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Latest revision as of 23:11, 1 April 2015

When A Foxgirl Has A Cold
Date of Scene: 01 April 2015
Location: Heaven or Hell Tower <HoH>
Synopsis: Kirika pops in to Riva's apartment with a cold, since Riva had so nicely offered to help. Pizza and chat ensues.
Cast of Characters: 481, Riva Banari

Riva Banari has posed:
Riva, at the moment, is lounging on her couch. Despite offering smoe help to a certain foxgirl with a cold, she hasn't quite stirred yet, sort of languidly slacking off in a paroxysm of chilling on her couch, reading a paperback. It's a nice day, and even the open window, spring air streaking through it, doesn't seem quite enough to motivate Riva to put down the book. Or is she waiting for something? It's not clear what's up.

Kirika (481) has posed:
    MAXIMUM HANGOUT 2: The Floofy Cold-Care Edition.

    More or less, Kirika's having a rough day. Headaches and a cold, along with everything and everyone ever seeming like the world's gone mad. She has no time for this nonsense, and the rational response for this seems to be 'hole up with a friend and wait it out'.

    The kitsune knocks on the door, drugged up to the eyeballs in cold medicine. Given her healing factor, this thing's more or less a mild headache and the case of the sniffles. Thankfully she's taking precautions, as above the extra large box of meat lovers' pizza, she has those little antiseptic wipes to keep from getting anything filthy.

    Sniff. Snifffff. Politely, she waits for Riva to arrive.

Riva Banari has posed:
The knock on the door is slightly unexpected. Riva pops up at the noise, and then wanders over to the door and opens it.

Well damn. She was going to head out to Kirika, but it looks like the sick foxgirl took matters into her own hands. "Hey! Kirika!" Riva calls. "Come on in!" She steps out of the way, and lets her in, closing the door behind her. "Welcome to Casa de Riva and Ayako!" Riva calls out. "Feel free to sit down anywhere. Want anything to drink?" She asks. "I have soda, Ayako keep healing water in the fridge too. Or maybe you want something harder? I dunno your tastes." She chuckles. "Guess it's time to find out!" She quickly relieves Kirka of the pizza and draws her over t othe couch, setting the pizza down and heading over to the fridge to rummage. "Oh, right, orange juice! We need to dose those buggers!" rummage rummage.

Kirika (481) has posed:
    Despite herself, Kirika does allow a smile as she hands off the pizza to Riva, then nods. "Orange juice, as agreed before." She says, nodding, she then stretches her neck side to side as she rubs the bridge of her nose. "I trust you are at least decent? Sadly, I've been rather occupied with a large number of things as of late..."

    She follows Riva into the kitchen, eyeing for the healing water as well. "I had no idea Ayako and you were living together." muses the kitsune.

Riva Banari has posed:
Riva rummages through the fridge, pulling out a bottle of orange juice, it's mostly gone. She shakes it with a frown. "Hmm, less than I thought." She reaches into the fridge and pulls out a bottle of orange Healing Water. "This should help!" She grins. She reaches up and gets out a glass, pouring ithe rest of the OJ into it and using the orange healing water to top it off, and hands it over to Kirika.

Unfortuantely, the Healing Water doesn't actually taste like orange despite the color. But it does have an invigorating effect, like caffiene without the crash. "Everything's going pretty well. Need to pick up more orange juice, but c'est la vie." She shrugs and then drinks down the rest of the orange water bottle herself, stretching a bit. "All right! But yeah, I invited Ayako in. I should have told Psyber about it before, but I guess I didn't really think about it since she's, well..." She pauses. "A water spirit. So sit down and tell me all about what's up in your alley." She grins at that. "And leave in all the good parts!"

Kirika (481) has posed:
    Grabbing the glass, Kirika downs the drink after a few hearty gulps. She's a /very/ fast drinker, it looks like, as she hands the empty glass back to Riva in just a minute flat.

    She lets off what seems like a mix between a belch and a hiccup, before excusing herself under her breath, chasing the juice down with that water as well. It seems a hell of a lot more effective than normal caffine is, and Ayako's magic seems perfectly effective. "I am certain he'll understand, despite his..." Cough. "His little condition subsides. Everything is so upside down today, like a dream going off-kilter." She grabs a seat over in the living area again, resting her sword on a table while munching away at a slice of pizza. "Recently there's been a string of deaths in the capital city of my homeland, at least the human capital anwyays; Tsujikyo to be exact. Heaven or Hell's services have been requested in assistance in this, but so far I've only had myself to count on as a Warden to look into all this. The local authorities thought at first it was just a gang execution, but so far it seems like a cult is at play here. I haven't had much luck finding leads, but I am hoping for things to change soon." She says, as if just...letting off a /lot/ of pent up stress. There's a reason why she's been absent from her duties in the Union, after all.

