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Sunburnt Metal Part 1
Date of Scene: 27 March 2015
Location: Freya's house
Synopsis: The Union investigates Freya's house for clues but runs into trouble there.
Cast of Characters: Maya, 319, 385, 425, 578
Tinyplot: Sunburnt Metal

Natasha (425) has posed:
Natasha's recovered from being slammed into the ground, and she's gathered a small team outside of Freya's house. She's ready to fight if Alexandria or anyone else is waiting inside for them. Hopefully they could find some evidence of where Freya's been taken. Sure, there's a lot of large footprints outside but those could be Freya or Alexandria's. The front door has already been ripped off so they shouldn't have any trouble getting inside.

Yuna Kagurazaka (385) has posed:
Yuna is here, already in her Light Suit - even though this should be more of an investigation and not a fight at all ... but she's also got Erina with her, as well as Elner. The purple-and-white-armored android is looking around as the two-plus-a-tiny-robofaerie approach; of course, Elner is scanning and presumably recording every detail that might be useful.

Now if only Yuna were a properly trained detective-type. Hopefully someone here can put clues together a little better than Yuna will be able to.

Fayt Ravus (319) has posed:
    Unsurprisingly, Fayt's here. The tiny timid trader pulling his staff off of his back as he approaches the others. He frows as he glances around at all teh footprints, then looks up towards the doorway. "Hmm..."

Maya has posed:
Maya is a long time fiend of Freya's and isn't about this she's hear a bit behind Fayt as she arrive,s however the Junker seems pretty focused at the moment, She looks from Yuna, to Fayt and then to Natasha for a moment. She's not got anything to say for the moment.

Freya (578) has posed:
Freya house is big and those that have been here before it always quite clean and ograinized, today it isn't. Entering the huge main room you can see everything is in dissary, the table is knocked over to one side, one of the chairs is broken, bottles broken on the countertop. There a large bloodstain that start from the far end of the room and ends near the doorway something big was dragged out of here.. There also a stone gargoyle near the door way that been knocked over, doesn't look like anyone else is here..

Yuna Kagurazaka (385) has posed:
"Is that Freya's blood?" wonders Yuna, grimacing. It's ... well, when she consciously remembers that Freya is a (part-time) giantess, that much blood makes a little more sense than if it had to be explained coming from a human.

"Natasha?" she asks the fire-user - a bit tentatively, partly since she's also confirming the redhead's name. "The intruder who we think kidnapped Freya ... you said she was another giantess?"

Then the blonde girl looks to her android companion. "Erina, fly up outside the cottage and see if you can find a trail outside - even if it's just a general direction. Elner, stick with me, and if I need to get airborne, call Erina back."

Erina nods, "I shouldn't be gone too long!" and flits outside, moving as easily in the air as the much-smaller form of Elner does ...and much more swiftly, at that.

Fayt Ravus (319) has posed:
    Fayt frowns as he looks around hte insdie of the house. "Doesn't seem to be anyone here..." As Yuna sends Erina off, Fayt nods. "Good idea, let me get a better view of things in here."

    That said, FAyt woud focus for a moment, as his scarf dissappears in a blur of motion, to be repalce with a pair of blue green wings attched to a harness Fayt's now wearing. "I'll come right back if there's trouble." Unless anyone stopepd him, Fayt would take off, wings flapping frantically as he flies to to get a better view of his sorroundings.

Natasha (425) has posed:
"Yes, that's Freya's blood. I think. It would be more like magma if it were mine." Natasha nods at Yuna "Though there might be some of Alexandria's in there too." She's not sure how much Freya fought back. She looks up at the hole in the roof that she was knocked through. Speaking of magma it looks like she left a bit behind up on the roof. She then notices the gargoyle and is instantly supicious of it pointing, "That shouldn't be there." She's pretty sure Alexandria didn't bring it with her either.

Freya (578) has posed:
There is a blood trail travels along to the nearest portal station it was getting less prounced as it neared the portal.

