were super religious, acting as a holy military order, but after some falling out, they went nondenominational. They see religion now as a method to inspire someone to be a better person, not a requirement for one's life." She shrugs. "They got kind of pragmatic when they had to start picking up people outside their original faith to keep up the numbers, I guess."

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    "Yes! Just like that...except I want a different last name. Or maybe just 'Doctor Kyra'. That could work, right?" Any last name but Hyral.


    Kyra slowly frowns at the explanation Riva gives for the way her world works and why the Knights Templar even needs to exist. "I mean...I can get the safety thing but...I don't know, it's kind of weird having people live through their whole lives without knowing the truth of the world. Maybe they're happier but if the truth ever gets revealed to them they're going to go to pieces." She frowns even harder, struggling with coming to terms of a world set up like that. "...kind of cool that they just ditched religion like that though. Nobody likes religious bullies." For a few seconds there she sounds awfully biased. "You didn't seem super religious to me anyway. How do those worlds deal with the multiverse? Do they hide that from the normal, non-Elite people?"

Riva Banari has posed:
That's okay, Souji doesn't want you to be a Murasame either.

"Doctor Kyra works! Or who knows, maybe Doctor Masoch~" Riva teases. She's relentless about that, it seems.

Riva gestures again. "My world isn't like yours. Our regular people can't really fight the monsters very well, if at all. I mean, there's zombies, sure. People have been learning how to fight them for decades. But there's waaaaaay worse stuff out there than that. A rifle isn't going to help much against a banshee unless you're got some kind of trick behind it. You'd just blow it up with your magic. But normal people? They can't do anything against the real nasties. Well, not on any real scale I know about."

She pulls out her phone and fiddles with it. "Well, most of the places Elites are going to be showing off aren't places normal people can go easily. Like who's going to poke hard at the guy shooting eyebeams in a zombie apocalypse? No one, really. Mostly, the secret societies seem to welcome whoever wants to come in, just as long as they keep things reasonably quieet. Considering who's on the board of those groups, keeping it quiet is pretty easy."

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    "Ahhh..." Kyra gets a little flustered once Riva starts poking her about a 'Doctor Masoch', squirming, "Noooo...no marriage, definitely no marriage!"

    "They can't?" Kyra boggles a little, "Do they just not get attacked by them very much and never learn how?" Experience makes the world go round, right? "Or do they just not have the skills at all? Or can't? It sounds like a lot of normal people would be helpless if something really nasty would show up and a lot of people would die." Kyra frowns with concern.

    "Well no. I mean so far I've seen most of the fighting kept to those spots that change hands a lot or in places were lots of conflict is ongoing. Most of it...that Tokyo place gets a lot of heat."

Riva Banari has posed:
Riva chuckles. "Not the marrying type, huh? Well, that's fine! Dominic's a cutie, I'm sure you two will have lots of fun." She says with a knowing grin.

She shrugs, then. "It's not all that common that someone gets attacked in the grand scheme of things. And when it happens, it's usually... pretty overwhelming. People don't grow up in my world learning how to fight, generally. That's left to soldiers... And if something really nasty shows up, that's what we're supposed to show up to stop." Riva gestures at herself. "Though I'm hardly the only one with my... uh... gifts. There's a lot of others, and apparently more have been showing up lately." She nods. "Yeah, Tokyo gets hit a lot apparently in the Multiverse. In our own world, they say a bomb blew up there, the place is under quarantine, even by the Council. It's... It's apparently really bad." She frowns. "But I'm not cleared to go there yet. I have a lot of other stuff I have to deal with first."

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    "Nuh uh. I'm only /seventeen/ and I don't buy that marry as soon as possible crap my family pushes." Kyra huffs. "But he iiiiiis a cutie. Yesss."

    More frowning, the thought of people not growing up fighting still seeming kind of weird to her. "Did you know how to fight before? Or did that happen after the bees came to you? ...wait, quarantine from what exactly? Was it some kind of biological warfare bomb?"

Riva Banari has posed:
"It was all the bees." Riva confirms. "After that I got some combat training from the Templars, but I still kind of just fight on instinct... And that's the thing. I don't really know what..."

She pauses, looking down as she puts a hand to her head, as if trying to ward off a painful headache. "... Ggh." She pauses. "It's... Bad. If it was just biological or chemical, it'd just be the governments involved. But the Council of Venice is in there. They're like a coodinating orgnization of all the secret groups in our world that keeps them playing nice... And if that's the case, and they're in there... it's something supernatural."

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    "Huh...so before that, you were one of those normal people that didn't know how to fight." Kyra reflects, "Now you do so you can protect the other people that can't. That's pretty awesome, actually. It sounds like it'd be pretty hard to get where you are now from where you were."

    Another concerned frown graces the young white amge's face as Riva explains just how grave a situation it was in Tokyo. "So it could be that Filth doing it, then? Like it was in Kingsmouth?" She might be slightly confused about that, though, based on her last mission there when they went to the school.

Riva Banari has posed:
"I guess so. Magic bees aren't just falling off of trees these days, I guess." Riva chuckles. "Either way, I didn't get asked about it. I also wasn't really in a position to refuse the invitation to the Templars, too, so..." She shrugs. "It worked out well enough. I'm here because of a fluke. I'm just making the best of it."

Kyra then theorizes it might be the Filth, and Riva grimaces. "That could be it. But if it is, it's way worse than what it'd be like in Kingsmouth." She admits. "We'll get in there soon enough."

She sighs for a moment. "But we won't need to worry about that for a while. In the meantime, just relax and enjoy what you can, right?"

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    "Huh. Well, I mean. You didn't get asked, you didn't volunteer, but you've still keept at it anyway. Not that it sounds like there would be much for you if you refused. Still, it sounds significant to me even when we put it that other way. Take the compliment, Riva! It's meant for you."

    She smiles easily, "Yeah, no need to worry as long as the right people are warned, right?"

Riva Banari has posed:
"All /right/, if you insist." Riva says, with a false overwrought tone. "I guess I can be a cool person." She reaches over and gives Kyra a quick hug, then ruffles her hair as she pulls away. "Everything will be fine, Kyra. Just keep doing what you're doing, you know? Now, let's watch some movies!"

And then there were movies. And it was good.