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The Lavadome
Date of Scene: 22 March 2015
Location: Reptilon <Rep>
Synopsis: Allo takes some of their new allies to see part of the Lavadome for itself, to express how important it is to Reptilon's survival.
Cast of Characters: Maya, 325, 437, 691, 724

Allo (724) has posed:
The Lavadome was an impossible to miss landmark, being one of the largest formations on Reptilon in itself. Plus you have the signs of modernization on top of that. Literally. A huge dome covers the crater to keep geothermal energies from escaping during the production process, and the lower half of the mountain itself is covered in city infrastructure. While it was essentially controlled by the Dinosaucer government Lavadome was considered a neutral estate, that both factions where charged with maintaining and protecting. One of the very, very few such places on Reptilon in this day and age.

The gathering had come together at one of the cargo platforms near the base of the mountain, in front of a pair of heavy doors use for moving supplies in and out of the facilities. Just in case one of the larger members of either faction and come.

But it didn't look like that was going to be an issue, as Allo turned his attention to those gathered. "Thank you all for coming, and I apologize for the length of time it took to arrange this. There was.. considerable legal hoops to go through to get access to the Lavadome for outsiders. I'm sure you'll understand why once we get inside."

"Aye, this is a big thing," Dimentro chimed in from the doors. "We don't let just nobody in here, but seein' how important Lavadome is, this is a necessity." The dino engineer took a few steps back as the doors hissed and slid open somewhat slowly. "Ready when ye are, Allo."

"If you will all follow me." Allo turned and started walking towards the opening gateway. "If you have any questions before we start, now would be the time to ask them. We will answer as best as we can."

Which means Dimentro is probably going to be doing much of the actual talking, considering this is more his field of expertise.

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
    Flanked by a pair of important looking magewrights, Rhapsody waits to enter the Lavadome along with Tibor and Lumina. These two, aside from the kits, were a pair of the highest ranking magewrights in the entire league. Both are sporting notepads on clipboards and seem prepared to take a -lot- of notes. The first question comes from Lumina, rather than the guildmaster herself. "Dimensions. height, width, depth, anything we can know about the size of this place so calculations for defenses and mana-based shields can be made."

Annie Sandberg (437) has posed:
     Annie's here for a project on power sources at the special school for robots that she attends, so she's carrying a school notebook covered in cute stickers. She looks attentively toward Allo as he speaks. She doesn't have any questions right now, particularly as Lumina's question seemed to be at a higher level than the kind of thing she might want to ask about.

Yari Takane (691) has posed:
Yari is here! The Centurion has brought along a small gaggle of engineers, aetheric specialists, and a few troopers armed with what appear to be grappling hooks just in case someone takes a tumble towards red-hot geothermal death. Yari herself is dressed in her best dress uniform, all red and black and with many a snazzy golden button.

Yari snaps a sharp salute to Rhapsody, Annie, and especially Allo and company.

"Of course, Sir. I know about paperwork." Cringe. Oh, and /how/.

Rhapsody beats her to it.

"The same. And a map of the topography so we can set up trenches, artillery platforms, landing areas and the like if the amount already present is insufficient. Also any escape routes, choke points, and other tactical data you can provide in case of a full-on assault." Suggests the soldier on top of Rhapsody's offerings. She's all eyes today as she peers about, her soldiers doing much the same.

Allo (724) has posed:
Almost as quickly as Lumina asks her catagories Dimentro fires off answers without looking back, all which add up to 'really damn big' in the end. The super-volcano is roughly twice the size of Earth's Mt. Everest in dimensions.

"We added more anti-air defenses after the last time the sabertooth pirates attacked, and Dinosaucer and Tyranno forces alike patrol the region. But the effectiveness of our current preperations is limited by what little we know of these 'Neo-Saiyans'."

Allo takes a pause as the group passes into the actual facility to give his companions a chance to look around for themselves. Contrary to what one might be expecting the place was fairly well light and tidy. Just fairly noisy due to all the machinery in operation. The advanced reptilonian technology made it difficult to tell just what was doing what though.

But that's why Dimentro was here. "This is just one of the relay terminals that collects the processed energy and directs it out into the power network. Considering we nae be far from one of the city's industrial centers this one services mainly that sector. There's other parts of the facility that handle the more intense outputs of the rest of the planet."

Allo nodded a bit to Yari. "I will get you some holomaps of the external vicinity."