As Fayt flies up to get a better view there a fhoosh sound and a rocket is heading towards him from the other side of the room!

Maya has posed:
Maya Says "humm blood?"

She moves to follow it from the ground at this point she's just keeping pace now with everyone else while she tries to keep an look out for anything of note.

Natasha (425) has posed:
Natasha doesn't notice the rocket, her eyes are still fixed on the gargoyle and the trial of blood. She supposes they could follow it but it's a couple of days old at this point and there's no telling where it would end. Still, they don't seem to have much else to work with. "Maybe we should get one one of those teams that investigate crime scenes?" She's not seeing much to work with here.

Yuna Kagurazaka (385) has posed:
It may be partly that Yuna is still kind of freaked out from the incident on Shiva the other night, but the sudden *FWOOOOSH* actually makes her jump at least a foot into the air - and even before Elner calls out to draw her attention to it, Yuna's already seen the rocket taking off. Why it didn't launch when Erina took flight, she can't even guess, but -

"FAYT, WATCH OUT!!" shouts Yuna, the Matrix Divider materializing. "Erina, open fire, try to shoot it down!" Yuna sets about doing the same as she just told her android counterpart to do - but where Erina has rapid-fire pulse blasters, the same ones Yuna can make use of in Flight Form, the Matrix Divider only fires single bolts, albeit more powerful per shot. Hopefully they can take out the rocket between the two of them, if nobody else was ready with protective firepower.

Fayt Ravus (319) has posed:
    "Huh?!" Fayt blinks as he looks over at where that noise came from, eyes going wide as he spots the rocket.

    Fayt can fly, but he's not the msot mobile whle airborn, there's on way in HELL he's dodging a rocket. Which is why as Yuna opens fire, Fayt goes into a steep dive, rushing back towards the ground as fast as his wings can manage.

    Somebody might want to do something to break his fall though, he's coming in hot and likely about to have a rather... rough landing. "Incoming!"

Maya has posed:
Maya not does notice the rocket but the gargyole is an issue at this point she pauses. Thankgully the people in the air can deal with the rocket right? There's nothing she can do from here and she's going to have to press forward.

Freya (578) has posed:
Kaboom! Yuna blasts the missle from the air saving Fayt from it. Then Gunfire erupts, your all being shot at! The gargoyle blinks gets up and tires to slash Natasha.

Natasha (425) has posed:
Natasha knows she had reason to be suspicious of the gargoyle and just proves her point as it tries to slash at her. She manages to partly block the blow, but it still manages to cut her a bit. Of course they have another problem with the gunfire in the background, which was a bit strange. They don't have guns where she's from meaning that some outside group must have found her home world. Still this wasn't exactly the time to ask questions as throws a blast of fire back at the gargoyle.

Fayt Ravus (319) has posed:
    With a surprsied yell, Fayt comes in for a landing, stumbling overhimself and crashing to the floor in a heap. A moment, later, the gunfire cuases him to pop up on his feet, frantically glancing around to try and figure out where hte nosie is coming from. "Gunfire? and someone shot a rocket at me? Why would somebody set a trap out here of all places?" As he says this, Fayt tightens his grip on his staff. apparnetly, they've got a fight on their hands.

Freya (578) has posed:
The gargolye takes the hit, stone chips fall of it's body where Natasha fire blash hit, it hasn't slowed it down in the least it still lumbering towards her. The gunfire seem to be coming from the far side of the room behind the table, and some movement can be spotted behind one of the chairs.

Yuna Kagurazaka (385) has posed:
"SHUGOSEIHEKI!!" yelps Yuna as the gunfire erupts. Problem is, her shield can only protect her from one direction at a time - but at least it's a direction she can put her back against, as the Matrix Divider is swapped out for her pistol. "Erina, get down here, I need wings!"

(And she doesn't mean the sort that Red Bull claims to give you.)