Riva Banari has posed:
Riva takes the empty glass, a bit surprised. She washes it out and leaves it in the sink for now. "Don't worry about it. We already worked it out, he's fine with it.

She flops back on the couch, grabbing a piece of pizza herself. "Oooh, nasty. A cult murder? No wonder why you've been gone. So what makes you think a cult is involved?"

Kirika (481) has posed:
    "If you say so." Kirika nods, before she rifles through her holding-pouch before retrieving documents that seem written on parchment, the sigils glowing lightly as if the ink was somehow magic in nature.

    With them are a series of images in thin, crystaline sheets that have a series of notes scribbled in like the touchpad to an art device.

    The images themselves look like murder scenes, the bodies ritualistically cut apart and gutted. It's grisly, but there's a chance Riva's seen worse before. The remains seem surrounded by large patterns, something akin to pagan symbols etched into the ground and walls. Except this is a good bit nastier than anything Inga does, unless you're adverse to goat sacrifice, anyways.

    "So far I've only found ties to this Spirit-Brood, but so far nobody can identify perpetrators yet."

Riva Banari has posed:
Riva leans in on the documents, at first attracted by the shiny, unusual nature of them before she blinks, wincing at the images. "Eeeeew, gross. Yeah, that's no gang execution, that's got the spooky crap all over it."

She pauses, looking over them for another minute and then tilts her head. "So what's a Spirit-Brood?" She asks.

Kirika (481) has posed:
    "I've been wondering that myself." Kirika says, shrugging her shoulders. "At the very least, hopefully soon I'll have an answer for that prepared. THey seem to be targeting mostly humans, and it's been stirring the population into paranoia." She says, taking another bite of pizza.

    She seems to be pouring over these notes and pictures-

    And her train of thought is knocked off-course by the radio displaying Amalthea bursting into song.

Riva Banari has posed:
Riva giggles as Kirika goes quiet, but she doesn't stay away long. Her natural curiosity gets Riva prowling around the couch to peer at the documents over Kirika's shoulder.

One hand begins sneaaaaaaaaaaaaaking up...

"Ritual murders and weird spirit-things stirring up trouble. That's like, all of the bad signs. Is there any pattern? Maybe you can figure out a way to preempt their next target somehow."

Kirika (481) has posed:
    Kirika seems to regain composure after a moment, but she seems too damned tired to really react much despite some initial nuzzling of Riva's hand. "Mostly that they're circling some shop that turned up in town, I've been waiting for a warrant to investigate the place, but it has not come yet. I feel like I may need to come back in force, if only for Elite backup. Mayhap the coming week will find things more agreeable to begin a search."

Riva Banari has posed:
Riva can't resist. The call of the foxgirl is too strong. Riva absently produces a brush and begins grooming Kirika, pausing every so often to give one of those fox ears a light scritch. As she does so, she replies, "Circling? Well, that's a pretty solid lead. Though if they don't hurry up on that warrant we might have to do some independant action." Riva hums merrily. Seems like she enjoys brushing things, carefully working out any snags there might be in that black hair. "If you want backup, just give me a ring. I'll help you out if I'm not being devoured by eldritch horrors or something. You know how it is. super inconvenient." She sounds like she's joking, but there's that manic edge to the laugh that comes after that says she probably isn't /entirely/ joking.

Kirika (481) has posed:
    "Of course." Kirika nods, giving a soft purr at that scritch while she continues to study. She feels confident enough with this whole business, knowing she has a small army at her back of fellow warriors, especially those more experienced in the art of demon slaying than she, at that.

    "I'll try and not get devoured by some sort of horrible being from beyond space, while I am at it, but no promises." She teases.

Riva Banari has posed:
Riva wants Kirika to be nice and comfortable, and her ministrations are designed to help her stop focusing on how much it sucks to have a nasty cold. The best way to solve the cruds is to give someone something nice to focus on instead, RIGHT?! RIGHT!?

In the meantime, Riva chuckles again. "I'm gonna hold you to that, you know. In the meantime, what else have you been up to? Surely it hasn't ALL been work, right?"

Kirika (481) has posed:
    Kirika seems to be feeling slightly better, at least, as she leans against Riva softly. "I...advanced in a video game? I don't really get out much." She murmurs sheepishly. There is her training under Amalthea, but that's irrelevant.

Riva Banari has posed:
It's all Riva can do to not 'daaaaw' audibly. She just keeps doing what she's doing while she carefully tries to draw the foxgirl out of that shell. God, the Union is full of srs bzness hermit crabs and magical girls. "It's okay! You do what you like, right? So what video game? Tell me about it."