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
    A whistle from Rhapsody, but just walking up toward Lavadome made it obvious that the numbers would be big. It seems Rhapsody is mostly along to listen as Tibor fires off his own question, "And how much power does this place put out in a day? We may be able to build converters to syphon off a bit to assist any mana generators we put in for the shield we have in mind."

Annie Sandberg (437) has posed:
     "Re... lay... terminals," Annie says, as she writes down some of the important information about how the place works as it comes up. She even draws a few pictures in her notebook, so she'll be able to provide illustrations for the project when it's done. The idea of supplementing geothermal power with magic sounded interesting. Sometimes, she thought, science and magic really could work together! Maybe that would be worth putting into the report.

Yari Takane (691) has posed:
Yari gives a swift nod, tapping at her gauntlet as she records information, and the proceedings. She'll occasionally point it at something particularly interesting as they go off.

Mostly towards any glimpses of that volcano she can get. It's /freaking huge/.

"Mmm. I have a few armored units I could offer, though not many. I'd have to requisition more for this place, and that would take at least a week depending." Comes Yari with a frown. Yay formalities and requisitions in the army.

Yari can't help it. The technology has Yari whistling.

"And all of this runs on geothermal power rather than something mined from the ground?" It likely would explode less than ceruleum, even if it's a massive single point of failure.

Pause. "What if the volcano erupts? Are there contingency plans?"

Allo (724) has posed:
Allo rolls his eyes back a bit. "Trust me, I know all about military requisition 'proceedures'." So much paperwork to get something otherwise so simple done. "You've already done a lot to help us Ms. Takane. I don't want you overtaxing your own military, but all the assistance that can be provided will be appreciated. This ceasefire is... uneasy at best."

It almost feels like Kakarot -wants- them to be the biggest challenge they can be, but Allo quickly shoves that thought aside for now.

"It powers the entire planet, lass," Dimentro replies as he trundles over to another small (by reptilonan standards) keypad on the far and flips it open. "Pretty sure we can spare ye a bit for extra defenses."

"Geothermal power is the only option we really have." Allo folds his hands behind his back in his usual passive stance as he looks back to the visitors. "As you can imagine due to Reptilon not having any of the 'Mass Extinction Events' the Earths you are likely familiar with did, there was not a lot of prehistoric biomass to become what you call 'fossil fuels'. Once our technology level reached a certain point what was available was used up extremely quickly. And even Lavadome itself wasn't particularly practical until the discovering of Dynocium 13 on one of the moons."

Dimentro glances over his shoulder for a moment as he's tapping at the controls. "Nae, an eruption is unlikely. The power conversion and distrabution processes are also what manage the geothermal state to a below eruption point. Ye would havtae somehow shut down -every- converter and distrabution terminal at the same time to produce enough pressure to actually erupt again. And even then," he points up briefly, "there be that massive heavy dome on top. The lava ain't be goin' nowhere even if she did have an ol' temper tantrum."

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
    A blink from Tibor, and then he just writes the word 'yes' down on his notepad next to 'Amount of power'. Plenty of juice! Plenty of stuff to siphon, hopefully plenty of power for a really good shield! Fantastic. Rhapsody, at this point, finally speaks up, "And the obvious question that will probably cause a LOT more paperwork for you, but it has to be asked. Are we going to be -allowed- to put our generators and converters where we need them? Additionally, if we add in the weaponizing component, we'd need a large bit of Lavadome to set it up on. But hopefully somewhere that any attacking forces won't be able to get behind it easily. Is any of this possible? Or shall we just go with the shield and maybe bring in a few more Izzet forces to make up for it?

Annie Sandberg (437) has posed:
     "Wow," Annie says, impressed. "One place to power the whole planet, that's so cool. But in that case, it's definitely really important to protect it," she notes. That seemed to be what the others were there to talk about. "Do you have backup systems or something? So it's hard for all the power to get knocked out at once?" she asks. It'd be pretty terrible if something like that were to happen.

Yari Takane (691) has posed:
The woman shakes her head. "My orders are to see Reptilon safe as I can. It's a necessary expenditure for my allies. That's all." She says simply enough.

"I'll work it out."

Then she sighs just a bit, Yari's tail flicking.

"I'm surprised, frankly, it's lasted this long. A man like that is either building up forces in my opinoin for a strike, or waiting for us to give him an excuse." And with Vegeta around? That's not a bad strategy.