Erina of the Sky is living up to her name, twisting and weaving around the gunfire; Elner has to blip up to generate a forcefield barrier around her, helping her reach Yuna's location without getting shot to pieces. Fortunately, the corner of a chair makes for a semblance of useful cover - enough cover for Erina and Yuna to undergo their joint transformation; while Flight Form is arguably Yuna's most fragile mode, it's also her most agile and evasive form by far, and she's had good luck at weaving through hostile firepower with it in the past.

On the other hand, once the transformation is finished, with Erina's form having converted into new armor and a flight pack for Yuna's Light Suit, Yuna doesn't waste time with a lot of evasive maneuvers; Elner is sent over to protect Fayt with another force field, and Yuna flies straight up as quickly as she can, weaving and spiraling to try and throw off the aim of anything trying to shoot at her. Her objective, right now, is to try and get a good look at the source of all the bullets - and if it's an automated turret or something, she'll happily return fire. If the shooter happens to be a live person or other creature, she'll have to be more restrained ...

Natasha (425) has posed:
Of course, Natasha has some difficulty against any opponent she can't set on fire which certainly applies in this case. It might not be a bad idea for her to learn some other tricks when she has the time. She might have more luck against the gunman, but she can't see them. Where could they be hiding? She then notices the giant table, that would be a good place to take cover and she runs underneath it.

Maya has posed:
Maya has her rifle out at this point, and there's sounds of comba tnear by and she moves now to catch up to Natasha hopefully she can help with whatever is laying in wait for them.

Fayt Ravus (319) has posed:
    Fayt blinks as Elner shows up near him, jsut in time for his forcefield to catch a few stray bullets for him. "Erm... thanks."

    While the tohers seem to have the gunfire undercontrol, Fayt instead decides to help deal with that gargoyle, taking aim with his staff and saying calmly. "Force bolt."

    A single bolt of energy fires from Fayt's staff, aiming to smack the gargoyle upside the head.

Freya (578) has posed:
The gunfire bounces off of Yuna's shield and armor. She spots one of the shooter dressed in black looking like a rember of a police SWAT team. He looks up surpised by the flying Yuna picking up a rocket launche ready to fire it at her!

The Gargoyle keeps making it's slow and steady pace towads Natasha. The bolt smacks it in the head taking a chunck of it staggers back a bit.

Yuna Kagurazaka (385) has posed:
"Everyone stay down, rocket launcher!" Yuna yells out to her allies as she sees the launcher being readied ... and she aims her pistol, firing a single bolt at the guy's face, albeit probably from several dozen feet away or so.

If her shot hits, it's going to hit like a baseball bat to the guy's face (or wherever) - and the rocket might get launched anyway. But she's sticking to non-lethal firepower, out of a combination of long-time preference, ingrained habit, and (a ways behind those two) the knowledge that a live prisoner is far more likely to provide useful information than any number of corpses.

Natasha (425) has posed:
Fire wouldn't likely take out the gargoyle on its own, so Natasha's going to have to think of another way to defeat it. She notices the table above her and gets an idea as the monster slowly lurches towards her.
She flies up until she's right above the top of underneath the table and forms a flaming sword in her hand. She starts to cut off a piece of it and waits until the gargoyle is right below her. Then she promptly cuts chops it free and lets fall below.

Fayt Ravus (319) has posed:
    Fayt frowns as Natasha flies off. "What are you?..."

    Then he sees what she's up to. "...Oh" wit ha nod." Fayt takes aim at the gargoyle again and sends another bolt of energy it's way. "Force bolt." He then turns and runs like hell! making his way under the table as he tries to lure the Gargoyle under the trap Natasha is making. "Come on, over here!"

Freya (578) has posed:
Yuna's shot smacks the guy in the face he drops the rocket launcher, thankfully he didn't have enough time to fire it. He stumbles back a bit looking stunned.

The Gargoyle spots Fayt running away and follows him noticing large piece table come tumbling down on it, it makes direct contact burying it in rubble.

Yuna Kagurazaka (385) has posed:
Rather than calling out an all-clear to her allies, Yuna follows up on that advantage by going into a power dive at the guy's position - mostly because she figures that'll be the best vantage point from which to spot the rest of the gunmen, or at least to not be shot at for fear they might hurt their compatriot .... although, that also assumes that they CARE.

She also needs to disable that rocket launcher, take out the live round, something. That's actually going to be a slightly higher priority for her than finishing subduing anyone.

Maya has posed:
Maya has caught up at this point, she notices the armor of the people there she doesn't now move to get lethal she pause and opens up with a spell one that should slow the respondse times of the attackers which should help with Yuna's attempts to take them down, right?"

Natasha (425) has posed:
Now that the gargoyle's down, Natasha focuses her attention on the gunmen. Noticing the rocket launcher's been dropped she swoops down to ground level and picks it up. She doesn't want any of her friends to get shot with after all, and setting them fire when they want them to talk likely wouldn't be a good idea either.

Freya (578) has posed:
Yuna lands near the guy he starting to come out of his stun and wisley seeing he doesn't have much of a chance against a flying girl in power armor put his arms behind his head and get on his knees surrending. He has no intrest in dying. Yuna spots two others one off to the far left another up to the far right. Natasha can see the now as well They both have there guns pointed at Yuna now.

Natasha (425) has posed:
Of course Natasha's wielding a rocket launcher now, so she's feeling confident about the situation. "Put your guns down, or I'll blow you to bits!" She's bluffing of course, but do they really wanted to argue with the fire wielding girl with the rocket launcher? She figures it's pretty safe to assume the answer is no.

Fayt Ravus (319) has posed:
Fayt lets out deep breath as the gargoyle is taken out. He then frowns slightly as he hears Yuna speak up over the radio. "Non-lethal? Right..." quickly, he turns to point his wand at one of the gunners and opens fire. "Force bolt."

    Fayt's playing it careful, Sticking to his msot basic spell so he's unlikely to outright kill anybody.

Yuna Kagurazaka (385) has posed:
Yuna would cuff the surrendering guy's hands, or tie them behind his back, or something - but she doesn't have anything to restrain him with, so she settles for keeping her pistol ready.

Not that this is her only weapon; she looks towards one of the other gunmen, and points her left arm at him; her vambrace pops open to reveal an array of pulse blasters. If he tries opening fire on Yuna, then she'll be returning fire - and there are no guarantees a stray shot won't hit his surrendered ally ..

She's really depending on her allies to disable the remaining gunmen, though.

Freya (578) has posed:
Fayt spell smacks the the soliders smacking him in the head. "Okay okay! We surrender!", one says putting down his gun. "I don't get paid enough for this.", the other say putting down his gun as well.

Yuna Kagurazaka (385) has posed:
"Paid, huh?" asks Yuna, lowering her gun and her arm, vambrace snapping closed again. "So who's paying you and for what purpose?" she asks, hurrying over to collect the gun that one of the soldiers just put down on the floor.

Freya (578) has posed:
"Some silver hair woman, paid us to come here and take care of anyone that entered this place..", one of them says. "If we knew they were going to be eletes would have asked for triple, and brought a mecha.", the 2nd one says.

Fayt Ravus (319) has posed:
    As the fighting stops, Fayt makes his way over to the others. He keeps quiet, Letting Yuna do the talking for now. "..."

Maya has posed:
She pause at this point she keeps her weapon raised as they drop their guns. She narrows her eyes as she looked over the mercs. Thank god it was mercs, really. They had a line where the money wasn't worth it.

"Your smart enough to give up."

Maya pulls in a call for a transport ot pick up the mercs, this was ... going to be a thing for paper pushes to deal with from this point on.

Yuna Kagurazaka (385) has posed:
"The mecha wouldn't have helped you," Yuna states dryly. "So you don't know your employer's name? Anything that can help us find her - or more to the point, find our friend who lives here and got kidnapped?"

Yuna glances over at Natasha. "Silver-haired woman ... that wouldn't be the one who knocked you out through Freya's new skylight, right?"

Freya (578) has posed:
The first one thinks for a second. "She did metion something about taking someone back home to face punsiment for some crime.. That's all we know. Were just paid mercs!"