"Kakarot is just buying time before he strikes." Paranoid, this Yari.

Yari relaxes a touch.

"Good. Then I guess our worst threat is saboteurs. The saiyans don't strike me as subtle, but, that does not mean they might not hire multiversal mercenaries to do the job. Can you send me security procedures? I might be able to offer a few improvements. I'm good at that sort of thing." Usually on the 'breaking security' end, but it works the other way too.

Allo (724) has posed:
At least someone understands how much of a pain in the tail political red tape can be just to get something done. At which Allo gives an apologetic look to Rhapsody. "To be honest miss, I do not know. Our government realizes that we need the help, but at the same time, there are members that"

"Old kodgerdons," Dimentro mock coughs under his breath.

"Are resistant to too much change," Allo continues without missing a beat, though he does for a faint moment have some amusement at Dimentro's ad libbing. "And that's not even getting into the Tyrano side of things, some of which still can't see past their own snouts on mammals not being some kind of hideous plaque even in a time in dire need."

Allo was still surprised to see REX accepting the aid of other mammalian races. Getting his elders to do so was going to be a long and difficult endeavor that even he would not condemn someone to having to go through if he could.

"In other words, be prepared to work with what ye can, but we'll get ya everything possible." Dimentro pauses to lean closer to Rhapsody and lowers his voice. "Even a wee bit under the table if I gotta. I'll put me own neck out where Allo can't if need be."

"If there are, Miss Sandberg, they are long out of date and unused since Lavadome's full functionality. Nothing else can produce the volume of energy requirements needed to keep Reptilon's infrastructure operating. We're well aware that it's a large oversight on some matters," a short, shallow sigh, "but we have not ever really had any other options until now."

That Yari actually has a lot of the same conserns he's been mentally chewing himself up over is maybe reassuring to some degree. "You will have to talk to Tricero about that, miss. He's our security expert. He'll know the processes and protocals better than I do."

Annie Sandberg (437) has posed:
     "Oh," Annie says, disappointed. They'd better do a really good job with the protection part then, she thought. Otherwise it'd end up being like all those stories about machines that have just one weakness, but hitting that one would destroy the whole thing. But if it's the only thing they can use, she can't really fault them for not having something better. Hopefully though, with all these people from elsewhere coming to the planet, they might be able to come up with a better solution.

Yari Takane (691) has posed:
Yari visibly winces at the explaination. That, to her, is alarmingly bad. Paranoia all but radiates off of her, and she gives the dinosaucer a solemn nod.

"...Given that, I think it's indeed best he and I have a long discussion." Comes the woman gravely. While she can understand the situation, it only makes this place even /more/ of an obvious target.

A pause. "Are there any materials that can be requisitioned to improve the functionality of this facility and its defenses? I'm not certain what it's comprised of."

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
    Tibor and Lumina seem to be satisfied and are taking a lot of notes, and even scanning a few things with a crystal each brought along, but Rhapsody gives an understanding nod to Allo. "Oh, Ravnica has the Azor. We know aaaaaaaaall about that kind of thing. Trust me. For all the inovation the Izzet put in, we have to do three times as much paperwork to try and integrate it into the rest of the city. The amount of work we had to do to get Yunomi's mana vines accepted into the other city-sectors was ridiculous for how helpful they are.."

Allo (724) has posed:
"He could probably use the help, he's going against a very large grain as far as his kin are conserned. Our elders tend to be very set in their ways due to the length of our lifespans. Even our Dinosaucer ones, and we try to be more open minded."

"Speaking of open," Dimentro taps one last sequence into the terminal and steps back from it. "We can't go farther inside due to the heat, but you can still see for yourselves."

A portion of the wall opens like a set of shutters, uncovering a shielded viewing port. On the other side, through the faint haze of high tempratures, numerous clusters of large conduit pipes can be seen running up and down the chamber on the other side.

"Technically," Dimentro starts to explain, "the volcano itself is for the most part inactive. The reason it was used for the generation facility is its size allowed us the easiest access into the deepest parts of the planet's tectonic layers. So we can access the geothermal power without needin ta pull so much of it up to the surface where it would be dangerous. Kinda part of why she isn't gonnae erupt unless the whole place is somehow shut out."

Yari Takane (691) has posed:
Yari ponders, tilting her head. Then she's glancing to Rhapsody.

"Can your mages ensure no aetheric abilities can cause an eruption? I wouldn't put it past this Kakarot to use magical means if he can find them."

Maybe she's giving the man too much credit, but it never hurts to be paranoid when you're a soldier.

Then she considers further.

"What about the pipes funneling the energy? Are key supplying stations well guarded? They'd be the next likely places to attack, if the Saiyans want to cripple your infrastructure."

Then she's gazing out through the view point, squinting a bit in all the volcano-fueled light.

"...Background checks for those working here, too, if possible. Miss Rhapsody looks like your kind. It wouldn't take much to get spies in here."

Annie Sandberg (437) has posed:
     Annie writes some more in her notebook. They definitely put a lot of thought into this place. But then, it sounded like they pretty much had to. Listening to the others' concerns, she wondered how dedicated "Kakarot" was to attacking this place. What would someone have to gain from shutting down a whole planet? She couldn't imagine doing something like that.

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
    As the shutter rises, Rhapsody certainly can see the heat, probably feels it on some level, but for the most part doesn't seem to say much about it. The notes being taken by the other magewrights with her, however, are furios as they get a good look at the volcano's interior. After a moment, she finally does respond to Yari. "We may cause a lot of explosions at home but we know when to reign it in. We won't do any damage, here."

Allo (724) has posed:
Allo nods a bit to Yari again. "You and Tricero can work all the security issues out. He's a bit of a grump but I wouldn't trust anyone else more when it comes to security and protocols." Unlike some leaders Allo was not afraid to delegate to others that knew a field better than he did. Though sometimes that willingness wasn't the strongest trait, either.

The dinosaucer commander holds his hands out a bit at the sides as he walks back to the others. "I wish I could give you more thorough affirmations to your ideas, but as much as some of the political in-games frustrate me I can't really just turn away from them. But I will do everything I can to get you what you need to work with. As far as I'm conserned that you've showed up to help at all is a major encouragement."

Annie Sandberg (437) has posed:
     Annie thinks for a bit. "Is there anything I can do to help out? I mean, I can't really build big weapons or anything like that, but... Still, this kind of thing is really important. I'd like to do something to help, no matter how simple it is."

Yari Takane (691) has posed:
Yari gives a sharp salute on the matter, before she turns to Annie. "What are your capabilities? Can you heal? Help the workers? Sing? Even if you're simply keeping the troops that live here to defend this place in high spirits, then you can contribute to this place's defense, little one." She offers to Annie. Then Rhapsody gets a nod.

"Good. We all need to be sure to link into the local tactical network too if we'll be visiting here. Attacks could come at any time."

Maya has posed:
Maya looks over to allo for a moment she does have some respect for Rex now as he did put his species first over all other concerns with how they were beint threatned by the sayain empire.. She thinks for a moment and nods listening to the history and science lesson.

"It was clever how your people have tapped it. Maya looks out at the shudders and let out a low whistle.

"Rhapsody's peopla are reliable they save the explosiions for the resarch labs. What they put out on the market is pretty good."

She looks to Allo with a good deal of sympathy on her face.

Annie Sandberg (437) has posed:
     Annie thinks. "Well, I can heal a little bit. But that other stuff sounds good too. That's definitely more like what I usually do anyway." Making people happy was pretty much what she lived for.

Allo (724) has posed:
Allo gets down on one knee to get closer to Annie's level and smiles at her. "Never doubt what you are able to do. When there's need and determination, age is irrelivant." He probably doesn't quite realize that she's an android that looks and acts like a young human, but that's not really important to the point either.

As he stands back up he nods to Dimentro, who goes to close the shutters back over the viewing port. "As for tactical communications, that I at least had a chance to prepare for." He pulls a pair of comm units off his belt, handing one to Yari and the other to Rhapsody. "This will at least give you easier access to myself and my group. I'll deal with the bearucratics so you don't have to divert yourselves from your actual work." Sigh. "Speaking of which, I should go make sure they're arguing over something innane instead of focusing on the issue at hand." Some things never change in goverment no matter what planet you're on. "Can you see to helping them get set up if they need any farther assistance Dimentro?"
The engineer gives a quick but somewhat casual salute. "Sure thing Allo. Would be lyin' if I said I didna want to see what they got for myself."

"That's what I figured. I'll leave you all to get to work, and thank you again for all the effort you've been putting into helping us. Good evening." With that set in order, he turns and starts walking back towards the main entrance.