Natasha (425) has posed:
"Yes, that would be her. Where did she take Freya!" Natasha wonders if they know that much at least.

Freya (578) has posed:
The soilders look neverous. "W-we don't know! We swear! We never met her in person, she paid us up front.."

Fayt Ravus (319) has posed:
    "Alright." Fayt walks up to the soldiers. "I've worked a bit with morcenary types before, so I think I know a bit about how this works." He takes a slow, deep breath. "So... did you guys set any sort of contract for this job? What kind of terms did you have?"

    running a shipping company, Fayt's hired his share of merccenaries and adventuring-types for guard duty on some of his shipments, so hopefuly his experence there will allow him to make a few educated gusses about how these guys work.

Freya (578) has posed:
"The silver hair girl wanted us to kill anyone that entered this house. The contract length was a week. She didn't tell us we have to deal with eletes, our price triples for that...", says the first solider.

Yuna Kagurazaka (385) has posed:
Yuna sniffles a bit, "You guys are so mean ... do you know how much Freya means to us? She's our friend, unique and precious and irreplaceable ... and you were going to kill us just for wanting to find out if she was all right?!"

And she starts crying. Admittedly it's fake crying, but she does a pretty convincing act ... maybe it'll help thaw the mercs' attitude some. And Yuna really *IS* worried about Freya - enough to put real emotion behind the acted tears.

Freya (578) has posed:
The soilders look a bit surpised at Yuna crying. "Lady were just doing our job... We don't question on reason beind the job.", the soilders pauses. "We get paid to kill people that's what we do. I wish we could be more help.."

Fayt Ravus (319) has posed:
    Fayt nods, slowly. "The person who lives here is a Union Elite, did she tell you that? Involving one elite pretty much guarantees more will show up, so it's a pretty big oversight."

    A pause, then he continues. "If that's the case, you're client has witheld vital information and needlessly endangered you. I think that's a big enough breach of trust for you to forgo your usual stance on client confidentially, yes?"

Maya has posed:
Maya pauses looking to Yuna she looks to the mercs for a moment.

"You are interferacing with a kidnapping investation given you are giving what information you have. I'm willing to speak to the judge who handles you for some leniency. Anything you can tell us would certianly help reduce your down time, as it were."

Natasha (425) has posed:
Natasha says, "Wait, if your pay triples doesn't she have to come back to pay you again then?" Natasha suddenly realizes. "Otherwise you're not going to get any more money.""

Yuna Kagurazaka (385) has posed:
Yuna 'seems' to get her crying under control, but she's still teary-eyed as she wipes at her face with her gloved hands and looks at the mercenaries. "Freya's our friend, there's no reason we won't keep trying to help her ... do you really think money is all that matters? What if it were one of your close comrades who got kidnapped and whisked away from you? Wouldn't you go looking for him? Or -"

Her voice suddenly turns a LOT colder.

"- is money really all that matters to you ... ?"

Natasha (425) has posed:
"Though knowing Alexandria I wouldn't be surprised if she doesn't hold up her end of the deal." Natasha points out that out to them.

Freya (578) has posed:
"Okay I conceded.", the soilder says. "I'll give you what i got. At the end of our contract in a few day we to meet to her at a location which we haven't decied on yet to recive the other half of our payment."

Fayt Ravus (319) has posed:
    Fayt nods. "Alright, well, between how the job has gone soo far, and the fact that you've got several armed elites sorrounding you." He nods to Natasha, maya, and Yuna. "How would you like to let us accompany you on that meet up? I'm sure it'll help your case with intefering in our investigation, calm my friends here down and perhaps most importantly, get back at your client for attempted to pull one over on you."

    He frowns. "Lets face it, she excluded several key details of your job, didn't warn you about us and likely didn't expect you to survive the job. Do you REALLY think she's giving you the other half of that payment?"

Freya (578) has posed:
"True.", the soilders says. "Your plan sounds like a good idea. YOu will come with us to meet our client then."